

May 4th, 2015
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  1. So You're Missing A Limb
  2. A Quick Reference Guide For Numerological Amputation
  4. As any seasoned Numerologist will tell you, any complex working is fraught with dangers of varying degrees and types. One of the more common mishaps are those of Numerological amputations and unintended relocations, especially when the working in question involves Rafic or Jherza. A sudden and unexpected anatomical relocation can be difficult to deal with, and as such this quick reference guide has been compiled as an outline of the steps one should follow if they are the subject, or in the vicinity of, a Numerologically-based amputation or relocation. Common sense will of course be of aid in deciding the best order and degree to perform each of these steps in, but for the standard situation, following the guide numerically should provide an adequate response to this type of error. The steps are detailed in the forthcoming pages, and are briefly as follows:
  6. 1: Stabilise
  7. 2: Check and Locate
  8. 3: Document
  14. 1: Stabilise
  15. Dependent on the nature of your limb's departure, there may be symptoms such as bleeding or shock which should be tended to as an immediate concern. There may also be second-party injuries, especially if the removal was explosive in nature. If you detect that you have misplaced parts of your internal workings, seek medical attention immediately, with as accurate a description as you can provide of what has gone wrong. If you are able to locate your internal organs (see step 2) taking them along with you will aid in the process.
  17. You should also check for spatial instability as a result of your working. Numerological anomalies can occur at sites of disturbance. If you detect Numerological interference at the site of your working, you should move away from this area and notify a senior Cabalist as soon as possible. If the interference continues, it is advisable to observe and document it from a safe distance.
  19. 2: Check and Locate
  20. You should have taken an initial limb and digit count, upon your joining of the guild. Take a moment to compare your current state with this count. It may help you confirm that there is indeed a limb or component missing. It is not inconceivable that a Numerological mishap could cause you to believe that you have altered or injured yourself when in fact you have not, which is why this physical record should be kept as a reference at all times.
  22. If there is indeed something missing, you will of course wish to locate the part. It may be on the ground somewhere nearby, or- depending on the nature of your mishap- it may have been fragmented, or displaced further than you may expect. If you do not detect the part within the nearby vicinity, be sure to check areas out of line of sight, and within a reasonable radius beyond your location. If you still do not find the article, you may wish to notify a local authority to keep an eye out for any unclaimed limbs, as there is precedent for such things showing up at a later date and in quite unexpected places.
  24. You should also ask any nearby Cabalists to perform their own checks. Practitioners of Numerology are points of Numerological resonance, and as such one of your guildmates may have acquired your missing part unexpectedly. This happens less frequently to non-Numerologist bystanders, but all the same, if there are any individuals nearby who could have been affected, you may wish to attempt to help them perform a check as well. Non-Numerologists can find these situations very distressing, especially if they have witnessed the actual removal, and as such you may need to remove them from the incident area or at least line of sight, and placate them with soothing words or similar methods of inspiring calm.
  27. 3: Document
  28. This is arguably the most important step. Once any injuries have been stabilised, and parts have been located, it is important to document as much of what transpired as you are able to. Dependent on the nature of the amputation, you may need to dictate your notes to somebody who is able to use a quill.
  30. Take care to describe with as much clarity as possible the following items:
  31. *The nature of the operation you were attempting. Include the numbers of your contemplation.
  32. *The intended result, and the actual result. Describe in as much detail as possible any unusual wounds, markings, sounds, et cetera, that may have arisen from the incident. Also note if there appear to be ongoing effects on the involved parties and/or surrounding area.
  33. *A recount of the response process (as explained in the previous steps). Details of the response to the incident may be crucial to concluding why and how it occurred. For example, the location or condition of a relocated body part could yield some clue as to the range or strength of the working being inappropriate for the situation.
  36. This is by no means a definitive guide to cover every possible situation, but for the majority of Numerological amputations and relocations, this will be a sturdy basis around which to perform your response. In all things, be reassured that even a Numerological mishap provides a valuable data point. Your missing limb is a step forward for science!
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