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  1. [2010-11-18 18::26:12] Doink: [DATE: DECEMBER 8th, 2015]
  2. [2010-11-18 18::26:35] Doink: [LOCATION: FIRST BRANCH HQ, ARKHAM, MASSACHUSETTS]
  3. [2010-11-18 18::27:45] Doink: The office of the Commander of NERV is as impressive as one would expect, given the status afforded him. A massive room, wide and long, its floor and ceiling decorated with strange sigils and arcane scrawls carved into their metallic surfaces. Rumor has it that the patterns shift and change when people aren’t looking at them, but, well, there are a lot of rumors surrounding this place.
  4. [2010-11-18 18::29:08] Doink: Commander Howard Carter sits behind a monolithic desk of metal and glass, frowning at a series of projections hovering in the air before him. As the door hisses open on the far side of the room, he waves an arm and dismisses them. "You may enter."
  5. [2010-11-18 18::29:53] Mia_al-Misiri: enters with no hesitation at all.
  6. [2010-11-18 18::30:08] Kazimir_Prochazka: steps in, still rubbing his arms to keep warm after being lost in the snow earlier.
  7. [2010-11-18 18::30:12] Dmitriy_Platonov: corrales the pilots into the office, looking quite stern, and probably a little troubled. Like there's something bothering him.
  8. [2010-11-18 18::30:23] Mia_al-Misiri: "Hello! Who is this here?"
  9. [2010-11-18 18::30:58] Ruru_Fields: walks in with a self-satisfied look on her face, fluffing out her bangs and then fiddling with her ear percing for a second as she looks around.
  10. [2010-11-18 18::31:43] John_Kilanger: enters the room, taking his shades off as he enters and pockets them
  11. [2010-11-18 18::32:12] Doink: Henri follows you in, surprisingly silent.
  12. [2010-11-18 18::33:14] Doink: There are no chairs in the room. You'll just have to stand.
  13. [2010-11-18 18::33:34] Dmitriy_Platonov: stands behind the pilots, having a frozen face.
  14. [2010-11-18 18::34:28] Mia_al-Misiri: is vacantly cheerful.
  15. [2010-11-18 18::34:35] Ruru_Fields: crosses her arms over her chest and ring as she cheats three quarters.
  16. [2010-11-18 18::34:35] Doink: Carter leans forward at his desk as the pilots approach, his expression stern, but not particularly malicious. Or maybe it is. He just kind of looks like that all the time.
  17. [2010-11-18 18::34:41] Mia_al-Misiri: waves.
  18. [2010-11-18 18::35:26] Doink: Carter: "Pilots. There are... certain matters which we must discuss."
  19. [2010-11-18 18::35:41] Kazimir_Prochazka: awkwardly stops trying to warm himself and instead stands up straighter.
  20. [2010-11-18 18::37:13] John_Kilanger: continues to stand, he keeps his hands in his pockets as he listens to his commander.
  21. [2010-11-18 18::38:20] Ruru_Fields: blinks slowly.
  22. [2010-11-18 18::38:47] Doink: Carter: "As you well know, your most recent... encounter took place much close to our headquarters hear then we had previously assumed possible at... this stage. This, though it is no-ones fault, has... forced our hand in certain matters."
  23. [2010-11-18 18::40:53] Ruru_Fields: "Like what?"
  24. [2010-11-18 18::41:13] Kazimir_Prochazka: cringes.
  25. [2010-11-18 18::41:37] Doink: Carter: "Although we had particular plans for the point at which Project E and NERV's... mission were to be revealed to the public, certain things have forced us to... modify our story."
  26. [2010-11-18 18::42:23] Mia_al-Misiri: follows? She's not really paying attention.
  27. [2010-11-18 18::42:35] Doink: Carter presses a button somewhere on his desk. A series of images appear hovering in the air above it—A grainy, low-quality video of an Evangelion throwing a snowball, next to a blurry image of another building what appears to be a pile of snow.
