

Mar 1st, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Config = {}
  3. Config.Businesses = {
  4. "Tunners", -- Name of company
  5. }
  7. -----------------
  8. -- Repair Stations
  9. -----------------
  10. Config.SocietyAccount = 'mechanic' -- Society account job name
  11. Config.UseSocietyAccount = true -- if you want to use Society Account
  12. Config.BotaoReparar = 38 -- E
  13. Config.Text3DToRepair = "[E] Repair Vehicle"
  14. Config.TextToPayRepair = "Price: $125"
  15. Config.TextNoMoney = "You don't have enough money."
  17. Config.Stations = { -- if you want repair for free, set cost to false
  18. { x = 124.95, y = -3047.38, z = 7.04, cost = 125, repairTime = 5000 },
  19. }
  21. -----------------
  22. -- Vehicles
  23. -----------------
  24. Config.Vehicles = {
  25. ["flatbed3"] = "Flatbed", -- List of vehicles available to mechanics.
  26. ["towtruck"] = "Towtruck", -- List of vehicles available to mechanics.
  27. ["minivan"] = "Minivan (Rental Car)", -- List of vehicles available to mechanics.
  28. ["blista"] = "Blista", -- List of vehicles available to mechanics.
  29. }
  31. Config.PlateText = "TUNNERS"
  33. Config.Locations = {
  34. ["exit"] = vector3(125.38, -3034.99, 7.04), -- Loc of the shop
  35. ["vehicle"] = vector4(137.92, -3023.74, 7.04, 270.38), -- Loc of spawn vehicle
  36. }
  38. Config.CarItems = { -- Items that will automatically be in the glovebox compartment of mechanics vehicles
  39. [1] = {
  40. name = "repairkit",
  41. amount = 2,
  42. info = {},
  43. type = "item",
  44. slot = 1,
  45. },
  46. [2] = {
  47. name = "advancedrepairkit",
  48. amount = 2,
  49. info = {},
  50. type = "item",
  51. slot = 2,
  52. },
  53. [3] = {
  54. name = "maquinadiagonostico",
  55. amount = 2,
  56. info = {},
  57. type = "item",
  58. slot = 3,
  59. },
  60. [4] = {
  61. name = "cleaningkit",
  62. amount = 2,
  63. info = {},
  64. type = "item",
  65. slot = 4,
  66. },
  67. }
  69. -----------------
  70. -- Câmeras
  71. -----------------
  72. Config.CamerasSeguranca = {
  73. hideradar = false,
  74. cameras = {
  75. [1] = {label = "CAM#1", coords = vector3(156.28, -3006.42, 13.15), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 235.85}, canRotate = true, isOnline = true}, -- Camera 1
  76. [2] = {label = "CAM#2", coords = vector3(156.07, -3059.22, 13.57), r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 159.23}, canRotate = true, isOnline = true}, -- Camera 2
  77. [3] = {label = "CAM#3", coords = vector3(153.90, -3051.26, 12.49), r = {x = -35.0, y = 0.0, z = 68.09}, canRotate = true, isOnline = true}, -- Camera 3
  78. [4] = {label = "CAM#4", coords = vector3(123.2, -3017.04, 10.02), r = {x = -35.0, y = 0.0, z = -168.91}, canRotate = true, isOnline = true}, -- Camera 4
