
judas kato — sacrificial lamb

Feb 5th, 2017
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  3. » | full name: Kato Hideki (加藤 秀樹)
  4. ◦ English Name — Judas Kato
  5. » | nickname(s):
  6. ◦ Jude — what he normally goes by. He acquired this name from his father's strong love for The Beatles.
  7. ◦ Hide (pronounced Hee-de) — a nickname that comes from his Japanese Name
  8. ◦ Blank Cutie Ki — this comes from his personality. He is a very cute and loving giant but he has a hardcore resting bitch face.
  9. ◦ Kitty Ki — this comes from his "cat like reflexes"
  10. ◦ Emo Jude — the others call him this whenever he is on a kick listening to his very emo groups
  13. » | birthday: November 8, 1994
  14. » | age: 22 years old
  16. » | sex: nah he hasn't had any (IM JOKING HE IS A MALE AHAISKSK)
  17. » | height: 186cm (6'1)
  18. » | weight: 73kg (160lbs)
  19. » | blood type: B (he has this one for a reason, you know how people say your blood type describes how you act and stuff)
  24. » | faceclaim: yuto of pentagon
  25. » | backup faceclaim: youjin of knk
  27. » | nationality: Japanese-American (japan doesn't have dual citizenship but japanese people are considered japanese american so...)
  28. » | ethnicity: Japanese
  30. » | birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
  31. » | hometown: Waipaio, Hawaii, USA & Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
  32. » | languages spoken:
  33. ◦ Japanese — fluent.
  34. ◦ English — fluent
  35. ◦ Korean — semi-fluent
  36. ◦ Hawaiian Pidgin — only knows a few hawaiian phrases he learned from school
  38. » | family:
  39. ◦ Kato Sota aka Evan Kato / 43 / Father / Police Captain / +100000, this dude is dad goals bro like no joke
  40. ◦ Hannah Kaiwi-Kato / Deceased, died at age 35 / Step Mother / Emergency Room Nurse / 2
  41. ◦ Kato Taiki aka Levi Kato / 16 / Half Brother / Junior in High School & Professional Surfer / 5
  43. » | godly parent:
  44. ◦ Tyche aka Maki Ayame / Mother / 3, he has met his mother before however not in person. she only comes to him in dreams accompanied by Morpheus. She often comes to him in times of trouble and comforts her son because she loves him dearly. She desperately wants to be with him, however her duties at Olympus stand. Hideki's father loves his son's real mother and bears no ill feelings towards her (at least no strong ones), however he is very happy with his wife, Hideki's step mother, and would never think about leaving her if Hideki's real mother came for him.
  46. » | background: at least 6 sentences. preferably a lot more. include when they discovered they were a demigod, how they reacted, how their friends reacted, if they’ve met any gods, etc.
  47. ◦ Jude was born in Tokyo, Japan to a human father and a goddess for a mother, literally. Jude never got to meet his real mother for she left as soon as Jude was conceived. The only thing Jude has of her are stories his father told.
  48. His father explained that he loved Tyche before he knew who she really was. His father, Sota told his son the story of a woman named Maki Amaya who he met while working his day job at a music store. Sota was born in Japan, but like Jude, moved to Hawaii when he was only a baby. He has only been recently living in Japan again to study abroad. The man had always explained his son's mother as a beautiful woman, but she wasn't the usual type of beauty, but rather a unique one that only fit her personally. Sota fell in love with her instantly, as did she with him (and listen when i say this, that while Tyche was left with the duty to find someone just to let her produce offspring, she actually fell in love with Sota, something that doesn't usually happen with Gods and Goddesses). At this time he was only 19. He soon dated the woman, and later at the age of 20, Ayame was pregnant. Sota was thrilled to be having a child, for he loved children and always imagined. Soon enough Sota and Ayame's son, Kato Hideki was born. Sota has planned on marrying Ayame as soon as their son was born, however Ayame had other duties to attend to. On the day that Sato planned to propose, Ayame came out to Sato, telling him she was the Goddess, Tyche. Ayame explained her purpose on Earth, that she was to bore an offspring and return home to Olympus.
