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Nov 20th, 2022
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  1. Config = {}
  4. Config.esxSettings = {
  5. enabled = true,
  6. oldEsx = false,
  7. moneyAccount = 'black_money',
  8. }
  11. Config.qbSettings = {
  12. enabled = false,
  13. useNewQBExport = true, -- Make sure to uncomment the old export inside fxmanifest.lua if you're still using it
  14. moneyAccount = 'cash',
  15. }
  17. = {
  18. enabled = false,
  19. system = 'qtarget' -- 'qtarget' or 'qb-target' or 'ox_target' (Other systems might work as well)
  20. }
  22. Config.keybinds = {
  23. interact = {
  24. label = 'E',
  25. input = 38,
  26. }
  27. }
  29. --How long the player has to arrive to heist area before the area gets deleted
  30. Config.timeout = 1200000 --in miliseconds
  32. Config.phoneMessage = {
  33. 'Yo boss, we got the stuff at ~y~Stab City',
  34. 'Hey, come by ~y~Stab City ~w~ for a surprise',
  35. 'Courier dropped off the package at ~y~ Stab City~w~, come by',
  36. 'Parcel has arrived at ~y~Stab City~w~, boss'
  37. }
  39. Config.iconTexture = "CHAR_MILSITE"
  41. Config.canPedsDropWeapons = false
  43. Config.selling = {
  44. {
  45. location = {
  46. x = 1125.5, y = -2583.9, z = 19.14, h = 186.0,
  47. },
  48. message = 'Sell the methamphetamine',
  49. itemLabel = 'methamphetamine',
  50. pedModel = 'g_m_m_mexboss_01',
  51. duration = 2000, -- selling duration in ms
  52. item = 'pd_meth',
  54. -- By not putting the math.random into a function the price will be set randomly on each server start/script start
  55. -- this will result in better days for selling the methamphetamine
  56. price = math.random(300, 500),
  57. blip = {
  58. showBlip = true, -- whether or not to show the methamphetamine selling location blip on the map
  59. blipColor = 29,
  60. blipIcon = 514,
  61. blipLabel = L('Methamphetamine buyer')
  62. }
  64. },
  65. {
  66. location = {
  67. x = -45.5, y = 1884.1, z = 195.5, h = 174.7,
  68. },
  69. message = 'Sell the flakka',
  70. itemLabel = 'flakka',
  71. pedModel = 'g_m_m_mexboss_01',
  72. duration = 2000, -- selling duration in ms
  73. item = 'pd_flakka',
  75. -- By not putting the math.random into a function the price will be set randomly on each server start/script start
  76. -- this will result in better days for selling the methamphetamine
  77. price = math.random(300, 500),
  79. blip = {
  80. showBlip = true, -- whether or not to show the methamphetamine selling location blip on the map
  81. blipColor = 13,
  82. blipIcon = 514,
  83. blipLabel = L('Flakka buyer')
  84. }
  85. },
  86. {
  87. location = {
  88. x = -1924.4, y = 1787.9, z = 172.5, h = 19.3,
  89. },
  90. message = 'Sell the ketamine',
  91. itemLabel = 'ketamine',
  92. pedModel = 'g_m_m_mexboss_01',
  93. duration = 2000, -- selling duration in ms
  94. item = 'pd_ketamine',
  96. -- By not putting the math.random into a function the price will be set randomly on each server start/script start
  97. -- this will result in better days for selling the methamphetamine
  98. price = math.random(300, 500),
  100. blip = {
  101. showBlip = true, -- whether or not to show the methamphetamine selling location blip on the map
  102. blipColor = 49,
  103. blipIcon = 514,
  104. blipLabel = L('Ketamine buyer')
  105. }
  106. }
  107. }
  109. Config.initialArea = {
  110. name = 'LostMC Traphouse',
  111. event = 'pd_heist:TriggerHeist',
