
CS295 V1 Queen Tut 005 SilverScript Aug 13 2017

Aug 13th, 2017
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  1. CS295 V1 Queen Tut 005 SilverScript Aug 13 2017
  3. Queen Tut 005 - Damning Evidence of Fraud in the #Unrig Campaign
  7. Queen Tut is back with a vengeance as she rains hellfire down on Robert David Steele's fraudulent activities with regard to the #Unrig campaign. We invite Dr. McKinney to come forward and explain her continued affiliation.
  9. Transcript
  10. 0:00
  11. hello Queen Tut yes it's Jason and Trish
  12. 0:03
  13. how are you today
  14. 0:04
  15. Hey doing well expecting your call yep I
  16. 0:08
  17. got all those emails from you you are
  18. 0:10
  19. really on a tear
  20. 0:12
  21. yeah a lot of research has been going on
  22. 0:14
  23. here involving a Cynthia McKinney and
  24. 0:18
  25. RDS yeah well now as you requested I did
  26. 0:22
  27. reach out to dr. McKinney yet again and
  28. 0:25
  29. she didn't respond
  30. 0:27
  31. now I haven't fully brought Trish up to
  32. 0:29
  33. speed because I felt like it would be a
  34. 0:31
  35. good opportunity for you to explain both
  36. 0:34
  37. to the crowdsource community members and
  38. 0:36
  39. to Trish exactly where we're at because
  40. 0:38
  41. the interesting angle here is you know
  42. 0:40
  43. when Trish and I were in London a couple
  44. 0:43
  45. weeks ago that was where this really
  46. 0:45
  47. first came up we were at breakfast and I
  48. 0:47
  49. said to Trish you know because nutrition
  50. 0:49
  51. I both really hold dr. McKinney in very
  52. 0:51
  53. high regard and I asked Trish if she had
  54. 0:53
  55. ever seen any interviews or even any
  56. 0:56
  57. photographs of the two of them together
  58. 0:58
  59. and she said she hadn't but by lunchtime
  60. 1:01
  61. when we went online to check we did see
  62. 1:05
  63. one Skype interview with them from
  64. 1:08
  65. Jaguar girl something or other and it
  66. 1:11
  67. had just been posted three hours prior
  68. 1:14
  69. right very and Cynthia was in Bangladesh
  70. 1:18
  71. right at the time very very interesting
  72. 1:21
  73. Queen Tut I feel like this is this topic
  74. 1:24
  75. is expanding to the extent that I really
  76. 1:26
  77. want Trish and you and I to really
  78. 1:30
  79. collaborate on this moving forward and
  80. 1:32
  81. after we established a basis here maybe
  82. 1:35
  83. we can even take it to you know live
  84. 1:37
  85. call and stuff because I think that even
  86. 1:40
  87. if you're on voice-only we want to
  88. 1:42
  89. preserve your identity obviously but I
  90. 1:44
  91. think that the members of the
  92. 1:45
  93. crowd-sourced community are going to
  94. 1:46
  95. want to get into the chat and ask you
  96. 1:48
  97. questions because there are still a lot
  98. 1:50
  99. of people in our community who initially
  100. 1:52
  101. did donate to this unwritten and a lot
  102. 1:56
  103. of people were feeling pretty burned you
  104. 1:59
  105. know I was trying to get my money back I
  106. 2:01
  107. just got the refund yesterday an
  108. 2:04
  109. American Express sent me a notification
  110. 2:06
  111. or I should say GoFundMe sent me a
  112. 2:09
  113. notification
  114. 2:11
  115. that the unread campaign was trying to
  116. 2:14
  117. block my refund wow-wow-wow
  118. 2:19
  119. that that I'm with Trish that's like
  120. 2:23
  121. astounding yeah yeah I mean that's
  122. 2:28
  123. pretty obvious evidence there like any
  124. 2:30
  125. money if they're hands-on they're going
  126. 2:32
  127. to keep even no matter if you know
  128. 2:34
  129. there's an objection to it yeah you know
  130. 2:36
  131. I know Queen Ted I had seen an interview
  132. 2:41
  133. on Infowars when they were talking about
  134. 2:46
  135. the unread campaign and just all of the
  136. 2:48
  137. body language coming from RDS was just
  138. 2:54
  139. deeply disturbing to me and suggested
  140. 2:57
  141. you know a lot of you know maybe
  142. 3:02
  143. ulterior motives or I'm not sure what's
  144. 3:06
  145. going on there but that was like the
  146. 3:08
  147. first time I sort of had the reaction
  148. 3:10
  149. you know was like very weird up until
  150. 3:13
  151. then and then it was just like wow big
  152. 3:16
  153. red flags went up for me yes I I think
  154. 3:22
  155. here's one statement of what make it
  156. 3:24
  157. respond to that there's a theme here
  158. 3:26
  159. that I see going on I mentioned this in
  160. 3:30
  161. an email
  162. 3:31
  163. I had number of people contact me Jason
  164. 3:34
  165. has gotten Intel that he's forwarded to
  166. 3:37
  167. me because I've been doing research on
  168. 3:39
  169. this and because I introduced the first
  170. 3:40
  171. idea you know Jason I did in June about
  172. 3:44
  173. this scam the unwritten and were able to
  174. 3:46
  175. prove it you know with the documents
  176. 3:48
  177. from his own site there seems to be a
  178. 3:51
  179. decline going on this is adjusting
  180. 3:54
  181. matricies said there seems to be a
  182. 3:56
  183. decline going on with the nail
  184. 3:58
  185. interviewers of RDS and it seems now
  186. 4:02
  187. that the only people who really
  188. 4:04
  189. interview him now are females
  190. 4:07
  191. I'm sure soon yes and what's interesting
  192. 4:11
  193. to me is that latest interview with
  194. 4:13
  195. Kerry Cassidy that I went back because I
  196. 4:17
  197. saw some of those comments from from the
  198. 4:19
  199. crowd under you know one of the other
  200. 4:23
  201. interviews with with my cell
  202. 4:26
  203. and I went back and actually watched
  204. 4:29
  205. that interview with Kerry Cassidy more
