
Nymeria layout

Oct 1st, 2019
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  625. LIKE TO MEET:
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  629. <div class="cmlContainer">
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  632. <div style="position:absolute; overflow:visible; top:2px; left:-35px; height:30px; width:30px; font-size:33px; color:#df3927; line-height:25px;">♫</div>
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  638. </div>
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  640. </div>
  641. <div class="Crdt"><a href="/hightimes" class="sixth" title="Credit">HT</a></div>
  642. <div class="Sidebar"><h4>martell goddess</h4><h5>SNAKE</h5><img src="" style="width:175px; height:99px;">
  643. <div style="float:left; overflow: auto; width: 165px; height: 130px; margin:8px 5px 8px 5px; text-align:justify; background-color:#ea9f56;">
  644. <span class="BL2">i</span> am not, nor do I claim to be, the real Rebekah Mikaelson. Obviously, she is a fictional character, and if you don't know what role-play is, I think you're on the wrong site. I am also not Claire Holt, nor do I claim to be, nor do I have any affiliation to her whatsoever. <br><br>
  646. Add information about your writing style here. Add information about your writing style here. Add information about your writing style here. Add information about your writing style here. Add information about your writing style here. Add information about your writing style here. Add information about your writing style here. Add information about your writing style here. Add information about your writing style here. Add information about your writing style here. </div>
  647. </div>
  648. <div class="Back"></div>
  649. <div class="Image1"><img src="" style="width:225px; height:275px;"></div>
  650. <div class="Image2"><img src="" style="width:500px; height:150px;"></div>
  651. <div class="Info1">
  652. <div style="float:left; text-align:justify; overflow: auto; width: 240px; height: 100px; margin:5px 5px 5px 5px; background-color:#f7e4a5;">
  653. <span class="BL">r</span>ebekah is the second daughter of Mikael and Esther, wealthy land owners from the Kingdom of Norway in the 10th century. Her mother gave birth to Freya, Finn, and Elijah in the Old World, but after Freya was sent away with Esther's sister Dahlia as payment for Esther's fertility spell (which was later covered up by Esther, who claimed Freya had died of the plague), Esther and Mikael were so devastated that they decided to follow the advice of Esther's witch mentor Ayana, who told her of a mystical land (the New World), where its natives were strong and healthy. They then settled in what is now Mystic Falls, Virginia, where Esther and Mikael had four more children; Niklaus (who was secretly fathered by a werewolf named Ansel), Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik. Rebekah, like the rest of her siblings, was born a witch, but she did not tap into her powers prior to being turned into a vampire in her teens.<br><br>
  655. In Farewell to Storyville, a flashback of a young Rebekah in the late 10th century was shown happily playing in the woods with all of her siblings as they chased each other around and tackled one another. Niklaus once stayed awake with her during a stormy night and gave her a wooden carved knight, as the thunder and lightning scared her. He comforted her and stayed beside her all night, stating that he will always protect her.
  656. <br><Br>
  657. Niklaus was once violently beaten by his father Mikael for allegedly stealing his blade, unaware of the fact that it was really Rebekah who had secretly taken it. Feeling guilty for the pain she had caused him, Rebekah treated him with extra kindness for weeks afterward to make up for it, though Klaus would not learn the truth about Rebekah's involvement until many centuries later.
  658. </div><div style="float:left; text-align:justify; overflow: auto; width: 240px; height: 100px; margin:5px 5px 5px 5px; background-color:#f7e4a5;">
  659. <span class="BL">i</span>n her teenage years, Rebekah once threatened Mikael with a sword when he wouldn't stop viciously beating Klaus with a whip. That night, she even tried to kill her father in his sleep for mistreating Niklaus, and would have gone through with it had Elijah not stopped her. Rebekah, like the rest of her siblings, seemed equally afraid of Mikael, though, as one of his favorite children, she never was a victim of his abuse.
  660. <br><br>
  661. While living in the New World, they lived in peace with the werewolves in their village for over two decades. However, during a full moon, Niklaus and Henrik snuck out to watch the men from their village transform into wolves. However, as the sun began to rise, Rebekah saw Niklaus carrying Henrik's lifeless body back into the village, and he tearfully confessed that one of the wolves had mauled Henrik to death.<br><br>
  662. Not wanting to go through the pain of losing another child ever again, their mother Esther decided to tap into dark magic to cast an adapted version of Qetsiyah's immortality spell, calling upon the sun for life and the ancient white oak tree for immortality. That night, unbeknownst to Rebekah and her siblings, they drank wine laced with the blood of Tatia at dinner and afterward, Mikael drove his sword through their hearts. After the children awakened, Mikael forced his children to feed on the blood a local villager in order to complete their transition into vampires.