  112. eventType = 'server',
  113. renderDistance = 100.0,
  114. coords = {
  115. x = -470.5, y = 6287.8, z = 12.63
  116. },
  117. radius = 0.1,
  118. amount = 1,
  119. regrowTime = 1800, -- in seconds
  120. blip = {
  121. blipVisible = true,
  122. areaVisible = true,
  123. icon = 468,
  124. color = 61,
  125. scale = 0.9,
  126. },
  127. props = {
  128. {
  129. rotation = {
  130. x = 270.0,
  131. y = 0.0,
  132. z = 0.0
  133. },
  134. forceZCoordinate = true,
  135. hash = 'prop_v_m_phone_01',
  136. textureVariation = 4,
  137. minimumDistanceBetween = 1.5,
  138. offset = {
  139. x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0,
  140. },
  141. animation = {
  142. duration = 1,
  143. dict = 'mp_take_money_mg',
  144. anim = 'put_cash_into_bag_loop',
  145. flag = 1,
  146. },
  147. labelSingular = 'Supplier phone',
  148. labelPlurar = 'Supplier phones',
  149. collectMessage = 'Steal supplier phone',
  150. icon = 'fa-solid fa-mobile-screen',
  152. glow = {
  153. rgb = {190, 255, 190},
  154. scale = 1.0,
  155. intensity = 0.03,
  156. }
  157. },
  158. },
  159. npcSpawns = {
  160. {
  161. x = -441.1,
  162. y = 6342.7,
  163. z = 12.7,
  164. inVehicle = false
  165. },
  166. {
  167. x = -452.5,
  168. y = 6260.9,
  169. z = 30.0,
  170. inVehicle = false
  171. },
  172. {
  173. x = -556.6,
  174. y = 6291.3,
  175. z = 8.0,
  176. inVehicle = true
  177. },
  178. {
  179. x = -479.2,
  180. y = 6153.0,
  181. z = 13.3,
  182. inVehicle = true
  183. }
  184. },
  185. npcHealth = 400,
  186. criticalHits = true,
  187. npcAim = 70
  188. }
  190. Config.heistArea = {
  191. name = 'LostMC supply drop',
  192. event = 'pd_heist:StartLOS',
  193. eventType = 'client',
  194. renderDistance = 100.0,
  195. coords = {
  196. x = 65.39, y = 3700.0, z = 39.73
  197. },
  198. areaBlip = {
  199. blipVisible = true,
  200. icon = 568,
  201. color = 81,
  202. scale = 0.9,
  203. },
  204. radius = 60.0,
  205. amount = 20,
  206. regrowTime = 1800,
  207. props = {
  208. {
  209. items = {
  210. {
  211. item = 'pd_meth',
  212. chance = 100,
  213. amount = {
  214. min = 1,
  215. max = 2,
  216. },
  217. }
  218. },
  219. hash = 'prop_mp_drug_pack_blue',
  220. textureVariation = 4,
  221. minimumDistanceBetween = 1.5,
  222. offset = {
  223. x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0,
  224. },
  225. animation = {
  226. duration = 3,
  227. dict = 'mp_take_money_mg',
  228. anim = 'put_cash_into_bag_loop',
  229. flag = 1,
  230. },
  231. labelSingular = 'Methamphetamine',
  232. labelPlurar = 'Methamphetamine',
  233. collectMessage = L('Collect Methamphetamine'),
  234. icon = 'fas fa-seedling',
  236. glow = {
  237. rgb = {190, 255, 190},
  238. scale = 1.0,
  239. intensity = 0.03,
  240. }
  241. },
  242. {
  243. items = {
  244. {
  245. item = 'pd_flakka',
  246. chance = 100,
  247. amount = {
  248. min = 1,
  249. max = 2,
  250. },
  251. }
  252. },
  253. hash = 'prop_mp_drug_package',
  254. textureVariation = 4,
  255. minimumDistanceBetween = 1.5,
  256. offset = {
  257. x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0,
  258. },
  259. animation = {
  260. duration = 3,
  261. dict = 'mp_take_money_mg',
  262. anim = 'put_cash_into_bag_loop',
  263. flag = 1,
  264. },
  265. labelSingular = 'Flakka',
  266. labelPlurar = 'Flakka',
  267. collectMessage = L('Collect Flakka'),
  268. icon = 'fas fa-seedling',
  270. glow = {
