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- ##Database-SQL
- use-sql: true
- database:
- host: "127.0.01"
- port: 3306
- username: "root"
- password: "password"
- database: "privatemines"
- auto-reconnect: true
- use-ssl: false
- #The name of the mines
- worldName: Minas
- #How many blocks each mine should be apart from the other. This must be at least the radius of the mine schematic (distance from the center to the edge) or the mines will overlap
- mineDistance: 500
- maxAddPlayers: 3
- #This maps different block types to different locations in the schematic
- blocks:
- #Defines where the players will initially spawn. If this block has a direction, the direction will be used
- spawnPoint: FURNACE
- #Defines a corner of the mining area. Place this at both corners. They will be replaced with air and the mine will be filled
- mineCorner: BEACON
- #Name for the Sell NPCp
- npc:
- unlockLevel: 1000 #which level at npc will spawn, make it not by default cuz like ex 1000 npcs would lag
- name: "Merchant" #I make it hidden not used atm
- skin: TraderNPC
- tax:
- #Default percentage in tax that mine owners will be given
- default: 5
- max: 5
- hologram:
- updateInterval: 10 #seconds
- location: #relatively to spawn position
- height: 3
- multiply: 39 #from player in look direction
- reset:
- percentage: 50
- cooldown: 60000 #in millis 1000 - 1 sec
- block-update-cooldown-sec: 60
- max-combination-of-mine-blocks: 5
- mine-block-choices:
- - "STONE"
- - "STONE:1"
- - "STONE:2"
- - "STONE:3"
- - "STONE:4"
- - "STONE:5"
- - "STONE:6"
- - "BRICK"
- - "COAL_ORE"
- - "IRON_ORE"
- - "GOLD_ORE"
- default-mine-blocks:
- upgrades:
- size: #and every upgrade air is set for + 1 block that is surronding mine, that all depends on your schematic, where you want mine to appear
- # '10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150,160,170,180,190,200,210,220,230,240,250,260,270,280,290,300,400': # levels to upgrade at
- '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20': # levels to upgrade at
- max:
- x: 1
- y: 0
- z: 1
- min: # how to modify minimum corner of mining area
- x: -1
- y: 0
- z: -1
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