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Mar 23rd, 2017
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  1. command /Tienda4798 [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  2. trigger:
  3. if arg 1 is not set:
  4. wait 2 ticks
  5. open chest with 1 rows named "&8Tienda de UHC Economy" to player
  6. wait 3 ticks
  7. format slot 3 of player with book named "&eGuia" with lore "&f||&7Observa los coins de cada evento||&7aqui estara el diccionario de cuanto||&7vale cada item||&f||&6Click para abrir" to close then run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 guia"]
  8. format slot 5 of player with crafting table named "&eTienda" with lore "&f||&7Compra todo tipo de cosas||&7armaduras , herramientas, armas ||&7manzanas y mucho más||&f||&6Click para comprar" to close then run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 compra"]
  9. format slot 0 of player with sunflower named "&eTus coins" with lore "&f||&7Tus puntos son: &b %{Coins.%player%} % " to close
  10. if arg 1 is "guia":
  11. wait 2 ticks
  12. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Guia de puntos" to player
  13. wait 3 ticks
  14. format slot 0 of player with diamond pickaxe named "&eValor de ores" with lore "&f||&7Los ores tienen||&7el siguiente valor" to close
  15. format slot 2 of player with 5 coal ore named "&6Valor de el Ore de Carbon" with lore "&f||&7Por romper el ore te dara||&b 5 Coins" to close
  16. format slot 3 of player with 10 iron ore named "&6Valor de el Ore de Iron" with lore "&f||&7Por romper el ore te dara||&b 10 Coins" to close
  17. format slot 4 of player with 30 gold ore named "&6Valor de el Ore de Oro" with lore "&f||&7Por romper el ore te dara||&b 30 Coins" to close
  18. format slot 5 of player with 30 lapis lazuli ore named "&6Valor de el Ore de Lapis Lazuli" with lore "&f||&7Por romper el ore te dara||&b 30 Coins" to close
  19. format slot 6 of player with 40 diamond ore named "&6Valor de el Ore de Diamante" with lore "&f||&7Por romper el ore te dara||&b 40 Coins" to close
  20. format slot 7 of player with 20 redstone ore named "&6Valor de el Ore de Redstone" with lore "&f||&7Por romper el ore te dara||&b 20 Coins" to close
  21. format slot 8 of player with emerald ore named "&6Valor de el Ore de Esmeralda" with lore "&f||&7Por romper el ore te dara||&b 100 Coins" to close
  22. format slot 9 of player with iron sword named "&eValor de mobs" with lore "&f||&7Al matar algun mob te||&7dara el siguiente valor" to close
  23. format slot 11 of player with 10 zombie spawn egg named "&eAl asesinar a un Zombie" with lore "&f||&7Al matarlo te dara||&b10 coins" to close
  24. format slot 12 of player with 15 skeleton spawn egg named "&eAl asesinar a un Eskeleto" with lore "&f||&7Al matarlo te dara||&b15 coins" to close
  25. format slot 13 of player with 15 creeper spawn egg named "&eAl asesinar a un Creeper" with lore "&f||&7Al matarlo te dara||&b15 coins" to close
  26. format slot 14 of player with 20 spider spawn egg named "&eAl asesinar a una Araña" with lore "&f||&7Al matarlo te dara||&b20 coins" to close
  27. format slot 15 of player with 30 blaze spawn egg named "&eAl asesinar a un Blaze" with lore "&f||&7Al matarlo te dara||&b30 coins" to close
  28. format slot 18 of player with player's skull named "&eValor de asesinar a un jugador" with lore "&f||&7Al matar algun jugador se te dara||&b100 coins " to close
  29. format slot 26 of player with arrow named "&7Regresar al menu" with lore "&f||&cClick para regresar" to close then run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 "]
  30. if arg 1 is "compra":
  31. wait 2 ticks
  32. open chest with 1 rows named "&8Tienda de Veil" to player
  33. wait 3 ticks
  34. format slot 0 of player with enchanted book named "&eLibros" with lore "&f||&7Compra tus libros encantados||&7o algo de libreria" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 compra libros "]
  35. format slot 2 of player with iron chestplate named "&eArmadura" with lore "&f||&7Equipate de la mejor||&7manera para poder ser el mejor." to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 compra armor "]
  36. format slot 4 of player with diamond sword named "&eArmas" with lore "&f||&7Escoje las mejores armas||&7para asesinar a tus enemigos." to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 compra armas"]
  37. format slot 6 of player with golden axe named "&eHerramientas" with lore "&f||&7Escoje herramientas que te ||&7ayudaran a ganar." to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 compra herramientas"]
  38. format slot 8 of player with golden apple named "&eObjetos OP" with lore "&f||&7Aqui estan los mejores objetos||&7mas OP que te ayudaran a ganar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 compra op "]
  39. if arg 1 is "compra":
  40. if arg 2 is "armor":
  41. open chest with 1 rows named "&8Armadura " to player
  42. wait 3 ticks
