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Nov 26th, 2017
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  1. sign-title: '&8[%theme%Paintball&8]'
  2. command-title: '&lPaintball'
  3. prefix: '&8[&3Paintball&8] '
  4. arena-list-command: '&9Arenas: %arena%'
  5. command-arena-info: Display all Paintball Arena setup commands
  6. command-create-info: Create a new Arena
  7. command-setflag-info: Set Arena flag point
  8. command-delflag-info: Delete Arena flag point
  9. command-setlocation-info: Set Arena location
  10. command-dellocation-info: Delete Arena location
  11. command-setspectate-info: Set Arena spectate location
  12. command-delspectate-info: Delete Arena spectate location
  13. command-remove-info: Remove an arena
  14. command-rename-info: Rename an Arena
  15. command-setmax-info: Set max number of players
  16. command-setmin-info: Set min amount of players
  17. command-setteams-info: Set teams via ChatColors seperated by commas ex. &1,&b,&c
  18. command-steps-info: List steps of an Arena
  19. command-wager-info: Wager money for an Arena.
  20. command-addcoin-info: Give coins to a player.
  21. removed-all-files: Removed all files from folder.
  22. double-coins: Double coins activated for the rest of the game.
  23. command-convert-info: Convert an Arena to a different type
  24. command-disable-info: Disable an Arena
  25. command-enable-info: Enable an Arena
  26. command-info-info: Display Arena information
  27. command-reload-info: Reloads all yml files
  28. command-reset-info: Reset a player's stats
  29. command-start-info: Force start an Arena
  30. command-stop-info: Force stop an Arena
  31. command-admin-info: Display all Paintball Admin commands
  32. command-setholo-info: Creates a leaderboard hologram
  33. command-holo-info: Remove holograms around you
  34. command-kick-info: Kick a player from Paintball
  35. command-join-info: Join an Arena
  36. command-leave-info: Leave an Arena
  37. command-list-info: List of all Arenas
  38. command-spectate-info: Spectate an Arena
  39. command-stats-info: View player's game statistics
  40. command-top-info: View leaderboards.
  41. download-holo: Please download plugin HolographicDisplays to use this feature.
  42. holo-link:
  43. holo-set: Hologram leaderboard set to your location!
  44. in-arena-to-wager: You must be in an arena to wager!
  45. amount-greater-than-0: Amount must be greater than zero!
  46. wager-in-arena: You must be in an arena to wager!
  47. enable-vault: Vault must be enabled for this feature.
  48. vault-not-enough-money: You do not have enough money!
  49. flying-enabled: Flying has been enabled
  50. flying-disabled: Flying has been disabled
  51. invalid-last-location: You do not have a last location.
  52. teleporting-to-last-location: Teleporting to last location...
  53. cannot-use-while-riding: You cannot use an item while riding something.
  54. valid-number: Please enter a valid number
  55. holograms-removed: Removed &7%amount% &aholograms.
  56. no-holograms-removed: No holograms were removed.
  57. no-arenas: No arenas are currently opened.
  58. target-not-in-arena: Target is not in an arena!
  59. not-in-arena: You are not in an arena.
  60. cannot-join: 'Error: arena is not available to join!'
  61. cannot-spectate: 'Error: arena is not available to spectate!'
  62. left-arena: Successfully left arena.
  63. arena-not-setup: '%arena% has not been fully setup.'
  64. arena-disabled: '%arena% is disabled.'
  65. arena-not-in-progress: '%arena% is currently not in progress'
  66. not-found: Target '%player%' was not found.
  67. in-arena: You are already in an arena!
  68. arena-not-found: No arena named %arena% found.
  69. page-real-number: Please specify a real number as the page.
  70. page-bigger: The page cannot be lower than 0
  71. page-find-error: Page %amount%/%max% cannot be found.
  72. arena-create: '%arena% successfully created!/n%steps%'
  73. arena-name-exists: An arena named %arena% already exists!
