
rename and cleanup later: furfag edition

Mar 3rd, 2020
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  1. [03:02] Kitsunetachi: Hey! Been seeing your ads for a couple days and now that I /finally/ have this profile in a presentable state I've got a scene idea or two if you'd like to hear them.
  2. [03:05] Guy Kenon: Gladly! Though you'll end up a dad for sure!
  3. [03:16] Guy Kenon: By the way if you're intp watersports cause I saw it under Yes. You up for using Guy's cunt as a urinal? I mean in a sense you're marking that property!
  4. [03:16] Kitsunetachi: Wouldn't have approached if I weren't prepared for a litter of kits~. Anyway! For the fantasy setting, I was thinking we could play off of Guy being swordsman and Kogitsune being an actual, literal katana. More specifically, he could be something like a possessed/enchanted blade that can project a human form that Guy picks up as a dungeon drop/merchant ware/quest reward/whatever. Wew sorry about that delay got pulled away for -just- a minute--
  5. [03:19] Kitsunetachi: Modern's a little more general since contemporary Kogitsune usually ends up being regular human Kogitsune so it could be almost any old cliche, pfft. But to answer your question, absolutely! It's one of my favorite forms of watersports only edged out by omorashi.
  6. [03:28] Guy Kenon: Sorry on my own delay~ 1 sec. I gotta put my sketch book away.
  7. [03:31] Guy Kenon: If we do the modern it would work great to change it if you want to where he is more like a kitsurne and Guy being a human. That way he ends up still dumping kits in there I love the nuzzling and the licking too!!
  8. [03:32] Guy Kenon: How do you feel on short but often fucks in a long term story? They hump a bunch, pregnancy, family, slice of life and such?
  9. [03:32] Guy Kenon: Also, thoughts on Guy wearing panties?
  10. [03:38] Guy Kenon: Rawr?
  11. [03:42] Kitsunetachi: Ohh, true, I don't know how I didn't consider that myself ahaha. Trickster spirits fooling around with humans only to end up getting attached never gets old! In any case, I don't mind panties at all, light crossdressing is incredible~. Long-term though is... mmn. I'll put it as... most of my issues with long-running play can be solved by just not doing it over F-Chat? As in, during normal weeks I can't get on at all and some weekends I'm just too beat or have other things I want to do. With notes, I can pop in whenever I need to without having to put aside a lot of time even if interest decay is a bigger risk there RIP.
  12. [03:44] Kitsunetachi: I do like the idea of slice of life and whatnot though! I have pregnancy filed under "no" because as a primarily short-term player that generally translates really weirdly, but I'd be willing to give it a shot in the context of a longer-form play. It's not an inherent turn-off, so maybe I should move it to maybe.
  13. [03:46] Guy Kenon: I don't mind moving to notes when you can't pop in. When you can pop in we can continue at those times as well. Also you won't have to fret on the pregnancy in terms of like them doing the whole, months and weird cravings and such. Mainly Guy gets pregnant, theyfind out. More attached and a hint more fucking before switching to the little kits they pamper.
  14. [03:50] Guy Kenon: Could start with Guy being the male's roommate. Could work something where they first fuck cause Guy lacks on chores and he ends up fucking him cause yelling doesn't work.
  15. [03:58] Kitsunetachi: Sure. Do you think it would be better for him to be aware of Guy's "situation," or have it be a secret up until the pants come off?
  16. [04:00] Guy Kenon: I like having him aware. That way he can easy do things all he wants!
  17. [04:11] Kitsunetachi: Sounds good! Adds a little element of "this has been months to a year in the making" too. If anything it's a wonder such a curious fox kept himself restrained for so long...
  18. [04:18] Guy Kenon: That works.
  19. [04:18] Guy Kenon: I'm up for a little force at first.
  20. [04:25] Kitsunetachi: Mhm, it is supposed to be a "punishment" after all. Personally I prefer noncon->con/dubcon over straight, unadulterated rape, but judging by the noncon maybe I'm guessing it's at least sort of the same for you?
