
RiE Chapter 8 (Not proofed)

Nov 11th, 2012
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  1. Talos was here. Thalmor can suck my dick.
  5. >One Month later
  6. >You have settled into your new life in Ponyville
  7. >The ponies here have been quite accepting of you
  8. >Most welcomed you with open arms
  9. >Those who didn't seem to not trust you more than anything.
  10. >You have become friends with many of the ponies here including Twilight and her friends
  11. >She has been giving you lessons every day teaching you all about Equestria
  12. >Occasionally you have a lesson about magic. However it is much harder to for her to describe to someone who is not a unicorn than she thought it would be
  13. >Every other day you have training with Star as he teaches you how to use different weapons and generally tries to kill you through workout routines
  14. >For some reason you feel like you have developed an affinity for the spear but that is probably from your having to use one to survive
  15. >You have been painting every day since you have arrived
  16. >Rarity has helped you sell them by displaying them in her boutique
  17. >You sell a few here and there but only enough to buy more supplies and put back some money for later
  18. >Today you are out at the lake with a sketchpad trying to decide what to paint next
  19. >You idly draw the shoreline as you let your mind wander
  20. >After a moment you hear a giggling in front of you
  21. >Lowering your sketch pad you see Pinkie Pie stretched out on her side staring at you
  22. >This should be entertaining
  23. >"Can I help you Pinky?"
  24. She giggles before saying "Anon, I want you to draw me like one of your french girls"
  25. >She bursts into a fit of giggles and rolls around on the ground
  26. >You start to laugh but then it hits you.
  27. >How in the hell does she know that reference
  28. >"Uh Pinky? Where did you hear that?"
  29. "Hear what?" she asks with a smile on her face
  30. >"That joke! The one you just made."
  31. "I didn't make a joke I told you to draw me."
  32. >"But..." You decide not to push it. You rarely understand this pink puffball and when you do it just gives you a headache. "Fine I will draw you if you want Pinky"
  33. >Flipping to a new page you start to draw her
  34. >"Hold still for a few minutes will ya?"
  35. >She immediately goes perfectly ridged. Not even her mane moves when a gust of wind comes by.
  36. >After about ten minutes you have a decent sketch of her
  37. >Tearing out the page you hand it to her "Here you go Pinky"
  38. "OOOOH THANKS! I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS SUCH A LOOKER!" she giggles again "I was supposed to tell you something."
  39. >She stops and thinks for a little bit
  40. "Oh yeah the Cakes wanted me to ask you to come by. They said something about a commission."
  41. >That got your attention. Commissions are what you have been lacking.
  42. >The only one who has commissioned something was Rarity who had a painting done of Opalescence that she hung in her room
  43. >"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
  44. "WELL DUH! It's because I wanted you to draw me! I knew you wouldn't if I told you beforehand silly billy!"
  45. >Celestial sisters save me from the whims of this cotton candy pony
  46. >"Pinkie go tell them I am on my way. I will grab some stuff and meet you there."
  47. "Okie-dokie-lokie!"
  48. >She says cheerfully before hopping away
  49. >Heading back to your place you duck in the doorway and grab two packs of painting supplies you had ready.
  50. >Looking at different sized canvases you decide to bring the three most common sizes just in case they wanted you to get started right away
  51. >About 20 minutes later you arrived at Sugarcube Corner cursing the decision to hide you on the outskirts of town
  52. >Heading inside you are greeted by the light ringing of the bells on the door and Pinkie yelling
  54. >She looks up from setting a tray of chocolate dipped strawberries in the display case
  55. "Oh Anon its you! Why didn't you say anything? I will go get Mr. and Mrs. Cake."
  56. >You don't bother telling her that you never had the chance to say anything with her yelling
  57. >Placing your bags on the floor under a nearby table you lean your canvases against the wall
  58. >Before Star started working you that trip would have exhausted you
  59. >Relishing in your new found stamina you fail to notice Mr. and Mrs. Cake enter the room
  60. "Anonymous so great to see you!"
  61. >Mrs. Cake's cheerful greeting snaps you back to attention
  62. >"Hello there Mrs. Cake, Mr. Cake. Pinkie said something about a commission?"
  63. >you smile and nod at both of them
  64. >"Anon how many times have I told you to call me Cup!"
  65. >Mrs. Cake was one of the first people other than Twilight and her friends to open up to you
  66. "Anon next week is our little Pound and Pumpkins first birthday party. We were hoping you could make a family portrait to commemorate that."
