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a guest
Aug 8th, 2015
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  1. 0;""
  2. 1;""
  3. 2;""
  4. 3;""
  5. 4;""
  6. 5;""
  7. 6;""
  8. 7;""
  9. 8;"Tahoma"
  10. 9;"Arial Narrow"
  11. 10;"Eqp"
  12. 11;"Setup"
  13. 12;"Aprendiz"
  14. 13;"Guerreiro"
  15. 14;"Arqueiro"
  16. 15;"Gatuno"
  17. 16;"Pirata"
  18. 17;"¸Å´ÏÀú"
  19. 18;"Cavaleiros Cygnus"
  20. 19;"Disponível para"
  21. 20;"SuperGM"
  22. 21;"MWLB"
  23. 22;"Guerreiro"
  24. 23;"Soldado"
  25. 24;"Templário"
  26. 25;"Herói"
  27. 26;"Escudeiro"
  28. 27;"Cavaleiro Branco"
  29. 28;"Paladino"
  30. 29;"Lanceiro"
  31. 30;"Cavaleiro Draconiano"
  32. 31;"Cavaleiro Negro"
  33. 32;"Feiticeiro"
  34. 33;"Mago"
  35. 34;"Arquimago"
  36. 35;"Feiticeiro (Fogo,Veneno)"
  37. 36;"Mago(Fogo,Veneno)"
  38. 37;"Arquimago(Fogo,Veneno)"
  39. 38;"Feiticeiro(Gelo,Luz)"
  40. 39;"Mago(Gelo,Luz)"
  41. 40;"Arquimago(Gelo,Luz)"
  42. 41;"Clérigo"
  43. 42;"Sacerdote"
  44. 43;"Sumo Sacerdote"
  45. 44;"Arqueiro"
  46. 45;"Caçador"
  47. 46;"Rastreador"
  48. 47;"Mestre Arqueiro"
  49. 48;"Balestreiro"
  50. 49;"Atirador"
  51. 50;"Atirador de Elite"
  52. 51;"Gatuno"
  53. 52;"Mercenário"
  54. 53;"Andarilho"
  55. 54;"Lorde Negro"
  56. 55;"Arruaceiro"
  57. 56;"Mestre Arruaceiro"
  58. 57;"Mestre das sombras"
  59. 58;"Lutador"
  60. 59;"Saqueador"
  61. 60;"Bucaneiro"
  62. 61;"Pistoleiro"
  63. 62;"Foragido"
  64. 63;"Corsário"
  65. 64;"Noblesse"
  66. 65;"Há muitas requisições no servidor agora, tente mais tarde."
  67. 66;"Você não pode fazer isso, uma vez que está morto."
  68. 67;"Você vai voltar para o menu principal?"
  69. 68;"Pressione o botão de checar primeiro\r\ne veja se o nome está disponível."
  70. 69;"Seu SSN não corresponde.\r\nTente novamente."
  71. 70;"Você não pode criar mais personagens."
  72. 71;"Você tem certeza de que quer deletar este personagem?"
  73. 72;"[Aviso]\r\nSe seu nome conter linguagem obscena ou similar,\r\nsua conta poderá ser bloqueada."
  74. 73;"O nome '%s' já está sendo usado."
  75. 74;"O nome '%s' Está disponível."
  78. 77;"O canal que você selecionou está indisponível.\r\n Por favor, selecione outro ou tente novamente."
  79. 78;"The connection has been lost. Please try again later. \r\nIf this error occurs again, please visit (GameGuard website) for more information."
  80. 79;"There was an error trying to connect to the game server.\r\nPlease try again later."
  81. 80;"Impossibilitado de conectar ao servidor de login. Estamos em manutenção, ou o seu firewall está bloqueando, ou outro erro de rede. \r\n Por favor, cheque a página do MapleStory para saber se estamos em manutenção."
  82. 81;"Cheque o quadro de notícias do Maple."
  83. 82;"Você foi desconectado do servidor de login.\r\nTente novamente."
  84. 83;"Sem memórias suficiente para executar MapleStory."
  85. 84;"Não encontramos os arquivos do jogo no seu computador. Refaça o download em nosso site."
  86. 85;"O client está desatualizado. Obtenha um novo em nosso site."
  87. 86;"Aparentemente, alguns arquivos estão faltando na sua instalação.\r\nVisite nosso site e baixe novamente o jogo."
  88. 87;"O client está desatualizado. Obtenha um novo em nosso site."
  89. 88;"Um erro ocorreu ao tentar conectar ao servidor.\r\nTente novamente."
  90. 89;"Um erro foi encontrado devido a outro programa estar compartilhando os mesmos recursos.\r\nFeche outros programas antes de reiniciar o jogo."
  91. 90;"Um erro foi encontrado devido a outro programa estar compartilhando os mesmos recursos.\r\nFeche outros programas antes de reiniciar o jogo."
  92. 91;"IP indisponível ou \r\nvocê já utilizou todo seu tempo de jogo hoje."
  93. 92;""
  94. 93;"Por favor, refaça o download de MapleStory."
  95. 94;"MapleStory Error : Actionframe loadmappper failed."
  96. 95;"MapleStory Error : Loading employee failed."
  97. 96;"MapleStory Error : Loading mob failed."
  98. 97;"MapleStory Error : Loading morph failed."
  99. 98;"MapleStory Error : Loading NPC failed."
  100. 99;"MapleStory Error : Loading pet failed."
  101. 100;"MapleStory Error : Loading reactor failed."
  102. 101;"MapleStory Error : Loading tamingmob failed."
  103. 102;"MapleStory Error : Sprite commonslot failed."
  104. 103;"MapleStory Error : Sprite init failed(empty)."
  105. 104;"MapleStory Error : Sprite init failed(unknown)."
  106. 105;"MapleStory Error : MapleTV init failed."
  107. 106;"MapleStory Error : QuestMan init failed."
  108. 107;"MapleStory Error : iteminfo error."
  109. 108;"MapleStory Error : skillinfo error."
  110. 109;"MapleStory Error : Loading mobskill failed."
  111. 110;"MapleStory Error : Loading commodity failed."
  112. 111;"MapleStory Error : Loading package failed."
  113. 112;"MapleStory Error : Cashshop failed(type1)."
  114. 113;"MapleStory Error : Cashshop failed(type2)."
  115. 114;"MapleStory Error : DraggableItem error."
  116. 115;"MapleStory Error : Employee error."
  117. 116;"MapleStory Error : Mob error."
  118. 117;"MapleStory Error : NPC error."
  119. 118;"MapleStory Error : Pet error."
  120. 119;"MapleStory Error : Summoned error."
  121. 120;"MapleStory Error : ActionMan error(type1)."
  122. 121;"MapleStory Error : ActionMan error(type2)."
  123. 122;"/sussurrar"
  124. 123;"/grupo"
  125. 124;"/amigos"
  126. 125;"/clã"
  127. 126;"/aliança"
  128. 127;"/casal"
  129. 128;"/todos"
  130. 129;"/encontrar"
  131. 130;"/trocar"
  132. 131;"/loja"
  133. 132;"/moveritem"
  134. 133;"/infogrupo"
  135. 134;"/criargrupo"
  136. 135;"/deixargrupo"
  137. 136;"/convidargrupo"
  138. 137;"/removerdogrupo"
  139. 138;"/procurargrupo"
  140. 139;"/infoclã"
  141. 140;"/deixarclã"
  142. 141;"/convidarclã"
  143. 142;"/removerdoclã"
  144. 143;"/vomit"
  145. 144;"/oops"
  146. 145;"/convidar"
  147. 146;"/pet"
  148. 147;"Tente novamente."
  149. 148;"Não disponível em uma conta Admin."
  150. 149;"Não disponível em uma conta MWLB."
  151. 150;"Não disponível"
  152. 151;"Você sussurrou para '%s'"
  153. 152;"Impossível encontrar '%s'"
  154. 153;"'%s' está em '%s'."
  155. 154;"'%s' está na loja."
  156. 155;"'%s' está atualmente em '%s'."
  157. 156;"'%s' está em um mapa de evento."
  158. 157;"'%s' desabilitou sussuros."
  159. 158;"O grupo não existe ou não há membros do grupo onlines."
  160. 159;"Você não está casado(a), ou seu esposo(a) não está online."
  161. 160;"Você não tem amigos disponíveis para conversar."
  162. 161;"Você não está em um clã ou todos os membros estão offline."
  163. 162;"Você bloqueou o acesso."
  164. 163;"O bloqueio falhou."
  165. 164;"O desbloqueio foi realizado"
  166. 165;"O comando foi digitado errado, por favor verifique-o."
  167. 166;"O desbloqueio foi realizado."
  168. 167;"Você removeu com êxito o nome dos ranks."
  169. 168;"Você digitou um nome de personagem inválido."
  170. 169;"Você não conseguiu retirar-se do rank."
  171. 170;"Você digitou um nome de NPC errado ou"
  172. 171;"Sua requisição falhou."
  173. 172;"Renomeado com êxito."
  174. 173;"Renomeação falhou - Não foi possível encontrar a loja."
  175. 174;"Vendedor localizado em : %s"
  176. 175;"Não foi possível encontrar o vendedor."
  177. 176;"/resetmap"
  178. 177;"/quiz"
  179. 178;"/answer"
  180. 179;"/check"
  181. 180;"/expel"
  182. 181;"/explain"
  183. 182;"/start"
  184. 183;"/reset"
  185. 184;"/divideteam"
  186. 185;"/omok"
  187. 186;"/memorygame"
  188. 187;"/prize"
  189. 188;"/senduser"
  190. 189;"/giveprize"
  191. 190;"/matchtable"
  192. 191;"/u"
  193. 192;"/send"
  194. 193;"/lithharbor"
  195. 194;"/ludibrium"
  196. 195;"/orbis"
  197. 196;"/southperry"
  198. 197;"/ola10"
  199. 198;"/ola11"
  200. 199;"/ola12"
  201. 200;"/ola20"
  202. 201;"/ola21"
  203. 202;"/ola22"
  204. 203;"/ola30"
  205. 204;"/ola31"
  206. 205;"/ola32"
  207. 206;"/ola40"
  208. 207;"/ola41"
  209. 208;"/ola42"
  210. 209;"/ola50"
  211. 210;"/ola51"
  212. 211;"/ola52"
  213. 212;"/fitness1"
  214. 213;"/fitness2"
  215. 214;"/fitness3"
  216. 215;"/fitness4"
  217. 216;"/ox"
  218. 217;"/coconut1"
  219. 218;"/coconut2"
  220. 219;"/coconut3"
  221. 220;"/cokeseason1"
  222. 221;"/cokeseason2"
  223. 222;"/cokeseason3"
  224. 223;"/level1"
  225. 224;"/level2"
  226. 225;"/level3"
  227. 226;"/level4"
  228. 227;"/level5"
  229. 228;"/level6"
  230. 229;"/level7"
  231. 230;"/level8"
  232. 231;"/package1"
  233. 232;"/package2"
  234. 233;"/Pointer00"
  235. 234;"/Pointer01"
  236. 235;"/Pointer02"
  237. 236;"/Pointer03"
  238. 237;"/Pointer04"
  239. 238;"/noticeHe"
  240. 239;"/noticeEl"
  241. 240;"/noticePe"
  242. 241;"/noticeKC"
  243. 242;"/noticeLH"
  244. 243;"/noticeOr"
  245. 244;"/noticeLu"
  246. 245;"/noticeFo"
  247. 246;"/crisp"
  248. 247;"ATENÇÃO! Aqui é Athena Pierce! Uma horda de monstros invadiu Henesys! Todos os bravos guerreiros estão ordenados para Henesys imediatamente! Vamos à guerra!!"
  249. 248;"Atenção! Aqui é Grendel o muito velho! Uma horda de monstros invadiu Ellinia! Todos os bravos guerreiros estão ordenados para Ellinia imediatamente! Nós prevaleceremos!"
  250. 249;"ATTENTION! This is Dances with Balrog! A horde of monsters is headed for Perion! All brave warriors are ordered to Perion immediately! May your sword be as strong as your will!"
  251. 250;"ATTENTION! This is the Dark Lord! A horde of monsters is headed for Kerning City! All brave warriors are ordered to Kerning City immediately! Let us teach our enemies the folly of their actions!"
  252. 251;"ATTENTION! This is Vikin! A horde of monsters is headed for Lith Harbor! All brave warriors are ordered to Lith Harbor immediately! It's battle time!"
  253. 252;"ATTENTION! This is Ericson! A horde of monsters is headed for Orbis! All brave warriors are ordered to Orbis immediately! Fight hard, fight well!"
  254. 253;"ATTENTION! This is Marcel! A horde of monsters is headed for Ludibrium! All brave warriors are ordered to Ludibrium immediately! Show these punks we don't toy around!"
  255. 254;"ATTENTION! This is a distress call! A horde of monsters is headed for Folk Town! All brave warriors are ordered to Folk Town immediately! May the spirit of the Maple Tree guide your weapon!"
  256. 255;"/startnotice"
  257. 256;"/endnotice"
  258. 257;"The monsters have begun a ruthless assault! Stand your ground, hold the line and protect the town!"
  259. 258;"Excellent work! The town has withstood the invasion of the monsters unscathed, thanks to your superior battle skills. If you're the person that collected ""The Force of Darkness,"" please head to the Maple Administrator located near you. We thank you again!"
  260. 259;"/open"
  261. 260;"/alertm"
  262. 261;"/noticem"
  263. 262;"/maple"
  264. 263;"/story"
  265. 264;"/findhm"
  266. 265;" /end"
  267. 266;"Você não pode fazer isso agora.\r\nDescanse e tente novamente."
  268. 267;"Você está em um lugar onde\r\no mapa não está disponível."
  269. 268;"Mapa indisponível"
  270. 269;"Mapa indisponível."
  271. 270;"Este NPC esta localizado em um ponto não\r\ndisponível no mapa."
  272. 271;"Digite os seus comentários através do megafone."
  273. 272;"Não e permitido praguejar."
  274. 273;"Use o megafone em texto de até 60 caracteres."
  275. 274;"O efeito está acontecendo agora.\r\nTente novamente."
  276. 275;"Você não pode usar isto na Ilha Maple."
  277. 276;"Você não pode usar isto neste mapa."
  278. 277;"Você não pode fazer isto neste mapa'."
  279. 278;"Você não pode ir para outra ilha."
  280. 279;"Muito interesse pode dificultar o processo de treino.\r\n\r\nvocê realmente vai invocar o monstro?"
  281. 280;"Você não pode conversar agora."
  282. 281;"Você ganhou experiência (+%d)"
  283. 282;"Bônus EXP de Lan House (+%d)"
  284. 283;"Bônus EXP de evento (+%d)"
  285. 284;"Bônus EXP de casamento (+%d)"
  286. 285;"Bônus EXP por equipar item (+%d)"
  287. 286;"Ganhou Bônus EXP de 'Espírito Semana de Eventos'. (+%d)"
  288. 287;"As próximas %d missões completadas incluirão bônus adidionais de EXP de evento."
  289. 288;"Você ganhou fama. (+%d)"
  290. 289;"Você perdeu fama (%d)"
  291. 290;"Você ganhhou mesos (+%d)"
  292. 291;"Bônus meso de Lan House (+%d)"
  293. 292;"Você perdeu mesos. (%d)"
  294. 293;"Você perdeu itens (%s %d)"
  295. 294;"Você perdeu um item (%s)"
  296. 295;"Você não pode ter mais itens."
  297. 296;"[%s] passou da data de validade e será removido do seu inventário."
  298. 297;"Outras requisições estão em processo.\r\nTente novamente."
  299. 298;"Você subiu o nível de fama de '%s'"
  300. 299;"Você diminuiu o nível de fama de '%s'."
  301. 300;"O nome do usuário foi digitado incorretamente."
  302. 301;"Usuários abaixo do nível 15 não são capazes de alterar a fama."
  303. 302;"Você não pode mais aumentar ou diminuir um nível de fama por hoje."
  304. 303;"Você não pode mais aumentar ou diminuir o nível de fama deste personagem por este mês."
  305. 304;"'%s' aumentou o nível de fama de '%s'."
  306. 305;"'%s' diminuiu o nível de fama de '%s'."
  307. 306;"O nível de fama não foi alterado devido a um erro desconhecido."
  308. 307;"Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
  309. 308;"%s está atualmente bloqueando quaisquer convites para grupo."
  310. 309;"%s rejeitou o convite para o grupo."
  311. 310;"Você criou um novo grupo."
  312. 311;"Você foi expulso do grupo."
  313. 312;"Você deixou o grupo."
  314. 313;"'%s' foi expulso do grupo."
  315. 314;"'%s' deixou o grupo."
  316. 315;"Você deixou o grupo enquanto era líder. O grupo foi desfeito."
  317. 316;"Você deixou o grupo já que o líder saiu."
  318. 317;"Você se juntou ao grupo."
  319. 318;"'%s' se juntou ao grupo."
  320. 319;"Já se juntou a um grupo."
  321. 320;"Um aprendiz não pode criar um grupo."
  322. 321;"Você ainda tem que se juntar a um grupo."
  323. 322;"O grupo no qual você está tentando se juntar já está em sua capacidade máxima."
  324. 323;"Você não é o líder do grupo."
  325. 324;" Você não pode se convidar para o grupo."
  326. 325;"'%s'não é um membro de seu grupo."
  327. 326;"Como GM, você está proibido de criar grupos."
  328. 327;"Como GM, você está proibido de se juntar a um grupo."
  329. 328;"É impossível convidar alguém para o grupo."
  330. 329;"Seu convite para um grupo falhou devido a um erro desconhecido."
  331. 330;"Não foi possível encontrar este personagem neste canal."
  332. 331;"Membro do grupo:"
  333. 332;"Você é o líder do grupo."
  334. 333;"Since the time has exceeded, denial message has been sent to the party leader."
  335. 334;"%s não está aceitando convites para clã."
  336. 335;"%s rejeitou seu convite para o clã."
  337. 336;"%s Você se juntou ao clã."
  338. 337;"Novo clã foi feito."
  339. 338;"Você deixou o clã."
  340. 339;"'%s' foi expulso do clã."
  341. 340;"Personagens deletados foram expulsos."
  342. 341;"'%s' deixou o clã."
  343. 342;"Expulsar '%s' do clã?"
  344. 343;"Gostaria de deixar o clã?"
  345. 344;"'%s'deixou o clã."
  346. 345;"O clã foi desfeito."
  347. 346;"Você entrou no clã."
  348. 347;"'%s' se juntou ao clã."
  349. 348;"Já se juntou ao clã."
  350. 349;"Você não pode fazer um clã devido à limitação mínima de nível."
  351. 350;"Você não está no clã."
  352. 351;"Você não pode deixar o clã, já que é o Mestre."
  353. 352;"O clã que voce está tentando se juntar atingiu o número máximo de membros."
  354. 353;"Aprendizes não podem ser capitães."
  355. 354;"Você não é o Mestre do clã."
  356. 355;"Você não pode se convidar para o clã."
  357. 356;"'%s' Não é um membro do clã."
  358. 357;"Somente o Mestre do clã pode expulsar um Mestre JR."
  359. 358;"Você não pode banir o Mestre do clã."
  360. 359;"Admin não pode fazer um clã."
  361. 360;"Você não pode convidar mais pessoas para o clã."
  362. 361;"A requisição do clã não foi aceita, devido a um erro desconhecido."
  363. 362;"O personagem não pode ser encontrado no canal atual"
  364. 363;"Membro do clã:"
  365. 364;"Você é o Mestre do clã."
  366. 365;"O número máximo de membros no clã foi elevado para %d."
  367. 366;"Impossível encontrar o personagem."
  368. 367;"O amigo já está registrado."
  369. 368;"Você não pode se adicionar como amigo."
  370. 369;"O usuário não está registrado."
  371. 370;"Você não solicitou amizade com este usuário."
  372. 371;"O portal está fechado por agora."
  373. 372;"Você não pode ir para uma ilha diferente."
  374. 373;"Número de canal incorreto."
  375. 374;"You're at the premium service internet cafe.\r\nWhile you're logged on, you'll receive various premium services."
  376. 375;"\r\nWindows 98 users may have trouble playing this game.\r\nWe recommend users to use Windows XP or 2000."
  377. 376;"Oh...você é pessoa que vai cuidar do meu bebê! Você pode me escutar? Eu sou um mago que está no pé da Árvore do Mundo, extraindo a Água da vida daqui. Eu estou falando na sua mente agora.\r\n\r\nEsta criança...é um animal mágico que eu trouxe à vida derramando a Água da Vida sobre o boneco que eu mesmo fiz. Por um longo tempo, eu estive estudando e pesquisando sobre a vida em si, e aprendi uma magia que cria vida. Mas ela só é possível com a Água da Vida...e já que não tenho muito dela, eu só posso dar aquele garoto uma vida por pouco tempo
  378. 377;"Quando o tempo passar e a Água da Vida contida nele secar, ele se tornará um boneco novamente. Sim, é muito lamentável, mas não se preocupe. Se você despejar a Água da Vida de novo sobre ele, ele vai voltar à vida.\r\n\r\n.E para isso, eu coleto a Água da Vida todo dia aqui no fundo da terra. Eu enviei meu aprendiz ai em cima, e quando chegar a hora que você precisar da Água da Vida, vá visitar ele. Não se esqueça que a Água da Vida durará apenas uma vez depois que derramada sobre o boneco...Tome cuidado com isso..."
  379. 378;"O tempo se esgotou, por isso ele não pode se mover."
  380. 379;"Você não pode reviver este mascote.\r\nVocê pode adquirir um novo mascote\r\nna loja."
  381. 380;"Proximidade com mascote aumentada (+%d)"
  382. 381;"Proximidade com mascote diminuída (%d)"
  383. 382;"O mascote voltou para a casa pois estava com fome."
  384. 383;"O tempo mágico do mascote expirou, e por isso ele voltou a ser um bonco."
  385. 384;"Você excedeu o número máximo\r\n de mascotes que podem acompanhar você.\r\nTente novamente depois de\r\nvocê tornar o mascote vivo em um boneco."
  386. 385;"Deseja trocar o seu mascote líder?\r\n (A habilidade ""Ignorar item"" , assim como \r\nas estatísticas de velocidade e pulo\r\nseguirão a do mascote líder)"
  387. 386;"Por favor selecione o mascote que você deseja colocar o equipamento."
  388. 387;"O pergaminho se iluminou e seu misterioso porder foi transferido para o item."
  389. 388;"O pergaminho se iluminou, mas o item continuou como se nada tivesse acontecido"
  390. 389;"O item foi destruído devido ao poder esmagador do pergaminho."
  391. 390;"Deseja tocar <%s> na jukebox?"
  392. 391;"O personagem que você entrou\r\nnão solicitou uma mudança de nome."
  393. 392;"A programação para a viagem é a seguinte."
  394. 393;"Você pode começar a entrar no portão 5 min. até a decolagem."
  395. 394;"A sala já está fechada."
  396. 395;"Você não pode entrar na sala devido à lotação máxima."
  397. 396;"Outras requisições estão sendo processadas agora."
  398. 397;"Você não pode fazer isto enquanto estiver morto."
  399. 398;"Você não pode fazer isto no meio do evento."
  400. 399;"Este personagem é incapaz de fazer isto."
  401. 400;"Você não tem permissão para negociar outros itens neste momento."
  402. 401;"Você não pode abrir uma mini sala aqui."
  403. 402;"Você só pode negociar\r\nse vocês dois estiverem no mesmo mapa."
  404. 403;"'%s' está fazendo outra coisa agora."
  405. 404;"'%s' recusou o convite."
  406. 405;"'%s' não está aceitando quaisquer convites."
  407. 406;"Troca cancelada.\r\npelo outro personagem."
  408. 407;"Troca bem sucessida.\r\nPor favor, verifique os resultados."
  409. 408;"Troca bem sucessida.\r\nRecebido %d mesos com as taxas.\r\nVerifique os resultados."
  410. 409;"Troca malsucedida."
  411. 410;"Você não pode realizar a troca pois\r\nhá itens dos quais você\r\nnão pode segurar mais do que um."
  412. 411;"Você não pode realizar a troca pois\r\na outra pessoal está em um mapa diferente."
  413. 412;"Quanto de dinheiro você vai colocar?"
  414. 413;"Você tem certeza que quer trocar?"
  415. 414;"Por favor, insira o nome da loja.\r\n\r\nSe você se mover antes de abrir a loja,\r\n ela poderá não abrir."
  416. 415;"%d por %s mesos."
  417. 416;"%s mesos."
  418. 417;"A loja está fechada'."
  419. 418;"Os itens estão fora de estoque."
  420. 419;"O número de itens deve basear-se\r\nno número de itens no pacote."
  421. 420;"O valor total é de %d mesos.\r\nDeseja realizar a compra?"
  422. 421;"Você não pode mais vender isto."
  423. 422;"Vender pelo pacote."
  424. 423;"Preço por pacote"
  425. 424;"Preço por unidade."
  426. 425;"Número de itens a vender'."
  427. 426;"Número de itens por pacote."
  428. 427;"O item já foi vendido."
  429. 428;"Você não pode entrar esta loja."
  430. 429;"Deseja banir %s?"
  431. 430;"O personagem foi banido."
  432. 431;"Você foi banido da sala por exceder o tempo limite. Você está bloqueado de entrar novamente nesta loja."
  433. 432;"Por favor insira o nome do jogo que você vai fazer."
  434. 433;"Você não tem mesos suficientes para entrar."
  435. 434;"Você não pode começar o jogo aqui."
  436. 435;"A loja pessoal pode ser aberta apenas\r\nno mercado livre disponível nas cidades principais."
  437. 436;"Você só pode usar isto nas salas 7~22, localizadas no segundo andar em diante na Entrada do Mercado Livre."
  438. 437;"[%s] entrou."
  439. 438;"[%s] saiu."
  440. 439;"[%s] pediu para sair depois deste jogo."
  441. 440;"[%s] cancelou o pedido para sair depois deste jogo."
  442. 441;"[%s] foi expulso."
  443. 442;"Você foi expulso."
  444. 443;"[%s] desistiu."
  445. 444;"[%s] solicitou uma desvantagem."
  446. 445;"Você deixou a sala."
  447. 446;"É a vez de [%s]."
  448. 447;"[%s] combinou cartas. Por favor, continue."
  449. 448;"[%s] não pode começar o jogo devido à falta de mesos."
  450. 449;"O jogo começou."
  451. 450;"O jogo acabou.\r\nA sala será fechada automaticamente em 10 segundos."
  452. 451;"10 seg. restantes."
  453. 452;"A sala está fechada."
  454. 453;"Você ganhouo."
  455. 454;"Empatou."
  456. 455;"Você perdeu."
  457. 456;"Tem certeza de que quer desistir?"
  458. 457;"Deseja expulsar o usuário?"
  459. 458;"Seu oponente solicitou um empate.\r\nQuer aceitar?"
  460. 459;"Deseja solicitar um empate?"
  461. 460;"Seu oponente negou a solicitação de empate."
  462. 461;"Você só pode solicitar uma desvantagem uma vez por jogo."
  463. 462;"Seu oponente solicitou \r\nretirar seu último movimento.\r\nVocê aceita?"
  464. 463;"Solicitar a retirada do último movimento?"
  465. 464;"Seu oponente nego seu pedido."
  466. 465;"Você deseja sair depois deste jogo?"
  467. 466;"Você quer cancelar a solicitação\r\nde deixar após este jogo?"
  468. 467;"Tempo restante : %d seg."
  469. 468;"É a vez de [ %s ]."
  470. 469;"Tem certeza que deseja sair?"
  471. 470;"Por favor, insira a senha."
  472. 471;"Você quer jogar em privado?"
  473. 472;"Você é incapaz de entrar na sala de torneio."
  474. 473;" Você tem duplo-3."
  475. 474;"Você não pode colocar isto aqui'."
  476. 475;"Você não pode voar lá."
  477. 476;"O nome do destinatário está incorreto."
  478. 477;"O movimento foi bem sucedido. Verifique os resultados."
  479. 478;"Estou ocupado agora."
  480. 479;"Não é possível transferir personagens na mesma conta."
  481. 480;"O personagem está logado."
  482. 481;"O usuário não tem espaço suficiente no inventário."
  483. 482;"Não há dinheiro ou item para transferir."
  484. 483;"O personagem não está registrado."
  485. 484;"O pedido foi negado por uma razão desconhecida."
  486. 485;"Uma vez que você deletar este item de cash ele\r\ndesaparecerá, e %d%% do preçoda compra, %d,\r\n serão acumulados nos seus MaplePoints.\r\nMaplePoints serão usados para\r\ncomprar outros itens de cash.\r\n.Tem certeza de que deseja deletar este item?\r\n"
  487. 486;"Os itens selecionados serão deletados e\r\nnão serão acumulados MaplePoints.\r\nTem certeza de que deseja deletar este item?\r\n"
  488. 487;"%s adicionando espaços no inventário. (%d NX)\r\nConfirmar compra de espaço?"
  489. 488;"Adicionando espaços para o depósito (%d NX)\r\nTem certeza de que quer adicionar espaços\r\nno seu depósito?"
  490. 489;"Adicionar um espaço para personagem (%d NX)\r\nTem certeza de que quer adicionar outro\r\nespaço para personagem?"
  491. 490;"Você poderá testar este item de graça.\r\nO item de graça estará disponível apenas por um dia e\r\nvocê poderá testa-lo apenas uma vez.\r\nPressione OK para testar este item de graça ou\r\nCANCELAR para comprar este item\r\npor 90 dias."
  492. 491;"O número de espaços solicitado\r\não pode ser adicionado."
  493. 492;"O depósito não pode ser estendido."
  494. 493;"Você não pode adicionar mais espaço para personagens."
  495. 494;"O seu limite de classe não permite\r\nque você use este item. \r\nTem certeza de que deseja compra-lo?"
  496. 495;"O seu limite de nível não permite\r\nque você use este item.\r\nTem certeza de que deseja compra-lo?"
  497. 496;"O seu limite de fama não permite\r\nque você use este item.\r\nTem certeza de que deseja compra-lo??"
  498. 497;"Alguns itens têm limitações que permitem\r\nvocê usar este item."
  499. 498;"Você já tem os itens selecionados.\r\ntem certeza de que deseja compra-los novamente?"
  500. 499;"Você não pode usar este item com\r\na arma que você está usando.\r\nDeseja continuar com a compra?"
  501. 500;"Apenas o mascote de Rudolph pode usar este item."
  502. 501;"\r\nO mascote que você tem atualmente\r\nnão pode usar este item.\r\nTem certeza de que deseja compra-lo?"
  503. 502;"Apenas mascotes podem vestir este item.\r\nTem certeza de que deseja compra-lo?"
  504. 503;"Este item não pode ser usado sem um mascote, e\r\neste item não pode ser usado em um mascote morto.\r\nTem certeza de que deseja compra-lo?"
  505. 504;"\r\nEste item não pode ser utilizado pelo\r\nmascote que você está levando.\r\nTem certeza de que deseja compra-lo?"
  506. 505;"Este é um item que não pode ser utilizado\r\nSe você não tiver a habilidade da\r\nMontaria. Você ainda\r\nquer compra-lo?"
  507. 506;"Tem certeza de que deseja comprar este item?"
  508. 507;"Total %d NX."
  509. 508;"Realizar a compra?"
  510. 509;"A compra falhou."
  511. 510;"Você comprou os seguintes itens.\r\n(Alguns itens não foram comprados)"
  512. 511;"Por favor, insira o nome do personagem a receber o presente.\r\nApenas personagens no mesmo mundo serão aceitos para receber o presente."
  513. 512;"%s (%d NX)\r\nDeseja comprar este item de presente para\r\n'%s'?"
