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Vessal feedback

a guest
Jul 16th, 2018
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  1. Lmao "sec" sorry it took so long. You were the second to last on my list. I rewatched your vod just now which makes total times watching it: 3. Anyway, solid Mercy play. Overall, good job staying alive. There were a few times where you disrespected the enemy snipers and died for it. Even when you're in Valk, if you're flying in a straight line you're very easy to hit. I think it caught you off guard when their Hanzo could actually hit you multiple times and kill you. Valk is powerful but you're not invincible and every second you get you should be practicing the things that give you any kind of advantage that you can get regardless of how small it is. Such as A/D movement while in Valk to avoid shots. Speaking of small things, in Spawn when doing the Lucio boost/switch, once you hit the speed boost it will still be active even after you open the Hero select screen. So you don't have to wait that extra second or so. Also when trying to pick a hero quickly, you can double click the hero to select it instead of clicking the Hero then moving your mouse to the "select hero" button. Just an fyi there. Outside of maybe showing a little more respect to good snipers by increasing your movement another thing I wanted to talk about was helping peel for your off healer. I know Natter went over this with you guys when it's Tracer but I think it could've been made into a psuedo blanket statement. On Dorado attack everytime you guys dove in they would counter dive and kill Ecko. As a Zen alone, there is absolutely nothing she can do about that. Zen does a lot of damage and Ecko can aim his balls fairly well. If she was just given enough time she'd be able to at least trade her life for either a mech or a Monkey and put you guys an advantage assuming your dive went successfully. I'm not saying hard pocket her. She is definitely going to die if both tanks jump her. I'm saying that it's your job to provide her that little extra time she needs to get the kill in that situation. Overall though, like I said, solid gameplaythumbsup. Just don't forget to grope your Rein when walking through chokes against snipers wink
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