

Apr 12th, 2021 (edited)
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  3. Page 1Notice of proposed change pursuant to the Payment, Clearing, and Settlement Act of 2010Section 806(e)(1) *
  4. Section 806(e)(2) *Security-Based Swap Submission pursuant
  5. to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934Section 3C(b)(2) *Exhibit 2 Sent As Paper Document
  6. Exhibit 3 Sent As Paper Documenthas duly caused this filing to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
  7. 19b-4(f)(6)
  8. 19b-4(f)(5)
  9. Provide a brief description of the action (limit 250 characters, required when Initial is checked *).(Name *)
  10. NOTE: Clicking the button at right will digitally sign and lock
  11. this form. A digital signature is as legally binding as a physical
  12. signature, and once signed, this form cannot be changed.Deputy General Counsel and Managing Director(Title *)04/01/2021
  13. DateProvide the name, telephone number, and e-mail address of the person on the staff of the self-regulatory organization
  14. prepared to respond to questions and comments on the action.Assistant General Counsel and Director
  15. Title *
  16. Contact Information19b-4(f)(4)
  17. 19b-4(f)(2)
  18. 19b-4(f)(3)Extension of Time Period
  19. for Commission Action *
  21. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549
  22. Form 19b-4
  23. Withdrawal
  24. Fax
  25. John
  26. Last Name *
  27. Filing by
  28. Pilot
  29. The Depository Trust Company
  30. 005
  31. - *
  32. 2021Amendment No. (req. for Amendments *)File No.* SR -
  33. Petrofsky
  35. (813) 470-2115
  36. Telephone *
  37. E-mail *
  38. First Name *
  39. SignaturePursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,Section 19(b)(3)(A) *
  40. Section 19(b)(3)(B) *
  41. Initial *
  42. Amendment *
  43. Pursuant to Rule 19b-4 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
  44. Description
  45. Modify the DTC Settlement Service Guide and the Form of DTC Pledgee’s Agreement
  47. Brandon Becker
  48. By
  49. Section 19(b)(2) *19b-4(f)(1)Required fields are shown with yellow backgrounds and asterisks.Page 1 of * 45OMB APPROVAL
  50. OMB Number: 3235-0045
  51. Estimated average burden
  52. hours per response............38RuleDate Expires *Page 2
  53. If the self-regulatory organization is amending only part of the text of a lengthy
  54. proposed rule change, it may, with the Commission's permission, file only those
  55. portions of the text of the proposed rule change in which changes are being made if
  56. the filing (i.e. partial amendment) is clearly understandable on its face. Such partial
  57. amendment shall be clearly identified and marked to show deletions and additions.Partial AmendmentAdd
  58. Remove
  59. ViewThe self-regulatory organization may choose to attach as Exhibit 5 proposed changes
  60. to rule text in place of providing it in Item I and which may otherwise be more easily
  61. readable if provided separately from Form 19b-4. Exhibit 5 shall be considered part
  62. of the proposed rule change.Exhibit 5 - Proposed Rule Text
  64. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549
  65. For complete Form 19b-4 instructions please refer to the EFFS website.Copies of any form, report, or questionnaire that the self-regulatory organization
  66. proposes to use to help implement or operate the proposed rule change, or that is
  67. referred to by the proposed rule change.Exhibit Sent As Paper DocumentExhibit 4 - Marked Copies
  68. Add
  69. Remove
  70. View
  71. Exhibit 3 - Form, Report, or Questionnaire
  72. Add
  73. Remove
  74. View
  75. Exhibit 2 - Notices, Written Comments,
  76. Transcripts, Other Communications
  77. Add
  78. Remove
  79. View
  80. Exhibit 1 - Notice of Proposed Rule Change *
  81. Add
  82. Form 19b-4 Information *
  83. Exhibit 1A- Notice of Proposed Rule
  84. Change, Security-Based Swap Submission,
  85. or Advance Notice by Clearing Agencies *Add
  86. Remove
  87. ViewRemove
  88. Add
  89. RemoveThe full text shall be marked, in any convenient manner, to indicate additions to and
  90. deletions from the immediately preceding filing. The purpose of Exhibit 4 is to permit
  91. the staff to identify immediately the changes made from the text of the rule with which
  92. it has been working.ViewThe self-regulatory organization must provide all required information, presented in a
  93. clear and comprehensible manner, to enable the public to provide meaningful
  94. comment on the proposal and for the Commission to determine whether the proposal
  95. is consistent with the Act and applicable rules and regulations under the Act.ViewExhibit Sent As Paper DocumentThe Notice section of this Form 19b-4 must comply with the guidelines for publication
  96. in the Federal Register as well as any requirements for electronic filing as published
  97. by the Commission (if applicable). The Office of the Federal Register (OFR) offers
  98. guidance on Federal Register publication requirements in the Federal Register
  99. Document Drafting Handbook, October 1998 Revision. For example, all references to
  100. the federal securities laws must include the corresponding cite to the United States
  101. Code in a footnote. All references to SEC rules must include the corresponding cite
  102. to the Code of Federal Regulations in a footnote. All references to Securities
  103. Exchange Act Releases must include the release number, release date, Federal
  104. Register cite, Federal Register date, and corresponding file number (e.g., SR-[SRO]
  105. -xx-xx). A material failure to comply with these guidelines will result in the proposed
  106. rule change being deemed not properly filed. See also Rule 0-3 under the Act (17
  107. CFR 240.0-3)
  108. The Notice section of this Form 19b-4 must comply with the guidelines for publication
  109. in the Federal Register as well as any requirements for electronic filing as published
  110. by the Commission (if applicable). The Office of the Federal Register (OFR) offers
  111. guidance on Federal Register publication requirements in the Federal Register
  112. Document Drafting Handbook, October 1998 Revision. For example, all references to
  113. the federal securities laws must include the corresponding cite to the United States
  114. Code in a footnote. All references to SEC rules must include the corresponding cite
  115. to the Code of Federal Regulations in a footnote. All references to Securities
  116. Exchange Act Releases must include the release number, release date, Federal
  117. Register cite, Federal Register date, and corresponding file number (e.g., SR-[SRO]
  118. -xx-xx). A material failure to comply with these guidelines will result in the proposed
  119. rule change, security-based swap submission, or advance notice being deemed not
  120. properly filed. See also Rule 0-3 under the Act (17 CFR 240.0-3)
  121. Copies of notices, written comments, transcripts, other communications. If such
  122. documents cannot be filed electronically in accordance with Instruction F, they shall be
  123. filed in accordance with Instruction G.Add
  124. Remove
  125. ViewRequired fields are shown with yellow backgrounds and asterisks.Page 3
  126. Page 3 of 45
  127. 1.
  128. Text of the Proposed Rule Change
  129. (a) The proposed rule change1 of The Depository Trust Company (“DTC”) would
  130. modify the DTC Settlement Service Guide (“Settlement Guide”)2 and the form of DTC
  131. Pledgee’s Agreement (“Pledgee’s Agreement”),3 as described below. Specifically, the proposed
  132. rule change would revise text in the Settlement Guide and Pledgee’s Agreement to clarify the
  133. text with respect to the processing of book entries of Pledge-related4 activity at DTC. The1Capitalized terms not defined herein are defined in the Rules, By-Laws and Organization
  134. Certificate of DTC (“Rules”) available at
  135. at The Service Guides
  136. constitute Procedures of DTC. Pursuant to the Rules, the term “Procedures” means the
  137. Procedures, service guides, and regulations of DTC adopted pursuant to Rule 27, as
  138. amended from time to time. See Rule 1, Section 1, infra note 3. DTC’s Procedures are
  139. filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“Commission”). They are binding
  140. on DTC and each Participant in the same manner as they are bound by the Rules. See
  141. Rule 27, infra note 3.3Available at Pursuant to Rule 2,
  142. Section 3, an entity that uses DTC’s pledge services must enter into an agreement with
  143. DTC satisfactory to DTC. See Rule 2, Section 3, supra note 1. In this regard, DTC
  144. requires a Pledgee that is not a Participant to sign a Pledgee’s Agreement. Participants
  145. enter into a Participant’s Agreement which binds them to the Rules and Procedures
  146. (including, but not limited to, those related to pledge activity), and are not required by
  147. DTC to enter into a separate Pledgee’s Agreement. See also Rule 1, Section 1, supra note
  148. 1 (providing terms of the Participant’s Agreement).4Pursuant to Rule 1, The defined term “Pledge” in the Rules means, inter alia, “creating or
  149. providing for a security interest in a Certificated or Uncertificated Security, a Securities
  150. Account or a Securities [sic] Entitlement in accordance with the NYUCC.” See Rule 1,
  151. supra note 1. Pursuant to Rule 1, the term “NYUCC” means the Uniform Commercial
  152. Code of New York, as amended from time to time. See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to
  153. Rule 1, the term “Certificated Security” has the meaning given to the term “certificated
  154. security” in Section 8-102 of the NYUCC. See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to
  155. Section 8-102 of the NYUCC, “certificated security” means a security that is represented
  156. by a certificate. See NYUCC 8-102. Pursuant to Rule 1, the term “Uncertificated
  157. Security” has the meaning given to the term “uncertificated security” in Section 8-102 of
  158. the NYUCC. See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to Section 8-102 of the NYUCC,
  159. “uncertificated security” means a security that is not represented by a certificate.
  160. Pursuant to Rule 1, the term “Securities Account” (1) as used with respect to a Participant
  161. or Pledgee, means an account maintained by DTC for the Participant or Pledgee to which
  162. Securities transactions of the Participant or Pledgee effected through the facilities of DTC
  163. are debited and credited in the manner specified in the Rules and Procedures; and (2) as
  164. used with respect to DTC, means an internal account of DTC to which Securities
  165. transactions are debited and credited to DTC. See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to RulePage 4
  166. Page 4 of 45
  167. proposed revisions would reflect in the text of the Settlement Guide and Pledgee’s Agreement
  168. that Pledged Securities remain credited to a Pledgor’s Account unless the Pledgee makes a
  169. demand for the Pledged Securities, as described below. In this regard, the respective texts of the
  170. Settlement Guide and the Pledgee’s Agreement currently indicate that Pledged Securities are
  171. credited to a Pledgee’s Account. As discussed below, the proposed rule change relates to a
  172. technical aspect of the operational processing of Pledge transactions and would not impact the
  173. rights or obligations of a Participant or Pledgee. The text of the proposed changes to the rules of
  174. DTC are annexed hereto as Exhibit 5.
  175. (b) Not applicable.
  176. (c) Not applicable.
  177. 2.
  178. Procedures of the Clearing Agency
  179. The proposed rule change was approved by a Deputy General Counsel of DTC on April
  180. 1, 2021.
  181. 3.
