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Feb 24th, 2019
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  1. 17:25:48:704 [02052] | INFO | Initializing crosire's ReShade version '' (32-bit) built on '2019-01-23 23:34:27' loaded from "G:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Secret of Mana\\Binary\\dxgi.dll" to "G:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Secret of Mana\\Binary\\Secret_of_Mana.exe" ...
  2. 17:25:48:870 [02052] | INFO | Registering hooks for "user32.dll" ...
  3. 17:25:48:870 [02052] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
  4. 17:25:48:870 [02052] | INFO | > Found 13 match(es). Installing ...
  5. 17:25:48:908 [02052] | INFO | Registering hooks for "ws2_32.dll" ...
  6. 17:25:48:908 [02052] | INFO | > Delayed.
  7. 17:25:48:908 [02052] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\d3d9.dll" ...
  8. 17:25:48:908 [02052] | INFO | > Delayed.
  9. 17:25:48:908 [02052] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\d3d10.dll" ...
  10. 17:25:48:908 [02052] | INFO | > Delayed.
  11. 17:25:48:908 [02052] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\d3d10_1.dll" ...
  12. 17:25:48:908 [02052] | INFO | > Delayed.
  13. 17:25:48:908 [02052] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\d3d11.dll" ...
  14. 17:25:48:908 [02052] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
  15. 17:25:48:908 [02052] | INFO | > Found 2 match(es). Installing ...
  16. 17:25:48:935 [02052] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\dxgi.dll" ...
  17. 17:25:48:935 [02052] | INFO | > Delayed until first call to an exported function.
  18. 17:25:48:935 [02052] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\opengl32.dll" ...
  19. 17:25:48:935 [02052] | INFO | > Delayed.
  20. 17:25:48:935 [02052] | INFO | Initialized.
  21. 17:25:49:067 [02052] | INFO | Installing delayed hooks for "ws2_32.dll" (Just loaded via 'LoadLibrary("psapi.dll")') ...
  22. 17:25:49:067 [02052] | INFO | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ...
  23. 17:25:49:200 [02052] | INFO | Redirecting 'RegisterClassExW(0019D998)' ...
  24. 17:25:49:200 [02052] | INFO | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to 'SteamWinsockInitFakeClass_1'.
  25. 17:25:49:423 [02052] | INFO | Redirecting 'RegisterClassA(0019FDCC)' ...
  26. 17:25:49:423 [02052] | INFO | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to 'PhyreFrameworkClass'.
  27. 17:25:49:431 [02052] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDevice(00000000, 1, 00000000, 0, 00000000, 0, 7, 00000000, 0019FC64, 00000000)' ...
  28. 17:25:49:431 [02052] | INFO | > Passing on to 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain':
  29. 17:25:49:431 [02052] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(00000000, 1, 00000000, 0, 00000000, 0, 7, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 0019FC64, 00000000)' ...
  30. 17:25:49:432 [02052] | INFO | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory2(2147483648, {7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, 0019F890)' ...
  31. 17:25:49:435 [02052] | INFO | Installing export hooks for "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\dxgi.dll" ...
  32. 17:25:49:435 [02052] | INFO | > Found 7 match(es). Installing ...
  33. 17:25:49:481 [02052] | INFO | > Using feature level 0xb000.
  34. 17:25:49:481 [02052] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDevice(00000000, 1, 00000000, 0, 0019FC84, 3, 7, 0019FC58, 0019FC64, 0019FC54)' ...
  35. 17:25:49:482 [02052] | INFO | > Passing on to 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain':
  36. 17:25:49:482 [02052] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(00000000, 1, 00000000, 0, 0019FC84, 3, 7, 00000000, 00000000, 0019FC58, 0019FC64, 0019FC54)' ...
  37. 17:25:49:482 [02052] | INFO | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory2(2147483648, {7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, 0019F890)' ...
  38. 17:25:49:539 [02052] | INFO | > Using feature level 0xb000.
  39. 17:25:49:539 [02052] | WARN | Reference count for 'IDXGIDevice1' object 034EBEA0 is inconsistent: 2, but expected 1.
  40. 17:25:49:546 [02052] | INFO | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory({7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, 0019FC0C)' ...
  41. 17:25:49:546 [02052] | INFO | > Passing on to 'CreateDXGIFactory1':
  42. 17:25:49:546 [02052] | INFO | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory1({7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, 0019FC0C)' ...
  43. 17:25:49:550 [02052] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(00000000, 1, 00000000, 0, 0019FC84, 3, 7, 0125DFF8, 0125DFF4, 0125DFEC, 0019FC64, 0125DFF0)' ...
  44. 17:25:49:550 [02052] | INFO | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory2(2147483648, {7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, 0019F8E8)' ...
  45. 17:25:49:619 [02052] | INFO | > Using feature level 0xb000.
  46. 17:25:49:619 [02052] | INFO | > Calling 'IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain':
  47. 17:25:49:619 [02052] | INFO | Redirecting 'IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain(01442378, 0344F548, 0125DFF8, 0125DFF4)' ...
