
Jian - Friends Are Family We Choose

Jan 22nd, 2014
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  1. [10:23] <Earthflame> Jian is once more meditating in the garden... But he's trying something different. His Chi Blade hangs in the air a moment, and he carefully cuts his left palm on it before it disappears. He closes his eyes... And concentrates. Slowly, a drop of blood wells up and begins to rise, hanging in the air, connected to his body by a thin, crimson thread...
  2. [10:27] <~Deedles> He's soon joined by someone else, Mingxia quietly entering the garden as she studies the swordsman curiously.
  3. [10:32] <Earthflame> It takes a while before he notices her, so intent and focused upon the hanging drop of blood...
  4. [10:34] <~Deedles> She doesn't call for his attention, not wishing to disturb his meditation, instead she just seats herself on the stone bench while waiting and watching.
  5. [10:35] <Earthflame> "...Oh!" The moment of startled realisation breaks his concentration, the drop falling to splat against his palm. "Mingxia. Good morning." He bows his head to her. "Sorry, did I keep you waiting?"
  6. [10:36] <~Deedles> "Not at all." Mingxia waves a hand as she smiles at him "It was interesting to watch." she says, her hands coming to rest on her lap.
  7. [10:36] <Earthflame> He nods. "...I talked to Taishin. He uses his armour to fight for good. If I am to carry this power, I should learn to use it."
  8. [10:39] <~Deedles> "A wise choice. You use what you've got, after all." She muses as she looks thoughtful before her smile returns
  9. [10:40] <Earthflame> He bows his head to her. "I must find something to do with myself while I cannot fight. I cannot squander the gift you have given me."
  10. [10:46] <~Deedles> Mingxia's smile widens "I'm happy to hear that. I'm hoping the trip back to your home will be an eventless one." despite her saying that her gaze lowers towards the ground.
  11. [10:47] <Earthflame> "Indeed... Yoshi and Shen are strong, but so are our foes. If we could I would wait until I am healed, but we must get you to the village as soon as possible."
  12. [10:49] <~Deedles> "Since we're going by boat I can't imagine much happening during the journey." Mingxia admits "Especially since Taishin is planning on stalling or re-directing the pirates somehow."
  13. [10:50] <Earthflame> "With the blessing of the spirits, it will be so."
  14. [10:50] <~Deedles> "Then I guess we can just hope that the spirits are with us." She concludes with a slight smile
  15. [10:51] <Earthflame> "They are. With me, and with you." He pauses, looking at her with curiosity. "...I was talking with Taishin earlier. I wonder..."
  16. [10:52] <~Deedles> Mingxia blinks as she tilts her head to the side "Wonder what?" she inquires softly
  17. [10:52] <Earthflame> "...Do you feel blessed? You carry the bloodline of the Emperor, those who created Ao Jing. Do you feel that the spirits watch over and guard you?"
  18. [10:54] <~Deedles> She seems thoughtful at that "Despite being a klutz I've always felt very lucky. Even when things go wrong it always seems to go right soon after, and things always tend to be even better afterwards. So, yeah... I feel blessed, but I guess you could also just say that I feel lucky, or have a positive view on thing." she replies with a gentle smile.
  19. [10:56] <Earthflame> He nods. "Blood got me to talking about Bloodlines, with Taishin... Mine too is blessed, it seems. To a lesser degree. The souls and spirits of swords turn away from me. I thought that the soul of the country itself would bend to your fortune. If that is true, so much the better."
  20. [10:58] <~Deedles> Mingxia nods slowly "I imagine that would be possible. Taishin and Hayato obviously seem to think I'm blessed." she leans back slightly on the bench. "I guess I've just not thought about it much. I'm me, it's what I'm used to."
  21. [10:59] <Earthflame> "If the Spirits bless and guide you, then in turn you owe them your faith." He speaks softly, not condemning but simply suggesting.
  22. [11:03] <~Deedles> "I've always trusted and revered the Spirits, I turn to them whenever I've felt lost, and yet..." Mingxia laughs slightly "Something I picked up from Taishin is that I don't believe in blind faith, ironically."