  43. format slot 0 of player with diamond helmet named "&6Casco de Diamante" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b100 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy armor helmet "]
  44. format slot 1 of player with diamond chestplate named "&6Pechera de Diamante" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b175 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy armor chestplate "]
  45. format slot 2 of player with diamond leggings named "&6Pantalones de Diamante" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b150 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy armor leggings "]
  46. format slot 3 of player with diamond boots named "&6Botas de Diamante" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b100 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy armor boots "]
  47. format slot 8 of player with arrow named "&7Regresar al menu" with lore "&f||&cClick para regresar" to close then run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 compra "]
  48. if arg 2 is "armas":
  49. wait 1 tick
  50. open chest with 1 rows named "&8Armas " to player
  51. wait 3 ticks
  52. format slot 0 of player with iron sword named "&6Espada de Iron" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b150 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy armas iron "]
  53. format slot 1 of player with diamond sword named "&6Espada de Diamante" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b200 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy armas diamond "]
  54. format slot 2 of player with bow named "&6Arco" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b300 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy armas bow "]
  55. format slot 3 of player with 64 arrow named "&664 Flechas" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b150 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy armas arrow "]
  56. format slot 8 of player with arrow named "&7Regresar al menu" with lore "&f||&cClick para regresar" to close then run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 compra "]
  57. if arg 2 is "libros":
  58. wait 1 tick
  59. open chest with 2 rows named "&8Libros" to player
  60. wait 3 ticks
  61. format slot 0 of player with enchantment table named "&6Mesa de encatamientos" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b300 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy libros mesa"]
  62. format slot 1 of player with anvil named "&6Anvil" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b250 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy libros anvil"]
  63. format slot 2 of player with enchanted book named "&6Libro de Proteccion I" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b100 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy libros protec"]
  64. format slot 3 of player with enchanted book named "&6Libro de Power I" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b100 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy libros power"]
  65. format slot 4 of player with enchanted book named "&6Libro de Sharpness I" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b100 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy libros filo"]
  66. format slot 5 of player with enchanted book named "&6Libro de FireAspect I" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b500 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy libros fire"]
  67. format slot 6 of player with enchanted book named "&6Libro de Flame I" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b400 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy libros flame"]
  68. format slot 7 of player with 64 experience bottle named "&664 Botellas de XP" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b50 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy libros xp"]
  69. format slot 8 of player with 64 lapis lazuli named "&664 Lapis Lazuli" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b50 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy libros lapis"]
  70. format slot 17 of player with arrow named "&7Regresar al menu" with lore "&f||&cClick para regresar" to close then run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 compra "]
  71. if arg 2 is "herramientas":
  72. open chest with 1 rows named "&8Herramientas" to player
  73. wait 3 ticks
  74. format slot 0 of player with diamond pickaxe named "&6Pico de Diamante" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b100 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy herramientas picod"]
  75. format slot 1 of player with iron pickaxe named "&6Pico de Iron" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b75 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy herramientas picoi"]
  76. format slot 2 of player with fishing rod named "&6Caña" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b300 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy herramientas caña"]