  206. 4:31
  207. in depth and because of one of the
  208. 4:33
  209. comments from the persons in the
  210. 4:35
  211. crowdsource and I was like appalled at
  212. 4:38
  213. the badgering that I saw Robert David
  214. 4:42
  215. Steele doing when he was interviewing
  216. 4:44
  217. Kerry Cassidy who's a female you know
  218. 4:47
  219. and I I was astounded at this and then I
  220. 4:50
  221. started looking at that theme and I I
  222. 4:53
  223. discovered there's a theme going on here
  224. 4:55
  225. hard landing interviews for males is
  226. 4:58
  227. severely declined and it's only it seems
  228. 5:00
  229. to me females who don't understand this
  230. 5:03
  231. dynamic that's coming off of Robert
  232. 5:05
  233. David steer which I considered to be
  234. 5:06
  235. abusive well we're in his predatory
  236. 5:09
  237. nature that's went that body language
  238. 5:12
  239. because I was talking about was like no
  240. 5:14
  241. yeah he sort of looks like you know a
  242. 5:17
  243. wolf yeah you certainly abusive to me
  244. 5:21
  245. and next meal kind of thing he certainly
  246. 5:25
  247. tried to be abusive to me in our phone
  248. 5:26
  249. conversation that that I recorded and so
  250. 5:29
  251. I think that this is you know we can we
  252. 5:32
  253. can observe these behaviors but rather
  254. 5:33
  255. than tell too much into our opinions
  256. 5:36
  257. about them Queen Tut wanna share with us
  258. 5:38
  259. some of the some of the evidence that
  260. 5:40
  261. you found okay yes okay before I get
  262. 5:44
  263. into this evidence let me tell you let
  264. 5:46
  265. me share this with you after reviewing
  266. 5:48
  267. all this evidence in the Intel and doing
  268. 5:51
  269. lots of research actually with a number
  270. 5:53
  271. of videos also people sending me things
  272. 5:56
  273. and then the Intel of somebody who was
  274. 5:58
  275. who's part of the unwritten actually and
  276. 6:04
  277. we see you know receives all the
  278. 6:06
  279. newsletters and the logs and stuff um I
  280. 6:09
  281. just want to make the statement it's my
  282. 6:11
  283. assessment that Robert David Steele and
  284. 6:15
  285. Cynthia McKinney have a pay-to-play
  286. 6:18
  287. operation going on well what do you mean
  288. 6:22
  289. and I want I want you to find what you
  290. 6:25
  291. mean by that yeah yes I will I just I I
  292. 6:28
  293. said here's the way I want to give a
  294. 6:31
  295. context for the show I'm going to plug
  296. 6:32
  297. in right now yes my statement to add to
  298. 6:36
  299. that is that it may be
  300. 6:38
  301. small-scale but we don't know who the
  302. 6:42
  303. large donors are in the unread campaign
  304. 6:45
  305. right right because of course a number
  306. 6:47
  307. of people in our crowdsource community
  308. 6:49
  309. made you know I had contributed I think
  310. 6:51
  311. 50 or $60 and you know by making those
  312. 6:54
  313. contributions that's how you got into
  314. 6:56
  315. this you know receiving the newsletters
  316. 6:59
  317. and all that kind of thing so there was
  318. 7:01
  319. certainly a large number we raised over
  320. 7:04
  321. $10,000 for that campaign in an hour and
  322. 7:08
  323. do you know how much he's raised so far
  324. 7:11
  325. green todd total according according to
  326. 7:14
  327. his budget is ninety two thousand nine
  328. 7:16
  329. hundred and something something it's
  330. 7:17
  331. almost a hundred thousand dollars Wow
  332. 7:21
  333. and that wasn't that she nailed that ad
  334. 7:23
  335. for yeah Jason last night that I wanted
  336. 7:25
  337. you to see because I know you understand
  338. 7:26
  339. budgets Trish so I wanted you to look at
  340. 7:29
  341. this because when I went to that budget
  342. 7:31
  343. that's posted on his unrig site there is
  344. 7:35
  345. no budgetary output for anything that he
  346. 7:40
  347. and Cynthia are doing together so I went
  348. 7:44
  349. to the whole thing you know and all you
  350. 7:48
  351. see is money going out for this used RV
  352. 7:51
  353. for about sixty five thousand okay and
  354. 7:54
  355. you don't see anything being spent on an
  356. 7:58
  357. event a tureen event okay there's no
  358. 8:01
  359. tournaments going so that means there's
  360. 8:03
  361. no um they're not doing what they are
  362. 8:07
  363. dry around in an RV basic yet clean-cut
  364. 8:13
  365. the number the number you sent me with
  366. 8:15
  367. ninety two thousand nine hundred twenty
  368. 8:17
  369. two dollars and 42 cents that was last
  370. 8:20
  371. night correct Wow correct okay that's
  372. 8:25
  373. that because do you recall Jason when
  374. 8:27
  375. that day he was on the phone with us
  376. 8:29
  377. yeah he had raised all of 2000 yeah it
  378. 8:33
  379. was a very very low number and I think
  380. 8:35
  381. we were somewhere our community put in
  382. 8:37
  383. something between ten and fifteen
  384. 8:38
  385. thousand I'll have to go but I refused a
  386. 8:40
  387. video game might have been yeah might
  388. 8:42
  389. have been well I've got excuse me go
  390. 8:47
  391. ahead try not I'm trying to find that
  392. 8:51
  393. budget but my laptop's president go
  394. 8:54
  395. ahead again also this yeah yeah so
  396. 8:57
  397. anyway to go into some of the evidence
  398. 8:59
  399. here I've got an email here from Cynthia
  400. 9:03
  401. McKinney a response I went to her site
  402. 9:07
  403. and I put an email in there this doesn't
  404. 9:10
  405. have to do with the numbers yet okay but
  406. 9:12
  407. this is a start because after listening
  408. 9:15