  514. 513;"Verifique seu SSN e \r\ntente novamente."
  515. 514;"Verifique sua data de nascimento\r\ne tente novamente."
  516. 515;"Verifique sua ID e\r\ntente novamente."
  517. 516;"Você não pode usar este nome. \r\nTente novamente."
  518. 517;"Este nome já está sendo utilizado. \r\nUtilize outro nome."
  519. 518;"Este nome pode ser utilizado. \r\nSe você deseja usar este nome,\r\npressione OK."
  520. 519;"Este nome é o mesmo do seu atual. \r\nPor favor, use outro nome."
  521. 520;"Pressione o botão VERIFICAR \r\npara verificar se você pode usar\r\neste nome de personagem."
  522. 521;"A mudança de nome já foi solicitada \r\ndevido à compra do item"
  523. 522;"Há limitações sobre o pedido.\r\nVerifique se você foi banido recentemente \r\ndentro de 3 mêses."
  524. 523;"Há limitações sobre o pedido.\r\Verifique se você não solicitou\r\npela troca de nome dentro de 1 mês."
  525. 524;"Não haverá qualquer reembolso \r\npor cancelar o pedido."
  526. 525;"Tem certeza de que deseja cancelar \r\na troca de nome?"
  527. 526;"A sua solicitação de mudança \r\nde nome foi enviada."
  528. 527;"Você já tem este item na sua lista de desejos."
  529. 528;"Sua lista de desejos está cheia."
  530. 529;"Você realizou a compra com sucesso."
  531. 530;"Você deu '%s'\r\n %d [ %s ]."
  532. 531;"Você adicionou espaços no seu inventário."
  533. 532;"Você adicionou espaço para um novo personagem."
  534. 533;"O item de cash foi deletado."
  535. 534;"Solicitação expirada.\r\nTente novamente."
  536. 535;"Você não tem cash suficiente."
  537. 536;"Você não pode comprar um item de cash para presente se você for menor que 14."
  538. 537;"Você excedeu o limite atribuído de preços\r\npara presentes."
  539. 538;"Verifique se você exceeu o número\r\nde itens de cash que você pode ter."
  540. 539;"Por favor, verifique e veja\r\nse o nome do personagem está incorreto,\r\nou o item tem restrição de idade."
  541. 540;"Você atingiu o número máximo \r\nde compras na loja."
  542. 541;"Devido à restrições de sexo, o cupom \r\nestá indisponível para uso."
  543. 542;"Este cupom já foi usado."
  544. 543;"Este cupom expirou."
  545. 544;"Este cupom pode ser utilizado apenas em\r\nLan Houses afiliadas."
  546. 545;"Este cupom pode ser utilizado apenas em Lan Houses afiliadas.\r\ne já foi utilizado."
  547. 546;"Este cupom pode ser utilizado apenas em Lan Houses afiliadas.\r\ne expirou.."
  548. 547;"Por favor, verifique e veja se \r\no número do cupom foi digitado corretamente."
  549. 548;"Você foi desconectado \r\nda loja \r\nporque você colocou cupons \r\nerrados 3 vezes."
  550. 549;"O cupom expirou."
  551. 550;"O cupom já foi utilizado."
  552. 551;"Este cupom é apenas para itens regulares, e \r\nestá indisponível para dar presentes."
  553. 552;"Este cupom é apenas para MapleStory, e\r\nnão pode ser presenteado para outros."
  554. 553;"Este item só pode ser comprado por usuários em Lan Houses afiliadas."
  555. 554;"Você está enviando presente para um destinatário inválido.\r\nVerifique o nomed o personagem e o sexo."
  556. 555;"Você excedeu o limite de gastos com NX."
  557. 556;"A loja está indisponível \r\ndurante beta-testes.\r\nPedimos desculpas pelo inconveniente."
  558. 557;"Devido a um erro desconhecido,\r\na solicitação para a loja falhou."
  559. 558;"Comprar com MaplePoints."
  560. 559;"Há nomes de personagens repetidos."
  561. 560;"Você quer presentear %d pessoas?"
  562. 561;"Todos os presentes foram enviados.\r\n%d NX \r\nfoi enviado no processo."
  563. 562;"Os presentes não podem ser enviados."
  564. 563;"[ %s ]\r\nfoi enviado para os personagens abaixo.\r\n(Não pôde ser eviado para alguns.)\r\n%d NX foram gastos no processo."
  565. 564;"Vou comprar isto como um presente."
  566. 565;"A exclusão do item só pode funcionar em itens de equipamentos que não têm uma quantidade limitada de tempo para usar."
  567. 566;"Este item não pode ser deletado."
  568. 567;"Item de cash foi deletado.\r\n(%d acumulado como MaplePoints)"
  569. 568;"Esta é a sua lista de desejos."
  570. 569;"Bem-vindo ao MapleShop!!!"
  571. 570;"O item está sendo preparado. Pedimos desculpas pelo inconveniente."
  572. 571;" NX"
  573. 572;"(%d)"
  574. 573;"O item foi adicionado à lista de desejos."
  575. 574;"[MASCOTE]%s"
  576. 575;"Adicionando espaços no depósito"
  577. 576;"Adicionar %d espaços no depósito (Atual: %d espaços)\r\Máximo de 48 espaços disponíveis.%d NX"
  578. 577;"Adicionar %d espaços no depósito (Atual: %d)\r\Máximo de 48 espaços disponíveis."
  579. 578;"Adicionar %s espaços"
  580. 579;"Adicionar %d espaços para %s inventário. (Atual: %d espaços)\r\nMáximo de %d espaços disponíveis.%d NX."
  581. 580;"Adicionar %d espaços para %s inventário. (Atual: %d espaços)\r\nMáximo de %d espaços disponíveis."
  582. 581;"Adicionar um espaçode personagem (Atual : %d espaços)\r\nVocê pode ter até %d espaços'."
  583. 582;"Por favor, digite corratamente o cupom de 30 dígitos."
  584. 583;"Por favor, verifique o nome do destinatário."
  585. 584;"Nome do destinatário."
  586. 585;"Você recebeu"
  587. 586;"\r\n%d %s"
  588. 587;"%d MaplePoints"
  589. 588;"%d mesos"
  590. 589;"Para %s"
  591. 590;"Recarregar NX."
  592. 591;"O item não está a venda agora."
  593. 592;"Tem certeza que deseja sair da Loja?"
  594. 593;"Você não tem NX Prepaid suficiente"
  595. 594;"Um erro desconhecido ocorreu\r\nchecávamos as informações de compra.\r\nEsta informação está disponível na loja."
  596. 595;"Falha ao verificar as informações na Loja Web\r\ndevido a um erro desconhecido com o item de cash.\r\nEsta informação está disponível na Loja do jogo."
  597. 596;"Você não deve trazer mais nenhum item comprado na Loja Web.\r\nVerifique se você não excedeu o número máximo de itens.\r\nA Loja do jogo está disponível."
  598. 597;"Erro encontrado na compra na Loja Web.\r\nUse a Loja do jogo."
  599. 598;"Fortalecimento de jóia"
  600. 599;"Cristal Monstro"
  601. 600;"Desmontar Equipamento"
  602. 601;" ESPADA DE UMA MÃO"
  603. 602;" MACHADO DE UMA MÃO"
  604. 603;" MAÇA DE UMA MÃO"
  605. 604;" ADAGA"
  606. 605;" VARINHA"
  607. 606;" CAJADO"
  608. 607;" ESPADA DE DUAS MÃOS"
  609. 608;" MACHADO DE DUAS MÃOS"
  610. 609;" MAÇA DE DUAS MÃOS"
  611. 610;" LANÇA"
  612. 611;" LANÇA DE BATALHA"
  613. 612;" ARCO"
  614. 613;" BESTA"
  615. 614;" GARRA"
  616. 615;"SOCADEIRA"
  617. 616;"ARMA"
  618. 617;"CHAPÉU"
  620. 619;"ACESSÓRIO DE OLHO"
  621. 620;"BRINCO"
  622. 621;"MACACÃO"
  623. 622;"CASACO"
  624. 623;"CALÇA"
  625. 624;"SAPATOS"
  626. 625;"LUVA"
  627. 626;"CAPA"
  628. 627;"ESCUDO"
  629. 628;"ANEL"
  630. 629;"PINGENTE"
  631. 630;"MEDALHA"
  632. 631;"CINTO"
  633. 632;"Armadura Geral"
  634. 633;"Armamento"
  635. 634;"Armamento de uma mão"
  636. 635;"Armamento de duas mãos"
  637. 636;"Porção"
  638. 637;"Pergaminho de Retorno"
  639. 638;"Armamento & Pergaminho de armadura"
  640. 639;"Flechas, Shurikens, e Munição"
  641. 640;"Dropping"
  642. 641;"Minério"
  643. 642;"Jogo"
  644. 643;"Estimulador & Como Fazer"
  645. 644;" MUITO RÁPIDO"
  646. 645;" RÁPIDO"
  647. 646;" LIGEIRO"
  648. 647;" NORMAL"
  649. 648;" DEVAGAR"
  650. 649;" LENTO"
  651. 650;" MAIS LENTO"
  652. 651;"É UM PRESENTE DE '%s'"
  653. 652;"DISPONÍVEL POR %d DIAS."
  654. 653;"DISPONÍVEL POR 4 HORAS."
  655. 654;"DISPONÍVEL POR %d HORAS."
  656. 655;"UTILIZÁVEL ATÉ %d-%d-%04d EM %02d : %02d"
  658. 657;"ATAQUE COM ARMA :"
  659. 658;"ATAQUE COM MÁGICA :"
  660. 659;"DEFESA COM ARMA. :"
  661. 660;"DEFESA COM MAGICA. :"
  662. 661;"PRECISÃO :"
  663. 662;"ESQUIVA:"
  664. 663;"MAÕS :"
  665. 664;"VELOCIDADE :"
  666. 665;"PULO :"
  667. 666;"Velocidade de natação : +%d"
  668. 667;"TAXA DE KNOCK-BACK :"
  672. 671;"UM PRESENTE DE '%s'"
  673. 672;"UM ANEL DE CASAL COM : %s"
  674. 673;"Este é seu anel de amizade com '%s'."
  675. 674;"[Nível atual %d]"
  676. 675;"[Próximo %d]"
  677. 676;"DIAS DE MÁGICA : %d"
  678. 677;"DIAS DE MÁGICA : %dhrs. %dmin."
  679. 678;"A ÁGUA DA VIDA SECOU."
  680. 679;"A ÁGUA DA VIDA SECOU EM %d-%d-%04d AT %02d : 00"
  681. 680;" %s / %s /%s / premium"
  682. 681;"Amigos Online / Total Amigos Registrados"
  683. 682;"Amigos Offline / Total Amigos Registrados"
  684. 683;"[Amigos Registrados/Máximo Amigos Registrados]"
  685. 684;"Membros do Clã Online / Total Membros do Clã"
  686. 685;"Membros do Clã Offline / Total Membros do Clã"
  687. 686;"Ordenar por Nome"
  688. 687;"Ordenar por Classe"
  689. 688;"Ordenar por Nível"
  690. 689;"Ordenar por Posição"
  691. 690;"Usuários Registrados Atualmente / Capacidade Máxima"
  692. 691;"O usuário está atualmente em um local diferente."
  693. 692;"Item Exclusivo"
  694. 693;"Item de Missão"
  695. 694;"Item de Missão de Grupo"
  696. 695;"Inegociável"
  697. 696;"Pode ser trocado 1 vez (Troca desabilitada após transação)"
  698. 697;"Organizar Espaços"
  699. 698;"Sortear Itens"
  700. 699;"Troca desabilitada quando equipado"
  701. 700;"UI/UIWindow.img/ToolTip/Equip/Dot"
  702. 701;"beginner"
  703. 702;"warrior"
  704. 703;"magician"
  705. 704;"bowman"
  706. 705;"thief"
  707. 706;"pirate"
  708. 707;"buddy"
  709. 708;"Amigos registrados atualmente [%d/%d]"
  710. 709;"Minha Localização - %s"
  711. 710;"Localização de %s'- %s"
  712. 711;"Por favor insira o nome do personagem\r\nque você quer adicionar como amigo."
  713. 712;"Por favor insira o nome do personagem\r\nque você vai convidar para o grupo."
  714. 713;"Tem certeza que você quer deletar\r\n'%s' da lista?"
  715. 714;"%s é"
  716. 715;"logado."
  717. 716;"Você esstá no mesmo canal."
  718. 717;"com %s."
  719. 718;"Loja"
  720. 719;"A solicitação foi negada deviado a um erro desconhecido."
  721. 720;"A lista de amigos está cheia."
  722. 721;"A lista de amigos do usuário está cheia"
  723. 722;"O personagem já está registrado como seu amigo."
  724. 723;"O personagem não está registrado."
  725. 724;"Gamemaster não está disponível para amizade."
  726. 725;"Por favor, coloque o nome do personagem que deseja colocar na lista negra."
  727. 726;"Você não pode se colocar na lista negra"
  728. 727;"O nome do personagem não existe\r\nVerifique novamente"
  729. 728;"Este nome já está registrado\r\nPVerifique novamente"
  730. 729;"Você pode usar isto depois de comprar o Memo."
  731. 730;"Você pode entrar com 2-6 membros de grupo."
  732. 731;"Seu grupo já tem %d ou mais membros."
  733. 732;"Você pode apenas procurar por membros\r\nde grupo com um alcance de 30 níveis."
  734. 733;"Atualmente, o nível máximo em MapleStory\r\né 200!"
  735. 734;"A faixa de nível de busca tem de incluir o seu próprio nível."
  736. 735;"O valor mínimo é maior do que o máximo!"
  737. 736;"Por favor, coloque a classe que você quer no grupo."
  738. 737;"Por favor selecione o item que você deseja fazer primeiro!"
  739. 738;"Você não tem espaço suficiente no seu inventário."
  740. 739;"Você não pode adicionar este item."
  741. 740;"Este item já foi aplicado."
  742. 741;"Você não pode aplicar mais ingredientes."
  743. 742;"Você pode aplicar apenas a Strengthening Gem."
  744. 743;"Você não pode aplicar mais a Strengthening Gem."
  745. 744;"Você não pode aplicar mais de um da mesma Strengthening Gems."
  746. 745;"Você pode apenas usar esta Strengthening Gem em itens de Equipamento."
  747. 746;"Você pode apenas aplicar o estimulador."
  748. 747;"Você pode aplicar apenas 1 estimulador."
  749. 748;"Você não pode aplicar este estimulador."
  750. 749;"Você não pode utilizar este item como ingrediente para fazer o Monster Crystal."
  751. 750;"Produção falhou devido a um erro desconhecido."
  752. 751;"%d de %s foram produzidos."
  753. 752;"Você desmontou com sucesso o %s."
  754. 753;"Falha de produção."
  755. 754;"O item foi destruído."
  756. 755;"Quantas você gostaria de aplicar?"
  757. 756;": Você gostaria de fazer isto?"
  758. 757;"Você gostaria de fazer o Monster Crystal?"
  759. 758;"Você gostaria de desmontar?"
  760. 759;"Você gostaria de fazer ???"
  761. 760;"Aplicar os itens aqui\r\n para fazer o Monster Crystal."
  762. 761;"Aplicar os equipamentos para desmontar aqui\r\n para adquirir o Monster Crystal."
  763. 762;"Por favor insira o nome do personagem que você quer convidar."
  764. 763;"de '%s'"
  765. 764;"Um convite"
  766. 765;"Pedido de amizade"
  767. 766;"Pedido de troca"
  768. 767;"Pedido de grupo"
  769. 768;"Pedido de clã"
  770. 769;"É um convite de família."
  771. 770;"Nova Missão!"
  772. 771;"Missão Completa!"
  773. 772;"Maple"
  774. 773;"Victoria"
  775. 774;"Não há informações sobre a missão"
  776. 775;"Uma conta admin não pode jogar dinheiro."
  777. 776;"- Você enviou o convite para '%s'."
  778. 777;"- '%s' não pode ser encontrado."
  779. 778;"'%s' não está aceitando chat atualmente."
  780. 779;"'%s' recusou o pedido."
  781. 780;"- '%s' convidou você para se juntar à conversa."
  782. 781;"'%s' convidou você para se juntar \r\nà sala de conversa.\r\nVocê quer aceitar?"
  783. 782;"Por favor insira a pessoal que você quer sussurrar."
  784. 783;"ID incorreto."
  785. 784;"Você não pode sussurar para você mesmo."
  786. 785;"Selecione o grupo para sussurar.\r\n"
  787. 786;"Para Todos"
  788. 787;"Para o Grupo"
  789. 788;"Para um Amigo"
  790. 789;"Para Cônjuge"
  791. 790;"Para o Clã"
  792. 791;"Para Grupo"
  793. 792;"Por favor insira a mensagem anexada"
  794. 793;"O mascote já tem um nome.\r\nDesejar muda-lo?"
  795. 794;"Por favor, nomeie o mascote."
  796. 795;"Este nome não está disponível."
  797. 796;"Você quer nomear seu mascote\r\n'%s'?"
  798. 797;"Você vai usar a sacola de meso\r\npara receber %d mesos?"
  799. 798;"Você usou a sacola de meso\r\npara receber %d mesos."
  800. 799;"Você falhou em usar a sacola de mesos."
  801. 800;"[ Ajudante do Mensageiro Maple ]"
  802. 801;"Convidar : /convidar nome-do-personagem"
  803. 802;"Encerrar : /q"
  804. 803;"- '%s' entrou."
  805. 804;"- Você não pôde se juntar à sala de conversa convidada."
  806. 805;"- '%s' deixou a sala."
  807. 806;"- Por favor insira o nome do usuário."
  808. 807;"- O nome do personagem é inválido."
  809. 808;" está digitando."
  810. 809;"O nome do personagem tem de ter pelo menos %d letras."
  811. 810;"O nome do personagem tem de ter menos de %d letras."
  812. 811;"O nome do personagem não deve conter espaços em branco entre as letras."
  813. 812;"Há uma letra que você não pode usar no nome do seu personagem."
  814. 813;"Há uma palavra que você não pode usar no nome do seu personagem."
  815. 814;"O nome não pode ser usado."
  816. 815;"Pasta MapleStory"
  817. 816;"Área de Trabalho"
  818. 817;"Apenas números são permitidos."
  819. 818;"Você só pode entrar um número \r\nigual ou maior que %d."
  820. 819;"Você só pode entrar um número \r\nigual ou menor que %d."
  821. 820;"Por favor insira mais que %d dígitos."
  822. 821;"Por favor insira pelo menos %d caracteres."
  823. 822;"Por uma questão de privacidade, insira seu SSD."
  824. 823;"Por favor digite o nome do clã."
  825. 824;"Não pode ser usado. Verifique novamente."
  826. 825;"Este nome está atualmente em uso. Por favor, use outros."
  827. 826;"Por uma questão de privacidade,\r\ninsira sua data de nascimento.\r\nEx: ano/mês/dia -> 19820911"
  828. 827;"Informação Pessoal."
  829. 828;"Fama +"
  830. 829;"Fama -"
  831. 830;"Pedido de Troca"
  832. 831;"Convidar para o grupo"
  833. 832;"Salvar nome"
  834. 833;"Impossível conectar devido a um erro no sistema."
  835. 834;"O ID foi deletado ou é restrito para ser usado a este ponto."
  836. 835;"O ID não está registrado."
  837. 836;"O ID já está online,\r\n ou o servidor está em manutenção agora."
  838. 837;"Salvar endereço de e-mail"
  839. 838;"O endereço de e-mail preisa ter pelo menos %d letras."
  840. 839;"O endereço de email precisa ter mais de %d letras."
  841. 840;"Todo endereço de email deve conter ""@"".\r\n(ex)"
  842. 841;"Todo endereço de email deve conter "".""\r\n(ex)"
  843. 842;"A senha precisa ter mais do que %d letras."
  844. 843;"Você precisa ser acima de 20 para entrar."
  845. 844;"Você não está autorizado para Lan House."
  846. 845;"O máximo de usuários permitidos para este ip foi excedida."
  847. 846;"O IP quebra o contrato."
  848. 847;"Não é uma hora disponível para jogar este jogo"
  849. 848;"Tem certeza que deseja comprar isto?"
  850. 849;"Quantos você está disposto a comprar?"
  851. 850;"Tem certeza de que quer vendê-lo?"
  852. 851;"Quantos você está disposto a vender?"
  853. 852;"Você não tem o suficiente em estoque."
  854. 853;"Por favor verifique se seu inventário está cheio ou não."
  855. 854;"Você não pode transportar mais do que uma unidade deste item."
  856. 855;"Devido a um erro desconhecido, a troca não foi concretizada."
  857. 856;"%s meso / recarga : %d"
  858. 857;"Tem certeza de que deseja recarregar?"
  859. 858;"Você tem certeza que quer \r\nrecuperar o item do depósito?"
  860. 859;"Recuperar os itens custará %d mesos.\r\nTem certeza de que você deseja recuperá-los?"
  861. 860;"Tem certeza de que deseja guardar o item?"
  862. 861;"Guardar isto custará %d mesos.\r\nTem certeza de que você deseja guarda-lo?"
  863. 862;"Quanto você vai guardar?"
  864. 863;"Quanto você vai retirar?"
  865. 864;"Quanto você vai economizar?"
  866. 865;"O armazem está cheio."
  867. 866;"O item não pode ser recuperado\r\nporque é um item que\r\nsó pode ser adquirido uma vez."
  868. 867;"Você não poderá negociar este item depois de equipa-lo.\r\n Tem certeza de que deseja equipa-lo?"
  869. 868;"Suas estatísticas são muito baixas para equipar este item."
  870. 869;"Apenas um anel de casal pode ser usado."
  871. 870;"Você deverá equipar apenas\r\num anel de amizade por vez."
  872. 871;"Você precisa equipar um item\r\npara usar isso."
  873. 872;"Você só pode vestir isso\r\nquando estiver usando um escudo."
  874. 873;"Você deve ter uma montaria\r\npara equipar isso."
  875. 874;"Você deve estar equipado com uma sela\r\npara equipar isso."
  876. 875;"Este item não está disponível com armamento\r\nque você está usando."
  877. 876;"Você não pode usar este item com o\r\nitem de cash que você está equipado atualmente.\r\nRetire o item e tente novamente."
  878. 877;"Este item não pode ser equipado com seu mascote atual."
  879. 878;"Você não pode mudar seu equipamento neste mapa."
  880. 879;"Você atualmente não tem um mascote vivo."
  881. 880;"O mascote é incapaz de utilizar o item."
  882. 881;"O admin não pode soltar itens."
  883. 882;"Você não pode soltar este item."
  884. 883;"Você não pode alterar suas estatísticas neste mapa."
  885. 884;"Você não pode utilizar esta habilidade neste mapa."
  886. 885;"Quanto você vai soltar?"
  887. 886;"Este item está indisponível para negociar com outros."
  888. 887;"Quanto você vai negociar?"
  889. 888;"[Bem-Vindo] Bem-vindo ao MapleStory!!"
  890. 889;"[DicaMaple]"
  891. 890;"[Notícia]"
  892. 891;"Repetir a mesma linha muitas vezes\r\npode afetar negativamente outros usuários."
  893. 892;"Muita conversa pode atrapalhar\r\noutros jogadores."
  894. 893;"Você está bloqueado de conversar."
  895. 894;"Jan"
  896. 895;"Fev"
  897. 896;"Mar"
  898. 897;"Abr"
  899. 898;"Mai"
  900. 899;"Jun"
  901. 900;"Jul"
  902. 901;"Ago"
  903. 902;"Set"
  904. 903;"Out"
  905. 904;"Nov"
  906. 905;"Dez"
  907. 906;"Incapaz de conectar."
  908. 907;"Tempo restante: %02d min. %02d sec."
  909. 908;"Você é incapaz de sussurrar no mapa de eventos."
  910. 909;"[Resposta:"
  911. 910;"Não foi possível iniciar devido à falta de número de usuários."
  912. 911;"O prêmio ainda não definido."
  913. 912;"Parabéns! Você chegou ao round %d."
  914. 913;"Parabéns! Você chegou à final."
  915. 914;"Parabéns, Você é o CAMPEÃO!!!"
  916. 915;"Você configurou com êxito o prêmio."
  917. 916;"Você falhou em configurar o prêmio.\r\nVerifique o número do item novamente."
  918. 917;"--------PRIZE--------\r\n1º : %s\r\n 2º : %s"
  919. 918;"%s %02d:%02d %02d sec."
  920. 919;"Devido a um erro no patch, a instalação será interrompida agora. Baixe a mais nova versão do client."
  921. 920;"Did you enjoy your time with MapleStory?\r\n\r\nIf the screen turned pitch-black\r\nor you see warnings such as the monitor frequency being over the range,\r\n\r\nthen go to[start->program->MapleStory->Setup] to set-up your frequency level."
  922. 921;"#eConfiguração básica para MapleStory#n\r\n\r\n#fUI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx/notice#"
  923. 922;"----------------- AJUDA -----------------"
  924. 923;"/infogrupo : Mostra a informação sobre o grupo."
  925. 924;"/criargrupo : cria um novo grupo"
  926. 925;"/deixargrupo : Se você é membro de um grupo, isso vai deixa-lo sair.."
  927. 926;"/convidargrupo nome-do-personagem : convida para seu grupo (apenas para o líder do grupo)"
  928. 927;"/removerdogrupo nome-do-personagem: Expulsa alguém do grupo (apenas par ao líder do grupo)"
  929. 928;"/infoclã : Mostra as informações sobre o clã"
  930. 929;"/deixarclã : Deixa o clã"
  931. 930;"/convidarclã : Convida o usuário para o clã (disponível apenas para o Mestre)"
  932. 931;"/expulsarclã : Expulsa alguém do clã (disponível apenas para o Mestre)"
  933. 932;"/encontrar nome-do-personagem : Dá informação a respeito do personagem, onde ele está e se está off-line."
  934. 933;"/trocar nome-do-personagem: Solicita para trocar itens do jogo."
  935. 934;"/tradecash Charactername: Request to trade cash items."
  936. 935;"/amigos: Falar com seu amigo."
  937. 936;"/grupo: Falar com membros do grupo."
  938. 937;"/clã: Falar com membros do clã."
  939. 938;"/sussurar nome-do-personagem: Sussura com alguém (se nenhum nome for definido, será enviado para o último contato)."
  940. 939;"/todos: Conversa regular, não sussurrar."
  941. 940;"* Open up the chat window and press tab, or close the chat window and"
  942. 941;"Selecione...."
  943. 942;"Masculino"
  944. 943;"Feminino"
  945. 944;"dhlrPdlsqjwjs"
  946. 945;"WvsClientMtx"
  947. 946;"cmap.img"
  948. 947;"cmap.img/%d"
  949. 948;"smap.img"
  950. 949;"zmap.img"
  951. 950;"map"
  952. 951;"NexonADBallon"
  953. 952;"NexonADBrowser"
  954. 953;"ad."
