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a guest
Jun 20th, 2019
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  1. zabbix=> copy (
  2. select
  3. h.hostid,
  4. sum(value),
  5. extract(day from to_timestamp(clock)),
  6. extract(month from to_timestamp(clock)),
  7. 2015,
  8. 'DailyExemptUsage'
  9. from
  10. hosts h,
  11. items i,
  12. history_uint hu
  13. where
  14. h.hostid = i.hostid
  15. and i.itemid = hu.itemid
  16. and like 'Air%bound%Tot%'
  17. and clock between 1430463600 and 1432969200
  18. and extract(hour from to_timestamp(clock)) between 1 and 5
  19. and like ''
  20. group by
  21. h.hostid,
  22. extract(day from to_timestamp(clock)),
  23. extract(month from to_timestamp(clock))
  24. )
  25. to '/home/me/my_file' with csv;
  27. Table "public.hosts"
  28. Column | Type | Modifiers
  29. --------------------+------------------------+----------------------------------------
  30. hostid | bigint | not null
  31. proxy_hostid | bigint |
  32. host | character varying(128) | not null default ''::character varying
  33. status | integer | not null default 0
  34. disable_until | integer | not null default 0
  35. error | character varying(128) | not null default ''::character varying
  36. available | integer | not null default 0
  37. errors_from | integer | not null default 0
  38. lastaccess | integer | not null default 0
  39. ipmi_authtype | integer | not null default 0
  40. ipmi_privilege | integer | not null default 2
  41. ipmi_username | character varying(16) | not null default ''::character varying
  42. ipmi_password | character varying(20) | not null default ''::character varying
  43. ipmi_disable_until | integer | not null default 0
  44. ipmi_available | integer | not null default 0
  45. snmp_disable_until | integer | not null default 0
  46. snmp_available | integer | not null default 0
  47. maintenanceid | bigint |
  48. maintenance_status | integer | not null default 0
  49. maintenance_type | integer | not null default 0
  50. maintenance_from | integer | not null default 0
  51. ipmi_errors_from | integer | not null default 0
  52. snmp_errors_from | integer | not null default 0
  53. ipmi_error | character varying(128) | not null default ''::character varying
  54. snmp_error | character varying(128) | not null default ''::character varying
  55. jmx_disable_until | integer | not null default 0
  56. jmx_available | integer | not null default 0
  57. jmx_errors_from | integer | not null default 0
  58. jmx_error | character varying(128) | not null default ''::character varying
  59. name | character varying(128) | not null default ''::character varying
  60. flags | integer | not null default 0
  61. templateid | bigint |
  62. description | text | not null default ''::text
  63. Indexes:
  64. "hosts_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (hostid)
  65. "hosts_1" btree (host)
  66. "hosts_2" btree (status)
  67. "hosts_3" btree (proxy_hostid)
  68. "hosts_4" btree (name)
  69. "hosts_5" btree (maintenanceid)
  70. Foreign-key constraints:
  71. "c_hosts_1" FOREIGN KEY (proxy_hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid)
  72. "c_hosts_2" FOREIGN KEY (maintenanceid) REFERENCES maintenances(maintenanceid)
  73. "c_hosts_3" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  74. Referenced by:
  75. TABLE "applications" CONSTRAINT "c_applications_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  76. TABLE "autoreg_host" CONSTRAINT "c_autoreg_host_1" FOREIGN KEY (proxy_hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  77. TABLE "drules" CONSTRAINT "c_drules_1" FOREIGN KEY (proxy_hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid)
  78. TABLE "group_prototype" CONSTRAINT "c_group_prototype_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  79. TABLE "host_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_host_discovery_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  80. TABLE "host_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_host_discovery_2" FOREIGN KEY (parent_hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid)
  81. TABLE "host_inventory" CONSTRAINT "c_host_inventory_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  82. TABLE "hostmacro" CONSTRAINT "c_hostmacro_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  83. TABLE "hosts" CONSTRAINT "c_hosts_1" FOREIGN KEY (proxy_hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid)
  84. TABLE "hosts" CONSTRAINT "c_hosts_3" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  85. TABLE "hosts_groups" CONSTRAINT "c_hosts_groups_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  86. TABLE "hosts_templates" CONSTRAINT "c_hosts_templates_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  87. TABLE "hosts_templates" CONSTRAINT "c_hosts_templates_2" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  88. TABLE "httptest" CONSTRAINT "c_httptest_2" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  89. TABLE "interface" CONSTRAINT "c_interface_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  90. TABLE "items" CONSTRAINT "c_items_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  91. TABLE "maintenances_hosts" CONSTRAINT "c_maintenances_hosts_2" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  92. TABLE "opcommand_hst" CONSTRAINT "c_opcommand_hst_2" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid)
  93. TABLE "optemplate" CONSTRAINT "c_optemplate_2" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid)
  94. TABLE "screens" CONSTRAINT "c_screens_1" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  96. Table "public.items"
  97. Column | Type | Modifiers
  98. -----------------------+-------------------------+------------------------------------------
  99. itemid | bigint | not null
  100. type | integer | not null default 0
  101. snmp_community | character varying(64) | not null default ''::character varying
  102. snmp_oid | character varying(255) | not null default ''::character varying
  103. hostid | bigint | not null
  104. name | character varying(255) | not null default ''::character varying
  105. key_ | character varying(255) | not null default ''::character varying