  182. Clearing Agency’s Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the
  183. Proposed Rule Change
  184. (a) Purpose
  185. The proposed rule change of DTC would modify the Settlement Guide and the form of
  186. Pledgee’s Agreement, as described below. Specifically, the proposed rule change would revise
  187. text in the Settlement Guide and Pledgee’s Agreement to clarify the text with respect to the
  188. processing of book entries of Pledge-related5 activity at DTC. The proposed revisions would
  189. 1, the term “Security Entitlement” has the meaning given to the term “security
  190. entitlement” in Section 8-102 of the NYUCC. The interest of a Participant or Pledgee in
  191. a Security credited to its Account is a Security Entitlement. See id. Pursuant to
  192. Section 8-102 of the NYUCC, “security entitlement” means the rights and property
  193. interest of an entitlement holder with respect to a financial asset specified in Part 5. See
  194. NYUCC §8-102. NYUCC Section 8-501(b) provides that a person acquires a “security
  195. entitlement” when, inter alia, a securities intermediary indicates by book entry that a
  196. financial asset has been credited to the person’s securities account. The absence of the
  197. crediting of a financial asset to an account of a Pledgee and the fact that an account of a
  198. Pledgee is not a securities account under Article 8 mean that the Pledgee has not acquired
  199. a security entitlement under Article 8. See NYUCC § 8-501(b). Pursuant to Section 8-
  200. 102, “entitlement holder” means a person identified in the records of a securities
  201. intermediary as the person having a security entitlement against the securities
  202. intermediary. If a person acquires a security entitlement by virtue of Section 8-501(b)(2)
  203. or (3), that person is the entitlement holder. See NYUCC §8-102.5Pursuant to Rule 1, The defined term “Pledge” in the Rules means, inter alia, “creating or
  204. providing for a security interest in a Certificated or Uncertificated Security, a Securities
  205. Account or a Securities [sic] Entitlement in accordance with the NYUCC.” See Rule 1,
  206. supra note 1. Pursuant to Rule 1, the term “NYUCC” means the Uniform CommercialPage 5
  207. Page 5 of 45
  208. reflect in the text of the Settlement Guide and Pledgee’s Agreement that Pledged Securities
  209. remain credited to a Pledgor’s Account unless the Pledgee makes a demand for the Pledged
  210. Securities, as described below. In this regard, the respective texts of the Settlement Guide and
  211. the Pledgee’s Agreement currently indicate that Pledged Securities are credited to a Pledgee’s
  212. Account. As discussed below, the proposed rule change relates to a technical aspect of the
  213. operational processing of Pledge transactions and would not impact the rights or obligations of a
  214. Participant or Pledgee.
  215. Code of New York, as amended from time to time. See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to
  216. Rule 1, the term “Certificated Security” has the meaning given to the term “certificated
  217. security” in Section 8-102 of the NYUCC. See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to Section
  218. 8-102 of the NYUCC, “certificated security” means a security that is represented by a
  219. certificate. See NYUCC 8-102. Pursuant to Rule 1, the term “Uncertificated Security”
  220. has the meaning given to the term “uncertificated security” in Section 8-102 of the
  221. NYUCC. See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to Section 8-102 of the NYUCC,
  222. “uncertificated security” means a security that is not represented by a certificate.
  223. Pursuant to Rule 1, the term “Securities Account” (1) as used with respect to a Participant
  224. or Pledgee, means an account maintained by DTC for the Participant or Pledgee to which
  225. Securities transactions of the Participant or Pledgee effected through the facilities of DTC
  226. are debited and credited in the manner specified in the Rules and Procedures; and (2) as
  227. used with respect to DTC, means an internal account of DTC to which Securities
  228. transactions are debited and credited to DTC. See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to Rule
  229. 1, the term “Security Entitlement” has the meaning given to the term “security
  230. entitlement” in Section 8-102 of the NYUCC. The interest of a Participant or Pledgee in
  231. a Security credited to its Account is a Security Entitlement. See id. Pursuant to
  232. Section 8-102 of the NYUCC, “security entitlement” means the rights and property
  233. interest of an entitlement holder with respect to a financial asset specified in Part 5. See
  234. NYUCC §8-102. NYUCC Section 8-501(b) provides that a person acquires a “security
  235. entitlement” when, inter alia, a securities intermediary indicates by book entry that a
  236. financial asset has been credited to the person’s securities account. The absence of the
  237. crediting of a financial asset to an account of a Pledgee and the fact that an account of a
  238. Pledgee is not a securities account under Article 8 mean that the Pledgee has not acquired
  239. a security entitlement under Article 8. See NYUCC § 8-501(b). Pursuant to Section 8-
  240. 102, “entitlement holder” means a person identified in the records of a securities
  241. intermediary as the person having a security entitlement against the securities
  242. intermediary. If a person acquires a security entitlement by virtue of Section 8-501(b)(2)
  243. or (3), that person is the entitlement holder. See NYUCC §8-102.Page 6
  244. Page 6 of 45
  245. The following discussion is provided by DTC and includes, but is not limited to, its own
  246. analysis of applicable state law provisions that DTC believes are relevant for purposes of
  247. describing the proposed rule change.
  248. Background.
  249. Eligibility for Pledge Services
  250. The pledge services of DTC are available to banks, trust companies, broker-dealers and
  251. other Persons approved by the DTC, which have entered into an agreement with the DTC
  252. satisfactory to it, for the purpose of effecting a Pledge of Deposited Securities to such banks,
  253. trust companies, broker-dealers and other Persons.6 A Pledgee may but need not be a
  254. Participant. A Pledgee is required by DTC to sign a Pledgee’s Agreement unless it is also a
  255. Participant. Participants are not required to sign a separate Pledgee’s Agreement to use DTC’s
  256. pledge services because the Participant’s Agreement binds the Participant to DTC’s Rule and
  257. Procedures, including those relating to pledge-related activity. Only a Pledgee which is a
  258. Participant may receive a Pledge Versus Payment.7
  259. Book Entry of Pledges and Legal Effect
  260. As indicated above, the definition of a “Security Entitlement” in the DTC Rules
  261. incorporates the definition of such term in Article 8 of the NYUCC and notes that “[t]he interest
  262. of a Participant or Pledgee in a Security credited to its Account is a Security Entitlement.”
  263. However, as more fully discussed below, while the Settlement Guide and the Pledgee’s
  264. Agreement make reference to the movement of Securities to a Pledgee’s Account, from an
  265. operational standpoint, DTC does not in fact credit a Security to an Account of a Pledgee; what
  266. the Pledgee receives is not a Security Entitlement. The Securities remain credited to the
  267. Pledgor’s account until the Pledgee releases the Pledged Securities or makes a demand for the
  268. Pledged Securities, as discussed below. Rather, a notation is placed on the Account of the
  269. Pledgor that the Securities are Pledged to the Pledgee and the Securities remain in pledged status
  270. until the Pledgee instructs otherwise.
  271. As described below, this bookkeeping method does not adversely impact the rights of the
  272. Pledgee in that the Pledgee maintains Control over the Pledged Securities and the Pledged
  273. Securities cannot be used by the Pledgee for any other transaction unless the Pledgee releases the
  274. Securities from the Pledged Status through an instruction to DTC.
  275. DTC’s Description of Pledge
  276. DTC’s Settlement Service Guide states that:6See Rule 2, Section 3, supra note 1.7See id.Page 7
  277. Page 7 of 45
  278. “[w]hen pledging securities to a pledgee, the pledgor’s position is moved from the
  279. pledgor’s general free account to the pledgee’s account which prevents the pledged position from
  280. being used to complete other transactions. Likewise, the release of a pledged position would
  281. move the pledged position back to the pledgor’s general free account where it would then be
  282. available to complete other transactions.”8
  283. Paragraph 2 of DTC’s form of Pledgee’s Agreement provides that:
  284. “[s]o long as Pledgee shall maintain a Depository Trust account, Depository Trust, upon
  285. the pledge to Pledgee of securities held by Depository Trust for the account of any depositor in
  286. Depository Trust, will make appropriate entries on its books transferring the securities from the
  287. account of such depositor to the account of Pledgee and shall maintain such securities in the
  288. account of Pledgee until instructed by Pledgee to release such securities to the account of the
  289. pledgor, to deliver such securities to the order of Pledgee or to transfer such securities on the
  290. books of Depository Trust to the account of a depositor in Depository Trust other than the
  291. pledgor.”
  292. The descriptions of DTC’s pledge arrangements in the (1) Settlement Service Guide, with
  293. respect to the text shown above, and as more fully described below, and (2) form of Pledgee’s
  294. Agreement are imprecise because in practice DTC does not move or transfer the securities from
  295. an account of the Pledgor to an account of the Pledgee, as more fully described below.
  296. The definition of a “Security Entitlement” in the DTC Rules incorporates the definition
  297. of such term in Article 8 of the NYUCC and notes that “[t]he interest of a Participant or Pledgee
  298. in a Security credited to its Account is a Security Entitlement.”
  299. However, since DTC is not in fact crediting a Security to an Account of a Pledgee, what
  300. the Pledgee receives is not a Security Entitlement.
  301. The definition of an “Entitlement Holder” in the DTC Rules incorporates the definition of
  302. such term in Article 8 of the NYUCC (as to which see below) and notes that “[a] Participant or
  303. Pledgee is an Entitlement Holder with respect to a Security credited to its Account”.
  304. However, since DTC is not in fact crediting a Security to an Account of a Pledgee, the
  305. Pledgee is not an Entitlement Holder. However, the Pledgee maintains Control of the Pledged
  306. Securities as more fully described below. A key to a Pledgee exercising its Control is its ability
  307. to instruct DTC an Entitlement Order for the delivery, pledge release or withdrawal of a security.
  308. Entitlement Order
  309. The definition of an “Entitlement Order” in the Rules incorporates the definition of such
  310. term in Article 8 of the NYUCC that “[a]n instruction from a Participant or Pledgee to the
  311. Corporation with respect to a Delivery, Pledge, Release or Withdrawal of a Security credited to a
  312. Securities Account is an Entitlement Order”.8See Settlement Guide, supra note 2 at 3-4.Page 8
  313. Page 8 of 45
  314. Note that the definition of an Entitlement Order does not require that the Security be
  315. credited to a Securities Account of the instructor. The breadth of this definition allows permitted
  316. entities, such as Pledgees, to issue Entitlement Orders to DTC in respect of Securities credited to
  317. Securities Accounts belonging to others.
  318. DTC Rule 9(B)9 provides that:
  319. “[i]f [DTC] receives an instruction from a Pledgee to effect a Delivery or Withdrawal of
  320. Pledged Securities, such instruction shall have the effect of notifying [DTC] that the
  321. Pledgee elects not to Release the Pledged Securities but, rather, to assert its Control over
  322. the Pledged Securities by the transfer of a greater interest in the Pledged Securities to itself
  323. or another Person. [DTC] shall accept such an instruction as a representation that the
  324. Pledgee is acting in accordance with applicable law, rules or regulations, agreements or
  325. any adjudication thereof.”
  326. Under NYUCC Section 8-507(a),10 a securities intermediary satisfies its duty to comply
  327. with an Entitlement Order if it acts with respect to the duty as agreed upon by the entitlement
  328. holder and the securities intermediary. DTC satisfies its duty to comply with an Entitlement Order
  329. if it acts with respect to the duty as agreed upon by the Entitlement Holder and the Securities
  330. Intermediary. In the case of Security Entitlements pledged on the books of DTC, DTC satisfies its
  331. duty to comply with an Entitlement Order by complying with the Entitlement Order of the Pledgee.
