
roie sup

Jun 28th, 2019
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  1. 8-3 roie223 19:43:09 (sup) JoySt1cK: How to get to market area?
  2. 8-3 roie223 19:55:16 (sup) JoySt1cK: How to see the location of ce
  3. 8-3 roie223 19:55:40 (sup) JoySt1cK: How to get there
  4. 8-3 roie223 20:01:13 (sup) JoySt1cK: How to open craft window?
  5. 8-3 roie223 20:01:21 (sup) JoySt1cK: Ty
  6. 8-3 roie223 20:44:46 (sup) JoySt1cK: What's the best car in the game?
  7. 8-3 roie223 20:44:59 (sup) JoySt1cK: How much it cost
  8. 8-3 roie223 20:51:32 (sup) JoySt1cK: Why the banshee spining so fast? after I tuned it
  9. 8-3 roie223 20:52:15 (sup) JoySt1cK: Yep ty
  10. 8-3 roie223 20:54:14 (sup) JoySt1cK: It is keep spining when im slowing down, any ideas?
  11. 8-3 roie223 21:05:04 (sup) JoySt1cK: How to start rob in armed robbery?
  12. 8-3 roie223 21:12:21 (sup) JoySt1cK: How to heal hp?
  13. 8-3 roie223 21:28:20 (sup) JoySt1cK: What reward the missions gives me? "killed criminals in heists" and those
  14. 9-3 roie223 15:04:02 (sup) JoySt1cK: How to see when the next race starts?
  15. 9-3 roie223 15:09:54 (sup) JoySt1cK: How to talk in city chat
  16. 9-3 roie223 15:50:26 (sup) JoySt1cK: How to send money
  17. 9-3 roie223 18:48:11 (sup) CPL-JoySt1cK[DT]: How to apply custom skin on a vehicle
  18. 9-3 roie223 22:11:25 (sup) CPL-JoySt1cK[DT]: How to send money
  19. 9-3 roie223 23:00:52 (sup) CPL-JoySt1cK[DT]: How to know when I was registered?
  20. 9-3 roie223 23:07:33 (sup) CPL-JoySt1cK[DT]: There's no way to know when I was registered?
  21. 10-3 roie223 15:18:08 (sup) CPL-JoySt1cK[DT]: There's way to change the weather?
  22. 12-3 roie223 16:47:16 (sup) CPL-JoySt1cK[DT]: There's a way to know how much AP's I did today?
  23. 12-3 roie223 20:46:16 (sup) CPL-JoySt1cK[DT]: There's a way to mute country chat?
  24. 12-3 roie223 21:20:29 (sup) CPL-JoySt1cK[DT]: How to answer quiz
  25. 14-3 roie223 21:37:27 (sup) CPL-JoySt1cK[DT]: How many hours takes for lvl 10 iron miner?
  26. 14-3 roie223 21:55:20 (sup) CPL-JoySt1cK[DT]: There's a way to aim easier with the sniper?
  27. 16-3 roie223 19:52:23 (sup) CPL-JoySt1cK[DT]: The server is full of lags right/
  28. 18-3 roie223 21:01:09 (sup) CPL-JoySt1cK[DT]: How to see my job status?
  29. 19-3 roie223 11:21:23 (sup) CPL-JoySt1cK[DT]: Is there's anyway to aim better with sniper? no way im being hitted by 100% accuracy
  30. 24-3 roie223 14:32:03 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: How to open clock to prove something?
  31. 24-3 roie223 17:03:06 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: There's a way to know how many wl I did today?
  32. 24-3 roie223 17:03:34 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: I mean wp as a cop
  33. 25-3 roie223 16:02:02 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: I can't hear shots, reconnected, and still.
  34. 25-3 roie223 18:10:30 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: Why I cant hear shots, anyone knows?
  35. 26-3 roie223 11:29:23 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: There's anyway to aim better with the sniper? for quickscopes and like it?
  36. 26-3 roie223 12:59:22 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: Where do I buy a chainsaw
  37. 26-3 roie223 12:59:58 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: And how to be a lumberjack
  38. 26-3 roie223 13:00:29 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: From where do I buy chainsaw that's my question
  39. 26-3 roie223 14:07:25 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: What do you get from lumberjack?
  40. 27-3 roie223 15:33:55 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: How much needed for lvl 10 iron miner
  41. 27-3 roie223 21:14:58 (sup) COFC-JoySt1cK[DTA]: How to hide the chat?
  42. 28-3 roie223 11:23:16 (sup) COFC-JoySt1cK[DTA]: There's a way to change the sniper crosshair?
  43. 28-3 roie223 11:23:47 (sup) COFC-JoySt1cK[DTA]: What is the best,?
  44. 28-3 roie223 11:42:36 (sup) COFC-JoySt1cK[DTA]: There's a way to lower the crosshair speed?
