

Jun 29th, 2015
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  1. 9:09 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: people got tired of me doing my job and started complaining i was abusing my powers and got me demoted and banned
  2. 9:09 Moobot: Topic: Gmod (by josh4398 4m ago)
  3. 9:10 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: funny thing is it was three people they where rdming and mass disrespecting and i was abusing by banning them lol
  4. 9:10 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: seems legit
  5. 9:11 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: dude funny thing is right after he banned me there was like ten hackers that got on and they had trouble catching them
  6. 9:12 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: i made an unban request and alot of people actually fought for me
  7. 9:12 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: owner still said no
  8. 9:12 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: five weeks later server got ddosed by one of the guys fighting for me
  9. 9:13 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: well i got to make some money and get my computer fixed first lol
  10. 9:14 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: i still have to get css and tf2
  11. 9:16 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: are they trying to cdm?
  12. 9:17 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: wooow abuse
  13. 9:17 CrockedTv: hello
  14. 9:17 Moobot: Topic: Gmod (by josh4398 12m ago)
  15. 9:17 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: warn him for abuse
  16. 9:18 CrockedTv: nice and your?
  17. 9:18 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: well if you as co-owner warn him and he removes it then he is abusing again
  18. 9:19 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: so the owner is a fucktard?
  19. 9:20 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: spectate the super admin
  20. 9:22 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: did you ever talk to my friend tuckerw?
  21. 9:23 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: he said he would look into it
  22. 9:25 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: yeah he abused on stream too lol that is funny
  23. 9:25 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: mr bill cant denie it now
  24. 9:25 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: Deny*
  25. 9:26 L3GO_Studios: Life as a Co-owner is even cooler
  26. 9:26 Moobot: Topic: Gmod (by josh4398 22m ago)
  27. 9:27 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: umm i am on mobile even if i refresh it does not change for 24 hours when twitch app updates
  28. 9:27 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: i was co-owner of a server and i will get head admin on another when i get my computer fixed
  29. 9:28 L3GO_Studios: Dysfunctional servers dont last long.
  30. 9:28 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: woooow i demand a ban hammer of that sa or i will keep all my friends off that server
  31. 9:28 Nightbot: Welcome to the stream. Thank you for being here. Make sure to hit that follow button if you enjoy the stream.
  32. 9:29 L3GO_Studios: May as well find another community
  33. 9:29 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: i will keep my streamer friends off and lost1nplace on
  34. 9:30 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: lol mr bill when afk when talking to him
  35. 9:32 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: mr bill he also abused and made someone staff and then demoted him right away
  36. 9:33 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: after he became a class
  37. 9:33 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: mr bill must be one of those kid owners who gets banned from every server and does not care about his staff
  38. 9:33 Moobot: Topic: Gmod (by josh4398 29m ago)
  39. 9:33 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: that is fine
  40. 9:34 Matthewdurbinmonday1998: you will never see my friends on there
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