  955. 954;"Mob/%07d.img"
  956. 955;"Npc/%07d.img"
  957. 956;"Canvas"
  958. 957;"Property"
  959. 958;"Shape2D#Vector2D"
  960. 959;"origin"
  961. 960;"default"
  962. 961;"info"
  963. 962;"link"
  964. 963;"z0"
  965. 964;"z1"
  966. 965;"%u"
  967. 966;"%s%s"
  968. 967;"\n"
  969. 968;"Effect/BasicEff.img"
  970. 969;"NoRed0"
  971. 970;"NoRed1"
  972. 971;"NoBlue0"
  973. 972;"NoBlue1"
  974. 973;"NoViolet0"
  975. 974;"NoViolet1"
  976. 975;"NoCri0"
  977. 976;"NoCri1"
  978. 977;"x"
  979. 978;"y"
  980. 979;"z"
  981. 980;"fall"
  982. 981;"duration"
  983. 982;"fixed"
  984. 983;"bullet"
  985. 984;"Miss"
  986. 985;"Effect/Quest.img/%d"
  987. 986;"Etc/EmotionEffect/%s"
  988. 987;"blink"
  989. 988;"smile"
  990. 989;"troubled"
  991. 990;"angry"
  992. 991;"bewildered"
  993. 992;"stunned"
  994. 993;"vomit"
  995. 994;"oops"
  996. 995;"cheers"
  997. 996;"chu"
  998. 997;"wink"
  999. 998;"pain"
  1000. 999;"glitter"
  1001. 1000;"blaze"
  1002. 1001;"shine"
  1003. 1002;"love"
  1004. 1003;"despair"
  1005. 1004;"hum"
  1006. 1005;"bowing"
  1007. 1006;"dam"
  1008. 1007;"angry_short"
  1009. 1008;"walk1"
  1010. 1009;"walk2"
  1011. 1010;"alert"
  1012. 1011;"alert2"
  1013. 1012;"swingO1"
  1014. 1013;"swingO2"
  1015. 1014;"swingO3"
  1016. 1015;"swingOF"
  1017. 1016;"swingT1"
  1018. 1017;"swingT2"
  1019. 1018;"swingT3"
  1020. 1019;"swingTF"
  1021. 1020;"swingP1"
  1022. 1021;"swingP2"
  1023. 1022;"swingPF"
  1024. 1023;"stabO1"
  1025. 1024;"stabO2"
  1026. 1025;"stabOF"
  1027. 1026;"stabT1"
  1028. 1027;"stabT2"
  1029. 1028;"stabTF"
  1030. 1029;"proneStab"
  1031. 1030;"prone"
  1032. 1031;"shoot1"
  1033. 1032;"shoot2"
  1034. 1033;"shoot6"
  1035. 1034;"shootF"
  1036. 1035;"stand"
  1037. 1036;"stand0"
  1038. 1037;"stand1"
  1039. 1038;"stand2"
  1040. 1039;"stand3"
  1041. 1040;"fly"
  1042. 1041;"ladder"
  1043. 1042;"ladder2"
  1044. 1043;"rope"
  1045. 1044;"rope2"
  1046. 1045;"sit"
  1047. 1046;"tired"
  1048. 1047;"savage"
  1049. 1048;"magic1"
  1050. 1049;"throw"
  1051. 1050;"ball"
  1052. 1051;"ball1"
  1053. 1052;"ball2"
  1054. 1053;"hit1"
  1055. 1054;"hit2"
  1056. 1055;"hitF"
  1057. 1056;"attack1"
  1058. 1057;"attack2"
  1059. 1058;"attack3"
  1060. 1059;"attack4"
  1061. 1060;"attack5"
  1062. 1061;"attack6"
  1063. 1062;"attack7"
  1064. 1063;"attack8"
  1065. 1064;"attackF"
  1066. 1065;"die"
  1067. 1066;"die1"
  1068. 1067;"die2"
  1069. 1068;"dieF"
  1070. 1069;"bomb"
  1071. 1070;"rest0"
  1072. 1071;"rest1"
  1073. 1072;"hungry"
  1074. 1073;"hang"
  1075. 1074;"brow"
  1076. 1075;"navel"
  1077. 1076;"face"
  1078. 1077;"muzzle"
  1079. 1078;"act"
  1080. 1079;"frame"
  1081. 1080;"summoned"
  1082. 1081;"alert3"
  1083. 1082;"alert4"
  1084. 1083;"alert5"
  1085. 1084;"avenger"
  1086. 1085;"assaulter"
  1087. 1086;"burster1"
  1088. 1087;"burster2"
  1089. 1088;"prone2"
  1090. 1089;"assassination"
  1091. 1090;"assassinationS"
  1092. 1091;"rush"
  1093. 1092;"rush2"
  1094. 1093;"handgun"
  1095. 1094;"somersault"
  1096. 1095;"straight"
  1097. 1096;"eburster"
  1098. 1097;"backspin"
  1099. 1098;"eorb"
  1100. 1099;"screw"
  1101. 1100;"doubleupper"
  1102. 1101;"dragonstrike"
  1103. 1102;"doublefire"
  1104. 1103;"triplefire"
  1105. 1104;"fake"
  1106. 1105;"airstrike"
  1107. 1106;"edrain"
  1108. 1107;"octopus"
  1109. 1108;"backstep"
  1110. 1109;"shot"
  1111. 1110;"shockwave"
  1112. 1111;"demolition"
  1113. 1112;"magnumshot"
  1114. 1113;"windshot"
  1115. 1114;"snatch"
  1116. 1115;"fireburner"
  1117. 1116;"coolingeffect"
  1118. 1117;"fist"
  1119. 1118;"timeleap"
  1120. 1119;"rapidfire"
  1121. 1120;"homing"
  1122. 1121;"ghostwalk"
  1123. 1122;"ghoststand"
  1124. 1123;"ghostjump"
  1125. 1124;"ghostproneStab"
  1126. 1125;"ghostladder"
  1127. 1126;"ghostrope"
  1128. 1127;"ghostfly"
  1129. 1128;"ghostsit"
  1130. 1129;"cannon"
  1131. 1130;"torpedo"
  1132. 1131;"darksight"
  1133. 1132;"bamboo"
  1134. 1133;"wave"
  1135. 1134;"blade"
  1136. 1135;"soulblow"
  1137. 1136;"firestrike"
  1138. 1137;"firecurtain"
  1139. 1138;"stormbreath"
  1140. 1139;"vampire"
  1141. 1140;"islot"
  1142. 1141;"vslot"
  1143. 1142;"sfx"
  1144. 1143;"afterImage"
  1145. 1144;"walk"
  1146. 1145;"attack"
  1147. 1146;"attackSpeed"
  1148. 1147;"zigzag"
  1149. 1148;"hairShade"
  1150. 1149;"H4H5"
  1151. 1150;"weekly"
  1152. 1151;"_ship"
  1153. 1152;"beast"
  1154. 1153;"dragon"
  1155. 1154;"etc"
  1156. 1155;"GameObject"
  1157. 1156;"Creature"
  1158. 1157;"User"
  1159. 1158;"Patcher.exe"
  1160. 1159;"NewPatcher.exe"
  1161. 1160;"NewPatcher.chk"
  1162. 1161;""
  1163. 1162;"MapleStoryClass"
  1164. 1163;"MapleStory"
  1165. 1164;"BrowserControlPane::SaveObject\n"
  1166. 1165;"BrowserControlPane::GetMoniker\n"
  1167. 1166;"BrowserControlPane::GetContainer\n"
  1168. 1167;"BrowserControlPane::ShowObject\n"
  1169. 1168;"BrowserControlPane::OnShowWindow\n"
  1170. 1169;"SAVEOBJECT BrowserControlPane::RequestNewObjectLayout\n"
  1171. 1170;"BrowserControlPane::GetWindow\n"
  1172. 1171;"BrowserControlPane::ContextSensitiveHelp\n"
  1173. 1172;"BrowserControlPane::CanInPlaceActivate\n"
  1174. 1173;"BrowserControlPane::OnInPlaceActivate\n"
  1175. 1174;"BrowserControlPane::OnUIActivate\n"
  1176. 1175;"BrowserControlPane::GetWindowContext\n"
  1177. 1176;"BrowserControlPane::Scroll\n"
  1178. 1177;"BrowserControlPane::OnUIDeactivate\n"
  1179. 1178;"BrowserControlPane::OnInPlaceDeactivate\n"
  1180. 1179;"BrowserControlPane::DiscardUndoState\n"
  1181. 1180;"BrowserControlPane::DeactivateAndUndo\n"
  1182. 1181;"BrowserControlPane::OnPosRectChange\n"
  1183. 1182;"BrowserControlPane::GetIDsOfNames\n"
  1184. 1183;"BrowserControlPane::GetTypeInfo\n"
  1185. 1184;"BrowserControlPane::GetTypeInfoCount\n"
  1186. 1185;"BrowserControlPane::Invoke, dispIdMember \n"
  1187. 1186;"BrowserControlPane::DISPID_NEWWINDOW2\n"
  1188. 1187;"BrowserControlPane::DISPID_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2\n"
  1189. 1188;"BrowserControlPane::DISPID_DOCUMENTCOMPLETE\n"
  1190. 1189;"BrowserControlPane::EnableModeless\n"
  1191. 1190;"BrowserControlPane::FilterDataObject\n"
  1192. 1191;"BrowserControlPane::GetDropTarget\n"
  1193. 1192;"BrowserControlPane::GetExternal\n"
  1194. 1193;"BrowserControlPane::GetHostInfo\n"
  1195. 1194;"BrowserControlPane::GetOptionKeyPath\n"
  1196. 1195;"BrowserControlPane::HideUI\n"
  1197. 1196;"BrowserControlPane::OnDocWindowActivate\n"
  1198. 1197;"BrowserControlPane::OnFrameWindowActivate\n"
  1199. 1198;"BrowserControlPane::ResizeBorder\n"
  1200. 1199;"BrowserControlPane::ShowContextMenu\n"
  1201. 1200;"BrowserControlPane::ShowUI\n"
  1202. 1201;"BrowserControlPane::TranslateAccelerator\n"
  1203. 1202;"BrowserControlPane::TranslateUrl\n"
  1204. 1203;"BrowserControlPane::UpdateUI\n"
  1205. 1204;"BrowserControlPane::ShowHelp\n"
  1206. 1205;"BrowserControlPane::ShowMessage\n"
  1207. 1206;"UI/CashShop.img/CSChar/BtBuyAvatar"
  1208. 1207;"UI/CashShop.img/CSChar/BtDefaultAvatar"
  1209. 1208;"UI/CashShop.img/CSLocker/BtRebate"
  1210. 1209;"UI/CashShop.img/CSLocker/BtRebate2"
  1211. 1210;"UI/CashShop.img/CSInventory/BtExEquip"
  1212. 1211;"UI/CashShop.img/CSInventory/BtExConsume"
  1213. 1212;"UI/CashShop.img/CSInventory/BtExInstall"
  1214. 1213;"UI/CashShop.img/CSInventory/BtExEtc"
  1215. 1214;"UI/CashShop.img/CSInventory/BtExPet"
  1216. 1215;"UI/CashShop.img/CSInventory/BtExTrunk"
  1217. 1216;"UI/CashShop.img/CSTab/Tab/%d"
  1218. 1217;"UI/CashShop.img/CSList/Base"
  1219. 1218;"UI/CashShop.img/CSList/ItemIcon"
  1220. 1219;"UI/CashShop.img/PicturePlate/HowTo"
  1221. 1220;"UI/CashShop.img/PicturePlate/HowToGift"
  1222. 1221;"UI/CashShop.img/PicturePlate/NoItem"
  1223. 1222;"UI/CashShop.img/NewItem"
  1224. 1223;"UI/CashShop.img/CSList/BtBuy"
  1225. 1224;"UI/CashShop.img/CSList/BtGift"
  1226. 1225;"UI/CashShop.img/CSList/BtReserve"
  1227. 1226;"UI/CashShop.img/CSList/BtRemove"
  1228. 1227;"UI/CashShop.img/CSStatus/BtCharge"
  1229. 1228;"UI/CashShop.img/CSStatus/BtCheck"
  1230. 1229;"UI/CashShop.img/CSStatus/BtCoupon"
  1231. 1230;"UI/CashShop.img/CSStatus/BtExit"
  1232. 1231;"Tab"
  1233. 1232;"DlgNotice"
  1234. 1233;"BuyShopItem"
  1235. 1234;"DragEnd"
  1236. 1235;"Invite"
  1237. 1236;"ScrollUp"
  1238. 1237;"CharSelect"
  1239. 1238;"RollUp"
  1240. 1239;"RollDown"
  1241. 1240;"WorldmapOpen"
  1242. 1241;"WorldmapClose"
  1243. 1242;"SelectMap"
  1244. 1243;"GameIn"
  1245. 1244;"DropItem"
  1246. 1245;"PickUpItem"
  1247. 1246;"EnchantSuccess"
  1248. 1247;"EnchantFailure"
  1249. 1248;"Whistle"
  1250. 1249;"Sound/BgmUI.img/ShopBgm"
  1251. 1250;"Sound/BgmUI.img/NxLogoMS"
  1252. 1251;"Sound/BgmUI.img/WzLogo"
  1253. 1252;"Sound/Bgm04/ArabPirate"
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  1371. 1370;"O máximo de usuários neste mundo\r\nFoi atingido.\r\nTente novamente."
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  1886. 1885;"UI/UIWindow.img/EnergyBar/Gage/%d/1"
  1887. 1886;"Mostra o nível da energia que foi carregada.\nUse o mouse para alterar a posição."
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  1890. 1889;"reqMobLevel"
  1891. 1890;"reqMap"
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  1919. 1918;" I"
  1920. 1919;" II"
  1921. 1920;" III"
  1922. 1921;" IV"
  1923. 1922;" V"
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  1940. 1939;"%d (%d%+d)"
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  1952. 1951;" Seu PA distribuído da seguinte forma:\r\n\r\n"
  1953. 1952;" %s : +%d\r\n"
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  1955. 1954;"%d (%d%%)"
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  2004. 2003;"%s / %s / %s"
  2005. 2004;"HP : %d / %d"
  2006. 2005;"MP : %d / %d"
  2007. 2006;"Nível : %d"
  2008. 2007;"[Exigido]"
  2009. 2008;"Nv.%d"
  2010. 2009;"%.2f%%"
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  2042. 2041;"%s (+%d%s)"
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  2045. 2044;"INT :"
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  2187. 2186;"%1"
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  2222. 2221;"X"
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  2226. 2225;"UI/UIWindow.img/GameOpt/backgrnd"
  2227. 2226;"UI/UIWindow.img/SysOpt/backgrnd"
  2228. 2227;"UI/UIWindow.img/ShortCut/backgrnd"
  2229. 2228;"UI/UIWindow.img/ShortCut/BtItem"
  2230. 2229;"UI/UIWindow.img/ShortCut/BtEquip"
  2231. 2230;"UI/UIWindow.img/ShortCut/BtStat"
  2232. 2231;"UI/UIWindow.img/ShortCut/BtSkill"
  2233. 2232;"UI/UIWindow.img/ShortCut/BtParty"
  2234. 2233;"UI/UIWindow.img/ShortCut/BtGuild"
  2235. 2234;"UI/UIWindow.img/ShortCut/BtQuest"
  2236. 2235;"UI/UIWindow.img/ShortCut/BtComm"
  2237. 2236;"UI/UIWindow.img/ShortCut/BtMobbook"
  2238. 2237;"UI/UIWindow.img/ShortCut/BtMessenger"
  2239. 2238;"UI/UIWindow.img/ShortCut/BtRanking"
  2240. 2239;"String/MonsterBook.img"
  2241. 2240;"String/Mob.img"
  2242. 2241;"String/Skill.img"
  2243. 2242;"episode"
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  2245. 2244;"#k"
  2246. 2245;"#r"
  2247. 2246;"#g"
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  2260. 2259;"Border/6"
  2261. 2260;"Border/7"
  2262. 2261;"BtPrev"
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  2264. 2263;"BtOK"
  2265. 2264;"BtCancel"
  2266. 2265;"BtClose"
  2267. 2266;"BtYes"
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  2269. 2268;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx_Avatar/BtPrev"
  2270. 2269;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx_Avatar/BtNext"
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  2272. 2271;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx_Avatar/BtOff"
  2273. 2272;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx_Avatar/BtOn"
  2274. 2273;"Jump"
  2275. 2274;"Not a serializable object"
  2276. 2275;"Not an enumeratable object"
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  2283. 2282;"UI/UIWindow.img/WorldMap/Border/6"
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  2286. 2285;"UI/UIWindow.img/WorldMap/Border/3"
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  2302. 2301;"Failed in creating security thread"
  2303. 2302;"MenuUp"
  2304. 2303;"MenuDown"
  2305. 2304;"eat"
  2306. 2305;"UseShopItem"
  2307. 2306;"spec"
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  2309. 2308;"returnMapQR"
  2310. 2309;"ignoreContinent"
  2311. 2310;"Effect/BasicEff.img/LevelUp"
  2312. 2311;"Effect/BasicEff.img/MonsterBook/cardGet"
  2313. 2312;"Effect/BasicEff.img/JobChanged"
  2314. 2313;"Effect/BasicEff.img/QuestClear"
  2315. 2314;"Effect/BasicEff.img/ItemLevelUp"
  2316. 2315;"Effect/BasicEff.img/IncEXP"
  2317. 2316;"JobChanged"
  2318. 2317;"QuestClear"
  2319. 2318;"ItemLevelUp"
  2320. 2319;"IncEXP"
  2321. 2320;"x1"
  2322. 2321;"x2"
  2323. 2322;"y1"
  2324. 2323;"y2"
  2325. 2324;"l"
  2326. 2325;"uf"
  2327. 2326;"/?"
  2328. 2327;"Character/%08d.img"
  2329. 2328;"Character/Face/%08d.img"
  2330. 2329;"Character/Hair/%08d.img"
  2331. 2330;"Character/Cap/%08d.img"
  2332. 2331;"Character/Accessory/%08d.img"
  2333. 2332;"Character/Coat/%08d.img"
  2334. 2333;"Character/Longcoat/%08d.img"
  2335. 2334;"Character/Pants/%08d.img"
  2336. 2335;"Character/Shoes/%08d.img"
  2337. 2336;"Character/Glove/%08d.img"
  2338. 2337;"Character/Shield/%08d.img"
  2339. 2338;"Character/Cape/%08d.img"
  2340. 2339;"Character/Ring/%08d.img"
  2341. 2340;"Character/PetEquip/%08d.img"
  2342. 2341;"Character/Weapon/%08d.img"
  2343. 2342;"Character/TamingMob/%08d.img"
  2344. 2343;"Character/Sub/%08d.img"
  2345. 2344;"Character/Dragon/%08d.img"
  2346. 2345;"%s/weekly/%d"
  2347. 2346;"String/Item.img"
  2348. 2347;"String/Map.img"
  2349. 2348;"Consume"
  2350. 2349;"Install"
  2351. 2350;"Item/Install/0301.img/%08d/effect"
  2352. 2351;"Item/Install/0301.img/%08d/effect2"
  2353. 2352;"Item/%s/%04d.img"
  2354. 2353;"Item/Cash/%04d.img"
  2355. 2354;"Item/Cash/%04d.img/%08d/hit"
  2356. 2355;"iconD"
  2357. 2356;"icon"
  2358. 2357;"iconRawD"
  2359. 2358;"quickSlot"
  2360. 2359;"unitPrice"
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  2362. 2361;"UI/CashShop.img/PrepaidCashItem/0"
  2363. 2362;"Effect/SetEff.img"
  2364. 2363;"over"
  2365. 2364;"time"
  2366. 2365;"prop"
  2367. 2366;"id"
  2368. 2367;"acquire"
  2369. 2368;"Item/%s"
  2370. 2369;"slotMax"
  2371. 2370;"No CRC info"
  2372. 2371;"CRC info is out-of-data"
  2373. 2372;"skillType"
  2374. 2373;"weapon"
  2375. 2374;"affected"
  2376. 2375;"effectC"
  2377. 2376;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/effect"
  2378. 2377;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/screen"
  2379. 2378;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/repeat"
  2380. 2379;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/level/effect"
  2381. 2380;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/affected"
  2382. 2381;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/level/affected"
  2383. 2382;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/hit"
  2384. 2383;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/hit/%d"
  2385. 2384;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/level/%d/hit/%d"
  2386. 2385;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/ball"
  2387. 2386;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/level/%d/ball"
  2388. 2387;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/mob"
  2389. 2388;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/level/mob"
  2390. 2389;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/tile"
  2391. 2390;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/level/tile"
  2392. 2391;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/afterimage"
  2393. 2392;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/level/afterimage"
  2394. 2393;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/summon"
  2395. 2394;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/level/summon"
  2396. 2395;"afterimage"
  2397. 2396;"iconDisabled"
  2398. 2397;"iconMouseOver"
  2399. 2398;"finalAttack"
  2400. 2399;"hs"
  2401. 2400;"PSSkin/%d"
  2402. 2401;"KeyConfig"
  2403. 2402;"Equip(%s)"
  2404. 2403;"Item(%s)"
  2405. 2404;"Ability(%s)"
  2406. 2405;"Skill(%s)"
  2407. 2406;"UI/UIWindow.img/KeyConfig"
  2408. 2407;"UI/UIWindow.img/KeyConfig/BtClose"
  2409. 2408;"UI/UIWindow.img/KeyConfig/BtHelp"
  2410. 2409;"UI/UIWindow.img/KeyConfig/BtDelete"
  2411. 2410;"UI/UIWindow.img/KeyConfig/BtQuickSlot"
  2412. 2411;"UI/UIWindow.img/KeyConfig/quickslotConfig/backgrnd"
  2413. 2412;"UI/UIWindow.img/KeyConfig/quickslotConfig/BtQuickSetting"
  2414. 2413;"icon/%d"
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  2417. 2416;"UI/StatusBar.img/number"
  2418. 2417;"Lbracket"
  2419. 2418;"Rbracket"
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  2421. 2420;"slash"
  2422. 2421;"UI/UIWindow.img/KeyConfig/quickslotConfig/key"
  2423. 2422;"chatBalloon"
  2424. 2423;"nameTag"
  2425. 2424;"medalTag"
  2426. 2425;"Tombstone"
  2427. 2426;"Effect/Tomb.img/land"
  2428. 2427;"Effect/TombUpgrade.img/effect"
  2429. 2428;"Skill/%3d.img/skill/%d/finish/%d"
  2430. 2429;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/finish"
  2431. 2430;"Effect/SkillName%d.img/%07d/0"
  2432. 2431;"Character/Afterimage/"
  2433. 2432;"Effect/SetEff.img/%d/effect"
  2434. 2433;"Effect/ItemEff.img/%d/0"
  2435. 2434;"Effect/ItemEff.img/%d/1"
  2436. 2435;"Effect/ItemEff.img/%d"
  2437. 2436;"Skill/111.img/skill/1111002/state/%d"
  2438. 2437;"Skill/111.img/skill/1111002/state/0"
  2439. 2438;"Skill/112.img/skill/1120003/state/%d"
  2440. 2439;"Skill/112.img/skill/1120003/state/0"
  2441. 2440;"siCharacterName"
  2442. 2441;"siWorldID"
  2443. 2442;"siChannelID"
  2444. 2443;"RMA"
  2445. 2444;"LMA"
  2446. 2445;"LCWN"
  2447. 2446;"scrRRate"
  2448. 2447;"scrFirstRun"
  2449. 2448;"soVideo"
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  2451. 2450;"soBGMMute"
  2452. 2451;"soSEVol"
  2453. 2452;"soSEMute"
  2454. 2453;"soScreenShot"
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  2458. 2457;"uiWndX%d"
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  2461. 2460;"%s\g%d_%d_%08X"
  2462. 2461;"%s\l_%08X"
  2463. 2462;"funcKeyMapped_Type%d"
  2464. 2463;"funcKeyMapped_ID%d"
  2465. 2464;"goMiniMap"
  2466. 2465;"goWhisper"
  2467. 2466;"goFriend"
  2468. 2467;"goMessenger"
  2469. 2468;"goExchange"
  2470. 2469;"goParty"
  2471. 2470;"goGuildINVITE"
  2472. 2471;"goGuildTALK"
  2473. 2472;"goGame"
  2474. 2473;"goKeyConfig"
  2475. 2474;"goChatType"
  2476. 2475;"goFamily"
  2477. 2476;"ListenBlockedFriend_cnt"
  2478. 2477;"ListenBlockedFriend_%d"
  2479. 2478;"TalkBlockedFriend_cnt"
  2480. 2479;"TalkBlockedFriend_%d"
  2481. 2480;"BlackList_cnt"
  2482. 2481;"BlackList_%d"
  2483. 2482;"QuestAlarm_%d"
  2484. 2483;"QuestAlarm_cnt"
  2485. 2484;"QuestAlarm_autoregister"
  2486. 2485;"QuestAlarm_opened"
  2487. 2486;"Friend_ShowOnlineOnly"
  2488. 2487;"FriendGroup_cnt"
  2489. 2488;"FriendGroup_%d"
  2490. 2489;"Ossyria."
  2491. 2490;"prepare"
  2492. 2491;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/prepare"
  2493. 2492;"special"
  2494. 2493;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/special"
  2495. 2494;"UI/UIWindow.img/MinigameTable/Effect"
  2496. 2495;"It's the round of %n."
  2497. 2496;"It's the semifinal match."
  2498. 2497;"It's the final match."
  2499. 2498;"Map/Map/Map%d/%09d.img"
  2500. 2499;"repeat"
  2501. 2500;"Map/Effect.img/%s"
  2502. 2501;"dojang/timeOver"
  2503. 2502;"Character/Afterimage/hit.img/anniversary"
  2504. 2503;"UI/UIWindow.img/KeyConfig/notice/%d"
  2505. 2504;"UI/StatusBar.img/base/quickSlot"
  2506. 2505;"Itens não estão disponíveis para compra\r\n nesta hora."
  2507. 2506;"O item está fora de estoque, e por isso\r\nnão está disponível para compra."
  2508. 2507;"O item não pode ser movido."
  2509. 2508;"UI/CashShop.img/GuideWords/%d"
  2510. 2509;"You have reached the round of %n by default."
  2511. 2510;"You have reached the semifinals by default."
  2512. 2511;"You have reached the finals by default."
  2513. 2512;"msexcr.ini"
  2514. 2513;"msexcrt.ini"
  2515. 2514;"Damage"
  2516. 2515;"Die"
  2517. 2516;"Attack1"
  2518. 2517;"Attack3"
  2519. 2518;"Attack4"
  2520. 2519;"Attack5"
  2521. 2520;"Attack6"
  2522. 2521;"Attack7"
  2523. 2522;"Attack8"
  2524. 2523;"AttackF"
  2525. 2524;"Skill1"
  2526. 2525;"Skill2"
  2527. 2526;"Skill3"
  2528. 2527;"Skill4"
  2529. 2528;"Skill5"
  2530. 2529;"Skill6"
  2531. 2530;"Skill7"
  2532. 2531;"Skill8"
  2533. 2532;"Skill9"
  2534. 2533;"Skill10"
  2535. 2534;"Skill11"
  2536. 2535;"Skill12"
  2537. 2536;"Skill13"
  2538. 2537;"Skill14"
  2539. 2538;"Skill15"
  2540. 2539;"Skill16"
  2541. 2540;"SkillF"
  2542. 2541;"CharDam1"
  2543. 2542;"CharDam2"
  2544. 2543;"CharDamF"
  2545. 2544;"Bomb"
  2546. 2545;"Regen"
  2547. 2546;"Attack"
  2548. 2547;"SOFTWARE\Wizet\MapleStory"
  2549. 2548;"SOFTWARE\Wizet\MapleStoryT"
  2550. 2549;"SKO"
  2551. 2550;"This client can be executed only in Korean code-page"
  2552. 2551;"Failed in initializing COM"
  2553. 2552;"UI/UIWindow.img/Channel/world/%d"
  2554. 2553;"UI/UIWindow.img/Channel/world/t%d"
  2555. 2554;"channel0"
  2556. 2555;"channel1"
  2557. 2556;"channel2"
  2558. 2557;"Sound/Field.img/%s"
  2559. 2558;"Dojang/timeOver"
  2560. 2559;"Sound/CashEffect.img/%s"
  2561. 2560;"UI/UIWindow.img/Channel/ch/%d"
  2562. 2561;"UI/Basic.img/BtHide"
  2563. 2562;"UI/Basic.img/BtHide2"
  2564. 2563;"UI/Basic.img/BtHide3"
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  2566. 2565;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/bottom"
  2567. 2566;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtPetHide"
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  2569. 2568;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtTamingHide"
  2570. 2569;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtTamingShow"
  2571. 2570;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtBookHide"
  2572. 2571;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtBookShow"
  2573. 2572;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtItem"
  2574. 2573;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtWish"
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  2576. 2575;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtParty"
  2577. 2576;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtTrade"
  2578. 2577;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/Marry/married/0"
  2579. 2578;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/Marry/unmarried/0"
  2580. 2579;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtExceptionShow"
  2581. 2580;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtExceptionHide"
  2582. 2581;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtMeso"
  2583. 2582;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtRegister"
  2584. 2583;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtDelete"
  2585. 2584;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterBook"
  2586. 2585;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterBook/BtClose"
  2587. 2586;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterBook/BtSearch"
  2588. 2587;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterBook/arrowLeft"
  2589. 2588;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterBook/arrowRight"
  2590. 2589;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterBook/LeftTab"
  2591. 2590;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterBook/LeftTabInfo"
  2592. 2591;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterBook/RightTab"
  2593. 2592;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterBook/infoPage"
  2594. 2593;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterBook/cardSlot"
  2595. 2594;"MonsterBook"
  2596. 2595;"monsterBook"
  2597. 2596;"[%s] foi gravado com sucesso no Livro de Monstros."
  2598. 2597;"Este cartão já está cheio no Livro de Monstros. O cartão desaparecerá."
  2599. 2598;"UI/Basic.img/BtUP"
  2600. 2599;"UI/Basic.img/BtDown"
  2601. 2600;"UI/UIWindow.img/ContextMenu/backgrnd"
  2602. 2601;"UI/UIWindow.img/ContextMenu/BtInfo"
  2603. 2602;"UI/UIWindow.img/ContextMenu/BtSave"
  2604. 2603;"UI/UIWindow.img/ContextMenu/BtWhisper"
  2605. 2604;"UI/UIWindow.img/ContextMenu/BtClaim"
  2606. 2605;"UI/UIWindow.img/ContextMenu/t"
  2607. 2606;"UI/UIWindow.img/ContextMenu/c"
  2608. 2607;"UI/UIWindow.img/ContextMenu/s"
  2609. 2608;"UI/UIWindow.img/ContextMenu/BtParty"
  2610. 2609;"UI/UIWindow.img/ContextMenu/BtGuild"
  2611. 2610;"UI/UIWindow.img/ContextMenu/BtTrade"
  2612. 2611;"UI/UIWindow.img/ContextMenu/BtFamily"
  2613. 2612;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/select"
  2614. 2613;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/BtBuy"
  2615. 2614;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/BtClose"
  2616. 2615;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/BtExit"
  2617. 2616;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/BtInfo"
  2618. 2617;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/BtItem"
  2619. 2618;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/BtEnter"
  2620. 2619;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/bar"
  2621. 2620;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/backgrnd3"
  2622. 2621;"UI/UIWindow.img/EntrustedShop/BtArrange"
  2623. 2622;"UI/UIWindow.img/EntrustedShop/BtCoin"
  2624. 2623;"MaxMap"
  2625. 2624;"MinMap"
  2626. 2625;"Comprador : %s"
  2627. 2626;"Número comprado : %d"
  2628. 2627;"Total Vendas / Total Recebido"
  2629. 2628;"UI/UIWindow.img/Memo/backgrnd"
  2630. 2629;"UI/UIWindow.img/Memo/backgrnd3"
  2631. 2630;"UI/UIWindow.img/Memo"
  2632. 2631;"innerTop"
  2633. 2632;"innerCenter"
  2634. 2633;"innerBottom"
  2635. 2634;"line"
  2636. 2635;"%d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d"
  2637. 2636;"UI/UIWindow.img/Memo/BtSave"
  2638. 2637;"UI/UIWindow.img/Memo/BtDelete"
  2639. 2638;"UI/UIWindow.img/Memo/BtOpen"
  2640. 2639;"Todas as notas não salvas serão deletadas.\r\nTem certeza que quer continuar?"
  2641. 2640;"Nota(s) recebida(s)."
  2642. 2641;"VOCÊ RECEBEU"
  2643. 2642;" NOTA(S)."
  2644. 2643;"UI/StatusBar.img/FontMemo"
  2645. 2644;"box"
  2646. 2645;"iconRed"
  2647. 2646;"iconBlue"
  2648. 2647;"iconMemo"
  2649. 2648;"check0"
  2650. 2649;"check1"
  2651. 2650;"FontTime"
  2652. 2651;"O outro personagem está online agora.\r\nPor favor use a função sussurrar,"
  2653. 2652;"Por favor verifique o nome do destinatário."
  2654. 2653;"A caixa de entrada do destinatário está cheia.\r\nTente novamente."
  2655. 2654;"As notas podem ser enviadas em 100 caracteres."
  2656. 2655;"UI/Basic.img/Tab"
  2657. 2656;"/left%d"
  2658. 2657;"/middle%d"
  2659. 2658;"/right%d"
  2660. 2659;"/fill%d"
  2661. 2660;"UI/UIWindow.img/Skill/line"
  2662. 2661;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillEx/line"
  2663. 2662;"UI/UIWindow.img/Item/Tab/enabled"
  2664. 2663;"UI/UIWindow.img/Item/Tab/disabled"
  2665. 2664;"UI/UIWindow.img/Quest/Tab/enabled"
  2666. 2665;"UI/UIWindow.img/Quest/Tab/disabled"
  2667. 2666;"UI/UIWindow.img/Skill/Tab/enabled"
  2668. 2667;"UI/UIWindow.img/Skill/Tab/disabled"
  2669. 2668;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillEx/Tab/enabled"
  2670. 2669;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillEx/Tab/disabled"
  2671. 2670;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Tab/enabled"
  2672. 2671;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Tab/disabled"
  2673. 2672;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/Tab/enabled"
  2674. 2673;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/Tab/disabled"
  2675. 2674;"UI/UIWindow.img/Guild/Tab/enabled"
  2676. 2675;"UI/UIWindow.img/Guild/Tab/disabled"
  2677. 2676;"UI/UIWindow.img/Shop/TabSell/enabled"
  2678. 2677;"UI/UIWindow.img/Shop/TabSell/disabled"
  2679. 2678;"UI/UIWindow.img/Shop/TabBuy/enabled"
  2680. 2679;"UI/UIWindow.img/Shop/TabBuy/disabled"
  2681. 2680;"UI/UIWindow.img/Ranking/Tab/enabled"
  2682. 2681;"UI/UIWindow.img/Ranking/Tab/disabled"
  2683. 2682;"UI/UIWindow.img/Ranking/backgrnd"
  2684. 2683;""
  2685. 2684;"space"
  2686. 2685;"UI/Basic.img/Notice3/t"
  2687. 2686;"UI/Basic.img/Notice3/c"
  2688. 2687;"UI/Basic.img/Notice3/s"
  2689. 2688;"UI/Basic.img/Notice4/s"
  2690. 2689;"UI/Basic.img/Notice4/s_line"
  2691. 2690;"UI/Basic.img/Notice5/s_"
  2692. 2691;"UI/Basic.img/Notice5/s_DelGroup"
  2693. 2692;"UI/Basic.img/YesNo3/t"
  2694. 2693;"UI/Basic.img/YesNo3/c"
  2695. 2694;"UI/Basic.img/YesNo3/s"
  2696. 2695;"%d NX"
  2697. 2696;"%d %d NX"
  2698. 2697;"UI/CashShop.img/CSNotice/0"
  2699. 2698;"pos"
  2700. 2699;"town"
  2701. 2700;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtPresent"
  2702. 2701;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx/t"
  2703. 2702;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx/c"
  2704. 2703;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx/s"
  2705. 2704;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx_Avatar/shadow"
  2706. 2705;"Npc/%07d.img/info/default"
  2707. 2706;"Npc/%07d.img/stand/0"
  2708. 2707;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx/bar"
  2709. 2708;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx/line"
  2710. 2709;"Etc/Commodity.img"
  2711. 2710;"Não há plataforma aqui."
