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Jan 23rd, 2015
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  1. [11:37] <Tiy> hi
  3. [12:11] <laz27> is it just me, or mm now sounds like a mining spell from kids game?
  5. [12:12] <Tiy> its going to change entirely when we have a new visual effect
  6. [12:12] <Tiy> and will sound more like a tractor beam
  7. [12:12] <Tiy> but for now we wanted to make it less repetative and annoying, so its a more subtle sound
  9. [12:13] <laz27> And i also have a massive case of server/client desync
  11. [12:14] <Tiy> how does it manifest?
  13. [12:15] <laz27> Like mining with cheat mm in the stable
  14. [12:15] <laz27> Everything stops doing anything
  15. [12:16] <laz27> Except the player movement
  17. [12:19] <xboxpants> hi Tiy, how's life
  19. [13:18] <Darklight_> Hmmmm did the latest Nightly build push. I didn't get any update for the 23rd...
  21. [13:20] <DarkPower> No update here either, I restared steam and still nothing, so I guess there was no update
  23. [13:22] <Placeholderguy> can confirm, no update here either
  25. [13:23] <Darklight_> guess it got gummed up in the works
  27. [13:24] <Neurisko> wow, look at all these f... people
  28. [13:25] <Neurisko> ok well, rock on.
  30. [13:25] <Darklight_> well that was something
  32. [13:35] <Tiy> ill push a nightly as soon as we've fixed something
  34. [13:38] <Placeholderguy> I wonder if there will be other wearable light sources besides lantern on a stick tho, would be handy
  36. [13:40] <@metadept> yeah the windows build is broken atm
  37. [13:40] <@metadept> nightly will be updated once it's fixed
  39. [13:41] <Placeholderguy> explains the lag issues with the worlds itself
  41. [13:41] <Darklight_> Just making sure it wasn't just me. Take all the time you need
  43. [13:59] <Placeholderguy> didnt spawn NPCs in a while with the spawners made at the employers station. Do the npcs still spawn without clothes, with the exception of guards
  45. [14:01] <laz27> lol
  46. [14:01] <laz27> None of these stone pillars i found are randomized
  47. [14:02] <laz27>
  49. [14:21] <Xentor> iho
  50. [14:26] <Xentor> I understand not so complete how it is possible with the now System to play the Storydungeons with a friend
  51. [14:27] <Xentor> Are they not something like 2Instances" and everyone gets a own ?
  53. [14:27] <DarkPower> more light sources would be good
  54. [14:27] <DarkPower> mining drones anyone ?
  56. [14:29] <Xentor> hm not real I guess
  58. [14:48] <Starbounder> ...
  59. [14:48] <@metadept> . . .
  60. [14:49] <Starbounder> . . .
  61. [14:49] <Starbounder> XD
  62. [14:49] <Starbounder> well,i like the nightly so far! :D
  64. [14:49] <@metadept> good!
  66. [14:49] <Starbounder> no bugs detected! :)
  67. [14:49] <Starbounder> no rly
  69. [14:50] <@metadept> any particularly enjoyable or annoying parts?
  71. [14:50] <Starbounder> i feel like the stable is gonna be out like tomorrow or something)))
  73. [14:50] <Xentor> ignoring the strange controll lag bug
  75. [14:50] <Starbounder> erm no lag for me
  77. [14:50] <@metadept> not quiiiite tomorrow hahah
  79. [14:50] <Xentor> that apears since yesterday after 10 - 15 minutes repeadingly
  81. [14:50] <@metadept> but "january"
  83. [14:50] <Starbounder> i REALLY enjoy the quests, and the new bosses as well!
  84. [14:50] <Starbounder> :D
  86. [14:51] <Xentor> looks for me bit like a memory overflow
  88. [14:51] <Starbounder> btw is the mob in Tiy's twitter a boss, a miniboss or a quest boss?
  90. [14:51] <@metadept> Starbounder, that's not in the game yet, it's a test for a new random monster generator we're working on
  92. [14:51] <Starbounder> cuz he is so cute! :D
  93. [14:51] <Starbounder> ooooh
  94. [14:51] <Starbounder> AWESOME!!! XD
  96. [14:51] <@metadept> so they'll probably replace minibosses
  97. [14:51] <@metadept> or something similar to that
  99. [14:51] <Starbounder> yay
  100. [14:51] <Starbounder> thx guys!~
  101. [14:52] <Starbounder> its gonna be even more epic!