  409. to a recent interview on Sarah westall's
  410. 9:19
  411. Sarah West Hall did a recent interview
  412. 9:21
  413. one of the most recent interviews with
  414. 9:25
  415. RTS and I'm looking I so I listened to
  416. 9:30
  417. that and I was appalled you know at the
  418. 9:34
  419. statements being said on there okay and
  420. 9:37
  421. so I sent this email to Cynthia McKinney
  422. 9:39
  423. and she responded to this email and then
  424. 9:42
  425. I sent her another email in response to
  426. 9:45
  427. that to see how she would respond and
  428. 9:46
  429. she just ended the conversation now let
  430. 9:49
  431. me give you what the email said in the
  432. 9:52
  433. email and I said do you support Robert
  434. 9:57
  435. Davis fields attacks on Ron Rand Paul
  436. 10:00
  437. Dennis Kucinich and Tulsi Gabbard I'm
  438. 10:02
  439. providing the exact quotes from a video
  440. 10:05
  441. interview Robert David Steele on rig and
  442. 10:08
  443. his alliance with Cynthia McKinney his
  444. 10:10
  445. attacks are quite damaging to your
  446. 10:11
  447. position on unifying people and voters
  448. 10:14
  449. in polgár and here's the quotes I give
  450. 10:17
  451. her the exact quotes from her Ron Ron
  452. 10:19
  453. Ron Paul Rand Paul Dennis Kucinich are
  454. 10:21
  455. all frauds and I put the time
  456. 10:23
  457. twenty-eight yeah then he says Dennis
  458. 10:26
  459. Kucinich is not willing to put his balls
  460. 10:29
  461. where his mouth is and neither is Ron
  462. 10:31
  463. Paul ridiculous then the next one is
  464. 10:35
  465. Tulsi Gabbard is a fraud okay so I send
  466. 10:39
  467. those exact clothes to her I give her
  468. 10:40
  469. the link and then she responds by I do
  470. 10:43
  471. not agree with his words and have told
  472. 10:45
  473. him to please refrain from baseless
  474. 10:47
  475. attacks oh you know I feel badly for
  476. 10:52
  477. Cynthia I just you know I could be
  478. 10:54
  479. entirely wrong about this but I feel
  480. 10:57
  481. like she's caught up in something she
  482. 10:59
  483. doesn't quite know how to deal with you
  484. 11:03
  485. know what I'll remember
  486. 11:04
  487. when I first brought it to your
  488. 11:06
  489. attention in London that was the way
  490. 11:07
  491. that you felt but at this point I tried
  492. 11:11
  493. to contact her on Facebook that very day
  494. 11:14
  495. in London yes yes George had her
  496. 11:17
  497. personal cellphone he sent her a text
  498. 11:19
  499. message about this
  500. 11:21
  501. I reached out to her she hasn't
  502. 11:24
  503. responded I wrote back in comments on
  504. 11:27
  505. her Facebook page I sent her an email
  506. 11:29
  507. from the official email contact
  508. 11:32
  509. submission on her all about dr. McKinney
  510. 11:35
  511. or whatever it is her official website
  512. 11:36
  513. there which it indicated that she was
  514. 11:39
  515. active in the chat room at the time now
  516. 11:41
  517. that might have been someone who worked
  518. 11:43
  519. for her or someone who uses her her
  520. 11:46
  521. handle on there just to answer questions
  522. 11:49
  523. but none of these things have been met
  524. 11:51
  525. with any response and my emails to her
  526. 11:54
  527. have been along the lines of you know
  528. 11:55
  529. hey dr. McKinney I hold you in very high
  530. 11:57
  531. regard and I think you know we're
  532. 11:59
  533. receiving information that indicates
  534. 12:01
  535. that Robert David Steele may be trying
  536. 12:03
  537. to co-opt your credibility to raise
  538. 12:05
  539. funds and we think he may have purposes
  540. 12:08
  541. other than what he's stating to you can
  542. 12:10
  543. we please have a private conversation to
  544. 12:12
  545. discuss this and she hasn't written back
  546. 12:14
  547. at all so I feel like if there was
  548. 12:17
  549. something going on that she didn't know
  550. 12:18
  551. about she would at least contact George
  552. 12:21
  553. who she's met or spoken to or to La Paz
  554. 12:24
  555. do they know each other and said hey
  556. 12:25
  557. what's going on and the fact that that
  558. 12:27
  559. hasn't happened I find Bank troubling I
  560. 12:30
  561. agree okay this is part of her
  562. 12:35
  563. complicity in what I consider this
  564. 12:38
  565. pay-to-play it may be on small scale but
  566. 12:41
  567. it's part of her complicity because she
  568. 12:44
  569. doesn't at some point she stops
  570. 12:46
  571. responding that's the beginning of her
  572. 12:48
  573. mo that's the framework of her mo in
  574. 12:50
  575. this situation she's a very intelligent
  576. 12:53
  577. person she was a congresswoman for a
  578. 12:56
  579. number of years okay right and I
  580. 12:58
  581. remember seeing her her grilling Donald
  582. 13:02
  583. run right and I you know I followed her
  584. 13:05
  585. for more than a year she's done
  586. 13:07
  587. incredible work to those corruption I
  588. 13:10
  589. mean she's been and then I remember her
  590. 13:12
  591. radio show was canceled abruptly on her
  592. 13:16
  593. you know earlier this year late last
  594. 13:18
  595. here so you know she's been put through
  596. 13:20
  597. the wringer for for being willing to
  598. 13:23
  599. speak out I mean so that would makes me
  600. 13:27
  601. really angry well those were all the
  602. 13:29
  603. reasons you listed all the reasons why I
  604. 13:31
  605. like her yeah yeah well here's I'm going
  606. 13:36
  607. to make this point and then I want to
  608. 13:37
  609. finish up with this response that I sent
  610. 13:40
  611. to her that she didn't respond to okay
  612. 13:42