  21. [04:30] Guy Kenon: I'm down for it! I love the idea!! They go from punishment to fuck buddies to finding out pregnant which results in boyfriends then a family.
  22. [04:31] Guy Kenon: Would he pull out every time at first and coat those pussy lips untill he gets too mad one night and just doesn't pull out?
  23. [04:33] Guy Kenon: So basically start with the fuck and then a good hint of talking while Kitsu cleans his cunt of that cum?
  24. [04:40] Kitsunetachi: Maybe a combination of that and pissing inside depending on how mad he is pissed, even, with the eventual inside shot being a total accident caused by his big stupid knot? Like, Kogitsune usually knows well enough to withdraw before it gets too big to pull out, but on this one occasion he just gets carried away and that last thrust locks him in, making for an awkward however-many minutes during which he has to explain himself.
  25. [04:45] Guy Kenon: Love it!!
  26. [04:50] Guy Kenon: Damn you! I wanna rp getting pissed and cummed in!!~
  27. [04:56] Guy Kenon: Thoughts on ripping Guy's panties to get to his cunt easily?
  28. [05:15] Kitsunetachi: Alright sorry to keep you waiting, I swear that should be the last interruption. In any case you're seriously getting to my weak points here, clothing ruination is to die for. Especially when you've got a mouthful of fangs that can shred right through 'em~.
  29. [05:17] Guy Kenon: Yum!! You fine with not soo much foreplay but mainly penetration and result in breeding~
  30. [05:24] Kitsunetachi: Yeah, that's totally fine! It's mostly an extension of Kogi's affectionate streak, for these first couple ruts there probably won't be time for it anyway~. There'll be plenty of time to cuddle and whatnot later, after his ridiculous size becomes less of an assertive weapon and more of a mild nuisance/nicety. Depends on how forgiving Guy is of being squished wwwww
  31. [05:26] Kitsunetachi: But we can cross those bridges when we get to them. Did you want to jump right into it?
  32. [05:27] Guy Kenon: Love to, you fine with starting out pretty much with the rip of his panties and fucking him against the counter? "Do the chores or I do this again, got it!" XD
  33. [06:10] Kitsunetachi: Living among humans, to put it lightly, provided little more than a colossal hassle. Kogitsunemaru told himself this every time he stepped out of his comfortable four-legged form to perform a little mischief. He never listened to himself. He always paid for it. He always ended up sticking around in the mortal realm longer than he intended, bound by ridiculous human customs with his paws all tangled up in red tape, and he would vow to never come back and simply spend his days lazing around the shrine and snapping up the offerings. Yet here he was, tied up in another lease with another human, his pranks falling on deaf ears and his meager conscience preventing him from slinking away until it became absolutely necessary. If anything, he was the one with the joke played on him, as he had ended up with a rather apathetic roommate. With luck, that would end that day. He woke up that morning with the conviction to confront his roommate, as he had nearly every week for the past several months encroaching on a year, and turned the idea over and over in his head as he toiled through the temp job he took up to pay his half of the rent. If his warnings had been heeded when he got home, he would simply relax and go about his evening routine as normal. If not, he wouldn't be foolish enough to let the cretin off with a (verbal) tongue-lashing.
  35. Naturally, the apartment was still a wreck when he got back; they had agreed from the beginning on a housekeeping schedule, but the nicely-marked calendar Kogitsune went through the trouble to create after a less-than-cooperative roommate in his past (human) life now sat withered, fading, and three months behind no the wall. He had no words. He felt no need to provide a warning. He didn't even change out of his work clothes - a pair of charcoal slacks and an orange-streaked gray button-down - or shower as he often did to give himself ample time for haircare. He simply walked in, locked the front door behind him, slipped off his shoes, and descended upon his target without a hint of hesitation or regard for what he was doing in the kitchen. Relying on his size and the element of surprise, Kogitsune remorselessly seized both of Guy's wrists and held them against the small of his back in an attempt to quell resistance. With the way he rocked his hips forward, grinding his yet-flaccid crotch against his roommate's rear, it was only insurance, though he admittedly probably wasn't holding him tightly enough.