  103. [14:52] <@metadept> Xentor, i'm pretty sure that bug you're talking about was fixed yesterday, but then we broke the build so it didn't upload hahah
  105. [14:52] <Starbounder> WOOO HYPE TRAIN! :D
  106. [14:52] <Starbounder> lel
  107. [14:53] <Starbounder> and what about the morphball secret paths in the missions? what are they for?
  108. [14:53] <Starbounder> 0_0
  109. [14:53] <@metadept> for ~*secrets*~
  111. [14:53] <Starbounder> OMG DAT LOGIC DOE
  112. [14:53] <Starbounder> lel
  114. [14:53] <Xentor> uhhhh *gg*
  115. [14:54] <Xentor> but I guess secrets are a bit hard due the box content (possible) is same random like drop weapons
  116. [14:54] <Xentor> or ?
  117. [14:54] <Xentor> (What means, can be all from a wet baguette till a super cool thingi)
  119. [14:54] <Starbounder> some comments on youtube about these vids are that those are checkpoints, but im not usre
  120. [14:54] <Starbounder> sure
  122. [14:54] <@metadept> they are not checkpoints
  124. [14:54] <Starbounder> aww
  125. [14:55] <Starbounder> kk its fine, would be too OP lel
  127. [14:55] <@metadept> they'll mostly be cosmetic or other interesting items that you can't find anywhere else
  129. [14:55] <Starbounder> ooooh
  131. [14:55] <@metadept> so rewarding for the people that find them but not critical
  133. [14:55] <Starbounder> OMG SO EPIC 0_0
  134. [14:55] <Starbounder> lel
  135. [14:57] <starbounder> sry disconnect
  136. [14:57] <starbounder> :/
  137. [14:58] <starbounder> and what about Fatal Surcuit, Bone Dragon and Space Jelly
  138. [14:58] <starbounder> ?
  140. [14:58] <Xentor> Bonedragon I miss not
  141. [14:59] <Xentor> In my eyes a Scelettondragon fits totally not in the theme
  142. [14:59] <Xentor> the other two were nice
  144. [14:59] <starbounder> yeah
  146. [14:59] <@metadept> there will be more missions in the future
  148. [14:59] <starbounder> actually the jelly doesn't fit in the game as well
  150. [14:59] <@metadept> and other places with bosses
  152. [14:59] <Xentor> ok the jelly guy was a bit to easy to fight
  154. [14:59] <@metadept> so some of those might get put back in
  155. [14:59] <@metadept> but only after we add more interesting behavior
  156. [14:59] <Xentor> Hm the jelly thingi fits better than a magicl sceletton
  157. [14:59] <@metadept> they were never very finished or fun to fight
  158. [14:59] <Xentor> Jelly beeings are not impossible (even with real science)
  159. [15:00] <starbounder> yeah ikr? (metadept)
  160. [15:00] <starbounder> the only fun boss before the nightlies was Dreadwing the Penguin
  161. [15:00] <Xentor> It could be a giant collony of amoebian lifeforms, when they combine they act like one beeing (biological fact)
  162. [15:00] <starbounder> cuz he waz using his own AI
  163. [15:00] <Xentor> yes The UFO was in my eyes too the best (old) Boss.
  164. [15:01] <starbounder> and the others were using AIs from smaller mobs
  165. [15:01] <Xentor> I like that the new boss needs now a process to be killed, is better than the regular "shoot like hell" tactic
  166. [15:01] <starbounder> 3 Deleted bosses = 3 => ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!! XD
  167. [15:02] <Xentor> I thoiught off, could there not be made hmmm too technical riddles? (With the wiresystem)
  168. [15:02] <starbounder> yeah
  169. [15:02] <Xentor> I mean like for example need to complete a wiringpouzzel t activate something
  170. [15:02] <Xentor> bit like incredible mashine
  171. [15:02] <starbounder> like remember the logic gate in the floran hunt party?