  332. Control
  333. Under NYUCC Section 9-106(a),11 “[a] person has control of a certificated security,
  334. uncertificated security, or security entitlement as provided in Section 8-106”.12
  335. Under NYUCC Section 8-106(d), “[a] purchaser has “control” of a security entitlement
  336. if:
  337. (1) the purchaser becomes the entitlement holder;
  338. (2) the securities intermediary has agreed that it will comply with entitlement orders
  339. originated by the purchaser without further consent by the entitlement holder; or
  340. (3) another person has control of the security entitlement on behalf of the purchaser or,
  341. having previously acquired control of the security entitlement, acknowledges that it has control
  342. on behalf of the purchaser.”9See Rule 9(B), supra note 1.10NYUCC § 8-507(a).11See NYUCC § 9-106(a).12NYUCC § 8-106.Page 9
  343. Page 9 of 45
  344. Under NYUCC Section 1-102,13 a purchaser is “a person that takes by purchase” with
  345. “purchase” being defined as “taking by sale, lease, discount, negotiation, mortgage, pledge, lien,
  346. security interest, issue or reissue, gift, or any other voluntary transaction creating an interest in
  347. property”.
  348. NYUCC Section 8-106(f) further provides that “[a] purchaser has “control” under
  349. subsection (c)(2) or (d)(2) even if any duty of the issuer or the securities intermediary to comply
  350. with instructions or entitlement orders originated by the purchaser is subject to any condition or
  351. conditions (other than further consent by the registered owner or the entitlement holder).”
  352. Official Comment 4 to NYUCC Section 8-10614 notes that:
  353. “[s]ubsection (d)(2) provides that a purchaser has control if the securities intermediary
  354. has agreed to act on entitlement orders originated by the purchaser if no further consent by the
  355. entitlement holder is required. Under subsection (d)(2), control may be achieved even though the
  356. original entitlement holder remains as the entitlement holder.”
  357. Example 6 of Official Comment 4 is illustrative:
  358. “Able & Co., a securities dealer, grants Alpha Bank a security interest in a security
  359. entitlement that includes 1000 shares of XYZ Co. stock that Able holds through an account with
  360. Clearing Corporation. Able causes Clearing Corporation to transfer the shares into a pledge
  361. account, pursuant to an agreement under which Able will continue to receive dividends,
  362. distributions, and the like, but Alpha has the right to direct dispositions. As in Example 3, Alpha
  363. has control of the 1000 shares under subsection (d)(2).”
  364. In the case of security entitlements pledged on the books of DTC, because DTC will
  365. comply with the instructions of a Pledgee as provided for in Rule 9(B),15 which is an agreement
  366. between DTC and its Participants and Pledgees, a Pledgee has control of such security
  367. entitlements under NYUCC § 8-106(d)(2) even when the Pledged Securities remain credited to
  368. the account of the Pledgor.
  369. DTC’s pledge arrangements operate pursuant to the DTC Rules and the NYUCC. When
  370. Security Entitlements are pledged to a Pledgee through the facilities of DTC, the Pledgee has a
  371. security interest in such pledged Security Entitlements.16 A Pledgee has “control” under Articles13See NYUCC § 1-102.14See NYUCC § 8-106.15See Rule 9(B), supra note 1.16The interest transferred is, however, only a security interest if the Pledgor and Pledgee
  372. have an agreement outside of DTC that constitutes a security agreement under applicable
  373. law and as to which the other requirements for attachment and enforceability of a security
  374. interest have been satisfied. The agreement is entered into by the parties outside of DTC,Page 10
  375. Page 10 of 45
  376. 8 and 9 of the NYUCC and under the DTC Rules of any Security Entitlements pledged to it
  377. through the facilities of DTC,17 and the Pledgee is empowered to issue Entitlement Orders18 to
  378. DTC to direct the release, delivery or withdrawal of any such pledged Security Entitlements.
  379. Example of a Pledge by a Participant to a Pledgee
  380. When Security Entitlements credited to Participant A’s account at DTC are pledged to
  381. Pledgee B through the facilities of DTC, B has a security interest in such pledged security
  382. entitlements.19
  383. B does not itself have “security entitlements” to the underlying securities and B is not an
  384. “entitlement holder” as such terms are defined in the NYUCC.
  385. However, B as Pledgee would have “control” under Articles 8 and 9 of the NYUCC and
  386. under the Rules of any Security Entitlements pledged to it through the facilities of DTC, and B is
  387. empowered to issue Entitlement Orders to DTC to direct the release, delivery or withdrawal of
  388. any such pledged Security Entitlements.
  389. Proposed Rule Change
  390. Proposed change to text of Settlement Guide
  391. Pursuant to the proposed rule change, DTC would revise the text of the Settlement Guide
  392. to reflect that Pledged Securities do not move to an Account of the Pledgee. As discussed above,
  393. the movement of the securities is not required to effect a Pledge and does not impact the rights of
  394. Pledgor or Pledgee under the Rules or the NYUCC. Rather a Pledged Securities continues
  395. and DTC does not have knowledge or information on the existence of such an agreement
  396. between the parties.17The definition of “Control” in the Rules incorporates the definition of such term in
  397. Article 8 of the NYUCC and notes that “[a] Pledgee has Control of Pledged Securities
  398. until they are Delivered, Released or Withdrawn by the Pledgee.” See Rule 1, Section 1,
  399. supra note 1.18The definition of an “Entitlement Order” in the Rules incorporates the definition of such
  400. term in Section 8-102 of the NYUCC and notes that “[a]n instruction from a Participant
  401. or Pledgee to the Corporation with respect to a Delivery, Pledge, Release or Withdrawal
  402. of a Security credited to a Securities Account is an Entitlement Order”. As noted above,
  403. Pursuant to Section 8-102, “entitlement order” means a notification communicated to
  404. a securities intermediary directing transfer or redemption of a financial asset to which
  405. the entitlement holder has a security entitlement. See NYUCC 8-102.19As mentioned above, the interest transferred is, however, only a security interest if A and
  406. B have an agreement outside of DTC that constitutes a security agreement under applicable
  407. law and as to which the other requirements for attachment and enforceability of a security
  408. interest have been satisfied.Page 11
  409. Page 11 of 45
  410. credited to the pledgor’s account, however with a system notation showing the status of the
  411. position as pledged by the pledgor to the pledgee. This status systemically prevents the pledged
  412. position from being used to complete other transactions, which is consistent with the Pledgees
  413. Control over the Pledge Securities, as discussed above. Likewise, the release of a pledged
  414. position results in the removal of notation of the pledge status of the position and the position
  415. would become available to the pledgor to complete other transactions.
  416. The changes to the Settlement Guide text are technical in nature, and while enhancing
  417. clarity with respect to the book entries performed by DTC as they relate to pledge activity, the
  418. change would not impact the rights or obligations of Participants and Pledgees. In this regard,
  419. the applicable sections of the Settlement Guide would be revised to (1) clarify the text with
  420. respect operational aspect of book entries of pledges, as discussed above, and (2) make changes
  421. to text for readability necessary in the context of the proposed clarification, as follows (bold,
  422. underlined text indicates additions; bold strike-through text indicates deletions):
  423. (a) Text included in Item 3 (Collateral Loans) set forth under the heading “Settlement
  424. Transactions”20 would be revised as follows:
  425. “[w]hen pledging securities to a pledgee, the pledgor’s position is moved from the
  426. pledgor’s general free account to the pledgee’s account continues to be credited
  427. to the pledgor’s account, however with a system notation showing the status of
  428. the position as pledged by the pledgor to the pledgee. This status systemically
  429. which prevents the pledged position from being used to complete other transactions.
  430. Likewise, the release of a pledged position would move the pledged position back
  431. to the results in the removal of notation of the pledge status of the position and
  432. the position would become pledgor’s general free account where it would then be
  433. available to the pledgor to complete other transactions.”
  434. (b) Text included under the heading “About the Product” that appears under the heading
  435. “Collateral Loan Program”21 would be revised as follows:
  436. “The Collateral Loan Program allows you to pledge securities from held in your
  437. general free account as collateral for a loan or for other purposes (such as Letters of
  438. Credit) to a pledgee participating in the program. You can also request the pledgee to
  439. release pledge securities back to your general free account. These pledges and
  440. releases can be free (when money proceeds are handled outside DTC) or valued
  441. (when money proceeds are applied as debits and credits to the pledgee’s and
  442. pledgor’s money settlement accounts). A Pledgee may, but need not be, a Participant.
  443. Only a Pledgee which is a Participant may receive valued pledges.”20See Settlement Guide, supra note 2 at 3-4.21See Settlement Guide, supra note 2 at 8-9.Page 12
  444. Page 12 of 45
  445. (c) Text included under the heading “Pledges to the Options Clearing Corporation”22
  446. would be revised as follows:
  447. “A Participant writing an option on any options exchange may fully collateralize that
  448. option by pledging the underlying securities by book-entry through DTC to the
  449. Options Clearing Corporation (OCC). If the option is called (exercised), the securities
  450. may be released and delivered to the holder of the call. If the option contract is not
  451. exercised, OCC validates a release of the pledged securities, which are then
  452. returned to the Participant’s general free account.”
  453. (d) Text included under the heading “Release of Deposits with Options Clearing
  454. Corporation on Expired Options” would be revised as follows:
  455. OCC automatically releases securities deposited with it to cover margin requirements
  456. on an option contract when the option contract expires. The securities are then
  457. allocated to your general free account. Notification of the released securities is
  458. received via the Collateral Loan Services functionality in the Settlement User
  459. Interface or automated output.
  460. (e) Text included under the heading “Shared Control Accounts”23 would be revised as
  461. follows: In addition to changes made for the purposes described in (x) and (y) above,
  462. DTC would also delete text shown below that states” “Pledgee account continue to be
  463. available at DTC.” This sentence was added to the text when Shared control account
  464. arrangements were added to the Procedures24 to clarify that the existing pledge
  465. services would continue to be offered. As both the original pledge program and the
  466. Shared control account process are both established programs, DTC believes the
  467. sentence is no longer necessary:
  468. About the Product
  469. Shared control accounts are available as an alternative to “agreement to pledge”
  470. arrangements.
  471. Background
  472. When a Participant pledges securities to the pledgee account of a pledgee at DTC
  473. (sometimes called a “hard pledge”), the securities are under the sole control of the
  474. pledgee. Only the pledgee can redeliver or release the securities. Pledgee accounts
  475. continue to be available at DTC.22See Settlement Guide, supra note 2 at 10.23See Settlement Guide, supra note 2 at 15-16.24See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 40191 (July 10, 1998), 63 FR 38444 (July 16,
  476. 1998) (SR-DTC-98-5).Page 13
  477. Page 13 of 45
  478. Shared control accounts are available at DTC as an alternative to agreement to pledge
  479. (sometimes called “agreement to deliver”) arrangements. A pledgee has control over
  480. securities delivered by a Participant to the Participant’s shared control account at
  481. DTC since the pledge has the ability to redeliver the securities without further consent
  482. by the Participant. Until the pledgee redelivers the securities, the Participant has the
  483. flexibility to redeliver or make substitutions for the securities without obtaining the
  484. pledgee’s release of the securities.
  485. Shared controls are separately identified in DTC’s Reference Directory. Participants
  486. interested in establishing a shared control account should contact their Relationship
  487. Manager.
  488. Procedures for DTC Shared Control Accounts
  489. The following procedures are an addition to DTC’s Procedures for Pledgees.
  490. 1. Any Participant may establish a shared control account at DTC and may
  491. designate any DTC pledgee to be the pledgee for that shared control account.
  492. A Participant may deliver securities (or other financial assets) by a free pledge
  493. from any of its DTC accounts (the “original account”) to its shared control
  494. account in order to grant a security interest or other interest in the securities to
  495. the pledgee. The shared control account is an account of the Participant and is
  496. identified with a separate account number from any other account of the
  497. Participant. A Participant may establish multiple shared control accounts, but
  498. only one pledge can be designated for each shared control account.