  28. [2010-11-18 18::43:42] Ruru_Fields: griiiiins.
  29. [2010-11-18 18::43:46] Mia_al-Misiri: grins and claps a little.
  30. [2010-11-18 18::43:56] John_Kilanger: facepalms
  31. [2010-11-18 18::43:56] Mia_al-Misiri: "That's me!"
  32. [2010-11-18 18::44:01] Doink: Carter remains stone-faced.
  33. [2010-11-18 18::44:01] Dmitriy_Platonov: Dmitriy's face twitches when he sees this accursed thing. Just for a moment.
  34. [2010-11-18 18::45:11] John_Kilanger: "Was this video taken from one of NERV's cameras?
  35. [2010-11-18 18::45:40] Doink: "No. This was taken from a civilian camera."
  36. [2010-11-18 18::46:00] Doink: Carter: "There were more than this, of course. These were simply the ones that... evaded Section 2."
  37. [2010-11-18 18::46:15] John_Kilanger: double facepalms.
  38. [2010-11-18 18::46:45] Doink: Carter: "Proper measures are being taken against the media outlets which... distributed them, but it is too late to remove them from the public eye."
  39. [2010-11-18 18::47:03] Dmitriy_Platonov: looks at John with a silent approval.
  40. [2010-11-18 18::48:31] Doink: Carter: "Now, none of you are going to be punished for this particular... slip of discipline, as the location of the battle was outside of anyone's predictions at the time, and because our Public Relations department has managed to work out a means of... working this in our advantage, with some luck."
  41. [2010-11-18 18::49:32] Ruru_Fields: "I'll do it." She beams, delighted. "I want it."
  42. [2010-11-18 18::49:49] Kazimir_Prochazka: turns slightly towards John and mutters: "Only. Sane. Men."
  43. [2010-11-18 18::49:52] Doink: Carter, ignoring Ruru: "However, any subsequent behavior of this type while piloting any Evangelion unit will be responded to with immediate loss of privileges and possible removal of pilot status. Is that clear?"
  44. [2010-11-18 18::51:06] Mia_al-Misiri: "What type?"
  45. [2010-11-18 18::51:21] Ruru_Fields: nods, triumphant, ecstatic.
  46. [2010-11-18 18::53:02] Kazimir_Prochazka: "The type of stuff that makes them, and by extension: us, look like a bunch of children playing around with multimillion dollar toys."
  47. [2010-11-18 18::53:35] Doink: Carter: "Mia, your father will be speaking with you on that matter personally." He doesn't even look at her.
  48. [2010-11-18 18::54:28] Mia_al-Misiri: "What?"
  49. [2010-11-18 18::54:36] Mia_al-Misiri: looks confused.
  50. [2010-11-18 18::54:45] John_Kilanger: whispers to Kaz "Technically, we are children playing around in multimillion dollar toys"
  51. [2010-11-18 18::54:54] John_Kilanger: gives a sly grin
  52. [2010-11-18 18::55:32] Kazimir_Prochazka: mutters back: "PROFESSIONAL children."
  53. [2010-11-18 18::56:59] Ruru_Fields: snorts at that lightly. "I don't know about you but I'm not playing. Combat is an onerous burden that I'd rather not deal with ever again, spending time with Kagemaru is the only reason I continue." She grins. "But if we're going public~."
  54. [2010-11-18 18::57:51] John_Kilanger: "Please tell me we aren't going public..."
  55. [2010-11-18 18::57:57] Doink: Carter sighs. "If you would let me finish....due to these recent events, and the advising of our Public Relations team, I have decided that you, the pilots, will be given some limited, carefully controlled exposure to the public eye."
  56. [2010-11-18 18::58:18] John_Kilanger: face palms even harder
  57. [2010-11-18 18::58:43] Doink: He holds up a hand. "The emphasis here is on 'limited,' of course."
  58. [2010-11-18 18::59:12] John_Kilanger: "Will they know our names and faces?"