  172. [15:02] <Xentor> no to easy
  173. [15:02] <Xentor> I mean where the player must use the wiretool
  174. [15:02] <starbounder> and it would be randimised every time you solve it (in the boss battle)
  176. [15:03] <starbounder> OMG DAT EPIC THOUGHT THO lel
  178. [15:03] <starbounder> will u devs make it? please? :3
  179. [15:03] <Xentor> hehe is only an idea, or a cool use of the wiresystem only a suggestion so.
  180. [15:03] <starbounder> btw what was up with the boulder drill boss?
  181. [15:04] <starbounder> remember'
  183. [15:04] <starbounder> tiy posted it's GIFs like 2-4 months ago
  184. [15:05] <starbounder> metadept? any info on that? :)
  185. [15:05] <@metadept> we have the art for a few more bosses
  186. [15:05] <@metadept> but not behavior or anything else
  187. [15:05] <starbounder> can u show them plz??? PLZ??? :D
  188. [15:05] <@metadept> so again, those may be added in the future when we have an appropriate place to put them
  189. [15:05] <starbounder> kk
  190. [15:05] <starbounder> show me the good stuff)))
  192. [15:05] <starbounder> lel
  193. [15:06] <starbounder> maybe screenshots or posts or something?
  194. [15:06] <starbounder> just asking, totally not pushing!
  195. [15:06] <@metadept> hahah
  196. [15:06] <starbounder> XD
  197. [15:06] <@metadept> well a few have been talked about in the past
  198. [15:06] <@metadept> but i'm sure you'll see them show up on the blog when we're closer to having them in game : _)
  199. [15:06] <starbounder> i havent been here for like 3 months
  200. [15:06] <@metadept> * : )
  201. [15:06] <starbounder> so yeah
  202. [15:06] <starbounder> yay! )))
  203. [15:07] <starbounder> ok, thanks for the feedback! :D
  205. [15:07] <starbounder> gonna go eat some pearlpea soup and go to another planet! :D
  207. [15:14] <DarkPower> always wanted to know something
  208. [15:15] <DarkPower> any chance for minimap on planets ?
  209. [15:16] <Xentor> was once planned
  210. [15:16] <Xentor> when I rmeember the Featuredreams 1 year ago
  211. [15:16] <Xentor> but guess mutch has changed since than
  213. [15:36] <onlylistensornot> Have the trips getting stuck on FTL in unstable been fixed in nightly?
  214. [15:37] <Xentor> I did neve rhad thisin unstable
  215. [15:37] <Xentor> earlier in nighty, before winte rupdat eI had this often
  216. [15:38] <onlylistensornot> I think it had to do with planet generation getting bugged.
  217. [15:41] <onlylistensornot> I'd play nightly more if characters had more protection against wipes :3
  219. [15:46] <Xentor> hm you cna use the admin commands
  220. [15:46] <Xentor> to fast foreward the most things
  221. [15:47] <Darklight_> wipes are something one should expect until we reach 1.0 or at least until the new patch hits since a lot of the foundation was remade
  223. [16:39] <starbug> Maybe make coffee quest optional?
  224. [16:41] <Omekk> Not sure what the context is but I like the coffee quest so at least don't remove it completely :P
  225. [16:43] <starbug> Sure, but maybe optional and not linked to progressing the outpost mission chain.
  226. [16:46] <Omekk> Agreed
  227. [16:46] <Omekk> :D
  229. [17:07] <kaos78414> so, vehicles huh? Does that include mounts like the one we saw in the early screenshots (looked kind of like a gazelle or something)?
  231. [17:13] <Darklight_> The coffee quest isn't really that big of a problem. You'll go to desert planets to get oil for steel anyway so you'll get tons of glass anyway. You'll need steel for the armor anyway so that works out too. And if you want lots of wood you'll go to a forest planet so you'll get coffee beans anyway if you loot all the growing farmables on the surface when you encounter them
  232. [17:13] <Darklight_> even without stocking up on purpose for the quest I ended up having all I needed
  234. [17:18] <HammyHammerGuy> Just a matter of crafting the goods
  235. [17:29] <DarkPower> The quest writing level is a problem
  237. [17:29] <DarkPower> not the things you do to complete it
  239. [17:30] <DarkPower> the first quest with bug catching and other quests to
  240. [17:30] <DarkPower> seems silly and childlish
  242. [18:11] <SirBacon> metadept, modular hoverbikes really? :p
  243. [18:12] <@metadept> what, do you NOT want modular hoverbikes?