  499. 2. Except as modified by these procedures, the operation of a shared control
  500. account is identical to the operation of a DTC pledge account and all DTC
  501. procedures applicable to pledges accounts are applicable to shared control
  502. accounts. No deliveries vs. payment, pledges vs. payment, or physical
  503. deposits can be made to a shared control account and no deliveries vs.
  504. payment, pledges vs. payment, or physical withdrawals can be made from a
  505. shared control account. A Participant should not deliver securities to another
  506. Participant’s shared control account. In the instructions for a delivery of
  507. securities to a shared control account, the mandatory hypothecation code field
  508. should be completed in the same manner as it is for a pledge made without
  509. the use of a shared control delivery to a pledge account. The DTC fees and
  510. charges for a transaction involving a shared control account are the same as
  511. the fees and charges for a pledge transaction that does not involving involve
  512. a pledge account. The DTC monthly account usage charges applicable to a
  513. shared control account are charged to the Participant. The DTC reports and
  514. statements to the Participant and the pledge for a transaction involving a
  515. shared control account are the same as the reports and statements for a
  516. transaction involving a pledge that does not involve a shared control
  517. account.Page 14
  518. Page 14 of 45
  519. 3. As with a pledge account, voting Voting rights on the securities credited to a
  520. shared control account are assigned to the Participant. Cash dividend and
  521. interest payments and other cash distributions on such securities are credited
  522. to the original account. Distribution of securities for which the ex-distribution
  523. date is on or prior to the payable date or in which the distribution is payable in
  524. a different security are also credited to the original account. Any stock splits
  525. or other distributions of the same securities for which the ex-distribution date
  526. is after the payable date are credited to the shared control account.
  527. 4. The securities credited to a shared control account cannot be designated as or
  528. included in the collateral for any obligation of the Participant or the pledgee to
  529. DTC. DTC has no lien or other interest in any securities credited to a shared
  530. control account”
  531. Proposed change to text of the Pledgee’s Agreement
  532. Pursuant to the proposed rule change, DTC would revise the text of the Pledgee’s
  533. Agreement to reflect that Pledged Securities do not move to a pledgee account. The change is
  534. technical in nature and while enhancing clarity with respect to the book entries performed by
  535. DTC as they relate to pledge activity, the change would not impact the rights or obligations of
  536. Participants and Pledgees pursuant to the Rules, Service Guide and/or the Pledgee’s Agreement.
  537. In this regard, the applicable text of the Pledgee’s Agreement would be revised as follows (bold,
  538. underlined text indicates additions; bold strike-through text indicates deletions):
  539. “[s]o long as Pledgee shall maintain a Depository Trust account, Depository Trust,
  540. upon the pledge to Pledgee of securities held by Depository Trust for the account of
  541. any depositor in Depository Trust, will make appropriate entries on its books to
  542. indicate the pledge of transferring the securities from the account of such
  543. depositor to the account of Pledgee and shall maintain such securities in the account
  544. of with a notation that the securities are pledged by the depositor to the Pledgee
  545. until instructed by Pledgee to release such securities to the account of the pledgor, to
  546. deliver such securities to the order of Pledgee or to transfer such securities on the
  547. books of Depository Trust to the account of a depositor in Depository Trust other than
  548. the pledgor.”
  549. Effective Date
  550. The proposed rule change would become effective upon filing.
  551. (b) Statutory Basis
  552. Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Act”),25 requires that the
  553. rules of the clearing agency be designed, inter alia, to promote the prompt and accurate clearance
  554. and settlement of securities transactions. DTC believes that the proposed rule change is2515 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).Page 15
  555. Page 15 of 45
  556. consistent with this provision of the Act. DTC believes that the proposed rule change is
  557. consistent with this provision of the Act for the reasons described below.
  558. As described above, the proposed rule change would allow Participants and Pledgees to
  559. more readily understand the Rules and Procedures relating to the processing of book entries of
  560. Pledges at DTC by (1) clarifying text to more accurately reflect the operational process of how
  561. book entries of pledges are entered on DTC’s system, and (2) making changes to text for
  562. readability necessary in the context of the proposed clarification. By clarifying the Rules to
  563. facilitate Participants ability to understand the operational processes relating to pledge services,
  564. DTC believes that the proposed changes would facilitate Participants’ and Pledgees’ ability to
  565. process pledge transactions and related understand DTC system functionality designed to
  566. accommodate key aspects of the pledge process, including the ability of the Pledgee to release
  567. Pledged Securities or make a demand for collateral relating to the Pledged Securities, as
  568. described above. Therefore, by facilitating the ability of Participants to understand the related
  569. Rules and pledge functionality, DTC believes the proposed rule change would promote the
  570. prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions, consistent with Section
  571. 17(A)(b)(3)(f) of the Act.26
  572. 4.
  573. Clearing Agency’s Statement on Burden on Competition
  574. DTC does not believe that the proposed rule change would have any impact on
  575. competition because it would merely make technical clarifying changes and changes for
  576. enhanced readability to the text of the Settlement Service Guide and the Pledgee’s Agreement
  577. that do not otherwise affect Participants’ and Pledgee’s rights or obligations.
  578. 5.
  579. Clearing Agency’s Statement on Comments on the Proposed Rule Change Received
  580. from Members, Participants, or Others
  581. Written comments relating to this proposed rule change have not been solicited or
  582. received. DTC will notify the Commission of any written comments received by DTC.
  583. 6.
  584. Extension of Time Period for Commission Action
  585. Not applicable.
  586. 7.
  587. Basis for Summary Effectiveness Pursuant to Section 19(b)(3) or for Accelerated
  588. Effectiveness Pursuant to Section 19(b)(2)
  589. (a) The proposed rule change is to take effect immediately upon filing pursuant to
  590. Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Act27 and subparagraph (f)(4)(i) of Rule 19b-4 under the Act.2826Id.2715 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A).2817 CFR 240.19b-4(f)(4)(i).Page 16
  591. Page 16 of 45
  592. (b) In accordance with subparagraph (f)(4)(i) of Rule 19b-4 under the Act,29 the
  593. proposed rule change effects a change in an existing DTC service that (A) does not adversely
  594. affect the safeguarding of securities or funds in the custody or control of DTC or for which it is
  595. responsible, and (B) does not significantly affect the respective rights or obligations of DTC or
  596. persons using the service. The proposed rule change would clarify text in the Settlement Guide
  597. and Pledgee’s Agreement without impacting the respective rights or obligations of DTC or
  598. persons using DTC’s services, because the changes are technical in nature.
  599. (c) Not applicable.
  600. (d) Not applicable.
  601. 8.
  602. Proposed Rule Change Based on Rules of Another Self-Regulatory Organization or
  603. of the Commission
  604. Not applicable.
  605. 9.
  606. Security-Based Swap Submissions Filed Pursuant to Section 3C of the Act
  607. Not applicable.
  608. 10. Advance Notice Filed Pursuant to Section 806(e) of the Payment, Clearing and
  609. Settlement Supervision Act of 2010
  610. Not applicable.
  611. 11. Exhibits
  612. Exhibit 1 – Not applicable.
  613. Exhibit 1A – Notice of proposed rule change for publication in the Federal Register.
  614. Exhibit 2 – Not applicable.
  615. Exhibit 3 – Not applicable.
  616. Exhibit 4 – Not applicable.
  617. Exhibit 5 – Proposed changes to the Settlement Guide and Pledgee’s Agreement.29Id.Page 17
  618. Page 17 of 45
  619. EXHIBIT 1A
  621. (Release No. 34-[_________]; File No. SR-DTC-2021-005)
  622. [DATE]
  623. Self-Regulatory Organizations; The Depository Trust Company; Notice of Filing of and
  624. Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change to Modify the DTC Settlement
  625. Service Guide and the Form of DTC Pledgee’s Agreement
  626. Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Act”)1 and
  627. Rule 19b-4 thereunder,2 notice is hereby given that on April __, 2021, The Depository
  628. Trust Company (“DTC”)] filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
  629. (“Commission”) the proposed rule change as described in Items I, II and III below, which
  630. Items have been prepared by the clearing agency. DTC filed the proposed rule change
  631. pursuant to Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Act3 and Rule 19b-4(f)(4) thereunder.4 The
  632. Commission is publishing this notice to solicit comments on the proposed rule change
  633. from interested persons.
  634. I.
  635. Clearing Agency’s Statement of the Terms of Substance of the Proposed Rule
  636. Change
  637. The proposed rule change consists would modify the DTC Settlement Service
  638. Guide (“Settlement Guide”)5 and the form of DTC Pledgee’s Agreement (“Pledgee’s115 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).217 CFR 240.19b-4.315 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A).417 CFR 240.19b-4(f)(4).5Available at The Service
  639. Guides constitute Procedures of DTC. Pursuant to the Rules, the term
  640. “Procedures” means the Procedures, service guides, and regulations of DTC
  641. adopted pursuant to Rule 27, as amended from time to time. See Rule 1, Section
  642. 1, infra note 3. DTC’s Procedures are filed with the Securities and ExchangePage 18
  643. Page 18 of 45
  644. Agreement”),6 as described below. Specifically, the proposed rule change would revise
  645. text in the Settlement Guide and Pledgee’s Agreement to clarify the text with respect to
  646. the processing of book entries of Pledge-related7 activity at DTC. The proposed
  647. Commission (“Commission”). They are binding on DTC and each Participant in
  648. the same manner as they are bound by the Rules. See Rule 27, infra note 3.6Available at Pursuant to Rule
  649. 2, Section 3, an entity that uses DTC’s pledge services must enter into an
  650. agreement with DTC satisfactory to DTC. See Rule 2, Section 3, supra note 1. In
  651. this regard, DTC requires a Pledgee that is not a Participant to sign a Pledgee’s
  652. Agreement. Participants enter into a Participant’s Agreement which binds them
  653. to the Rules and Procedures (including, but not limited to, those related to pledge
  654. activity), and are not required by DTC to enter into a separate Pledgee’s
  655. Agreement. See also Rule 1, Section 1, supra note 1 (providing terms of the
  656. Participant’s Agreement).7Pursuant to Rule 1, The defined term “Pledge” in the Rules means, inter alia,
  657. “creating or providing for a security interest in a Certificated or Uncertificated
  658. Security, a Securities Account or a Securities [sic] Entitlement in accordance with
  659. the NYUCC.” See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to Rule 1, the term “NYUCC”
  660. means the Uniform Commercial Code of New York, as amended from time to
  661. time. See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to Rule 1, the term “Certificated
  662. Security” has the meaning given to the term “certificated security” in Section 8-
  663. 102 of the NYUCC. See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to Section 8-102 of the
  664. NYUCC, “certificated security” means a security that is represented by a
  665. certificate. See NYUCC 8-102. Pursuant to Rule 1, the term “Uncertificated
  666. Security” has the meaning given to the term “uncertificated security” in Section 8-
  667. 102 of the NYUCC. See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to Section 8-102 of the
  668. NYUCC, “uncertificated security” means a security that is not represented by a
  669. certificate. Pursuant to Rule 1, the term “Securities Account” (1) as used with
  670. respect to a Participant or Pledgee, means an account maintained by DTC for the
  671. Participant or Pledgee to which Securities transactions of the Participant or
  672. Pledgee effected through the facilities of DTC are debited and credited in the
  673. manner specified in the Rules and Procedures; and (2) as used with respect to
  674. DTC, means an internal account of DTC to which Securities transactions are
  675. debited and credited to DTC. See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to Rule 1, the
  676. term “Security Entitlement” has the meaning given to the term “security
  677. entitlement” in Section 8-102 of the NYUCC. The interest of a Participant or
  678. Pledgee in a Security credited to its Account is a Security Entitlement. See id.
  679. Pursuant to Section 8-102 of the NYUCC, “security entitlement” means the rights
  680. and property interest of an entitlement holder with respect to a financial
  681. asset specified in Part 5. See NYUCC §8-102. NYUCC Section 8-501(b)
  682. provides that a person acquires a “security entitlement” when, inter alia, aPage 19
  683. Page 19 of 45
  684. revisions would reflect in the text of the Settlement Guide and Pledgee’s Agreement that
  685. Pledged Securities remain credited to a Pledgor’s Account unless the Pledgee makes a
  686. demand for the Pledged Securities, as described below. In this regard, the respective
  687. texts of the Settlement Guide and the Pledgee’s Agreement currently indicate that
  688. Pledged Securities are credited to a Pledgee’s Account. As discussed below, the
  689. proposed rule change relates to a technical aspect of the operational processing of Pledge
  690. transactions and would not impact the rights or obligations of a Participant or Pledgee.
