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Oct 12th, 2020
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  2. //Object 1B97FCEF880, (SuperField/Parent: 0), PropertySize: 0x28
  3. PropertyType PropertyName ElementSize OffsetInternal
  4. Function ExecuteUbergraph 0x0 0x0
  6. //Actor 1B97FCEDC80, (SuperField/Parent: 1B97FCEF880), PropertySize: 0x458
  7. PropertyType PropertyName ElementSize OffsetInternal
  8. Struct PrimaryActorTick 0x50 0x28
  9. Float CustomTimeDilation 0x4 0x78
  10. Bool bAllowRemovalFromServerWhenCollisionMerged 0x1 0x7C
  11. Bool bHidden 0x1 0x7C
  12. Bool bNetTemporary 0x1 0x7C
  13. Bool bNetStartup 0x1 0x7C
  14. Bool bOnlyRelevantToOwner 0x1 0x7C
  15. Bool bAlwaysRelevant 0x1 0x7C
  16. Bool bReplicateMovement 0x1 0x7C
  17. Bool bTearOff 0x1 0x7C
  18. Bool bExchangedRoles 0x1 0x7D
  19. Bool bPendingNetUpdate 0x1 0x7D
  20. Bool bNetLoadOnClient 0x1 0x7D
  21. Bool bNetUseOwnerRelevancy 0x1 0x7D
  22. Bool bBlockInput 0x1 0x7D
  23. Bool bCanBeInCluster 0x1 0x7D
  24. Bool bActorEnableCollision 0x1 0x7E
  25. Bool bReplicates 0x1 0x7E
  26. MulticastDelegate OnPreNetOwnershipChange 0x10 0x80
  27. Byte RemoteRole 0x1 0x90
  28. Object Owner 0x8 0x98
  29. Byte SpawnRestrictions 0x1 0xA0
  30. Struct ReplicatedMovement 0x34 0xA4
  31. Struct AttachmentReplication 0x40 0xD8
  32. Byte Role 0x1 0x118
  33. Byte AutoReceiveInput 0x1 0x11A
  34. Int InputPriority 0x4 0x11C
  35. Object InputComponent 0x8 0x120
  36. Float NetCullDistanceSquared 0x4 0x128
  37. Int NetTag 0x4 0x130
  38. Float NetUpdateTime 0x4 0x134
  39. Float NetUpdateFrequency 0x4 0x138
  40. Float NetPriority 0x4 0x13C
  41. Float LastNetUpdateTime 0x4 0x140
  42. Name NetDriverName 0x8 0x144
  43. Bool bAutoDestroyWhenFinished 0x1 0x14C
  44. Bool bCanBeDamaged 0x1 0x14C
  45. Bool bActorIsBeingDestroyed 0x1 0x14C
  46. Bool bCollideWhenPlacing 0x1 0x14C
  47. Bool bFindCameraComponentWhenViewTarget 0x1 0x14C
  48. Bool bRelevantForNetworkReplays 0x1 0x14C
  49. Byte SpawnCollisionHandlingMethod 0x1 0x150
  50. Object Instigator 0x8 0x158
  51. Array Children 0x10 0x160
  52. Object RootComponent 0x8 0x170
  53. Array ControllingMatineeActors 0x10 0x178
  54. Float InitialLifeSpan 0x4 0x188
  55. Bool bAllowReceiveTickEventOnDedicatedServer 0x1 0x190
  56. Array Layers 0x10 0x198
  57. Struct ParentComponentActor 0x8 0x1A8
  58. Array ChildComponentActors 0x10 0x1B0
  59. Bool bActorSeamlessTraveled 0x1 0x1C8
  60. Bool bIgnoresOriginShifting 0x1 0x1C8
  61. Bool bEnableAutoLODGeneration 0x1 0x1C8
  62. Array Tags 0x10 0x1D0
  63. Name Feature 0x8 0x1E0
  64. UInt64 HiddenEditorViews 0x8 0x1E8
  65. MulticastDelegate OnActorBeginOverlap 0x10 0x1F0
  66. MulticastDelegate OnActorEndOverlap 0x10 0x200
  67. MulticastDelegate OnActorHit 0x10 0x210
  68. MulticastDelegate OnDestroyed 0x10 0x220
  69. MulticastDelegate OnEndPlay 0x10 0x298
  70. Bool bDoOverlapNotifiesOnLoad 0x1 0x2A8
