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Vietnam War Batch Game

a guest
May 20th, 2018
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  1. @echo off
  2. Title Vietnam
  3. color 0F
  4. echo //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  5. echo / /
  6. echo / W E L C O M E T O V I E T N A M /
  7. echo / /
  8. echo / a History Project by Josh Sampsell /
  9. echo / /
  10. echo / every decision you make affects your survival /
  11. echo / /
  12. echo //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  13. echo.
  14. echo.
  15. echo.
  16. echo Go to Main Menu (Hit Enter)
  17. echo.
  18. echo.
  19. echo.
  20. echo //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  21. pause>nul
  22. :Menu
  23. cls
  24. echo.
  25. echo -- 1. Instructions
  26. echo -- 2. Get Deployed
  27. echo -- 3. Exit Game
  28. echo -- 4. Credits
  29. echo.
  30. set /p answer= Select your option on the keyboard and press Enter
  31. if %answer%==1 goto Instructions
  32. if %answer%==2 goto Begin
  33. if %answer%==3 goto Exit
  34. if %answer%==4 goto Credits
  35. if %answer%==5 goto army2
  36. :Credits
  37. cls
  38. echo I hope you enjoyed this small interactive project/game that I made.
  39. echo.
  40. echo This was entirely whipped up during my time constraints for this project.
  41. echo.
  42. echo It took a long time with much trial and error.
  43. echo.
  44. echo I hope this was interesting and earns a good grade.
  45. echo.
  46. echo E V E R Y T H I N G B Y J O S H U A S A M P S E L L
  47. pause>nul
  48. goto Menu
  49. :exit
  50. cls
  51. echo.
  52. echo Thanks for playing!
  53. echo -------------------
  54. echo Hope you enjoyed.
  55. echo -------------------
  56. echo Unless you died.
  57. echo -------------------
  58. echo In that case, I'm sorry.
  59. echo -------------------
  60. echo Seeya!
  61. echo -------------------
  62. echo EXITING IN 10 SECONDS
  63. timeout 10
  64. exit
  66. :Instructions
  67. cls
  68. echo.
  69. echo.
  70. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  71. echo This game will take you through multiple scenarios based on decisions,
  72. echo that you make during this game. Everything is decided by you.
  73. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. echo You can play this game multiple times and you will recieve a different
  75. echo outcome almost every time you play based on the random combat system.
  76. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  77. echo If you manage to make it back home, I congratulate you.
  78. echo The odds were NEVER in your favor.
  79. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. echo.
  81. echo.
  82. echo.
  83. echo Press any key when you are ready to go back to the menu.
  84. pause>nul
  85. goto menu
  87. :Begin
  88. cls
  89. echo.
  90. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. echo We must first begin by filling out some draft paperwork, before shipment.
  92. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  93. Set /p Name=What is your LAST name:
  94. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  95. cls
  96. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. echo Thank you soldier, %NAME%!
  98. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. echo 1. Male
  100. echo 2. Female
  101. set /p gender= Now, kindly confirm your gender.
  102. if %gender%==1 goto Male
  103. if %gender%==2 goto Male
  105. :Male
  106. cls
  107. echo.
  108. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  109. echo Which branch would you like to enlist with?
  110. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. echo 1. United States Army
  112. echo 2. United States Navy
  113. echo 3. United States Air Force
  114. echo 4. United States Marines (Incomplete)
  115. set /p Branch= Select your branch!
  116. if %branch%==1 goto prechoiceArmy
  117. if %branch%==2 goto prechoiceNavy
  118. if %branch%==3 goto prechoiceAirForce
  119. if %branch%==4 goto Male
  120. :prechoiceArmy
  121. cls
  122. echo.
  123. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  124. echo Welcome to the Army, what is your current Military status?
  125. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. echo.
  127. echo Please type the correct option into the space provided:
  128. echo Private
  129. echo Sergeant
  130. echo Lieutenant
  131. echo Captain
  132. echo Colonel
  133. echo General
  134. echo.
  135. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136. set /p PRENAME= What is your status sir:
  137. goto choicearmy
  138. :prechoiceNavy
  139. cls
  140. echo.
  141. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  142. echo Welcome to the Navy, what is your current Military status?
  143. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. echo.
  145. echo Please type the correct option into the space provided:
  146. echo Seaman
  147. echo Petty Officer
  148. echo Ensign
  149. echo Lieutenant
  150. echo Commander
  151. echo Captain
  152. echo Admiral
  153. echo.
  154. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  155. set /p PRENAME= What is your status sir:
  156. goto choicenavy
  157. :prechoiceAirForce
  158. cls
  159. echo.
  160. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  161. echo Welcome to the Air Force, what is your current Military status?
  162. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. echo.
  164. echo Please type the correct option into the space provided:
  165. echo Airman
  166. echo Sergeant
  167. echo Lieutenant
  168. echo Major
  169. echo Captain
  170. echo Colonel
  171. echo General
  172. echo.
  173. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  174. set /p PRENAME= What is your status sir:
  175. goto choiceairforce
  176. :choicearmy
  177. cls
  178. echo.
  179. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  180. echo Ah yes, Excellent choice. That was my aspiration as well.
  181. echo - I wish you in luck in braving the close quarters combat!
  182. echo Anyways, welcome to the Military, %PRENAME% %NAME%
  183. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  184. echo 1. Yes
  185. echo 2. Not yet
  186. set /p ready= Are you ready for your assignment %PRENAME% %Name%?
  187. if %ready%==1 goto army1
  188. if %ready%==2 goto Begin
  189. :choicenavy
  190. cls
  191. echo.