  691. The text of the proposed changes to the rules of DTC are annexed hereto as Exhibit 5, as
  692. described in greater detail below.8
  693. II. Clearing Agency’s Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the
  694. Proposed Rule Change
  695. In its filing with the Commission, the clearing agency included statements
  696. concerning the purpose of and basis for the proposed rule change and discussed any
  697. comments it received on the proposed rule change. The text of these statements may be
  698. examined at the places specified in Item IV below. The clearing agency has prepared
  699. securities intermediary indicates by book entry that a financial asset has been
  700. credited to the person’s securities account. The absence of the crediting of a
  701. financial asset to an account of a Pledgee and the fact that an account of a Pledgee
  702. is not a securities account under Article 8 mean that the Pledgee has not acquired
  703. a security entitlement under Article 8. See NYUCC § 8-501(b). Pursuant to
  704. Section 8-102, “entitlement holder” means a person identified in the records of a
  705. securities intermediary as the person having a security entitlement against the
  706. securities intermediary. If a person acquires a security entitlement by virtue of
  707. Section 8-501(b)(2) or (3), that person is the entitlement holder. See NYUCC §8-
  708. 102.8Capitalized terms not defined herein are defined in the Rules, By-Laws and
  709. Organization Certificate of DTC (“Rules”) available at
  710. 20
  711. Page 20 of 45
  712. summaries, set forth in sections A, B, and C below, of the most significant aspects of
  713. such statements.
  714. (A) Clearing Agency’s Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for,
  715. the Proposed Rule Change
  716. 1. Purpose
  717. The proposed rule change of DTC would modify the Settlement Guide and the form
  718. of Pledgee’s Agreement, as described below. Specifically, the proposed rule change would
  719. revise text in the Settlement Guide and Pledgee’s Agreement to clarify the text with respect
  720. to the processing of book entries of Pledge-related9 activity at DTC. The proposed9Pursuant to Rule 1, The defined term “Pledge” in the Rules means, inter alia,
  721. “creating or providing for a security interest in a Certificated or Uncertificated
  722. Security, a Securities Account or a Securities [sic] Entitlement in accordance with
  723. the NYUCC.” See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to Rule 1, the term “NYUCC”
  724. means the Uniform Commercial Code of New York, as amended from time to
  725. time. See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to Rule 1, the term “Certificated
  726. Security” has the meaning given to the term “certificated security” in Section 8-
  727. 102 of the NYUCC. See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to Section 8-102 of the
  728. NYUCC, “certificated security” means a security that is represented by a
  729. certificate. See NYUCC 8-102. Pursuant to Rule 1, the term “Uncertificated
  730. Security” has the meaning given to the term “uncertificated security” in Section 8-
  731. 102 of the NYUCC. See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to Section 8-102 of the
  732. NYUCC, “uncertificated security” means a security that is not represented by a
  733. certificate. Pursuant to Rule 1, the term “Securities Account” (1) as used with
  734. respect to a Participant or Pledgee, means an account maintained by DTC for the
  735. Participant or Pledgee to which Securities transactions of the Participant or
  736. Pledgee effected through the facilities of DTC are debited and credited in the
  737. manner specified in the Rules and Procedures; and (2) as used with respect to
  738. DTC, means an internal account of DTC to which Securities transactions are
  739. debited and credited to DTC. See Rule 1, supra note 1. Pursuant to Rule 1, the
  740. term “Security Entitlement” has the meaning given to the term “security
  741. entitlement” in Section 8-102 of the NYUCC. The interest of a Participant or
  742. Pledgee in a Security credited to its Account is a Security Entitlement. See id.
  743. Pursuant to Section 8-102 of the NYUCC, “security entitlement” means the rights
  744. and property interest of an entitlement holder with respect to a financial
  745. asset specified in Part 5. See NYUCC §8-102. NYUCC Section 8-501(b)
  746. provides that a person acquires a “security entitlement” when, inter alia, a
  747. securities intermediary indicates by book entry that a financial asset has been
  748. credited to the person’s securities account. The absence of the crediting of aPage 21
  749. Page 21 of 45
  750. revisions would reflect in the text of the Settlement Guide and Pledgee’s Agreement that
  751. Pledged Securities remain credited to a Pledgor’s Account unless the Pledgee makes a
  752. demand for the Pledged Securities, as described below. In this regard, the respective texts
  753. of the Settlement Guide and the Pledgee’s Agreement currently indicate that Pledged
  754. Securities are credited to a Pledgee’s Account. As discussed below, the proposed rule
  755. change relates to a technical aspect of the operational processing of Pledge transactions
  756. and would not impact the rights or obligations of a Participant or Pledgee.
  757. The following discussion is provided by DTC and includes, but is not limited to, its
  758. own analysis of applicable state law provisions that DTC believes are relevant for purposes
  759. of describing the proposed rule change.
  760. Background.
  761. Eligibility for Pledge Services
  762. The pledge services of DTC are available to banks, trust companies, broker-dealers
  763. and other Persons approved by the DTC, which have entered into an agreement with the
  764. DTC satisfactory to it, for the purpose of effecting a Pledge of Deposited Securities to such
  765. financial asset to an account of a Pledgee and the fact that an account of a Pledgee
  766. is not a securities account under Article 8 mean that the Pledgee has not acquired
  767. a security entitlement under Article 8. See NYUCC § 8-501(b). Pursuant to
  768. Section 8-102, “entitlement holder” means a person identified in the records of a
  769. securities intermediary as the person having a security entitlement against the
  770. securities intermediary. If a person acquires a security entitlement by virtue of
  771. Section 8-501(b)(2) or (3), that person is the entitlement holder. See NYUCC §8-
  772. 102.Page 22
  773. Page 22 of 45
  774. banks, trust companies, broker-dealers and other Persons.10 A Pledgee may but need not
  775. be a Participant. A Pledgee is required by DTC to sign a Pledgee’s Agreement unless it is
  776. also a Participant. Participants are not required to sign a separate Pledgee’s Agreement to
  777. use DTC’s pledge services because the Participant’s Agreement binds the Participant to
  778. DTC’s Rule and Procedures, including those relating to pledge-related activity. Only a
  779. Pledgee which is a Participant may receive a Pledge Versus Payment.11
  780. Book Entry of Pledges and Legal Effect
  781. As indicated above, the definition of a “Security Entitlement” in the DTC Rules
  782. incorporates the definition of such term in Article 8 of the NYUCC and notes that “[t]he
  783. interest of a Participant or Pledgee in a Security credited to its Account is a Security
  784. Entitlement.”
  785. However, as more fully discussed below, while the Settlement Guide and the
  786. Pledgee’s Agreement make reference to the movement of Securities to a Pledgee’s
  787. Account, from an operational standpoint, DTC does not in fact credit a Security to an
  788. Account of a Pledgee; what the Pledgee receives is not a Security Entitlement. The
  789. Securities remain credited to the Pledgor’s account until the Pledgee releases the Pledged
  790. Securities or makes a demand for the Pledged Securities, as discussed below. Rather, a
  791. notation is placed on the Account of the Pledgor that the Securities are Pledged to the
  792. Pledgee and the Securities remain in pledged status until the Pledgee instructs otherwise.
  793. As described below, this bookkeeping method does not adversely impact the rights
  794. of the Pledgee in that the Pledgee maintains Control over the Pledged Securities and the10See Rule 2, Section 3, supra note 1.11See id.Page 23
  795. Page 23 of 45
  796. Pledged Securities cannot be used by the Pledgee for any other transaction unless the
  797. Pledgee releases the Securities from the Pledged Status through an instruction to DTC.
  798. DTC’s Description of Pledge
  799. DTC’s Settlement Service Guide states that:
  800. “[w]hen pledging securities to a pledgee, the pledgor’s position is moved from the
  801. pledgor’s general free account to the pledgee’s account which prevents the pledged
  802. position from being used to complete other transactions. Likewise, the release of a pledged
  803. position would move the pledged position back to the pledgor’s general free account where
  804. it would then be available to complete other transactions.”12
  805. Paragraph 2 of DTC’s form of Pledgee’s Agreement provides that:
  806. “[s]o long as Pledgee shall maintain a Depository Trust account, Depository Trust,
  807. upon the pledge to Pledgee of securities held by Depository Trust for the account of any
  808. depositor in Depository Trust, will make appropriate entries on its books transferring the
  809. securities from the account of such depositor to the account of Pledgee and shall maintain
  810. such securities in the account of Pledgee until instructed by Pledgee to release such
  811. securities to the account of the pledgor, to deliver such securities to the order of Pledgee or
  812. to transfer such securities on the books of Depository Trust to the account of a depositor in
  813. Depository Trust other than the pledgor.”
  814. The descriptions of DTC’s pledge arrangements in the (1) Settlement Service
  815. Guide, with respect to the text shown above, and as more fully described below, and (2)
  816. form of Pledgee’s Agreement are imprecise because in practice DTC does not move or12See Settlement Guide, supra note 2 at 3-4.Page 24
  817. Page 24 of 45
  818. transfer the securities from an account of the Pledgor to an account of the Pledgee, as more
  819. fully described below.
  820. The definition of a “Security Entitlement” in the DTC Rules incorporates the
  821. definition of such term in Article 8 of the NYUCC and notes that “[t]he interest of a
  822. Participant or Pledgee in a Security credited to its Account is a Security Entitlement.”
  823. However, since DTC is not in fact crediting a Security to an Account of a Pledgee,
  824. what the Pledgee receives is not a Security Entitlement.
  825. The definition of an “Entitlement Holder” in the DTC Rules incorporates the
  826. definition of such term in Article 8 of the NYUCC (as to which see below) and notes that
  827. “[a] Participant or Pledgee is an Entitlement Holder with respect to a Security credited to
  828. its Account”.
  829. However, since DTC is not in fact crediting a Security to an Account of a Pledgee,
  830. the Pledgee is not an Entitlement Holder. However, the Pledgee maintains Control of the
  831. Pledged Securities as more fully described below. A key to a Pledgee exercising its Control
  832. is its ability to instruct DTC an Entitlement Order for the delivery, pledge release or
  833. withdrawal of a security.