  45. 28-3 roie223 13:43:54 (sup) COFC-JoySt1cK[DTA]: There's a way to reach the sniper faster than press twice on 5?
  46. 28-3 roie223 14:54:27 (sup) COFC-JoySt1cK[DTA]: How to see my bank balance?
  47. 28-3 roie223 16:54:25 (sup) COFC-JoySt1cK[DTA]: How to switch straight to sniper and not to the minigun
  48. 29-3 roie223 10:01:18 (sup) COFC-JoySt1cK[DTA]: How to see my daily challenges
  49. 29-3 roie223 15:58:38 (sup) COFC-JoySt1cK[DTA]eX: How to hide squad members from the map
  50. 29-3 roie223 20:04:50 (sup) COFC-JoySt1cK[DTA]eX: There's a way to check how many hours I was online today?
  51. 29-3 roie223 20:41:19 (sup) COFC-JoySt1cK[DTA]eX: How much iron extracted is needed for lvl 10 iron miner?
  52. 29-3 roie223 21:43:56 (sup) COFC-JoySt1cK[DTA]eX: There's anyway to change the vehicle mods here or something?
  53. 30-3 roie223 11:08:49 (sup) COFC-JoySt1cK[DTA]eX: There is a way to switch quickly to sniper instead of press twice?
  54. 30-3 roie223 11:52:31 (sup) COFC-JoySt1cK[DTA]eX: Seek medical treatment before you die.
  55. 30-3 roie223 11:52:36 (sup) COFC-JoySt1cK[DTA]eX: What I need to do?
  56. 1-4 roie223 11:20:26 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DTA]#eX: There's a way to hit more with sniper? no way im getting 6x in a row while running
  57. 1-4 roie223 16:07:39 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DTA]#eX: What is it custom tag?
  58. 3-4 roie223 17:15:41 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DTA]#eX: There's a way to aim better with the snipers? for quick scopes? anything other except skills...?
  59. 3-4 roie223 17:16:25 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DTA]#eX: And that's it? nothing else?
  60. 4-4 roie223 10:02:55 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DTA]#eX: How to change the sniper bindf?
  61. 4-4 roie223 10:46:18 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DTA]#eX: There's a command to hide my car?
  62. 9-4 roie223 14:32:02 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DTA]'eX: For how much time the drunk effect is?
  63. 9-4 roie223 14:58:29 (sup) T1-JoySt1cK[DTA]'eX: How to hide the chat
  64. 9-4 roie223 16:32:22 (sup) SGT-JoySt1cK[DTA]'eX: On what my /kill money depends?
  65. 24-4 roie223 16:54:20 (sup) VAC-JoySt1cK[GLA]'eX: It is makes sense that my "law points earned today" has been reset because of the new update?
  66. 24-4 roie223 16:54:31 (sup) VAC-JoySt1cK[GLA]'eX: I had 15k and now only 2k
  67. 24-4 roie223 17:01:48 (sup) VAC-JoySt1cK[GLA]'eX: Okay thanks ;)
  68. 24-4 roie223 19:48:02 (sup) VAC-JoySt1cK[GLA]'eX: Why sometimes my earnlimit is 410k and sometimes 480k?
  69. 24-4 roie223 21:37:10 (sup) VAC-JoySt1cK[GLA]'eX: How much money do I get for selling custom title to the server, 0?
  70. 20-5 roie223 23:31:55 (sup) SSGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: If someone has -2m dollars in his account, there's something he can do about it instead of earning moeny?
  71. 20-5 roie223 23:32:30 (sup) SSGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: Alright thanks
  72. 21-5 roie223 15:56:38 (sup) SSGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: Why every person that crouching getting lower damage
  73. 21-5 roie223 15:57:55 (sup) SSGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: No, you wrong.
  74. 21-5 roie223 18:30:58 (sup) SSGT-JoySt1cK[DT]|AFK: Is the "law points earned today" has been reset?
  75. 21-5 roie223 19:53:01 (sup) SSGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: Why I cant run anymore with combat shotgun?
  76. 21-5 roie223 19:53:54 (sup) SSGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: Thanks, it changed somehow.
  77. 21-5 roie223 19:54:40 (sup) SSGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: Reset moving styles due to having invalid moving styles.
  78. 21-5 roie223 19:54:51 (sup) SSGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: And again.. I guess its a new bug
  79. 22-5 roie223 21:26:55 (sup) SSGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: Why a bot of criminal can dmg my car while the criminal cant, while im not in the car.
  80. 28-5 roie223 17:51:06 (sup) SSGT-JoySt1cK[DT]#USSF: There's a way to chance my car plate content?
  81. 7-6 roie223 11:36:55 (sup) SSGT-JoySt1cK[DT]: How to block someone
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