
He has no manners

Nov 20th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Noah had been bored so he'd taken off to the pool since it was chilly to be swimming in their backyard, even for him. After getting tired from doing laps, he'd given in to just splashing around and floating and enjoying himself. He'd been trying to distract himself from the fact that his parents refused to fly him home for Thanksgiving weekend because flights were expensive and it was such a short trip.-
  2. Covet: Tae had convieniently seen Noah taking off with his swim stuff and had driven over to the campus pool as well. She was bored and had nothing better to do on a monday night. Walking in she saw where Noah was at and walked over to the edge of the pool, with a long shirt that covered her bathing suit, her towel over her shoulder. She gave Noah a wave and started taking off her shoes.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Leaning on one of the pool noodles he'd dragged in with him, he watched Tae walk her way into the swimming center. "Are you stalking me?" He asked, beginning to float backwards.-
  4. Covet: "Would you feel flattered if I said Yes?" Tae asked him setting her shoes off to the side then put her feet into the water, not necessarily wanting to get in.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Yes?" He admitted, but half in question with a grin spreading over his face. As he watched her dip just her feet into the water, he furrowed his brows. "You came all the way down here to NOT swim?"-
  6. Covet: "Then yes." She said then shook her head with a laugh. "That would mean my hair is getting wet and going to smell like chlorine, and I don't really want to have to deal with that? It's a girl thing." Tae waved her hand at him.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "So wash it? What's the big deal?" He asked, not really getting the point because man hair.-
  8. Covet: "But then it's not going to look as good tomorrow. And I want it to look good because I'm doing Thanksgiving with my Dad, Eli and my Mom tomorrow, since I'm not allowed to go to the Maverick Thanksgiving, for obvious reasons."
  9. Alexithymiaa: "You're doing Thanksgiving with your family tomorrow?" He asked, his interest perking up because jealous. He'd thought she'd be missing out the same that he was. "You didnt say that before."-
  10. Covet: "Yeah, it's earlier in the afternoon at the rehab center." Tae told him. "I'm going to be working Thanksgiving night, should be a decent night since we're getting food catered in and all that for the single guys who don't have families and all that."
  11. Alexithymiaa: "What about me?" He asked like a douche, abandoning his noodle and swimming under the lane markers to make his way toward her. "I'm a single guy with no family."-
  12. Covet: "Are you a single guy with no family, an extra ten bucks and some singles to tip the tail feather girls?" Tae asked him. "You aren't going home for Thanksgiving?"
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Yes to all of the above. Except the last one. No, I'm not going home for Thanksgiving. My parents said they werent paying for a flight that costs triple the amount as usual for an even shorter visit." He hung his head a little, dipping his chin into the water.-
  14. Covet: "Ah, that sucks, but makes sense." Tae said. "But they're going to do it for Christmas right?" She asked. "I'll cover your drinks, if that helps at all, just don't go crazy and rack up a ridiculous tab."
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Well..." He started, trying to find his words. "We don't really celebrate Christmas, so being home for it isn't a big deal. And I can't really go home for Hanukkah because it's finals week. So I'm just sort of shit out of luck."-
  16. Covet: "Oh, well.. I guess that's what you get for going to school on the other side of the country then." Tae said. " We celebrate this holiday that my Dad and Brother made up at some point, and it's now this family thing, so instead of Christmas, or Hanukkah, we celebrate Chrismukkah"
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Chrismukkah?" He asked for clarification because what the fuck. "I didn't know you were Jewish. No ones Jewish. I've tried to order a bagel with lox and schmear and people here look at me like I've got ten heads."-
  18. Alexithymiaa: (Me: Noah. Her last name is Cohen you fucking idiot.)
  19. Covet: "Well.. you might have ten heads, but that's beside the point..." Tae told him, then laughed. "Yes, Chrismukkah. Basically the best of both the holidays. According to my brother." She said. "I realize I look asian, so me being Jewish seems a bit far fetched, but I'm also case you haven't picked up on that either."
  20. Alexithymiaa: "You've mentioned it." He said with a shrug, kicking to float on his back. "What's involved in Chrismukkah?"-
  21. Covet: "Lots of Jewish food and presents, because it was a holiday created by guys, and that's the only thing they care about during those holidays." Tae said with a laugh.
  22. Alexithymiaa: "I can get behind that. I'm trying to convince my mom to ship me latkes for Hanukkah. Does your family make good latkes?" He asked, making it a general question because she'd mentioned that her mom doesn't cook.-
  23. Covet: "Yeah, My dad is pretty much a Latke making pro." Tae said with a nod. "Well Latkes are way cheaper than a plane ticket, that's for sure."