  59. [2010-11-18 18::59:13] Kazimir_Prochazka: goes white
  60. [2010-11-18 18::59:14] Ruru_Fields: grins even HARDER. Her jaw will hurt after this.
  61. [2010-11-18 18::59:25] Kazimir_Prochazka: "Sir. Can I decline?"
  62. [2010-11-18 18::59:37] Ruru_Fields: "I'll do his part."
  63. [2010-11-18 19::00:07] Doink: Carter: "The... original plan involved using adult stand-ins as our pilots in the eyes of the public, but due to your... childish behavior it has been determined that a more... honest approach would be more capable of gaining public favor."
  64. [2010-11-18 19::00:22] Doink: Carter: "No, Kazimir, you may not."
  65. [2010-11-18 19::00:55] Ruru_Fields: woul scowl at that, but she's too busy being hair-raisingly excited.
  66. [2010-11-18 19::01:24] Kazimir_Prochazka: "...then like John said, will they be able to see our faces?"
  67. [2010-11-18 19::01:32] Kazimir_Prochazka: "Or know our names?"
  68. [2010-11-18 19::01:54] Ruru_Fields: "They had better."
  69. [2010-11-18 19::02:29] Mia_al-Misiri: is kind of thinking about this quietly.
  70. [2010-11-18 19::02:36] Doink: Carter: "They will, yes... in your case, I believe, doctored records were being drawn up to avoid... unpleasant associations."
  71. [2010-11-18 19::03:27] John_Kilanger: just sighs
  72. [2010-11-18 19::03:31] Kazimir_Prochazka: "...Thank you sir."
  73. [2010-11-18 19::03:38] John_Kilanger: "Here I was hoping to have a normal high school life..."
  74. [2010-11-18 19::04:14] Kazimir_Prochazka: "School for Exceptional Students. I think the Exceptional bit is understated."
  75. [2010-11-18 19::04:48] Doink: Carter: "For the time being, you all will remain on normal duty. I believe that Miskatonic has been shut down until our teams can ensure that the nearby forests ahve not been... contaminated, so... enjoy your long holiday, I suppose."
  76. [2010-11-18 19::05:25] Ruru_Fields: "Think of the media attention, the -endorsements-, the -invitations-~."
  77. [2010-11-18 19::05:45] John_Kilanger: "I'm thinking of the attention, and -Hating- it
  78. [2010-11-18 19::06:22] Doink: Carter's face darkens a little. "All media contact will be strictly supervised by Director Platonov and our Public Relations staff. There will be no... 'candid interviews.'"
  79. [2010-11-18 19::07:09] Dmitriy_Platonov: is silent, letting Carter explain the situation. His last remark seems to got Dmitriy worried.
  80. [2010-11-18 19::07:11] Kazimir_Prochazka: "Zaplať pánbůh.."
  81. [2010-11-18 19::07:53] Ruru_Fields: "Of -course- sir." She says to Carter. "I wouldn't do anything to -endanger- my status as a pilot! That's just counter-productive!"
  82. [2010-11-18 19::09:01] Kazimir_Prochazka: shifts away from Ruru. Her obsession with fame and recognition is almost palpable.
  83. [2010-11-18 19::09:56] Doink: Carter nods. "As for... invitations... it has been determined that your first formal public appearance shall be at... local function. A formal dinner being held for the benefit of Miskatonic Academy, to take place on the twenty-third of this month."
  84. [2010-11-18 19::11:17] Doink: Carter: "In attendance will be many... prominent individuals. I expect all of you to be on your... best behavior." You can almost see the despair on his face when he says it.
  85. [2010-11-18 19::12:23] Kazimir_Prochazka: waves his finger between Mia and Ruru.
  86. [2010-11-18 19::12:33] Dmitriy_Platonov: "I will be there with you to enforce it. The importance of this event is immeasurable. Think of it as of duty." - Dmitriy tries to help Commander.