  2712. 2711;"Insira o nome do\r\n personagem receptor."
  2713. 2712;"Você não pode enviar uma nota a si mesmo."
  2714. 2713;"A nota foi enviada com sucesso"
  2715. 2714;"Skill/231.img/skill/2311002/mDoor"
  2716. 2715;"Skill/231.img/skill/2311002/Frame"
  2717. 2716;"Skill/231.img/skill/2311002/cDoor"
  2718. 2717;"Character/Afterimage/%s/charge/%d"
  2719. 2718;"Como o personagem tem sussurros bloqueado, você poderá não receber uma resposta."
  2720. 2719;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/summon/%s/info/effect"
  2721. 2720;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/summon/%s/info/hit"
  2722. 2721;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/summon/%s/info/ball"
  2723. 2722;"UI/UIWindow.img/Messenger/BtEnter"
  2724. 2723;"'%s' está respondendo outro convite."
  2725. 2724;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx_Avatar/BtExit"
  2726. 2725;"spell"
  2727. 2726;"personalShop"
  2728. 2727;"sample"
  2729. 2728;"Effect/BasicEff.img/Flying"
  2730. 2729;"Effect/BasicEff.img/Flying1"
  2731. 2730;"Effect/BasicEff.img/SoulRunner"
  2732. 2731;"Effect/BasicEff.img/VerticalJump"
  2733. 2732;"magic2"
  2734. 2733;"magic3"
  2735. 2734;"magic5"
  2736. 2735;"skill1"
  2737. 2736;"skill2"
  2738. 2737;"skill3"
  2739. 2738;"skill4"
  2740. 2739;"skill5"
  2741. 2740;"skill6"
  2742. 2741;"skill7"
  2743. 2742;"skill8"
  2744. 2743;"skill9"
  2745. 2744;"skill10"
  2746. 2745;"skill11"
  2747. 2746;"skill12"
  2748. 2747;"skill13"
  2749. 2748;"skill14"
  2750. 2749;"skill15"
  2751. 2750;"skill16"
  2752. 2751;"skillF"
  2753. 2752;"Mob/%07d.img/info/skill/%03d/effect"
  2754. 2753;"Mob/%07d.img/info/skill/%03d/hit"
  2755. 2754;"Mob/%07d.img/info/skill/%03d/mob"
  2756. 2755;"selected"
  2757. 2756;"/selected/0"
  2758. 2757;"/normal/1"
  2759. 2758;"/pressed/1"
  2760. 2759;"/disabled/1"
  2761. 2760;"/mouseOver/1"
  2762. 2761;"/selected/1"
  2763. 2762;"/normal/2"
  2764. 2763;"/pressed/2"
  2765. 2764;"/disabled/2"
  2766. 2765;"/mouseOver/2"
  2767. 2766;"/selected/2"
  2768. 2767;"UI/UIWindow.img/Minigame/Common/Lock"
  2769. 2768;"UI/UIWindow.img/Minigame/Common/Unlock"
  2770. 2769;"Não há ninguém para sussurrar."
  2771. 2770;"¢¸"
  2772. 2771;" |"
  2773. 2772;" ¢º"
  2774. 2773;"Você tem \r\n [%s]\r\n %d presents from '%s'"
  2775. 2774;"%03d"
  2776. 2775;"s%d"
  2777. 2776;"coconut"
  2778. 2777;"countFalling"
  2779. 2778;"countBombing"
  2780. 2779;"countStopped"
  2781. 2780;"Map/Obj/etc.img/coconut/backgrnd"
  2782. 2781;"Map/Obj/etc.img/coconut/fontScore"
  2783. 2782;"Map/Obj/etc.img/coconut/fontTime"
  2784. 2783;"Map/Obj/etc.img/clock/fontTime"
  2785. 2784;"%02d:%02d"
  2786. 2785;"SN"
  2787. 2786;"ItemId"
  2788. 2787;"Count"
  2789. 2788;"Price"
  2790. 2789;"Priority"
  2791. 2790;"Period"
  2792. 2791;"Premium"
  2793. 2792;"premium"
  2794. 2793;"reqLev"
  2795. 2794;"Gender"
  2796. 2795;"OnSale"
  2797. 2796;"Skill/MobSkill.img"
  2798. 2797;"Skill/MobSkill.img/%03d/level/%d/effect"
  2799. 2798;"Skill/MobSkill.img/%03d/level/%d/hit"
  2800. 2799;"Skill/MobSkill.img/%03d/level/%d/mob"
  2801. 2800;"summonEffect"
  2802. 2801;"limit"
  2803. 2802;"rotatePeriod"
  2804. 2803;"UI/Basic.img/ComboBox"
  2805. 2804;"UI/Basic.img/Cursor/arrow"
  2806. 2805;"soTremble"
  2807. 2806;"Nome do personagem que está recebendo:"
  2808. 2807;"UI/UIWindow.img/Coupon/text/disabled"
  2809. 2808;"UI/UIWindow.img/Coupon/text/normal"
  2810. 2809;"UI/UIWindow.img/Minigame/Common/text/disabled"
  2811. 2810;"UI/UIWindow.img/Minigame/Common/text/normal"
  2812. 2811;"Senha"
  2813. 2812;"[%s]\r\npassou da data de validade\r\ne será removido\r\ndo seu inventário."
  2814. 2813;"Effect/BasicEff.img/Assaulter/remain"
  2815. 2814;"Effect/BasicEff.img/Assaulter/effect"
  2816. 2815;"/slideall"
  2817. 2816;"/slidech"
  2818. 2817;"/slidemap"
  2819. 2818;"scrollDisable"
  2820. 2819;"bulletSpeed"
  2821. 2820;"Summoned"
  2822. 2821;"specialAttack"
  2823. 2822;"/slideallx"
  2824. 2823;"/slidechx"
  2825. 2824;"/slidemapx"
  2826. 2825;"/slideax"
  2827. 2826;"/log"
  2828. 2827;"DelayedHit"
  2829. 2828;"UI/UIWindow.img/Notice/0"
  2830. 2829;"UI/UIWindow.img/Notice/1"
  2831. 2830;"UI/UIWindow.img/Notice/2"
  2832. 2831;"UI/UIWindow.img/Notice/3"
  2833. 2832;"UI/UIWindow.img/Notice/4"
  2834. 2833;"UI/UIWindow.img/Notice/btOK"
  2835. 2834;"UI/Basic.img/BtYes2"
  2836. 2835;"UI/Basic.img/BtNo2"
  2837. 2836;"Etc/BlockReason.img"
  2838. 2837;"Você pode acessar depois de\r\n%s/%2d/%4d %2d:%02d %s"
  2839. 2838;"Você não possui HP suficiente para usar esta habilidade."
  2840. 2839;"Você não possui MP suficiente para usar esta habilidade."
  2841. 2840;"Você não possui mesos suficiente para usar esta habilidade."
  2842. 2841;"Você não possui %s suficiente para usar esta habilidade."
  2843. 2842;"Você não possui shuriken suficiente para usar esta habilidade."
  2844. 2843;"Você não possui munição suficiente para usar esta habilidade."
  2845. 2844;"Você não pode usar esta habilidade com o armamento que você está utilizando."
  2846. 2845;"Você não pode usar este armamento com as estatísticas atuais."
  2847. 2846;"Como você não está usando uma arma, você é incapaz de atacar."
  2848. 2847;"Só pode ser usado em HP Potion Pouch."
  2849. 2848;"Só pode ser usado em MP Potion Pouch."
  2850. 2849;"Você usou todas as suas flechas."
  2851. 2850;"Você usou-se todas as suas shurikens."
  2852. 2851;"Você precisa equipar uma pistola."
  2853. 2852;"UI/UIWindow.img/TradingRoom/BtCancel"
  2854. 2853;"UI/CashShop.img/CSIcon/%d"
  2855. 2854;"UI/UIWindow.img/Trunk/select"
  2856. 2855;"UI/UIWindow/Trunk/BtExit"
  2857. 2856;"UI/UIWindow/Trunk/BtOutCoin"
  2858. 2857;"UI/UIWindow/Trunk/BtInCoin"
  2859. 2858;"UI/UIWindow/Trunk/BtCoin"
  2860. 2859;"UI/UIWindow.img/Trunk/Tab/enabled"
  2861. 2860;"UI/UIWindow.img/Trunk/Tab/disabled"
  2862. 2861;"UI/UIWindow/StoreBank/BtExit"
  2863. 2862;"soChatType"
  2864. 2863;"disease"
  2865. 2864;"A opção não está disponível para este pacote."
  2866. 2865;"Etc/CashPackage.img"
  2867. 2866;"rect"
  2868. 2867;"Map/Obj/etc.img/timer/backgrnd"
  2869. 2868;"UI/Login.img/Notice/BtNexon"
  2870. 2869;"areaCount"
  2871. 2870;"Effect/BasicEff.img/Summoned"
  2872. 2871;""
  2873. 2872;"areaWarning"
  2874. 2873;"areaAttack"
  2875. 2874;"This process cannot be open with MapleStory. Once you end the program, the data under it will not be saved. Are you sure you want to close the program?"
  2876. 2875;"O ID foi bloqueado permanentemente.\r\nVocê não poderá mais utilizar esta conta."
  2877. 2876;"Item/Special/0910.img/%d"
  2878. 2877;"Item/Special/0911.img/%d"
  2879. 2878;"Item/Special/0900.img/%08d"
  2880. 2879;"UI/CashShop.img/CSDiscount"
  2881. 2880;"total"
  2882. 2881;"Ordenar por preço."
  2883. 2882;"Ordenar por popularidade"
  2884. 2883;"Ordenar por item mais novo."
  2885. 2884;"goQuickType"
  2886. 2885;"LastConnectedVersion"
  2887. 2886;"O item [%s] expirou, e por isso, deletado do seu inventário."
  2888. 2887;"dateExpire"
  2889. 2888;"timeLimited"
  2890. 2889;"coChatWndH"
  2891. 2890;"UI/Basic.img/Cursor/%d"
  2892. 2891;"Você não pode tirar screenshots neste momento. Tente novamente."
  2893. 2892;"UI/StatusBar.img/base/chat"
  2894. 2893;"deadlyAttack"
  2895. 2894;"tremble"
  2896. 2895;"Ver. 0.2"
  2897. 2896;"Ver. Test %d.%d"
  2898. 2897;"selfDestruction"
  2899. 2898;"invincible"
  2900. 2899;"effectDistance"
  2901. 2900;"randomPos"
  2902. 2901;"doFirst"
  2903. 2902;"UI/CashShop.img/CSChar/BtTakeoffAvatar"
  2904. 2903;"String/ToolTipHelp.img/Shop/Button/TakeoffAvatar"
  2905. 2904;"UI/UIWindow.img/IconBase/0"
  2906. 2905;"mpBurn"
  2907. 2906;"Sua habilidade foi bloqueada e não pode ser usada."
  2908. 2907;"Você foi enfraquecido, e não pode saltar."
  2909. 2908;"Você está tonto e não pode se mexer."
  2910. 2909;"Você foi amaldiçoado e a quantidade de EXP que você receber será menor."
  2911. 2910;"Você está em um estado de escuridão, a sua precisão será reduzida."
  2912. 2911;"Você foi envenenada e seu HP diminuirá lentamente."
  2913. 2912;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx/dot0"
  2914. 2913;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx/dot1"
  2915. 2914;"soHPFlash"
  2916. 2915;"soMPFlash"
  2917. 2916;"UI/StatusBar.img/gauge/hpFlash"
  2918. 2917;"UI/StatusBar.img/gauge/mpFlash"
  2919. 2918;"UI/UIWindow.img/Megaphone/backgrnd"
  2920. 2919;"UI/UIWindow.img/ArtMegaphone/backgrnd"
  2921. 2920;"UI/UIWindow.img/ItemMegaphone/backgrnd"
  2922. 2921;"UI/UIWindow.img/Megaphone/ch%d"
  2923. 2922;"UI/UIWindow.img/Megaphone/Num/%d"
  2924. 2923;"Se você se mexer antes de abrir a loja, ela poderá não ser aberta."
  2925. 2924;"O comprador não possui dinheiro suficiente para trocar."
  2926. 2925;"O preço do item está muito alto para negociar."
  2927. 2926;"UI/UIWindow.img/Reset/Common/BtUP"
  2928. 2927;"UI/UIWindow.img/Reset/Common/BtDown"
  2929. 2928;"UI/UIWindow.img/Reset/AP/backgrnd"
  2930. 2929;"UI/UIWindow.img/Reset/AP/backgrnd2"
  2931. 2930;"UI/UIWindow.img/Reset/AP/backgrnd3"
  2932. 2931;"(-%d)"
  2933. 2932;"(+%d)"
  2934. 2933;"UI/UIWindow.img/Reset/AP/stat%d/%d"
  2935. 2934;"UI/UIWindow.img/Reset/SP/skill0"
  2936. 2935;"UI/UIWindow.img/Reset/SP/skill1"
  2937. 2936;"UI/UIWindow.img/Reset/SP/line"
  2938. 2937;"UI/UIWindow.img/Reset/SP/backgrnd"
  2939. 2938;"UI/UIWindow.img/Reset/SP/backgrnd1"
  2940. 2939;"UI/UIWindow.img/Reset/SP/backgrnd2"
  2941. 2940;"UI/UIWindow.img/Reset/SP/backgrnd3"
  2942. 2941;"UI/UIWindow.img/Reset/SP/Tab/enabled"
  2943. 2942;"UI/UIWindow.img/Reset/SP/Tab/disabled"
  2944. 2943;"UI/UIWindow.img/Reset/SP/Tab/disabled/%d"
  2945. 2944;"UI/UIWindow.img/Teleport/backgrnd"
  2946. 2945;"UI/UIWindow.img/Teleport/select"
  2947. 2946;"UI/UIWindow.img/Teleport/BtRegister"
  2948. 2947;"UI/UIWindow.img/Teleport/BtDelete"
  2949. 2948;"UI/UIWindow.img/Teleport/BtMove"
  2950. 2949;"%s está atualmente difícil de ser localizado, então\r\no teletransporte não ocorrerá."
  2951. 2950;"Você não pode se teletransportar para este mapa."
  2952. 2951;"Você não pode se colocar\r\npara o teletransporte."
  2953. 2952;"Este mapa não está disponível para entrar na lista."
  2954. 2953;"Sua lista de teletransporte está cheia.\r\nDelete alguns mapas antes de tentar novamente."
  2955. 2954;"Você já entrou neste mapa."
  2956. 2955;"É o mapa que você está atualmente."
  2957. 2956;"Usuários abaixo do nível 7 não podem \r\nir para fora da Ilha Maple."
  2958. 2957;"Você quer colocar este mapa\r\nna sua lista de teletransporte?\r\n[%s]"
  2959. 2958;"Você quer deletar este mapa da the\r\nsua lista de teletransporte?\r\n[%s]"
  2960. 2959;"Você quer se teletransportar para este mapa?\r\n[%s]"
  2961. 2960;"String/ToolTipHelp.img/Game/Button/MapTransfer/Register"
  2962. 2961;"String/ToolTipHelp.img/Game/Button/MapTransfer/RegisterEx"
  2963. 2962;"String/ToolTipHelp.img/Game/Button/MapTransfer/Delete"
  2964. 2963;"String/ToolTipHelp.img/Game/Button/MapTransfer/Move"
  2965. 2964;"Você não deve comprar este item\r\njá que você já o tem."
  2966. 2965;"Este item não pode ser transferido porque \r\nvocê já o tem."
  2967. 2966;"A EXP não diminuirá uma vez usando a Safety Charm.(%d dias/%d vezes restantes)"
  2968. 2967;"A EXP não diminuirá depois de usar %s item."
  2969. 2968;"Chocostick"
  2970. 2969;"everlast"
  2971. 2970;"Reactor"
  2972. 2971;"drag"
  2973. 2972;"force"
  2974. 2973;"quest"
  2975. 2974;"pquest"
  2976. 2975;"Effect/SetEff.img/%d/backgrnd"
  2977. 2976;"Ranking Não Disponível"
  2978. 2977;"Posição %d"
  2979. 2978;"UI/Login.img/CharSelect/scroll/%1d"
  2980. 2979;"UI/Login.img/CharSelect/icon/%s"
  2981. 2980;"reactor"
  2982. 2981;"effectType"
  2983. 2982;"noFlip"
  2984. 2983;"Este item não está disponível para coleta."
  2985. 2984;"Você não pode ir para este lugar."
  2986. 2985;"Você não pode se teletransportar para este mapa."
  2987. 2986;"Não é possível aproximar-se devido à força da terra. Agora se mudando para a cidade mais próxima."
  2988. 2987;"Map/Map/AreaCode.img"
  2989. 2988;"woshiganmade"
  2990. 2989;"UI/UIWindow.img/BetaEdition"
  2991. 2990;"BetaEdition"
  2992. 2991;"UI/Login.img/Common/loginlocation"
  2993. 2992;"UI/Login.img/BtOk"
  2994. 2993;"UI/Gateway.img/WorldSelect/BtDot"
  2995. 2994;"UI/Gateway.img/WorldSelect/BtQuit"
  2996. 2995;"gamemaster"
  2997. 2996;"Não foi possível enviar a mensagem. Digite o nome do usuário antes do aviso."
  2998. 2997;"Seu aviso foi enviado com sucesso."
  2999. 2998;"Hacking"
  3000. 2999;"Botting"
  3001. 3000;"Scamming"
  3002. 3001;"Falso GM"
  3003. 3002;"Assédio"
  3004. 3003;"Você reportou o usuário com sucesso."
  3005. 3004;"Impossível localizar o usuário."
  3006. 3005;"Você pode reportar usuários apenas 10 vezes por dia."
  3007. 3006;"Você foi reportado a um GM por um usuário."
  3008. 3007;"Sua requisição não foi processada deviado a erros desconhecidos. Tente novamente."
  3009. 3008;"UI/UIWindow.img/ContextMenu/BtAlertGM"
  3010. 3009;"UI/UIWindow.img/ContextMenu/BtBlock"
  3011. 3010;"UI/UIWindow.img/Report/backgrnd"
  3012. 3011;"UI/UIWindow.img/Admin/Block/backgrnd"
  3013. 3012;"A Loja está atualmente\r\nindisponível.\r\nFique atento..."
  3014. 3013;"UI/UIWindow.img/SoftKeyboard/backgrnd/1/back"
  3015. 3014;"UI/UIWindow.img/SoftKeyboard/backgrnd/1/keyboard"
  3016. 3015;"UI/UIWindow.img/SoftKeyboard/Bt/1/BtClose"
  3017. 3016;"UI/UIWindow.img/SoftKeyboard/funckey/backspace"
  3018. 3017;"UI/UIWindow.img/SoftKeyboard/funckey/enter"
  3019. 3018;"UI/UIWindow.img/SoftKeyboard/key"
  3020. 3019;"%d/normal/0"
  3021. 3020;"%d/pressed/0"
  3022. 3021;"%d/disabled/0"
  3023. 3022;"%d/mouseOver/0"
  3024. 3023;"Effect/BasicEff.img/GM"
  3025. 3024;"EULAVer."
  3026. 3025;"ClinetVer."
  3027. 3026;"EULAAgreement"
  3028. 3027;"UI/Login.img/BtCancel"
  3029. 3028;"UI/Login.img/TOS/0"
  3047. 3046;"UI/Login/Gender/text/0"
  3048. 3047;"UI/Login/Gender/text/1"
  3049. 3048;"UI/Login/Gender/BtYes"
  3050. 3049;"UI/Login/Gender/BtNo"
  3051. 3050;"UI/Login.img/Gender/scroll/0"
  3052. 3051;"UI/Login.img/Gender/scroll/1"
  3053. 3052;"String/EULA.img/EULA"
  3054. 3053;"UI/Login.img/Pincode/text/%d"
  3055. 3054;"UI/Login.img/Pincode/backgrnd/0"
  3056. 3055;"UI/Login.img/Pincode/backgrnd/1"
  3057. 3056;"UI/Login.img/Pincode/backgrnd/2"
  3058. 3057;"UI/Login.img/Pincode/BtYes"
  3059. 3058;"UI/Login.img/Pincode/BtNo"
  3060. 3059;"UI/Login.img/Pincode/BtChgPin"
  3061. 3060;"UI/Login.img/Pincode/BtLogin"
  3062. 3061;"%s%d"
  3063. 3062;"Festival dos cocos começou!"
  3064. 3063;"O jogo Festival dos cocos acabou, e você será teletransportado para um novo mapa. Por favor espere."
  3065. 3064;"/usercount"
  3066. 3065;"Total:%d Maple:%d Story:%d"
  3067. 3066;"O Jogo terminou em empate, então 2 minutos adicionais foram colocados."
  3068. 3067;"Se o jogo terminar em empate depois de 2 minutos, os dois times serão dados como perdedores e não serão premiados."
  3069. 3068;"O jogo entre Time Maple e Time Story resultou em um empate."
  3070. 3069;" Time Maple GANHOU!"
  3071. 3070;" Time Story GANHOU!"
  3072. 3071;" %d pessoas foram eliminadas do teste Quiz OX de velocidade."
  3073. 3072;"O jogo Bola de Neve acabou, e você será teletransportado para um novo mapa. Por favor espere."
  3074. 3073;"Sound/Reactor.img/%s/%s"
  3075. 3074;"AngerGaugeAnimation"
  3076. 3075;"AngerGaugeEffect"
  3077. 3076;"Reactor/%s.img"
  3078. 3077;"event"
  3079. 3078;"Reactor/%07d.img"
  3080. 3079;"%d/hit"
  3081. 3080;"event/%d/hit"
  3082. 3081;"'s"
  3083. 3082;"Especialmente feito por"
  3084. 3083;"pickupAll"
  3085. 3084;"pickupItem"
  3086. 3085;"pickupMeso"
  3087. 3086;"pickupOthers"
  3088. 3087;"consumeHP"
  3089. 3088;"consumeMP"
  3090. 3089;"sweepForDrop"
  3091. 3090;"dropSweep"
  3092. 3091;"longRange"
  3093. 3092;"ignorePickup"
  3094. 3093;"white"
  3095. 3094;"black"
  3096. 3095;"hide"
  3097. 3096;"show"
  3098. 3097;"clear"
  3099. 3098;"add"
  3100. 3099;"buffItemID"
  3101. 3100;"UI/Basic.img/BtOK3"
  3102. 3101;"UI/Basic.img/BtCancel3"
  3103. 3102;"UI/Basic.img/BtBuddy"
  3104. 3103;"UI/Basic.img/BtGuild"
  3105. 3104;"UI/CashShop.img/CSNotice/2/backgrnd"
  3106. 3105;"UI/CashShop.img/CSNotice/3/backgrnd"
  3107. 3106;"UI/CashShop.img/CSNotice/5/backgrnd"
  3108. 3107;"UI/CashShop.img/CSWebMsg/backgrnd"
  3109. 3108;"UI/CashShop.img/CSWebMsg/backgrnd1"
  3110. 3109;"Por favor insira o nome do \r\n destinatário."
  3111. 3110;"Você não pode enviar presentes para você mesmo."
  3112. 3111;"A mensagem não pode ter mais do que 72 caracteres."
  3113. 3112;"Por favor escreva a mensagem."
  3114. 3113;"enviou-lhe um presente."
  3115. 3114;"You have successfully made the purchase at the Web Shop."
  3116. 3115;"has sent your this gift through the Web Shop."
  3117. 3116;"Por favor escreva uma mensagem."
  3118. 3117;"Preço Original : %d Cash"
  3119. 3118;"Preço com Desconto :"
  3120. 3119;"UI/CashShop.img/CSEffect/effect/0"
  3121. 3120;"UI/CashShop.img/CSEffect/effect/1"
  3122. 3121;"UI/CashShop.img/CSEffect/%s"
  3123. 3122;"Class"
  3124. 3123;"Limit"
  3125. 3124;"PbCash"
  3126. 3125;"PbPoint"
  3127. 3126;"PbGift"
  3128. 3127;"new"
  3129. 3128;"sale"
  3130. 3129;"UI/CashShop.img/Base/Tab/Enable"
  3131. 3130;"UI/CashShop.img/Base/Tab/Disable"
  3132. 3131;"UI/CashShopPreview.img"
  3133. 3132;"UI/CashShop.img/Base/Preview/%d"
  3134. 3133;"UI/CashShop.img/Base/PreviewOnOff/On"
  3135. 3134;"UI/CashShop.img/Base/PreviewOnOff/Off"
  3136. 3135;"ExecPath"
  3137. 3136;"\\MapleStory.exe"
  3138. 3137;"\\MapleStoryT.exe"
  3139. 3138;"Disponível até %d/%d/%04d em %02d:%02d"
  3140. 3139;"Item/Cash/0501.img/%08d/effect"
  3141. 3140;"Olá, eu sou o GM de Maple Story."
  3142. 3141;"We are monitoring for macro-assisted programs. Please stop hunting and follow the instructions provided by the GM."
  3143. 3142;"Should you fail to comply with instructions provided by the GM, you will be regarded as a macro-assisted program user."
  3144. 3143;"You have been sanctioned as a macro-assisted program user."
  3145. 3144;"For more information, please contact our Customer Support Center at 1588-7701."
  3146. 3145;"Have a pleasant day in the world of Maple Story."
  3147. 3146;"UI/UIWindow.img/Macro/backgrnd"
  3148. 3147;"UI/UIWindow.img/Macro/backgrnd2"
  3149. 3148;"UI/UIWindow.img/Macro/backgrnd3"
  3150. 3149;"UI/UIWindow.img/Macro/backgrnd4"
  3151. 3150;"UI/UIWindow.img/Macro/num1/%d"
  3152. 3151;"UI/UIWindow.img/Macro/num1/comma"
  3153. 3152;"UI/UIWindow.img/Macro/num2/%s"
  3154. 3153;"UI/UIWindow.img/Macro/admin/0"
  3155. 3154;"UI/UIWindow.img/Macro/admin/1"
  3156. 3155;"UI/UIWindow.img/Macro/admin/2"
  3157. 3156;"UI/UIWindow.img/MacroSkill/backgrnd2"
  3158. 3157;"UI/UIWindow.img/MacroSkill/backgrnd3"
  3159. 3158;"O usuário não pôde ser encontrado."
  3160. 3159;"Você não pode usar isso em um usuário que não está no meio de um ataque."
  3161. 3160;"Este usuário já foi testado."
  3162. 3161;"Este usuário está atualmente passando pelo teste de detector de mentiras."
  3163. 3162;"Obrigado por cooperar com o teste de detector de mentiras. Você será recompensado com 5000 mesos por não estar usando Bot."
  3164. 3163;"The Lie Detector Test confirms that you have been botting. Repeated failure of the test will result in game restrictions."
  3165. 3164;"Character/Afterimage/hit.img/anniversary2"
  3166. 3165;"%s, I am the GM of Maple Story. We will now begin monitoring for a macro-assisted program. Please stop hunting and follow the instructions. Should you evade or fail to respond, you will be regarded as a macro-assisted program user and be sanctioned accordingly."
  3167. 3166;"I am the GM of Maple Story. %s, GM monitoring is about to begin. Please check the message above."
  3168. 3167;"%s have used the Lie Detector Test."
  3169. 3168;"%s_The screenshot has been saved. You have been notified of macro-assisted program monitoring."
  3170. 3169;"%s_The screenshot has been saved. The Lie Detector has been activated."
  3171. 3170;"%s_You have passed the Lie Detector Test."
  3172. 3171;"%s_The screenshot has been saved. It appears that you may be using a macro-assisted program."
  3173. 3172;"You cannot use it in the middle of the Lie Detector Test."
  3174. 3173;"You may not use the Lie Detector on this area."
  3175. 3174;"UI/CashShop.img/Base/Tab2/Enable"
  3176. 3175;"UI/CashShop.img/Base/Tab2/Disable"
  3177. 3176;"Seu nível é muito baixo para utiliar o item selecionado."
  3178. 3177;"Seu nível é muito alto para utiliar o item selecionado."
  3179. 3178;"The user has failed the Lie Detector Test. You'll be rewarded 7000 mesos from the user."
  3180. 3179;"You have succesfully passed the Lie Detector Test. Thank you for participating!"
  3181. 3180;"You will be sanctioned for using a macro-assisted program."
  3182. 3181;"Você não pode usar a Mystic Door Skill perto do portal."
  3183. 3182;"UI/Login.img/WorldNotice/BalloonForLoginProcess"
  3184. 3183;"UI/Login.img/WorldNotice/Balloon"
  3185. 3184;"UI/Login.img/WorldNotice"
  3186. 3185;"only"
  3187. 3186;"tradeBlock"
  3188. 3187;"scanTradeBlock"
  3189. 3188;"tradeAvailable"
  3190. 3189;"notSale"
  3191. 3190;"UI/UIWindow.img/QuestIcon/%d"
  3192. 3191;"\r\n\r\n#fUI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx/list1#\r"
  3193. 3192;"\r\n\r\n#fUI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx/list0#\r\n"
  3194. 3193;"\r\n\r\n#fUI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx/list3#\r\n"
  3195. 3194;"\r\n\r\n#fUI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx/list2#\r\n"
  3196. 3195;"#d#L%d# %s#l#k\r"
  3197. 3196;"Etc/ScriptInfo.img"
  3198. 3197;"d%d"
  3199. 3198;"Quest/Act.img/%d/%d"
  3200. 3199;"Quest/Act.img/%d/%d/item"
  3201. 3200;"Quest/Act.img/%d/%d/skill"
  3202. 3201;"job"
  3203. 3202;"\r\n#b#L%d# #i%07d# %s %d°³#l"
  3204. 3203;"\r\n\r\n#fUI/UIWindow.img/QuestIcon/3/0#\r\n"
  3205. 3204;"#L%d##v%d:# #t%d:# %d#l\r\n"
  3206. 3205;"\r\n\r\n#fUI/UIWindow.img/QuestIcon/4/0#\r\n"
  3207. 3206;"#v%d:# #t%d:# %d\r\n"
  3208. 3207;"#s%07d:# #q%07d:# \r\n"
  3209. 3208;"#fUI/UIWindow.img/QuestIcon/7/0# %d Meso\\r\n"
  3210. 3209;"#fUI/UIWindow.img/QuestIcon/8/0# %d exp\r\n"
  3211. 3210;"#fUI/UIWindow.img/QuestIcon/6/0# %d\r\n"
  3212. 3211;"#FUI/UIWindow.img/QuestIcon/5/0#\r\n"
  3213. 3212;"Quest/Say.img"
  3214. 3213;"Quest/Act.img/%d/1"
  3215. 3214;"ask"
  3216. 3215;"stop"
  3217. 3216;"order"
  3218. 3217;"item"
  3219. 3218;"Quest/Say.img/%d/1/lost"
  3220. 3219;"Quest/Say.img/%d/1/stop/%s"
  3221. 3220;"Quest/Check.img"
  3222. 3221;"endmeso"
  3223. 3222;"lvmin"
  3224. 3223;"lvmax"
  3225. 3224;"worldmin"
  3226. 3225;"worldmax"
  3227. 3226;"pop"
  3228. 3227;"state"
  3229. 3228;"Quest/Act.img"
  3230. 3229;"period"
  3231. 3230;"gender"
  3232. 3231;"var"
  3233. 3232;"Quest/QuestInfo.img"
  3234. 3233;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx/BtQYes"
  3235. 3234;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx/BtQGiveup"
  3236. 3235;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx/list%d"
  3237. 3236;"parent"
  3238. 3237;"Sem limite"
  3239. 3238;"Acima do Nível %d"
  3240. 3239;"%s Abaixodo Nível %d"
  3241. 3240;"Available to all"
  3242. 3241;"All users except beginners."
