

Dec 30th, 2020
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  1. [CENTER][COLOR=rgb(111, 95, 60)][FONT=courier][SIZE=12]LEVELSERVICE : 1-85 | 85-93[/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [SIZE=1]________________________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [FONT=courier][COLOR=navy][B]If Your Char Is Hell Act4[/B][/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=monospace]1-80 [COLOR=rgb(111, 95, 60)]~ 8hours[/COLOR] 80fg
  6. 1-85 [COLOR=rgb(111, 95, 60)]~12hours[/COLOR]100fg
  7. 1-90 [COLOR=rgb(111, 95, 60)]~ 1 day[/COLOR] 150fg[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=courier][COLOR=navy][B]If Your Char Is Hell Act5 + Ancients Done[/B][/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=monospace]80-93 [COLOR=rgb(111, 95, 60)]~ 3 days[/COLOR] 250fg
  11. 85-93 [COLOR=rgb(111, 95, 60)]~2,5days[/COLOR] 230fg
  12. 90-93 [COLOR=rgb(111, 95, 60)]~2days[/COLOR] 180fg
  14. 80-90 [COLOR=rgb(111, 95, 60)]~1day[/COLOR] 90fg
  15. 90-91 [COLOR=rgb(111, 95, 60)]~10hours[/COLOR] 50fg
  16. 91-92 [COLOR=rgb(111, 95, 60)]~14hours[/COLOR] 60fg
  17. 92-93 [COLOR=rgb(111, 95, 60)]~1day[/COLOR] 70fg[/FONT]
  19. [FONT=courier][COLOR=rgb(111, 95, 60)]Char Must Be Empty / No Items
  20. Leveling Starts As Soon You PM'ed Me Your Char Detaills + Sent FG[/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=monospace][COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)][COLOR=navy]Account / Pass / Charname / Level / Europe?East?West? / Ladder?NonLadder?[/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=monospace][COLOR=rgb(111, 95, 60)]>> Your Char Will Log Off As Soon Reached The Level <<
  24. !!! Check If Your Char Is Finished By Wispering From Another Account To Your Charname[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]/w charname hi[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(111, 95, 60)]!!!
  25. If He's Offline For More Than 10 Minutes - Leveling Is Done And You Can Use Your Account Normaly Again[/COLOR][/FONT]
  27. [FONT=courier][COLOR=rgb(111, 95, 60)]Time As Orientation (Not Maximum Time) - Can Be Slightly More Or Less
  28. Maximum Leveling To 93 - Not Doing Ancients Quest
  29. If You Want 1-93 You Can Order 1-80 - Do Ancients Quest Yourself - And Order Again 80-93[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
  31. [COLOR=silver][FONT=courier]level leveling levelservice service rush grush crush power item items weapon armor shield helm circlet amu ring rings belt gloves boots gz rune runes runeword spirit monarch sacred targe charm charms skiller jewel jewels exil base bases claw claws eth bugged cv ca 4sox merc pala barb nec druid assa ama sorc 15ed mageplate mp lld vlld mld exile 1-99 99 quest quests fast[/FONT][/COLOR]
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