  37. "I hate to do this." A deep, nearly inhuman growl that could still scarcely convey the breadth of his seething resentment. Also, that statement was almost definitely a flat-faced lie. "But since you won't listen to my voice, you've forced my hand instead. I would have done this months ago if I knew you weren't going to fucking listen."
  38. [06:10] Guy Kenon: O_o Holy shit!!! lol
  39. [06:10] Kitsunetachi: (( Ah, that length and wait time probably won't be consistent, I just tend to overdo it on starters klfjdjklkljfds ))
  40. [06:10] Guy Kenon: Okay I was gonna say cause holy fucking hell!
  41. [06:18] Guy Kenon had clearly lacked on chores and didn't tend to listen to the male who he lived with for almost a year now. Guy had chores like loading the dish washer, putting the trash in the bin and putting his laundry in the basket. The livingroom was a mess with small open bags of chips that were empty. A few can's of soda around the coffee table that needed to be tossed. Hell sweats and even panties that were used were on the floor! Grunting as he tugged at his own arms to try and get free. The place had been set to a hotter temp in the winter cause both of them loved it. Guy often just walked around in a big shirt and a skimpy pair of panties. His bubble butt and that small pussy mound outlined in them as ge kicked a tad, legs spread a little and growling more as he tried to get free. "What the fuck! Let me go! Fine I'll keep track and start focusing more on them!"
  42. [06:18] Guy Kenon: Hope my post is fine for a normal amount >_<)
  43. [06:40] Kitsunetachi: "That's what you said last time. And the time before that. I could go on." With the first bit of wanton rage out of his system, the kitsune's growl alleviated and gave way to a low, calm, expressionless tone, one that motioned the mechanical nature of his movements. The meager struggle did little to keep him from adjusting his grip to free up a hand, and it certainly didn't move his feet from their nigh-rooted position on the tile floor. "I've been nice." His free hand traveled downward between those spread legs, taking a moment to caress his inner thigh before moving those calloused fingertips up to rub against his dry slit through the underwear. "I even picked up the slack at first." In a split second, his neatly-trimmed nails lengthened into claws, hooked and pointed and colored soot black like those of a fox. Gingerly, as not to pierce too deep and inflict any pain yet, the needle-point tip poked straight through the delicate fabric, providing him a tiny hole that he could shred open with one quick movement, filling the air with the sickening sound of tearing fabric. Conventional means would take too long with how uncooperative his mark was being, and he didn't really care about his cover right this second. "I think I'm done giving you chances until you see some consequences."
  45. Kogitsune had no further words - his actions spoke for themselves. The claws disappeared just as quickly as they appeared, affording the spirit an opportunity to make quick work of his own pants, unfastening the slacks and hurriedly pulling his half-erect shaft through the hole in the front of his black boxers. Less foreplay than he normally, but this wasn't about eroticism or romance, this was about proving a point. And prove it he did, gripping the base so he could drag the flaccid head across Guy's inner lips, teasingly hinting at penetration while he gingerly stroked himself to erection.
  46. [06:41] Kitsunetachi: (( Yeah you're totally fine!! Don't worry too much about matching length, it's the content that matters more anyway. ))
  47. [06:47] Guy Kenon legs shook and he moaned out as his legs spread slightly more. His ass seemed to raise a tad as if his body wanting to help the male fuck his cunt. Gasping and grunting as he kicked a hint. Soon he pressed back slightly, his puffy lips easily got wet from the grinding. Shaking his head and pressing his face against the counter. "Fuck! I'm sorry, okay? Just!! I'll work hard with doing my chores more. Grunting out though as juices squirted a tad as sure enough he couldn't help it. His body wanted the man. Wanted the stud to fuck him and use his cunt. Guy closed his eyes with hot pants as he shook his head but exposed his neck slightly as if telling the male he could just claim him!