  74. arena-remove: Arena has been removed.
  75. arena-force-stopped: '%arena% has been force stopped!'
  76. arena-convert-same-type: '%arena% is already a %arena-type% arena.'
  77. arena-convert-success: '%arena% has been converted to %arena-type%'
  78. invalid-arena: '%arena% is an invalid arena.'
  79. invalid-team: '%team% is an invalid team. Choose either <%teams%>'
  80. invalid-stat: '%stat% is an invalid statistic. Choose either %stats%'
  81. invalid-command: Unknown Command! Type /paintball for a list of commands.
  82. internal-error: 'An internal error has occurred: %error%'
  83. no-permission: You don't have access to that command!
  84. no-sign-permission: You don't have access to click that!
  85. no-console-permission: Console does not have access to that command!
  86. not-enough-arguments: Not enough arguments!
  87. too-many-arguments: To many arguments!
  88. no-teams-set: '%arena% does not have any teams set!'
  89. invalid-arena-type: Invalid arena type. Choose either <%arena-types%>
  90. choose-enable-or-disable: '%command% is an invalid choice. Use either enable/disable'
  91. disable-success: '%arena% has been disabled!'
  92. enable-success: '%arena% has been enabled!'
  93. arena-enabled: '%arena% is already enabled.'
  94. arena-is-finished: Game is already finished.
  95. arena-default-action: shot
  96. arena-start-countdown-header: '&aStarting'
  97. arena-start-countdown-footer: '&7%time%&a seconds!'
  98. arena-lobby-countdown-header: '&aWaiting'
  99. arena-lobby-countdown-footer: '&7%time%&a seconds!'
  100. arena-move-error: You are not allowed to move items in your inventory!
  101. core-destroyed: Your Core has been destroyed!
  102. arena-shop-name: '&6Coin Shop'
  103. arena-no-duel-wield: You are not allowed to duel wield!
  104. teleporting: '&aTeleporting into arena...'
  105. arena-flag-drop: '&lThe %secondary%%team%%theme% team has dropped the flag!'
  106. arena-flag-score: '&lThe %secondary%%team%%theme% team has scored a flag!'
  107. arena-flag-steal: '&lPlayer %secondary%%sender%%theme% has stolen %secondary%%team%%theme%''s
  108.   flag!'
  109. arena-join-message: '%team-color%%sender%&a has joined the arena! &7%amount%/%max%'
  110. arena-you-joined: '&aYou have joined the arena!'
  111. arena-joined: '&aJoined arena'
  112. arena-size: '&7%amount%/%max%'
  113. arena-team-change: '&aYou are now on the %team-color%%team% Team!'
  114. arena-cannot-break-blocks: You are not allowed to break blocks while in the arena!
  115. arena-command-disabled: That command is disabled while in the arena.
  116. arena-die-header: '&4&lYou died!'
  117. arena-die-footer: '&7Respawning...'
  118. cannot-attack-own-core: You cannot attack your own Core!
  119. kick-player: '%player% has been kicked from %arena%'
  120. player-not-in-arena: '%player% is not in an arena.'
  121. balancing-teams: '%theme%Balancing Teams'
  122. error-parsing: Error parsing command
  123. space-filled: Sorry, your space has been filled by other player.
  124. places-not-found: Sorry, no places could not be found in this arena.
  125. skull-created: Leaderboard skull successfully created!
  126. valid-4-number: Line 4 must be a valid number.
  127. choose-rank-number: 'Choose a rank number, for example: 3'
  128. now-spectating: Now spectating &7%player%&a!
  129. you-are-now-spectating: '&aYou are now spectating!'
  130. config-reloaded: Successfully reloaded configuration files.
  131. paintkillers-on: Paintkillers have taken effect!
  132. not-find-target: Could not find target.
  133. arena-is-fill: '%arena% is full!'