  49. Sato was heartbroken, as was Ayame, for the two loved each other deeply. However their love could not control Ayame's other-worldly duties, so she left. Sato soon after quit his job at the music store, and moved back home to Waipaio, Hawaii. There he raised his son while training at a police academy.
  51. — Jude was only 4 when he picked up his first instrument, it was his father's old ukulele. Jude has grown up to be a child full of curiously and adventure, and thanks to his demi-god blood and his luck from his mother, he was able to explore his town with literal luck (his father once said that Jude walked all the way to the produce stand Sato was working at to pay for police academy and bills, and Jude didn't get hit once. Sato explained how he saw his son literally walking across the street, and barely managed to make it by a car that was barreling down the road). At the age of 4, it seemed like Jude was already finding something that would stay with him for the rest of his life, and that was music. His father was a big lover of music, more specifically The Beatles and Elvis, and would always play records for Jude as a baby. When Jude picked up the ukulele, his father knew that this was something his son would fall in love with; not just because of the bright look in his eyes, but also the fact that right after he picked up the instrument he said "papa, let me play this yucky-lele." (he didn't know how to say ukulele).
  52. So Jude started out with the Ukulele, and played it for 3 years until he was 7. He then went on to bigger things, a guitar. His father has bought him a cheap child's guitar from the closest music store, and immediately upon seeing it, Jude knew that he was in love (even more so than with his ukulele). He then played the cheap guitar for 7 years (although he would often steal his dad's guitar from his closet when he was at work), until his father bought him a yamaha acoustic and an expensive Ibanez GRX20Z Jet Black Electric Guitar (you can imagine Jude's loud screams when he got the guitar). The guitar (the Electric) became his baby, and he ended up naming it Lucy after The Beatles song, Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds. (Bonus: He named his acoustic Mei).
  54. — (this honestly is jumping back and forth I'm sorry). When Jude was 6, he received a brother. His father had been dating a woman for 4 years by the name of Hannah (whom Jude hated with a dying passion). His brother became his other favorite thing behind music and his father. The two did everything together growing up. Even though Jude was older than him by a lot, the two were very close and would often go on adventures when his brother Levi was still a toddler. As Jude grew, he began to discover his odd luck and his brothers series of unfortunate events. Examples of this are climbing trees, Jude had slipped from branch, but was caught by a tiny twig, while he brother whom was on the same tree, fell and broke his arm. Another example was when the brothers were surfing. Levi was an exceptional surfer, at six he was already standing on his own. The two boys had decided to go into the water, taking surfboards with them. While calmly sitting on their surfboards. A shark had tried to bite at Jude. Luckily he missed the boy, but took a giant chunk out of his board.
  55. Jude had finally discover his powers at the age of 13. Jude had been in the car with his step-mom and brother on the way to the store when a car hit theirs and sent the suv tumbling. Jude was the only one out of all of the people involved who made it out with minor injuries. The doctors called it a miracle, for the truck hit Jude's side of the car. His step-mom and brother were both in critical condition. This caused Jude to become hysterical, and crying to his father, asking him what was wrong with him and why wasn't he dead like he should have been. From there his father told him about his mother, and that he was a demi-god.
  56. At first Jude was confused, and that confusion then turned to anger. He didn't believe his father at first, calling him a liar and other such names. That same day, while Jude was asleep in the hospital waiting room, his mother (his real mother Tyche) came to him in his sleep for the first time. He was amazed with her beauty and kindness towards him. He vividly remembers his mother reaching up toward her tall son (yeah this kid was tall af at 13. rip him) and cupping his cheeks, only to bring him down and place a kiss on his forehead. He awoke after and quickly hugged his father, crying out an apology.