  245. [18:12] <SirBacon> But OFC, the more costumization the better :P
  246. [18:12] <SirBacon> Amuzing, remember to implement the dye station on the game itself, game already supports recoloration of items, would be one amazing boost for building
  247. [18:13] <SirBacon> I love when costumization mechanics get supported :D
  248. [18:14] <SirBacon> But i wonder if you give modular hoverbikes to people they will scream for modular ships :p
  250. [18:19] <SirBacon> They kinda already do, it's amazing if we could just grab ship pieces/rooms and build our own, ahhh shiny things.
  251. [18:19] <SirBacon> Oh slavery incoming, darn sister, o/
  252. [18:21] <DarkPower> modular ships should be a thing from the start its better fitting in sandbox than the static upgrades we have now
  254. [18:23] <Darklight__> Going to disagree. Ships need to look like they belong to the player race
  255. [18:24] <Darklight__> I don't want to see an Apex flying a giant hotdog shaped ship
  256. [18:24] <SirBacon> Modular ships would not break that, like, ships are pretty mucha world file already, one UI that lets us add/remove/move rooms to our taste ..
  257. [18:25] <Darklight__> except that doesn't work with a ship like say the Novakid
  258. [18:25] <SirBacon> The thing is kinda would the room connetions work well being more sandboxy
  259. [18:25] <Darklight__> there's a defined shape
  260. [18:25] <SirBacon> but the novakid ship upgrades kinda break the train shape of it
  261. [18:26] <Darklight__> plus you have the station to build as you want
  262. [18:26] <Darklight__> settle for that
  263. [18:26] <SirBacon> kinda troll devs on that
  264. [18:26] <SirBacon> :p
  265. [18:26] <SirBacon> What a feature like that needs to adapt is the theme (per race) of the ship, specially the outside, already played games with similar systems to build ships
  266. [18:27] <DarkPower> why even hold to racial look, its meh and not that important
  267. [18:27] <SirBacon> Would be interesting for progression, reach X point you unlock more ship rooms to place on your ship :D
  268. [18:28] <Darklight__> it kinda is
  269. [18:28] <Darklight__> imagine the Empire in starwars flying around in naboo ships
  270. [18:28] <Darklight__> doesn't work
  271. [18:28] <Darklight__> There's a cohesion that needs to be maintained
  273. [18:28] <SirBacon> Many people till now, incist on breaking the default design with the sandbox ship mod
  274. [18:29] <SirBacon> however when done, we can't keep the style
  275. [18:29] <Darklight__> that's fine
  276. [18:29] <Darklight__> that's why it's mod friendly
  277. [18:29] <SirBacon> because all the design breaks and there's no in-game objects to make it look better
  278. [18:29] <SirBacon> I actually saw a ship some days ago if you walk all the way to left, you end up reaching the place you started
  279. [18:29] <SirBacon> like a planet lol
  280. [18:29] <Darklight__> For every amazing ship you get dozens more that look ridiculous
  281. [18:29] <DarkPower> not at all, you can still change background walls and other stuff and it will look like inside of floran ship instead of robot ship
  282. [18:30] <DarkPower> you already have the different A.I, in every ship and thats enough to se the tone
  283. [18:30] <Darklight__> =_=
  284. [18:30] <Darklight__> no it isn't
  285. [18:30] <SirBacon> Still think novakids are developers trolling
  286. [18:30] <SirBacon> Train Ship, Horse AI :P
  287. [18:30] <Darklight__> it's the cowboy theme
  288. [18:30] <SirBacon> They got drunk and said "let's do this!"
  289. [18:30] <Darklight__> so no
  290. [18:31] <Darklight__> when you think cowboys you think guns horses and trains
  292. [18:31] <SirBacon> Space cowoys, :p
  293. [18:31] <SirBacon> They aproached it more humuristic
  294. [18:32] <SirBacon> Wich one is metadept ?