  134. scoreboard-title: ' %theme%&lPaintball &f%secondary%%time% '
  135. scoreboard-coins: Coins %secondary%» %amount%
  136. scoreboard-kills: Kills %secondary%» %amount%
  137. scoreboard-kill-streak: Streak %secondary%» %amount%
  138. scoreboard-kd: KD %secondary%» %amount%
  139. scoreboard-money: Money %secondary%» %amount%
  140. scoreboard-line: '&8&m                            '
  141. scoreboard-status: Status %secondary%» %amount%
  142. scoreboard-lives: Lives %secondary%» %amount%
  143. scoreboard-mode: Mode %secondary%» %amount%
  144. scoreboard-health: Health %secondary%» %amount%
  145. scoreboard-players: Count %secondary%» %amount%
  146. scoreboard-team: Team %secondary%» %amount%
  147. scoreboard-wager: Wager %secondary%» %amount%
  148. item-leave-arena: '&c&lClick%secondary% » &4Leave Arena'
  149. sign-wrong-syntax: Wrong syntax for creating Paintball sign.
  150. sign-autojoin-created: Auto Join sign successfully created!
  151. sign-join-created: Join sign successfully created!
  152. sign-leave-created: Leave sign successfully created!
  153. sign-spectate-created: Spectate sign successfully created!
  154. sign-leaderboard-removed: Leaderboard sign has been successfully removed!
  155. sign-leave-removed: Leave sign has been successfully removed!
  156. sign-autojoin-removed: Autojoin sign has been successfully removed!
  157. sign-join-removed: '%arena%''s join sign has been successfully removed!'
  158. skull-leaderboard-removed: Leaderboard skull has been successfully removed!
  159. sign-spectate-removed: '%arena%''s spectate sign has been successfully removed!'
  160. sign-leave: '&cLeave'
  161. sign-spectate: '&aSpectate'
  162. arena-start-message: Game started
  163. arena-teams-not-balanced: You cannot change to this team until the teams are balanced.
  164. kill-confirmed: '&e&lKill Confirmed!'
  165. kill-denied: '&c&lKill Denied!'
  166. ctf-short-name: CTF
  167. ctf-long-name: Capture the Flag
  168. ctf-description: Capture other team's flags and bring them to your base
  169. tdm-short-name: TDM
  170. tdm-long-name: Team Deathmatch
  171. tdm-description: Kill players on the other team
  172. ffa-short-name: FFA
  173. ffa-long-name: Free For All
  174. ffa-description: Everyone is on their own team
  175. dom-short-name: DOM
  176. dom-long-name: Domination
  177. dom-description: Secure other team's beacon points
  178. lts-short-name: LTS
  179. lts-long-name: Last Team Standing
  180. lts-description: Limited lives, last team standing wins
  181. rtf-short-name: RTF
  182. rtf-long-name: Rush the Flag
  183. rtf-description: Capture the neutral flag and bring it to your base
  184. dtc-short-name: DTC
  185. dtc-long-name: Destroy the Core
  186. dtc-description: Get to the other team's Core and shoot it to destroy it
  187. kc-short-name: KC
  188. kc-long-name: Kill Confirmed
  189. kc-description: After you kill a player, confirm the kill before the other team does
  190. higest-kill-streak: Highest Killstreak
  191. team-won: The %team% team won!
  192. there-was-a-tie-between: 'There was a tie between '
  193. won: won
  194. lost: lost
  195. you: You
  196. kd: K/D
  197. kills: Kills
  198. deaths: Deaths
  199. accuracy: Accuracy
  200. shots: Shots
  201. hits: Hits
  202. games-played: Games Played
  203. wins: Wins
  204. defeats: Defeats
  205. ties: Ties
  206. flags-captured: Flags Captured
  207. flags-dropped: Flags Dropped
  208. time-played: Time Played
  209. no-space: You do not have enough hotbar space for this item.