  79. },
  80. }
  82. -----------------
  83. -- Flatbed
  84. -----------------
  85. Config.TextoBaixarCarro = "[E] Raise the bed. [G] Detach the vehicle."
  86. Config.TextoAgarrarCarro = "[E] Raise the bed. [G] Attach a vehicle."
  87. Config.SubirRampaCarro = "[E] Lower the bed."
  89. -----------------
  90. -- Utilitys
  91. -----------------
  92. Config.Core = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()
  93. Config.QBGaragesTrigger = "qb-garage:server:checkVehicleOwner"
  94. Config.HudNitroTrigger = "hud:client:UpdateNitrous"
  95. Config.StashInvTrigger = "inventory:client:SetCurrentStash"
  96. Config.OpenInvTrigger = "inventory:server:OpenInventory"
  97. Config.CraftMechanicTrigger = "inventory:client:CraftingMecanicos"
  98. Config.PhoneSendEmail = "qb-phone:server:sendNewMail"
  99. Config.PhoneSendEmailGKSPhone = "gksphone:NewMail" -- If use gksphone only
  100. Config.NameOfBlip = "Mechanic"
  101. Config.Phone = "qb-phone" -- support: qb-phone or gksphone
  102. Config.FuelSystem = "LegacyFuel"
  103. Config.BlipSprite = 446
  104. Config.BlipScale = 0.7
  105. Config.BlipColour = 0
  106. Config.BlipAlpha = 0.7
  107. Config.ToggleDuty = "QBCore:ToggleDuty" -- Trigger of Duty
  108. Config.Job = "mechanic" -- Name of job
  109. Config.Unemployed = "unemployed" -- Name of unemployed job
  110. Config.QBMenu = "qb-menu" -- Menu
  111. Config.Target = "qb-target" -- Target
  112. Config.ZFDialog = "zf_dialog"
  113. Config.skillbarTurbo = "np-skillbar" -- You can use: np-skillbar / reload-skillbar / qb-skillbar
  114. Config.skillbarXenons = "np-skillbar" -- You can use: np-skillbar / reload-skillbar / qb-skillbar
  115. Config.skillbarRemoveTint = "np-skillbar" -- You can use: np-skillbar / reload-skillbar / qb-skillbar
  116. Config.SkillBarRepro = "np-skillbar" -- You can use: np-skillbar / reload-skillbar / qb-skillbar
  117. Config.SkillbarColour = "np-skillbar" -- You can use: np-skillbar / reload-skillbar / qb-skillbar
  118. Config.isVehicleOwned = true -- Don't touch
  119. Config.TempoInstalarTurbo = math.random(7000,10000) -- Time of progressBars to install turbo
  120. Config.TempoInstalarXenonHeadlight = math.random(7000,10000) -- Time of progressBars to install headlights
  121. Config.TempoUsarAirSuspension = 4500 -- Time of progressBars to use airsuspensio. Don't touche because the sound only have 4.5s
  122. Config.MultipleTunerchip = 0.08 -- Multiplier of tunerchip
  125. -----------------
  126. -- Email Notify with mods of vehicle
  127. -----------------
  128. Config.Sender = "Modification List"
  129. Config.Title = "Diagonosic"
  131. -----------------
  132. -- Notifications
  133. -----------------
  134. Config["Notificacoes"] = {
  135. -- General
  136. ["ErroAplicarTurbo"] = "Unsuccessful turbo installation.",
  137. ["SucessoAplicarTurbo"] = "Turbo installation successful!",
  138. ["VeiculoNaoPertenceNinguem"] = "This vehicle does not belong to anyone.",
  139. ["NenhumVeiculoPerto"] = "No vehicles nearby.",
  140. ["DentroDoVeiculoNao"] = "You cannot install the part inside the vehicle.",
  141. ["SemChavesCoilovers"] = "You don't have the coilover keys with you.",
  142. ["PertoDasJantes"] = "You have to be close to the rims.",
  143. ["PrecisasEstarDentro"] = "You need to be inside a vehicle.",
  144. ["EntrarServico"] = "You need to be on duty!",
  145. ["SemPermissoes"] = "You don't have permissions to do this.",
  146. ["AlgoCorreuMal"] = "Something went wrong.",
  147. ["Contratado"] = "You were hired to work in the mechanics.",
  148. ["OJogador"] = "The player: ",