  67. >Mr. Cake asks getting straight to the point
  68. >"Gladly. First we would need to go over some things."
  69. >The next thirty or so minutes were spent discussing location for the painting and what size they wanted
  70. >The constant sound of customers coming in and out of the store and Pinkie greeting them fills the background of the conversation
  71. >They ended up deciding on having the painting be set outside their store around one of the tables and they went with the largest canvas that you brought
  72. "So Anon how much do you charge for this sort of thing?" Mr. Cake asks
  73. >Hmm how much should you charge? Its looking about 10 bits for the paint another 15 bits for the canvas.
  74. >It should take you at worst 3 days of work but most likely much less than that
  75. >"How does 75 bits sound?"
  76. >They sit there with shock on their faces. Did you ask for to much?
  77. >"If that is too much we ca-"
  78. "Too much? No Anon that is HALF of what we expected to pay."
  79. >Mrs. Cake seems thrilled
  80. >Damn you really need to sit down and find out how much painters here charge for their work
  81. >"Consider it a discount for how nice you all have been since I have arrived."
  82. >"Ohh nice save there brain" you think to yourself
  83. >"Now that THAT is settled when do you want me to start painting? I brought most if not all I would need if you want to start now."
  84. >They talk it over for a bit finally deciding to start now
  85. >Mr. Cake goes to retrieve Pound and Pumpkin from the back of the store while Mrs. Cake tells Pinkie to watch the store for a bit.
  86. >Pinkie stares at Mrs. Cake for a few seconds before she asks
  87. "But am I not going to be in the painting?"
  88. >Her eyes seem to grow twice their size as they fill with tears. She bites her lower lip and looks pleadingly at Mrs. Cake
  89. >Mrs. Cake looks at you and you can see her silent begging for help
  90. >No way. This is not something you are getting involved in. You turn away from her whistling
  91. "I am sorry Pinkie but Me and Carrot want this to be only family. Not that we don't consider you one of the family"
  92. >Pinkie seems to deflate with each word. Finally her hair goes limp and she says
  93. "Ok I understand. I will watch the store"
  94. >None of the usual pep fills her voice. Its almost as if she got a shade or two darker as well
  95. >As strange as she was you have come to like this pink reality defying pony
  96. >"Pinkie how about you come by my house one day after I finish this for the Cake's and I will paint something for you. You can even be in it if you want"
  97. >She seems to pick back up at this but her hair is still limp
  98. "Really Anon? Do you mean it?
  99. >"I mean it Pinkie. I Pinkie Promise."
  100. >Before you get the last syllable out of your mouth you have a pink cannonball flying at your face
  101. >Pinkie latches around your neck screaming
  103. >You are not quite sure what to do as she hangs from you like a scarf
  104. >Looking over at Mrs. Cake she smiles at you and mouths "Thank you" as she turns and makes her escape out the door
  105. >"It's no problem Pinkie. Now if you let me have my neck back I need to go get set up."
  106. >She drops from your neck before walking back behind the counter
  108. >For the next three hours you painted. Focusing mainly on getting the foals painted while they could be kept still
  109. >After three hours you realize its getting late and you tell the Cakes that you will be here tomorrow to continue
  110. >After some goodbyes to Pinkie you stash your supplies and the painting in a storage room and leave
  111. >Checking the sun you realize you will be late
  112. >The time for strolling is over
  113. >You break into a run
  114. >The grouped together buildings that make up the outskirts of Ponyville slowly give way to open land dotted with houses
  115. >In the distance you can see the series of three houses that make up yours and the guards homes
  116. >Directly behind it is the last remnants of the sun setting over the distant mountains
  117. >Taking a right you leap over a low gate that enters into an open pasture
  118. >You begin to make your way up the a small hill as the fatigue of sprinting for almost a mile hits you
  119. >Your run slows to a panting trudge
  120. >Finally you reach the top of the hill just in time to see Luna rising into the air
  121. >You stop to catch your breath and appreciate the beauty of the moment
  122. >As she lowers to the ground you stroll over to her
  123. >A week after she first arrived in Ponyville she showed up on your doorstep
  124. >Every week she comes to hang out with you most of the night
  125. >It seems Celestia decided that Luna should maintain her distance from you so that you can appreciate living as a normal pony
  126. >When you asked Luna what she thought about it you could not stop laughing
  127. "If my sister thinks to control whom I speak to then she may kiss my cutie mark"
  128. >Your first two weeks of her showing up were wonderful
  129. >You would sit in the field with her and laugh about whatever antics happened at court
  130. >When you heard what she ordered for Blueblood you almost pissed yourself
  131. >She said he still smells like bronze polish
  132. >However last week when she showed up she was livid
  133. >It seems the griffon ambassador had arrived. However he was not alone.