  57. The 2 spent a week talking about Hideki's mother and his demi-god title, all while waiting to hear about Hideki's step-mother and brother. A week later, the found that Jude's step-mother has died, but his brother was in stable condition. Jude was sad sure, but he couldn't say he was super torn up about it. He was nothing like his father. His father was heartbroken and became a mess for months after, throwing himself into his work. It worried Sato's sons, and after 6 months of wallowing self-pity, Jude finally managed to get his father to snap out of it with a lot of yelling.
  59. — Years passed and Jude was now 20. He had been working at a music store while going to school for Music Composition. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do with his life, but he knew he wanted to do something with music. It wasn't until his little brothers girlfriend had shown him this genre she loved called kpop (yeah his little brother was 14 and had a girlfriend while Jude had been single since he was born). She mentioned how he would be great for it, and how he could be in a band similar to CNBLUE and F.T. Island. Jude immediately looked into it, and became inspired. He quickly went to his father and talked to him about it. His father was wary at first, but as soon as he saw his son's bright eyes he remembered the 4 year old boy who seemed to excited about playing a ukulele and gave his son the green light. So with some money he had saved up, and help from his dad, Jude set out for South Korea. He auditioned for JYP Entertainment where he sang Hey Jude by The Beatles (this cheesy fucker). They thanked him and said they would be in touch. He got a call a few days later where they asked him to come back and he did. This time he sang Where Did You Sleep Last Night by Nirvana and was immediately accepted.
  64. » | slot: Son of Tyche
  65. » | backup slot: Son of Aeolus
  67. » | personality: at least 8 sentences. preferably more. preferably a lot more.
  68. — Jude's personality is a bit of an odd one. From how he looks, you would expect him to be someone who would kill you where you stand for just looking at him the wrong way. That seems to be the one department he falls unlucky in for the boy is a walking ball of fluff. Despite his tall and lanky stature he is comparable to a teddy bear. He isn't the funniest member (although he tries to be funny. with anyone else it would be cringy, the things he does, but everyone just seems to eat it up), but he is know to giggle at anything the other members say, always being a hype man of sorts without becoming overly hyped and extra. He is very supportive of the other members, and will always try to be there for them no matter what. He is a very hard worker despite his love for just laying there (it seems like his childhood years of exploring wore him out for the rest of his life). He loves music and therefore will do anything for it, similar to how he is with his members. While he can often be clueless to some things his members (or others around him) are feeling (i mean it took him fucking 13 years to figure out that all those mishaps he barely escaped happened for a reason), he still tries to understand and comfort them. Jude is pretty good at comforting people (even the piss babies of the group). He often brightens the spirits of the others by just being a lovable cutie.
  70. Jude is often shy around others he isn't familiar with. Mix this with his resting "i'll fucking kill you" look and he is seen as a totally scary guy. However over time he opens up to others (unless you're the right kind of guy then you can get him talking immediately aka unless you're jackson wang). This isn't in the way where he is down to tell you his life story, but rather more willing to speak to others. In fact nobody really knows about his past, even his band members who he is fairly close with. Jude is actually very sneaky too, and will often just disappear at random times, none of the members able to find him. He is also really good at eavesdropping on others without really meaning too, and always seems to find information that can be of use to him (what can i say luck is on his side)
  72. Another one of Jude's personality traits is his (almost) innocence. With him it's a hit and miss. Despite being alive for a good 22 years he is still a child at heart sometimes. If someone were to make a dirty joke there is a 50/50 chance he will either laugh at it or look around in confusion for clarity. This leads him to often being seen as the innocent, almost baby of the group, despite being the oldest. On the other side, he is also a cheeky fucker. Jude is very self aware that his personality causes others to squeal and practically fall for him (who doesn't love an innocent cutie i mean i know i do). This causes him to sometimes exploit this admiration to get what he wants. All he has to do is smile brightly, speak slightly higher, and ask for what he desires and with his luck he is bound to get it.