  106. delay | integer | not null default 0
  107. history | integer | not null default 90
  108. trends | integer | not null default 365
  109. status | integer | not null default 0
  110. value_type | integer | not null default 0
  111. trapper_hosts | character varying(255) | not null default ''::character varying
  112. units | character varying(255) | not null default ''::character varying
  113. multiplier | integer | not null default 0
  114. delta | integer | not null default 0
  115. snmpv3_securityname | character varying(64) | not null default ''::character varying
  116. snmpv3_securitylevel | integer | not null default 0
  117. snmpv3_authpassphrase | character varying(64) | not null default ''::character varying
  118. snmpv3_privpassphrase | character varying(64) | not null default ''::character varying
  119. formula | character varying(255) | not null default ''::character varying
  120. error | character varying(2048) | not null default ''::character varying
  121. lastlogsize | numeric(20,0) | not null default (0)::numeric
  122. logtimefmt | character varying(64) | not null default ''::character varying
  123. templateid | bigint |
  124. valuemapid | bigint |
  125. delay_flex | character varying(255) | not null default ''::character varying
  126. params | text | not null default ''::text
  127. ipmi_sensor | character varying(128) | not null default ''::character varying
  128. data_type | integer | not null default 0
  129. authtype | integer | not null default 0
  130. username | character varying(64) | not null default ''::character varying
  131. password | character varying(64) | not null default ''::character varying
  132. publickey | character varying(64) | not null default ''::character varying
  133. publickey | character varying(64) | not null default ''::character varying
  134. privatekey | character varying(64) | not null default ''::character varying
  135. mtime | integer | not null default 0
  136. flags | integer | not null default 0
  137. interfaceid | bigint |
  138. port | character varying(64) | not null default ''::character varying
  139. description | text | not null default ''::text
  140. inventory_link | integer | not null default 0
  141. lifetime | character varying(64) | not null default '30'::character varying
  142. snmpv3_authprotocol | integer | not null default 0
  143. snmpv3_privprotocol | integer | not null default 0
  144. state | integer | not null default 0
  145. snmpv3_contextname | character varying(255) | not null default ''::character varying
  146. evaltype | integer | not null default 0
  147. Indexes:
  148. "items_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (itemid)
  149. "items_1" UNIQUE, btree (hostid, key_)
  150. "items_3" btree (status)
  151. "items_4" btree (templateid)
  152. "items_5" btree (valuemapid)
  153. "items_6" btree (interfaceid)
  154. Foreign-key constraints:
  155. "c_items_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  156. "c_items_2" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  157. "c_items_3" FOREIGN KEY (valuemapid) REFERENCES valuemaps(valuemapid)
  158. "c_items_4" FOREIGN KEY (interfaceid) REFERENCES interface(interfaceid)
  159. Referenced by:
  160. TABLE "functions" CONSTRAINT "c_functions_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  161. TABLE "graphs" CONSTRAINT "c_graphs_2" FOREIGN KEY (ymin_itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid)
  162. TABLE "graphs" CONSTRAINT "c_graphs_3" FOREIGN KEY (ymax_itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid)
  163. TABLE "graphs_items" CONSTRAINT "c_graphs_items_2" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  164. TABLE "host_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_host_discovery_3" FOREIGN KEY (parent_itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid)
  165. TABLE "httpstepitem" CONSTRAINT "c_httpstepitem_2" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  166. TABLE "httptestitem" CONSTRAINT "c_httptestitem_2" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  167. TABLE "item_condition" CONSTRAINT "c_item_condition_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  168. TABLE "item_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_item_discovery_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  169. TABLE "item_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_item_discovery_2" FOREIGN KEY (parent_itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  170. TABLE "items" CONSTRAINT "c_items_2" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  171. TABLE "items_applications" CONSTRAINT "c_items_applications_2" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE
  173. Table "public.history_uint"
  174. Column | Type | Modifiers
  175. --------+---------------+-------------------------------
  176. itemid | bigint | not null
  177. clock | integer | not null default 0
  178. value | numeric(20,0) | not null default (0)::numeric
  179. ns | integer | not null default 0
  180. Indexes:
  181. "history_uint_1" btree (itemid, clock)
  182. Triggers:
  183. partition_trg BEFORE INSERT ON history_uint FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trg_partition('day')
  184. Number of child tables: 18 (Use d+ to list them.)
  186. zabbix=> copy (
  187. select hostid,
  188. value,
  189. extractDay,
  190. extractMonth,
  191. intYear,
  192. DailyUsage
  193. from
  194. (
  195. select
  196. h.hostid,
  197. sum(value) as value,
  198. extract(day from to_timestamp(clock)) as extractDay,
  199. extract(month from to_timestamp(clock)) as extractMonth,
  200. 2015 as intYear,
  201. 'DailyExemptUsage' as DailyUsage
  202. from
  203. hosts h,
  204. items i,
  205. history_uint hu
  206. where
  207. h.hostid = i.hostid
  208. and i.itemid = hu.itemid
  209. and like 'Air%bound%Tot%'
  210. and clock between 1430463600 and 1432969200
  211. and extract(hour from to_timestamp(clock)) between 1 and 5
  212. and like ''
  213. ) as source
  214. group by
  215. hostid,
  216. extractDay,
  217. extractMonth
  218. )
  219. to '/home/me/my_file' with csv;
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