  210. arena-join-permission: You do not have permission to join that arena!
  211. top-leaderboard-title: '%secondary%&m          %theme% Paintball Top %secondary%%page%%theme%
  212.   Leaderboard %secondary%&m          '
  213. per-leaderboard-title: '%secondary%&m          %theme% Paintball %stat% Leaderboard
  214.   &7%page%%theme%/&7%max% %secondary%&m          '
  215. top-leaderboard-layout: '%theme%#%rank% %secondary%%stat% » %theme%%sender% %secondary%-
  216.   %amount%'
  217. per-leaderboard-layout: '%theme%#%rank%%secondary% » %theme%%sender% %secondary%-
  218.   %amount%'
  219. you-are-protected: 'You are still protected. Protection: %time% seconds'
  220. they-are-protected: 'That player is protected. Protection: %time% seconds'
  221. hit-player: Hit player! %amount%/%max%
  222. team-full: '&rTeam %team% is full!'
  223. must-be-arena-player: Target must be an arena player!
  224. not-setup: Not Setup
  225. waiting: Waiting
  226. disabled: Disabled
  227. starting: Starting
  228. stopping: Stopping
  229. playing: Playing
  230. removed: Remoaced
  231. expiration-time: '%theme%&lExpiration » %secondary%%time%%theme% seconds'
  232. expiration-end: '%theme%&lExpiration » %secondary%Item %item%%theme% has expired'
  233. protection-end: '%theme%&lProtection » %secondary%Protection has expired'
  234. protection-time: '%theme%&lProtection » %secondary%%time% §3seconds'
  235. team-switch-time: '%theme%&lTeam Switch » %secondary%%time%§3 seconds'
  236. team-switch-end: '%theme%&lTeam Switch » %secondary%Team switching unlocked'
  237. team-switch-error: '%theme%&lTeam Switch » %secondary%Wait for the team switch cooldown
  238.   to end.'
  239. team-switch-title: Team Switcher
  240. gave-coins: You have given &7%amount% &acoins to &7%player%
  241. wager-gain-amount: '%theme%Total money gained from wager: %secondary%%currency%%amount%'
  242. missing-team-flag: §4§lError§7 » §cYou are missing you team's flag!
  243. game-stats: '%theme% Games Stats '
  244. money1: 'Money: '
  245. kills1: 'Kills: '
  246. deaths1: 'Deaths: '
  247. killstreak1: 'Killstreak: '
  248. kd1: 'KD: '
  249. your-team1: 'Your team '
  250. tied1: tied
  251. click: Click
  252. join: Join
  253. teleporter: Teleporter
  254. teleport-to: 'Teleport to '
  255. change-team: Change Team
  256. coin-item-error-1: You don't have permission to use this item!
  257. coin-item-error-2: You don't have enough coins!
  258. coin-item-error-3: You don't have enough money!
  259. lore-description: '%theme%Description: '
  260. lore-lasts: '%theme%Lasts: '
  261. lore-cost: '%theme%Cost: '
  262. lore-coins: '%theme%Coins: '
  263. lore-minutes: minutes
  264. lore-seconds: seconds
  265. storage-not-empty: You must clear your inventory storage contents before joining.
  266. armour-not-empty: You must clear your inventory armour contents before joining.
  267. extra-not-empty: You must clear your inventory extra contents before joining.
  268. max-uses-per-game: §cItem has reached its max amount of uses per game.
  269. max-uses-per-player: §cItem has reached its max amount of uses per player.
  270. reset-flag: §l%player% has reset %team%'s flag!
  271. shot-player-format: '%team-color%%player%%secondary% %action% %died-team-color%%died%'
  272. arena-state-check: '%arena% is %state%.'
  273. stat-title: '%secondary%§m             §r %theme%%player%''s Stats §r %secondary%§m             '
  274. player-wagered: '%player% has wagered %currency%%wager-amount% (%currency%%wager-total%)'
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