  74. And you can't sum up Jude's personality without his aegyo. This boy has probably got it coming out his ass. He is so fucking cute is physically hurts. Whether it be his natural aegyo where he can be seen cutely cheering on other member with sweater paws or hiding a bashful smile, or it be his "acting" aegyo where he says the stupidly cheesy things and everyone just fucking eats it up, Jude has got a lot of it. This kid is so fucking cute when he isn't blankly looking like he is ready to murder a small village.
  76. » | habits:
  77. ◦ biting on his guitar pick
  78. ◦ pouting whenever he is really tired (he doesn't know why, but he does it out of habit)
  79. ◦ falling asleep with his guitar on his lap — Not really sure if this counts as a habit but it's something bad that Jude really needs to stop doing
  80. ◦ Biting his lips — He does it so often that he actually pulls skin off
  82. » | hobbies:
  83. ◦ playing his guitar duh
  84. ◦ singing the Love Live! songs (Imagine this boy with a deep ass voice singing a song sung by Japanese girls with high ass voices, it's great)
  85. ◦ watching anime
  87. » | fears:
  88. ◦ Needles — They didn't do anything to him but he thinks they are hella ominous and probably planning world domination.
  89. ◦ The Dark — It's kinda cute that this big guy is afraid of the dark. He even has a Nico Night Light (ask his roommate, it's no joke)
  91. » | likes:
  92. ◦ his guitar — okay this is more like love. His guitar is his wife (he named her Lucy after Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds by The Beatles). He honestly never parts with his guitar, he takes it everywhere. He takes it to Interviews, Shows, the restaurant, anywhere you can think of.
  93. ◦ The Beatles — another one that is more like love. He was named after a Beatles song (even though his name is Judas, his father gave him that name with the intention to call him Jude). He has so many different pieces of merchandise from The Beatles. His favorite one is his old beat up t-shirt with holes in it, even though it's about to fall apart, it's his favorite piece of clothing and he can be seen wearing it often.
  94. ◦ Nirvana — After The Beatles Jude takes form as a true 1990's emo in his love for Nirvana. Nirvana is his muse, and he is always fascinated how twisted up Kurt Cobain was in his lyrics and how much he truly loved the music and not the fame.
  95. ◦ 60's and 70's music — that is where the majority of his musical inspiration comes from. he loves artists like redbone, rupert holmes, jay & the americans, fleetwood mac, silver, david bowie, electronic light orchestra, parliament, cheap trick, the runaways, etc. he is one of the very few young people to like the classics.
  96. ◦ Earl Grey Tea — His favorite tea. He especially loves it with sweet cream or half and half. He often drinks it when trying to compose a song.
  97. ◦ Sriracha — His actual life force. He puts this shit on anything. If there isn't any in stock at the house he will probably flip the fuck out
  98. ◦ Ramen
  99. ◦ Spicy foods
  100. ◦ hoodies — okay let's just talk about how many hoodies this boy has. he could open a museum for the amount of hoodies he has. he loves cuddling into his hoodies and being warm. he loves getting sweater paws from his hoodie and just hiding in his hoodie when he gets shy or flustered.
  101. ◦ Writing/composing songs — This is one of his absolute favorite things to do. If you can't find him in the kitchen eating or watching anime on the couch then he is probably in his room or at the studio writing and composing songs. Its one of the ways he gets out all of his negative thoughts, his anger and pent up frustration.
  102. ◦ Love Live! — Hooo boy let me tell you. This kid loves Love Live! with his life. He has played the game so many times and seen the anime over at least 100 times. His favorite character is Nico, and you can bet he has a shit ton of Love Live! merch.
  103. ◦ Anime — Yes Jude is your stereotypical Japanese boy who loves anime. His favorites (behind Love Live!) are Haikyuu!! (his other absolute fav behind Love Live!), Tokyo Ghoul, and Durarara!)
  104. ◦ Plushies — this kid has a plethora of these things. Any kind of plushie you can bet he has it. A lot of people say he has so many plushies to match his fluffy personality.