  149. ["FoiContratado"] = " was a contract for the mechanics company.",
  150. ["FaltaIDJogador"] = "You need to put the player ID.",
  151. ["FoiDespedido"] = " was fired from the mechanics company.",
  152. ["FosteDespedido"] = "You got fired from the mechanics company.",
  153. ["SemTelemovel"] = "The list of mods was sent by email but you don't have a cell phone.",
  154. ["VeiculoLimpoComSucesso"] = "Successfully cleaned vehicle.",
  155. ["VeiculoReparado"] = "Vehicle successfully repaired.",
  156. ["Estaslonge"] = "You are too far from the vehicle!",
  157. ["RepararDentroVeiculo"] = "You cannot repair the engine inside the vehicle!",
  158. ["VeiculoPertoDeTi"] = "You are not near a vehicle!",
  159. ["FerramentasMelhores"] = "The vehicle is in too good a condition so you need better tools!",
  160. ["NaoTrabalhas"] = "You don't work for mechanics.",
  162. -- Engines
  163. ["Engine0"] = "Engine Upgrade Stock Successfully installed",
  164. ["Engine0Installed"] = "Engine Upgrade Stock Already Installed",
  165. ["Engine1"] = "Engine Upgrade Level 1 Successfully installed",
  166. ["Engine1Installed"] = "Engine Upgrade Level 1 Already Installed",
  167. ["Engine2"] = "Engine Upgrade Level 2 Successfully installed",
  168. ["Engine2Installed"] = "Engine Upgrade Level 2 Already Installed",
  169. ["Engine3"] = "Engine Upgrade Level 3 Successfully installed",
  170. ["Engine3Installed"] = "Engine Upgrade Level 3 Already Installed",
  171. ["Engine4"] = "Engine Upgrade Level 4 Successfully installed",
  172. ["Engine4Installed"] = "Engine Upgrade Level 4 Already Installed",
  173. -- Brakes
  174. ["Brakes0"] = "Stock Brakes Successfully installed",
  175. ["Brakes0Installed"] = "Stock Brakes Already Installed",
  176. ["Brakes1"] = "Brakes Upgrade Level 1 Successfully installed",
  177. ["Brakes1Installed"] = "Brakes Upgrade Level 1 Already Installed",
  178. ["Brakes2"] = "Brakes Upgrade Level 2 Successfully installed",
  179. ["Brakes2Installed"] = "Brakes Upgrade Level 2 Already Installed",
  180. ["Brakes3"] = "Brakes Upgrade Level 3 Successfully installed",
  181. ["Brakes3Installed"] = "Brakes Upgrade Level 3 Already Installed",
  182. --Transmission
  183. ["Transmission0"] = "Stock Transmission Successfully installed",
  184. ["Transmission0Installed"] = "Stock Transmission Already Installed",
  185. ["Transmission1"] = "Transmission Upgrade Level 1 Successfully installed",
  186. ["Transmission1Installed"] = "Transmission Upgrade Level 1 Already Installed",
  187. ["Transmission2"] = "Transmission Upgrade Level 2 Successfully installed",
  188. ["Transmission2Installed"] = "Transmission Upgrade Level 2 Already Installed",
  189. ["Transmission3"] = "Transmission Upgrade Level 3 Successfully installed",
  190. ["Transmission3Installed"] = "Transmission Upgrade Level 3 Already Installed",
  191. -- Windows Tint
  192. ["FalhaRemoverPelicula"] = "Failed to remove the windows tint..",
  193. ["SucessoRemoverPelicula"] = "Windows tint successfully removed.",
  194. ["Pelicula1ComSucesso"] = "Windows tint 1% successfully applied.",
  195. ["Pelicula5ComSucesso"] = "Windows tint 5% successfully applied.",
  196. ["Pelicula15ComSucesso"] = "Windows tint 15% successfully applied.",
  197. ["Pelicula25ComSucesso"] = "Windows tint 25% successfully applied.",
  198. ["Cancelado"] = "Canceled.",
  199. ["NaoConseguiste"] = "Could not apply.",
  200. -- Xenon Headlight
  201. ["XenonSemSucesso"] = "Installation of xenon lights unsuccessful",
  202. ["XenonComSucesso"] = "Successful installation of xenon lights",
