
Shen - Mentor Acquired!

Feb 8th, 2014
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  1. [08:32] <Shen> Shen made his way through the garden of the Storm Dragon estate in search of his brother, he had gone to the Earth Temple at first after leaving Yoshi at the Fire Temple, but some of the students there had directed him back home. He walked up to the door that belonged to Satzu and Bourbon and knocked three times, then waited.
  2. [08:34] <~Deedles> He heard footsteps move up to the door before it opened, which was accompanied by a strong sense of lightning. "Shen?" Satzu's voice came, sounding a bit surprised, the pause and his movement hinting at him looking to the sides before turning his attention back to his brother. "Want to come in?"
  3. [08:40] <Shen> Shen lifted his head to his brothers voice as he opened the door. "That is my name." he jested quietly before nodding. "Sure." he accepted, touching the doorway with his hand as he made his way inside of his brothers house.
  4. [08:43] <~Deedles> Satzu moved to the side to let Shen enter, closing the door behind him "How are you?" he asked as he walked through the hallway and turned to the left; Shen would know that that was the direction of the living room.
  5. [08:51] <Shen> Shen followed his brother, mimicing his steps as he walked to follow the exact same path. "Better." he answered simply, but he didn't really know how to answer such a question. "Than I was before, at least."
  6. [08:53] <~Deedles> "Good..." He went quiet for a bit, stopping in his tracks as he reached the livingroom and turned to look at Shen "Did everything go well with the new girl? Xi Feng I believe her name was."
  7. [09:04] <Shen> "Depends on what you mean by 'well'." he chuckled as he entered the living room. "Father obviously doesn't trust her, and I'm not quite sure if I do either." he shrugged back at Satzu. "But she managed to find her way here somewhow, so I'm really not sure."
  8. [09:06] <~Deedles> "Yeah..." Satzu rubbed his chin in thought before he moved up to have a seat on the couch "I guess it doesn't hurt to let her stick around."
  9. [09:11] <Shen> She naviagetd himself to one of the seats facing his brother. "Shes still a guest, I suppose, but its a tricky situation when one guest may pose a threat to another, especially the heir." he slowly plopped down into the seat with a light sigh. "Thoguh if she was an assassin of any sort, shes highly incompetent."
  10. [09:13] <~Deedles> "This is true, it would be good to keep an eye on her, but considering her reaction to finding out that the heir is an Empress, not an Emperor, I get the feeling that she was sincere when she stated her reason for coming here." Satzu chuckled faintly as he recalled Xi Feng's shock at that. "Speaking of which; How is the Empress?" he asked
  11. [09:32] <Shen> "Shes doing well." he said, smiling faintly. "Shes growing more confident with her burden day by day and shes helped me come to terms with some things. Still very eager to help people, then when she does she feels like shes done nothing." he shook his head. "Really quite troublesome."
  12. [09:36] <~Deedles> The Storm Mentor scratched his beard slightly as his lips quirked into a smile "Heh, that so?" he chimed as he leaned back in the couch "Doesn't entirely surprise me, was training in the garden earlier and she came out to me with a cup of tea." he chuckled.
  13. [09:41] <Shen> "Sounds about right." he chuckled faintly. "I was a bit worried at first that she would be miserable here. We did just take her from all she had known, the people she trusted, the tea shop. I'm glad that shes smiling again." he smiled as he thought of her.
  14. [09:43] <~Deedles> "Yeah, it is an infectious smile." Satzu agreed with another chuckle before he peered across at Shen, his smile widening "But it seems to me that she still has people she can trust at her side..." he added
  15. [09:51] <Shen> "Of course." Shen nodded as his mind sobered a little and he lifted his head up to his brothers voice. "I told her that she can consider the village a home for as long as she needs it, that everyone here want her to feel welcome." he scratched the back of his head with another barely audible sigh. "But shes stubborn like you. Worrying about the people she left behind."
  16. [09:57] <~Deedles> Satzu's smile faded slightly as he nodded "I don't think that surprises me either." he admitted, his arm coming to rest on the arm-rest beside him. "Which bodes all the better for the future." his eyes slowly closed as he paused, re-opening as he spoke again, looking almost embarrassed. "I'll admit, I was a bit worried."
