
Listen to Smarty

Aug 5th, 2012
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  1. >Be a feral pegasus stallion with orange fluff and a grey mane
  2. >Your momma named you Listen, 'cause she always wanted you to hear monsters coming
  3. >Nobody's called you Listen for months, though
  4. >Now they call you Smarty Friend
  5. >You've been Smarty Friend ever since you drove off the old Smarty Friend, who was actually a Dummy Friend
  6. >Dummy Friend used to make you live in the city with lots of hooman monsters who hurt good fluffies
  7. >When you became Smarty, you left the meanie city and found this wonderful place, free of hoomans and meanie fluffies
  8. >You're currently watching your herd play in an open field of grass surrounded by trees, keeping an ear out for monsters
  9. >The area is perfect for your herd: grass to eat and run through, bushes to hide from monsters, a nearby stream for fresh water; it even has a small cave for your herd to sleep in during the dark time
  10. >You remember how proud your sister Look had been when she found this place
  11. "Wook fin' saf pwace! Hewd hev nummies and wa-was and babbehs hewe! Bwudda so Smarty fo takin fwuffies hewe!"
  12. >Remembering your sister makes you sad, though
  13. >You wish she had seen the birdy monster like Momma wanted
  14. >Out of the corner of your eye you spy a unicorn stallion and a pegasus filly run into a large bush, which begins rustling quite violently
  15. >You stand up and puff your cheeks, you told your herd not to have special hugs anymore!
  16. >The herd is big enough as it is, you don't want anymore mouths to feed
  17. >Your about to go break up the lovebirds when you notice the clouds have changed color
  18. >You stare at the clouds for awhile, you remember that something important happens when the clouds turn dark, but you can't quite recall what
  19. >You wrack your little fluffy brain trying to remember what's so important about angry looking dark clouds, maybe Momma told you something about them?
  20. >Wish you could ask Momma, but she's been having a big sleep ever since the Dummy Friend…
  21. >The final piece to the puzzle slides into place and your little fluffy mind reminds you EXACTLY why dark clouds are important
  22. >You call out to your herd at the top of your lungs
  24. >Your entire herd drops what it's doing and heads for the cave, a few of the more thoughtful fluffies slowing down to help attendant mares push along a couple of heavily pregnant dams
  25. >You are one of the last fluffies into the cave, making sure that no fluffy jams the caves or tramples anyone else
  26. >A quick look outside reveals that one fluffy is still outside, a cyan pegasus mare with a white mane, who is currently chasing a bug
  27. "Fwuffy com hewe! Wain suun! No wan get wet!"
  28. >The mare stops and looks at you, then giggles and starts running in circles
  29. "Smawty siwwy! Nu wain, is sunneh! Ice stiww wan' pway!"
  30. >As if on cue, the sky unleashes a heavy downpour, pelting the field with water
  31. >The fluffy known as Ice begins screaming and bolts towards the safety of the cave, slipping and tumbling several times as dirt underneath becomes slick and muddy
  32. >A damp and dirty Ice finally makes it into the cave, sobbing and begging for huggies and warmth
  33. >The rest of herd begins rushing towards her for hugs, only to stop dead as you start yelling in your toughest, smartest voice
  34. "NU! Nu gib Ice huggies! Ice is bad fwuffy, nu wisten tu Smawty Fwend. Wen Smawty say gu tu cabe, fwuffies du wat Smawty says, not pway ow eat ow hab speshal huggies. Ice nu get huggies 'til she dwy and gud!"
  35. >Ice begins crying louder as the herd backs away from her, every fluffy too worried about being punished if they touch the bad fluffy
  36. >You turn your back on the sobbing mare and the newly forming fluffpile and sit down near the cave entrance, watching the rain fall on to the fields
  37. >You scold yourself for forgetting about the dark clouds and the rain, you were a bad Smarty Friend and almost got entire herd soaked
  38. >Wet fluff makes for cold huggies and that can make fluffies very sick, and that's not even counting the number of fluffies who could have drowned
  39. >You decide to punish yourself by not letting yourself sleep with the rest of the fluffies tonight as you listen to the rain hit the ground
  40. >It's days like this that make you miss your Momma
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