  203. ["PertoDeVeiculo"] = "You need to be inside the vehicle to use.",
  204. -- TunerChip
  205. ["Falhaste"] = "Failed.",
  206. ["NaoTemVeiculo"] = "You are not in any vehicle.",
  207. ["Cancelado2"] = "Canceled.",
  208. ["TunerChipStock"] = "TunerChip v1.05: The vehicle was originally placed.",
  209. ["SemVeiculosPorPerto"] = "No vehicles nearby.",
  210. ["VeiculoSemRepro"] = "This vehicle has not been reprogrammed.",
  211. ["VeiculoComRepro"] = "This vehicle has been reprogrammed.",
  212. ["ReprogramadoComSucesso"] = "TunerChip v1.05: Vehicle successfully reprogrammed.",
  213. -- Colours
  214. ["InstalarCorPreta"] = "Wrap black successfully installed.",
  215. ["InstalarCorCinza"] = "Wrap gray successfully installed.",
  216. ["InstalarCorVermelha"] = "Wrap red successfully installed.",
  217. ["InstalarCorLaranja"] = "Wrap orange successfully installed.",
  218. ["InstalarCorDourada"] = "Wrap gold successfully installed.",
  219. ["InstalarCorAmarela"] = "Wrap yellow successfully installed.",
  220. ["InstalarCorVerde"] = "Wrap green successfully installed.",
  221. ["InstalarCorAzul"] = "Wrap blue successfully installed.",
  222. ["InstalarCorBronze"] = "Wrap bronze successfully installed.",
  223. ["InstalarCorCastanho"] = "Wrap brown successfully installed.",
  224. ["InstalarCorBranca"] = "Wrap white successfully installed.",
  225. ["InstalarCorRosa"] = "Wrap pink successfully installed.",
  226. ["InstalarCorRosaSalmao"] = "Wrap salmon pink successfully installed.",
  227. ["InstalarCorRoxo"] = "Wrap purple successfully installed.",
  228. -- License Plates
  229. ["MatriculaInstalada"] = "License plate successfully installed.",
  230. -- Billing
  231. ["FaturaEnviadaSucesso"] = "Fatura enviada com sucesso.",
  232. ["ValorSuperior0"] = "Deve ser um valor válido acima 0.",
  233. ["FaturarProprio"] = "Não podes faturar a ti próprio.",
  234. ["PlayerOffline"] = "Jogador indisponível.",
  235. ["NoPermission"] = "Não tens permissões.",
  236. ["FaturaRecebida"] = "Nova fatura recebida."
  237. }
  240. -----------------
  241. -- ProgressBars
  242. -----------------
  243. Config["ProgressBars"] = {
  244. -- Turbo
  245. ["InstalarTurbo"] = "Installing the turbo..",
  246. -- Engines
  247. ["InstalarMotor"] = "Installing Engine..",
  248. -- Windows Tint
  249. ["InstalarPelicula1"] = "Trying to put windows tint 1%..",
  250. ["InstalarPelicula5"] = "Trying to put windows tint 5%..",
  251. ["InstalarPelicula15"] = "Trying to put windows tint 15%..",
  252. ["InstalarPelicula25"] = "Trying to put windows tint 25%..",
  253. -- Xenon Headlight
  254. ["InstalarXenonHeadlight"] = "Installing xenon lights..",
  255. -- Tunerchip
  256. ["LigarTunerChip"] = "Tunerchip v1.05: Connecting to OBD plug",
  257. -- Install wraps
  258. ["InstalarWrap"] = "Installing the wrap...",
  259. -- Matriculas
  260. ["InstalarMatricula"] = "Placing the license plate...",
  261. -- Brakes
  262. ["InstalarTravoes"] = "Installing Brakes...",
  263. ["TravoesOriginais"] = "Installing original brakes...",
  264. -- Transmission
  265. ["TransmissaoOrignal"] = "Installing Stock Transmission...",
  266. ["InstalarTransmissão"] = "Installing Transmission...",
  267. -- Clean Vehicle
  268. ["LimparVeiculo"] = "Cleaning the vehicle...",
  269. -- Repair Vehicle
  270. ["RepararVeiculo"] = "Repairing the vehicle...",
  271. -- Repair Vehicle
  272. ["LigarFichaOBD"] = "Connecting the OBD plug to the vehicle...",
  273. -- Air Suspension
  274. ["UsarAirSuspension"] = "Using air suspension...",
  275. -- Refill Nitro
  276. ["ReabastecerNitro"] = "Refilling nitrous..."