  3243. 3242;"Avaliable to all except %s"
  3244. 3243;"%dth job advancement"
  3245. 3244;"1st job advancement"
  3246. 3245;"2nd job advancement"
  3247. 3246;"3rd job advancement"
  3248. 3247;"4th job advancement"
  3249. 3248;"At least at %dth job advancement"
  3250. 3249;"At least at 1st job advancement"
  3251. 3250;"At least at 2nd job advancement"
  3252. 3251;"At least at 3rd job advancement"
  3253. 3252;"At least at 4th job advancement"
  3254. 3253;"Ended at %d/%d/%d at %02d:00"
  3255. 3254;"BtQYes"
  3256. 3255;"BtQNo"
  3257. 3256;"Quest/Say.img/%d/%d/yes"
  3258. 3257;"The quest has ended\r\ndue to an unknown error."
  3259. 3258;"Are you sure you want to quit?"
  3260. 3259;"%s item inventory is full."
  3261. 3260;" or"
  3262. 3261;"money"
  3263. 3262;"nextQuest"
  3264. 3263;"Master"
  3265. 3264;"Jr.Master"
  3266. 3265;"Member"
  3267. 3266;"%-12s %-11s %3d %-10s"
  3268. 3267;"%-12s %-11s %3s %-10s"
  3269. 3268;"%dhrs."
  3270. 3269;" %dmin."
  3271. 3270;"You have %s%s remaining on this Internet Cafe"
  3272. 3271;"You have %s%s remaining on this Internet Cafe (Current # of users :%d) The game will end after the time expires."
  3273. 3272;"notAttack"
  3274. 3273;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx/notice"
  3275. 3274;"This is the NX coupon number.\r\nRegister your coupon at"
  3276. 3275;"This coupon is only available to the users buying cash item for the first time."
  3277. 3276;"Now I am asking other guild members for the agreement of forming a guild~ Please hold on~..."
  3278. 3277;"Somebody has disagreed to form a guild... Please come back to me when you meet with the right people... You can only make a guild after getting agreement from all..."
  3279. 3278;"The name is already in use... Please try other ones...."
  3280. 3279;"Congratulation~ %s guild has been registered to our guild office... I wish the best luck for you guys~"
  3281. 3280;"The guild has been disbanded.. Please come back to me when you want to make a guild, again.."
  3282. 3281;"Congratulation~ The number of guld members has now increased to %d ... Please come back to me whenever you need to.."
  3283. 3282;"The problem has happened during the process of gathering agreement of forming the guild... Plese try again later..."
  3284. 3283;"The problem has happened during the process of forming the guild... Plese try again later..."
  3285. 3284;"The problem has happened during the process of disbanding the guild... Plese try again later..."
  3286. 3285;"The problem has happened during the process of increasing the guild... Plese try again later..."
  3287. 3286;"The item already has a printed name on it.."
  3288. 3287;"Woulid like to print your name on %s?"
  3289. 3288;"UI/UIWindow.img/MobGage/backgrnd"
  3290. 3289;"UI/UIWindow.img/MobGage/backgrnd2"
  3291. 3290;"UI/UIWindow.img/MobGage/backgrnd3"
  3292. 3291;"UI/UIWindow.img/MobGage/backgrnd4"
  3293. 3292;"UI/UIWindow.img/MobGage/Mob/%d"
  3294. 3293;"UI/UIWindow.img/MobGage/Gage/%d/0"
  3295. 3294;"UI/UIWindow.img/MobGage/Gage/%d/1"
  3296. 3295;"[%s]'s position has been changed to [%s]."
  3297. 3296;"It is saved."
  3298. 3297;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/GuildGrade"
  3299. 3298;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/GuildEdit"
  3300. 3299;"Please put a position,\r\n which you want to change to."
  3301. 3300;"You cannot delete this position, because\r\nthere is a lower rank than this position."
  3302. 3301;"You cannot delete this position,\r\nbecause there are still members\r\nwho are in this position."
  3303. 3302;"Would like to save the change?"
  3304. 3303;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/GuildEdit/BtModf"
  3305. 3304;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/GuildEdit/BtSave"
  3306. 3305;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/GuildInfo/guildinfo5"
  3307. 3306;"Sound/CashEffect.img/%08d/Hit"
  3308. 3307;"swim"
  3309. 3308;"flow"
  3310. 3309;"fatigue"
  3311. 3310;"Effect/MapEff.img/%s"
  3312. 3311;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/MakeMark/BtAgree"
  3313. 3312;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/MakeMark/BtDisagree"
  3314. 3313;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/MakeMark/BtLeft"
  3315. 3314;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/MakeMark/BtRight"
  3316. 3315;" Animal"
  3317. 3316;" Plant"
  3318. 3317;" Pattern"
  3319. 3318;" Character"
  3320. 3319;" ETC"
  3321. 3320;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/MakeMark/backgrnd"
  3322. 3321;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/MakeMark/message0"
  3323. 3322;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/MakeMark/message1"
  3324. 3323;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/MakeMark/message2"
  3325. 3324;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/MakeMark/message3"
  3326. 3325;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/MakeMark/message4"
  3327. 3326;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/MakeMark/inner"
  3328. 3327;"UI/GuildMark.img/"
  3329. 3328;"BackGround"
  3330. 3329;"Mark/Animal"
  3331. 3330;"Mark/Plant"
  3332. 3331;"Mark/Pattern"
  3333. 3332;"Mark/Letter"
  3334. 3333;"Mark/Etc"
  3335. 3334;"Animal"
  3336. 3335;"Pattern"
  3337. 3336;"Letter"
  3338. 3337;"UI/GuildMark.img/Mark/%s/%08d/%d"
  3339. 3338;"UI/GuildMark.img/BackGround/%08d/%d"
  3340. 3339;"Would you like to save it as a guild emblem?"
  3341. 3340;"It is completed."
  3342. 3341;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Friend/BtWhere"
  3343. 3342;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/GuildInfo/BtWhere"
  3344. 3343;"You cannot move that channel. Please try again later."
  3345. 3344;"You cannot go into the cash shop. Please try again later."
  3346. 3345;"The Cash Shop is not available in the Trial Version."
  3347. 3346;"Download the Full Client to customize your character!"
  3348. 3347;"[%s] quest has been expired. The quest has been deleted from the quest list."
  3349. 3348;"* Guild Notice"
  3350. 3349;"* Guild Notice : %s"
  3351. 3350;"Please enter the Guild Notice."
  3352. 3351;"GameGuard: Error Initializing (%d)\r\n\r\n"
  3353. 3352;"GameGuard is already running. Please reboot and try again."
  3354. 3353;"The client has executed multiple times, or GameGuard is already open. Please close the game, and restart the client."
  3355. 3354;"An error occured while resetting GameGuard. Please try rebooting the system before restarting the client, or close all programs that may potentially collide with the client before restarting. We also recommend running virus/spyware checks for your system."
  3356. 3355;"A GameGuard file is corrupt or missing. We recommend executing the GameGuard setup file for solution."
  3357. 3356;"A Windows system file is corrupt. We recommend virus check to your system, as well as upgrading/reinstalling Internet Explorer for solution."
  3358. 3357;"An error occured while executing GameGuard. Please re-install the GameGuard setup file, then restart the client."
  3359. 3358;"A hacking program has been detected. Please close all unnecessary programs before re-opening the game. For further assistance, please find the *.erl files that are located in the GameGuard Folder of the MapleStory folder, and email them to as attachments."
  3360. 3359;"You have pressed Cancel during the update. If the cancellation is due to a lack of connection, then check the network connection, the firewall settings, or simply try again."
  3361. 3360;"The collision has been detected between the program installed on your computer and Gameguard."
  3362. 3361;"Unable to connect to the GameGuard update server. Please try reconnecting later, or check the network connection."
  3363. 3362;"An error occured during the update. Please try temporarily disabling the Virus Vaccine and restart the client, or change the system option, if you're using the PC-maintenance program."
  3364. 3363;"An error occured while loading Virus / Hacking Tool search. This may occur due to lack of memory or virus infection."
  3365. 3364;"An error occurred while processing GameGuard. For further assistance, please find the *.erl files that are located in the GameGuard Folder of the MapleStory folder, and email them to as attachments."
  3366. 3365;"A hacking program has been detected. If you feel that this error is a mistake, please find the *.erl files that are located in the GameGuard Folder of the MapleStory folder, and email them to as attachments."
  3367. 3366;"has received a gift."
  3368. 3367;"'s fame has gone up +1."
  3369. 3368;"UI/UIWindow.img/Claim/backgrnd"
  3370. 3369;"UI/UIWindow.img/Claim/notice"
  3371. 3370;"UI/UIWindow.img/Claim/BtClaim"
  3372. 3371;"UI/UIWindow.img/Claim/BtCancel"
  3373. 3372;"UI/UIWindow.img/Claim/BtCClaim"
  3374. 3373;"UI/UIWindow.img/Claim/BtPClaim"
  3375. 3374;"Curse/Inappropriate Content"
  3376. 3375;"Fraud"
  3377. 3376;"Cash Trade"
  3378. 3377;"Impersonating GM"
  3379. 3378;"Exposing Personal Info"
  3380. 3379;"Report Use of Illegal Programs"
  3381. 3380;"You have successfully registered."
  3382. 3381;"Your report has been successfully registered.\r\nYou have %d reports left this week."
  3383. 3382;"Your report has been successfully registered.\r\nYou have no report left this week."
  3384. 3383;"The report has been successfully made.\r\nYou may not report for the rest of the day."
  3385. 3384;"You have been reported by a user."
  3386. 3385;"The reporting system is currently undergoing maintenence check."
  3387. 3386;"Please try again later."
  3388. 3387;"Please re-check the character name, then try again."
  3389. 3388;"You do not have enough mesos to report."
  3390. 3389;"Unable to connect to the server."
  3391. 3390;"You have exceeded\r\nthe number of reports available."
  3392. 3391;"There's no character can be reported in this map."
  3393. 3392;"We are currently on the testing period,\n\nwhich means the service may conclude without notice."
  3394. 3393;"Your chatting will be enabled after %04d/%d/%d."
  3395. 3394;"Please enter the reason for reporting."
  3396. 3395;"You may only report from %d to %d."
  3397. 3396;"This character is unable to report others."
  3398. 3397;"Unable to report due to\n\npreviously being cited for a false report."
  3399. 3398;"Please select."
  3400. 3399;"Please select the character you'd like to report."
  3401. 3400;"Etc/ChatBlockReason.img"
  3402. 3401;"haha"
  3403. 3402;"hoho"
  3404. 3403;"hehe"
  3405. 3404;"harhar"
  3406. 3405;"wahaha"
  3407. 3406;"sob"
  3408. 3407;"tears"
  3409. 3408;"sniff"
  3410. 3409;"PetConsumeItemID"
  3411. 3410;"PetConsumeHPItemID"
  3412. 3411;"PetConsumeMPItemID"
  3413. 3412;"chase"
  3414. 3413;"%s Team's snowball has passed the %d stage."
  3415. 3414;"%s Team is attacking the snowman, stopping the progress of %s Team's snowball."
  3416. 3415;"%s Team's snowball is moving again."
  3417. 3416;"Sealed items cannot be\r\nsold, traded, or dropped."
  3418. 3417;"This item cannot be sealed."
  3419. 3418;"Please select the item you'd like to seal."
  3420. 3419;"This item cannot be used\r\nonce it is sealed."
  3421. 3420;"%s\r\nWould you like to seal this item?"
  3422. 3421;"UI/UIWindow.img/ItemProtector/backgrnd"
  3423. 3422;"UI/UIWindow.img/ItemProtector/BtOk"
  3424. 3423;"UI/UIWindow.img/ItemProtector/BtCancel"
  3425. 3424;"UI/UIWindow.img/ItemProtector/Icon/0"
  3426. 3425;"This item cannot be incubated."
  3427. 3426;"Please select the item you'd like to incubate"
  3428. 3427;"You'll need at least 1 slot of Equip. inv., 3 slots of Use inv., and 1 slot of Etc. inv. available.\r\nWill you incubate the Pigmy Egg?"
  3429. 3428;"UI/UIWindow.img/Incubator/backgrnd"
  3430. 3429;"UI/UIWindow.img/Incubator/BtOk"
  3431. 3430;"UI/UIWindow.img/Incubator/BtCancel"
  3432. 3431;"Your inventory is full.\r\nPlease try again later."
  3433. 3432;"An item is found inside the Pigmy Egg."
  3434. 3433;"You are lacking the HP Potion that your pet is supposed to use."
  3435. 3434;"You are lacking the MP Potion that your pet is supposed to use."
  3436. 3435;"Your pet will consume the Potion once when your HP goes below HP alert setting."
  3437. 3436;"Your pet will consume the Potion once when your MP goes below MP alert setting."
  3438. 3437;"You must break the seal first."
  3439. 3438;"To complete the quest, you'll need to unseal the quest item."
  3440. 3439;"Effect/BasicEff.img/Enchant/Success"
  3441. 3440;"Effect/BasicEff.img/Enchant/Failure"
  3442. 3441;"Purchase successful.\r\n%d You have received MaplePoints."
  3443. 3442;"You have given '%s' \r\n %d [%s] as a gift.\r\n%d You have received MaplePoints."
  3444. 3443;"Item/Special/MaplePoint.img/%d/icon"
  3445. 3444;"%d Point"
  3446. 3445;"Unable to retrieve it due to the equipment\r\n currently being worn by the character."
  3447. 3446;"You may not possess more than \r\none of this item."
  3448. 3447;"UI/UIWindow.img/Book/BtPrev"
  3449. 3448;"UI/UIWindow.img/Book/BtNext"
  3450. 3449;"UI/UIWindow.img/Book/BtClose"
  3451. 3450;"employee"
  3452. 3451;"Hired Merchant"
  3453. 3452;"Item/Cash/0503.img"
  3454. 3453;"Item/Cash/0503.img/%08d"
  3455. 3454;"Item/Cash/0503.img/%08d/employee"
  3456. 3455;"Item/Cash/0503.img/%08d/effect"
  3457. 3456;"050300%02d/skin"
  3458. 3457;"050300%02d/effect"
  3459. 3458;"signboard"
  3460. 3459;"soldInfrom"
  3461. 3460;"%s's Hired Merchant"
  3462. 3461;"stand/0"
  3463. 3462;"%s's Hired Merchant : %s"
  3464. 3463;"It is past the working hours,\r\nso the store will close."
  3465. 3464;"Your shop was closed at the discretion of a GM. Please see Fred to recover your items."
  3466. 3465;"Unable to use this due to the Remote Shop not being open."
  3467. 3466;"If there's no slot available for the item at\r\nthe inventory, the item can only be retrieved\r\nthrough Fredrick, the Store Bank NPC.\r\nWill you close the store?"
  3468. 3467;"You can't sell items while managing the store.\r\nWould you like to start managing the store?"
  3469. 3468;"The owner of the store is currently\r\nundergoing store maintenance.\r\nPlease try again in a bit."
  3470. 3469;"The use of the Remote Control stopped\r\ndue to moving to another map. Please use it later."
  3471. 3470;"Store Closed / %02d : %02d"
  3472. 3471;"Your store is currently open\r\nin Channel %s, Free Market %d.\r\nPlease use this after closing the store."
  3473. 3472;"The store is open at Channel %s.\r\nWould you like to change to that channel?"
  3474. 3473;"Another character is currently using the item.\r\nPlease log on as a different character and close\r\nthe store, or empty out the Store Bank."
  3475. 3474;"You are currently unable to open the store."
  3476. 3475;"You may not open the store near a portal."
  3477. 3476;"Please use this after retrieving items\r\n from Fredrick of Free Market."
  3478. 3477;"The sold items are crossed off the list, and\r\nthe sales fee will be retrieved."
  3479. 3478;"Both the items and mesos\r\nare successfully retrieved."
  3480. 3479;"Unable to retrieve the items and mesos due to the store having too much money.\r\nPlease go see Fredrick at the Free Market entrance."
  3481. 3480;"Unable to retrieve the items because one of the items ___________, but the Mesos were retrieved.\r\nPlease go see Fredrick at the Free Market entrance."
  3482. 3481;"Unable to retrieve the items due to full inventory, but the Mesos were retrieved.\r\nthe item could not be retrieved.\r\nPlease go see Fredrick at the Free Market entrance."
  3483. 3482;"Unable to retrieve the items for unknown reasons, but the Mesos were retrieved.\r\nPlease go see Fredrick at the Free Market entrance."
  3484. 3483;"You may only sell one of this item."
  3485. 3484;"You may only possess one of this item."
  3486. 3485;" Will you change the name of \r\n%s?"
  3487. 3486;"I LOVE MAPLESTORY!"
  3488. 3487;"I don't think you have any items or money to retrieve here.\r\nThis is where you retrieve the items and mesos that you couldn't get from your Hired Merchant. You'll also need to see me as the character that opened the Personal Store."
  3489. 3488;"Your Personal Store is open #bin Channel %s, Free Market %d#k.\r\nIf you need me, then please close your personal store first before seeing me."
  3490. 3489;"This is currently unavailable.\r\nPlease try again later"
  3491. 3490;"These were here for %d days, so the storing\r\nfee will cost you %d%% of the total price,\r\n%d mesos.\r\nAre you sure you want to retrieve them?"
  3492. 3491;"Are you sure you want to retrieve them?"
  3493. 3492;"You have retrieved your items and mesos."
  3494. 3493;"Unable to retrieve mesos and items due to\r\ntoo much money stored\r\nat the Store Bank."
  3495. 3494;"Unable to retrieve mesos and items due to\r\none of the items\r\nthat can only be possessed one at a time."
  3496. 3495;"Due to the lack of service fee, you were unable to \r\nretrieve mesos or items."
  3497. 3496;"Unable to retrieve mesos and items\r\ndue to full inventory."
  3498. 3497;"Please retrieve your items from Fredrick."
  3499. 3498;"Hello. I'm Fredrick, the Union Chief of the Hired Merchant Union. The way to use Hired Merchants is really not that different from using a regular store, so you need not worry. There are a few things you'll need to be aware of, however, so please read this contract of agreement VERY carefully before hiring the Merchants.\r\n\r\nHired Merchant Contract\r\n1) According to the points stated below, Hired Merchants disappear after storing your items and mesos at the Store Bank.\r\n - If the Hired Merchant works at the same spot for more than #r24 Hours#k straight, #rthe Hired Merchant's contract will expire, and the Merchant will disappear.#k\r\n - #rIf the inventory is full#k, the Hired Merchant will be removed from its post (executes after 1st warning)\r\n2) After Hired Merchant disappears, you'll need to see #rFredrick#k, who's at the Free Market Entrance, and retrieve your items and mesos.\r\n3) You will not be able to hire Merchants until you have retrieved all of your mesos and items.\r\n4) A 1% storing fee of the total sales and original price of the item will be charged daily to the user storing the mesos and items at the Store Bank past #r24 hours#k.\r\n5) Once the storing fee exceeds 100%, the mesos and items stored will be donated to the Free Market Fund.\r\n6) GM's hold the right to change the name of the store without notice if it contains vulgar, inappropriate language.\r\n7) Players can have only one Hired Merchant set up at a time."
  3500. 3499;"%d %s have been sold at the Remote Store."
  3501. 3500;"pettamenessmin"
  3502. 3501;"pettamenessmax"
  3503. 3502;"tamingmoblevelmin"
  3504. 3503;"tamingmoblevelmax"
  3505. 3504;"pettameness"
  3506. 3505;"petspeed"
  3507. 3506;"Unable to complete the quest\r\ndue to a lack of pet.\r\nPlease try again after summoning a pet."
  3508. 3507;"Unable to complete the quest\r\nwith the current pet you have summoned.\r\nPlease try again with a pet\r\nthat meets the quest requirement."
  3509. 3508;"#fUI/UIWindow.img/QuestIcon/9/0# %d\r\n"
  3510. 3509;"You're lacking Level 1 or 2 Skills."
  3511. 3510;"You're lacking Level 1 Skills."
  3512. 3511;"You are lacking in either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level skills."
  3513. 3512;"OO"
  3514. 3513;"Info"
  3515. 3514;"UI/CashShop.img/PicturePlate/BtJoin"
  3516. 3515;"UI/CashShop.img/PicturePlate/BtShortcut"
  3517. 3516;"UI/CashShop.img/PicturePlate/BtClose"
  3518. 3517;"UI/CashShop.img/CSMemberShop/BtAgree"
  3519. 3518;"UI/CashShop.img/CSMemberShop/BtDisagree"
  3520. 3519;"UI/CashShop.img/CSMemberShop/Article"
  3521. 3520;"UI/CashShop.img/CSMemberShop/BtTested"
  3522. 3521;"UI/CashShop.img/CSMemberShop/BtOK"
  3523. 3522;"UI/CashShop.img/CSMemberShop/BtCancel"
  3524. 3523;"UI/CashShop.img/CSMemberShop/backgrnd"
  3525. 3524;"UI/CashShop.img/PicturePlate/ShortcutHelp"
  3526. 3525;"SKT"
  3527. 3526;"KTF"
  3528. 3527;"LGT"
  3529. 3528;"Please re-check your phone number."
  3530. 3529;"Please re-check your SSN."
  3531. 3530;"Please re-check the phone company you entered."
  3532. 3531;"Please re-check your verification code."
  3533. 3532;"DiscountRate"
  3534. 3533;"Morph/%04d"
  3535. 3534;"TamingMob/%04d"
  3536. 3535;"Unavailable while transforming."
  3537. 3536;"Unavailable while transforming. Please right-click the icon at the top right corner to cancel the transformation."
  3538. 3537;"This skill is available only when your energy is fully charged."
  3539. 3538;"This skill is available only during transformation."
  3540. 3539;"This skill is available only when you are riding the Battleship."
  3541. 3540;"You have earned Guild Points (+%d)"
  3542. 3541;"You have lost Guild Points (%d)"
  3543. 3542;"bigSize"
  3544. 3543;"You have played MapleStory for %d hour(s)."
  3545. 3544;"You have played MapleStory for %d hour(s).\r\nWe suggest you take a break from Mapling."
  3546. 3545;"There are less than 6 members remaining, so the quest cannot continue. Your Guild Quest will end in 5 seconds."
  3547. 3546;"The user that registered has disconnected, so the quest cannot continue. Your Guild Quest will end in 5 seconds."
  3548. 3547;"Please go see the Guild Quest NPC at Channel %s immediately to enter."
  3549. 3548;"Your guild is up next. Please head to the Guild Quest map at Channel %s and wait."
  3550. 3549;"There's currently 1 guild participating in the Guild Quest, and your guild is number %d on the waitlist."
  3551. 3550;"Guild Quest"
  3552. 3551;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/GuildRank/backgrnd"
  3553. 3552;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/GuildRank/BtLeft"
  3554. 3553;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/GuildRank/BtRight"
  3555. 3554;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/GuildRank/BtOK"
  3556. 3555;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/GuildRank/icon0"
  3557. 3556;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/GuildRank/IconEff"
  3558. 3557;"Guild Quest Waitlist number:%d"
  3559. 3558;"You have already applied for this."
  3560. 3559;"Âò ¸ñ·Ï À̺¥Æ® ÀÀ¸ð´Â\r\n10°³ÀÇ ¾ÆÀÌÅÛÀ» ÂòÇÏ¿©\r\n33,333¿ø¿¡ °¡Àå ±ÙÁ¢ÇÑ À̸¦ Ãß÷ÇÏ¿©\r\nǪÁüÇÑ »óÇ°À» µå¸³´Ï´Ù.\r\nÂòÇÑ ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ °³¼ö°¡ ¸ðÀÚ¶ø´Ï´Ù.\r\n´Ù½Ã È®ÀÎÇϼ¼¿ä."
  3561. 3560;"33,333¿ø¿¡ °¡Àå ±ÙÁ¢ÇÑ À̸¦ Ãß÷ÇÏ¿©\r\nǪÁüÇÑ »óÇ°À» µå¸³´Ï´Ù. Âò ¸ñ·Ï À̺¥Æ®¿¡\r\nÀÌ´ë·Î ÀÀ¸ðÇϽðڽÀ´Ï±î?\r\nÃÑ °¡°Ý : %d ij½Ã"
  3562. 3561;"ÈÞ´ëÀüÈ­ SMS·Î ÀÎÁõ¹øÈ£°¡ Àü¼ÛµÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù."
  3563. 3562;"¸â¹ö¼¥ °¡ÀÔÀ» ÃàÇÏ µå¸³´Ï´Ù.\r\nÇÚµåÆùÀ¸·Î Àü¼ÛµÈ SMS¸¦ ÅëÇØ\r\n¸â¹ö¼¥À» ´Ù¿î·Îµå ¹ÞÀ¸½Ç ¼ö ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù."
  3564. 3563;"¼­¹ö ¿¬°á¿¡ ½ÇÆÐÇÏ¿´½À´Ï´Ù.\r\nÀá½Ã ÈÄ¿¡ ´Ù½Ã ½ÃµµÇØÁÖ¼¼¿ä."
  3565. 3564;"ÀüÈ­¹øÈ£¸¦ À߸ø ÀÔ·ÂÇϼ̽À´Ï´Ù.\r\nÈ®ÀÎ ÈÄ¿¡ ´Ù½Ã ½ÃµµÇØÁÖ¼¼¿ä."
  3566. 3565;"ÈÞ´ëÀüÈ­ »ç¿ëÀÚ Á¤º¸¿Í\r\nÀÔ·ÂÇϽŠÁ¤º¸°¡ ÀÏÄ¡ÇÏÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù.\r\nÈ®ÀÎ ÈÄ¿¡ ´Ù½Ã ½ÃµµÇØÁÖ¼¼¿ä."
  3567. 3566;"ÀÎÁõ °úÁ¤Áß¿¡ ¿À·ù°¡ ¹ß»ýÇÏ¿´½À´Ï´Ù.\r\nÀá½Ã ÈÄ¿¡ ´Ù½Ã ½ÃµµÇØÁÖ¼¼¿ä."
  3568. 3567;"ÀÌ¹Ì ¸â¹ö¼¥¿¡ °¡ÀÔÇϼ̽À´Ï´Ù."
  3569. 3568;"ÀÎÁõ ¹øÈ£¸¦ À߸ø ÀÔ·ÂÇϼ̽À´Ï´Ù.\r\nÈ®ÀÎ ÈÄ¿¡ ´Ù½Ã ½ÃµµÇØÁÖ¼¼¿ä."
  3570. 3569;"¿äû ó¸® ½Ã°£ÀÌ ÃÊ°úµÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.\r\nÀá½Ã ÈÄ¿¡ ´Ù½Ã ½ÃµµÇØÁÖ¼¼¿ä."
  3571. 3570;"An unknown error has occured."
  3572. 3571;"Pick up item"
  3573. 3572;"Take HP Potion"
  3574. 3573;"Take MP Potion"
  3575. 3574;"Extending the Moving Range"
  3576. 3575;"Pick Up Items"
  3577. 3576;"Pick Up Uncontested Items"
  3578. 3577;"recall pet"
  3579. 3578;"Ignore a certain item"
  3580. 3579;" Please select the pet you'd like to use the scroll on using the left-right button."
  3581. 3580;"Will you exit this chat room?"
  3582. 3581;"UI/UIWindow.img/TemporaryStatView/%d"
  3583. 3582;"UI/Login.img/Notice/BtRestart"
  3584. 3583;"UI/Login.img/Notice/BtExit"
  3585. 3584;"UI/Login.img/Notice/BtYes1"
  3586. 3585;"UI/Login.img/Notice/BtNo1"
  3587. 3586;"MapleRestarter.exe"
  3588. 3587;"expireOnLogout"
  3589. 3588;"follow"
  3590. 3589;"Item/Cash/0501.img/%08d/effect/"
  3591. 3590;"loose"
  3592. 3591;"UI/UIWindow.img/Skill/tip0"
  3593. 3592;"UI/UIWindow.img/Skill/tip1"
  3594. 3593;"UI/UIWindow.img/Skill/tip2"
  3595. 3594;"UI/UIWindow.img/Skill/CoolTime/%d"
  3596. 3595;"fixdamage"
  3597. 3596;"cooltime"
  3598. 3597;"You may not use the skill yet."
  3599. 3598;"You may only use this skill with a one-handed weapon equipped."
  3600. 3599;"The Item Pick-Up skill for %s the pet has been %s."
  3601. 3600;"The Expand Range of Motion skill for pet %s has been %s."
  3602. 3601;"The Auto-Pickup Skill for %s the pet has been %s."
  3603. 3602;"The Pick up Unallotted Items & Mesos skill for %s the pet has been %s."
  3604. 3603;"The HP Recharge Skill for %s the pet has been %s."
  3605. 3604;"The MP Recharge Skill for %s the pet has been %s."
  3606. 3605;"%s has %s the Ignore Item skill."
  3607. 3606;"petskill upgrade recall"
  3608. 3607;"petskill upgrade autospeaking"
  3609. 3608;"Add"
  3610. 3609;"Delete"
  3611. 3610;"UI/UIWindow.img/Quest/BtAlert"
  3612. 3611;"UI/UIWindow.img/Quest/BtMarkNpc"
  3613. 3612;"UI/UIWindow.img/QuestAlarm/backgrndmax"
  3614. 3613;"UI/UIWindow.img/QuestAlarm/backgrndmin"
  3615. 3614;"UI/UIWindow.img/QuestAlarm/backgrndcenter"
  3616. 3615;"UI/UIWindow.img/QuestAlarm/backgrndbottom"
  3617. 3616;"Maple Island"
  3618. 3617;"Victoria Island"
  3619. 3618;"Ossyria"
  3620. 3619;"4th Job Advancement"
  3621. 3620;"Quest Helper (%d/5)"
  3622. 3621;"UI/Basic.img/BtClose2"
  3623. 3622;"UI/UIWindow.img/itemSearch/categoryback"
  3624. 3623;"UI/UIWindow.img/itemSearch/backgrnd"
  3625. 3624;"UI/UIWindow.img/itemSearch/searchback"
  3626. 3625;"UI/UIWindow.img/itemSearch/resultback"
  3627. 3626;"UI/UIWindow.img/itemSearch/BtRight/normal/0"
  3628. 3627;"UI/UIWindow.img/itemSearch/backgrnd2"
  3629. 3628;"[%s]\r\nWould you like to register?"
  3630. 3629;"Would you like to search for\r\n[%s]?\r\nThe Owl of Minerva will disappear\r\n%s\r\nif there's a search result after pressing OK."
  3631. 3630;"Show 200 results in ascending order"
  3632. 3631;"Show 200 results in descending order"
  3633. 3632;"Search results for"
  3634. 3633;"that you entered."
  3635. 3634;"Total of"
  3636. 3635;"results available."
  3637. 3636;"You may not use ""GO"" if the store is either on a different channel or closed."
  3638. 3637;"Unable to find the item\r\nyou have entered."
  3639. 3638;"Store Closed"
  3640. 3639;"Can't Go"
  3641. 3640;"This store is open at Room %d on Channel %s."
  3642. 3641;"This can only be used inside the Free Market."
  3643. 3642;"Not available in the Free Market."