  71. Array BlueprintCreatedComponents 0x10 0x3B0
  72. Array InstanceComponents 0x10 0x3C0
  73. Array ChildActorInterfaceProviders 0x10 0x3D8
  74. Double DormancyLingeringInSeconds 0x8 0x450
  76. //Pawn 1B928657000, (SuperField/Parent: 1B97FCEDC80), PropertySize: 0x4C0
  77. PropertyType PropertyName ElementSize OffsetInternal
  78. Bool bUseControllerRotationPitch 0x1 0x460
  79. Bool bUseControllerRotationYaw 0x1 0x460
  80. Bool bUseControllerRotationRoll 0x1 0x460
  81. Bool bCanAffectNavigationGeneration 0x1 0x460
  82. Float BaseEyeHeight 0x4 0x464
  83. Byte AutoPossessPlayer 0x1 0x468
  84. Byte AutoPossessAI 0x1 0x469
  85. Class AIControllerClass 0x8 0x470
  86. Object PlayerState 0x8 0x478
  87. Byte RemoteViewPitch 0x1 0x480
  88. Object LastHitBy 0x8 0x488
  89. Object Controller 0x8 0x490
  90. Struct ControlInputVector 0xC 0x4A0
  91. Struct LastControlInputVector 0xC 0x4AC
  93. //Character 1B9286571C0, (SuperField/Parent: 1B928657000), PropertySize: 0x660
  94. PropertyType PropertyName ElementSize OffsetInternal
  95. Object Mesh 0x8 0x4C0
  96. Object CharacterMovement 0x8 0x4C8
  97. Object CapsuleComponent 0x8 0x4D0
  98. Struct BasedMovement 0x38 0x4D8
  99. Struct ReplicatedBasedMovement 0x38 0x510
  100. Struct BaseTranslationOffset 0xC 0x548
  101. Struct BaseRotationOffset 0x10 0x560
  102. Byte ReplicatedMovementMode 0x1 0x570
  103. Bool bInBaseReplication 0x1 0x571
  104. Float CrouchedEyeHeight 0x4 0x574
  105. Bool bIsCrouched 0x1 0x578
  106. Bool bPressedJump 0x1 0x578
  107. Bool bClientUpdating 0x1 0x578
  108. Bool bClientWasFalling 0x1 0x578
  109. Bool bClientResimulateRootMotion 0x1 0x578
  110. Bool bSimGravityDisabled 0x1 0x578
  111. Bool bServerMoveIgnoreRootMotion 0x1 0x578
  112. Float JumpKeyHoldTime 0x4 0x57C
  113. Float JumpMaxHoldTime 0x4 0x580
  114. MulticastDelegate OnReachedJumpApex 0x10 0x588
  115. MulticastDelegate OnCharacterMovementUpdated 0x10 0x5A8
  116. Struct ClientRootMotionParams 0x40 0x5C0
  117. Array RootMotionRepMoves 0x10 0x600
  118. Struct RepRootMotion 0x40 0x610
  120. //AthenaCharacter 1B928657380, (SuperField/Parent: 1B9286571C0), PropertySize: 0xB80
  121. PropertyType PropertyName ElementSize OffsetInternal
  122. Object LookAtOffsetComponent 0x8 0x750
  123. Object AnimationDataStoreAsset 0x8 0x758
  124. Object AthenaCharacterMovementComponent 0x8 0x760
  125. Struct Docker 0x50 0x770
  126. Object ActionStateMachineComponent 0x8 0x7C0
  127. Object ActionStatePriorityTableData 0x8 0x7C8
  128. Class ActionStateCreatorDefinition 0x8 0x7D0
  129. Struct ObjectMessageDispatcher 0xA0 0x7D8
  130. Object WieldableItemSetComponent 0x8 0x878
  131. Object WieldedItemComponent 0x8 0x880
  132. Object MeshAdjustmentComponent 0x8 0x888
  133. Object InventoryManipulatorComponent 0x8 0x890
  134. Object LoadoutComponent 0x8 0x898
  135. Object ItemLoadoutComponent 0x8 0x8A0
  136. Object HealthComponent 0x8 0x8A8