  613. once again part of the mo and then I'm
  614. 13:44
  615. going to lay out some other things but I
  616. 13:49
  617. forgot I thought there for second SS but
  618. 13:53
  619. basically she has this way of just
  620. 13:58
  621. letting things go and hoping that no one
  622. 14:01
  623. pays attention to that all right oh
  624. 14:04
  625. here's the thing she does not I believe
  626. 14:07
  627. I like Cynthia is not being held to the
  628. 14:12
  629. same standard that she expects from
  630. 14:15
  631. other people and I'm going to show that
  632. 14:17
  633. in this you know when I lay out a little
  634. 14:20
  635. bit more information here she is not she
  636. 14:22
  637. needs to be held at the same standard
  638. 14:24
  639. and I believe that that's going to be
  640. 14:27
  641. clear okay okay now in terms of
  642. 14:29
  643. transparency and accountability you mean
  644. 14:32
  645. exactly
  646. 14:34
  647. especially with it what I this is my
  648. 14:36
  649. opinion from everything this is going to
  650. 14:39
  651. be my opinion
  652. 14:40
  653. but especially relationship to the
  654. 14:42
  655. unwritten it's a total scam okay alright
  656. 14:46
  657. and that's what it needs to be called
  658. 14:48
  659. because that's what it is
  660. 14:49
  661. right well the objective of it do you
  662. 14:52
  663. think good Mallika but what's the point
  664. 14:54
  665. of it just to generate cash for them or
  666. 14:56
  667. you know at least for as long as they
  668. 14:58
  669. can make it work or we don't know
  670. 15:00
  671. there's some other underlying motives
  672. 15:04
  673. there absolutely it I believe the bottom
  674. 15:08
  675. line is money for a Robert David Steele
  676. 15:10
  677. well you know there's another thing
  678. 15:12
  679. Queen that some of the intelligence
  680. 15:14
  681. contacts that we've spoken with have
  682. 15:16
  683. relations that they're also you know
  684. 15:19
  685. Robert David Steele by his own admission
  686. 15:21
  687. is a quote former CIA operative and of
  688. 15:25
  689. course many people have heard that that
  690. 15:26
  691. type of thing that once you're in that
  692. 15:27
  693. business you're never out of that
  694. 15:28
  695. business we have had independent
  696. 15:31
  697. intelligence contacts
  698. 15:32
  699. reach out to us and tell us that he's
  700. 15:34
  701. active again and then what the unread
  702. 15:36
  703. campaign actually is doing is trying to
  704. 15:39
  705. identify Patriots like Queen Tut like
  706. 15:43
  707. you Trish like me like the members of
  708. 15:45
  709. the crowdsource community who would be
  710. 15:48
  711. inclined to stand up and write you may
  712. 15:51
  713. resist in the form of freedom of speech
  714. 15:54
  715. and news reporting and doing the type of
  716. 15:56
  717. thing that we're doing right now and to
  718. 15:58
  719. identify those people and essentially
  720. 16:00
  721. put them on a list much in the same way
  722. 16:02
  723. that the CIA created the fair play for
  724. 16:04
  725. Cuba committee a totally fake committee
  726. 16:07
  727. where Lee Harvey Oswald stood out on the
  728. 16:09
  729. sidewalk handing out flyers if someone
  730. 16:11
  731. goes and joins that committee they say
  732. 16:13
  733. ah there's a communist sympathizer let's
  734. 16:15
  735. track that person right and they
  736. 16:18
  737. probably told Robert he could keep
  738. 16:20
  739. whatever money he raised something
  740. 16:22
  741. exactly as part of the deal actually
  742. 16:24
  743. it's aa fascinating yeah and you think
  744. 16:28
  745. and you you believe that Cynthia is
  746. 16:31
  747. aware to that extent of what's going on
  748. 16:35
  749. or do you think she's not acknowledging
  750. 16:40
  751. it because to face it would you know
  752. 16:44
  753. sort of undermine a lot of what she's
  754. 16:46
  755. doing and she just doesn't want to know
  756. 16:47
  757. or what do you think
  758. 16:50
  759. I expect she's being influenced or
  760. 16:52
  761. somehow forced to do this that's my
  762. 16:55
  763. that's how I feel I just I can't imagine
  764. 16:58
  765. she would knowingly or willingly embark
  766. 17:01
  767. on such a what do you think women plan I
  768. 17:05
  769. don't know well here's here's what I
  770. 17:08
  771. think
  772. 17:09
  773. Cynthia notes okay I you know I've
  774. 17:12
  775. written a document and provided to Jason
  776. 17:14
  777. what let's start with what Cynthia knows
  778. 17:17
  779. former Congresswoman knows that the
  780. 17:21
  781. election Reform Act is a scam yet she
  782. 17:24
  783. associates with it you know why because
  784. 17:26
  785. Cynthia knows that this bill has to be
  786. 17:29
  787. written and then submitted to Congress
  788. 17:31
  789. before it becomes an act
  790. 17:32
  791. Cynthia also knows that there is no bill
  792. 17:36
  793. there's no submission to Congress and
  794. 17:38
  795. that there will be no act yet her
  796. 17:40
  797. Twitter account links to the generosity
  798. 17:43
  799. donation page that's just from yesterday
  800. 17:45
  801. where it states then we'll co-sponsor
  802. 17:48
  803. and pass the election reform Act of 2017
  804. 17:51
  805. in September in time to restore
  806. 17:54
  807. integrity to Congress for the duration
  808. 17:56
  809. of Donald Trump's term okay her Twitter
  810. 17:59
  811. account links directly to that let me go
  812. 18:03
  813. on further
  814. 18:03
  815. Cynthia also knows that there have not
  816. 18:06
  817. been any Turing events or forums because
  818. 18:08
  819. she's not even the country yet she is