  295. [18:33] <SirBacon> I'm sure Tiy is the right one
  296. [18:33] <@metadept> lol
  297. [18:33] <@metadept> i'm the one in the middle poster
  298. [18:33] <DarkPower> its not a big problem to tie the ship parts with race and allow only the correct parts to be used in ship building
  299. [18:33] <@metadept> making a dragon with alchemy
  300. [18:33] <Placeholderguy> In my opinion, I think the ships are quite fine, and if someone dislikes the looks, modding is still viable afterall.
  301. [18:34] <SirBacon> ah fun
  302. [18:34] <DarkPower> its not really about the looks, but about more freedom of customization
  303. [18:34] <SirBacon> People want to mod and still work on vanilla without others have to have the mod, the problem of costumizatin
  304. [18:34] <SirBacon> That's why mods that work on Vanilla MP are so popular
  305. [18:34] <SirBacon> I know one pretty cool thing we can do, is re-color your ships
  306. [18:35] <Darklight__> Some things are going to stay mods and some are going to be vanilla. That's all there is to it
  307. [18:35] <Placeholderguy> yes
  308. [18:35] <SirBacon> Everything, outside, inside, the game supports a color replacement rule that is interesting
  309. [18:35] <Darklight__> bottom line is the modular ship thing only appeases a certain group
  310. [18:35] <Darklight__> not the lowest common denominator
  311. [18:36] <Placeholderguy> recoloring ships the same deal, the way I could imagine that to work is to choose between color presets maximum
  312. [18:36] <Darklight__> recoloring ships is fair
  313. [18:36] <Darklight__> there could be docks that specialize in it
  314. [18:36] <SirBacon> It works on vanilla, it's like starcheat coloring
  315. [18:37] <SirBacon> I just wish to see it officially supported with dying, so everybody can, as the mechanic is there
  316. [18:37] <SirBacon> objects and even lights can be recolored without a mod :p
  317. [18:37] <DarkPower> I bet more people than you think would be very happy with modular ship building
  318. [18:38] <SirBacon> Right now i see people using broken / crashy / laggy mods, only to have the power of costumization :p
  319. [18:38] <SirBacon> So yes, everything that expands that, added to the game will please :D
  320. [18:38] <Placeholderguy> modwise I dont keep up that much, I remember the dyemod though
  321. [18:38] <Darklight__> going to disagree
  322. [18:38] <Darklight__> plus like I said
  323. [18:39] <Darklight__> for your space faring customization you'll have the station
  324. [18:39] <DarkPower> its quite simple to see if the idea would be welcomed or not, just put it for more public, ask people about it on twitter reddit and the blog
  325. [18:39] <DarkPower> and we will have more accurate results
  326. [18:39] <SirBacon> I know on building, that mod is a must-have, like creating a bar, you want that chair, but it's blue, you want red, you color, lets you do pretty nice stuff
  328. [18:40] <SirBacon> Color lights is a fun one, however, really buggy and FPS intensive
  330. [18:42] <SirBacon> The big example of people wish costumization is really Drawables,
  331. [18:42] <SirBacon> They can be laggy, but people put effort into create pretty amazing things
  333. [19:26] <Lintton> wave
  334. [19:26] <Astraltor-> sine.
  335. [19:29] <Lintton> did i miss anything?
  337. [19:32] <Lintton> hello
  339. [19:33] <SeaFishelle> WOAH
  340. [19:33] <SeaFishelle> BACK UP THE FUN BUS
  341. [19:33] <Astraltor->
  342. [19:33] <Astraltor-> ok
  343. [19:34] <Astraltor-> wow look at all the people smashing starbound in that page
  345. [19:49] <Darklight__> Smashing starbound? How far back are you looking
  346. [19:49] <Darklight__> cause I don't see anything smashing SB for the first five pages that I've looked at
  347. [19:50] <Astraltor-> oops, i dropped something
  348. [19:50] <Astraltor-> /s
  349. [19:51] <Darklight__> huh?