  277. }
  280. -----------------
  281. -- Commands
  282. -----------------
  283. Config.StateVehicle = "statevehicle" -- Alter state vehicle
  284. Config.StateVehicleHelp = "Enter the part you want to edit" -- Part to alter on vehicle.
  285. Config.StateVehicleHelp2 = "A percentagem fixa" -- The fixed percentage
  286. Config.StateVehiclePermission = "god" -- Admin permission to use command.
  287. Config.GiveMechanicJob = "setmechanic" -- Put someone to mechanic
  288. Config.GiveMechanicJobHelp = "Give someone the job of a mechanic" -- Give someone the job of a mechanic
  289. Config.GiveMechanicJobHelp2 = "Player ID"
  290. Config.FireMechanicJob = "firemechanic"
  291. Config.FireMechanicJobHelp = "Fire A Mechanic"
  292. Config.FireMechanicJobHelp2 = "Player ID"
  293. Config.BillPlayer = "billmechanic"
  296. -----------------
  297. -- Menus
  298. -----------------
  299. -- Coilover Menu
  300. Config.HeaderCoiloverMenu = "Coilover Menu"
  301. Config.TxtCoiloverMenu = "Adjust vehicle height"
  302. Config.CoiloverStock = "Stock"
  303. Config.CoiloverStage1 = "Stage 1"
  304. Config.CoiloverStage2 = "Stage 2"
  305. Config.CoiloverStage3 = "Stage 3"
  306. Config.CoiloverStage4 = "Stage 4"
  307. Config.CoiloverClose = "[❌]: Close"
  309. -- Neon Menu
  310. Config.NeonHeader = "Neon Underglow"
  311. Config.NeonTxt = "Adjust neon"
  312. Config.NeonTurnOn = "Turn on the neon"
  313. Config.NeonChangeColour = "Change Colour"
  314. Config.NeonClose = "[❌]: Close"
  315. Config.NeonAtivarDesativar = "Enable/Disable"
  316. Config.NeonTurnON = "Enable"
  317. Config.NeonTurnOFF = "Disable"
  318. Config.NeonBack = "< Back"
  319. Config.NeonAjustColour = "Adjust neon color"
  320. Config.NeonWhite = "White"
  321. Config.NeonBlue = "Blue"
  322. Config.NeonEletricBlue = "Electric Blue"
  323. Config.NeonGreen = "Green"
  324. Config.NeonGreeLimon = "Green Lemon"
  325. Config.NeonYellow = "Yellow"
  326. Config.NeonGolden = "Gold"
  327. Config.NeonOrange = "Orange"
  328. Config.NeonRed = "Red"
  329. Config.NeonPink = "Pink"
  330. Config.NeonLightPink = "Hot Pink"
  331. Config.NeonPink = "Purple"
  332. Config.NeonBlack = "Black"
  334. -- Windows Tint
  335. Config.WindowsHeader = "Windows Tint"
  336. Config.VerificarPeliculas = "Check % of films available"
  337. Config.RemoverWindows = "Remove Windows Tint"
  338. Config.RemoverAtualWindows = "Remover current car windows tint"
  339. Config.WindowsClose = "[❌]: Close"
  340. Config.WindowsTint1 = "Windows tint 1%"
  341. Config.WindowsTint1 = "Windows tint 1%"
  342. Config.WindowsTint5 = "Windows tint 5%"
  343. Config.WindowsTint15 = "Windows tint 15%"
  344. Config.WindowsTint25 = "Windows tint 25%"
  345. Config.WindowsVoltar = "< Back"
  347. -- Xenon Headlights
  348. Config.XenonHeader = "Xenon Lights"
  349. Config.XenonAjust = "Adjusts the color of xenon lights"
  350. Config.XenonClose = "[❌]: Close"
  351. Config.XenonStock = "Stock"
  352. Config.XenonBlueIce = "Ice Blue"
  353. Config.XenonBlue = "Blue"
  354. Config.XenonEletricBlue = "Electric Blue"