  192. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  193. echo Ah yes, Excellent choice. That was my aspiration as well.
  194. echo - I wish you luck in braving the seas!
  195. echo Anyways, welcome to the Military, %PRENAME% %NAME%
  196. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  197. echo 1. Yes
  198. echo 2. Not yet
  199. set /p ready= Are you ready for your assignment %PRENAME% %Name%?
  200. if %ready%==1 goto navy1
  201. if %ready%==2 goto Begin
  202. :choiceairforce
  203. cls
  204. echo.
  205. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  206. echo Ah yes, Excellent choice. That was my aspiration as well.
  207. echo - I wish you luck in braving the skies!
  208. echo Anyways, welcome to the Military, %PRENAME% %NAME%
  209. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  210. echo 1. Yes
  211. echo 2. Not yet
  212. set /p ready= Are you ready for your assignment %PRENAME% %Name%?
  213. if %ready%==1 goto airforce1
  214. if %ready%==2 goto Begin
  215. :armydeath
  216. cls
  217. echo.
  218. echo One way or another your actions have led you here...
  219. echo To a loss...
  220. echo Whether you died or aborted...
  221. echo You failed your mission...
  222. echo Better luck next time %PRENAME% %Name%
  223. echo.
  224. timeout 10
  225. goto exit
  226. :army1
  227. cls
  228. echo.
  229. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  230. echo B
  231. timeout>nul 1
  232. cls
  233. echo.
  234. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  235. echo B A
  236. timeout>nul 1
  237. cls
  238. echo.
  239. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  240. echo B A T
  241. timeout>nul 1
  242. cls
  243. echo.
  244. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  245. echo B A T A
  246. timeout>nul 1
  247. cls
  248. echo.
  249. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  250. echo B A T A N
  251. timeout>nul 1
  252. cls
  253. echo.
  254. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  255. echo B A T A N G
  256. timeout>nul 1
  257. cls
  258. echo.
  259. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  260. echo B A T A N G A
  261. timeout>nul 1
  262. cls
  263. echo.
  264. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  265. echo B A T A N G A N
  266. timeout>nul 1
  267. cls
  268. echo.
  269. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  270. echo B A T A N G A N P
  271. timeout>nul 1
  272. cls
  273. echo.
  274. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  275. echo B A T A N G A N P E
  276. timeout>nul 1
  277. cls
  278. echo.
  279. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  280. echo B A T A N G A N P E N
  281. timeout>nul 1
  282. cls
  283. echo.
  284. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  285. echo B A T A N G A N P E N I
  286. timeout>nul 1
  287. cls
  288. echo.
  289. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  290. echo B A T A N G A N P E N I N
  291. timeout>nul 1
  292. cls
  293. echo.
  294. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  295. echo B A T A N G A N P E N I N S
  296. timeout>nul 1
  297. cls
  298. echo.
  299. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  300. echo B A T A N G A N P E N I N S U
  301. timeout>nul 1
  302. cls
  303. echo.
  304. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  305. echo B A T A N G A N P E N I N S U L
  306. timeout>nul 1
  307. cls
  308. echo.
  309. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  310. echo B A T A N G A N P E N I N S U L A
  311. timeout>nul 2
  312. cls
  313. echo.
  314. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  315. echo B A T A N G A N P E N I N S U L A , S O U T H V I E T N A M 1965
  316. timeout>nul 5
  317. cls
  318. echo.
  319. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  320. echo %PRENAME% hurry up! We need to get a move on if we want to make land alive
  321. echo with all this VC firepower on us
  322. echo.
  323. echo.
  324. echo Press any key to continue...
  325. pause>nul
  326. cls
  327. echo.
  328. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  329. echo %NAME% : Operation Piranha was supposed to be a total ambush, how did the VC
  330. echo get alerted to our presence?
  331. echo.
  332. echo.
  333. echo Press any key to continue...
  334. pause>nul
  335. cls
  336. echo.
  337. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  338. echo Do you think we should continue with the mission as planned %PRENAME%?
  339. echo.
  340. echo.
  341. echo 1. Yes
  342. echo 2. No
  343. echo.
  344. echo.
  345. set /p army1continue= Keep moving forward? :
  346. if %army1continue%==1 goto army2
  347. if %army1continue%==2 goto armydeath
  348. :army2
  349. cls
  350. echo.
  351. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  352. echo Good choice sir, we need to do it for our country.
  353. timeout>nul 3
  354. cls
  355. echo.
  356. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  357. echo As your vessel approaches shore, you see a mortar approaching you and your men.
  358. echo.
  359. echo.
  361. echo.
  362. echo.
  363. echo Type Jump to attempt an escape...
  364. set /p answer=
  365. if %answer%==Jump goto jumploop
  367. :jumploop
  368. set /a num=%random% %%4
  369. if %num%==0 goto Army3
  370. if %num%==1 goto Army3
  371. if %num%==2 goto Army3
  372. if %num%==3 goto armydeath
  374. :Army3
  375. cls
  376. echo.
  377. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  378. echo It looks like we got off the vessel successfully, %PRENAME%.
  379. echo -
  380. echo What do you think should be our next course of action?
  381. echo.
  382. echo 1. Tread Water and wait for Reinforcements
  383. echo 2. Stealthily swim towards shore
  384. set /p army1continue= (1 or 2) :
  385. if %army1continue%==1 goto armytread
  386. if %army1continue%==2 goto armyswim
  387. :armytread
  388. cls
  389. echo test
  390. pause
  391. :armyswim
  392. cls
  393. echo swimtest
  394. pause
  395. pause>nul
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