Guest User


a guest
Jun 1st, 2017
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  1. Menu channel {
  2. Help
  3. ..Bans
  4. ...Mute: /msg $active To set a quiet ban on a user (mute) Type: /mode #channel +b ~q:nick/hostmask - This means the user can not talk unless voiced or higher.
  5. ...Unmute: /msg $active To set a quiet unban on a user (mute) Type: /mode #channel -b ~q:nick/hostmask - This means the user will be able to talk even if he doesn't have access.
  6. ...Channel Ban: /msg $active To ban users from a specific channel joining yours type: /mode #channel +b ~c:#Channel - This will stop the users in #Channel joining your #Channel.
  7. ...Unban Channel Ban: /msg $active To unban users from a specific channel joining yours type: /mode #channel -b ~c:#Channel
  8. ...Ban User: /msg $active To ban a user from your channel type: /mode #channel +b nick/hostmask - This bans the user from joining your channel until unbanned.
  9. ...Unban User: /msg $active To unban a user from your channel type: /mode #channel -b nick/hostmask - This will unban the user that you may have banned earlier.
  10. ...Banned: /msg $active The channel of which you were banned from is the decision of the Operators and Halfops of that specific channel and they are permitted to ban you from the channel for any reason or period of time that they desire.
  11. ...Unbanyourself: /msg $active To unban yourself from your own channel or a channel which you have 5+ access type: /cs unban #channel
  13. .Access
  14. ..Add: /msg $active To give someone access in your channel type: /cs access #channel add nick access level - Levels are as follows, 3 voice, 4 halfop, 5-9 op, 10-9999 Admin.
  15. ..Del: /msg $active To delete someone's access in your channel type: /cs access #channel del nick - This deletes the nick from your access list.
  16. ..List: /msg $active To view the access list in your channel type: /cs access #channel list - This lists all the nicknames who have access in your channel.
  18. .Channel
  19. ..Register: /msg $active To register your channel type: /cs register #channel password info about your chan - This sets you to owner.
  20. ..Topic: /msg $active To set a topic type: /topic #channel topic
  21. ..Entry Msg: /msg $active To set a entry message/greet on your channel type: /cs set #channel entrymsg message/greet here
  22. ..Founder: /msg $active To set another founder (give the channel away) Type: /cs set #channel founder new founders nick - Please note you can't undo this.
  23. ..Join: /msg $active To join a channel type: /join #channel - This will allow you to join a channel whilst still being on other channels.
  24. ..Avoice: /msg $active To set your channel for autovoice on entry type: /cs levels #Channel set AutoVoice 0
  25. ..SecureOps: /msg $active To turn off/on secureops type: /cs set #channel secureops off/on
  27. .Nick
  28. ..Register nick: /msg $active To register your nickname type: /ns register password Then check your email, and follow instructions there. Please also check your junk e-mail if it's not in your inbox.
  29. ..Identify: /msg $active To identify with nickserv type: /msg nickserv identify password here or /ns id password here
  30. ..New Pass: /msg $active To change your password type: /msg nickserv set password new password here
  31. ..Group: /msg $active To group a nick type: /msg nickserv group main nick main nicks password To see what nicks you are grouped with type: /ns glist
  32. ..Greet: /msg $active To set a greet message type: /msg nickserv set greet your greet here
  33. ..Ghost: /msg $active To disconnect your ghost from the network type: /msg nickserv ghost nick password
  34. ..New Nick: /msg $active To change your IRC nick type: /nick new nick
  35. ..Recover Nick: /msg $active To recover your nick when someone else is using it type: /msg nickserv recover nick name password then you will need to release services hold on your nick by typing: /msg nickserv release nick password finnaly you may switch back to your nick by typing: /nick newnick
  36. ..Protect Nick: /msg $active To set protection for your nick, with a 60 second delay, type: /msg nickserv set kill on To reduce this delay to 20 seconds type: /msg nickserv set kill quick
  37. ..Greet: /msg $active To set a greet for your nick type: /ns set greet : Greet Here
  39. .Bot
  40. ..Assign: /msg $active To assign a network service bot type: /bs assign #channel bot name - A list of botnames are avaliable by typing: /bs botlist
  41. ..Unassign: /msg $active To unassign/remove a network service bot from your channel type: /bs unassign #channel
  42. ..Flood: /msg $active To set flood options type: /bs kick #channel flood on timestillban:lines:persecond(s) - To turn flood control off type: /bs kick #channel flood off
  43. ..Say/Act: /msg $active To make the network service bot say something type: /bs say #channel text To make the bot do an action type: /bs act #channel text
  44. ..BadWords: /msg $active To configure the badwords list type: /bs badwords #channel add word - To kick a user that uses a badword type: /bs kick #channel badwords on - To turn off badword kicking type: /bs kick badwords off
  46. .Other
  47. ..Invite: /msg $active To invite a user or bot type: /invite user/botname #channel
  48. ..Colour: /msg $active To type in colour type: !clist - This will give you a nice little example.
  49. ..RsMarket: /msg $active If you are haveing trouble joing #RSMarket please type !rsmarket for mor information.
  50. ..Botlist: /msg $active To view the custom bots type: /join #b0ts, #bots, or #bot. (These are very large bot channels) - Or For stats /join #stats
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