  48. [07:00] Kitsunetachi: For a moment, it almost seemed as if he believed those claims - he wordlessly stepped back a tad and let go of his shaft, even going so far as to release those steadily-reddening wrists. A couple precious seconds lingered between them, little time for a sense of security to develop, but enough. Enough time for a bit of hope to develop and swim towards the surface before the resounding slap of his palms against Guy's slender hips, dragging his lower body backwards about a pace to put him into a more prone, bent-over position and put his shimmering cunt into a much more manageable position, given the gap in their heights. No time to waste. Every second Kogitsune spent admiring his quick handiwork was a second he risked a counterattack. All at once, without a hint of hesitation, the spirit's face split into a manic, fanged grin, and all at once he pushed his erection in as deep as it would possibly go, eliciting a low groan and prompting his fingers to dig harshly into the supple, yielding flesh beneath them. He was paying for his impatience, to be sure - Guy was wet, but the entry was hardly smooth, and the sheer tightness alone left Kogitsune reeling for a moment, shaft twitching wildly and breath hitching as he bent over at the waist and used his muscular upper body to pin his new mate into the counter. "Too... ghh! Too late..~!"
  49. [07:02] Guy Kenon: So is he fingering him or buried now?)
  50. [07:04] Kitsunetachi: (( Buried! Give or take a few inches, depends on if you wanna leave room for cervical or not ))
  51. [07:07] Guy Kenon moaned hard and squirmed as he managed to get his wrists and hands free. Not stopping to let the stud do as he wanted. Guy just shifted his arms to rest his head on them as he bit his bottom lip. Juices squirted out harshly from feeling such a deep penetration and sure enough a little inch or two and that head would be in his womb. Moaning harder as one leg was shaking a little and his small puffy slit milked harsh on the base. Soon he grunted out, his small cunt inside just started vibrating quickly. Massaging and vibrating fast as if it hit every sweet spot to surely make any male in him quickly reach orgasm. Guy moaned and gasped out, he couldn't help it but was easy to cum as juices squirted hard on those boxers from cumming fast. "Fuck!! I'm sorry! I'll start doing my chores more. Oh god, you're really big..."
  52. [07:26] Kitsunetachi: "Mmmn~? I'm starting to believe you, but I can't be sure yet." Languidly, agonizingly slowly, the cruel fox drew his hips back and allowed the ensuing breathy sigh to wash over the other's ear, a warm tide smelling faintly of mint. His shaft responded to the cool air hitting its well-lubricated surface with a slight twitch, one he obliged by snapping his pelvis forward with a grunt of satisfaction. "I just find it so difficult to take such a claim at face value when I've been hearing it every week since last November, you know? I mean, since you're such a liar, I was starting to doubt you really had a pussy. Glad to see you're true to some of your words." With the aid of proper natural lubricant and standing at full nine inch mast, Kogitsune felt comfortable slipping into a rhythm, rocking his hips gently and slowly, not out of a sense of affection or mercy but to make Guy feel each inch as it slid out of him and pressed back in, allow him to suffer and acutely feel each red-hot pulse of the vein protruding ever-so-slightly from the topside (conveniently, of course, right against the smooth upper wall of his quivering cunt). Even when the boy began his orgasm, the kitsune did not relent, taking the opportunity to milk every last bit of painful stimulation out of his prey as physically possible and take advantage of the torrent of fluid. A wet slapping sound mingled with the sound of his increasingly labored breathing, echoing throughout the kitchen. "I'm used to 'normal' guys, but if this is the only way to make you understand, then so be it. I'll fuck you as many times as I need to until I see results."
  53. [07:34] Guy Kenon whined hard and loudly as he nodded fast and hid his face into his own arms. Moaning and grunting, soon his small cunt only milked harder and faster on the rod. Vibrating and his body begging to make the Kitsu cum. His body almost begging for that virile sperm. Panting and growling out as he just couldn't help it. Soon his body lost it again as more hot juices squirted onto those boxers again. "Fuck!! I keep cumming, I'm sorry! I promise I'll do my chores." Guy said as he partly loved it and secretly lied some cause he wanted more of this. His roommate taking his cherry and admitting that he would be used as a fuck toy only made him want it more!