  3644. 3643;"UI/UIWindow.img/itemSearch/BtGo"
  3645. 3644;"UI/UIWindow.img/itemSearch/BtSearch"
  3646. 3645;"UI/UIWindow.img/itemSearch/BtOK"
  3647. 3646;"UI/UIWindow.img/itemSearch/BtLink"
  3648. 3647;"UI/UIWindow.img/itemSearch/BtInfo"
  3649. 3648;"UI/UIWindow.img/itemSearch/BtRegist"
  3650. 3649;"UI/UIWindow.img/itemSearch/BtSearch2"
  3651. 3650;"# Item Per Bundle"
  3652. 3651;"Price Per Bundle"
  3653. 3652;"Total # Sold"
  3654. 3653;"UI/UIWindow.img/itemSearch/icon0"
  3655. 3654;"Effect/MapEff.img/Viewrange/1"
  3656. 3655;"Effect/MapEff.img/Viewrange/3"
  3657. 3656;"pickUpBlock"
  3658. 3657;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/backgrnd"
  3659. 3658;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/BtStart"
  3660. 3659;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/BtContinue"
  3661. 3660;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/BtRetry"
  3662. 3661;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/BtExit"
  3663. 3662;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/BtRock"
  3664. 3663;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/BtPaper"
  3665. 3664;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/BtScissor"
  3666. 3665;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/draw"
  3667. 3666;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/win"
  3668. 3667;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/lose"
  3669. 3668;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/timeover"
  3670. 3669;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/Frock"
  3671. 3670;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/Fpaper"
  3672. 3671;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/Fscissor"
  3673. 3672;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/rock"
  3674. 3673;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/paper"
  3675. 3674;"UI/UIWindow.img/RpsGame/scissor"
  3676. 3675;"#e#bRock, Paper, Scissors Notice#n#k\r\nThe participation fee for this Rock, Paper, Scissors game is #r1,000 mesos#k.\r\nWinning games will allow you to obtain various Winning Streak Certificates awarded for each consecutive win, but failure to complete the challenge will result in not receiving the Cerficate.\r\nThe received Certificate can be traded with the NPC's Paul, Jean, Martin, and Tony."
  3677. 3676;"Press 'Start' to start the game."
  3678. 3677;"Please select Rock, Paper, or Scissors in %d seconds."
  3679. 3678;"To challenge the %d-game Winning Streak Challenge, press 'Continue'. A failed challenge will result in no reward."
  3680. 3679;"Congratulations on conquering the 10-game Winning Streak Challenge!"
  3681. 3680;"You have lost the game due to being over the time limit. Press 'Restart' to try again, which will cost you the participation fee of 1,000 mesos."
  3682. 3681;"Here's 500 mesos as a consolation prize. Press 'Restart' to try again, which will cost you the participation fee of 1,000 mesos."
  3683. 3682;"Press 'Restart' to try again, which will cost you the participation fee of 1,000 mesos."
  3684. 3683;"You may only participate in this game with at least one free slot available in the etc. inventory."
  3685. 3684;"You do not have enough mesos to pay for the participation fee of 1,000 mesos."
  3686. 3685;"You may only play this %d times a day."
  3687. 3686;"#kSummer Event\r#b1:00 pm ~ 7:00 pm\r#rEXP x%d, Drop Rate x%d"
  3688. 3687;"Catch/Success"
  3689. 3688;"Catch/Fail"
  3690. 3689;"Effect/BasicEff.img/Assassination/effect"
  3691. 3690;"criticalDamage"
  3692. 3691;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/keydown"
  3693. 3692;"keydown"
  3694. 3693;"From %2d/%2d/%4d (mm/dd/yyyy)"
  3695. 3694;"to %2d/%2d/%4d (mm/dd/yyyy)"
  3696. 3695;"[Mon]"
  3697. 3696;"[Tues]"
  3698. 3697;"[Wed]"
  3699. 3698;"[Thur]"
  3700. 3699;"[Fri]"
  3701. 3700;"[Sat]"
  3702. 3701;"[Sun]"
  3703. 3702;" only"
  3704. 3703;"from %2d:00 am to"
  3705. 3704;"from %2d:00 pm to"
  3706. 3705;"%2d am"
  3707. 3706;"%2d pm"
  3708. 3707;"This item has limited availability."
  3709. 3708;"There are currently %d left."
  3710. 3709;"This item will be on sale only for this limited time."
  3711. 3710;"Hurry!!!"
  3712. 3711;"[ Limited Sale Guide ]"
  3713. 3712;"Loop"
  3714. 3713;"invisible"
  3715. 3714;"String/ToolTipHelp.img/Mapobject/%d"
  3716. 3715;"ToolTip"
  3717. 3716;"Effect/ItemEff.img/1112001/0"
  3718. 3717;"Effect/ItemEff.img/1112001/1"
  3720. 3719;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/Invitation/Vegas"
  3721. 3720;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/Invitation/Cathedral"
  3722. 3721;"Please enter the text."
  3723. 3722;"Are you sure you want to delete the post?"
  3724. 3723;"Please delete the current notice\r\nand then try again."
  3725. 3724;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/BtQuit"
  3726. 3725;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/Emoticon/Basic/0"
  3727. 3726;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/Emoticon/Basic/1"
  3728. 3727;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/Emoticon/Basic/2"
  3729. 3728;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/Emoticon/Select"
  3730. 3729;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/BtNotice"
  3731. 3730;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/BtWrite"
  3732. 3731;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/BtRetouch"
  3733. 3732;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/BtDelete"
  3734. 3733;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/BtReply"
  3735. 3734;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/BtReplyDelete"
  3736. 3735;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/backgrnd2"
  3737. 3736;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/BtRegister"
  3738. 3737;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/BtCancel"
  3739. 3738;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/MoveEmoticon/BtLeft"
  3740. 3739;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/MoveEmoticon/BtRight"
  3741. 3740;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/backgrnd3"
  3742. 3741;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/GuildInfo/BtGuildBBS"
  3743. 3742;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/backgrnd"
  3744. 3743;"This message had been deleted by another user.\r\nPlease check again."
  3745. 3744;"UI/GuildBBS.img/GuildBBS/Emoticon/Cash/%d"
  3746. 3745;"This megaphone is only available for \r\ncharacters that are over Level 10."
  3747. 3746;"Hired Merchant's Shop is only available for \r\ncharacters that are over Level 15."
  3748. 3747;"Gachapon is only available for \r\ncharacters that are over Level 15."
  3749. 3748;"This teleport rock is only available for \r\ncharacters that are over level 6."
  3750. 3749;"This item can only be used 15 days \r\nafter the account's registration."
  3751. 3750;"Effect/ItemEff.img/1112800/0"
  3752. 3751;"Effect/ItemEff.img/1112800/1"
  3753. 3752;"Effect/ItemEff.img/1112801/0"
  3754. 3753;"Effect/ItemEff.img/1112801/1"
  3755. 3754;"Effect/ItemEff.img/1112802/0"
  3756. 3755;"Effect/ItemEff.img/1112802/1"
  3757. 3756;"¾ï"
  3758. 3757;"¸¸"
  3759. 3758;" %d"
  3760. 3759;" %d½Ê"
  3761. 3760;" %d¹é"
  3762. 3761;" %dõ"
  3763. 3762;" %dõ¸¸"
  3764. 3763;" ..."
  3765. 3764;"0000"
  3766. 3765;"Bonus EXP for PARTY (+%d)"
  3767. 3766;"Bonus Event Party EXP (+%d) x%d"
  3768. 3767;"Bonus EXP for hunting over %d hrs. (+%d)"
  3769. 3768;"A bonus EXP %d%% is awarded for every 3rd monster defeated."
  3770. 3769;"script"
  3771. 3770;"hideTooltip"
  3772. 3771;"String/ToolTipHelp.img/PortalTooltip/%d"
  3773. 3772;"slang"
  3774. 3773;"damagedByMob"
  3775. 3774;"dropItemPeriod"
  3776. 3775;"Due to your failure to protect the Moon Bunny, you have been transported to the Exile Map."
  3777. 3776;" You have failed to protect Tylus."
  3778. 3777;"The poor wild boar has died."
  3779. 3778;"You have been seduced, which disables you from moving."
  3780. 3779;"You will become an Undead and the effects of your Recovery will diminish by 50%."
  3781. 3780;"attachfacing"
  3782. 3781;"direction"
  3783. 3782;"backTile"
  3784. 3783;"activateSkillID"
  3785. 3784;"activateByTouch"
  3786. 3785;"To the crew that have finally conquered Horned Tail after numerous attempts, I salute thee! You are the true heroes of Leafre!!"
  3787. 3786;"Oh, the exploration team who has defeated Pink Bean with undying fervor! You are the true victors of time!"
  3788. 3787;"Map/Obj/etc.img/timer/backgrndhour"
  3789. 3788;"showMessage"
  3790. 3789;"The Moon Bunny made rice cake number %d."
  3791. 3790;"The Moon Bunny is feeling sick. Please protect it so it can make delicious rice cakes."
  3792. 3791;"Tylus is under danger. Please protect him."
  3793. 3792;"The Watch Hog is in danger. Please protect it!"
  3794. 3793;"Your pet cannot consume this food.\r\nPlease check again."
  3795. 3794;"keydownend"
  3796. 3795;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/keydownend"
  3797. 3796;"delta"
  3798. 3797;"Are you sure you want to use %s?"
  3799. 3798;"You have used %s."
  3800. 3799;"These contact lenses cannot be equipped, because\r\nyou are currently adorning a lens of the same color."
  3801. 3800;"This item can only be used with a pet."
  3802. 3801;"random"
  3803. 3802;"Character/TamingMob"
  3804. 3803;"Character/TamingMob/"
  3805. 3804;"characterStart"
  3806. 3805;"characterEnd"
  3807. 3806;"TAMED MONSTER"
  3808. 3807;"SADDLE"
  3809. 3808;"UI/UIWindow.img/NEquip/backgrnd1"
  3810. 3809;"UI/UIWindow.img/NEquip/backgrnd"
  3811. 3810;"MONSTER EQUIP."
  3812. 3811;"PET EQUIP."
  3813. 3812;"PET RING"
  3814. 3813;"This skill requires a tamed monster and a saddle."
  3815. 3814;"Not available during the ride."
  3816. 3815;"Not available while riding on the tamed monster."
  3817. 3816;"tamingMob"
  3818. 3817;"You cannot ride on this tamed monster."
  3819. 3818;"You can ride the tamed cash monster when it is equipped with a Cash Saddle."
  3820. 3819;"incFatigue"
  3821. 3820;"left"
  3822. 3821;"right"
  3823. 3822;"top"
  3824. 3823;"bottom"
  3825. 3824;"create"
  3826. 3825;" You do not have enough slots in your item inventory."
  3827. 3826;"You do not have enough etc. inventory slots."
  3828. 3827;"You have successfully tamed a monster."
  3829. 3828;"Unable to find a tamable monster in this area."
  3830. 3829;"Item/Consume/0227.img"
  3831. 3830;"Item/Consume/0238.img"
  3832. 3831;"swordOfHero1"
  3833. 3832;"swordOfHero2"
  3834. 3833;"sanctuary"
  3835. 3834;"volcano"
  3836. 3835;"medusa"
  3837. 3836;"icefield"
  3838. 3837;"judgement"
  3839. 3838;"tornado"
  3840. 3839;"spirit"
  3841. 3840;"isolation"
  3842. 3841;"challenge"
  3843. 3842;"resurrection"
  3844. 3843;"spark"
  3845. 3844;"smokeshell"
  3846. 3845;"Mastery Book"
  3847. 3846;"Skill Book"
  3848. 3847;"You cannot use %s."
  3849. 3848;"Despite using %s, the effect was nowhere to be found."
  3850. 3849;"The Book of Mastery glows brightly, and the current skills have gone through an upgrade."
  3851. 3850;"The Skill Book glows brightly, and new skills have now been added."
  3852. 3851;"reqSkillLevel"
  3853. 3852;"[Master Level : %d]"
  3854. 3853;"%s's time has run out, and will disappear."
  3855. 3854;"%s is disappearing."
  3856. 3855;" Unknown"
  3857. 3856;"Use3"
  3858. 3857;"Use4"
  3859. 3858;"Use5"
  3860. 3859;"meteor"
  3861. 3860;"chainlightning"
  3862. 3861;"blizzard"
  3863. 3862;"holyshield"
  3864. 3863;"showdown"
  3865. 3864;"ninjastorm"
  3866. 3865;"brandish1"
  3867. 3866;"brandish2"
  3868. 3867;"blast"
  3869. 3868;"paralyze"
  3870. 3869;"genesis"
  3871. 3870;"You cannot receive it in the current map.\r\nPlease receive it from\r\nDuey the package deliverer."
  3872. 3871;" This item cannot be sent."
  3873. 3872;"The received package can be obtained through the Quick Delivery NPC."
  3874. 3873;" Quick delivey/Package"
  3875. 3874;" Arrived!"
  3876. 3875;"Package\r\nReceived."
  3877. 3876;"The Quick Delivery has arrived!"
  3878. 3877;"[%s]"
  3879. 3878;"The package sent by [%s]\r\nhas been expired.\r\n"
  3880. 3879;"\r\nmeso : %d"
  3881. 3880;"\r\nitem : %s"
  3882. 3881;"Delivering"
  3883. 3882;"%d day(s)"
  3884. 3883;"Will expire soon"
  3885. 3884;"Over Lv %d only"
  3886. 3885;"No level limit"
  3887. 3886;"No information entered."
  3888. 3887;"Please select the package you'll receive."
  3889. 3888;"Package is still being sent.\r\nPlease try again later."
  3890. 3889;"The items and/or mesos included in the package\r\nwill be permanently deleted.\r\nAre you sure you want to delete it?"
  3891. 3890;"Please enter the message to send"
  3892. 3891;"by clicking here (100 letters)"
  3893. 3892;"Are you sure you want to cancel?"
  3894. 3893;"You do not have the Quick Delivery Coupon."
  3895. 3894;"You must select either Mesos or items to send."
  3896. 3895;"Please enter the name of the recipient."
  3897. 3896;"The service charge \r\nwill cost %d mesos.\r\nThis will also use up \r\n1 [Quick Delivery Coupon].\r\nAre you sure \r\nyou want to send it?"
  3898. 3897;"The total wiring/transportation fee is\r\n%d mesos.\r\nAre you sure you want to send the package?"
  3899. 3898;"How many do you wish to send?"
  3900. 3899;"Successfully deleted."
  3901. 3900;"Successfully claimed."
  3902. 3901;"The package has been successfully sent."
  3903. 3902;" A new package has been sent."
  3904. 3903;"You have made an incorrect request."
  3905. 3904;"Please double-check the receiver's name."
  3906. 3905;"You may not send the package to a character \r\nunder the same account."
  3907. 3906;"The receiver's package storage is full."
  3908. 3907;"The character is unable to receive packages."
  3909. 3908;"Unable to send the one-of-a-kind item\r\n due to the recipient already possessing one\r\n at the Quick Delivery Inbox."
  3910. 3909;"An unknown error has occurred."
  3911. 3910;"The inventory does not have enough free slots available.\r\nPlease double check and try again."
  3912. 3911;"Unable to retrieve mesos & items \r\ndue to the item being only one of a kind."
  3913. 3912;"UI/Basic.img/icon/delivery"
  3914. 3913;"UI/UIWindow.img/InitialQuiz/backgrnd"
  3915. 3914;"UI/UIWindow.img/InitialQuiz/num1/%d"
  3916. 3915;"UI/UIWindow.img/InitialQuiz/num1/comma"
  3917. 3916;"Question:"
  3918. 3917;" Clue:"
  3919. 3918;"[Enter Answer]"
  3920. 3919;"Enter an answer within the time limit."
  3921. 3920;"You must enter atleast %d letters. (Korean)"
  3922. 3921;"You must enter less than %d letters. (Korean)"
  3923. 3922;"You can't do this while taking the quiz."
  3924. 3923;"Time limit surpassed!"
  3925. 3924;"UI/UIWindow.img/SpeedQuiz/backgrnd"
  3926. 3925;"UI/UIWindow.img/SpeedQuiz/num1/%d"
  3927. 3926;"UI/UIWindow.img/SpeedQuiz/num1/comma"
  3928. 3927;"UI/UIWindow.img/SpeedQuiz/BtNext"
  3929. 3928;"UI/UIWindow.img/SpeedQuiz/BtGiveup"
  3930. 3929;"%2d pts"
  3931. 3930;"The item is no longer available for use. Please re-sell the item to a store nearby."
  3932. 3931;"It has exceeded the limit that system allows."
  3933. 3932;"randAction"
  3934. 3933;"/mapletv"
  3935. 3934;"/mapletv2"
  3936. 3935;"/maplesoletv"
  3937. 3936;"/maplelovetv"
  3938. 3937;"/megatv"
  3939. 3938;"/megasoletv"
  3940. 3939;"/megalovetv"
  3941. 3940;"UI/MapleTV.img/TVmedia"
  3942. 3941;"UI/MapleTV.img/TVmedia/%d"
  3943. 3942;"UI/MapleTV.img/TVon"
  3944. 3943;"UI/MapleTV.img/TVoff"
  3945. 3944;"UI/MapleTV.img/TVbasic/0"
  3946. 3945;"UI/MapleTV.img/TVchat/0"
  3947. 3946;"UI/UIWindow.img/MapleTV"
  3948. 3947;"UI/UIWindow.img/MapleTV/backgrnd"
  3949. 3948;"UI/UIWindow.img/MapleTV/backgrnd2"
  3950. 3949;"UI/UIWindow.img/MapleTV/backgrnd3"
  3951. 3950;"UI/UIWindow.img/MapleTV/backgrnd4"
  3952. 3951;"UI/UIWindow.img/MapleTV/BtOk"
  3953. 3952;"UI/UIWindow.img/MapleTV/BtCancel"
  3954. 3953;"UI/UIWindow.img/MapleTV/BtTo/disabled/0"
  3955. 3954;"UI/UIWindow.img/MapleTV/BtTo/enabled/0"
  3956. 3955;"UI/MapleTV.img/TVchat1"
  3957. 3956;"UI/MapleTV.img/TVchat2"
  3958. 3957;"Non-GM character tried to send GM message."
  3959. 3958;"The waiting line is longer than an hour. \r\nPlease try using it at a later time."
  3960. 3959;"You've entered the wrong user name."
  3961. 3960;"You didn't enter the recipient's name."
  3962. 3961;"This message will be sent to \r\nMaple TV in %d seconds. \r\n Do you want to proceed?"
  3963. 3962;"The recipient is not online."
  3964. 3963;"Would you like to use the White Scroll?"
  3965. 3964;"The White Scroll has been used."
  3966. 3965;"The item upgrade failed, but since the White Scroll was used, the number of item upgrade slots remained in tact."
  3967. 3966;" The item was successfully upgraded, and the white scroll was used in the process."
  3968. 3967;"Etc/Halloween.img"
  3969. 3968;"PriceRecordingItem"
  3970. 3969;"Divider"
  3971. 3970;"ItemType"
  3972. 3971;"HalloweenItem"
  3973. 3972;"The waiting line is longer than 15 seconds. \r\nPlease try using it at a later time."
  3974. 3973;"UI/UIWindow.img/AvatarMegaphone/backgrnd"
  3975. 3974;"UI/UIWindow.img/AvatarMegaphone"
  3976. 3975;"Map/MapHelper.img/AvatarMegaphone/name/0"
  3977. 3976;"Map/MapHelper.img/AvatarMegaphone/name/1"
  3978. 3977;"Players that are Level 15 and below \r\nmay only trade 1 million mesos per day. \r\nYou have reached the limit today,\r\nplease try again tomorrow."
  3979. 3978;"UI/CashShop.img/CSChangeName/Base/backgrnd"
  3980. 3979;"UI/CashShop.img/CSChangeName/BtCheck"
  3981. 3980;"UI/CashShop.img/CSChangeName/Base/backgrndnotice"
  3982. 3981;"String/NameChange.img/NameChange"
  3983. 3982;"UI/Login.img/ViewAllChar/Select"
  3984. 3983;"UI/Login.img/ViewAllChar/BtEnter"
  3985. 3984;"UI/Login.img/ViewAllChar/BtCancel"
  3986. 3985;"UI/Login.img/ViewAllChar/BtVAC"
  3987. 3986;"UI/Login.img/ViewAllChar/WorldIcons/%d"
  3988. 3987;"UI/Login.img/ViewAllChar/backgrnd"
  3989. 3988;"Cannot find any characters."
  3990. 3989;"You are already connected to server."
  3991. 3990;"Unknown Error : View-All-Characters."
  3992. 3991;"Would you like to gift this item to someone?\r\n[ %s ]"
  3993. 3992;"You do not have enough Gift Tokens \r\nin your account. Please charge your account \r\nwith Nexon Game Cards to receive \r\nGift Tokens to gift this item."
  3994. 3993;"Due to technical difficulties,\r\nthis item cannot be sent at this time.\r\nPlease try again."
  3995. 3994;"You may not gift items for \r\nit has been less than two weeks \r\nsince you first charged your account."
  3996. 3995;"Users with history of illegal activities\r\n may not gift items to others. Please make sure \r\nyour account is neither previously blocked, \r\nnor illegally charged with NX."
  3997. 3996;"Due to limitations, \r\nyou may not gift this item as this time. \r\nPlease try again later."
  3998. 3997;"You have exceeded the amount of time \r\nyou can gift items to other characters."
  3999. 3998;"This item cannot be gifted \r\ndue to technical difficulties. \r\nPlease try again later."
  4000. 3999;"The pet is either not equipped, or this item is not applicable for your pet."
  4001. 4000;"Double-click the item for a preview."
  4002. 4001;"from %02d:00 to %02d:00"
  4003. 4002;"You cannot transfer a character under level 20."
  4004. 4003;"You cannot transfer a character that \r\nis currently married."
  4005. 4004;"You cannot transfer a character that \r\nis currently a Guild leader."
  4006. 4005;"You cannot transfer a character \r\nto the same world it is currently in."
  4007. 4006;"You cannot transfer a character \r\ninto the new server world."
  4008. 4007;"You may not transfer out of this \r\nworld at this time."
  4009. 4008;"You cannot transfer a character into \r\na world that has no empty character slots."
  4010. 4009;"You cannot transfer a character if \r\nyour account has ever been blocked once."
  4011. 4010;"You cannot transfer a character that\r\n has already been transferred \r\nwithin the last 30 days."
  4012. 4011;"You cannot delete a character that\r\n is currently going through the transfer."
  4013. 4012;"Your character cannot get married if\r\n it is currently going through the transfer."
  4014. 4013;"Your character cannot create a guild if\r\n it is currently going through the transfer."
  4015. 4014;"You cannot request a transfer \r\nwith a character that \r\nis already in the process of transferring."
  4016. 4015;"You cannot transfer a character if \r\nyour account has already requested for a transfer."
  4017. 4016;"You cannot create a new character \r\nunder the account that \r\nhas requested for a transfer."
  4018. 4017;"You can only cancel the request \r\nwith a character that is currently \r\ngoing through the transfer."
  4019. 4018;"%s is under the request \r\nfor transfer to %s."
  4020. 4019;"%s has been transferred \r\nfrom %s"
  4021. 4020;"The event has either ended or\r\nthis item is not available for free testing."
  4022. 4021;"UI/CashShop.img/CSTransferWorld/Base/backgrndnotice"
  4023. 4022;"String/TransferWorld.img/TransferWorld"
  4024. 4023;"UI/CashShop.img/CSTransferWorld/Base/backgrnd"
  4025. 4024;"equipAllNeed"
  4026. 4025;"equipSelectNeed"
  4027. 4026;"fieldEnter"
  4028. 4027;"selectedMob"
  4029. 4028;"ban"
  4030. 4029;"banType"
  4031. 4030;"UI/Login.img/NewChar/charAlert"
  4032. 4031;"You can change the"
  4033. 4032;"character name to"
  4034. 4033;"( )."
  4035. 4034;"(once)"
  4036. 4035;"morphEffect"
  4037. 4036;"noCancelMouse"
  4038. 4037;"noShadow"
  4039. 4038;"spot"
  4040. 4039;"Effect/BasicEff.img/TombUpgrade"
  4041. 4040;"Effect/BasicEff.img/SkillBook/Success/0"
  4042. 4041;"Effect/BasicEff.img/SkillBook/Success/1"
  4043. 4042;"Effect/BasicEff.img/SkillBook/Failure/0"
  4044. 4043;"Effect/BasicEff.img/SkillBook/Failure/1"
  4045. 4044;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Party/BtChangeBoss"
  4046. 4045;"Do you wish to pass the leader position to \r\n%s?"
  4047. 4046;" %s has become the leader of the party."
  4048. 4047;"Due to the party leader disconnecting from the game, %s has been assigned as the new leader."
  4049. 4048;"This can only be given to a party member within the vicinity."
  4050. 4049;"You may only change with the party member that's on the same channel."
  4051. 4050;"Unable to hand over the leadership post; No party member is currently within the vicinity of the party leader."
  4052. 4051;"UI/Login.img/GameGrade/GameGrade"
  4053. 4052;"MapLink"
  4054. 4053;"toolTip"
  4055. 4054;"linkMap"
  4056. 4055;"linkImg"
  4057. 4056;"Map/WorldMap/WorldMap.img"
  4058. 4057;"parentMap"
  4059. 4058;"Npc/%07d/%s/effect"
  4060. 4059;"Npc/%07d/%s/sound"
  4061. 4060;"GameLauncher.exe"
  4062. 4061;"Effect/BasicEff.img/QuestAlert/Appear"
  4063. 4062;"Effect/BasicEff.img/QuestAlert/Default"
  4064. 4063;"autoStart"
  4065. 4064;"normalAutoStart"
  4066. 4065;"Quest Arrived! Double-click the icon located on top of the Character."
  4067. 4066;"oneShot"
  4068. 4067;"timeLimit"
  4069. 4068;"timerUI"
  4070. 4069;"UI/UIWindow.img/Quest/TimeQuest"
  4071. 4070;"TimeBar"
  4072. 4071;"TimeGage"
  4073. 4072;"AlarmClock"
  4074. 4073;"questCount"
  4075. 4074;"clockBoom"
  4076. 4075;"Time Left %d:%d:%d"
  4077. 4076;"The [%s] quest expired because the time limit ended"
  4078. 4077;"This item cannot be used here."
  4079. 4078;"Maple Red"
  4080. 4079;"Maple Blue"
  4081. 4080;"[%s] has become unable to fight and [%s]team has lost %d CP."
  4082. 4081;" [%s] has become unable to fight but [%s] has no CP so [%s] team did not lose any CP"
  4083. 4082;"You don't have enough CP to continue."
  4084. 4083;"You can no longer summon the Monster."
  4085. 4084;"You can no longer summon the being."
  4086. 4085;"This being is already summoned."
  4087. 4086;" This request has failed due to an unknown error."
  4088. 4087;" You have won the Monster Carnival. Please wait as you'll be transported out of here shortly."
  4089. 4088;"Unfortunately, you have lost the Monster Carnival. Please wait as you'll be transported out of here shortly."
  4090. 4089;"Despite the Overtime, the carnival ended in a draw. Please wait as you'll be transported out of here shortly."
  4091. 4090;"Monster Carnival has ended abruptly due to the opposing team leaving the game too early. Please wait as you'll be transported out of here shortly."
  4092. 4091;"[%s] has summoned a being. [%s]"
  4093. 4092;"[%s] has used a skill. [%s]"
  4094. 4093;"[%s] has summoned the being. [%s]"
  4095. 4094;" Monster Carnival is now underway!!"
  4096. 4095;" Because the carnival ended in a draw, there will be a 2 minute overtime."
  4097. 4096;"[%s] of Team [%s] has quit the Monster Carnival."
  4098. 4097;"Since the leader of the Team [%s] quit the Monster Carnival, [%s] has been appointed as the new leader of the team."
  4099. 4098;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterCarnival/icon0"
  4100. 4099;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterCarnival/icon1"
  4101. 4100;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterCarnival/backgrnd2"
  4102. 4101;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterCarnival/backgrnd"
  4103. 4102;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterCarnival/backgrnd3/top/0"
  4104. 4103;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterCarnival/backgrnd3/middle1/0"
  4105. 4104;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterCarnival/backgrnd3/bottom/0"
  4106. 4105;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterCarnival/backgrnd3/middle0/0"
  4107. 4106;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterCarnival/BtSide"
  4108. 4107;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterCarnival/Tab/enabled"
  4109. 4108;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterCarnival/Tab/disabled"
  4110. 4109;"UI/Basic.img/BtDecide"
  4111. 4110;"Party Member : %s"
  4112. 4111;"QuestAlert"
  4113. 4112;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterCarnival/icon2"
  4114. 4113;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterCarnival/icon3"
  4115. 4114;"[Congrats] %s has reached Level 200! Congratulate %s on such an amazing achievement!"
  4116. 4115;"UI/Login.img/Common/SoftKey/backgrnd"
  4117. 4116;"UI/Login.img/Common/SoftKey/Tab/selected"
  4118. 4117;"UI/Login.img/Common/SoftKey/Tab/normal"
  4119. 4118;"UI/Login.img/Common/SoftKey/BtDel"
  4120. 4119;"UI/Login.img/Common/SoftKey/BtNext"
  4121. 4120;"UI/Login.img/Common/SoftKey/BtOK"
  4122. 4121;"UI/Login.img/Common/SoftKey/BtCancel"
  4123. 4122;"UI/Login.img/Common/SoftKey/BtNum/%d"
  4124. 4123;"UI/Login.img/Common/SoftKey/BtLowCase/%d"
  4125. 4124;"UI/Login.img/Common/SoftKey/BtHighCase/%d"
  4126. 4125;"Please re-enter your PIC."
  4127. 4126;"UI/Login.img/Common/BtEnableSPW"
  4128. 4127;"UI/Login.img/Common/BtDisableSPW"
  4129. 4128;"CP earned that can be used."
  4130. 4129;"CP Remaining: %d / CP Earned: %d"
  4131. 4130;"The game will be decided based on the total CP earned between two teams."
  4132. 4131;"The party leader can use the party members' CP"
  4133. 4132;"Compare the total CP earned between two teams to find the winner."
  4134. 4133;"Allow %s to view your friend chat."
  4135. 4134;"Block %s from viewing your friend chat."
  4136. 4135;"View %s' friend chat."
  4137. 4136;"Disable viewing %s's friend chat."
  4138. 4137;"You may send a MapleMate text message to %s"
  4139. 4138;"You may send a regular text message to %s"
  4140. 4139;"""%s"" cannot listen to your friend chat."
  4141. 4140;"""%s"" can listen to your friend chat"
  4142. 4141;" You can't listen to ""%s""'s friend chat."
  4143. 4142;" You can listen to ""%s""'s friend chat."
  4144. 4143;"Buddy chat with ""%s"" has been disabled."
  4145. 4144;"Buddy chat with ""%s"" has been enabled."
  4146. 4145;"mcType"
  4147. 4146;"superman"
  4148. 4147;"morph"
  4149. 4148;"buff"
  4150. 4149;"exceptbuff"
  4151. 4150;"Sub Weapon"
  4152. 4151;"flip"
  4153. 4152;"rotate"
  4154. 4153;"finish"
  4155. 4154;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillMacro/backgrnd"
  4156. 4155;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillMacro/macroslot"
  4157. 4156;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillMacro/macroslot1"
  4158. 4157;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillMacro/macroslot2"
  4159. 4158;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillMacro/macroname"
  4160. 4159;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillMacro/line01"
  4161. 4160;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillMacro/line02"
  4162. 4161;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillMacro/Macroicon/%d/icon"
  4163. 4162;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillMacroEx/backgrnd"
  4164. 4163;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillMacroEx/macroslot2"
  4165. 4164;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillMacroEx/Macroicon/%d/icon"
  4166. 4165;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillMacroEx/BtSave"
  4167. 4166;"autoPreComplete"
  4168. 4167;"[%s] It has been excluded from the auto alarm and it will not be automatically reigstered until you re log-on"
  4169. 4168;"[%s] The quest is in progress but it has not been registered in the alarm."
