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a guest
Mar 11th, 2012
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  2. Ha********-[IS]: We have the array in sight. Mako-san, I need you to verify it is operational.
  3. Ha********-[IS]: Matsumoto-control. I need you to transfer the activation codes. Channel 1-2-5
  5. Ha********-[IS]: It has power...
  6. Ha********-[IS]: Mako, did you recieve the codes?
  7. Mako.Rujio: Yes.
  8. Ha********-[IS]: Good. Your ship has a manipulator device, right?
  9. Mako.Rujio: Hai, sure.
  10. Ha********-[IS]: See if you can access the communication relay.
  11. Ha********-[IS]: I need a positive linkup.
  13. Mako.Rujio: *loading comm channel...*
  14. Mako.Rujio: *online*
  15. Mako.Rujio: There it is.
  16. Ha********-[IS]: Good. We are in the green and ready... I'm aligning the array.
  18. Ha********-[IS]: *the array activates and faces somewhere out of the system*
  19. Ha********-[IS]: Transmitting codes.
  20. Ha********-[IS]: *cl-init{cs113-7745-112-VVS}*
  21. Ha********-[IS]: >TRANSMITTING
  22. Ha********-[IS]: This may take some time.
  23. Ha********-[IS]: But it is working
  24. Ha********-[IS]: You have done a good deed, Mako-san.
  25. Ha********-[IS]: The gods... truely smile upon you.
  26. Ha********-[IS]: Smile upon us all.
  27. Ha********-[IS]: With this cycle complete... the Tau War, the Gallics, the Coup, all will have been justified.
  28. Ha********-[IS]: You may go.
  29. Ha********-[IS]: And know your name is known to us,
  30. Ha********-[IS]: For you shall be recalled as he who begat the Machine God's Wrath.
  32. Ha********-[IS]: *a number of energy signatures begin to pop up here and there*
  33. Ha********-[IS]: The Dark Contingency is set forth. Matsumoto command, we're heading back.
  34. Ha********-[IS]: Shosho Mochizuki should be informed that CASE ORANGE is underway.
  35. Ha********-[IS]: Fighter wings recalled and patrols sequestered near the Matsumoto.
  37. Ha********-[IS]: And miss Takahashi?
  38. Ha********-[IS]: You do well to heed "their" warnings.
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