  54. [08:00] Kitsunetachi: Schwap shwap schwap. Those deep, methodological thrusts quickened into a more moderate pace, one that stopped for nothing, not the desperate and tremulous nor the sensation of wet underwear clinging incessantly to the spirit's pallid skin. He only knew one thing, and that was that he was approaching orgasm far quicker than he ever had with dozens of mortal men over the millennia. There were some familiar aspects, such as the writhing of the thin body beneath him and the twinge in his heart with each choked plea, and they sent a tingling sensation up his spine with each occurrence... but this time, there was more. The sensation of his sensitive member getting sucked back in and mercilessly massaged by an impossibly wet, improbably tight hole designed to take cock, not a pitiful substitute like the anal he had grown accustomed to over the years as the price for his androphilia... it was dangerous. So, terribly, awfully dangerous, and the myriad of moans and mewls and grunts spilling from between his lips where he would normally be taunting or teasing or verbally abusing made it extremely clear, as did the ceaseless drooling of precum from his head with each push. Almost as if to cover up that fact, he parted his jaws and sunk his teeth into Guy's clavicle with a grunt of self-directed frustration. Not quite enough to break the skin, but enough that the pinprick points of his sharp canines could certainly be felt, especially as he began to suckle remorselessly, running his tongue over the taut skin.
  55. [08:03] Guy Kenon: Oh god cum XD)
  56. [08:05] Guy Kenon moaned hard and arched his head back as his cunt hit a special spot when it felt that thick bulbous head penetrate his womb. Juices squirted only harder and that tight little slit clamped only harder than before. The vibrating was faster and harsher on the rod as if trying to make the male cum in him. Moaning and gritting his teeth as he whimpered more. Panting as he tried to catch his breath but sure enough his body wanted him. Guy whimpered and whined out louder. "Fuck!! I'm sorry! I'll do my chores! I can't keep cumming... You've been humping t-too long."
  57. [08:19] Guy Kenon: I gotta nap after your post)
  58. [08:22] Kitsunetachi: (( I'll try and wrap it up then, sorry for dragging it out - I forgot about the "short" specification. Guess I got a little too used to slow-paced noteplay on one of my more story-heavy characters, I'll try and wrap it up quicker in the future! Let's just call it youkai stamina this time around ))
  59. [08:22] Guy Kenon: XD I love your typing you really push me to type and work! <3)
  60. [08:24] Guy Kenon: (Still here)
  61. [08:28] Kitsunetachi: No sooner did the fox give his prey a taste of his full length did he pull the whole thing out in one go, feeling the distant onset of his own climax and wishing to avoid a rather unfortunate line of questioning. Just in time, too, because one more inch and he may have been in trouble, locked in twofold and giving the lazybones exactly what he wanted. Couldn't have that. Instead, the kitsune took his hands off the counter and straightened his back with an audible crack, using the residual pussy juice to rapidly jerk himself off and the other to keep Guy's head mashed firmly into the counter, preventing him from looking behind and seeing the fat knot rapidly swelling at the base; one glance at that canine feature and his cover would be blown, his inhumanity revealed, and an exceedingly unfortunate rest of their lease before them. Every biological instinct the kitsune had screamed at him to pump the kid's womb full of sticky, virile seed, but Inari would not be pleased, and the whims of the gods outweigh the whims of temporary mortal vessels. He covered up his chagrin with a cheeky smirk and a smug remark.
  63. "As you wish~." Thick, red hot ropes of long-backed-up semen, announced by a poorly-suppressed grunt and a "hhh.. haaahn... " as his balls tightened and his shaft twitched wildly in his own loose grip, spilled out... all over his mate's back, staining the shirt. Oh well. Not his concern. He had a much more pressing one, and that was one final 'fuck you,' metaphorical this time: with all the force he could muster with his spent body, he hilted his softening, oversensitive shaft up to the very edge of the swollen knot with a low whine from the overstimulation... and released a completely different fluid entirely, emptying not his balls but his bladder into the boy's greedy womb, the non-inserted knot providing an impromptu plug to keep it from spilling out onto the floor... for now. A self-satisfied laugh filled the air, heavy with silence now that his thrusts had stopped. "This is all you're worth until you start doing your part, got it? You should be lucky I'm nice enough to fill you with anything at all."
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