  834. Entitlement Order
  835. The definition of an “Entitlement Order” in the Rules incorporates the definition of
  836. such term in Article 8 of the NYUCC that “[a]n instruction from a Participant or Pledgee
  837. to the Corporation with respect to a Delivery, Pledge, Release or Withdrawal of a Security
  838. credited to a Securities Account is an Entitlement Order”.
  839. Note that the definition of an Entitlement Order does not require that the Security
  840. be credited to a Securities Account of the instructor. The breadth of this definition allowsPage 25
  841. Page 25 of 45
  842. permitted entities, such as Pledgees, to issue Entitlement Orders to DTC in respect of
  843. Securities credited to Securities Accounts belonging to others.
  844. DTC Rule 9(B)13 provides that:
  845. “[i]f [DTC] receives an instruction from a Pledgee to effect a Delivery or
  846. Withdrawal of Pledged Securities, such instruction shall have the effect of notifying
  847. [DTC] that the Pledgee elects not to Release the Pledged Securities but, rather, to
  848. assert its Control over the Pledged Securities by the transfer of a greater interest in
  849. the Pledged Securities to itself or another Person. [DTC] shall accept such an
  850. instruction as a representation that the Pledgee is acting in accordance with
  851. applicable law, rules or regulations, agreements or any adjudication thereof.”
  852. Under NYUCC Section 8-507(a),14 a securities intermediary satisfies its duty to
  853. comply with an Entitlement Order if it acts with respect to the duty as agreed upon by the
  854. entitlement holder and the securities intermediary. DTC satisfies its duty to comply with
  855. an Entitlement Order if it acts with respect to the duty as agreed upon by the Entitlement
  856. Holder and the Securities Intermediary. In the case of Security Entitlements pledged on the
  857. books of DTC, DTC satisfies its duty to comply with an Entitlement Order by complying
  858. with the Entitlement Order of the Pledgee.
  859. Control
  860. Under NYUCC Section 9-106(a),15 “[a] person has control of a certificated
  861. security, uncertificated security, or security entitlement as provided in Section 8-106”.1613See Rule 9(B), supra note 1.14NYUCC § 8-507(a).15See NYUCC § 9-106(a).16NYUCC § 8-106.Page 26
  862. Page 26 of 45
  863. Under NYUCC Section 8-106(d), “[a] purchaser has “control” of a security
  864. entitlement if:
  865. (1) the purchaser becomes the entitlement holder;
  866. (2) the securities intermediary has agreed that it will comply with entitlement
  867. orders originated by the purchaser without further consent by the entitlement holder; or
  868. (3) another person has control of the security entitlement on behalf of the
  869. purchaser or, having previously acquired control of the security entitlement,
  870. acknowledges that it has control on behalf of the purchaser.”
  871. Under NYUCC Section 1-102,17 a purchaser is “a person that takes by purchase”
  872. with “purchase” being defined as “taking by sale, lease, discount, negotiation, mortgage,
  873. pledge, lien, security interest, issue or reissue, gift, or any other voluntary transaction
  874. creating an interest in property”.
  875. NYUCC Section 8-106(f) further provides that “[a] purchaser has “control” under
  876. subsection (c)(2) or (d)(2) even if any duty of the issuer or the securities intermediary to
  877. comply with instructions or entitlement orders originated by the purchaser is subject to
  878. any condition or conditions (other than further consent by the registered owner or the
  879. entitlement holder).”
  880. Official Comment 4 to NYUCC Section 8-10618 notes that:
  881. “[s]ubsection (d)(2) provides that a purchaser has control if the securities
  882. intermediary has agreed to act on entitlement orders originated by the purchaser if no
  883. further consent by the entitlement holder is required. Under subsection (d)(2), control
  884. may be achieved even though the original entitlement holder remains as the entitlement
  885. holder.”17See NYUCC § 1-102.18See NYUCC § 8-106.Page 27
  886. Page 27 of 45
  887. Example 6 of Official Comment 4 is illustrative:
  888. “Able & Co., a securities dealer, grants Alpha Bank a security interest in a
  889. security entitlement that includes 1000 shares of XYZ Co. stock that Able holds through
  890. an account with Clearing Corporation. Able causes Clearing Corporation to transfer the
  891. shares into a pledge account, pursuant to an agreement under which Able will continue to
  892. receive dividends, distributions, and the like, but Alpha has the right to direct
  893. dispositions. As in Example 3, Alpha has control of the 1000 shares under subsection
  894. (d)(2).”
  895. In the case of security entitlements pledged on the books of DTC, because DTC
  896. will comply with the instructions of a Pledgee as provided for in Rule 9(B),19 which is an
  897. agreement between DTC and its Participants and Pledgees, a Pledgee has control of such
  898. security entitlements under NYUCC § 8-106(d)(2) even when the Pledged Securities
  899. remain credited to the account of the Pledgor.
  900. DTC’s pledge arrangements operate pursuant to the DTC Rules and the NYUCC.
  901. When Security Entitlements are pledged to a Pledgee through the facilities of DTC, the
  902. Pledgee has a security interest in such pledged Security Entitlements.20 A Pledgee has
  903. “control” under Articles 8 and 9 of the NYUCC and under the DTC Rules of any Security19See Rule 9(B), supra note 1.20The interest transferred is, however, only a security interest if the Pledgor and
  904. Pledgee have an agreement outside of DTC that constitutes a security agreement
  905. under applicable law and as to which the other requirements for attachment and
  906. enforceability of a security interest have been satisfied. The agreement is entered
  907. into by the parties outside of DTC, and DTC does not have knowledge or
  908. information on the existence of such an agreement between the parties.Page 28
  909. Page 28 of 45
  910. Entitlements pledged to it through the facilities of DTC,21 and the Pledgee is empowered
  911. to issue Entitlement Orders22 to DTC to direct the release, delivery or withdrawal of any
  912. such pledged Security Entitlements.
  913. Example of a Pledge by a Participant to a Pledgee
  914. When Security Entitlements credited to Participant A’s account at DTC are
  915. pledged to Pledgee B through the facilities of DTC, B has a security interest in such
  916. pledged security entitlements.23
  917. B does not itself have “security entitlements” to the underlying securities and B is
  918. not an “entitlement holder” as such terms are defined in the NYUCC.
  919. However, B as Pledgee would have “control” under Articles 8 and 9 of the
  920. NYUCC and under the Rules of any Security Entitlements pledged to it through the
  921. facilities of DTC, and B is empowered to issue Entitlement Orders to DTC to direct the
  922. release, delivery or withdrawal of any such pledged Security Entitlements.21The definition of “Control” in the Rules incorporates the definition of such term
  923. in Article 8 of the NYUCC and notes that “[a] Pledgee has Control of Pledged
  924. Securities until they are Delivered, Released or Withdrawn by the Pledgee.” See
  925. Rule 1, Section 1, supra note 1.22The definition of an “Entitlement Order” in the Rules incorporates the definition
  926. of such term in Section 8-102 of the NYUCC and notes that “[a]n instruction from
  927. a Participant or Pledgee to the Corporation with respect to a Delivery, Pledge,
  928. Release or Withdrawal of a Security credited to a Securities Account is an
  929. Entitlement Order”. As noted above, Pursuant to Section 8-102, “entitlement
  930. order” means a notification communicated to a securities intermediary directing
  931. transfer or redemption of a financial asset to which the entitlement holder has
  932. a security entitlement. See NYUCC 8-102.23As mentioned above, the interest transferred is, however, only a security interest if
  933. A and B have an agreement outside of DTC that constitutes a security agreement
  934. under applicable law and as to which the other requirements for attachment and
  935. enforceability of a security interest have been satisfied.Page 29
  936. Page 29 of 45
  937. Proposed Rule Change
  938. Proposed change to text of Settlement Guide
  939. Pursuant to the proposed rule change, DTC would revise the text of the Settlement
  940. Guide to reflect that Pledged Securities do not move to an Account of the Pledgee. As
  941. discussed above, the movement of the securities is not required to effect a Pledge and
  942. does not impact the rights of Pledgor or Pledgee under the Rules or the NYUCC. Rather
  943. a Pledged Securities continues credited to the pledgor’s account, however with a system
  944. notation showing the status of the position as pledged by the pledgor to the pledgee. This
  945. status systemically prevents the pledged position from being used to complete other
  946. transactions, which is consistent with the Pledgees Control over the Pledge Securities, as
  947. discussed above. Likewise, the release of a pledged position results in the removal of
  948. notation of the pledge status of the position and the position would become available to
  949. the pledgor to complete other transactions.
  950. The changes to the Settlement Guide text are technical in nature, and while
  951. enhancing clarity with respect to the book entries performed by DTC as they relate to
  952. pledge activity, the change would not impact the rights or obligations of Participants and
  953. Pledgees. In this regard, the applicable sections of the Settlement Guide would be
  954. revised to (1) clarify the text with respect operational aspect of book entries of pledges, as
  955. discussed above, and (2) make changes to text for readability necessary in the context of
  956. the proposed clarification, as follows (bold, underlined text indicates additions; bold
  957. strike-through text indicates deletions):Page 30
  958. Page 30 of 45
  959. (a) Text included in Item 3 (Collateral Loans) set forth under the heading
  960. “Settlement Transactions”24 would be revised as follows:
  961. “[w]hen pledging securities to a pledgee, the pledgor’s position is moved
  962. from the pledgor’s general free account to the pledgee’s account
  963. continues to be credited to the pledgor’s account, however with a system
  964. notation showing the status of the position as pledged by the pledgor to
  965. the pledgee. This status systemically which prevents the pledged position
  966. from being used to complete other transactions. Likewise, the release of a
  967. pledged position would move the pledged position back to the results in
  968. the removal of notation of the pledge status of the position and the
  969. position would become pledgor’s general free account where it would
  970. then be available to the pledgor to complete other transactions.”
  971. (b) Text included under the heading “About the Product” that appears under the
  972. heading “Collateral Loan Program”25 would be revised as follows:
  973. “The Collateral Loan Program allows you to pledge securities from held in
  974. your general free account as collateral for a loan or for other purposes (such as
  975. Letters of Credit) to a pledgee participating in the program. You can also
  976. request the pledgee to release pledge securities back to your general free
  977. account. These pledges and releases can be free (when money proceeds are
  978. handled outside DTC) or valued (when money proceeds are applied as debits24See Settlement Guide, supra note 2 at 3-4.25See Settlement Guide, supra note 2 at 8-9.Page 31
  979. Page 31 of 45
  980. and credits to the pledgee’s and pledgor’s money settlement accounts). A
  981. Pledgee may, but need not be, a Participant. Only a Pledgee which is a
  982. Participant may receive valued pledges.”
  983. (c) Text included under the heading “Pledges to the Options Clearing
  984. Corporation”26 would be revised as follows:
  985. “A Participant writing an option on any options exchange may fully
  986. collateralize that option by pledging the underlying securities by book-entry
  987. through DTC to the Options Clearing Corporation (OCC). If the option is
  988. called (exercised), the securities may be released and delivered to the holder
  989. of the call. If the option contract is not exercised, OCC validates a release of
  990. the pledged securities, which are then returned to the Participant’s general
  991. free account.”