  4170. 4169;"UI/UIWindow.img/QuestAlarm/BtAuto"
  4171. 4170;"UI/UIWindow.img/QuestAlarm/BtQ"
  4172. 4171;"Someone in MapleStory would like to send you a message."
  4173. 4172;"visual"
  4174. 4173;"sound"
  4175. 4174;"probability"
  4176. 4175;"effectParam"
  4177. 4176;"Automatic lock disabled."
  4178. 4177;"Automatic lock enabled."
  4179. 4178;"Auto Alarm on"
  4180. 4179;"Auto Alarm off"
  4181. 4180;"When you click it, quests in progress will register automatically and if it is not in progress for 10 minutes, it will disappear."
  4182. 4181;"When you click it, the quest will not register automatically even when the quest is in progress."
  4183. 4182;"The Zakum Shrine will close if you do not summon Zakum in %d minutes."
  4184. 4183;"The Zakum Shrine will close in %d minutes."
  4185. 4184;"The Zakum Shrine has closed."
  4186. 4185;"The Horntail's Cave will close if you do not summon Horntail in %d minutes."
  4187. 4186;"The Horntail's Cave will close in %d minutes."
  4188. 4187;"The Horntail's Cave has closed."
  4189. 4188;"Don't mark"
  4190. 4189;"Mark name only"
  4191. 4190;"Mark HP only"
  4192. 4191;"Mark name and HP"
  4193. 4192;"You have successfully turned in an application."
  4194. 4193;"MapleStory - Microsoft Internet Explorer"
  4195. 4194;"MapleStoryTest - Microsoft Internet Explorer"
  4196. 4195;"You may not use scrolls on this item."
  4197. 4196;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/Invitation/neat"
  4198. 4197;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/Invitation/sweet"
  4199. 4198;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/Invitation/premium"
  4200. 4199;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/Invitation/BtOK"
  4201. 4200;"YOU ARE MARRIED WITH : %s"
  4202. 4201;"YOU ARE ENGAGED WITH : %s"
  4203. 4202;"Sound/BgmGL.img/chapel"
  4204. 4203;"Sound/BgmGL.img/cathedral"
  4205. 4204;"Do you want to bless this couple?"
  4206. 4205;"Effect/BasicEff.img/Wedding"
  4207. 4206;"/ss"
  4208. 4207;"Waiting for her response..."
  4209. 4208;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/give/groom"
  4210. 4209;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/input/%s"
  4211. 4210;"groom"
  4212. 4211;"bride"
  4213. 4212;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/input/select"
  4214. 4213;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/input/BtOK"
  4215. 4214;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/input/BtDelete"
  4216. 4215;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/input/BtEnter"
  4217. 4216;"This is your last chance to make any\r\nchanges. Are you sure that you want to\r\nsubmit this list?"
  4218. 4217;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/give/select"
  4219. 4218;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/give/en"
  4220. 4219;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/give/BtExit"
  4221. 4220;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/give/BtPut"
  4222. 4221;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/give/Tab/En"
  4223. 4222;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/give/Tab/Ds"
  4224. 4223;"You cannot give more than one present for each wishlist."
  4225. 4224;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/receive/%s"
  4226. 4225;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/receive/select"
  4227. 4226;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/receive/en"
  4228. 4227;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/receive/BtExit"
  4229. 4228;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/receive/BtGet"
  4230. 4229;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/receive/Tab/En"
  4231. 4230;"UI/UIWindow.img/Wedding/wishList/receive/Tab/Ds"
  4232. 4231;"Are you sure you want to take it out?"
  4233. 4232;"It'll cost you %d mesos to store it.\r\nAre you sure you want to do it?"
  4234. 4233;"%s has requested engagement.\r\nWill you accept this proposal?"
  4236. 4235;"You are now engaged."
  4237. 4236;"You are now married!"
  4238. 4237;"She has politely declined your engagement request."
  4239. 4238;"Your engagement has been broken."
  4240. 4239;"You are no longer married."
  4241. 4240;"You have entered the wrong character name."
  4242. 4241;"Your partner has to be in the same map."
  4243. 4242;"Your partner's ETC slots are full."
  4244. 4243;"You cannot be engaged to the same gender."
  4245. 4244;"You are already engaged."
  4246. 4245;"You are already married."
  4247. 4246;"She is already engaged."
  4248. 4247;"This person is already married."
  4249. 4248;"You're already in middle or proposing a person."
  4250. 4249;"She is currently being asked by another suitor."
  4251. 4250;"Unfortunately, the man who proposed to you has withdrawn his request for an engagement."
  4252. 4251;"You can't break the engagement after making reservations."
  4253. 4252;"The reservation has been canceled. Please try again later."
  4254. 4253;"This invitation is not valid."
  4255. 4254;"Congratulations!\r\nYour reservation was successfully made!"
  4256. 4255;"Your ETC slot is full.\r\nPlease remove some items."
  4257. 4256;"Please enter your partner's name."
  4258. 4257;"Please enter the guest name."
  4259. 4258;"You may not send the wedding invitation to yourself.\r\nYou're the one getting married!"
  4260. 4259;"Dropping this item will break your engagement.\r\nDo you still wish to drop this item?"
  4261. 4260;"You will not be able to receive the wedding ring.\r\nIs that okay?"
  4262. 4261;"Your Etc slot is full.\r\nPlease make some space\r\nto receive Wedding Invites."
  4263. 4262;"Congratulations! \r\nYou've been invited to a wedding! \r\nCheck your Etc slot."
  4264. 4263;"%s and %s's wedding is going to be started at Chapel at Channel %d"
  4265. 4264;"%s and %s's wedding is going to be started at Cathedral at Channel %d"
  4266. 4265;"%s´Ô°ú %s´ÔÀÇ °áÈ¥ÀÌ 20¼¼ÀÌ»ó ä³Î ´ë¼º´ç¿¡¼­ ½ÃÀ۵ǷÁ ÇÕ´Ï´Ù."
  4267. 4266;" You may only equip ONE wedding ring."
  4268. 4267;"[Significant Other]"
  4269. 4268;"You have exceeded the maximum number of requests."
  4270. 4269;"It is not appropriate to use it here."
  4271. 4270;"Do you want to gift this item?"
  4272. 4271;"You have sent a gift."
  4273. 4272;"Failed to send the gift."
  4274. 4273;"damagedBySelectedMob"
  4275. 4274;"damagedBySelectedSkill"
  4276. 4275;"UI/UIWindow.img/plant/backgrndtop"
  4277. 4276;"UI/UIWindow.img/plant/backgrndcenter"
  4278. 4277;"UI/UIWindow.img/plant/backgrndbottom"
  4279. 4278;"UI/UIWindow.img/plant/default/%d"
  4280. 4279;"plant"
  4281. 4280;"The plant has yet sprouted."
  4282. 4281;"step 1: It's a very small sprout."
  4283. 4282;"step 2: the sprout has grown just a little bit."
  4284. 4283;"step 3: the sprout has grown a bit."
  4285. 4284;"step 4: the spourt has grown a lot."
  4286. 4285;"step 5: the sprout has grown very much."
  4287. 4286;"step 6: The plant soon soon bear fruit."
  4288. 4287;"step 7: The plant has bore fruit."
  4289. 4288;"spectrum"
  4290. 4289;"alpha"
  4291. 4290;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Friend/BtMate"
  4292. 4291;"UI/UIWindow.img/MateMessage/top"
  4293. 4292;"UI/UIWindow.img/MateMessage/center"
  4294. 4293;"UI/UIWindow.img/MateMessage/bottom"
  4295. 4294;"UI/UIWindow.img/MateMessage/BtSend"
  4296. 4295;"UI/UIWindow.img/MateMessage/text"
  4297. 4296;"Not Started"
  4298. 4297;"In Progress"
  4299. 4298;"Ended"
  4300. 4299;"Pre-completion enabled"
  4301. 4300;"infoNumber"
  4302. 4301;"You may not open the store while jumping."
  4303. 4302;"Recommended Job :"
  4304. 4303;"This job uses powerful physical attacks and tremendous"
  4305. 4304;"inner strength to tackle all kinds of challenges head-on."
  4306. 4305;"Heavily dependent on STR and DEX."
  4307. 4306;"´Ü·ÃµÈ ½Åü¿Í ÈûÀ¸·Î ¸ðµç ½Ã·ÃÀ» Á¤¸éÀ¸·Î ¸Â¼­"
  4308. 4307;"µ¹ÆÄÇÏ´Â Á÷¾÷. STR°ú DEXÀÇ ¿µÇâÀ» ¹Þ´Â´Ù."
  4309. 4308;"This job uses extraordinary magic power to vanquish enemies."
  4310. 4309;"Can be supportive or offensive."
  4311. 4310;"Heavily dependent on LUK and INT."
  4312. 4311;"This job uses incredible concentration and exceptional"
  4313. 4312;"accuracy for long-range attacks with ease."
  4314. 4313;"Heavily dependent on DEX and STR."
  4315. 4314;"¼÷·ÃµÈ ÁýÁß·ÂÀ» ¹ÙÅÁÀ¸·Î ¿ø°Å¸® ¹«±â¸¦ ÀÚÀ¯ÀÚÀç·Î"
  4316. 4315;"´Ù·ç´Â Á÷¾÷. DEX¿Í STRÀÇ ¿µÇâÀ» ¹Þ´Â´Ù."
  4317. 4316;"This job uses supreme speed and stealth tactics"
  4318. 4317;"to overwhelm foes, suitable for dangerous adventures."
  4319. 4318;"Heavily dependent on LUK and DEX."
  4320. 4319;"??"
  4321. 4320;"There's no job available that suits these stats."
  4322. 4321;"If you want to reset these stats randomly, roll the dice again!"
  4323. 4322;"Roll"
  4324. 4323;"the dice!"
  4325. 4324;"Place the mouse cursor"
  4326. 4325;"over the skill icon"
  4327. 4326;"for details about"
  4328. 4327;"a specific skill."
  4329. 4328;"Click on the"
  4330. 4329;"button to assign"
  4331. 4330;"the SP and raise"
  4332. 4331;"the skill level."
  4333. 4332;"You may raise"
  4334. 4333;"your skill levels"
  4335. 4334;"by assigning the SP"
  4336. 4335;"you have on the skills."
  4337. 4336;"Register the frequently-used skills for a quick access with a single button."
  4338. 4337;"[R8]"
  4339. 4338;"termStart"
  4340. 4339;"termEnd"
  4341. 4340;"onlyOnce"
  4342. 4341;"You may open/close your own skill window."
  4343. 4342;"Drag the skill icon from the skill inventory\r\non the left into the slots."
  4344. 4343;"Saving the skill name."
  4345. 4344;"UI/Basic.img/BtMacro"
  4346. 4345;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillMacroEx/BtMacroIn"
  4347. 4346;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillMacroEx/BtMacroOut"
  4348. 4347;"remover"
  4349. 4348;"You may not cancel the transformation."
  4350. 4349;"Unable to capture the monster; the monster is too strong."
  4351. 4350;"Element Rock cannot be used right after usage."
  4352. 4351;"Unable to capture the monster; the ghost is too far."
  4353. 4352;"Unable to capture the monster; the monster is too far."
  4354. 4353;"hybrid"
  4355. 4354;"grade"
  4356. 4355;"message"
  4357. 4356;"consumeItem"
  4358. 4357;"uiData"
  4359. 4358;"questId"
  4360. 4359;"UI/UIWindow.img/raise/backgrnd/top"
  4361. 4360;"UI/UIWindow.img/raise/backgrnd/center"
  4362. 4361;"UI/UIWindow.img/raise/backgrnd/bottom"
  4363. 4362;"This item is not available."
  4364. 4363;"The total price for the items exceeded\r\nthe maximum amount of mesos that can be sold."
  4365. 4364;"weather"
  4366. 4365;"option"
  4367. 4366;"UI/ChatBalloon.img/npc"
  4368. 4367;"itemCode"
  4369. 4368;"itemRange"
  4370. 4369;"You are the only one left in the Arena; Hunting Competition will now conclude."
  4371. 4370;"UI/UIWindow.img/AriantMatch/characterIcon/%d"
  4372. 4371;"UI/UIWindow.img/AriantMatch/Result"
  4373. 4372;"ScrollOpen"
  4374. 4373;"mobType"
  4375. 4374;"This skill cannot be used with the equipped item."
  4376. 4375;"It cannot be used here."
  4377. 4376;"The divorce has been finalized, and the wedding ring has disappeared."
  4378. 4377;"%4d"
  4379. 4378;"To hatch Pigmy Egg, you need to\r\npurchase the incubator from the Cash Shop."
  4380. 4379;"String/Eqp.img"
  4381. 4380;"String/Consume.img"
  4382. 4381;"String/Ins.img"
  4383. 4382;"String/Cash.img"
  4384. 4383;"String/Pet.img"
  4385. 4384;"String/Etc.img"
  4386. 4385;"image"
  4387. 4386;"ph"
  4388. 4387;"psh"
  4389. 4388;"portalStart"
  4390. 4389;"portalContinue"
  4391. 4390;"portalExit"
  4392. 4391;"UI/UIWindow.img/EventWindow"
  4393. 4392;"UI/UIWindow.img/EventWindow/backgrnd"
  4394. 4393;"UI/UIWindow.img/EventWindow/backgrnd/top"
  4395. 4394;"UI/UIWindow.img/EventWindow/backgrnd/center"
  4396. 4395;"UI/UIWindow.img/EventWindow/backgrnd/bottom"
  4397. 4396;"center"
  4398. 4397;"minimap"
  4399. 4398;"user"
  4400. 4399;"another"
  4401. 4400;"friend"
  4402. 4401;"guild"
  4403. 4402;"guildmaster"
  4404. 4403;"match"
  4405. 4404;"partymaster"
  4406. 4405;"startnpc"
  4407. 4406;"endnpc"
  4408. 4407;"usertrader"
  4409. 4408;"anothertrader"
  4410. 4409;"arrowupleft"
  4411. 4410;"arrowup"
  4412. 4411;"arrowupright"
  4413. 4412;"arrowdownleft"
  4414. 4413;"arrowdown"
  4415. 4414;"arrowdownright"
  4416. 4415;"arrowleft"
  4417. 4416;"arrowright"
  4418. 4417;"forbidFallDown"
  4419. 4418;"No target available."
  4420. 4419;"Effect/MapEff.img/NpcSummon"
  4421. 4420;"Effect/MapEff.img/NpcReturn"
  4422. 4421;"Use the Tab key to toggle the menu."
  4423. 4422;"GaugeBar"
  4424. 4423;"graduation"
  4425. 4424;"bar"
  4426. 4425;""
  4427. 4426;""
  4428. 4427;""
  4429. 4428;"guildboard.maplestory"
  4430. 4429;"maplestoryt"
  4431. 4430;"[%s]%s"
  4432. 4431;"Due to the potency of the scroll,\r\nthe sealed item might be destroyed.\r\nAre you sure you still want to use the scroll?"
  4433. 4432;"It can not be used on this equipment anymore."
  4434. 4433;"ShowPartyHP"
  4435. 4434;"You have not selected an item.\r\nAre you sure you still want to use the item?"
  4436. 4435;"emission"
  4437. 4436;"theta"
  4438. 4437;"genOnMove"
  4439. 4438;"genPoint"
  4440. 4439;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/GuildBoard/backgrnd1"
  4441. 4440;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/GuildBoard/BtSave"
  4442. 4441;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/GuildBoard/BtCancel"
  4443. 4442;"You may not enter more than 20 lines."
  4444. 4443;"You may enter up to 300 letters."
  4445. 4444;"The title can be up to 34 letters."
  4446. 4445;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/GuildBoard/backgrnd2"
  4447. 4446;"The reply can be up to 68 letters."
  4448. 4447;"%s Guild is currently blocking all Guild Union requests."
  4449. 4448;"%s Guild has rejected the Guild Union invitation."
  4450. 4449;"%s Guild is already sending Guild Union invitations."
  4451. 4450;"This guild is not affiliated with any Guild Union."
  4452. 4451;"Guild Union notice."
  4453. 4452;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/GuildUnion"
  4454. 4453;"Please enter the Guild name\r\nto send the invitation for the Union."
  4455. 4454;"Are you sure you want to leave the Union?"
  4456. 4455;"Do you wish to remove [%s] Guild\r\nfrom the Union?"
  4457. 4456;"Enter the Guild Union notice."
  4458. 4457;"You have exceeded the maximum number\r\nof usage per account\for this account.\r\nPlease check the coupon for detail."
  4459. 4458;"Hello!"
  4460. 4459;"Unable to delete due to a member\r\nin the Union currently being on the position."
  4461. 4460;"The door that connects to the world is closed. You cannot use the bridge at the moment."
  4462. 4461;"UI/UIWindow.img/ArtMegaphone/BtEx"
  4463. 4462;"UI/UIWindow.img/ArtMegaphone/BtPreView"
  4464. 4463;"Item/Cash/0507.img/%08d/ui"
  4465. 4464;"Item/Cash/0507.img/%08d/ui/%d"
  4466. 4465;"Item/Cash/0507.img/%08d/sample/%d"
  4467. 4466;"This is a preview option for the Triple Megaphone."
  4468. 4467;"One of the lines has not been applied.\r\nWould you still like to use it?"
  4469. 4468;"#jrank#"
  4470. 4469;"#jtry#"
  4471. 4470;"#jvic#"
  4472. 4471;"#jcmp#"
  4473. 4472;"#jlose#"
  4474. 4473;"#jdraw#"
  4475. 4474;"#jmin#"
  4476. 4475;"#jgvup#"
  4477. 4476;"#jhave"
  4478. 4477;"#jsec#"
  4479. 4478;"#jpop#"
  4480. 4479;"#jpopgap#"
  4481. 4480;"#jlevel#"
  4482. 4481;"#jscnt#"
  4483. 4482;"#jcmpcnt#"
  4484. 4483;"#jgaugePqS#"
  4485. 4484;"#jgaugeQCnt#"
  4486. 4485;"#jgaugeDays#"
  4487. 4486;"#jgaugePop#"
  4488. 4487;"#jgaugeHunt#"
  4489. 4488;"#jperPqS#"
  4490. 4489;"#jperQCnt#"
  4491. 4490;"#jperDays#"
  4492. 4491;"#jperPop#"
  4493. 4492;"#jperHunt#"
  4494. 4493;"Acquire"
  4495. 4494;"Fail"
  4496. 4495;"UI/Basic.img/PQuestRank/%s"
  4497. 4496;"Party Quest"
  4498. 4497;"Chain Quest"
  4499. 4498;"UI/UIWindow.img/Item/FullBackgrnd"
  4500. 4499;"UI/UIWindow.img/Item/backgrnd"
  4501. 4500;"UI/UIWindow.img/Item/BtCashshop"
  4502. 4501;"Expand Inventory"
  4503. 4502;"Collapse Inventory"
  4504. 4503;"Inventory_expanded"
  4505. 4504;"You can expand the Inventory slot with cash items."
  4506. 4505;"UI/UIWindow.img/SlideMenu/%d"
  4507. 4506;"UI/UIWindow.img/SlideMenu/%d/backgrd"
  4508. 4507;"UI/UIWindow.img/SlideMenu/%d/BtMain/%d"
  4509. 4508;"UI/UIWindow.img/SlideMenu/%d/BtArrow/left"
  4510. 4509;"UI/UIWindow.img/SlideMenu/%d/BtArrow/right"
  4511. 4510;"UI/UIWindow.img/SlideMenu/%d/BtMove"
  4512. 4511;"UI/UIWindow.img/SlideMenu/%d/BtCancle"
  4513. 4512;"UI/UIWindow.img/SlideMenu/%d/Choice"
  4514. 4513;"UI/UIWindow.img/SlideMenu/%d/Cover"
  4515. 4514;"Etc/RecommendSkill.img/%d"
  4516. 4515;"UI/UIWindow.img/counsel/backgrnd"
  4517. 4516;"UI/UIWindow.img/counsel/BtWrite"
  4518. 4517;"UI/UIWindow.img/counsel/BtModify"
  4519. 4518;"UI/UIWindow.img/counsel/BtDelete"
  4520. 4519;"UI/UIWindow.img/counsel/Loading"
  4521. 4520;""
  4522. 4521;"maskPageType="
  4523. 4522;"oidArticle="
  4524. 4523;"answer"
  4525. 4524;""
  4526. 4525;""
  4527. 4526;"Do you really want to delete?"
  4528. 4527;"Connection has been delayed\r\ndue to network overload.\r\nPlease try again later."
  4529. 4528;"You can expand %d slots when\r\nyou change occupations.\r\nWould you really like to\r\nexpand now even at a cost?"
  4530. 4529;"UI/UIWindow.img/Item/disabled"
  4531. 4530;"sortkey"
  4532. 4531;"A total of %d maps have been found."
  4533. 4532;"No maps have been found."
  4534. 4533;"You will now move to [%d] %s."
  4535. 4534;"%d [%d] %s"
  4536. 4535;"%s world : %s has been selected for %s. Let's congratulate him/her!"
  4537. 4536;"Either you don't have enough Mesos or %s"
  4538. 4537;"You cannot send a gift to your own account.\r\nPlease purchase it after logging\r\nin with the related character."
  4539. 4538;"Please confirm whether\r\nthe character's name is correct."
  4540. 4539;"This item has a gender restriction.\r\nPlease confirm the gender of the recipient."
  4541. 4540;"The gift cannot be sent because\r\nthe recipient's Inventory is full."
  4542. 4541;"One of the items will disappear\r\nafter its effective date.\r\nWould you like to purchase it?"
  4543. 4542;"'s Medal"
  4544. 4543;"You have lost the title so %s has been given to another character."
  4545. 4544;"UI/UIWindow.img/muruengRaid/player"
  4546. 4545;"UI/UIWindow.img/muruengRaid/monster"
  4547. 4546;"UI/UIWindow.img/muruengRaid/clock"
  4548. 4547;"UI/UIWindow.img/muruengRaid/energy/empty"
  4549. 4548;"UI/UIWindow.img/muruengRaid/energy/full"
  4550. 4549;"UI/UIWindow.img/muruengRaid/player/Gage"
  4551. 4550;"UI/UIWindow.img/muruengRaid/energy/empty/Gage"
  4552. 4551;"UI/UIWindow.img/muruengRaid/number"
  4553. 4552;"UI/UIWindow.img/muruengRaid/number/bar"
  4554. 4553;"energy"
  4555. 4554;"UI/UIWindow.img/classMatch/backgrnd"
  4556. 4555;"UI/UIWindow.img/classMatch/Loading"
  4557. 4556;""
  4558. 4557;"UI/UIWindow.img/classMatch/BtOK"
  4559. 4558;"You cannot drop the item here."
  4560. 4559;"This item cannot be disassembled."
  4561. 4560;"Map/Effect.img/miro/RR1/%d"
  4562. 4561;"Map/Effect.img/miro/RR2/%d"
  4563. 4562;"Map/Effect.img/miro/RR3/%d"
  4564. 4563;"When used on %s, the effective date will be extended by %s. Would you like to use it?"
  4565. 4564;"You cannot extend the effective date beyond %d days."
  4566. 4565;"%d days"
  4567. 4566;"%d hrs."
  4568. 4567;"%d min."
  4569. 4568;"You could not acquire the effect."
  4570. 4569;"For equipping %s, additional %d%% bonus EXP will be rewarded when you hunt monsters."
  4571. 4570;"After %d hrs. of equipping %s, additional %d%% bonus EXP will be rewarded when you hunt monsters."
  4572. 4571;"UI/UIWindow.img/Family/BtOK"
  4573. 4572;"UI/UIWindow.img/Family/BtTree"
  4574. 4573;"UI/UIWindow.img/Family/BtLeft"
  4575. 4574;"UI/UIWindow.img/Family/BtRight"
  4576. 4575;"UI/UIWindow.img/Family/BtFamilyPrecept"
  4577. 4576;"UI/UIWindow.img/Family/BtSpecial"
  4578. 4577;"UI/UIWindow.img/Family/BtJuniorEntry"
  4579. 4578;"UI/UIWindow.img/Family/RightIcon/%d"
  4580. 4579;"UI/UIWindow.img/FamilyTree/PlateLeader/%d"
  4581. 4580;"UI/UIWindow.img/FamilyTree/PlateOthers/%d"
  4582. 4581;"UI/UIWindow.img/FamilyTree/BtJuniorEntry"
  4583. 4582;"UI/UIWindow.img/FamilyTree/BtBye"
  4584. 4583;"UI/UIWindow.img/FamilyTree/selected"
  4585. 4584;"field"
  4586. 4585;"Enter the name of the character you wish to add as Junior. You must be in the same channel as well as map to add."
  4587. 4586;"Enter the name of the character you wish to delete."
  4588. 4587;"Enter the family precepts."
  4589. 4588;"(You do not have family members.)"
  4590. 4589;"(You do not have a Leader.)"
  4591. 4590;"(You do not have an Senior.)"
  4592. 4591;"(You do not have a family yet.)"
  4593. 4592;"[Please add a Junior.]"
  4594. 4593;"%s Family"
  4595. 4594;"Senior(%d ppl.)"
  4596. 4595;"Junior(%d ppl.)"
  4597. 4596;"The name you entered is incorrect or he/she is currently not logged in."
  4598. 4597;"You cannot add this character as a Junior."
  4599. 4598;"You belong to the same family."
  4600. 4599;"You do not belong to the same family."
  4601. 4600;"The character you have entered does not exist."
  4602. 4601;"The character you wish to add as\r\na Junior must be in the same map."
  4603. 4602;"This character is already a Junior of another character."
  4604. 4603;"The Junior you wish to add\r\nmust be at a lower rank."
  4605. 4604;"The gap between you and your\r\njunior must be within 20 levels."
  4606. 4605;"The Junior you wish to add\r\nmust be over Level 10."
  4607. 4606;"Another character has requested to add this character.\r\nPlease try again later."
  4608. 4607;"Another character has requested a summon.\r\nPlease try again later."
  4609. 4608;"You can only use it when 6 Junior family members whose names can be confirmed on the Family Tree are logged in."
  4610. 4609;"The summons has failed. Your current location or state does not allow a summons."
  4611. 4610;"The family cannot extend more than 1000 generations from above and below."
  4612. 4611;"You do not have room to add % as a Junior."
  4613. 4612;"%s, you cannot add any more Juniors."
  4614. 4613;"%s would like to\r\nbe your Senior. Would you like to be\r\n%s's Junior?"
  4615. 4614;"%s has declined your Junior request."
  4616. 4615;"You have added %s as a Junior. Please do your best to guide the Junior in his/her game play."
  4617. 4616;"%s has become your Senior. He/she will guide you in your game play."
  4618. 4617;"%s has requested to sever ties, so your family relationship has ended."
  4619. 4618;"You have severed ties with %s.\r\nYour family relationship has ended."
  4620. 4619;"Your Rep has increased (%s, +%d)"
  4621. 4620;"You have used %d Rep Points."
  4622. 4621;"%s has used '%s' Entitlement."
  4623. 4622;"If you choose to sever ties with the selected character, everyone in your family will be affected. Would you like to proceed?"
  4624. 4623;"Please enter the name of the targeted family member."
  4625. 4624;"From %s, %s has requested a summons. Would you like to transport?"
  4626. 4625;"%s has declined the summons request."
  4627. 4626;"%s, you have exceed your Entitlement limit."
  4628. 4627;"Reps are marked as [Current Rep/Total Rep].\r\nUse up your current Reps to acquire [Entitlements]."
  4629. 4628;"Juniors are marked as [Current Juniors/Max Juniors Available].\r\n When a Junior you have registered under gains EXP or levels up, your Rep will increase as well.\r\nHelp your Junior level up to further increase your Rep."
  4630. 4629;"If the Junior slot is empty, then you can add a Junior that will help enhance your Rep."
  4631. 4630;"Your Senior will sever ties and start a new family.\r\nThe members below you will belong to your family."
  4632. 4631;"This will end your relationship with your Junior.\r\nThe Junior and everyone underneath will all be removed from the Family."
  4633. 4632;"This covers everyone in the Family.\r\nThe number may be higher than the one shown in the Family Tree."
  4634. 4633;"Entitlement used today: %d\r\nEntitlement available today: %d"
  4635. 4634;"You cannot use any more Entitlements today."
  4636. 4635;"#c* You have surpassed your Senior's level, so your cumulative Rep#\r\n#cwill be reduced in half. Please help your Senior level up!#\r\n"
  4637. 4636;"#c* Your Junior has surpassed your level, so your cumulative Rep#\r\n#cwill be reduced in half. Please try harder to level up!#\r\n"
  4638. 4637;"Reps recorded to your Senior : %s\r\n"
  4639. 4638;"Entitlement in use :\r\n"
  4640. 4639;"Entitlement used today :\r\n"
  4641. 4640;" %s - %d times\r\n"
  4642. 4641;"Reps recorded today : %s\r\n"
  4643. 4642;"Time elapsed since login : %dhrs. %dmin.\r\n"
  4644. 4643;"Current Location : %s\r\n"
  4645. 4644;"Current Reps : %s\r\nTotal Reps : %s\r\n"
  4646. 4645;"______________________________________________\r\n"
  4647. 4646;"Isn't there anything else you want? I'll make a note of it."
  4648. 4647;"I'm not doing business at this time. Don't I deserve some rest, too?"
  4649. 4648;"That's not something I barter. I'll show you the list again for you to choose from."
  4650. 4649;"Are you begging?"
  4651. 4650;"Why do you carry around so much Mesos? Come back after emptying your pockets."
  4652. 4651;"Taking your precious time, huh? I don't barter this item anymore."
  4653. 4652;"I'm done bartering this item for the day. Come back tomorrow."
  4654. 4653;"Why are you obsessing over this item? I won't barter anymore."
  4655. 4654;"You're greedy. How about you lower the quantity?"
  4656. 4655;"I'm a little preoccupied right now, so come back later."
  4657. 4656;"You do not have the item."
  4658. 4657;"UI/UIWindow.img/KarmaScissors/backgrnd"
  4659. 4658;"Once dropped, the item cannot be traded.\r\nWould you still like to drop it?"
  4660. 4659;"Once purchased, the item cannot be traded.\r\nWould you still like to purchase it?"
  4661. 4660;"Once stored in the Inventory,\r\nthe item cannot be traded\r\nby the character when taken out.\r\nWould you still like to store it?"
  4662. 4661;"Once found, the item cannot be traded.\r\nWould you still like to find it?"
  4663. 4662;"Some items you are trying to barter\r\ncannot be traded once received.\r\nWould you still like to proceed?"
  4664. 4663;"This item has already been unlocked."
  4665. 4664;"You have used the Scissors of Karma, so 1 time of trading has been enabled."
  4666. 4665;"#cYou can enable 1 time of trading when you use the Scissors of Karma.#"
  4667. 4666;"You currently do not have any items that\r\ncan use the Scissors of Karma.\r\nWould you still like to purchase it?"
  4668. 4667;"\r\n-#cItems that can be used#-"
  4669. 4668;"You have successfully created a Knight character.\r\nYou can select a Knight character\r\nwhen you re-login."
  4670. 4669;"The Knight character has not been created due to an unknown error."
  4671. 4670;"This name already exists."
  4672. 4671;"All of your slots have been filled. Please purchase a Character Slot at the Cash Shop."
  4673. 4672;"This name cannot be used."
  4674. 4673;"The Ranking Information can be referenced when your\r\ncharacter changes occupation or reaches above Lv. 10."