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I think she'll do it, she just likes giving me shit over everything first." He paused, staring at her legs. "You're really not going to come in at all?"-
  25. Covet: "I'm sure it's just pay back for all the grief you give her." Tae said then shook her head, "No, I'm not. I'm just fine right here on the edge."
  26. Alexithymiaa: -He rolled his eyes and swam a little closer to her, wrapping his arms around her calves. "You still have time to rethink that decision and come in on your own."-
  27. Covet: "Noah... You wouldn't..." She said looking at him as she pushed her towel off her shoulder because she didn't want it to get wet since she didn't trust him grabbing her legs. "I don't have anything to change into if this gets wet."
  28. Alexithymiaa: "I wouldn't?" He asked her like she must be some kind of moron to think otherwise. "Thaat's why I'm giving you the chance to get ready and come in on your own."-
  29. Covet: "But you're reallyl not giving me an option.. because I don't want to get in..." She said looking at him trying to pull her legs away and scoot back from the edge.
  30. Alexithymiaa: -He kept a firm hold on her legs, shaking his head. "Either you take off whatever you dont want to get wet, or I pull you in like this. Those are your options and I advise you choose quickly."-
  31. Covet: "I don't want any of me getting wet accept my feet!" She argued because she's slow and that was obviously the only option to her, even though he warned her.
  32. Alexithymiaa: "You've got five seconds before I dunk you." He said in monotone, keeping his grip on her legs as he started to count backwards. "Five.... four...."-
  33. Covet: Tae gave a groan and reached down to pull off her top and tossed it with her towel, crossing her arms, "There... happy?"
  34. Alexithymiaa: "...One." He said then tugged her off the edge of the pool, walking backward with her until they were far enough away from the edge to suit him. He bent his knees and then hoisted her up, tossing her up into the air so she'd have even less control over being dunked.-
  35. Covet: Tae squealed out as he pulled her off the edge, clinging to him. When he tossed her up she screamed out again and flailed a bit, trying to hold on to him.
  36. Alexithymiaa: "Ready, chicken?" He called out with a laugh, pushing her off of him and into the air so he could drop her into the water. He couldn't hold back his amusement as he burst into hysterical laughter.-
  37. Covet: "No!" Tae said as he let go of her and she splashed into the water, going all the way under. She barely got a breath in beforehand and she came up coughing, her hair all up in her face, partially hiding the glare she was giving him as he laughed. Then she swam over to him and went to shove him, though that was kind of pointless because water.
  38. Alexithymiaa: -The more she looked angry, the harder he laughed. He stayed on his toes as he bounced through the water backwards and away from her, tears practically in his eyes from how hard he was laughing.-
  39. Covet: "You're such an ass, and I can't reach here.. I'm shorter than you!" She said having to actually swim or tread water to catch up to him. "Stop! I'm trying to shove you!" She said trying to grab onto him.
  40. Alexithymiaa: -He kept his arms up and away from her so she had nothing to grab onto while she swam, continuing to laugh. "I know, that's the best part. I wish you could see yourself right now."-
  41. Covet: Tae glared at him and sent a splash towards his face before starting to swim away towards one of the ladders. "Glad you find me so amusing." She coughed and sputtered trying to talk and swim at the same time.
  42. Alexithymiaa: "I do. I wouldnt waste my time if I didn't." Seeing where she was swimming for, he rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, really? You're already all wet."-
  43. Covet: "I didn't want to be wet. And you're being mean, so I don't want to swim with you now." She said holding onto the ladder handle stepping up on a step so that it wasn't so hard for her to breath, because she could keep her head above water.
  44. Alexithymiaa: "I wasn't being mean, we were just having fun." he called back to her, starting to swim over in her direction. "Don't be like that."-
  45. Covet: "Don't be like what?" She asked, still glaring at him. "You're the one who made me like this."
  46. Alexithymiaa: "I'm just trying to have a little fun. You wouldn't even come swim with me, what else was I supposed to do?"-
  47. Covet: "You could have asked Please" She said pouting, still holding onto the rail as she kicked her feet letting herself sink into the water.
  48. Alexithymiaa: "You wouldn't have gotten in here if I asked you nicely, don't lie." He said with a grin, making his way further over to her until he was behind her. Slipping his arms around her waist, he tugged her off the ladder, sort of just starting to lead her around the pool. "I promise I won't dunk you."-
  49. Covet: "You're right...but that's besides the point. You have no manners." She said wrapping her legs around his waist, so she could cling to him instead. "Good.." She added in regards to the whole dunking thing, then she looked at him, as they floated about and probably fueled some of that sexual tension.
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