  271. rgb = {190, 255, 190},
  272. scale = 1.0,
  273. intensity = 0.03,
  274. }
  275. },
  276. {
  277. items = {
  278. {
  279. item = 'pd_ketamine',
  280. chance = 100,
  281. amount = {
  282. min = 1,
  283. max = 2,
  284. },
  285. }
  286. },
  287. hash = 'prop_mp_drug_pack_red',
  288. textureVariation = 4,
  289. minimumDistanceBetween = 1.5,
  290. offset = {
  291. x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0,
  292. },
  293. animation = {
  294. duration = 3,
  295. dict = 'mp_take_money_mg',
  296. anim = 'put_cash_into_bag_loop',
  297. flag = 1,
  298. },
  299. labelSingular = 'Ketamine',
  300. labelPlurar = 'Ketamine',
  301. collectMessage = L('Collect Ketamine'),
  302. icon = 'fa-solid fa-snowflake',
  304. glow = {
  305. rgb = {190, 255, 190},
  306. scale = 1.0,
  307. intensity = 0.03,
  308. }
  309. },
  310. },
  311. minNpcCount = 3,
  312. maxNpcCount = 6,
  313. npcSpawns = {
  314. {
  315. x = 77.0,
  316. y = 3724.0,
  317. z = 39.7,
  318. h = 127.0
  319. },
  320. {
  321. x = 81.0,
  322. y = 3715.0,
  323. z = 39.7,
  324. h = 328.0
  325. },
  326. {
  327. x = 92.0,
  328. y = 3742.0,
  329. z = 39.7,
  330. h = 252.0
  331. },
  332. {
  333. x = 109.0,
  334. y = 3699.0,
  335. z = 39.7,
  336. h = 100.0
  337. },
  338. {
  339. x = 58.0,
  340. y = 3724.0,
  341. z = 39.7,
  342. h = 166.0
  343. },
  344. {
  345. x = 33.6,
  346. y = 3668.7,
  347. z = 39.7,
  348. h = 246.0
  349. },
  350. {
  351. x = 246.0,
  352. y = 3708.0,
  353. z = 39.7,
  354. h = 217.0
  355. },
  356. {
  357. x = 16.0,
  358. y = 3728.0,
  359. z = 43.5,
  360. h = 195.0
  361. },
  362. {
  363. x = 84.0,
  364. y = 3768.0,
  365. z = 39.7,
  366. h = 355.0
  367. },
  368. {
  369. x = 30.0,
  370. y = 3745.0,
  371. z = 39.7,
  372. h = 297.0
  373. },
  374. {
  375. x = 45.0,
  376. y = 3703.0,
  377. z = 39.7,
  378. h = 324.0
  379. },
  380. {
  381. x = 38.0,
  382. y = 3706.0,
  383. z = 39.7,
  384. h = 324.0
  385. },
  386. {
  387. x = 67.0,
  388. y = 3684.0,
  389. z = 39.7,
  390. h = 48.0
  391. },
  392. {
  393. x = 57.0,
  394. y = 3693.0,
  395. z = 39.7,
  396. h = 232.0
  397. },
  398. {
  399. x = 76.0,
  400. y = 3702.0,
  401. z = 39.7,
  402. h = 28.0
  403. },
  404. {
  405. x = 28.0,
  406. y = 3737.0,
  407. z = 40.6,
  408. h = 166.0
  409. },
  410. {
  411. x = 110.0,
  412. y = 3660.0,
  413. z = 39.7,
  414. h = 309.0
  415. },
  416. {
  417. x = 85.24,
  418. y = 3721.9,
  419. z = 39.7,
  420. h = 140.0,
  421. }
  422. },
  423. npcHealth = 100,
  424. -- If headshots should instantly kill a ped
  425. criticalHits = true,
  426. npcAim = 70
  427. }
  429. --List of vehicles that are used by NPCs
  430. Config.vehicles = {
  431. 'daemon',
  432. 'nightblade',
  433. 'slamvan'
  434. }
  436. --List of weapons that can be used by NPcs
  437. Config.npcWeapons = {
  438. 'weapon_combatpistol',
  439. 'weapon_minismg',
  440. 'weapon_pistol',
  441. 'weapon_pistol50'
  442. }
  444. Config.corpse = {
  445. model = 'xm_prop_x17_corpse_02',
  446. coords = {
  447. x = -469.3,
  448. y = 6287.5,
  449. z = 12.7,
  450. h = 68.1
  451. }
  452. }
  454. --NPC Models
  455. Config.pedModels = {
  456. 'g_m_y_lost_01',
  457. 'g_m_y_lost_02',
  458. 'g_m_y_lost_03',
  459. 'g_f_y_lost_01'
  460. }
  462. --Scenarios that NPcs will play whilst guarding
  463. Config.scenarios = {
  471. }
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