  17. [10:06] <Shen> "Worried about what?" He asked curiously.
  18. [10:11] <~Deedles> "The heir." His older brother replied. "I was by the Wood Temple yesterday to speak to Tsula and saw Mingxia walking by in the direction of the giant oak, she seemed really out of it. Wondered if maybe she wasn't feeling up to the task."
  19. [10:16] <Shen> "Ah, yeah." he nodded as he thought. "I don't think it was because of that." his smile faded, but only slightly. "I wouldn't worry about her resolve when it comes to her responsibilities, shes still worried but no less determined."
  20. [10:24] <~Deedles> "Yeah, I guessed as much after I spoke to her, since she headed off to the town hall to go talk to Elders, think she was going to speak to Tsula after that." Satzu said as he ran a hand over his clean shaven head. "Anyway... I'm assuming you didn't come here to listen to me ramble."
  21. [10:37] <Shen> "You're right." he admitted as he shifted in his seat. "I'm planning on going deeper into the mountain to train." he revealed as he rubbed his jaw. "As I am now, I can't really leave the village and be useful to any cause, so I was hoping I could convince you and Ziulong to accompany myself, Yoshi, and Jian if he agrees."
  22. [10:40] <~Deedles> "I'll come." Satzu replied, almost immediatly "And I'm certain I can convince Ziulong to come along too." he added as he leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs. "Just give me a day to make a scheduel for the rest of my students."
  23. [10:51] <Shen> Shen chuckled at his brother's practicality. "Of course. Thank you." he nodded his head in thanks. "I still need to talk to Jian about it and I need to pay Meilin a quick visit, but the sooner the better."
  24. [10:53] <~Deedles> "Meilin?" Satzu asked as he looked at his younger brother curiously
  25. [10:57] <Shen> She smiled with a nod of confirmation. "I have some things I need to ask her before we leave."
  26. [11:20] <~Deedles> "Alright." He smiled faintly in return "Want me to ask Bourbon to keep an eye on Mingxia while we're gone?" he wondered, before adding "Not that I don't trust father, it's just..." he trailed off as he grimaced slightly.
  27. [11:25] <Shen> "And you really trust Bourbon with her?" Shen laughed softly. "I suppose she'll pick up some bad habits one way or another, so I'd appreciate it." he nodded. "Maybe having her stay here until we return would be a good idea."
  28. [11:32] <~Deedles> "I trust Bourbon to be more gentle with her than I trust our father." Satzu said with a dull chuckle "If she wants to stay here while we're gone then she'll be welcome to. I can't see Bourbon objecting." he paused at that, tapping his lips in thought.
  29. [11:45] <Shen> "I could have a word with father before we leave, hes been a lot more talkative recently." Shen stated quietly as he picked up Satzus voice giving away an unspoken trail of thought. "Whats on your mind?"
  30. [11:48] <~Deedles> "Ah, just wondered if Bourbon had spoke to the Empress. When I got back to the Earth Temple earlier and mentioned that she'd looked glum Bourbon waved a hand at me and told me not to worry about it, since it'd be taken care of." he shrugged "I tried to ask what she meant, but when I did she started messing with the Storm Altar again..." he exhaled deeply as he grumbled.
  31. [11:53] <Shen> Shen laughed at that, shaking his head. "She may of, but shes probably referring to when I spoke to her recently myself." Shen shrugged with a sigh. "She gave me some much needed advice."
  32. [11:54] <~Deedles> Satzu raised a brow at that "Oh? What of?" he asked with an inquisitive look.
  33. [11:55] <Shen> "...Women." Shen stated simply, angling his head slightly to the side with a light bouncing nod.
  34. [11:58] <~Deedles> His older brother looked confused for a moment "... Women?" he repeated before his eyes widened "Wait... you don't mean...?"
  35. [12:01] <Shen> Shen sighed again, much more loudly this time as his eyes closed. "It seems so." he admitted a little awkwardly. "Please try keeping it to yourself."
