
sister in law 44

May 3rd, 2018
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  1. app tl. rushed % not that accurate.
  3. so bs about introduction and how rapist was all humble in front of that boss. how that guy was another boss from another firm? how mc's boss was passed drunk. mc asks why the invite and that boss kinda plays how he doesn't know? and ex goes how is just a party fun and drinking. mc thinks ex is planning smth. they talk about mc's seniority at work and he wonders wtf is going on in this intensive business like atmosphere. here that boss kinda makes an analogy about how u eat meat and how it enter your body and how u kinda miss/unaware those situations when it happens(smth deeper .. prbly later on connected ..) and takes his leave. stuff how that boss leaving made the mood more relaxed. mc thinks down on his boss and rapist. ex calls mc to the wc. mc asks why and ex shows him the phone as the reason and how he has to show it to him. mc gets angry and asks why he showed him that and idk, ex goes how it's not for mc, but smth he needed to do. then smth how if mc's boss knew about it and how smbdy's not as smart as he thought/mc? then he makes mc think about why his boss/kwon would go over to their side and then a threat with sharing those pics on the internet. mc insults and hits him. ex says smth about fists and tells mc to look again. then narration about that ch where mc had that walk in the mountains and found that couple there..the one that fucked. smth about how one of the ones involved in that affair(here it might also be about 2 men? present notsure), and here they introduce 'wife/yoon chae young' as a master at a canadian university who came back to korea on 16 december. mc tells him how he will kill him and ex asks if mc ever got a call from wife and if he did not notice the lacks of calls. mc thinking how he tried and call wife but all he got was the english voice mail and he only got news from emails. he then wonders why did ex knew what his wife was doing and her location and what she and mc had going on? tbc...
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