  23. [11:04] <Earthflame> "Faith is not blind. Faith is seeing that which lies just out of sight." He bows his head. "...I have faith in you, Ming. You hold the key to our future."
  24. [11:06] <~Deedles> She studies him for a moment "Yeah..." she says "So I keep reminding myself." she admits
  25. [11:07] <Earthflame> ...He raises his head at that, studying her. "Taishin has faith in you, too. He puts his life in your hands. As, in a way, we all do."
  26. [11:08] <~Deedles> Mingxia smiles faintly "And yet I've done nothing to prove I'm even worthy of such faith and trust." she replies, pausing before she adds "But once I can I will make sure that it was well placed."
  27. [11:09] <Earthflame> "You have survived. You have cultivated your Chi, and kept your spirit warm and full of kindness amdist the darkness of the current age. That is a miracle, in and of itself."
  28. [11:11] <~Deedles> She blushes faintly at that "Taishin told me something similar once." she confesses with a smile
  29. [11:12] <Earthflame> He goes quiet a moment, studying her.
  30. [11:12] <Earthflame> "...May I ask you a... personal question?"
  31. [11:12] <~Deedles> She pauses before she smiles and nods "Sure, doesn't hurt to ask."
  32. [11:13] <Earthflame> "Do you love Taishin?"
  33. [11:15] <~Deedles> Mingxia looks a bit surprised at that question "Of course I love him." she answers honestly before pausing "But... you're asking about a specific kind of love, aren't you?"
  34. [11:16] <Earthflame> "Yes and no. I have... A worry. The answer to this question could in part confirm or dispel it."
  35. [11:18] <~Deedles> "Yes, I love him. No, it's not romantic. He is my best friend, but he's always been like more of a big brother to me." She explains to him as she looks thoughtful "I can't say is Taishin feels the same, but he's never expressed any interest in that regard."
  36. [11:19] <Earthflame> He breathes a slight sigh of relief. "...That would leave us safer then. A little, at least."
  37. [11:19] <~Deedles> She looks a bit confused "Say what now?"
  38. [11:20] <Earthflame> "A worrying thought occurred to me. A severe danger to both you and Taishin. It may not be possible... But I intend to take measures against it. I learned much from Taishin earlier, and I will explain it to you now, if you wish."
  39. [11:21] <~Deedles> Mingxia doesn't look any less confused, but she nods slowly. "Sure."
  40. [11:21] <Earthflame> "I'm sure you are aware that Taishin's father could take his body?"
  41. [11:23] <~Deedles> "Yes, I've known that all along." She says softly, gaze cast to the ground "He made sure to tell me."
  42. [11:26] <Earthflame> "...Imagine if his father knew of you. If he had always known. If he allowed you and Taishin to become friends on purpose. Taishin would be entirely sincere in his care for you and his desire to protect you, but we do not truly know how much influence his father has over him, or what information he can gain whenever he returns." Jian breathes slowly. "Imagine if he was already planning his
  43. [11:26] <Earthflame> own downfall... As part of a scheme to free himself of all opposition, and unite his family with the true imperial line."
  44. [11:27] <~Deedles> Mingxia ponders for a moment before she shakes her head "That could never happen." she insists
  45. [11:31] <Earthflame> "How can you be sure? If it succeeded... It would be perfect. The country would believe he had been defeated, Taishin would be the proud warrior prince and him taking you as his bride would not seem odd to those who were outside your circle... And we already know the Emperor has ways of controlling people and compelling obedience."
  46. [11:32] <~Deedles> "It would certainly be a clevr plot, but... I would know if Taishin wasn't himself." She replies, her words full of certainty despite her soft tone.
  47. [11:33] <Earthflame> "I am sure you would. And that, indeed, is the crux of it... Even if it is not the case, I think it is still of interest to you... I think, with help, I may be be able to devise a seal that could protect him from his fathers influence."