  48. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | > Dumping swap chain description:
  49. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
  50. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | | Parameter | Value |
  51. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
  52. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | | Width | 1280 |
  53. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | | Height | 720 |
  54. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | | RefreshRate | 60000 1001 |
  55. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | | Format | 28 |
  56. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | | ScanlineOrdering | 0 |
  57. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | | Scaling | 0 |
  58. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | | SampleCount | 4 |
  59. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | | SampleQuality | 0 |
  60. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | | BufferUsage | 32 |
  61. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | | BufferCount | 1 |
  62. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | | OutputWindow | 0029009E |
  63. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | | Windowed | TRUE |
  64. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | | SwapEffect | 0 |
  65. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | | Flags | 0x2 |
  66. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | INFO | +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
  67. 17:25:49:620 [02052] | WARN | > Multisampling is enabled. This is not compatible with depth buffer access, which was therefore disabled.
  68. 17:25:50:236 [02052] | INFO | Recreated runtime environment on runtime 08CFC520.
  69. 17:25:51:074 [02052] | INFO | Redirecting 'IDXGISwapChain::ResizeBuffers(08D478E0, 1, 1920, 1080, 28, 0)' ...
  70. 17:25:51:074 [02052] | INFO | Destroyed runtime environment on runtime 08CFC520.
  71. 17:25:51:074 [02052] | INFO | Recreated runtime environment on runtime 08CFC520.
  72. 17:25:51:078 [02052] | INFO | Redirecting 'IDXGISwapChain::ResizeBuffers(08D478E0, 1, 1920, 1080, 28, 0)' ...
  73. 17:25:51:078 [02052] | INFO | Destroyed runtime environment on runtime 08CFC520.
  74. 17:25:51:079 [02052] | INFO | Recreated runtime environment on runtime 08CFC520.
  75. 17:25:51:102 [13916] | INFO | Successfully loaded "G:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Secret of Mana\\Binary\\SuperDepth3D_2.0.0_Next.fx".
  76. 17:25:51:102 [12140] | INFO | Successfully loaded "G:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Secret of Mana\\Binary\\SuperDepth3D_2.0.0.fx".
  77. 17:25:51:146 [09952] | INFO | Loading image files for textures ...
  78. 17:28:51:534 [09952] | INFO | Saving screenshot to G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Secret of Mana\Binary\Secret_of_Mana 2019-02-24 17-28-51.bmp ...
  79. 17:28:56:958 [09952] | INFO | Loading image files for textures ...
  80. 17:29:03:750 [09952] | INFO | Loading image files for textures ...
  81. 17:29:07:519 [09952] | ERROR | Failed to create depth stencil replacement resource view! HRESULT is '0x80070057'.
  82. 17:29:08:236 [09952] | ERROR | Failed to create depth stencil replacement resource view! HRESULT is '0x80070057'.
  83. 17:29:09:735 [09952] | ERROR | Failed to create depth stencil replacement resource view! HRESULT is '0x80070057'.
  84. 17:29:12:069 [09952] | ERROR | Failed to create depth stencil replacement resource view! HRESULT is '0x80070057'.
  85. 17:29:51:119 [09952] | ERROR | Failed to create depth stencil replacement resource view! HRESULT is '0x80070057'.
  86. 17:29:52:318 [09952] | ERROR | Failed to create depth stencil replacement resource view! HRESULT is '0x80070057'.
  87. 17:29:54:536 [09952] | ERROR | Failed to create depth stencil replacement resource view! HRESULT is '0x80070057'.
  88. 17:29:57:136 [09952] | ERROR | Failed to create depth stencil replacement resource view! HRESULT is '0x80070057'.
  89. 17:29:58:219 [09952] | ERROR | Failed to create depth stencil replacement resource view! HRESULT is '0x80070057'.
  90. 17:29:59:168 [09952] | ERROR | Failed to create depth stencil replacement resource view! HRESULT is '0x80070057'.
  91. 17:30:09:186 [09952] | ERROR | Failed to create depth stencil replacement resource view! HRESULT is '0x80070057'.
  92. 17:30:09:552 [09952] | ERROR | Failed to create depth stencil replacement resource view! HRESULT is '0x80070057'.
  93. 17:30:10:585 [09952] | ERROR | Failed to create depth stencil replacement resource view! HRESULT is '0x80070057'.
  94. 17:30:18:202 [09952] | ERROR | Failed to create depth stencil replacement resource view! HRESULT is '0x80070057'.
  95. 17:30:19:819 [09952] | ERROR | Failed to create depth stencil replacement resource view! HRESULT is '0x80070057'.
  96. 17:30:20:252 [09952] | ERROR | Failed to create depth stencil replacement resource view! HRESULT is '0x80070057'.
  97. 17:30:49:480 [09952] | INFO | Saving screenshot to G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Secret of Mana\Binary\Secret_of_Mana 2019-02-24 17-30-49.bmp ...
  98. 17:31:37:056 [09952] | INFO | Saving screenshot to G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Secret of Mana\Binary\Secret_of_Mana 2019-02-24 17-31-37.bmp ...
  99. 17:32:22:415 [02052] | INFO | Redirecting 'IDXGISwapChain::SetFullscreenState(08D478E0, FALSE, 00000000)' ...
  100. 17:32:22:416 [02052] | INFO | Destroyed runtime environment on runtime 08CFC520.
  101. 17:32:22:424 [02052] | WARN | Reference count for 'IDXGIDevice1' object 034EBC80 is inconsistent: 3, but expected 1.
  102. 17:32:22:424 [02052] | WARN | Reference count for 'ID3D11Device' object 0344F548 is inconsistent: 1, but expected 0.
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