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May 21st, 2019
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  1. zrush = zrush || {}
  2. zrush.config = zrush.config || {}
  3. zrush.f = zrush.f || {}
  5. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  7. // Owned by 76561198118780053
  8. // Version 1.0.8e
  10. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  11. // Developed by ZeroChain:
  12. //
  13. //
  15. // If you wish to contact me:
  16. //
  18. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  19. //////////////BEFORE YOU START BE SURE TO READ THE README.TXT//////////////
  20. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  23. // General
  24. ///////////////////////
  25. // This switches between fast download and workshop
  26. zrush.config.EnableResourceAddfile = false
  28. // Do we want do use the HD pack (100MB) or the Normal Pack (40MB)
  29. zrush.config.WorkshopHDPack = true
  31. // What language do we want? en,de,hu,fr,es,pl,cn,ru
  32. zrush.config.selectedLanguage = "fr"
  34. // What gamemode are we using
  35. zrush.config.selectedGamemode = "DarkRP"
  36. // DarkRP
  37. // BaseWars
  38. // NutScript
  40. // The Currency
  41. zrush.config.Currency = "$"
  43. // The Unit of Measurement
  44. zrush.config.UoM = "l" // liter
  46. // These Ranks are allowed do use the save command !savezrush
  47. zrush.config.allowedRanks = {
  48. "superadmin"
  49. }
  51. // If this is true then we use Inheritance in the RankCheck function
  52. zrush.config.RankInheritance = true
  54. // This disables the owner checks and allows every player do use each others entitys
  55. zrush.config.EquipmentSharing = false
  57. // Should the machines be all NoCollide with the players do make sure the players dont get stuck by mistake?
  58. zrush.config.machine_NoCollide = true
  60. // Player data
  61. zrush.config.player = {
  62. DropFuelOnDeath = true, // Should the player drop all of the Fuel Barrels he has in his Zrush inventory when he dies?
  63. MaxActiveDrillHoles = 2,// How many acitve drillholes is the player allowed do have?
  64. FuelInvSize = 10 // How many barrels can the player transport in his inventory?
  65. }
  67. // The Interval of the EventManager
  68. zrush.config.EventManager_Interval = 30 // seconds
  70. // The money you get when you sell your machines or modules again
  71. zrush.config.SellValue = 0.5 // You get 50% of the original price
  73. // Do we have VCMod installed? (This enables the user do extract VCMod Jerry Cans from Fuel Barrels)
  74. zrush.config.VCMod = true
  76. // If enabled this checks if the player has the correct rank to pickup the FuelBarrel
  77. zrush.config.BarrelRank_PickUpCheck = true
  79. // If enabled this checks if the player is the owner of the FuelBarrel before picking it up
  80. zrush.config.BarrelOwner_PickUpCheck = true
  82. // The system which is used do place machines
  83. zrush.config.MachineBuilder = {
  84. AcceptKey = MOUSE_LEFT, // The Button which complets the action
  85. CancelKey = MOUSE_RIGHT, // The Button which cancels the action
  86. // See
  87. }
  89. // How should the drilling work?