  820. 18:11
  821. yielding to be on rego nation speech
  822. 18:15
  823. Cynthia Cynthia McKinney knows that RDS
  824. 18:19
  825. is soliciting donations in her name to
  826. 18:22
  827. pay off her student loans taxes taxes
  828. 18:25
  829. and to provide some type of compensation
  830. 18:28
  831. and you even saw a document that shows
  832. 18:30
  833. that yes and cintamani
  834. 18:34
  835. yes their own their own document yep and
  836. 18:38
  837. Cynthia McKinney knows that RDS makes
  838. 18:40
  839. baseless attacks against people who are
  840. 18:42
  841. unwilling to support on rigged and yet
  842. 18:45
  843. she continues to associate herself with
  844. 18:47
  845. RDS the creator the unreached cam now I
  846. 18:51
  847. took that from an interview recent
  848. 18:54
  849. interview that she did where she is
  850. 18:57
  851. asked about Sarah West Hall asked about
  852. 19:00
  853. her relationship with RDS and she said
  854. 19:02
  855. you know first of all she in a meal in
  856. 19:05
  857. the email she said to me she has says
  858. 19:08
  859. that she does not ignore you know the
  860. 19:10
  861. basis of tax she acknowledges he does
  862. 19:13
  863. that and told him not to do that but she
  864. 19:15
  865. still so sees yourself with her yeah
  866. 19:17
  867. right right all right and then we've got
  868. 19:20
  869. the documents that are sent to Jayson
  870. 19:23
  871. that shows right from the unread logs
  872. 19:26
  873. August is and rape from the newsletter
  874. 19:29
  875. that he sent to everybody that he is
  876. 19:32
  877. soliciting donations in her name and he
  878. 19:34
  879. states that for to pay your student
  880. 19:36
  881. loans taxes and provide some
  882. 19:37
  883. compensation which includes large donors
  884. 19:41
  885. and he does state that they have a
  886. 19:44
  887. silent donor or private donor that his
  888. 19:47
  889. providing compensation for him and for
  890. 19:50
  891. her it's almost a foolish thing to say
  892. 19:52
  893. hmm it's a shout-out
  894. 19:55
  895. I mean and so what do you guys think
  896. 19:59
  897. about the very real possibility that for
  898. 20:04
  899. example we know the CIA uses all these
  900. 20:07
  901. leverage points on people to keep them
  902. 20:10
  903. quiet or you know stifle them in some
  904. 20:13
  905. way and so it makes me wonder if having
  906. 20:17
  907. student loans and you know these other
  908. 20:20
  909. obligations and they being able to
  910. 20:23
  911. destroy a person's career which they do
  912. 20:26
  913. routinely and worker to make their
  914. 20:29
  915. points
  916. 20:30
  917. I could imagine her being faced with
  918. 20:33
  919. this and then saying to her look you
  920. 20:36
  921. need to partner up with this guy because
  922. 20:39
  923. you know this is what we're doing and
  924. 20:41
  925. you know otherwise and you can pay you
  926. 20:45
  927. know we'll give you some sort of
  928. 20:46
  929. compensation otherwise you're done well
  930. 20:49
  931. that's just it this is Cynthia McKinney
  932. 20:51
  933. being shown door number two basically
  934. 20:53
  935. she's she's being forced to do this
  936. 20:55
  937. possibly but you know the choice is
  938. 20:58
  939. submit to that and be forced to do the
  940. 21:01
  941. wrong thing or stand up for what is the
  942. 21:04
  943. right thing yeah despite the
  944. 21:06
  945. consequences and do the right thing and
  946. 21:08
  947. that's why we're that's why I wanted to
  948. 21:10
  949. do this phone interview with you too so
  950. 21:12
  951. that we can expose this and offer dr.
  952. 21:15
  953. McKinney yet another chance to come
  954. 21:17
  955. forward and admit the details of what's
  956. 21:20
  957. going on or or tell us what me wrong and
  958. 21:23
  959. explain how we're wrong and you know to
  960. 21:25
  961. your point Jason you you know we've seen
  962. 21:28
  963. did this and this has been very recently
  964. 21:30
  965. you know unfortunately a lot of
  966. 21:32
  967. whistleblowers in the past were
  968. 21:34
  969. routinely snuffed out one way or another
  970. 21:37
  971. if they couldn't be kept silent they
  972. 21:39
  973. were you know permanently silenced and
  974. 21:42
  975. nobody would ever know about it you know
  976. 21:45
  977. - bullets the back of the head it was a
  978. 21:47
  979. suicide you know and they've been
  980. 21:50
  981. getting away with that so I really I get
  982. 21:53
  983. people's reluctance to come forward but
  984. 21:55
  985. as Eric Braverman himself pointed out
  986. 21:58
  987. that now that we have this community of
  988. 22:01
  989. thousands of people tens of thousands
  990. 22:04
  991. who are working together to sort of help
  992. 22:07
  993. whistleblowers and journal
  994. 22:09
  995. and anyone who's working to try and
  996. 22:11
  997. expose this I mean now is your best
  998. 22:14
  999. opportunity to get the support and help
  1000. 22:16
  1001. that you need to you know avoid being
  1002. 22:22
  1003. you know quieted by the system again you
  1004. 22:25
  1005. hit it right on the head Trish this is
  1006. 22:27
  1007. the exact reason why we're doing
  1008. 22:28
  1009. crowd-sourced the truth to create a
  1010. 22:30
  1011. forum where dr. McKinney can come
  1012. 22:32
  1013. forward publicly and share any
  1014. 22:34
  1015. information that she might have to help
  1016. 22:36
  1017. us expose if we're correct and if the
  1018. 22:40
  1019. evidence that we're seeing does in fact
  1020. 22:42
  1021. prove or indicate that this is in fact a
  1022. 22:47
  1023. scam I'm doing this not to diminish dr.