  350. [19:51] <Astraltor-> iunno, a few months ago i think there was ONE blog that posted negative stuff (and they were kind of spamming it too)
  351. [19:51] <Astraltor-> (/s colloquially denotes sarcasm)
  353. [19:57] <yclatious> Hey Meta, Tiy said ya wanted to make Modular Hovebikes, what is the planning yer thinking?Tiered Pieces?Racial Bonuses to them, like Hylotls being able to use better in water?
  354. [20:00] <MontagueMGM> Oh yeah racial bonuses is something one of my friends is desperate for in this game. Waiting for Novakids to have a never-ending Glow effect and whatnot
  356. [20:03] <Astraltor-> MontagueMGM, maybe as a mod. but srsly innate bonuses to each race defeats the "all species are equal" thing
  357. [20:03] <Astraltor-> or rather, the "species is merely an aesthetic"
  358. [20:03] <Astraltor-> tho that's already been somewhat the case with novakids having guns and all races having diff ships :/
  359. [20:05] <Tiy> hihi
  360. [20:06] <Tiy> might be another unstable update tonight
  361. [20:06] <SeaFishelle> :O
  362. [20:06] <SeaFishelle> AWESOME
  363. [20:07] <MontagueMGM> Did they work on the singleplayer lag issues that popped up in the previous build?
  364. [20:07] <Tiy> yup
  365. [20:07] <Tiy> there was a bug with particles
  366. [20:07] <Tiy> its fixed
  367. [20:07] <Tiy> also some optimizations
  368. [20:08] <MontagueMGM> ^^
  370. [20:12] <Lintton> :O
  371. [20:13] <wartos> update tonight? thx
  372. [20:13] <yclatious> Meta, Y U NO ASWUR?
  374. [20:19] <Tiy> hes out getting chinese food
  375. [20:19] <Tiy> is why
  376. [20:19] <yclatious> Waita ec
  377. [20:19] <yclatious> *a sec
  379. [20:19] <yclatious> dont ya usualy use yer full name or a @ before it?
  380. [20:20] <yclatious> calling fake
  381. [20:21] <healthire> I knew it!
  383. [20:21] <LastDay> lol :P
  384. [20:21] <Gerfial> Modular hoverbikes sound nice
  385. [20:21] <Astraltor-> where clark
  387. [20:22] <LastDay> Card games on hoverbikes!
  388. [20:22] <Astraltor-> IT'S TIME TO DDDDDUEL
  390. [20:23] <Gerfial> Hopefully that means you can tweak performance types as well as cosmetic
  392. [20:25] <LastDay> I'd like to put flamethrowers on a hoverbike. Or a chainsaw. Or both! :D But I like hammy stuff like that.
  393. [20:25] <Astraltor-> :3 flamerthrowers
  395. [20:26] <Gerfial> And work your way up through tiers, starting from a rickety and limited "old faithful" to a promising and reliable war machine
  397. [20:43] <onlylistensornot> Gief unstable update :3
  399. [20:49] <Volknar> Have a question if anyone can answer it. For the stable are we going to be able to fly through the nebula to access all biomes?
  401. [21:01] <Gother> Hi there
  402. [21:02] <oLADes> Hi,
  403. [21:02] <Gother> when can a stable be expected ?
  404. [21:02] <Gother> Gronkh is also waiting for it :)
  406. [21:04] <SamThePenguin> 10/10 ING
  408. [21:22] <Meltron14> Hello!
  409. [21:22] <CountMarcula> howdy
  411. [21:23] <SeaFishelle> "HOW DARE YOU GREET ME BACK"
  413. [21:27] <Malum> .
  415. [22:01] <Goldwipf> hello
  416. [22:04] <Tiy> hi
  417. [22:04] <Gerfial> It seems everyone is quite busy
  419. [22:06] <Stormyfacade> I know this may be a dumb question, but when the nightly goes ot stable, will the graphics be optimized at all? Because I often have massive lag outside of the stable, when alot is happenning, and not all my resources are ever being used at any time. Only happens when alot is happenning but still.
  421. [22:09] <Dinoyipi> I'm not sure if anyone has reported this or not, but climbing rope/grappling hook cannot be reeled in anymore
  422. [22:10] <Dinoyipi> ...I guess it's kinda late now. Hooray for UK/US time differential?