  105. ◦ Girl Groups — LET ME TELL YOU. This boy is the biggest gg stan. You play a girl group song and he will go OFF. He will probably scream in surprise and start dancing as soon as that beat starts. He loves girl groups and know at least 100 different girl group dances (this isn't a joke, he is a dedicated fan).
  106. ◦ Doggos!!
  110. » | dislikes:
  111. ◦ Sweets — Despite his sweet personality he hates sweet food and things.
  112. ◦ Fish — He likes to eat them but he doesn't like them when they are alive. He says they are weird looking and ugly.
  113. ◦ Needles — It's kind of an irrational fear. Needles have never really done anything to him, but Jude thinks they are hella sinister and are probably planning world domination
  114. ◦ Nosy people — As someone who dabbles in the art of eavesdropping, it's kinda hypocritical of him to be like this, but he doesn't like people trying to get in his business. He likes to believe he is a somewhat open person (and by this I mean this boy is far from an open book as you can get), so he is almost offended by someone trying to fish around in his personal business.
  115. ◦ His selfies — He likes taking them but he hates how he looks. He claims he is the worst at taking selfies and pictures in general
  116. ◦ French Fries — It's kind of an odd thing to dislike, but every time he eats them Jude always throws them up. Always.
  117. ◦ Exercise — Just No.
  118. ◦ Coffee — He hates the taste but he drinks it because it's the only thing he can stomach that gives him energy on those days when he gets no sleep
  119. ◦ When people bite their nails — He has gotten in the habit to slapping people's hands away from their mouth when they are biting their nails. (Story time!! One time Jude did that to a sunbae and after realizing what he did he became so wide-eyed and started freaking the hell out and apologizing like crazy)
  121. » | trivia:
  123. — talents
  124. ◦ Has a talent where he can eat any hot thing (temp. wise) and never burn his tongue.
  125. ◦ He knows all of Disney's Tangled soundtrack by heart
  126. ◦ He can burp his ABC's
  129. — social media
  130. ◦ his twitter is under @NOVA_Jude
  131. ◦ his instagram and snapchat are both under @judekato84
  133. — others
  134. ◦ He often disappears without telling anyone where he goes. At first his members would become very worried as to where he would run off to, but the gave up on trying to find out where he would go. truth is is that the boy often travels to the bad part of town where he (illegally) gambles. While the action goes against his all around good character, the boy likes to test his fate and break the law, which ends up getting him a fat wad of cash, and get away with it too.
  135. ◦ claims his lucky number is 84
  136. ◦ Other members claim he has quick reflexes
  137. ◦ Has a habit of squishing his cheeks together
  138. ◦ His favorite Korean Artists include (but aren't limited to): N.Flying, F.T. Island, CNBlue, Aoa, Day6 (when he met them he cried a lil. he loves them), Royal Pirates, Drug Restaurant, Oh My Girl, Wonder Girls, AKMU, Eric Nam, 15& (he is a big Jimin fanboy, secretly of course), Rain, Monsta X, Sonamoo, Block B, Dean, Heize, Ailee, Mamamoo, f(x), Red Velvet, and After School
  139. ◦ His other favorite artists include: The Beatles (his ultimate favs), Nirvana, One Ok Rock, All Time Low, The Runaways, Redbone, Fleetwood Mac, Electrical Light Orchestra, David Bowie, Jackson 5, Cheap Trick, Raspberries, Looking Glass, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Johnny Cash, and Elvis Presley.
  140. ◦ Really wants a cat, but sadly is allergic to them.
  141. ◦ His favorite type of dog is a Shiba Inu (yes he has a favorite type of dog)
  142. ◦ Wants to get a tattoo but he is afraid of them (& needles)
  143. ◦ His favorite movie is Big Hero 6 & he loves Baymax a lot a lot.