  1024. 22:51
  1025. McKinney's reputation but to allow us to
  1026. 22:54
  1027. help her to retrieve it yeah yeah
  1028. 22:58
  1029. know that that's going to go nowhere
  1030. 23:00
  1031. good for her long-term and once again
  1032. 23:03
  1033. Jason you reached out to her with the
  1034. 23:05
  1035. email to come on your program here and
  1036. 23:08
  1037. you got no response program yeah correct
  1038. 23:11
  1039. and that's that part of her mo it's like
  1040. 23:14
  1041. when you reach a certain point with her
  1042. 23:16
  1043. in and laying out something she's just a
  1044. 23:20
  1045. silent body the islands news which
  1046. 23:23
  1047. getting back to the email that I quoted
  1048. 23:25
  1049. from when I I responded after she said I
  1050. 23:30
  1051. do not agree with his words and have
  1052. 23:31
  1053. told him to please refrain from baseless
  1054. 23:33
  1055. attacks so she's having to manage him
  1056. 23:36
  1057. number one right right and I responded
  1058. 23:39
  1059. well Cynthia refraining from baseless
  1060. 23:42
  1061. attacks is different than consistent
  1062. 23:45
  1063. non-stop behavior that is documented in
  1064. 23:48
  1065. most of his interviews if he continues
  1066. 23:51
  1067. this behavior will you continue to be
  1068. 23:53
  1069. associated with him do you really want
  1070. 23:56
  1071. to manage this type of behavior long
  1072. 23:58
  1073. term and always pose questions so what
  1074. 24:06
  1075. do you think we should do moving forward
  1076. 24:07
  1077. here Quinjet well that this interview I
  1078. 24:14
  1079. think is really important because you
  1080. 24:16
  1081. know crowdsource the truth has been
  1082. 24:19
  1083. attacked constantly by Robert David
  1084. 24:21
  1085. Steele
  1086. 24:22
  1087. he's associated with Cynthia McKinney
  1088. 24:25
  1089. she's lending her name and her power to
  1090. 24:28
  1091. him and that in itself is something just
  1092. 24:33
  1093. we need to talk about this like we're
  1094. 24:35
  1095. doing we need to do these kind of
  1096. 24:36
  1097. interviews because this thing needs to
  1098. 24:38
  1099. be laid to rest it once and for all we
  1100. 24:41
  1101. have to complete we have to make sure we
  1102. 24:43
  1103. cover every piece of information and and
  1104. 24:46
  1105. let the crowd know this is what we're
  1106. 24:50
  1107. dealing with you know and this is what
  1108. 24:52
  1109. they're doing to the crowd you know it's
  1110. 24:55
  1111. like why why is this crowd being
  1112. 24:58
  1113. denigrated when Roberts David's feel is
  1114. 25:01
  1115. the architect of all the scam and he has
  1116. 25:06
  1117. promoted and stated many many lives
  1118. 25:08
  1119. constantly he consistently lies you know
  1120. 25:11
  1121. yeah oh yeah yeah I was look at it well
  1122. 25:13
  1123. I've got him how I've got him recorded
  1124. 25:15
  1125. on a phone call with me where he's lying
  1126. 25:17
  1127. he he basically calls me up and tells me
  1128. 25:20
  1129. or he sent me an email in which he told
  1130. 25:22
  1131. me that I'm going to be arrested by the
  1132. 25:24
  1133. NYPD and that he has some kind of
  1134. 25:26
  1135. special intelligence that told him that
  1136. 25:28
  1137. I called the NYPD and asked them because
  1138. 25:31
  1139. I'm not going to run if the police want
  1140. 25:32
  1141. to arrest me I would go and turn myself
  1142. 25:34
  1143. in and face the law but he obviously
  1144. 25:36
  1145. lied to me about that and in the same
  1146. 25:39
  1147. email it by the letter of the law he's
  1148. 25:42
  1149. committed the civil tort of tortious
  1150. 25:44
  1151. interference by directly telling George
  1152. 25:47
  1153. hey the best thing for you to do George
  1154. 25:48
  1155. is divest yourself of any relationship
  1156. 25:50
  1157. with Jason and come work with me
  1158. 25:52
  1159. that's the definition of tortious
  1160. 25:54
  1161. interference and then he turns around
  1162. 25:56
  1163. and accuses me of doing that we haven't
  1164. 25:58
  1165. even touched on the ignorant and racist
  1166. 26:00
  1167. comments that he's made where he's
  1168. 26:02
  1169. repeatedly warned me that he's hired a
  1170. 26:04
  1171. black attorney
  1172. 26:06
  1173. I mean who goes around decimating the
  1174. 26:08
  1175. race of their attorney all right totally
  1176. 26:11
  1177. idiotic I don't understand how dr.