  355. Config.XenonGreen = "Green"
  356. Config.XenonGreenLimon = "Green Lemon"
  357. Config.XenonYellow = "Yellow"
  358. Config.XenonGold = "Gold"
  359. Config.XenonOrange = "Orange"
  360. Config.XenonRed = "Red"
  361. Config.XenonPink = "Pink"
  362. Config.XenonLightPink = "Hot Pink"
  363. Config.XenonRoxo = "Purple"
  364. Config.XenonBlack = "Black"
  366. -- Veículos Mecânicos
  367. Config.VeiculosHeader = "🚗 Mechanic Vehicles"
  368. Config.VeiculosLista = "[📃]: Vehicle List"
  369. Config.VeiculosGuardar = "[📥]: Save Vehicle"
  370. Config.VeiculosClose = "[❌]: Close"
  372. -- Status Vehicle
  373. Config.VehicleHeader = "Vehicle Status"
  374. Config.TxtVehicle = ""
  375. Config.VehicleFuel = "Fuel Level"
  376. Config.VehicleEngine = "Engine Health"
  377. Config.VehicleBody = "Body Health"
  378. Config.VehicleTank = "Tank Health"
  379. Config.VehicleTemperature = "Engine Temperature"
  380. Config.Status = "Status: "
  382. -- Air Suspension
  383. Config.AirHeader = "Air Suspension"
  384. Config.AirTxt = "Up or Down your suspension"
  385. Config.AirLevel0 = "Level 0"
  386. Config.AirLevel1 = "Level 1"
  387. Config.AirLevel2 = "Level 2"
  388. Config.AirLevel3 = "Level 3"
  389. Config.AirLevel4 = "Level 4"
  390. Config.AirClose = "[❌]: Close"
  392. -- Câmeras
  393. Config.CameraHeader = "🎥 Câmeras"
  394. Config.Camera1 = "🔹 ID: #1"
  395. Config.Camera2 = "🔹 ID: #2"
  396. Config.Camera3 = "🔹 ID: #3"
  397. Config.Camera4 = "🔹 ID: #4"
  398. Config.CameraClose = "❌: Close"
  400. -- Billing
  401. Config.BillingHeader = "Tuner Billing"
  402. Config.BillingCitizenID = "Citizen ID (#)"
  403. Config.BillingPrice = "Bill Price ($)"
  405. -- Insurance
  406. Config.InsuranceHeader = "Car Insurance"
  407. Config.InsuranceOption1 = "Plate"
  408. Config.InsuranceOption2 = "Model"
  409. Config.InsuranceOption3 = "Name"
  411. -----------------
  412. -- Targets
  413. -----------------
  414. -- Coilover Targets
  415. Config.CoiloverTarget = "Adjust Coilovers"
  416. Config.CoiloverIconTarget = "fas fa-wrench"
  417. Config.CoiloverItem = "coilovers"
  418. -- Warehouse Targets
  419. Config.WarehouseLocation = vector3(128.51, -3008.27, 7.88)
  420. Config.WarehouseTarget = "Warehouse"
  421. Config.WarehouseIconTarget = "fas fa-box-circle-check"
  422. Config.WarehouseDistTarget = 2.0
  423. -- Craft Targets
  424. Config.CraftLocation = vector3(134.8, -3050.64, 7.04)
  425. Config.CraftTarget = "Craft"
  426. Config.CraftIconTarget = "fas fa-box-circle-check"
  427. Config.CraftDistTarget = 2.0
  428. -- Vehicles Targets
  429. Config.VehicleLocation = vector3(125.31, -3026.32, 6.04)
  430. Config.VehicleTarget = "Vehicles"
  431. Config.VehicleIconTarget = "fas fa-car"
  432. Config.VehicleDistTarget = 5.0
  433. -- Duty Targets
  434. Config.DutyLocation = vector3(125.75, -3007.48, 7.86)
  435. Config.DutyTarget = "Service"
  436. Config.DutyIconTarget = "fas fa-bell"
  437. Config.DutyDistTarget = 2.0
  438. -- Nitro Targets
  439. Config.NitroLocation = vector3(137.54, -3050.82, 7.04)