  992. (d) Text included under the heading “Release of Deposits with Options Clearing
  993. Corporation on Expired Options” would be revised as follows:
  994. OCC automatically releases securities deposited with it to cover margin
  995. requirements on an option contract when the option contract expires. The
  996. securities are then allocated to your general free account. Notification
  997. of the released securities is received via the Collateral Loan Services
  998. functionality in the Settlement User Interface or automated output.
  999. (e) Text included under the heading “Shared Control Accounts”27 would be
  1000. revised as follows: In addition to changes made for the purposes described in26See Settlement Guide, supra note 2 at 10.27See Settlement Guide, supra note 2 at 15-16.Page 32
  1001. Page 32 of 45
  1002. (x) and (y) above, DTC would also delete text shown below that states”
  1003. “Pledgee account continue to be available at DTC.” This sentence was added
  1004. to the text when Shared control account arrangements were added to the
  1005. Procedures28 to clarify that the existing pledge services would continue to be
  1006. offered. As both the original pledge program and the Shared control account
  1007. process are both established programs, DTC believes the sentence is no longer
  1008. necessary:
  1009. About the Product
  1010. Shared control accounts are available as an alternative to “agreement to
  1011. pledge” arrangements.
  1012. Background
  1013. When a Participant pledges securities to the pledgee account of a pledgee at
  1014. DTC (sometimes called a “hard pledge”), the securities are under the sole
  1015. control of the pledgee. Only the pledgee can redeliver or release the securities.
  1016. Pledgee accounts continue to be available at DTC.
  1017. Shared control accounts are available at DTC as an alternative to agreement to
  1018. pledge (sometimes called “agreement to deliver”) arrangements. A pledgee
  1019. has control over securities delivered by a Participant to the Participant’s
  1020. shared control account at DTC since the pledge has the ability to redeliver the
  1021. securities without further consent by the Participant. Until the pledgee
  1022. redelivers the securities, the Participant has the flexibility to redeliver or make28See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 40191 (July 10, 1998), 63 FR 38444
  1023. (July 16, 1998) (SR-DTC-98-5).Page 33
  1024. Page 33 of 45
  1025. substitutions for the securities without obtaining the pledgee’s release of the
  1026. securities.
  1027. Shared controls are separately identified in DTC’s Reference Directory.
  1028. Participants interested in establishing a shared control account should contact
  1029. their Relationship Manager.
  1030. Procedures for DTC Shared Control Accounts
  1031. The following procedures are an addition to DTC’s Procedures for Pledgees.
  1032. 1. Any Participant may establish a shared control account at DTC and
  1033. may designate any DTC pledgee to be the pledgee for that shared
  1034. control account. A Participant may deliver securities (or other financial
  1035. assets) by a free pledge from any of its DTC accounts (the “original
  1036. account”) to its shared control account in order to grant a security
  1037. interest or other interest in the securities to the pledgee. The shared
  1038. control account is an account of the Participant and is identified with a
  1039. separate account number from any other account of the Participant. A
  1040. Participant may establish multiple shared control accounts, but only
  1041. one pledge can be designated for each shared control account.
  1042. 2. Except as modified by these procedures, the operation of a shared
  1043. control account is identical to the operation of a DTC pledge account
  1044. and all DTC procedures applicable to pledges accounts are applicable
  1045. to shared control accounts. No deliveries vs. payment, pledges vs.
  1046. payment, or physical deposits can be made to a shared control account
  1047. and no deliveries vs. payment, pledges vs. payment, or physicalPage 34
  1048. Page 34 of 45
  1049. withdrawals can be made from a shared control account. A Participant
  1050. should not deliver securities to another Participant’s shared control
  1051. account. In the instructions for a delivery of securities to a shared
  1052. control account, the mandatory hypothecation code field should be
  1053. completed in the same manner as it is for a pledge made without the
  1054. use of a shared control delivery to a pledge account. The DTC fees and
  1055. charges for a transaction involving a shared control account are the
  1056. same as the fees and charges for a pledge transaction that does not
  1057. involving involve a pledge account. The DTC monthly account usage
  1058. charges applicable to a shared control account are charged to the
  1059. Participant. The DTC reports and statements to the Participant and the
  1060. pledge for a transaction involving a shared control account are the
  1061. same as the reports and statements for a transaction involving a pledge
  1062. that does not involve a shared control account.
  1063. 3. As with a pledge account, voting Voting rights on the securities
  1064. credited to a shared control account are assigned to the Participant.
  1065. Cash dividend and interest payments and other cash distributions on
  1066. such securities are credited to the original account. Distribution of
  1067. securities for which the ex-distribution date is on or prior to the
  1068. payable date or in which the distribution is payable in a different
  1069. security are also credited to the original account. Any stock splits or
  1070. other distributions of the same securities for which the ex-distribution
  1071. date is after the payable date are credited to the shared control account.Page 35
  1072. Page 35 of 45
  1073. 4. The securities credited to a shared control account cannot be
  1074. designated as or included in the collateral for any obligation of the
  1075. Participant or the pledgee to DTC. DTC has no lien or other interest in
  1076. any securities credited to a shared control account”
  1077. Proposed change to text of the Pledgee’s Agreement
  1078. Pursuant to the proposed rule change, DTC would revise the text of the Pledgee’s
  1079. Agreement to reflect that Pledged Securities do not move to a pledgee account. The
  1080. change is technical in nature and while enhancing clarity with respect to the book entries
  1081. performed by DTC as they relate to pledge activity, the change would not impact the
  1082. rights or obligations of Participants and Pledgees pursuant to the Rules, Service Guide
  1083. and/or the Pledgee’s Agreement. In this regard, the applicable text of the Pledgee’s
  1084. Agreement would be revised as follows (bold, underlined text indicates additions; bold
  1085. strike-through text indicates deletions):
  1086. “[s]o long as Pledgee shall maintain a Depository Trust account, Depository
  1087. Trust, upon the pledge to Pledgee of securities held by Depository Trust for
  1088. the account of any depositor in Depository Trust, will make appropriate
  1089. entries on its books to indicate the pledge of transferring the securities
  1090. from the account of such depositor to the account of Pledgee and shall
  1091. maintain such securities in the account of with a notation that the securities
  1092. are pledged by the depositor to the Pledgee until instructed by Pledgee to
  1093. release such securities to the account of the pledgor, to deliver such securities
  1094. to the order of Pledgee or to transfer such securities on the books of
  1095. Depository Trust to the account of a depositor in Depository Trust other than
  1096. the pledgor.”Page 36
  1097. Page 36 of 45
  1098. Effective Date
  1099. The proposed rule change would become effective upon filing.
  1100. (b) Statutory Basis
  1101. Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Act”),29 requires
  1102. that the rules of the clearing agency be designed, inter alia, to promote the prompt and
  1103. accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions. DTC believes that the
  1104. proposed rule change is consistent with this provision of the Act. DTC believes that the
  1105. proposed rule change is consistent with this provision of the Act for the reasons described
  1106. below.
  1107. As described above, the proposed rule change would allow Participants and
  1108. Pledgees to more readily understand the Rules and Procedures relating to the processing
  1109. of book entries of Pledges at DTC by (1) clarifying text to more accurately reflect the
  1110. operational process of how book entries of pledges are entered on DTC’s system, and (2)
  1111. making changes to text for readability necessary in the context of the proposed
  1112. clarification. By clarifying the Rules to facilitate Participants ability to understand the
  1113. operational processes relating to pledge services, DTC believes that the proposed changes
  1114. would facilitate Participants’ and Pledgees’ ability to process pledge transactions and
  1115. related understand DTC system functionality designed to accommodate key aspects of
  1116. the pledge process, including the ability of the Pledgee to release Pledged Securities or
  1117. make a demand for collateral relating to the Pledged Securities, as described above.
  1118. Therefore, by facilitating the ability of Participants to understand the related Rules and
  1119. pledge functionality, DTC believes the proposed rule change would promote the prompt2915 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).Page 37
  1120. Page 37 of 45
  1121. and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions, consistent with Section
  1122. 17(A)(b)(3)(f) of the Act.30
  1123. 2.
  1124. Statutory Basis
  1125. Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Act”),31 requires
  1126. that the rules of the clearing agency be designed, inter alia, to promote the prompt and
  1127. accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions. DTC believes that the
  1128. proposed rule change is consistent with this provision of the Act. DTC believes that the
  1129. proposed rule change is consistent with this provision of the Act for the reasons described
  1130. below.
  1131. As described above, the proposed rule change would allow Participants and
  1132. Pledgees to more readily understand the Rules and Procedures relating to the processing
  1133. of book entries of Pledges at DTC by (1) clarifying text to more accurately reflect the
  1134. operational process of how book entries of pledges are entered on DTC’s system, and (2)
  1135. making changes to text for readability necessary in the context of the proposed
  1136. clarification. By clarifying the Rules to facilitate Participants ability to understand the
  1137. operational processes relating to pledge services, DTC believes that the proposed changes
  1138. would facilitate Participants’ and Pledgees’ ability to process pledge transactions and
  1139. related understand DTC system functionality designed to accommodate key aspects of
  1140. the pledge process, including the ability of the Pledgee to release Pledged Securities or
  1141. make a demand for collateral relating to the Pledged Securities, as described above.
  1142. Therefore, by facilitating the ability of Participants to understand the related Rules and30Id.3115 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).Page 38
  1143. Page 38 of 45
  1144. pledge functionality, DTC believes the proposed rule change would promote the prompt
  1145. and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions, consistent with Section
  1146. 17(A)(b)(3)(f) of the Act.32
  1147. (B) Clearing Agency’s Statement on Burden on Competition
  1148. DTC does not believe that the proposed rule change would have any impact on
  1149. competition because it would merely make technical clarifying changes and changes for
  1150. enhanced readability to the text of the Settlement Service Guide and the Pledgee’s
  1151. Agreement that do not otherwise affect Participants’ and Pledgee’s rights or obligations.
  1152. (C) Clearing Agency’s Statement on Comments on the Proposed Rule Change
  1153. Received from Members, Participants, or Others
  1154. Written comments relating to this proposed rule change have not been solicited or
  1155. received. DTC will notify the Commission of any written comments received by DTC.
  1156. III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change, and Timing for Commission
  1157. Action
  1158. Within 45 days of the date of publication of this notice in the Federal Register or
  1159. within such longer period up to 90 days (i) as the Commission may designate if it finds
  1160. such longer period to be appropriate and publishes its reasons for so finding or (ii) as to
  1161. which the self-regulatory organization consents, the Commission will:32Id.Page 39
  1162. Page 39 of 45
  1163. (A) by order approve or disapprove such proposed rule change, or
  1164. (B) institute proceedings to determine whether the proposed rule change
  1165. should be disapproved.
  1166. The foregoing rule change has become effective pursuant to Section 19(b)(3)(A)33
  1167. of the Act and paragraph (f)34 of Rule 19b-4 thereunder. At any time within 60 days of
  1168. the filing of the proposed rule change, the Commission summarily may temporarily
  1169. suspend such rule change if it appears to the Commission that such action is necessary or
  1170. appropriate in the public interest, for the protection of investors, or otherwise in
  1171. furtherance of the purposes of the Act.
  1172. IV. Solicitation of Comments
  1173. Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views and arguments
  1174. concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule change is consistent with
  1175. the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of the following methods:
  1176. Electronic Comments:• Use the Commission’s Internet comment form(; or• Send an e-mail to Please include File NumberSR-DTC-2021-005 on the subject line.