  1178. 26:13
  1179. McKinney can associate herself with so
  1180. 26:15
  1181. many the guys like archivo yeah well and
  1182. 26:17
  1183. furthermore there's been no contact from
  1184. 26:19
  1185. any attorney of any color to me with
  1186. 26:22
  1187. regard to any lawsuit whatsoever you
  1188. 26:27
  1189. know and it also makes me wonder we had
  1190. 26:30
  1191. talked about this on a previous
  1192. 26:32
  1193. broadcast is that you start to realize
  1194. 26:34
  1195. that
  1196. 26:35
  1197. not only are there all of these
  1198. 26:38
  1199. independent agency covert operations
  1200. 26:42
  1201. going on and then you have the foreign
  1202. 26:44
  1203. ones going on and then individuals
  1204. 26:47
  1205. themselves have their own stuff that
  1206. 26:50
  1207. they're doing so you know you don't want
  1208. 26:52
  1209. to say it's all one big conspiracy
  1210. 26:54
  1211. because clearly it's not which it
  1212. 26:56
  1213. certainly felt that way because in some
  1214. 26:59
  1215. way or another all the pieces are
  1216. 27:01
  1217. connected but I think we've also talked
  1218. 27:04
  1219. about the fact that people only know
  1220. 27:05
  1221. really their upline and their downline
  1222. 27:08
  1223. when they're part of something you know
  1224. 27:10
  1225. official that's going on does that the
  1226. 27:13
  1227. individuals themselves don't even
  1228. 27:15
  1229. necessarily know what operation they're
  1230. 27:18
  1231. a part of or how expansive it might be
  1232. 27:20
  1233. and so that also adds a layer of opacity
  1234. 27:26
  1235. to this whole effort because it's just
  1236. 27:31
  1237. like okay we're you know how do you
  1238. 27:33
  1239. parse it all out yeah yeah you know I
  1240. 27:37
  1241. want to add one thing here
  1242. 27:39
  1243. Queen tut you had sent me in one of the
  1244. 27:41
  1245. emails and going through all of them
  1246. 27:43
  1247. right here this is just copied and
  1248. 27:45
  1249. pasted from the the unwritten immerse
  1250. 27:50
  1251. members of our crowdsource community
  1252. 27:52
  1253. kept their their contributions in there
  1254. 27:55
  1255. I guess specifically to receive these
  1256. 27:59
  1257. newsletters and there are also some
  1258. 28:00
  1259. people who have emailed me saying that
  1260. 28:02
  1261. they like Robert David Steele and they
  1262. 28:04
  1263. like us and they're confused by this
  1264. 28:06
  1265. whole situation so there's just this
  1266. 28:09
  1267. quote from August 5th of 2017 I'm just
  1268. 28:13
  1269. reading directly from their newsletter
  1270. 28:14
  1271. it says we're behind on our fundraising
  1272. 28:17
  1273. we made it last month because of two
  1274. 28:19
  1275. donations from individuals one donating
  1276. 28:21
  1277. over 20,000 and the other the other
  1278. 28:25
  1279. 40,000 we're starting to PayPal I really
  1280. 28:28
  1281. need to make at least 20,000 in the next
  1282. 28:30
  1283. couple of weeks to stay on schedule
  1284. 28:32
  1285. compensation for Cynthia and Robert is
  1286. 28:35
  1287. completely separate and being covered by
  1288. 28:38
  1289. a private donor you know here's his own
  1290. 28:42
  1291. words it says emphasis is on Cynthia who
  1292. 28:45
  1293. owes a lot in bold on her PhD student
  1294. 28:48
  1295. one
  1296. 28:49
  1297. and then go away it goes on to say
  1298. 28:51
  1299. unwritten donations so that Cynthia can
  1300. 28:55
  1301. have a new RV 85,000 bought the first
  1302. 28:59
  1303. but the first RV used for 65,000 and if
  1304. 29:03
  1305. we can raise money we're now thinking we
  1306. 29:07
  1307. should do two RVs the new one for
  1308. 29:09
  1309. Cynthia is 85,000 this will double the
  1310. 29:12
  1311. visibility of our campaign as we strive
  1312. 29:15
  1313. to do 435 on rigged group mmm shocking
  1314. 29:21
  1315. hi Trish it is it is and then qui Alec
  1316. 29:26
  1317. you had been doing some research with
  1318. 29:28
  1319. Rand Paul's office that you and I have
  1320. 29:30
  1321. spoken about
  1322. 29:31
  1323. I guess privately or you know maybe in a
  1324. 29:34
  1325. previous phone interview in the first
  1326. 29:36
  1327. interview we had right right right do we
  1328. 29:39
  1329. want to go back over that real quickly
  1330. 29:42
  1331. well yes because in the beginning he was
  1332. 29:45
  1333. associating himself with Rand Paul and
  1334. 29:47
  1335. he kept referring to Rand Paul and you
  1336. 29:50
  1337. yeah you remember Trish when that
  1338. 29:51
  1339. happened that interview was in June and
  1340. 29:54
  1341. I contacted the Rand Paul Rand Paul's
  1342. 29:58
  1343. office in Kentucky spoke with Bobby
  1344. 30:00
  1345. there one of the supervisors office and
  1346. 30:04
  1347. I asked her if they were associated with
  1348. 30:08
  1349. Robert David Steele in any capacity
  1350. 30:10
  1351. because he kept saying I asked him in
  1352. 30:14
  1353. any capacity I'll go into why and and
  1354. 30:17
  1355. she said well let me check in she got
  1356. 30:19
  1357. back to me she said no we have no
  1358. 30:21
  1359. relationship we don't know who he is or
  1360. 30:24
  1361. anything about this man and I asked her
  1362. 30:28
  1363. to put that in writing and she didn't
  1364. 30:30
  1365. want to but you know I did have that
  1366. 30:33
  1367. conversation I did to share it with it
  1368. 30:34
  1369. in the interview and the reason why I
  1370. 30:37
  1371. did that is because when I was in an
  1372. 30:39
  1373. email exchange with RDS about on rig and
  1374. 30:43
  1375. why why is he perpetuating this constant
  1376. 30:47
  1377. state of the election Reform Act
  1378. 30:51