  440. Config.NitroTarget = "Refill Nitro"
  441. Config.NitroIconTarget = "far fa-hand-paper"
  442. Config.NitroDistTarget = 1.5
  443. -- Tunning Targets
  444. Config.TuningLocation = vector3(132.65, -3028.61, 7.09)
  445. Config.TuningTarget = "Check Modifications"
  446. Config.TuningIconTarget = "fas fa-car"
  447. Config.TuningDistTarget = 10.0
  448. -- Shop Targets
  449. Config.ShopLocation = vector3(128.4, -3014.33, 7.85)
  450. Config.ShopTarget = "Shop"
  451. Config.ShopIconTarget = "fas fa-box"
  452. Config.ShopDistTarget = 2.0
  453. Config.ShopName = "Mechanic Shop"
  454. -- Windows Targets
  455. Config.WindowsTarget = "Apply Windows Tint"
  456. Config.WindowsIconTarget = "fas fa-circle"
  457. -- Billing
  458. Config.BillLocation = vector3(133.91, -3015.16, 7.04)
  459. Config.BillTarget = "Bill a Player"
  460. Config.BillIconTarget = "fas fa-money-bill-alt"
  461. Config.BillDistTarget = 2.0
  462. -- Insurance
  463. Config.InsuranceIconTarget = "fas fa-car"
  464. Config.InsuranceTarget = "Insurance"
  465. -----------------
  466. -- Animations
  467. -----------------
  468. -- Windows Tint
  469. Config.AnimationWindowsTint = "timetable@maid@cleaning_window@idle_b"
  470. Config.SubAnimationWindowsTint = "idle_d"
  471. Config.PropAnimationWindowsTinto = "prop_rag_01"
  472. -- Tunerchip
  473. Config.AnimationTurnON = "anim@amb@clubhouse@tutorial@bkr_tut_ig3@"
  474. Config.SubAnimationTurnON = "machinic_loop_mechandplayer"
  476. -----------------
  477. -- Shop
  478. -----------------
  479. Config.Products = {
  480. ["Mecanicoszinho"] = {
  481. [1] = {
  482. name = "hid_controller",
  483. price = 125,
  484. amount = 1,
  485. info = {},
  486. type = "item",
  487. slot = 1,
  488. },
  489. [2] = {
  490. name = "underglow_controller",
  491. price = 125,
  492. amount = 1,
  493. info = {},
  494. type = "item",
  495. slot = 2,
  496. },
  497. [3] = {
  498. name = "tint_supplies",
  499. price = 125,
  500. amount = 1,
  501. info = {},
  502. type = "item",
  503. slot = 3,
  504. },
  505. [4] = {
  506. name = "wrappreto",
  507. price = 125,
  508. amount = 1,
  509. info = {},
  510. type = "item",
  511. slot = 4,
  512. },
  513. [5] = {
  514. name = "wrapcinza",
  515. price = 125,
  516. amount = 1,
  517. info = {},
  518. type = "item",
  519. slot = 5,
  520. },
  521. [6] = {
  522. name = "wrapvermelho",
  523. price = 125,
  524. amount = 1,
  525. info = {},
  526. type = "item",
  527. slot = 6,
  528. },
  529. [7] = {
  530. name = "wraplaranja",
  531. price = 125,
  532. amount = 1,
  533. info = {},
  534. type = "item",
  535. slot = 7,
  536. },
  537. [8] = {
  538. name = "wrapdourado",
  539. price = 125,
  540. amount = 1,
  541. info = {},
  542. type = "item",
  543. slot = 8,
  544. },
  545. [9] = {
  546. name = "wrapamarelo",
  547. price = 125,
  548. amount = 1,
  549. info = {},
  550. type = "item",
  551. slot = 9,
  552. },
  553. [10] = {
  554. name = "wrapverde",
  555. price = 125,
  556. amount = 1,
  557. info = {},