  77. format slot 3 of player with water bucket named "&6Balde de Agua" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b50 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy herramientas agua"]
  78. format slot 4 of player with lava bucket named "&6Balde de Lava" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b100 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy herramientas lava"]
  79. format slot 5 of player with 259 named "&6Mechero" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b50 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy herramientas mechero"]
  80. format slot 8 of player with arrow named "&7Regresar al menu" with lore "&f||&cClick para regresar" to close then run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 compra "]
  81. if arg 2 is "op":
  82. open chest with 1 rows named "&8OP" to player
  83. wait 3 ticks
  84. format slot 0 of player with golden apple named "&6Manzana de oro" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b200 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy op manzana"]
  85. format slot 1 of player with golden apple:1 named "&6Golden Head" with lore "&f||&7Cuesta: &b300 Coins||&f||&7Click para comprar" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy op golden"]
  86. format slot 2 of player with player's skull named "&6Canjea Head por GoldenHead" with lore "&f||&7Necesario: Head de Victima||&f||&7Click para cambiar por cabeza" to run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 buy op head"]
  87. format slot 8 of player with arrow named "&7Regresar al menu" with lore "&f||&cClick para regresar" to close then run [make player execute command "/tienda4798 compra "]
  88. if arg 1 is "buy":
  89. if arg 2 is "armor":
  90. if arg 3 is "helmet":
  91. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 100:
  92. send "&aHas comprado correctamente el casco de diamante"
  93. give diamond helmet to player
  94. remove 100 from {Coins.%player%}
  95. else:
  96. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  97. if arg 3 is "chestplate":
  98. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 175:
  99. send "&aHas comprado correctamente la pechera de diamante"
  100. give diamond chestplate to player
  101. remove 175 from {Coins.%player%}
  102. else:
  103. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  104. if arg 3 is "leggings":
  105. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 150:
  106. send "&aHas comprado correctamente los pantalones de diamante"
  107. give diamond leggings to player
  108. remove 150 from {Coins.%player%}
  109. else:
  110. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  111. if arg 3 is "boots":
  112. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 100:
  113. send "&aHas comprado correctamente las botas de diamante"
  114. give diamond boots to player
  115. remove 100 from {Coins.%player%}
  116. else:
  117. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  118. if arg 2 is "armas":
  119. if arg 3 is "iron":
  120. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 150:
  121. send "&6Has comprado correctamente la espada de iron"
  122. give iron sword to player
  123. remove 150 from {Coins.%player%}
  124. else:
  125. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  126. if arg 3 is "diamond":
  127. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 200:
  128. send "&6Has comprado correctamente la espada de diamante"
  129. give diamond sword to player
  130. remove 200 from {Coins.%player%}
  131. else:
  132. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  133. if arg 3 is "bow":
  134. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 300:
  135. send "&6Has comprado correctamente un arco"
  136. give bow to player
  137. remove 300 from {Coins.%player%}
  138. else:
  139. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  140. if arg 3 is "arrow":
  141. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 150:
  142. send "&6Has comprado correctamente un stack de flechas"
  143. give 64 arrow to player
  144. remove 150 from {Coins.%player%}
  145. else:
  146. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  147. if arg 2 is "libros":
  148. if arg 3 is "mesa":
  149. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 300:
  150. send "&6Has comprado correctamente la mesa de encantar"
  151. give enchantment table to player
  152. remove 300 from {Coins.%player%}
  153. else:
  154. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  155. if arg 3 is "anvil":
  156. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 250:
  157. send "&6Has comprado correctamente un yunke"
  158. give anvil to player
  159. remove 250 from {Coins.%player%}
  160. else:
  161. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  162. if arg 3 is "protec":
  163. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 100:
  164. send "&6Has comprado correctamente un libro de proteccion I"
  165. give enchanted book of protection 1 to player
  166. remove 100 from {Coins.%player%}
  167. else:
  168. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  169. if arg 3 is "power":
  170. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 100:
  171. send "&6Has comprado correctamente un libro de power I"
  172. give enchanted book of power 1 to player
  173. remove 100 from {Coins.%player%}
  174. else:
  175. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  176. if arg 3 is "fire":
  177. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 500:
  178. send "&6Has comprado correctamente un libro de fire aspect I"
  179. give enchanted book of fire aspect 1 to player
  180. remove 500 from {Coins.%player%}
  181. else:
  182. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  183. if arg 3 is "flame":
  184. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 400:
  185. send "&6Has comprado correctamente un libro de flame I"
  186. give enchanted book of flame 1 to player
  187. remove 400 from {Coins.%player%}
  188. else:
  189. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  190. if arg 3 is "filo":
  191. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 100:
  192. send "&6Has comprado correctamente un libro de sharpness I"
  193. give enchanted book of sharpness 1 to player
  194. remove 100 from {Coins.%player%}
  195. else:
  196. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  197. if arg 3 is "xp":
  198. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 50:
  199. send "&6Has comprado correctamente 64 botellas de XP"
  200. give 64 experience bottle to player
  201. remove 50 from {Coins.%player%}
  202. else:
  203. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  204. if arg 3 is "lapis":
  205. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 50:
  206. send "&6Has comprado correctamente 64 de lapis lazuli"
  207. give 64 lapis lazuli to player
  208. remove 50 from {Coins.%player%}
  209. else:
  210. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  211. if arg 2 is "herramientas":
  212. if arg 3 is "picod":
  213. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 100:
  214. send "&6Has comprado correctamente pico de diamante"
  215. give diamond pickaxe to player
  216. remove 100 from {Coins.%player%}
  217. else:
  218. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  219. if arg 3 is "picoi":
  220. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 75:
  221. send "&6Has comprado correctamente pico de iron"
  222. give iron pickaxe to player
  223. remove 75 from {Coins.%player%}
  224. else:
  225. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  226. if arg 3 is "caña":
  227. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 300:
  228. send "&6Has comprado correctamente la caña"
  229. give fishing rod to player
  230. remove 300 from {Coins.%player%}
  231. else:
  232. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  233. if arg 3 is "agua":
  234. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 50:
  235. send "&6Has comprado correctamente un balde de agua"
  236. give water bucket to player
  237. remove 50 from {Coins.%player%}
  238. else:
  239. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  240. if arg 3 is "lava":
  241. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 100:
  242. send "&6Has comprado correctamente un balde de lava"
  243. give lava bucket to player
  244. remove 100 from {Coins.%player%}
  245. else:
  246. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  247. if arg 3 is "mechero":
  248. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 50:
  249. send "&6Has comprado correctamente un mechero"
  250. set slot 8 of player to 259 named "" with lore ""
  251. remove 50 from {Coins.%player%}
  252. else:
  253. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  254. if arg 2 is "op":
  255. if arg 3 is "manzana":
  256. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 200:
  257. send "&6Has comprado correctamente una manzana de oro"
  258. give golden apple to player
  259. remove 200 from {Coins.%player%}
  260. else:
  261. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  262. if arg 3 is "golden":
  263. if {Coins.%player%} is more than 300:
  264. send "&6Has comprado correctamente una golden head"
  265. give golden apple named "&6Golden Head" to player
  266. remove 300 from {Coins.%player%}
  267. else:
  268. send "&cNo tienes los suficientes coins para este producto"
  269. if arg 3 is "head":
  270. if player has head:
  271. send "&3Has canjeado correctamente una cabeza por una GoldenHead"
  272. give golden apple named "&6Golden Head" to player
  273. remove head from player's inventory
  274. else:
  275. send "&cNo tienes ninguna cabeza de ningun jugador"
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