

Feb 27th, 2016
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  1. Alexandra Groza says "Blackie."
  2. 'Dorner' says "Sup."
  3. --- Missing Vgui material entities/srp_l22
  4. Alexandra Groza whispers "I found a Duty Soldier here, hes armed with a PKP and Berill."
  5. --- Missing Vgui material entities/srp_l22
  6. Alexandra Groza whispers "We need a quick battle plan."
  7. 'Dorner' whispers "Cool. Go in, I shotgun him off his legs and you wrap him up with AKS74u"
  8. Alexandra Groza whispers "Hes in Loner town."
  9. Alexandra Groza whispers "You sure you wanna do that?"
  10. Create Stream Failed error 41
  11. Failed to load sound "stalker\music\cordon.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository
  12. 'Dorner' whispers "That's a battle plan, do we?"
  13. Alexandra Groza whispers "I'm gonna try and lewer him out to the hotel, sprint there."
  14. [OOC] Isaac 'Greenbeard' Roberts: What do you call a puppy that is in the snow? :3 A Pup-sicle/
  15. 'Dorner' whispers "Okay."
  16. [OOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: I can tell the difference between memes and edgy rpers
  17. [PDA]: [Dorner]: Interested
  18. [PDA]: [Dorner]: Interested in another dutier?
  19. [PDA]: [Lenin]: Always.
  20. Alexandra Groza radios in "Yo Blackie, my friend and I are coming."
  21. Alexandra Groza radios in "Maybe finally you can join Duty."
  22. Alexandra Groza radios in "This guy is a veteran."
  23. 'Dorner' radios in "Fucking finally, I can't believe it's so hard to get someone to review me."
  24. [PDA]: [Lenin]: Attempt capture.
  25. Alexandra Groza radios in "Yo Blackie, we're gonna head to Duty, ask the boss if he can let you off on guard break."
  26. Alexandra Groza radios in "We're right outside, gonna start walking if you don't hurry."
  27. [PDA]: [Lenin]: Shoot his right leg if possible.
  28. ** Alexandra Groza waves.
  29. [PDA]: [Lenin]: One to the ankle, one to the knee.
  30. Alexandra Groza says "Off we go!"
  31. ** 'Dorner' salutes.
  32. [The bearded behemoth ...] says "Come on then."
  33. [OOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: /advert MUGGING DROP 1000 OR DIE 5 SECONDS
  34. [PDA]: [Lenin]: Also gonna need your loc.
  35. [OOC] 'Bad Rad': /advert RAIDING DUTY
  36. [OOC] Isaac 'Greenbeard' Roberts: /advert COUNTER MUG!
  37. Alexandra Groza says "Whoa."
  38. Alexandra Groza says "Look."
  39. [The bearded behemoth ...] says "Anomaly comrade, Don't touch it."
  40. Alexandra Groza says "Is that an artifact in it?"
  41. [The bearded behemoth ...] says "It'll burn you to death."
  42. ** Alexandra Groza takes out her Veles detector and turns it on.
  43. ** [The bearded behemoth ...] shrugs and taps his detector on her side.
  44. ** 'Dorner' brings his carbine up and pushes against the trigger, showering the heavily armored dutier's legs with a healthy dose of 5.45 AP.
  45. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: * HIS
  46. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: s'cuse me
  47. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: thats more than one /me
  48. [LOOC] 'Dorner': you're excused.
  49. [LOOC] 'Dorner': that's exactly one /me.
  50. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: cant do "Raise up and shoot"
  51. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: in one /me
  52. [LOOC] 'Dorner': please show me what rule states that.
  53. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: A second then
  54. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: okie
  55. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Do not powergame.
  56. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: THats a form of powergame
  57. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: its not powergame
  58. [LOOC] 'Dorner': it's not powergame, buddy.
  59. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Elaborate then
  60. ** 'Dorner' leads the burst of automatic fire over the dutier's legs as his accompliance distracts him with something.
  61. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: jed could not even react to that happening, his raising and shooting while behind you is silent and quick
  62. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: he can write two /me's but, its impossibe to react to
  63. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: That doesn't matter, it's still one /me. You could use the same excuse as /me pulls gun up and shoots in the head
  64. [LOOC] 'Dorner': well, I fixed it, two /me's
  65. [LOOC] 'Dorner': you're gonna metagame it?
  66. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Excuse me
  67. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: how am I going to metagame that info
  68. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: yo
  69. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: It's IC lol
  70. [LOOC] 'Dorner': stop arguing, start roleplaying
  71. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: lets just ro
  72. [G-PDA]: [Ranger] sex
  73. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: .// rp*
  74. [G-PDA]: [Lenin] gay
  75. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Nice way to defend your point nerd
  76. [LOOC] 'Dorner': point is, you got outsmarted, roleplay.
  77. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Still not defending your point nerd
  78. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: :^)
  79. ** Alexandra Groza then begins to scream in horror dropping the detector and pulls up her AK in defence.
  80. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: uh
  81. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: lol.
  82. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: can you
  83. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: let go of me
  84. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: actually thats allowed
  85. [LOOC] 'Dorner': you failed to roleplay, man
  86. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: price said it yesterday
  87. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: are you serious
  88. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: yeah its retarded imo
  89. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Let go of me and let me /react
  90. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: you fucking retard
  91. [LOOC] 'Dorner': you arent reacting, you're arguing in ooc
  92. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: I was just
  93. [LOOC] 'Dorner': you can write /me that way too.