  137. Object StateManagerComponent 0x8 0x8B0
  138. Object RewindComponent 0x8 0x8B8
  139. Object ActorDamageableComponent 0x8 0x8C0
  140. Object CharacterHitReactionComponent 0x8 0x8C8
  141. Object AnimNotifyWwiseEmitterComponent 0x8 0x8D0
  142. Object MeleeAttackProcessor 0x8 0x8D8
  143. Object HitDetectionComponent 0x8 0x8E0
  144. Object KnockBackComponent 0x8 0x8E8
  145. Object DodgeComponent 0x8 0x8F0
  146. Object CharacterAINoiseEventComponent 0x8 0x8F8
  147. Object PrivateActionRulesComponent 0x8 0x900
  148. Object ShipTrackerComponent 0x8 0x908
  149. Object WatercraftTrackerComponent 0x8 0x910
  150. Object ItemLoaderComponent 0x8 0x918
  151. Object RetractableCharacterComponent 0x8 0x920
  152. Object ResourceProviderComponent 0x8 0x928
  153. Object CharacterFlammableComponent 0x8 0x930
  154. Object SoakableComponent 0x8 0x938
  155. Object WaterExposureComponent 0x8 0x940
  156. Object ShelteredComponent 0x8 0x948
  157. Object BoxedRpcDispatcherComponent 0x8 0x950
  158. Object CosmeticItemAnimationComponent 0x8 0x958
  159. MulticastDelegate OnJumpedDelegate 0x10 0x960
  160. Int RandomAnimationSeed 0x4 0x980
  161. Bool RandomBool 0x1 0x984
  162. Struct InputDelegator 0x60 0x988
  163. Object InputBinder 0x8 0x9E8
  164. Object WaterInteractionComponent 0x8 0x9F0
  165. Class ThirdPersonAnimSetDataId 0x8 0x9F8
  166. Bool OverrideEncroachesBlockingGeometry 0x1 0xA00
  167. Byte OverrideEncroachesBlockingGeometryChannel 0x1 0xA01
  168. Name OverrideFloorSweepCollisionProfileName 0x8 0xA04
  169. Float MovementThresholdToRecordRewindTransform 0x4 0xA2C
  170. Object AnimationDataStore 0x8 0xAA8
  171. Object OldPlayerState 0x8 0xAE8
  172. Float RelativeTargetYawOnMovingBase 0x4 0xB10
  173. Float SmoothYawOnMovingBaseTime 0x4 0xB48
  174. Object CameraSocket 0x8 0xB60
  176. //AthenaPlayerCharacter 1B928656040, (SuperField/Parent: 1B928657380), PropertySize: 0x1A00
  177. PropertyType PropertyName ElementSize OffsetInternal
  178. Object FirstPersonMeshOffsetComponent 0x8 0xC60
  179. Object FirstPersonMesh 0x8 0xC68
  180. Object FirstPersonCamera 0x8 0xC70
  181. Object ThirdPersonCamera 0x8 0xC78
  182. Object SpringArmCamera 0x8 0xC80
  183. Object SpringArm 0x8 0xC88
  184. Object LocalCloudDome 0x8 0xC90
  185. Object ColdDataStore 0x8 0xC98
  186. Object InteractionComponent 0x8 0xCA0
  187. Object ClimbingComponent 0x8 0xCA8
  188. Object DrunkennessComponent 0x8 0xCB0
  189. Object StaggerComponent 0x8 0xCB8
  190. Object DrowningComponent 0x8 0xCC0
  191. Object RumbleHandlerComponent 0x8 0xCC8
  192. Object ScreenSpaceVfxComponent 0x8 0xCD0
  193. Object TreasureMapCollectionComponent 0x8 0xCD8
  194. Object CustomCategoryRadialInventoryComponent 0x8 0xCE0
  195. Object ItemRadialInventoryComponent 0x8 0xCE8
  196. Object PhrasesRadialComponent 0x8 0xCF0
  197. Object MapRadialInventoryComponent 0x8 0xCF8
