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Jun 3rd, 2016
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  1. Bell Familiars(100 RP) – You gain a trio of 3 Jester-like girls, they are able to create cell medals from nowhere by playing a game of chance or making wagers/deals with people. The cell medals gained by the wagers are variable, but they tend to be 10 dollars wagered = 3 medals, with everything else more or less scaling from there. They are completely loyal to you, however are weak in combat and don’t have a will of their own. When they die, you can recreate them at no cost to yourself.
  2. Knight Soldier Spawners(100 RP) – A secret technique that allows you to turn cell medals into relatively strong combatants(vs. mundane weapons) known as Knight Soldiers. One cell per soldier.
  3. The Finest On Earth(100 RP) – A king’s ransom worth of Gold, jewels and various art objects(styled to your taste) alongside about 9999 Cell Medals.
  4. Medajarent(300 RP) - “Blade of Knighting”, allows one to transform others into ‘Silveride’ warriors with combat ability equal to Kamen Rider Birth Prototype, for the cheap cost of 3 cell medals.
  5. Medawenann(200 RP) – “Dagger of Shadows”, allows you to convert your body into a swarm of (initially) 99 cell medals and fly around in order to avoid heavy damage as well as fit into small spaces. Requires a ‘recharge’ on medals used as body in this form, swarm mode burns a cell medal every minute that mode is used. Maximum of 99 cell medals ‘stored’ in the dagger.
  6. Animus Statues(200 RP) – Life size statues of animals that, when a core medal matching that animal is inserted(the insect statues appear to ‘absorb’ the core into itself like hammer space), the statue will animate and begin to serve you with full access to their respective animal’s power and their medal’s set bonus. (aquatic Animus can turn liquid, and the insect animus statues will all be able to self-replicate.) For +100 RP, Versions of these for any Jumper Medal combos you have will also appear.
  7. Merlin Ring (400 RP) – A ring fit for a Wizard. Can be passed over medals to ‘activate’ them, creating a magical effect with them. When used with Cell medals, summons up nodules of light to serve, being able to lift like a strongbacked minion with their telekinesis, take some respectable damage for their master, or initiate suicide attacks to inflict a good amount of ‘force’ damage against their target. Core Medals will summon spectral creatures with the properties of their ‘origin’ medal. Each individual medal can only have one specter out at a time, but you can have multiples of the same specter. (for example, there are 3 Tora medals, so you can have 3 tiger specters.) The ring itself seems to give you the power to ‘attract’ and ‘repel’ core and cell medals with a thought and by aiming your arm out towards them.
  8. Giru’s Punishment(300) – Interesting. You find a full set of 3 Purple Core medals, allowing access to the PuToTyra Combo if you so wish, or to use with Medal-based magic and technology.
  9. Medalongowen(200) – A Spear that allows one to insert cell medals into it on a small module on the shaft. Every Cell medal will turn into a strong floating shield(that resembles a coin) that will intercept attacks without needing your intervention, as well as being able to transform into floating spears that can attack autonomously or on your cue. Both Shield and Spears can be directed to act on your will for non-combat purposes as well.
  10. Green Scarf(200) – By decapitating an enemy while wearing this scarf, their body will be converted to cell medals equal to the amount of challenge they pose to you, compared to all other enemies you’ve faced in the last month or so. Minimum of 9 medals for decapitating an enemy.
  11. Oydwen(300)- Also spelled OOOydwen. A Flying ship the size of a Frigate, armed with energy cannons and stylized with your own personal Jolly Roger. Surprisingly durable, able to take as much damage as the Revolgarry. For +100, can transform into an animal form with new powers when a Core medal is placed into the helm of the ship.
  12. Heir to the Throne(600) – Allow full access to the Multi King mode if you successfully Claim the throne.
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