  90. // 0 = The DrillTower dont needs a oilspots and can be placed everywhere
  91. // 1 = The DrillTower can only be placed on OilSpots and OilSpots Refresh after use (OilSpots need do be placed by an Admin)
  92. // 2 = The DrillTower can only be placed on OilSpots which get created at random by a OilSpot Generator. (OilSpot Generator need do be placed by an Admin)
  93. zrush.config.Drill_Mode = 2
  95. // The Fuel Buyer data
  96. zrush.config.FuelBuyer = {
  97. Model = "models/odessa.mdl", // The Model
  98. NotifyImage = "entities/npc_odessa.png", // The Dialogbox Image
  99. SellAmount = 50, // The Amount the player can sell at once
  100. RefreshRate = 300, // How often should the fuel marked change in seconds
  101. MaxBuyRate = 100, //% The Max Sell Multiplicator you can get (100 is the Base Price, More means + Profit , Less means - Profit)
  102. MinBuyRate = 75, //% The Min Sell Multiplicator you can get
  103. anim_idle = {"idle_angry","idle_subtle"}, // The idle animations of the npc
  104. anim_sell = {"takepackage","cheer1","cheer2"}, // The sell animation of the npc
  105. names = {"Daniel","Martin","Claude","Gilles","Hector"}, // Just do give them a little Character :I
  106. Capabilities = false, // Settings this to false can improve the performance a bit
  107. }
  109. zrush.config.VrondakisLevelSystem = false
  111. // Only works if you have Vrondakis LevelSystem installed
  112. zrush.config.Vrondakis = {}
  113. zrush.config.Vrondakis["Selling"] = {XP = 25} // XP per Sold Unit (5l/gal == 5XP)
  114. zrush.config.Vrondakis["DrillingPipe"] = {XP = 100} // XP per drilled down Pipe
  115. zrush.config.Vrondakis["BurningGas"] = {XP = 25} // XP per burned gas unit
  116. zrush.config.Vrondakis["ReachingOil"] = {XP = 200} // XP when reaching Oil
  117. zrush.config.Vrondakis["PumpingOil"] = {XP = 25} // XP per pumped out Oil (5l/gal == 5XP)
  118. zrush.config.Vrondakis["RefiningOil"] = {XP = 25} // XP per refined unit of Oil (5l/gal == 5XP)
  120. zrush.config.Debug = false
  121. ///////////////////////
  125. // OilSpots
  126. ///////////////////////
  127. zrush.config.OilSpot = {
  128. Cooldown = 60, // This is the time in seconds a oilspot is gonna wait after it was closed before it can get drilled again or before it gets removed
  129. }
  131. zrush.config.OilSpot_Generator = {
  132. Rate = 3, // The rate in seconds the generator tries do spawn a new OilSpot if possible
  133. MaxOilSpots = 3, // The Max count of valid oilspots a generator can have
  134. MaxLifeTime = 1000, // This is the max time in seconds a oilspot is gonna wait before it gets removed again if its not used by a Player
  135. MaxSearchPosCount = 100, // This is the max search count per interval, meaning the generator trys this often do find a valid space for a oilspot befor it stops
  136. }
  137. ///////////////////////
  141. // Fuel Settings
  142. ///////////////////////
  143. // Fuel Registration
  144. /*
  145. Values for this are
  146. Name : The Name of the Fuel
  147. FuelColor : The Color of the Fuel
  148. VCmodfuel (0||1) : What VC Mod fuel is it (Petrol or Diesel) (Only usefull if you have VCMod installed!)
  149. RefineOutput : How much Fuel do we get from the refined Oil (0.5 = 50%)
  150. BasePrice : The Start Sell Price of the Fuel per Unit (Liter,etc..)
  151. Ranks : The Ranks which are allowed do refine this Fuel
  152. */
  154. zrush.f.CreateFuelTypes("Pétrol régulier",Color(211,190,255),0,0.55,15,{})
  155. zrush.f.CreateFuelTypes("Pétrol premium",Color(255,236,110),0,0.25,125,{})
  156. zrush.f.CreateFuelTypes("Pétrol ultra",Color(211,255,149),0,0.10,1000,{"VIP", "Chef-staff"})
  158. zrush.f.CreateFuelTypes("Diesel régulier",Color(255,227,190),1,0.55,20,{})
  159. zrush.f.CreateFuelTypes("Diesel premium",Color(248,154,53),1,0.25,150,{})
  160. zrush.f.CreateFuelTypes("Diesel ultra",Color(255,68,31),1,0.10,1200,{"superadmin", "zowie"})
  161. ///////////////////////
  165. // Oil Hole Settings
  166. ///////////////////////
  167. // OilSource Registration
  168. /*
  169. Values for this are
  170. Chance (1-100) : The Chance of getting this Hole
  171. Depth (25) : How many pipes it will need
  172. Burnchance (1-100) : how high the chance is that it needs to be burned after hitting the oil
  173. gasmin : how much gas is in the Hole minimum
  174. gasmax : how much gas is in the Hole at maximum
  175. oilmin 800 : how much oil is in the Hole minimum
  176. oilmax 1300 : how much oil is in the Hole at maximum
  177. ChaosEventChance : The Chance of the Machine do have a OverHeat/Jam -Event when working on this OilSource (This gets added do the Base OverHeat/Jam -Chance of the machine)
