
Blood Sacrifice

Jun 29th, 2014
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  1. o The act is divided into seven stages:
  2.  The Cleansing: The sacrifice must have searing hot olive oil poured on his/her genitals
  3.  Before this stage: “Bellum, I render unto thee the humble sacrifice of this life, pure of blood and soul, to be consumed by you in your divine glory. I now cleanse the sinful parts with the holy oil.”
  4.  The Massage: The sacrifice must be rubbed down, head to haunches, with olive leaves, special attention paid to the genitals.
  5.  Before this stage: “Bellum, I render unto thee the humble sacrifice of this life, pure of blood and soul, to be consumed by you in your divine glory. I now caress the flesh with the holy plant.”
  6.  The Liberation: The sacrifice is to be beheaded.
  7.  Before this stage: “Bellum, I render unto thee the humble sacrifice of this life, pure of blood and soul, to be consumed by you in your divine glory. I now release the soul from its shell of flesh and bone.
  8.  The Passion: The blood of the sacrifice is to be collected into a golden chalice.
  9.  Before this stage: “Bellum, I render unto thee the humble sacrifice of this life, pure of blood and soul, to be consumed by you in your divine glory. I now fill the holy cup with the wine of life.”
  10.  The Blessing: The tip of the free (not attached to the base) hoof of the statue is to be submerged in the blood. The blood turns charcoal black.
  11.  Before this stage: “Bellum, I render unto thee the humble sacrifice of this life, pure of blood and soul, to be consumed by you in your divine glory. I now allow you to bless the wine of life with your powers.”
  12.  The Feast: The High Priest drinks all the blood in the chalice.
  13.  Before this stage: “Bellum, I render unto thee the humble sacrifice of this life, pure of blood and soul, to be consumed by you in your divine glory. I now feast on your wondrous gift so that I may share in your power.”
  14.  The Gratitude: The High Priest thanks Bellum.
  15.  Concluding speech: “Bellum, we thank you for your divine gift. It is under your guidance that we live and thrive. It is through your order that the world shall be ruled justly, not to allow the weak or the desolate of soul to inhabit her, but to allow a more perfect life for those deserving of it. Glory to Bellum.”
  16. o Everyone except the High Priest chants “Glory to Bellum” three times before and after each stage.
  17. o The followers are to stand in formation to resemble the head of a bull. The lower ranking members form the head while the higher ranking members form the horns. The higher the rank, the closer to the tips of the horns.
  18. o Each of the seven stages are to be repeated for each of the three sacrifices.
  19. o The ritual is to be conducted at every new moon.
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