  663. </div>
  664. </div>
  665. <div class="Quote"><h2>we live without <big2>hope</big2>, but we will never <big2>die</big2>. we are the definition of <big2>cursed</big2>, always and forever.</h2></div>
  666. <div class="Image3"><img src="" style="width:215px; height:435px;"></div>
  667. <div class="Family1"><div class="FamilyInfo">
  668. <div style="float:left; text-align:justify; overflow: auto; width: 340px; height: 140px; margin:5px 5px 5px 5px; background-color:#f7e4a5;">
  669. <img src="" style="float:left; width:80px; height:100px;">
  670. <a href="" class="fam">Niklaus Mikaelson</a><br>
  671. <span class="BL">T</span>he relationship between Klaus and Rebekah. They're half-siblings and were the closest pair out of their family.<br><br>
  672. Family Bond, Klaus gives his child into Rebekah's care, assured that she will be able to love, care, and protect his child. Klaus bears no ill will to his half-sister and genuinely wishes her happiness.<br><br><br><br><br>
  673. <img src="" style="float:right; width:80px; height:100px;">
  674. <a href="" class="fam2">Elijah Mikaelson</a><br>
  675. <span class="BL">T</span>he brother-sister relationship between Original Vampires Elijah and Rebekah. Elijah and Rebekah share a close relationship as brother and sister. According to Elijah, he got along well with all his family, especially his younger sister Rebekah.<br><br>
  676. It is shown that Elijah and Rebekah have a particularly close relationship. He revived her along with their brothers, Kol and Finn, in Bringing Out The Dead. Elijah seemed to trust Rebekah most out of all his siblings and has a particularly soft spot for her (probably because she is his only sister). He confides in her in All My Children about his suspicions on their mother's intentions. Rebekah seems to look up to Elijah, giving him more respect than any other of her siblings and looking at him for leadership during some tough situations. They also comforted each other after they believed that their half-brother Klaus was dead. When Rebekah was in jeopardy in Eva's body, Elijah swore to never abandon his sister. Today, they are very close and would do anything to protect each other. Elijah and Rebekah always show concern about each other's happiness.<br><br>
  677. <img src="" style="float:left; width:80px; height:100px;">
  678. <a href="" class="fam">Hope Mikaelson</a><br>
  679. <span class="BL">R</span>ebekah is the paternal aunt of Hope, the daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall. Hope's parentage and unique status as a living hybrid made her an ideal target for exploitation or sacrifice by numerous adversaries even before she was born. Rebekah, whose relationship with Klaus (or Nik as she calls him) had been strained for centuries, had left New Orleans not long before Hope was born to start a new life for herself. <br><br>
  680. By the time Hope was born, the supernatural situation in the city had deteriorated to the point of all-out war between the Original Vampires, non-original vampires, witches, werewolves and mortal factions. Hope's parents along with Elijah, her paternal uncle, knew that she would be under constant threat from these enemies. Wanting a happy life for their daughter, Hayley and Klaus concluded that it would be best if she was not raised in the embattled city. The first step to achieving this goal was to convince the world that their newborn child had died on the day she was born. In order to ensure Hope's safety, Klaus then called upon Rebekah - who, despite their troubled history, he trusted above all others - to take and raise his daughter in secret, far away from those that would see her dead. She gladly did so, promising Klaus that Hope would be happy. <br><br>
  681. <img src="" style="float:right; width:80px; height:100px;">
  682. <a href="" class="fam2">Kol Mikaelson</a><br>
  683. <span class="BL">K</span>ol is the older brother of Rebekah. He seems to be a year or two older than her. Since Henrik died, they are the youngest Mikaelson siblings. It is seen that Kol and Rebekah are partners in crime whenever they have been on screen together. Mostly it is Rebekah who in charge and Kol who does the dirty work for her. He could be considered her 'henchman' and doesn't seem to mind whenever she calls him to help her. He is always there for his sister, despite their differences. Kol is protective of Rebekah as it is seen that he even stands up against Klaus to defend her, though he never says that out loud.<br><br>
  684. Rebekah seems to know Kol better than anyone. She can tell when he is being sincere and knows what he enjoyed as a human, such as his favorite holidays.<br><br>
  685. Like Klaus, Kol does not like any of Rebekah's lovers and seems to dismiss them whenever he comes into contact with them, especially Damon, Marcel and Matt. Though he already hated Marcel for taking his place in the family.<br><br>
  687. Rebekah and Kol bicker constantly, mostly because they are the closest in age, and Kol has made fun of her love life, but despite that, it is shown that they do love each other and are protective of one another. Rebekah mourned Kol after he died but didn't avenge him, which upset Kol greatly and he did resent her, especially when she betrayed him 100 years before. He punished her for her selling him out 100 years prior by putting Rebekah in another body and imprisoning her in the Dowager Fauline Cottage.<br><br>
  688. Rebekah says that Kol is her brother and she have loved him many lifetimes longer than Davina have been on this earth. She will stop at nothing to get Kol back, no matter what flesh she in.<br><br>
  690. </div>
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  706. <div class="Long"><h1><big>a</big>ll of us live with a demon inside. <big>s</big>ome days you control the demon. </big>a</big>nd other days it controls you.</h1></div>
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