  36. [12:03] <~Deedles> Satzu went very quiet for a while before he nodded "Don't worry, I won't breathe a word." he promised, blinking a bit as he was still getting over the surprise of that one. "Just... When?" he asked, stuck between not wanting to pry, and being incredibly curious.
  37. [12:04] <Shen> "...When what?" Shen rolled his head back towards his brother, a troublesome look on his face.
  38. [12:06] <~Deedles> "When did that happen? Between you two?" He answered with a raised brow
  39. [12:12] <Shen> Shen shrugged as he ran his hand over his jaw again, the light stubble audibly scratching against his hand. "I'm not sure, it just sort of... happened." he admitted as he thought about it. "I suppose it had been building up for a little while now, but I'd been... avoiding it."
  40. [12:21] <~Deedles> "Ah..." Satzu went quiet as he rubbed the back of his head, thinking it all over before he chuckled. "Now I'm worried about leaving her with Bourbon..."
  41. [12:25] <Shen> Shen chuckled with a nod. "Yeah... You understand my point." he shook his head. "I think only you two know for now, father probably suspects as he usually does. I would really like to keep it that way for as long as possible." he half-pleaded, half-threatened. "It's a very complicated situation."
  42. [12:30] <~Deedles> "Hah! You don't say?" Father Heaven replied sarcastically as he shook his head, before leaning it back against the back of the couch while looking up at the ceiling. He was quiet briefly before he asked. "... Does she know that you want it to keep it secret for now?"
  43. [12:41] <Shen> "Thats what makes it even more complicated..." he trailed off. "I don't want her to feel like it needs to be kept a secret." he let out a sigh as he rubbed his eyes. "I trust her to do what she feels is right, either way, I've made my choice so I'll deal with stuff as it comes." he said as he too leaned his head back.
  44. [12:46] <~Deedles> Satzu nodded slightly "Yeah..." he said, feeling a bit stumped for advice to give as he uttered a sigh. "You sure now how to pick 'em, brother." he muttered with a muted chuckle.
  45. [12:48] <Shen> "Shes worth it, though." he said quietly as he smiled up to the ceiling. "Nothing else matters to me."
  46. [12:50] <~Deedles> A silent smile spread across his older brother's face when he heard Shen say that. "That's what I like to hear. Love... Everything pales in comparison to it." he said, speaking rather softly.
  47. [12:54] <Shen> "Thats why I need to get stronger." he said as he righted his head again. "So it can stay like that." he nodded simply.
  48. [12:55] <~Deedles> Satzu straightened himself, looking across at his brother before he grinned "Well... if that's the case ..." he rubbed his chin "I better make sure to work you hard, eh?"
  49. [12:59] <Shen> "I'd expect nothing less from you." he chuckled as he shifted forward and got to his feet. "I've got no time to half-ass it, so its all or nothing." he chimed, his voice full of determination. "I expect Leewan to be coming with Yoshi also, so there won't be a lack of fuel."
  50. [13:01] <~Deedles> "Heh, only to be expected." Father Heaven chuckled, shaking his head, before he looked at Shen, his expression turning serious "I understand your motives, and I promise, brother, that we won't leave that mountain until you're ready." he stated, his words firm.
  51. [13:06] <Shen> Shen smiled down to his brothers voice as he nodded, once, firmly. "Thank you, Satzu. I'll see myself out, I still have some business to take care of before it gets too late." he noted out loud as he made his way to the doorway of the living room. "I'll see you soon, brother." he calls back to him, but pauses.
  52. [13:06] <Shen> "...and when you get a chance, you should talk to father about the sadness of the house." he mentioned a little reluctantly. "There are some thing that you probably want to hear from him."
  53. [13:08] <~Deedles> Satzu blinked, a bit confused at what Shen was saying, but nodded "I'll ask him." he promised as he began getting to his feet "I'll also make sure to talk to Ziulong, and Bourbon." he added before he smiled faintly "See you later, Shen."
  54. [13:10] <Shen> Shen hung for a few moments before nodding and leaving wordlessly, leaving the house and heading off again.
  55. [13:11] <~Deedles> Satzu felt like there was more to say, but before he did he watched Shen leave, shaking his head as he concluded that there would be more time to talk at a later point.
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