  144. ◦ Out of all of his plushies his Baymax one and Haikyuu's Hinata Bird Plushie are his fav
  145. ◦ His favorite Haikyuu characters are Hinata, Tsukishima, and Oikawa.
  146. ◦ When he gets frustrated he will start to speak in Japanese or English (often in the form of cursing).
  147. ◦ He uses SNOW Camera religiously
  148. ◦ He has a mole above his left eye that he loves with all of his heart. He claims it's his charm point.
  149. ◦ His favorite color is Sky Blue
  150. ◦ He wants to dye his hair in the future
  151. ◦ He still has his first instrument, his ukulele & takes it everywhere with him. Jude also claims this is his lucky charm
  152. ◦ Once told a dude wearing a Nickelback shirt that he "didn't know real music."
  159. » | stage name: Jude (주드)
  160. » | self-introduction: exactly what it sounds like, honestly. one line only.
  161. ◦ Hello it is i, Jude Kato: local lead vocalist, rhythm guitar, and blank-faced cutie.
  162. » | signature lines: minimum of 2. things they tend to say a lot.
  163. ◦ ❝At times like this I stop and think, what would The Beatles do?❞
  164. ◦ ❝Nico Nico Nii!!❞ (if you don't understand this, it's from a Japanese game and anime called Love Live! and there is a character named Nico who says that all the time)
  165. ◦ ❝Aegyo fixes everything if I'm being totally honest.❞
  166. ◦ *high pitched groaning & whining*
  167. ◦ ❝Luck is always on my side.❞
  169. » | trainee period: a year and a half
  170. » | why did you character audition to become a trainee? especially if it was after the wrath and they knew they might end up on sacrificial lamb
  171. ◦ he wanted to become a trainee because he loved music, it was his life. and performing music was something that he aspired to do, even though he went to school for music composition. he used to just dream of performing but when he found kpop and figured that it was a better opportunity to test the waters in korea rather than in america since even now the american music world doesn't have many asian-americans. and involving sacrificial lambs, he didn't really worry about that. he had luck on his side, literally, and with that luck he would have found it highly unlikely for him to be on that show.
  173. » | vocal skill:
  174. ◦ 4: Jude would like to believe he has good control of his voice. His voice may not be the ideal type of voice everyone wants to hear, but he feels that his voice is stable for the most part.
  176. » | vocal range:
  177. ◦ (i'm not an expert on vocal ranges so sorry for this in advanced yikes). Jude is a bass. His voice suits some of the lowest notes that can be reached. However despite this he does have a limit, and his voice will fall short if pushed too low (which would be the depths of hell if i'm being honest). Jude can also reach pretty high notes (for his bass voice). He isn't a Brendon Urie of K-pop being able to get a perfect falsetto but he can reach about the low-middle range of a baritone.
  179. » | style of vocal:
  180. ◦ While Jude doesn't have the widest vocal range, his voice can fit a good amount of styles. His voice can easily go from deep, smooth, and sultry to deep, and raspy. His best fit would probably be a ballad song, but his deep scratchy (don't confuse this with the scratchiness of screamo or heavy metal dudes) voice can fit with any alternative tune. His range can fit anywhere from Drug Restaurant's smooth and deep vocalist Jung Joon Young to Nirvana's Kurt Cobain's raspy yet soothing voice. This is something Jude takes pride in, for he knows he isn't the best when it comes to stability (even though his voice is pretty damn stable he still sells himself short), or range, he definitely has a strong suit in style.
  181. ◦ Pop is a big no-no for him. The most pop he can get is "Love Yourself" by Justin Bieber or "Joanne" by Lady Gaga simply because those are slow songs. He doesn't feel that his deep voice fits the pop scene at all, and if it were to try and be put in there, it should just be the back track for the whole thing.
  183. » | rap skill: 0
  184. » | style of rap: n/a
  186. » | dance skill:
  187. — 1: This applies to him having the ability to dance to girl groups
  188. » | style of dance: Literally only girl groups & that's it. Nothing else. Seriously.