  134. >He brought a small council (some kind of emergency jury for trials) and about twenty guards with him
  135. >As soon as they arrived demands started being made for you to be turned over to face "Griffon Justice"
  136. >When Celestia refused they started threatening to send out bounty hunters for you
  137. >When Luna arrived at the court they demanded she leave. They refused to meet with someone who harmed guards in the defense of a child murderer
  138. >Celestia had stopped Luna from throwing them out on their ears
  139. >Looking over at you sadly Luna walks up to you and does something she has never done before
  140. >She rests her head on your shoulder
  141. >Doing what felt natural you put your arms around her neck and gave her a hug
  142. >"What's wrong Luna?" you have never seen her upset like this
  143. "Do you remember those gryphons that attacked you? Today the Ambassador decided to show us the pictures of what I had done to them. One of them may never regain function in his hind legs."
  144. >You feel warm wet drops on your neck as she begins to cry a bit
  145. "I did not want to hurt them like that. I only wanted to protect you."
  146. >She takes her head off your shoulder and looks you in the eye before laying down on the ground beside you
  147. >Following her lead you sit beside her and start stroking her mane
  148. >You remember the first time you felt it. You expected it to feel like hair however it felt what you imagine solid fog would feel like
  149. >"Luna I am sorry. I don't know what to say. I know you would not have hurt them on purpose. You are not that kind of pony. This right here proves the truth behind that. Don't blame yourself for this. I am the one who deserves the blame."
  150. >Seeing her like this breaks your heart. You cant help but blame yourself for her pain.
  151. "Anon you are not the one that hurt them. When I saw what they had done to you." she pauses and something flashes in her eyes "I wanted them to suffer. If you had not been injured so badly I think I would have done something terrible."
  152. >She seems to stare off into the distance
  153. >"When you saved me you looked different than you usually do. Was that you that did those things or was it...her?"
  154. >Once again she looks into your eyes before placing her head in your lap
  155. "It was both of us. I felt her again surging through me. All the hate I thought the elements had purged from me came back. Since then that anger has not gone away. It sits in the back of my heart"
  156. >You can feel the shudder going through her
  157. >Not a single word that fits comes into your mind. You just say the only thing that you can think of
  158. >"I'm sorry."
  159. >She stays there for a short time while you keep petting her mane before she pulls out of your grasp
  160. "I am sorry Anon. I did not desire to burden you with my fears. I usually turn to Celestia to assuage my darker emotions. However with everything that has happened lately and what she saw today."
  161. >She pauses and stares up into the night sky
  162. "I feel she would not have been able to. Thank you for being a true friend."
  163. >You throw yourself back onto the ground and stare up at the sky for a few minutes
  164. >Spotting a shooting star you smile. Shooting stars occur much more often here than they do back on earth
  165. >The sound of shifting causes you to look over and see Luna laying on her back parallel to you
  166. >"Luna what is your moon castle like?"
  167. >You have often wondered about it and this lets you change the subject
  168. "Lonely and cold. Only the guards who I have gifted with the Night Form to can survive there. There is only one room I truly enjoy. The top room of the highest tower is my viewing room. From it I can observe this world and all the universe."
  169. >"What is the night form?"
  170. "It is a physical change I can enact upon a pony. It grants them the ability to see in the dark and survive and even fly without air. Celestia has a similar spell that marks her personal guard."
  171. >That explains a lot "So is that why all of her guards are white?"
  172. "It is. She wanted the guards to match each of our chosen colors. She tried to make their cutie marks match but after some problems she gave up."
  173. >"Do you think the spell would work on me?"
  174. "I do not desire to try it. We developed the spell in the days of the unicorn court. During the trials we had so many mistakes. My sister had perfected her spell on Unicorns but not on earth ponies or pegasi. I remember there was this one earth pony who volunteered. Celestia cast her spell and the mare went crazy. She would speak of things no one understood. Her body became almost elastic in nature. She even seemed to be able to teleport occasionally."