  1379. why has he never for six or seven years
  1380. 30:55
  1381. ever put it into a bill format and
  1382. 30:57
  1383. submitted it to Congress so could
  1384. 30:58
  1385. actually be right how come an act right
  1386. 31:01
  1387. remember
  1388. 31:02
  1389. I might remember that and so this is why
  1390. 31:05
  1391. he said well I haven't done that I'm
  1392. 31:07
  1393. going to let Rand Paul staff do that
  1394. 31:10
  1395. right okay and so that's why eventually
  1396. 31:13
  1397. contacted Bobby at Ram you know part of
  1398. 31:16
  1399. RAM valve I asked to confirm this and
  1400. 31:19
  1401. once again they absolutely denied any
  1402. 31:22
  1403. contact with him and that's have all in
  1404. 31:24
  1405. emails are you saying that yeah and and
  1406. 31:27
  1407. now Rand Paul is is garbage it's the
  1408. 31:30
  1409. bottom of the line for for for him you
  1410. 31:34
  1411. know like Rand for Robertson so you're
  1412. 31:36
  1413. saying for Robertson it's Delius yeah
  1414. 31:38
  1415. now he is because that's what he's
  1416. 31:39
  1417. saying he's a complete fraud Ron Paul's
  1418. 31:42
  1419. a fraud Dennis could such as a broad
  1420. 31:44
  1421. interest oh please Wow
  1422. 31:48
  1423. well I do you think we should really get
  1424. 31:50
  1425. this interview out so that the people in
  1426. 31:53
  1427. the crowd source community can hear it
  1428. 31:54
  1429. and absorb it and you know what I'd like
  1430. 31:56
  1431. to do Queen Tut I'm going to be meeting
  1432. 31:58
  1433. with Trish in Boston next week we've got
  1434. 32:00
  1435. a couple of stories to cover over there
  1436. 32:02
  1437. and maybe what we could do is one of the
  1438. 32:06
  1439. days while I'm there if you're available
  1440. 32:09
  1441. we'd like to get you on a live broadcast
  1442. 32:11
  1443. so after people have had a few days to
  1444. 32:13
  1445. digest what we're talking about here
  1446. 32:15
  1447. they could interact with you in the
  1448. 32:17
  1449. comments and any questions that might
  1450. 32:19
  1451. come up you could answer interactively
  1452. 32:21
  1453. does that sound okay to you yeah that's
  1454. 32:24
  1455. a great idea because I think there are a
  1456. 32:26
  1457. lot of people out there who really want
  1458. 32:29
  1459. to ask those questions they already okay
  1460. 32:32
  1461. yes I'm an agreement on that yeah maybe
  1462. 32:35
  1463. we can follow up with senator Paul's
  1464. 32:37
  1465. office in the meantime and try to get
  1466. 32:39
  1467. some definitive answers I mean it seems
  1468. 32:41
  1469. quite clear if Robert David Steele is
  1470. 32:43
  1471. saying he's a fraud it doesn't sound
  1472. 32:44
  1473. like they're working together and in
  1474. 32:46
  1475. your emails with this right your
  1476. 32:48
  1477. previous communications with them they
  1478. 32:49
  1479. don't even know who he is how could he
  1480. 32:50
  1481. be creating a bill with them and so just
  1482. 32:53
  1483. just with that evidence alone with that
  1484. 32:56
  1485. metadata right there if he's raising
  1486. 32:59
  1487. money with the essential purpose being
  1488. 33:02
  1489. we're going to get this act put to
  1490. 33:06
  1491. Congress or whatever it is he has to do
  1492. 33:08
  1493. it would certainly seem like there is
  1494. 33:10
  1495. absolutely no way that that is going to
  1496. 33:12
  1497. happen in the way that he's described
  1498. 33:14
  1499. right oh well
  1500. 33:15
  1501. on Rick site right now under the
  1502. 33:19
  1503. donation if you go down you know it read
  1504. 33:22
  1505. that whole thing under the what he lays
  1506. 33:24
  1507. out on the donation site which is the
  1508. 33:26
  1509. generosity your IndieGoGo site he claims
  1510. 33:30
  1511. that they're going to have this bill you
  1512. 33:33
  1513. know passed by September okay Oman
  1514. 33:37
  1515. that's from now less than a week yeah
  1516. 33:40
  1517. yes there is there any possible any
  1518. 33:43
  1519. possible way that could happen no not a
  1520. 33:46
  1521. million year and so that's the evidence
  1522. 33:49
  1523. to support the claim that this is a
  1524. 33:51
  1525. fraud it's it's a major piece of the
  1526. 33:55
  1527. scam it is the key it hardly keep that's
  1528. 33:59
  1529. a key piece to the whole unrig scan is
  1530. 34:01
  1531. he keep saying that but even that's what
  1532. 34:04
  1533. that's the key piece was Cynthia how can
  1534. 34:07
  1535. she link herself to this and support
  1536. 34:09
  1537. these kind of fraudulent statements
  1538. 34:11
  1539. knowing what it takes to pass a bill and
  1540. 34:14
  1541. make it into an act we have two sponsors
  1542. 34:16
  1543. I mean he would have to have you know
  1544. 34:20
  1545. Republican and Democratic sponsors for
  1546. 34:23
  1547. it to even get but you know anywhere and
  1548. 34:27
  1549. and he's pretty much dished any of the
  1550. 34:29
  1551. sponsors okay I think there's no
  1552. 34:32
  1553. splatters for this bill now okay I'll go
  1554. 34:35
  1555. I guarantee it
  1556. 34:36
  1557. well I'm glad we were able to shed this
  1558. 34:39
  1559. light on this I'm going to get this
  1560. 34:41
  1561. interview up immediately and let's let's
  1562. 34:43
  1563. talk offline Queen about getting you
  1564. 34:45
  1565. scheduled for a live appearance next
  1566. 34:47
  1567. week
  1568. 34:48
  1569. sounds good all right thanks for your
  1570. 34:50
  1571. time really great work we'll talk to you
  1572. 34:52
  1573. soon okay
  1574. 34:52
  1575. thanks Trish thanks Jason thank you
  1576. 34:55
  1577. thank you the crowd absolutely bye take
  1578. 34:57
  1579. care
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