  190. » | other talents:
  191. ◦ He can sing in English as well as Japanese.
  192. ◦ He can dance to almost any girl group song
  194. » | how they act on stage:
  195. ◦ Jude is very stoic and bitch face more activated. He goes for a more solemn and sexy type of vibe rather than his usually demeanor, simply because it doesn't fit the group's concept. He is known for his piercing gazes while playing his guitar, but taking on an emotional demeanor when really getting into the singing of the song whether it be gritty and powerful, or slow and somber.
  197. » | how they act off stage but on camera:
  198. ◦ This kid is a cutie. He tends to be a bit shy around the camera, often blushing and hiding/fighting a smile. It takes quite a bit for him to come out of his shell when in camera (unless the right person can rile him up).
  200. » | how they act off stage and off camera:
  201. ◦ He acts like himself. Since he is pretty comfortable around his band mates, he is often latching into them whether it be holding hands with them, hanging on their shoulders, or just leaning on them, he is all over them. He often is looking to brighten the mood, and trying to be somewhat cheerful, even if everyone is not.
  203. » | fanservice:
  204. ◦ just a shit ton of aegyo
  205. ◦ serenading fans — he often pulls out his acoustic and will go up to fans in the audience and start singing "Hey Jude" by The Beatles to them
  207. » | hardships and struggles as an trainee/idol:
  208. ◦ Language had to be one of the major ones for him. He hadn't been in Korea for long before he debuted so in the time he was a trainee he had to squeeze in a lot of Korean lessons to be up to par to be able to speak fluently. He has come very far and can put together sentences properly, however there are often still times where he forgets words of needs help.
  209. ◦ Jude most certainly experiences abuse from trainees. Trainers actually enjoyed the boy's presence despite his trouble to communicate with them & had an easy time with him since his voice was already pretty well trained. This caused other trainees to become jealous of him. They of course wouldn't let him know this, and would pick on his inability to communicate properly. Trainees were also very envious of his somewhat good relationship with his godly parent. Not all trainees have good ties with their godly parents so to hear that he tolerated his parent well made them angry and gave more reason to lash out on him.
  215. » | powers + skill level:
  216. ◦ Jude's power of tychokinesis has been around since he has been alive, he just never knew. As a younger child he would often (unknowingly) use it on his younger brother, causing his brother to receive to worst luck which Jude made it out completely clean. It wasn't until Jude discovered his demi-god side did he actually began to use the power. He, of course, wasn't aware of the power until his mother appeared in his dreams, teaching him subconsciously how to control his powers, and it worked. However teaching in the subconscious is not as effective as doing so in full consciousness, so the boy's powers are not to their fullest extent. While his power remains stable most of the time, there are often slip ups where he accidentally gives one bad luck when in reality trying to give them good luck.
  218. » | experience with weapons/fighting styles:
  219. ◦ When he entered JYP they immediately had him working on fighting styles among other things. With him they focused on hand to hand, more up close and personal type of fighting. They did so since they believed that since he was very very lucky, he would have more luck in a harder type of fighting style than far away. This was he could also use his tychokinesis while fighting hand to hand. With this he also practiced in up close combat with weapons since his fists couldn't get him as far. He seemed to do well in that too, and thus also practiced shooting guns and far away combat. This came to be his weakness out of all of the different tactics.
  220. ◦ He was given weapons to practice with that included more swords, daggers, and other things alike. However he seemed to excel in using Nagamakis and Tessens.
  223. » | skill level w/weapons and fighting styles:
  224. ◦ Nagamaki — The weapon he is the best at. He is able to deal a powerful blow with this weapon.
  225. ◦ Tessen — While he isn't as strong with this one as the Nagamaki, it comes in handy when getting super close with enemies. It's smaller & easier to not only wield but conceal.