  178. */
  179. zrush.f.CreateOilSource(50,25,7,100,500,300,1000,5)
  180. zrush.f.CreateOilSource(3,40,15,500,800,600,2000,10)
  181. zrush.f.CreateOilSource(3,45,75,500,1000,1500,4000,20)
  182. ///////////////////////
  186. // AbilityModules
  187. ///////////////////////
  188. // Here you can creates new Modules
  189. /*
  190. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule(
  191. Name,
  192. Type,
  193. BoostAmount % or PipeCount,
  194. Description,
  195. Price,
  196. AllowedRanks, Leave Empty do remove check
  197. AllowedJobs, Leave Empty do remove check
  198. Color
  199. )
  200. */
  202. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("Speed Boost","SpeedBoost",0.70,"Increases the Speed of the Machine a bit.",2000, {},{},Color(255,201,71))
  203. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("Production Boost","ProductionBoost",0.50,"Increases the production amount of the machine a bit.",2000, {},{},Color(255,201,71))
  204. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("AntiJam Boost","AntiJamBoost",0.50,"Reduces the chance of jamming the machine a bit.",2000, {},{},Color(255,201,71))
  205. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("Cooling Boost","CoolingBoost",0.50,"Reduces the chance of OverHeating the machine a bit.",2000, {},{},Color(255,201,71))
  206. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("Extra Pipes","ExtraPipes",8,"Adds some extra Space for Pipes in the Queue.",2000, {},{},Color(255,201,71))
  207. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("Refining Boost","RefineBoost",0.50,"Increases the refined Fuel amount a bit.",2000, {},{},Color(255,201,71))
  209. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("Super Speed Boost","SpeedBoost",0.85,"Injects High Quallity Oil in the Machine which increases the Speed.",6000, {"VIP","6","admin","Chef-staff"},{},Color(255,136,71))
  210. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("Super Production Boost","ProductionBoost",0.80,"Integrates a Intel CPU in the Machine which improves the Logistic",6000, {"VIP","superadmin","Chef-staff","admin"},{},Color(255,136,71))
  211. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("Super AntiJam Boost","AntiJamBoost",0.80,"Reduces the chance of jamming the machine.",6000, {"VIP","superadmin","Chef-staff","admin"},{},Color(255,136,71))
  212. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("Super Cooling Boost","CoolingBoost",0.80,"Reduces the chance of OverHeating the machine.",6000, {"VIP","superadmin","Chef-staff","admin"},{},Color(255,136,71))
  213. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("Super Extra Pipes","ExtraPipes",13,"Adds much extra Space for Pipes in the Queue.",6000, {"VIP","superadmin","Chef-staff","admin"},{},Color(255,136,71))
  214. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("Super Refining Boost","RefineBoost",0.80,"Increases the refined Fuel amount a lot.",6000, {"VIP","superadmin","Chef-staff","admin"},{},Color(255,136,71))
  216. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("Xtreme Speed Boost","SpeedBoost",0.9,"Injects Quantum Oil in the Machine which increases the Speed by a lot.",9000, {"","superadmin"},{},Color(255,71,71))
  217. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("Xtreme Production Boost","ProductionBoost",2,"A special form of AI do improve the Logistic of the Machine by a lot.",9000, {"","superadmin"},{},Color(255,71,71))
  218. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("Xtreme AntiJam Boost","AntiJamBoost",0.90,"Reduces the chance of jamming the machine by a lot.",9000, {"","superadmin"},{},Color(255,71,71))
  219. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("Xtreme Cooling Boost","CoolingBoost",0.90,"Reduces the chance of OverHeating the machine by a lot.",9000, {"","superadmin"},{},Color(255,71,71))
  220. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("Xtreme Extra Pipes","ExtraPipes",12,"Adds really much extra Space for Pipes in the Queue.",9000, {"","superadmin"},{},Color(255,71,71))
  221. zrush.f.CreateAbilityModule("Xtreme Refining Boost","RefineBoost",2,"Increases the refined Fuel amount xtreme.",9000, {"","superadmin"},{},Color(255,71,71))
  222. ///////////////////////
  226. // Default Machine Settings
  227. ///////////////////////
  228. zrush.config.Machine = zrush.config.Machine || {}
  230. //MachineCrate
  231. zrush.config.Machine["MachineCrate"] = {
  232. AllowSell = false // Do we allow that other players can sell your machine if its in the crate? (Only works if zrush.config.EquipmentSharing = false)