  198. Object QuickInventoryComponent 0x8 0xD00
  199. Object PointOfInterestTrackerComponent 0x8 0xD08
  200. Object LimpingComponent 0x8 0xD10
  201. Object PacingComponent 0x8 0xD18
  202. Object BurpComponent 0x8 0xD20
  203. Object MeleeLockOnComponent 0x8 0xD28
  204. Object DeathSelfInteractionComponent 0x8 0xD30
  205. Object ReviveDebugComponent 0x8 0xD38
  206. Object MeleeAttackLockOnSettings 0x8 0xD40
  207. Object StatusEffectManagerComponent 0x8 0xD48
  208. Object StatusEffectPersistenceComponent 0x8 0xD50
  209. Object PlayerCurseComponent 0x8 0xD58
  210. Object MaterialStatusSusceptibilityComponent 0x8 0xD60
  211. Object HealthRegenerationPoolComponent 0x8 0xD68
  212. Object SicknessComponent 0x8 0xD70
  213. Object PlayerViewRewindComponent 0x8 0xD78
  214. Object ProjectileTraceHitVolume 0x8 0xD80
  215. Object PlayerMerchantContractsComponent 0x8 0xD88
  216. Object PlayerShroudBreakerTrackerComponent 0x8 0xD90
  217. Object PetOwnerComponent 0x8 0xD98
  218. Object SpawnContextContainerComponent 0x8 0xDA0
  219. Object RadialManager 0x8 0xDA8
  220. Float CameraFOVWhenSprinting 0x4 0xDB0
  221. Object ApproximateCamPitchToLocalCamOffsetCurve 0x8 0xDB8
  222. Struct WalkConditionParams 0x8 0xDC0
  223. Struct ServerSprintConditionParams 0xC 0xDC8
  224. Struct ClientSprintConditionParams 0xC 0xDD4
  225. Float SprintingServerTimeTolerance 0x4 0xDE0
  226. Float PostSprintResetTime 0x4 0xDE4
  227. Object EmoteSpringArmParameters 0x8 0xDE8
  228. Object DeathSpringArmParameters 0x8 0xDF0
  229. Object EmotesRadialDataAsset 0x8 0xDF8
  230. Bool ReplicatedIsSprinting 0x1 0xE00
  231. Bool AllowAnimationTickAggregation 0x1 0xE01
  232. Struct AchievementKillOpponentFromBehindWithBlunderbuss 0x4 0xE04
  233. Struct AchievementHeavyAttackRivalOffTheirShip 0x10 0xE08
  234. Struct AchievementBlockThenHitAndGetBlockedThenTakeHit 0x10 0xE18
  235. Struct AchievementHaveADrinkWithAnotherCrewAtAnOutpost 0x20 0xE28
  236. Struct AchievementKillOpponentInContest 0x8 0xE48
  237. Class ConditionalStatsTriggerForKillingAnotherPlayer 0x8 0xE50
  238. Struct VengeanceParams 0x10 0xE58
  239. Object PirateLegendHideoutPetMovementData 0x8 0xE68
  240. Object OnShipPetMovementData 0x8 0xE70
  241. Object RepairComponent 0x8 0xE78
  242. Int ReplicatedOverridePirateDescSeed 0x4 0xF18
  243. Name ReplicatedOverrideAnimationEntry 0x8 0xF1C
  244. Class FirstPersonAnimSetDataId 0x8 0xF28
  245. Object FirstPersonAnimationDataStoreWeakReferencesAsset 0x8 0xF30
  246. Byte CharacterType 0x1 0xF38
  247. Object EmotesRadialComponent 0x8 0xF58
  248. Str CurrentWorldLocation 0x10 0x1808
  249. Object ColdDataStoreActor 0x8 0x1880
  250. Struct PendingModelSwap 0x28 0x1888
  251. Bool ReplicatedEmoteExitAllowed 0x1 0x18E8
  252. Bool FinishedWaitingForSpawn 0x1 0x1968
  253. Bool ReplicatedIsInvulnerable 0x1 0x19A9
  254. Bool AutoFloatInWater 0x1 0x19AA
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