  87. [2010-11-18 19::12:49] Ruru_Fields: "The. Best." She smiles the cheshire smile.
  88. [2010-11-18 19::14:21] John_Kilanger: "Don't worry about me sir."
  89. [2010-11-18 19::15:39] Kazimir_Prochazka: "I'll stay in the back."
  90. [2010-11-18 19::16:16] Doink: Carter nods. "Good. The event will be held at the Silver Twilight Lodge in old Arkham. All that is required of you is to arrive with the rest of the NERV guests, behave in a proper manner, and, most importantly, not speak to /anyone/ unless... absolutely necessary. I assume you all are... capable of such?"
  91. [2010-11-18 19::17:08] Mia_al-Misiri: nods, still only half listening
  92. [2010-11-18 19::17:30] John_Kilanger: sighs "Yes sir."
  93. [2010-11-18 19::17:47] Kazimir_Prochazka: affirms with a "Sir."
  94. [2010-11-18 19::18:20] Ruru_Fields: "Absoutely. Will we be getting official by-lines from the Public Relations staff for appropriate disembling?" Her eyes twinkle.
  95. [2010-11-18 19::19:55] Doink: Carter waves a hand dismissively. "Most likely. That is their... area of expertise."
  96. [2010-11-18 19::23:23] Ruru_Fields: "Excellent. I look forward to working with them."
  97. [2010-11-18 19::24:12] Dmitriy_Platonov: sighs quietly, looking at Ruru without any trust.
  98. [2010-11-18 19::25:24] Ruru_Fields: grins at Dmitriy, her eyes hungry and demanding by turn.
  99. [2010-11-18 19::25:32] Doink: Carter: "Now. Are there any particular... points which any of you would wish to raise to my attention? Or is this meeting completed?"
  100. [2010-11-18 19::26:00] Kazimir_Prochazka: looks at Ruru instead of Carter, and all too seriously remarks: "Ruru, I swear to god. If you make my life far more complicated than I want it to be, I will kill you."
  101. [2010-11-18 19::26:24] Mia_al-Misiri: shakes her head.
  102. [2010-11-18 19::26:30] Kazimir_Prochazka: "No sir."
  103. [2010-11-18 19::26:44] John_Kilanger: "No sir"
  104. [2010-11-18 19::27:23] Ruru_Fields: "-I-, of course, have a thousand questions, but I think they'll be better directed towars te Public Relations Staff as it concerns minutae I'm certain I needn't bother you with."
  105. [2010-11-18 19::28:22] Dmitriy_Platonov: "That won't be necessary, Kazimir. If anyone's risky moves will endanger our duties, the consequences will be harsh for that person. And too much public attention can endanger them, so..." - Dmitriy doesn't end his phrase.
  106. [2010-11-18 19::28:48] Doink: Carter looks at each of the pilots in turn. You can't tell if his expression is appraising, despairing, or accepting. Probably a mixture of all three.
  107. [2010-11-18 19::29:23] Kazimir_Prochazka: keeps a straight back, but shivers a bit. The snow was bitingly cold.
  108. [2010-11-18 19::29:39] » Henri_DEllaine joined the chat room.
  109. [2010-11-18 19::30:31] Doink: Carter gets to his feet, turning his back to the pilots and staring at the blank black wall behind him, arms crossed behind his back.
  110. [2010-11-18 19::31:52] Ruru_Fields: stretches as she turns to walk out the door. "Best job nin the world." She says before undoing her scarf and tying it back around her lower face.
  111. [2010-11-18 19::31:55] » Mia_al-Misiri is now known as Blast.
  112. [2010-11-18 19::32:07] Doink: Carter: "You must understand just how vital you all shall be in the months to come. To the very survival of the human race. You are dismissed"
  113. [2010-11-18 19::32:29] John_Kilanger: turns around and leaves the office. "This is going to be a disaster"
  114. [2010-11-18 19::33:07] Doink: [SESSION END]
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