  48. [11:34] <~Deedles> She blinks and stares before she smiles broadly "You do? Is there anything I can do to help?" she wonders
  49. [11:36] <Earthflame> "Not yet. I need to get back to the village, to consult with my mentor and the other priests... But if I can devise some manner of ward or barrier, it would mean Taishin would be safe during the final assault. When we attack Jinlong... There is a risk The Emperor would try to take him."
  50. [11:38] <~Deedles> Mingxia nods as she looks down at her lap, smiling sadly "I know, he's warned me about that several times. Told me that if that ever were to happen I can't hesitate." she shakes her head with a faint, humourless, laugh. "He always prepares for the worst."
  51. [11:39] <Earthflame> "As do I. And I hope that by doing so, the worst can be avoided."
  52. [11:42] <~Deedles> "It never hurts to prepare for the worst. if it turns out that it never comes to happen at worst you've over-prepared." She says
  53. [11:42] <Earthflame> He nods at that, breathing softly. "...You are his hope. And, at least in part, he is yours... Therefore, keeping him safe is directly beneficial to you." He gives her a smile.
  54. [11:45] <~Deedles> "I don't care about it being beneficial to me, I just want him to be safe, for his sake." Mingxia replies quietly as she smiles slightly.
  55. [11:50] <Earthflame> "Even so... The more we can do for both of you, the better for all of us."
  56. [11:51] <~Deedles> "Yeah, so I keep hearing." She says as her smile widens while she shakes her head.
  57. [11:54] <Earthflame> "...It is a heavy burden. I feel overwhelmed when I think about the Dancing Sword Clan... I cannot know how hard it must be to know you must heal a country."
  58. [11:56] <~Deedles> Mingxia looks thoughtful "The idea of healing the country isn't that daunting." she admits before she looks to him with a warm smile "I know that I wouldn't give up until the world is healed, for me the hardest part is the here and now."
  59. [11:59] <Earthflame> "Ah?"
  60. [12:01] <~Deedles> "Having my safety be prioritized by everyone while I know that there are others out there who need help. I don't think that's something I'll ever get used to... and honestly I don't think I'd ever want to."
  61. [12:01] <~Deedles> *never
  62. [12:03] <Earthflame> He smiles at that. "That is a good thing. If you were happy with it, I'd doubt whether you were the leader we need."
  63. [12:06] <~Deedles> Mingxia relaxes slightly, despite her cheeks gaining a pink tint. "Thank you, Jian."
  64. [12:07] <Earthflame> He smiles softly. "Thank you for listening to the fears of one who has had rather too many lately... Since losing my arm, I wonder if I have been rather overestimating the nefarious villainy of the Corrupt. Still... Meeting Rei so soon after defeating Tsuwan, and learning of the potion to control minds..."
  65. [12:09] <~Deedles> "There is a lot of frightening things going on, but too much fear turns into paranoia, and when it gets that far you suddenly can't tell who your allies really are." She says while smiling in return.
  66. [12:10] <Earthflame> "I know who my allies are. My friends... And my two brothers. In arms, if not in blood."
  67. [12:11] <~Deedles> Mingxia's smile widens "As they say, friends are family who we choose."
  68. [12:11] <Earthflame> He nods. "I must say, I have chosen well."
  69. [12:12] <~Deedles> "From what I've seen so far I'd have to agree. Shen and Yoshi seem really nice." she giggles softly
  70. [12:13] <Earthflame> "They are more than that. I trust them with my life."
  71. [12:14] <~Deedles> "And I guess I don't have much choice but to do the same." Mingxia replies with a knowing smile.
  72. [12:18] <Earthflame> ...Jian's voice is rather more serious as he says. "We would all give our lives to protect you. I know that is a burden on you... But it is one you cannot turn away from. Put your faith in us, as we put our faith in you."
  73. [12:21] <~Deedles> "I do have faith in you." Mingxia assures him softly "I may not like it, but it is not because I doubt your abilities. I simply wish it didn't have to be thisway, but I've been around Taishin for so long that I know quite well what reality is like, and your friend Shen is quite good at reminding me of it too." she smiles at the swordsman "Lets just have a safe trip so none of you have to do any heroics, okay?"
  74. [12:25] <Earthflame> "Spirits willing, it shall be so."
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