  424. [22:13] <Wreth> Is it just me or is there a significant performance drop in the nightly :/
  425. [22:13] <Nocche93> yay, in the last update
  426. [22:14] <Nocche93> sometimes the world freezes, only the player moves, but drops, monsters and blocks remain freezed for a few seconds
  428. [22:18] <dZark> Hello!
  429. [22:21] <Stormyfacade> Yeah, there has been actually, unstable is the same
  430. [22:22] <Stormyfacade> Kinda worried that the stable will be as laggy, but really hoping they're optimizing the graphics and whatnot beofre release
  432. [22:35] <Wreth> My pc can run the current stable but it froze and crashed when playing the unstable :/
  433. [22:35] <Stormyfacade> Oh jeez, yeah, whenever effects like sandstorms appear, or i have an upgraded ship, I get heavy lag, usually actually heavy with a fully upgraded ship
  434. [22:35] <Stormyfacade> Also holy crap, the first dungeon now has an actual boss
  436. [22:41] <Zhmoog> Hello all
  438. [22:43] <Fishy_> I would like them to add back in hunger, cold, and heat. I have so many food and resources I have no use for.
  439. [22:43] <Astraltor-> start a shop
  441. [22:44] <Stormyfacade> I actually didn't really like hunger much, maybe if it was for normal and up i'd like it back, otherwise, the food's nice since now there's a real purpsoe for multiple foods to exist
  442. [22:44] <Fishy_> Well all food does is heal you and it has a cooldown unlike health kits.
  443. [22:45] <Fishy_> So personally, I find no point in it
  444. [22:45] <Astraltor-> lol
  445. [22:45] <Astraltor-> honestly, games are just a waste of time
  446. [22:45] <Stormyfacade> You must not eat anything more than cooked meat then
  447. [22:46] <Fishy_> well. I have like 300, so yes I basically only eat that
  448. [22:46] <Stormyfacade> Since alot of foods actually give you stat buffs, like some make you jump higher, others regen energy faster
  449. [22:47] <rawkinrex> fishy, hunger only required food, it was a method to force you to eat to survive, as a temp mechanic. they have mentioned they wanted food to do more, ie the buffs
  450. [22:48] <rawkinrex> I like the new food direction, with buffs
  451. [22:48] <Astraltor-> why... why do you have 300 meats
  452. [22:48] <Astraltor-> i barely even have 50
  453. [22:48] <rawkinrex> gives a purpose to farming on a multiplayer erver
  454. [22:48] <rawkinrex> *server
  455. [22:48] <Stormyfacade> Totally, since with hunger, cooked meat was the only actually relevant food,
  456. [22:48] <Stormyfacade> It gives a purpose to farming*
  457. [22:48] <Fishy_> i have 300 just from exploring planets
  458. [22:48] <Astraltor-> actually, flavoured breads were the best
  459. [22:49] <Astraltor-> cos those gave lots of healing and speed and jump buff
  460. [22:49] <Astraltor-> and were easily faramable (banana bread ftw)
  461. [22:49] <rawkinrex> get upgraded bow, then farm gentle stars
  462. [22:49] <Stormyfacade> they'll likely include hunger for when you inevitably get to take care of a pet or farm animals or osmething
  463. [22:49] <rawkinrex> tons of raw meat
  464. [22:49] * Astraltor- gives the dog a bone
  465. [22:50] <rawkinrex> nice song reference astral
  466. [22:50] <Gerfial> I remember back in the day, hamburgers were the ultimate recovery item! *shakes cane*
  467. [22:50] <Astraltor-> roast dinner :3
  468. [22:51] <Stormyfacade> I only hope there'll be some kind of item that can display food, weapons, armor and specific items :)
  470. [23:06] <Hack300> As a promotion ?
  472. [23:09] <MontagueMGM> The new nightly build causes my character to noclip through his level 2 ship.
  473. [23:10] <YellowAfterlife> Are the work hours still on?
  475. [23:11] <MontagueMGM> Also makes him spawn at the bottom of the ocean when he beams down...
  477. [23:11] <Astraltor-> lol?