  175. >For some reason that reminds you of Pinkie Pie
  176. "We tried for weeks and we were unable to revert the change we enacted upon her. She later had children and one of them seemed to share the same abilities. So not only had our spell changed form but her vary nature. It was a great lesson about meddling too much with our subjects. I dare not try the spell on you because of it."
  177. >Holy shit...could Pinky Pie be descended from that mare? That is something to file away and tell Twilight about
  178. >The conversation continues for a few more hours
  179. >Eventually you drift off to sleep
  181. >You are awoken to the sound of hoof beats near your head
  182. >Opening your eyes all you see is night sky around you in every direction.
  183. >However there is no moon in the sky and you don't recognize any of the star formations
  184. >You notice a weight on your chest as well as a scent of lavender
  185. >Opening your mouth to say something all you can get out is "Wha-" before your mouth is filled with hair
  186. >It takes you half a second to realize that this is Luna's mane
  187. >Using your hands you gently move her mane out of the way
  188. >You are greated by blinding sunlight and Star's smiling face
  189. "Morning Sleepyhead!"
  190. >"What time is it?" you ask groggily
  191. "Well it's about 8 in the morning. Bro care to tell me why Princess Luna is sleeping on top of you?"
  192. >Shit there goes the secret meetup
  193. >"She-"
  194. "Is she your special somepony? I knew you had good taste man but-"
  195. >The weight on your chest jerks ever so slightly
  196. >"NO! Jesus we were just hanging out but I was tired and ended up falling asleep. I guess she did as well. You cant tell anyone about this. It was supposed to be a secret"
  197. "So a secret rendezvous under the stars. Bro you didn't tell me you were that romantic! So when are you going to get married?"
  198. >"Star I swear if I didn't have a princess sleeping on my chest right now I would punt you across this field."
  199. >You hear a chuckling from your chest
  200. "Please do Anon. Thine friend here is interrupting my rest."
  201. >At that Star freezes. He thought Luna was asleep.
  202. >You feel the weight recede from your chest as she slowly stands
  203. "Ahh well it is good I was awoken. I should have been back at the castle by sunup."
  204. "Princess I didn't mean to offend I was joking with Anon. I-"
  205. >Luna laughs out loud this time. She gives him a smile
  206. "Star Sword is it not? Well do not worry I was not offended at thine jesting. However as Anonymous had stated you are to tell nop0ny of this."
  207. "Understood Princess!" He salutes "I shall keep my mouth closed."
  208. "I shall see you next week Anon. Keep thine self safe until then."
  209. >You nod and wave at her. She turns into her mist like form and shoots off into the distance.
  210. >You stretch working out the kinks that formed after sleeping on the hard ground
  211. >Back protesting you turn to Star and ask "So what am I in for this morning on training?"
  212. "Not to much today. Once you get your armor on we are going to do laps around Ponyville. I saw how slow you were running back here yesterday night. Rainbow dash has agreed to hang around and help "motivate" you"
  213. >You stare daggers at him. You hate running in your armor, he used those goddamn pony air quotes that piss you off, and he is having Dash train with you.
  214. >Dash is a cool mare. Dash, Star, and you even go out for drinks occasionally. She is also a living terror during your training.
  215. >It does not help that Star was head over heals for her and does not know she is into mares
  216. >You found out when she accidentally let it slip when she was drunk two weeks ago
  217. >She swore you to secrecy.
  218. >However she did tell you that Rarity has a thing for colts in armor
  219. >Maybe you can do both of them a favor...
  221. >An hour later and you were sweating your ass off while Dash and Star screamed in your ears
  223. >Fucking Dash
  225. >Fucking Star
  226. "You can do it Anon! You're the bestest knight in Equestria!"
  227. >Fucking Pin...Pinkie just climbed way up your friend list
  228. >"Fuck" *gasp* "both" *gasp* "Of YOU"
  229. >As you come around to Twilight's house for a third time you see her standing with a group of guards.
  230. "Whoa whats going on."
  231. >Slowing to a walk, much to the relief of your muscles, you make your way over to them
  232. "-as to be some sort of mistake. Why would the princess order-. ANON!" she sees you and trots over. "Why do these guards have an arrest warrant for you?"
  233. >"What?" you Dash and Star exclaim at the same time.
  234. >One of the guards walks over to you and presents you with a scroll
  235. >You read it and sigh
  236. >"Seems I am to be arrested in the name of the Griffon Kingdom. I am to stand trial upon my arrival in Canterlot for murder."
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