  94. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: dorner are you retarded
  95. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Im not oging to roleplay if you're going to fucking do htis to me
  96. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: let him react garry
  97. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Because you aren't letting me react you actual retard
  98. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: its fine
  99. [G-PDA]: [Ranger] where are u my love
  100. ** [The bearded behemoth ...] feels his legs buckle, and tumbles over, his instant reaction is to reach for his PKP and turn his body to face his opposer, while his legs fail to make him stand.
  101. [The bearded behemoth ...] says "Wha-"
  102. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: what
  103. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: hello
  104. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: okay i guess
  105. ** 'Dorner' pots another one in his chest. Even if the armor'd stop him, the punch against his lungs would probably remove the resistance left.
  106. [OOC] 'Damaged': Hell yeah, fuck yeah, I feel like killing it - Takyon | Alright that's tight, what its like to experience - Takyon
  107. chaikawave has disconnected from the server.
  108. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: Also these are AP rounds
  109. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: hes firing
  110. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: what gun is it
  111. [LOOC] 'Dorner': AKS74u, 5.45 AP
  112. Alexandra Groza says "./"
  113. [G-PDA]: [Loner757] I'm still open for any who need me.
  114. [LOOC] 'Dorner': is he reacting or...?
  115. ** [The bearded behemoth ...] suddenly gasps as his body armour collapses from the bullet, already feeling the effects of the round going through and his ribs cracking. His face contorts into pain and he'd fall with an "Umpf", his PKP now lined at the man. As he faces him, his next action would be to go and pull the trigger.
  116. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: idk
  117. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: I know you guys are just after scripts
  118. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: I already know briitsh is an asshole :^)
  119. [LOOC] 'Dorner': nah.
  120. ** Alexandra Groza after noticing the man got his gun up, she instantly dives on to the man, placing all her weight on top of him and his PKP/
  121. [LOOC] 'Dorner': chill out, powergamer who fights with 3 bullets in his body.
  122. Create Stream Failed error 41
  123. Failed to load sound "stalker\music\misery.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository
  124. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Lmao
  125. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: garry are you going to be like larry
  126. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: and be completely dumb
  127. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: stay ic
  128. ** 'Dorner' hurries aside as the weapon fires and his partner dives on top of the rogue dutier, circling around.
  129. [OOC] 'Bad Rad': what hte fuck
  130. ** [The bearded behemoth ...] grunts in pain as his body is completely covered, his PKP now against his side and snuggly poking into the womans lower region. He'd pull the trigger and let the gun rip.
  131. [LOOC] 'Dorner': are you serious.
  132. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Yep
  133. [LOOC] 'Dorner': the gun is to long to go that way tho.
  134. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: My action was to pull the trigger
  135. a rap god from beyond the moon has connected to the server.
  136. [LOOC] 'Dorner': you were aiming at dorner and she attacked you from behind
  137. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Nope, the gun was pointing at you broter, I did a /me turns the gun towards you
  138. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: No, shes clearly at my sdie.
  139. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: i am on top of you
  140. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Yes and my gun is poking into you
  141. [LOOC] 'Dorner': it cant poke her, it's longer than your entire body.
  142. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: ^
  143. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Im sorry?
  144. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: This gun is NOT longer than my entire body
  145. [LOOC] 'Dorner': if anything, you'd hit her side with the weapon, but you can't put it on target in such CQC.
  146. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: stop making excuses and get IC
  147. [OOC] Marley Wallace: who recruited kateryna even why am i not updated on my own FACTION
  148. [OOC] Irina 'Reagan' Lenina: ner
  149. [LOOC] 'Dorner': okay
  150. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: She's diving on top of me, The gun is currently like this
  151. [OOC] 'Damaged': CANCER.
  152. ** 'Dorner' shoots at the firearm of his.
  153. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: She falls ont
  154. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: you are literally retarded
  155. [LOOC] 'Dorner': powergame less, buddy.
  156. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Stop btiching
  157. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: and P2l
  158. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: you fucking crybaby
  159. [LOOC] 'Dorner': says the guy with 3 bullets in his body.
  160. [OOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Someone help im being mugged by two minges
  161. ** Alexandra Groza then just barrates the man with her rifle, and knocks him out.
  162. [OOC] 'Eclipse': o7
  163. Alexandra Groza says "Lets see if Freedom wants him."
  164. [OOC] 'Dorner': someone ban this minge for trying to fight with three bullets in his body.
  165. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: What the fuck is wrong with you
  166. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Tell me right now
  167. [PDA]: [Lenin]: Where are you?
  168. [LOOC] 'Dorner': I hate powergamers.
  169. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: you got shot in the legs and in your lungs
  170. [PDA]: [Dorner]: Hotel, come.
  171. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Dorner you are actually retarded
  172. [PDA]: [Lenin]: On our way
  173. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: this vvas all planned and coordinated
  174. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: live vvith it
  175. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: I'd try to explain to you how it's not powergame but fuck me you're just so
  176. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: SCRIPTHUNGRY
  177. [LOOC] 'Dorner': vve didnt account for you trying to povvergame tho.
  178. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: not even after the gear lol.
  179. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: and i didnt account you for being a fucking crybaby retard
  180. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: oh waits its british
  181. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: I should of seen this coming
  182. [LOOC] Alexandra Groza: dont even know you
  183. 'Dorner' says "Here they are!"
  184. Alexandra Groza says "Howdy."
  185. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: Shoot these fucktards
  186. [LOOC] 'Bad Rad': what
  187. Irina 'Reagan' Lenina says "Ohhh."
  188. [LOOC] Sdr. Jedkenvich Klumanden: they fucking powergamed and shot me
  189. ** 'Dorner' hurls the wounded dutier on the floor.
  190. [Under the poorly sewn...] says "What."
  191. Irina 'Reagan' Lenina says "This I like."
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