  233. }
  235. //DrillHole
  236. zrush.config.Machine["DrillHole"] = {
  237. RandomColor = true, // Do we want that the drillhole spawns with a random color?
  238. CustomColor = Color(200,45,45), // If the above is false then we spawn them with this color
  239. PostCooldown = 60, // This is the time in seconds before it gets removed after its used(Only used in zrush.config.Drill_Mode = 0)
  240. Cooldown = 600, // This makes sure unused drillholes get removed (Only used in zrush.config.Drill_Mode = 0) (Set to -1 to Disable it)
  241. ButanGas_Speed = 1, // Interval in seconds it takes do emit gas and inflict damage
  242. ButanGas_Damage = 1, // How much damage inflict the Butan Gas from the DrillHole on Players per Second
  243. ButanGas_DamageRadius = 100, // The radius at which a players get damage from gas
  244. }
  246. //Drill
  247. zrush.config.Machine["Drill"] = {
  248. Module_Sockets = 3 , // (1-3) How many module sockets does the machine have
  249. Speed = 25, //(seconds) How long does it take do drill one Pipe
  250. MaxHoldPipes = 3, // How many pipes can the machine hold by default
  251. JamChance = 60, // % How High is the Chance that the Machine will Jam (There are extra % that get added later depending on the oilsource)
  252. SearchRadius = 250, // The radius at which the DrillTower searches for a free OilSpot
  253. NewDrillRadius = 300, // The Distance at which we allow a new drill hole do get created (This should be big enough do make sure the entitys dont glitch in one another)
  254. Health = 150, // The health of the Entity
  255. }
  257. //Burner
  258. zrush.config.Machine["Burner"] = {
  259. Module_Sockets = 3 , // (1-3) How many module sockets does the machine have
  260. Speed = 2, // How long does one burn take in seconds
  261. Amount = 2, // How much gas get removed per Burn
  262. OverHeat_Chance = 60, // % How high is the chance for the machine do overheat? (There are extra % that get added later depending on the oilsource)
  263. OverHeat_Countown = 15, // (seconds) How long until it changes from OverHeating to exploding?
  264. OverHeat_Radius = 200, //The damage the explosion does do a player
  265. OverHeat_Damage = 25, //The damage the explosion does do a player
  266. Health = 100, // The health of the Entity
  267. }
  269. //Pump
  270. zrush.config.Machine["Pump"] = {
  271. Module_Sockets = 3 , // (1-3) How many module sockets does the machine have
  272. Speed = 10, // seconds How long is one pump action
  273. Amount = 3, // units How much oil do we get per pump
  274. JamChance = 60, // % How High is the Base Chance that the Machine will Jam (There are extra % that get added later depending on the oilsource)
  275. Health = 150, // The health of the Entity
  276. }
  278. //Refinery
  279. zrush.config.Machine["Refinery"] = {
  280. Module_Sockets = 4 , // (1-4) How many module sockets does the machine have
  281. Speed = 3, // seconds
  282. Amount = 1, // How much Oil it takes in
  283. OverHeat_Chance = 60, // % How high is the base chance for the machine do overheat? (There are extra % that get added later depending on the oilsource)
  284. OverHeat_Countown = 15, // (seconds) How long until changes from OverHeating to exploding?
  285. OverHeat_Radius = 200, //The damage the explosion does do a player
  286. OverHeat_Damage = 25, //The damage the explosion does do a player
  287. Health = 150, // The health of the Entity
  288. }
  290. //Barrel
  291. zrush.config.Machine["Barrel"] = {
  292. Storage = 160, // How much liquid can a barrel store
  293. Health = 75, // The health of the Entity
  294. }
  295. ///////////////////////
  298. // Machine Shop
  299. ///////////////////////
  300. //zrush.f.CreateMachineShopItem(Name,Price,Class,Model,MachineID)
  301. zrush.f.CreateMachineShopItem("Drill Tower",1500,"zrush_drilltower","models/zerochain/props_oilrush/zor_drilltower.mdl","Drill")
  302. zrush.f.CreateMachineShopItem("Burner",750,"zrush_burner","models/zerochain/props_oilrush/zor_drillburner.mdl","Burner")
  303. zrush.f.CreateMachineShopItem("Pump",2000,"zrush_pump","models/zerochain/props_oilrush/zor_oilpump.mdl","Pump")
  304. zrush.f.CreateMachineShopItem("Refinery",6000,"zrush_refinery","models/zerochain/props_oilrush/zor_refinery.mdl","Refinery")
  305. ///////////////////////
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