  1177. Paper Comments:• Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities and ExchangeCommission, 100 F Street, NE, Washington, DC 20549.3315 U.S.C 78s(b)(3)(A).3417 CFR 240.19b-4(f).Page 40
  1178. Page 40 of 45
  1179. All submissions should refer to File Number SR-DTC-2021-005. This file number
  1180. should be included on the subject line if e-mail is used. To help the Commission process
  1181. and review your comments more efficiently, please use only one method. The
  1182. Commission will post all comments on the Commission’s Internet website
  1183. ( Copies of the submission, all subsequent
  1184. amendments, all written statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed
  1185. with the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed rule
  1186. change between the Commission and any person, other than those that may be withheld
  1187. from the public in accordance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for
  1188. website viewing and printing in the Commission’s Public Reference Room, 100 F Street,
  1189. NE, Washington, DC 20549 on official business days between the hours of 10:00 a.m.
  1190. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the filing also will be available for inspection and copying at the
  1191. principal office of DTC and on DTCC’s website (
  1192. filings.aspx). All comments received will be posted without change. Persons submitting
  1193. comments are cautioned that we do not redact or edit personal identifying information
  1194. from comment submissions. You should submit only information that you wish to make
  1195. available publicly. All submissions should refer to File Number SR-DTC-2021-005 and
  1196. should be submitted on or before [insert date 21 days from publication in the Federal
  1197. Register].
  1198. For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, pursuant to
  1199. delegated authority.35
  1200. Secretary3517 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).Page 41
  1201. Page 41 of 45
  1202. EXHIBIT 5
  1203. Struck-through, boldface text indicates deleted language
  1204. Bold and underlined text indicates added language.Settlement Service Guide***Settlement TransactionsThere are three main types of transactions processed through the Settlement system.***3. Collateral loans: The collateral loan service allows a Participant (the pledgor) to
  1205. pledge securities as collateral for a loan or for other purposes and also request
  1206. the release of pledged securities. This service allows such pledges and pledge
  1207. releases to be made free, meaning that the money component of the transaction
  1208. is settled outside of the depository, or valued, meaning that the money
  1209. component of the transaction is settled through DTC as a debit/credit to the
  1210. pledgor's and pledgee's DTC money settlement account. When pledging
  1211. securities to a pledgee, the pledgor's position is moved from the pledgor's
  1212. general free account to the pledgee’s account continues to be credited to
  1213. the pledgor’s account, however with a system notation showing the status
  1214. of the position as pledged by the pledgor to the pledgee. This status
  1215. systemically which prevents the pledged position from being used to complete
  1216. other transactions. Likewise, the release of a pledged position would move the
  1217. pledged position back to the results in the removal of notation of the
  1218. pledge status of the position and the position would become pledgor's
  1219. general free account where it would then be available to the pledgor to
  1220. complete other transactions.***Collateral Loan ProgramAbout the ProductThe Collateral Loan Program allows you to pledge securities from held in your general
  1221. free account as collateral for a loan or for other purposes (such as Letters of Credit) to a
  1222. pledgee participating in the program. You can also request the pledgee to release
  1223. pledge securities back to your general free account. These pledges and releases can
  1224. be free (when money proceeds are handled outside DTC) or valued (when moneyPage 42
  1225. Page 42 of 45proceeds are applied as debits and credits to the pledgee's and pledgor's money
  1226. settlement accounts). A Pledgee may, but need not be, a Participant. Only a Pledgee
  1227. which is a Participant may receive valued pledges.***Pledges to the Options Clearing CorporationA Participant writing an option on any options exchange may fully collateralize that option by
  1228. pledging the underlying securities by book-entry through DTC to the Options Clearing
  1229. Corporation (OCC). If the option is called (exercised), the securities may be released and
  1230. delivered to the holder of the call. If the option contract is not exercised, OCC validates a release
  1231. of the pledged securities, which are then returned to the Participant's general free account.***Release of Deposits with Options Clearing Corporation on Expired Options
  1232. OCC automatically releases securities deposited with it to cover margin requirements on
  1233. an option contract when the option contract expires. The securities are then allocated
  1234. to your general free account. Notification of the released securities is received via the
  1235. Collateral Loan Services functionality in the Settlement User Interface or automated
  1236. output.***Shared Control Accounts
  1237. About the Product
  1238. Shared control accounts are available as an alternative to “agreement to pledge”
  1239. arrangements.
  1240. Background
  1241. When a Participant pledges securities to the pledgee account of a pledgee at DTC
  1242. (sometimes called a “hard pledge”), the securities are under the sole control of the
  1243. pledgee. Only the pledgee can redeliver or release the securities. Pledgee accounts
  1244. continue to be available at DTC.
  1245. Shared control accounts are available at DTC as an alternative to agreement to pledge
  1246. (sometimes called “agreement to deliver”) arrangements. A pledgee has control over
  1247. securities delivered by a Participant to the Participant’s shared control account at DTC
  1248. since the pledge has the ability to redeliver the securities without further consent by the
  1249. Participant. Until the pledgee redelivers the securities, the Participant has the flexibility to
  1250. redeliver or make substitutions for the securities without obtaining the pledgee’s release
  1251. of the securities.Page 43
  1252. Page 43 of 45Shared controls are separately identified in DTC’s Reference Directory. Participants
  1253. interested in establishing a shared control account should contact their Relationship
  1254. Manager.
  1255. Procedures for DTC Shared Control Accounts
  1256. The following procedures are an addition to DTC’s Procedures for Pledgees.
  1257. 1. Any Participant may establish a shared control account at DTC and may
  1258. designate any DTC pledgee to be the pledgee for that shared control account. A
  1259. Participant may deliver securities (or other financial assets) by a free pledge from
  1260. any of its DTC accounts (the “original account”) to its shared control account in
  1261. order to grant a security interest or other interest in the securities to the pledgee.
  1262. The shared control account is an account of the Participant and is identified with
  1263. a separate account number from any other account of the Participant. A
  1264. Participant may establish multiple shared control accounts, but only one pledge
  1265. can be designated for each shared control account.
  1266. 2. Except as modified by these procedures, the operation of a shared control
  1267. account is identical to the operation of a DTC pledge account and all DTC
  1268. procedures applicable to pledges accounts are applicable to shared control
  1269. accounts. No deliveries vs. payment, pledges vs. payment, or physical deposits
  1270. can be made to a shared control account and no deliveries vs. payment, pledges
  1271. vs. payment, or physical withdrawals can be made from a shared control
  1272. account. A Participant should not deliver securities to another Participant’s
  1273. shared control account. In the instructions for a delivery of securities to a shared
  1274. control account, the mandatory hypothecation code field should be completed in
  1275. the same manner as it is for a pledge made without the use of a shared
  1276. control delivery to a pledge account. The DTC fees and charges for a
  1277. transaction involving a shared control account are the same as the fees and
  1278. charges for a pledge transaction that does not involving involve a pledge
  1279. account. The DTC monthly account usage charges applicable to a shared control
  1280. account are charged to the Participant. The DTC reports and statements to the
  1281. Participant and the pledge for a transaction involving a shared control account
  1282. are the same as the reports and statements for a transaction involving a pledge
  1283. that does not involve a shared control account.
  1284. 3. As with a pledge account, voting Voting rights on the securities credited to a
  1285. shared control account are assigned to the Participant. Cash dividend and
  1286. interest payments and other cash distributions on such securities are credited to
  1287. the original account. Distribution of securities for which the ex-distribution date is
  1288. on or prior to the payable date or in which the distribution is payable in a different
  1289. security are also credited to the original account. Any stock splits or other
  1290. distributions of the same securities for which the ex-distribution date is after the
  1291. payable date are credited to the shared control account.
  1292. 4. The securities credited to a shared control account cannot be designated as or
  1293. included in the collateral for any obligation of the Participant or the pledgee to
  1294. DTC. DTC has no lien or other interest in any securities credited to a shared
  1295. control account.Page 44
  1296. Page 44 of 45
  1297. ***Pledgee’s Agreement
  1298. AGREEMENT as of [Date], between The Depository Trust Company (Depository Trust)
  1299. and [Pledgee Name] (Pledgee).
  1300. WHEREAS, Depository Trust maintains a centralized securities depository within which
  1301. transfers and pledges of securities are effected by book entry methods;
  1302. WHEREAS, Pledgee desires to have the benefits of a Depository Trust account in order
  1303. that it may be designated from time to time as a pledgee of securities within the system;
  1304. and
  1305. WHEREAS, subject to the terms and conditions hereof, Depository Trust is willing to
  1306. provide Pledgee with a Depository Trust account.
  1307. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants
  1308. herein contained the parties
  1309. hereto do hereby agree as follows:
  1310. 1.
  1311. So long as Depository Trust makes available to Pledgee a Depository Trust
  1312. account, Pledgee agrees to pay Depository Trust the charges and fees from time to time
  1313. in effect for Depository Trust applicable to Pledgee and to participate in Depository Trust
  1314. in accordance with such Rules and procedures as may from time to time be established
  1315. by Depository Trust, provided, however, that Pledgee may terminate this agreement at
  1316. anytime, upon written notice delivered to Depository Trust, accompanied by a written
  1317. demand for delivery of the certificates representing the securities, or for transfer by book
  1318. entry of the securities, then being held by Depository Trust for Pledgee’s Depository
  1319. Trust account and payment of any charges of fees then owing to Depository Trust.
  1320. Immediately upon such notice and demand Pledgee’s participation in Depository Trust
  1321. shall cease. Pledgee shall thereafter be under no obligation to pay any further charges
  1322. or fees referred to in this paragraph and Depository Trust shall promptly arrange for
  1323. delivery of Pledgee’s certificates representing the securities, or for transfer by book entry
  1324. of the securities, then being held by Depository Trust for Pledgee’s account, such
  1325. delivery or transfer to be at Pledgee’s expense.
  1326. 2.So long as Pledgee shall maintain a Depository Trust account, Depository
  1327. Trust, upon the pledge to Pledgee of securities held by Depository Trust for the
  1328. account of any depositor in Depository Trust, will make appropriate entries on its
  1329. books to indicate the pledge of transferring the securities from the account of
  1330. such depositor to the account of Pledgee and shall maintain such securities in
  1331. the account of with a notation that the securities are pledged by the
  1332. depositor to the Pledgee until instructed by Pledgee to release such securities
  1333. to the account of the pledgor, to deliver such securities to the order of Pledgee
  1334. or to transfer such securities on the books of Depository Trust to the account of a
  1335. depositor in Depository Trust other than the pledgor.Page 45
  1336. Page 45 of 453.
  1337. Pledgee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Depository Trust, its officers,
  1338. directors, employees and agents against any and all loss, liability, damage, cost and
  1339. expense, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of any act or omission by
  1340. Pledgee, or any of its employees or agents, or the Pledgee’s or any of its employee’s or
  1341. agent’s error, negligence or fraud relating to Pledgee’s Depository Trust account.
  1342. 4.
  1343. This agreement and any transactions hereunder shall be governed by and
  1344. construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.
  1345. 5.
  1346. This agreement shall be binding upon, and shall inure to the benefit of, the
  1347. parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.
  1348. 6.
  1349. This agreement shall be effective upon the date when it is executed by both
  1350. parties hereto and a fully executed copy hereof has been delivered to the box of the
  1351. Pledgee maintained by Depository Trust on its premises or has been deposited in the
  1352. United States Postal Service, with posta
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