  478. [23:11] <Astraltor-> that's amazing
  480. [23:12] <MontagueMGM> New character time or is there a fix coming?
  482. [23:21] <StarryCrosser> Hello
  484. [23:21] <StarryCrosser> Doesn't seem to busy in here?
  485. [23:22] <Astraltor-> nope
  486. [23:22] <Astraltor-> it's like 10pm there
  487. [23:22] * Astraltor- wonders when's CF's "work hours
  488. [23:22] <Astraltor->
  489. [23:22] <StarryCrosser> Oh right... Freakin' Europe...
  491. [23:22] <Astraltor-> n for the most part it's just feedback, not conversation
  493. [23:23] <StarryCrosser> Well, I do have some feedback, actually.
  494. [23:24] <StarryCrosser> I've been playing again recently, and I realize something about the Bubble Boost tech
  495. [23:24] <StarryCrosser> At tier 10, I can traverse an entire planet without ever touching the surface by tapping the boost, instead of holding it.
  496. [23:24] <Astraltor-> woah
  497. [23:24] <StarryCrosser> And I also notice it is THE FASTEST tech to get around with
  498. [23:24] <Astraltor-> is bubble boost tech still in
  499. [23:25] <StarryCrosser> yeah of course.
  500. [23:25] <StarryCrosser> Butterfly and Bubble boost
  501. [23:25] <Astraltor-> particle boost?
  502. [23:25] <Astraltor-> particle thrust?
  503. [23:25] <Astraltor-> wait
  504. [23:25] <StarryCrosser> No, and no.
  505. [23:25] <Astraltor-> are you on
  506. [23:25] <Astraltor-> enraged koala
  507. [23:25] <StarryCrosser> I am.
  508. [23:25] <Astraltor-> :I
  509. [23:25] <StarryCrosser> ... wait, did they remove them? :T
  511. [23:25] <Astraltor-> things are different in unstable/ nightlies >.>
  512. [23:26] <Astraltor-> also: i prefer blink to bubble boost
  513. [23:26] <StarryCrosser> Well, I can jump up a version and try it out, but I don't see how different it could be?
  514. [23:26] <StarryCrosser> Ehh, blink can only go as far as the screen.
  515. [23:26] <Astraltor-> it's like
  516. [23:26] <Astraltor-> a whole nother game
  517. [23:26] <StarryCrosser> Sure, changing your zoom helps
  518. [23:26] <StarryCrosser> but unless you have crazy resolution, you don't go TOO far.
  520. [23:27] <Astraltor-> the thing with blink is that it's very very fast
  521. [23:27] <StarryCrosser> But yeah, atleast in Enraged Koala, Bubble Boost turns me into a bubble-farting SANIK
  522. [23:27] <MontagueMGM> Are pokéballs still there?
  523. [23:27] <Astraltor-> yes they are
  524. [23:27] <Astraltor-> i don't think anything has changed re pokeballs
  525. [23:27] <Astraltor-> also fk ur keyboard and its fancy e
  526. [23:28] <StarryCrosser> The Monster Catching station is still how you summon the Jelly Boss, right?
  527. [23:28] <MontagueMGM> alt+130
  528. [23:29] <Astraltor-> StarryCrosser: it's like a whole nother game.
  529. [23:29] <StarryCrosser> Anywho. I can go update to the unstable/nightly version and test if my Bubble Boost thing still works
  531. [23:29] <Astraltor-> lots of things have changed
  532. [23:29] <Astraltor-> noo
  533. [23:29] <Astraltor-> don't go yet
  534. [23:29] <StarryCrosser> I've played it a little.
  535. [23:29] <StarryCrosser> I wanted to see how Novakids were
  536. [23:29] <Astraltor-> first, back up your save files (players and universe)
  537. [23:29] <StarryCrosser> but didn't go past tier one.
  538. [23:29] <StarryCrosser> Uh, duh?
  539. [23:29] <Astraltor-> ok so you know the drill
  540. [23:29] <StarryCrosser> I play with mods, come on.
  541. [23:29] <Stormyfacade> I personally prefer blink over the dash at times unless I use pulse jump, makes surface movement so fast if you time both right
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