  558. type = "item",
  559. slot = 10,
  560. },
  561. [11] = {
  562. name = "wrapblue",
  563. price = 125,
  564. amount = 1,
  565. info = {},
  566. type = "item",
  567. slot = 11,
  568. },
  569. [12] = {
  570. name = "wrapbronze",
  571. price = 125,
  572. amount = 1,
  573. info = {},
  574. type = "item",
  575. slot = 12,
  576. },
  577. [13] = {
  578. name = "wrapcastanho",
  579. price = 125,
  580. amount = 1,
  581. info = {},
  582. type = "item",
  583. slot = 13,
  584. },
  585. [14] = {
  586. name = "wrapbranco",
  587. price = 125,
  588. amount = 1,
  589. info = {},
  590. type = "item",
  591. slot = 14,
  592. },
  593. [15] = {
  594. name = "wraprosa",
  595. price = 125,
  596. amount = 1,
  597. info = {},
  598. type = "item",
  599. slot = 15,
  600. },
  601. [16] = {
  602. name = "wraprosasalmao",
  603. price = 125,
  604. amount = 1,
  605. info = {},
  606. type = "item",
  607. slot = 16,
  608. },
  609. [17] = {
  610. name = "wraproxo",
  611. price = 125,
  612. amount = 1,
  613. info = {},
  614. type = "item",
  615. slot = 17,
  616. },
  617. [18] = {
  618. name = "matriculaamarelapreta",
  619. price = 125,
  620. amount = 1,
  621. info = {},
  622. type = "item",
  623. slot = 18,
  624. },
  625. [19] = {
  626. name = "matriculaazulbranca2",
  627. price = 125,
  628. amount = 1,
  629. info = {},
  630. type = "item",
  631. slot = 19,
  632. },
  633. [20] = {
  634. name = "matriculaamarelaazul",
  635. price = 125,
  636. amount = 1,
  637. info = {},
  638. type = "item",
  639. slot = 20,
  640. },
  641. [21] = {
  642. name = "matriculaazulbranca",
  643. price = 125,
  644. amount = 1,
  645. info = {},
  646. type = "item",
  647. slot = 21,
  648. },
  649. [22] = {
  650. name = "matriculaazulbranca3",
  651. price = 125,
  652. amount = 1,
  653. info = {},
  654. type = "item",
  655. slot = 22,
  656. },
  657. [23] = {
  658. name = "maquinadiagonostico",
  659. price = 125,
  660. amount = 1,
  661. info = {},
  662. type = "item",
  663. slot = 23,
  664. },
  665. [24] = {
  666. name = "repairkit",
  667. price = 125,
  668. amount = 1,
  669. info = {},
  670. type = "item",
  671. slot = 24,
  672. },
  673. [25] = {
  674. name = "advancedrepairkit",
  675. price = 125,
  676. amount = 1,
  677. info = {},
  678. type = "item",
  679. slot = 25,
  680. },
  681. [26] = {
  682. name = "cleaningkit",
  683. price = 125,
  684. amount = 1,
  685. info = {},
  686. type = "item",
  687. slot = 26,
  688. },
  689. [27] = {
  690. name = "maquinadiagonostico",
  691. price = 125,
  692. amount = 1,
  693. info = {},
  694. type = "item",
  695. slot = 27,
  696. },
  697. },
  698. }
  700. Config.Lojinha = {
  701. ["Mecanicoszinho"] = {
  702. ["label"] = "Loja Mecânicos",
  703. ["type"] = "BM",
  704. ["coords"] = {
  705. [1] = {
  706. ["x"] = 1333.06,
  707. ["y"] = 4326.86,
  708. ["z"] = 38.017,
  709. },
  710. },
  711. ["CoisasBoas"] = Config.Products["Mecanicoszinho"],
  712. },
  713. }
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