  226. ◦ Hand Guns — Let's not talk about these... He is okay with guns, isn't the best shot, but can handle one
  227. ◦ Hand to Hand combat — a strong point. He knows he isn't a strongest person even but hand to hand combat is also about agility and ability to think fast. What he lacks in strength he makes up in luck and agility.
  228. ◦ Up close combat — one of the thins he is best at. He may not be the strongest but he has weapons and his abilities in his side to help him in this. Up close combat often calls upon the help of someone's head to win, something that the boy exceeds in.
  229. ◦ Far away combat — he is very weak in this but not incapable of doing so
  232. » | how do they feel about being on sacrificial lamb?
  233. ◦ He is honest to god scared. Despite having all the luck in the world in his side, Jude is someone who is kind hearted and loving, and far from being a cold blooded killer. He can't imagine holding a knife with intent to kill, much less going through with such a thing. He knows what this show requires him to do, but he is still fearful of the things he will have to do to survive.
  235. » | how would your character react to killing someone? what if s/he was close to that person? what if s/he had to do it to survive or to save someone they are close with?
  236. ◦ Since Jude is a very empathetic and loving person it would be really hard to kill someone. He still feels the burden from killing his step-mom so long ago (even though it wasn't really his fault) and thus would have a hard time killing anyone. It wouldn't matter if he was close to them or not, he would still feel the same amount of horror and grief from killing a stranger as killing someone close to him.
  238. » | how would your character react to watching someone die? what if s/he was close to that person?
  239. ◦ Jude would be devastated, whether he was close to them or not. If we are being totally honest he would probably start crying either way (he would just be far more dramatic if it was someone from his group). If it was someone he was close to, he would either run to them crying or run away crying depending on whether the killer was going after him next.
  241. » | would your character sabotage someone else? what if it was to save someone s/he is close to? how would s/he react if that caused the person’s death?
  242. ◦ Honestly Jude would have a hard time sabotaging someone. Sure he would attempt to do it if it meant saving someone from his group, but it doesn't mean he wouldn't be ridden by guilt in doing it. That's his biggest weakness, his big heart. He wouldn't have the heart to sabotage someone, but if he was really pushed to the limit he would go through with it with uneasiness and a heart heavy with guilt.
  243. ◦ God if Jude was the reason for anyone's death he would be close to just ending his own life. He is such a sympathetic person that he would be so broken by his own actions. It wouldn't be a surprise if he became slightly depressed at the fact that he was the cause for someone's death.
  247. » | suggestions for a theme song:
  248. ◦ Money by Hyolyn feat. Jay Park & Geegooin (idk tbh wtf is this)
  249. ◦ Stand Up by Basick feat. Mamamoo (my top pick tbfh)
  250. ◦ No Thx by Yuk Ji Dam feat. Suran & Dean
  252. » | requested scenes:
  253. ◦ then having to show off their skills like in the Hunger Games (lmao yikes)
  254. ◦ them all having one big dinner and acting like the bestest of buddies despite knowing they are all gonna have to kill each other (i just imagine forced smiles and gritted teeth here omg)
  255. ◦ i'm bad at this don't ask me to do this please
  257. » | why do you want to join? because i live for a bunch of children running around with weapons and powers trying to kill each other but also mentally and physically dying inside (and outside)
  258. » | why should we pick your form? you should pick it because you like it. don't feel pressured to take my form because i wrote a lot. i know my background is a bit over the place as well as my personality (what can i say i'm the least organized person you will probably meet)
  260. » | note to the authors: yo i hope you like this form because i have 3 others coming at you yeet
  262. » | anything else: stuff you wanted to include in your form but didn't have a place for, random things, etc.
  265. ◦ More info on Nagamakis —
  266. ◦ More info on Tessens —
  268. ◦ yo so i have some gifs bc i thought they were hella cute & i just like looking at pictures & gifs of who i put as my faceclaim to help me visualize them so here you go:
  270. Adachi Yuto:
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  279. Kim Youjin:
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  282. ◦
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