  4675. 4674;"UI/Basic.img/ShowLevel/%d"
  4676. 4675;"UI/Basic.img/ShowLevel/%d/left"
  4677. 4676;"UI/Basic.img/ShowLevel/Bracket/right"
  4678. 4677;"<%s> %s has reached Lv. %d."
  4679. 4678;"- The Reps you have received from %s will be reduced in half."
  4680. 4679;"UI/UIWindow.img/Equip/BtPetEquipShow"
  4681. 4680;"UI/UIWindow.img/Equip/BtPetEquipHide"
  4682. 4681;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtPet%d"
  4683. 4682;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/bossPetCrown"
  4684. 4683;"%s/sound1"
  4685. 4684;"UI/ITC.img/Buy/BtRegistration"
  4686. 4685;"UI/ITC.img/MyPage/backgrnd1"
  4687. 4686;"ALL"
  4688. 4687;"UI/ITC.img/Sort/Normal_Asc/%d"
  4689. 4688;"UI/ITC.img/Sort/Pressed_Asc/%d"
  4690. 4689;"UI/ITC.img/Sort/Normal_Desc/%d"
  4691. 4690;"UI/ITC.img/Sort/Pressed_Desc/%d"
  4692. 4691;"/%d"
  4693. 4692;"UI/Npt_GuideLine.img/NptGuide"
  4694. 4693;"Etc/NPT_exception.img"
  4695. 4694;"String/ToolTipHelp.img/NPT/Button/SellInventory"
  4696. 4695;"10"
  4697. 4696;"100"
  4698. 4697;"500"
  4699. 4698;"1000"
  4700. 4699;"UI/ITC.img/Auction/backgrnd"
  4701. 4700;"UI/ITC.img/BtSell"
  4702. 4701;"UI/ITC.img/BtAuction"
  4703. 4702;"UI/ITC.img/Auction/BtBid"
  4704. 4703;"UI/ITC.img/Auction/backgrnd1"
  4705. 4704;"String/ToolTipHelp.img/NPT/Button/SellAuction"
  4706. 4705;"UI/ITC.img/Buy/Item/backgrnd"
  4707. 4706;"UI/ITC.img/Base/Tab2/Enable"
  4708. 4707;"UI/ITC.img/Base/Tab2/Disable"
  4709. 4708;"UI/ITC.img/MyPage/backgrnd"
  4710. 4709;"UI/ITC.img/Sell/backgrnd"
  4711. 4710;"UI/ITC.img/Sell/BtBuy"
  4712. 4711;"UI/ITC.img/Sell/BtShoppingBasket"
  4713. 4712;"UI/ITC.img/Buy/BtSell"
  4714. 4713;"UI/ITC.img/MyPage/BtBuy"
  4715. 4714;"UI/ITC.img/MyPage/BtDelete"
  4716. 4715;"UI/ITC.img/MyPage/BtCancel"
  4717. 4716;"%d-%d-%02d"
  4718. 4717;"UI/ITC.img/Base/backgrnd"
  4719. 4718;"UI/ITC.img/BtSearch"
  4720. 4719;"UI/ITC.img/Sell/backgrnd1"
  4721. 4720;"UI/ITC.img/Buy/backgrnd1"
  4722. 4721;"UI/ITC.img/Buy/backgrnd3"
  4723. 4722;"UI/ITC.img/Base/Tab/Enable"
  4724. 4723;"UI/ITC.img/Base/Tab/Disable"
  4725. 4724;"UI/ITC.img/Base/Preview/0"
  4726. 4725;"UI/ITC.img/Sell/BtCancel"
  4727. 4726;"UI/ITC.img/Sell/BtRegistration"
  4728. 4727;"UI/ITC.img/Tab/%d"
  4729. 4728;"EQP"
  4730. 4729;"USE"
  4731. 4730;"SET UP"
  4732. 4731;"ETC"
  4733. 4732;"UI/ITC.img/Sell/Tab/%d"
  4734. 4733;"UI/ITC.img/MyPage/Tab/%d"
  4735. 4734;"UI/ITC.img/PicturePlate/HowTo"
  4736. 4735;"UI/ITC.img/PicturePlate/HowTo1"
  4737. 4736;"UI/ITC.img/BtCharge"
  4738. 4737;"UI/ITC.img/BtCheck"
  4739. 4738;"UI/ITCPreview.img"
  4740. 4739;"UI/ITC.img/PicturePlate/NoItem"
  4741. 4740;"The Item-Trading System is currently unavailable. Please try again later."
  4742. 4741;"You do not have any item registered."
  4743. 4742;"Not enough number of items.\r\nPlease double-check."
  4744. 4743;"The item you have registered\r\ncannot be in transaction."
  4745. 4744;"The Item-Trading Shop is currently unavailable. Please try again later."
  4746. 4745;"The MapleStory Trading System is not available in the Trial Version."
  4747. 4746;"Ready to become a Maple Trader? Download the full client!"
  4748. 4747;"The function is currently unavailable."
  4749. 4748;"Alerting the seller of the price after deducting the 5% transaction fee."
  4750. 4749;"Would you like to make a direct purchase\r\nof this item for %d?"
  4751. 4750;"Sold"
  4752. 4751;"Purchased"
  4753. 4752;"Bid Lost"
  4754. 4753;"Cancelled"
  4755. 4754;"Exhibit"
  4756. 4755;"Bid"
  4757. 4756;"Current Top Bid : %d"
  4758. 4757;"Time Remaining : %d hr %d min"
  4759. 4758;"Bid Range : %d"
  4760. 4759;"Buy-Now : %d"
  4761. 4760;"You cannot make a consecutive bid."
  4762. 4761;"%s of %s\r\nis sold for %d NX."
  4763. 4762;"%s of %s\r\nis bought for %d NX."
  4764. 4763;"Price per unit : %d"
  4765. 4764;"%d hr %d min"
  4766. 4765;"The Buy-Now price is lower\r\nthan the starting bid."
  4767. 4766;"Bid Count : %d"
  4768. 4767;"Item Count : %d"
  4769. 4768;"Unable to pull out of the sale.\r\nYou have at least 1 bid on the item."
  4770. 4769;"The auction can be set up 24~168 hrs\r\nprior to the auction in 1 hr increment."
  4771. 4770;"This is currently under construction."
  4772. 4771;"For Sale"
  4773. 4772;"Wanted"
  4774. 4773;"Auction"
  4775. 4774;"All"
  4776. 4775;"Character"
  4777. 4776;"Please enter a number"
  4778. 4777;"Are you sure you want to cancel the sale?"
  4779. 4778;"Limit to %d units or less."
  4780. 4779;"Successfully registered the item for sale."
  4781. 4780;"Are you sure you want to sell this item?"
  4782. 4781;"Successfully requested the item for sale."
  4783. 4782;"Requesting the item for sale failed."
  4784. 4783;"You do not have enough NX."
  4785. 4784;"An error has occurred while using NX."
  4786. 4785;"Failed to load the list."
  4787. 4786;"Successfully canceled the sale."
  4788. 4787;"The item has been transferred."
  4789. 4788;"The item has been successfully placed\r\nin your Cart."
  4790. 4789;"Failed to place the item in your Cart."
  4791. 4790;"Successfully deleted the item from the Cart."
  4792. 4791;"Failed to remove the item from the Cart."
  4793. 4792;"No item is registered for sale."
  4794. 4793;"Failed to load the Buy List."
  4795. 4794;"Successfully requested to buy the item."
  4796. 4795;"Request to buy the item has failed."
  4797. 4796;"The request for purchase has been canceled."
  4798. 4797;"Failed to cancel the request for purchase."
  4799. 4798;"Successfully registered under [Buy]."
  4800. 4799;"Failed to register the item under [Buy]."
  4801. 4800;"(7 days)"
  4802. 4801;"Please enter more than 1 character."
  4803. 4802;"The search yielded 0 result."
  4804. 4803;"Are you sure you want to buy this?"
  4805. 4804;"Listing Price : %d NX"
  4806. 4805;"Sale Price : %d"
  4807. 4806;"The item is cancelled or sold out."
  4808. 4807;"There are %d items in Transfer Inventory.\r\nOnly %d items can be shown on the screen.\r\n Please move items in the Transfer Inventory\r\nto your Item Inventory."
  4809. 4808;"Due to an unknown error,\r\nthe request for MTS has failed."
  4810. 4809;"You cannot go into the trade shop, due to the limitation of user count."
  4811. 4810;"This Item may not be sold."
  4812. 4811;"You do not meet the minimum level requirement to access the Trade Shop."
  4813. 4812;"You cannot place a bid\r\non your own item."
  4814. 4813;"You cannot use Minerva's Owl in this map."
  4815. 4814;"The item has been sold.\r\nYou cannot cancel the sale of a purchased item."
  4816. 4815;"The Listing period on [WANTED] items\r\nhas expired.\r\n%d items and %d NX\r\nhave been returned to your MTS account"
  4817. 4816;"Throwing Stars are not tradable."
  4818. 4817;"repeatStartIndex"
  4819. 4818;"Effect/SetEff.img/%d/petEffect"
  4820. 4819;"Effect/SetEff.img/%d/petBackgrnd/%d"
  4821. 4820;"Effect/SetEff.img/%d/petBackgrnd"
  4822. 4821;"Your training as a Beginner has peaked.\r\nYou may now select your 1st Job Advancement \r\nand become a Bowman, Thief, Magician or Warrior! \r\nTo continue the adventure, you have to download \r\nthe full client. \r\nDo you want to download full client now? \r\n(It's totally free to download the full client!"
  4823. 4822;"If you wish to download the full client later, \r\nyou can always visit \r\nand download it!"
  4824. 4823;"UI/UIWindow.img/CancelRequests/AskContinueCancel/backgrnd"
  4825. 4824;"UI/UIWindow.img/CancelRequests/AskContinueCancel/BtYes"
  4826. 4825;"UI/UIWindow.img/CancelRequests/AskContinueCancel/BtNo"
  4827. 4826;"UI/UIWindow.img/CancelRequests/CancelNameChange/backgrnd"
  4828. 4827;"UI/UIWindow.img/CancelRequests/CancelNameChange/BtYes"
  4829. 4828;"UI/UIWindow.img/CancelRequests/CancelNameChange/BtNo"
  4830. 4829;"UI/UIWindow.img/CancelRequests/CancelNameChange/suc"
  4831. 4830;"UI/UIWindow.img/CancelRequests/CancelNameChange/fail"
  4832. 4831;"UI/UIWindow.img/CancelRequests/CancelCharacterTransfer/backgrnd"
  4833. 4832;"UI/UIWindow.img/CancelRequests/CancelCharacterTransfer/BtYes"
  4834. 4833;"UI/UIWindow.img/CancelRequests/CancelCharacterTransfer/BtNo"
  4835. 4834;"UI/UIWindow.img/CancelRequests/CancelCharacterTransfer/suc"
  4836. 4835;"UI/UIWindow.img/CancelRequests/CancelCharacterTransfer/fail"
  4837. 4836;"Please download the full client to experience \r\nthe world of MapleStory. \r\nWould you like to download the full client\r\n from our website?"
  4838. 4837;"You must be over level 10 to sell\r\nitems on MapleStory Trading System."
  4839. 4838;"Your screen resolution cannot support windowed mode. Please select a higher screen resolution to use windowed mode."
  4840. 4839;"You have been blocked by #bPolice %s for the %s reason.#k"
  4841. 4840;"UI/CashShop.img/CSItemSearch/BtSearch"
  4842. 4841;"UI/CashShop.img/CSItemSearch/PopUp/backgrnd"
  4843. 4842;"This is your search result."
  4844. 4843;"Item/Cash/0528.img/%08d/tile"
  4845. 4844;"Item/Cash/0528.img/%08d/effect"
  4846. 4845;"Sound/ConsumeEffect.img/%d/Use"
  4847. 4846;"An Effect Item is currently in use. \r\nplease try again later."
  4848. 4847;"recall"
  4849. 4848;"/petcome"
  4850. 4849;"autoReact"
  4851. 4850;"elemDefault"
  4852. 4851;"incRMAS"
  4853. 4852;"incRMAI"
  4854. 4853;"incRMAF"
  4855. 4854;"incRMAL"
  4856. 4855;"incRMAH"
  4857. 4856;"UI/UIWindow.img/TreasureBox/%d/backgrnd"
  4858. 4857;"UI/UIWindow.img/TreasureBox/%d/backgrndOpened"
  4859. 4858;"UI/UIWindow.img/TreasureBox/%d/backgrndClosed"
  4860. 4859;"The Snowman absorbed the Snow Vigor!"
  4861. 4860;"You'll need to use all your remaining EXP in order to use a new Writ of Solomon."
  4862. 4861;"Do you wish to charge the EXP \r\nearned from The Writs of Solomon?"
  4863. 4862;"Are you sure to send an\r\nempty new year card ?"
  4864. 4863;"You cannot send a card to yourself !"
  4865. 4864;"You have no free slot to store card.\r\ntry later on please."
  4866. 4865;"You have no card to send."
  4867. 4866;"Wrong inventory information !"
  4868. 4867;"Cannot find such character !"
  4869. 4868;"Incoherent Data !"
  4870. 4869;"An error occured during DB operation."
  4871. 4870;"An unknown error occured !"
  4872. 4871;"Successfully sent a New Year Card\r\n to %s."
  4873. 4872;"Successfully received a New Year Card."
  4874. 4873;"Successfully deleted a New Year Card."
  4875. 4874;"From. %s \n\r %s... \n\r To. %s"
  4876. 4875;"Would you like to throw\r\naway this card?"
  4877. 4876;"You transformed %s into some other form."
  4878. 4877;"%s transformed you into some strange look."
  4879. 4878;"Failed to find user %s."
  4880. 4879;" You can use random transform potion only in the town."
  4881. 4880;"UI/CashShop.img/CSGift/BtBuddy"
  4882. 4881;"UI/CashShop.img/CSGift/BtGuild"
  4883. 4882;"UI/CashShop.img/CSGift/BtHide"
  4884. 4883;"UI/CashShop.img/CSGift/backgrnd"
  4885. 4884;"UI/CashShop.img/CSGift/backgrnd1"
  4886. 4885;"The Snowman absorbed the fake Snow Vigor..."
  4887. 4886;"distanceX"
  4888. 4887;"distanceY"
  4889. 4888;"maxDiff"
  4890. 4889;"onoffdefault"
  4891. 4890;"forceHP"
  4892. 4891;"UI/UIWindow.img/RemoteGachapon/backgrnd"
  4893. 4892;"UI/UIWindow.img/RemoteGachapon/Bt"
  4894. 4893;"SORT BY PRICE"
  4895. 4894;"Skill/Dragon/%d.img"
  4896. 4895;"HackShield Error : 0x%08x(%d)\r\n\r\n"
  4897. 4896;"HackShield Initialization Error : 0x%08x(%d)\r\n\r\n"
  4898. 4897;"HackShield Update Error : 0x%08x(%d)\r\n\r\n"
  4899. 4898;"Cannot read HSUpdate.env file."
  4900. 4899;"Cannot write HSUpdate.env file."
  4901. 4900;"Cannot connect to the server."
  4902. 4901;"An error occurred while inputting the network result."
  4903. 4902;"Cannot file HackShield update program-related files."
  4904. 4903;"Cannot file authentication file."
  4905. 4904;"Update timeout occurred in HackShield update program."
  4906. 4905;"Error occurs when another game client or another process is already executing HackShield. Since the HackShield vr.3.1 has been improved to allow HackShield running in a multi-process environment, this does not occur in the newer version clients. (Value = 0x201)"
  4907. 4906;"Error occurs when the game client is executed in the Compatibility Mode provided by Windows XP. Game execution in Compatibility Mode is judged as a user with ill intentions, so program must be ended and restarted. (Value = 0x004)"
  4908. 4907;"Error occurs when game client is executed in a general user account' s authority, not in the Windows NT system's administrator account. In order to use the functions provided by HackShield with a general user accoun'ts authority, a HackShield Shadow account must first be created. Refer to ¡®User Authority Execution Function'."
  4909. 4908;"Error occurs when the system has already finished initialization through calling _AhnHS_Initialize. _AhnHS_Initialize can only be called once at the program initialization stage, and cannot be called repeatedly. This can only occur in the developmental process, so no other processes need to be taken. (Value = 0x001)"
  4910. 4909;"Error occurs when the pointer of the Callback function is set incorrectly or if the license key value is NULL. This can only occur in the developmental process, so no other processes need to be taken. (Value = 0x002)"
  4911. 4910;"Error occurs when the game code set to initialization function' s parameter and the license key value do not match the actual values. This can only occur in the developmental process, so no other processes need to be taken. (Value = 0x100)"
  4912. 4911;"Error occurs when the interface DLL file(EhSvc.dll, EGRNAP.dll, EGRNAPX2.dll) is forged or altered, or when the version is not matching. If the interface DLL file is forged or altered, this may lead to incapacitation of the hack prevention function. Program must be ended and restarted. (Value = 0x101)"
  4913. 4912;"Error occurs when the hack prevention function Driver fails initialization. If driver initialization fails, the hack prevention function will not work normally, so program should be ended, and restarted. (Value = 0x102)"
  4914. 4913;"Error occurs while Debugger is running on the system. If this occurs during the developmental process, exclude option AHNHS_CHKOPT_KDTRACER. If this occurs in the version distributed to users, end game program and debugger, and re-execute as there is a possibility of hack attacks. (Value = 0x105)"
  4915. 4914;"You are disconnected from MapleStroy due to the attempting to hack. If you have any important issue, please contact us via our homepage"
  4916. 4915;"\r\n\r\nPlease send the detailed information through AhnReport"
  4917. 4916;"Unable to receive skin file. \n Please try again later."
  4918. 4917;"Unable to read authentication file."
  4919. 4918;"Failed to analyze product setup ahn.ui file."
  4920. 4919;"Unable to receive product setup ahn.ui file. \nPlease try again later."
  4921. 4920;"Failed to verify product setup."
  4922. 4921;"Failed to call AhnUpEx.dll."
  4923. 4922;"Failed to call AspUp.dll."
  4924. 4923;"Unable to receive skin file. \nPlease try again later."
  4925. 4924;"Failed to call ASPSnc.dll."
  4926. 4925;"Unable to receive authentication file. \nPlease try again later."
  4927. 4926;"Unable to save authentication file with product."
  4928. 4927;"Update is already in progress. (SUiPre)"
  4929. 4928;"Unable to execute due to unsupported OS."
  4930. 4929;"You have logged into the account without Administrator authority. \r\nProgram cannot be installed or used without the Administrator authority. \r\nPlease log in through account with Administrator authority."
  4931. 4930;"Unable to receive file. \nPlease try again later."
  4932. 4931;"Failed to analyze ahn.ui file of update program."
  4933. 4932;"Failed to call Helper.dll."
  4934. 4933;"Unable to receive update program's module."
  4935. 4934;"Unable to receive update program's setup."
  4936. 4935;"Failed to verify update program setup."
  4937. 4936;"Failed to verify update program module."
  4938. 4937;"An error occurred in the product information."
  4939. 4938;"Unable to execute %1 file."
  4940. 4939;"Failed to unzip."
  4941. 4940;"Failed to move update program module."
  4942. 4941;"Authentication file has expired."
  4943. 4942;"An error occurred in Smart Update i installation program."
  4944. 4943;"Cannot execute due to unsupported user authority."
  4945. 4944;"Unsupported version of Microsoft Internet Explorer."
  4946. 4945;"Unsupported CPU."
  4947. 4946;"You do not have access to write file."
  4948. 4947;"Could not execute suimain.exe."
  4949. 4948;"Not Allowed URL"
  4950. 4949;"The operation was canceled by the user."
  4951. 4950;"Not Allowed Process"
  4952. 4951;"Safety mode is not supported."
  4953. 4952;"Unknown error occurred."
  4954. 4953;"Failed during initialization cancellation."
  4955. 4954;"Failed to load modules Mkd25.dll, Mkd25def.dll."
  4956. 4955;"Initialization was not completed."
  4957. 4956;"Abnormal parameter."
  4958. 4957;"Failed during initialization."
  4959. 4958;"AOS MKD module was not loaded."
  4960. 4959;"Update is not supported."
  4961. 4960;"Failed during update process."
  4962. 4961;"Abnormal update parameter."
  4963. 4962;"Failed to load update module."
  4964. 4963;"AOS MKD is not installed."
  4965. 4964;"An error occurred in AOS MKD compatibility. \r\nPlease terminate all MKD linked productings and re-execute."
  4966. 4965;"Unprotected Edit Control."
  4967. 4966;"Unmatching properties."
  4968. 4967;"Some API hooking is already done. (However, this is actually blocked and hooking program does not work.)"
  4969. 4968;"Detected auto-mouse action."
  4970. 4969;"Detected auto-macro action."
  4971. 4970;"Detected hooking action towards protection API."
  4972. 4971;"Hack prevention driver was not loaded."
  4973. 4972;"Message hooking has been detected. This could not be blocked."
  4974. 4973;"Debugger tracing occurred. (Kernel debugger activation, then Break Pointer measure)"
  4975. 4974;"Change occurred in installed debugger tracing."
  4976. 4975;"If speed hack detection option is 'GAME,' recent 5 seconds of time information is sent through this callback."
  4977. 4976;"Detected game hack tool execution."
  4978. 4977;"Detected regular hack tool (Trojan Horse,etc)."
  4979. 4978;"Window-mode hack tool"
  4980. 4979;"Detected code patch trial."
  4981. 4980;"Change occurred in Hackshield-related module."
  4982. 4981;"Abnormal engine function."
  4983. 4982;"Unmatching code."
  4984. 4983;"Abnormal screensaver function."
  4985. 4984;"Detected memory alteration towards protection module."
  4986. 4985;"Code in Game EXE is called randomly from external module."
  4987. 4986;"Game did not connect to correct server."
  4988. 4987;"Irregular information according to HackShield motion check."
  4989. 4988;"%s : got a(n)"
  4990. 4989;"%s %s : %s from the %s Gachapon! Congrats!"
  4991. 4990;"%s %s : %s from the Cash Shop Surprise! Congrats!"
  4992. 4991;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/MainStep1"
  4993. 4992;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/MainStep2"
  4994. 4993;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/MainStep3"
  4995. 4994;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/MainStep4"
  4996. 4995;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/MainStep5"
  4997. 4996;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/Appearance"
  4998. 4997;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/BtCancel"
  4999. 4998;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/BtNext"
  5000. 4999;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/BtBack"
  5001. 5000;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/BtFinish"
  5002. 5001;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/BtLeft"
  5003. 5002;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/BtRight"
  5004. 5003;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/Warrior/0"
  5005. 5004;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/Magician/0"
  5006. 5005;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/Archer/0"
  5007. 5006;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/Thief/0"
  5008. 5007;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/Pirate/0"
  5009. 5008;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/Warrior/1"
  5010. 5009;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/Magician/1"
  5011. 5010;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/Archer/1"
  5012. 5011;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/Thief/1"
  5013. 5012;"UI/UIWindow.img/CharacterClone/Pirate/1"
  5014. 5013;"%s\r\n will be sealed until %d-%d-%04d %02d:%02d.\r\nDo you want to proceed?"
  5015. 5014;"%s\r\n will extend the item seal until %d-%d-%04d %02d:%02d.\r\n Do you want to proceed?"
  5016. 5015;"%s's seal has expired."
  5017. 5016;"%s's seal expires on %d-%d-%04d %02d:%02d. If you additionally use the timed seal item, you can extend the date."
  5018. 5017;"You have to quit Family \r\nto move to another world."
  5019. 5018;"You cannot add a Junior \r\nsince you've requested to change worlds."
  5020. 5019;"You cannot add a Junior \r\nthat has requested to change worlds."
  5021. 5020;"Don't spend SP, increase MAX HP 0"
  5022. 5021;"spend SP 6, increase MAX HP 72"
  5023. 5022;"spend SP 7, increase MAX HP 144"
  5024. 5023;"spend SP 8, increase MAX HP 212"
  5025. 5024;"spend SP 9, increase MAX HP 280"
  5026. 5025;"spend SP 10, increase MAX HP 348"
  5027. 5026;"spend SP 11, increase MAX HP 412"
  5028. 5027;"spend SP 12, increase MAX HP 476"
  5029. 5028;"spend SP 13, increase MAX HP 540"
  5030. 5029;"spend SP 14, increase MAX HP 600"
  5031. 5030;"spend SP 15, increase MAX HP 660"
  5032. 5031;"Don't spend SP, increase MAX MP 0"
  5033. 5032;"spend SP 6, increase MAX MP 40"
  5034. 5033;"spend SP 7, increase MAX MP 80"
  5035. 5034;"spend SP 8, increase MAX MP 118"
  5036. 5035;"spend SP 9, increase MAX MP 156"
  5037. 5036;"spend SP 10, increase MAX MP 194"
  5038. 5037;"spend SP 11, increase MAX MP 230"
  5039. 5038;"spend SP 12, increase MAX MP 266"
  5040. 5039;"spend SP 13, increase MAX MP 302"
  5041. 5040;"spend SP 14, increase MAX MP 336"
  5042. 5041;"spend SP 15, increase MAX MP 370"
  5043. 5042;"You must be over Level 30\r\nto purchase this item"
  5044. 5043;"You do not have any empty character slots\r\nThe Maple life(B-Type) will create\r\na new character slot upon purchase."
  5045. 5044;"You cannot create a new character\r\nin this world as all 12 slots are full."
  5046. 5045;"no more characters can be created.\r\nPlease check again"
  5047. 5046;"You can not use this name.\r\nPlease check again"
  5048. 5047;"This name is currently being used.\r\nPlease check again."
  5049. 5048;"Creation has completed successfully."
  5050. 5049;"UI/UIWindow.img/ViciousHammer/backgrnd"
  5051. 5050;"UI/UIWindow.img/ViciousHammer/BtStart"
  5052. 5051;"UI/UIWindow.img/ViciousHammer/BtCancel"
  5053. 5052;"The item is not upgradable."
  5054. 5053;"2 upgrade increases\r\nhave been used already."
  5055. 5054;" Increased available upgrade by 1. \r\n%d upgrades are left."
  5056. 5055;"You can't use Vicious' Hammer\r\non Horntail Necklace."
  5059. 5058;"ViciousHammer"
  5060. 5059;"Cannot kick another user in this map"
  5061. 5060;"[Talent Show event] The Talent Show event has started. Please talk to NPC Gaga in towns to participate."
  5062. 5061;"CashGachapon.img"
  5063. 5062;"Prob"
  5064. 5063;"This item cannot be purchased \r\nwith MaplePoints."
  5065. 5064;"Sorry for inconvinence. \r\nplease try again."
  5066. 5065;"UI/UIWindow.img/CashGachapon/backgrnd"
  5067. 5066;"UI/UIWindow.img/CashGachapon/BtOpen"
  5068. 5067;"UI/UIWindow.img/CashGachapon/BtClose"
  5069. 5068;"accountSharable"
  5070. 5069;"alert6"
  5071. 5070;"backHairBelowCap"
  5072. 5071;"combatStep"
  5073. 5072;"doubleAttack"
  5074. 5073;"flamegear"
  5075. 5074;"fullSwingDouble"
  5076. 5075;"fullSwingTriple"
  5077. 5076;"icestorm"
  5078. 5077;"overSwingDouble"
  5079. 5078;"overSwingTriple"
  5080. 5079;"phantom"
  5081. 5080;"poleArmFinish"
  5082. 5081;"poleArmPush"
  5083. 5082;"poleArmSmash"
  5084. 5083;"poleArmToss"
  5085. 5084;"souldriver"
  5086. 5085;"stormbreak"
  5087. 5086;"swingP1PoleArm"
  5088. 5087;"swingP2PoleArm"
  5089. 5088;"swingT2PoleArm"
  5090. 5089;"tripleAttack"
  5091. 5090;"whirlwind"
  5092. 5091;"windspear"
  5093. 5092;"battleField"
  5094. 5093;"Map/Obj/etc.img/battleField/backgrnd"
  5095. 5094;"Map/Obj/etc.img/battleField/fontScore0"
  5096. 5095;"Map/Obj/etc.img/battleField/fontScore1"
  5097. 5096;"Map/Obj/etc.img/battleField/fontTime"
  5098. 5097;"goCheckBoardIndex"
  5099. 5098;"Map/Obj/etc.img/eventPointCount/backgrnd"
  5100. 5099;"Map/Obj/etc.img/eventPointCount"
  5101. 5100;"Effect/BasicEff.img/SoulRush"
  5102. 5101;"horizontalImpact"
  5103. 5102;"reactorName"
  5104. 5103;"hRange"
  5105. 5104;"infoex"
  5106. 5105;"viewMedalItem"
  5107. 5106;"medalCategory"
  5108. 5107;"noCancelDamage"
  5109. 5108;"noMapCmd"
  5110. 5109;"notExtend"
  5111. 5110;"onlyEquip"
  5112. 5111;"autoAccept"
  5113. 5112;"reactorState"
  5114. 5113;"RaceSelect"
  5115. 5114;"Map/Obj/etc.img/space/backgrnd"
  5116. 5115;"Map/Obj/etc.img/space/fontTime"
  5117. 5116;"targetField"
  5118. 5117;"targetPortal"
  5119. 5118;"UI/UIWindow.img/GMBoard/backgrnd"
  5120. 5119;"UI/UIWindow.img/GMBoard/Loading"
  5121. 5120;"UI/UIWindow.img/GMBoard/NoticeIcon"
  5122. 5121;"UI/Login.img/CharSelect/aran"
  5123. 5122;"UI/Login.img/CharSelect/adventure"
  5124. 5123;"UI/Login.img/NewCharAran/avatarSel"
  5125. 5124;"UI/Login.img/NewCharAran/BtLeft"
  5126. 5125;"UI/Login.img/NewCharAran/BtNo"
  5127. 5126;"UI/Login.img/NewCharAran/BtRight"
  5128. 5127;"UI/Login.img/NewCharAran/BtYes"
  5129. 5128;"UI/Login.img/NewCharAran/charName"
  5130. 5129;"UI/Login.img/NewCharAran/charSet"
  5131. 5130;"UI/Login.img/NewCharKnight/avatarSel"
  5132. 5131;"UI/Login.img/NewCharKnight/BtLeft"
  5133. 5132;"UI/Login.img/NewCharKnight/BtNo"
  5134. 5133;"UI/Login.img/NewCharKnight/BtRight"
  5135. 5134;"UI/Login.img/NewCharKnight/BtYes"
  5136. 5135;"UI/Login.img/NewCharKnight/charName"
  5137. 5136;"UI/Login.img/NewCharKnight/charSet"
  5138. 5137;"UI/ChatBalloon.img/tutorial/%s"
  5139. 5138;"UI/tutorial.img/%d"
  5140. 5139;"UI/Login.img/RaceSelect/aran/BtAran"
  5141. 5140;"UI/Login.img/RaceSelect/knight/BtKnight"
  5142. 5141;"UI/Login.img/RaceSelect/BtSelect"
  5143. 5142;"UI/Login.img/RaceSelect/normal/BtNormal"
  5144. 5143;"UI/Login.img/RaceSelect/aran/OffAnimation"
  5145. 5144;"UI/Login.img/RaceSelect/knight/OffAnimation"
  5146. 5145;"UI/Login.img/RaceSelect/normal/OffAnimation"
  5147. 5146;"UI/Login.img/RaceSelect/aran/OnAnimation"
  5148. 5147;"UI/Login.img/RaceSelect/knight/OnAnimation"
  5149. 5148;"UI/Login.img/RaceSelect/normal/OnAnimation"
  5150. 5149;"UI/Login.img/RaceSelect/aran/text"
  5151. 5150;"UI/Login.img/RaceSelect/knight/text"
  5152. 5151;"UI/Login.img/RaceSelect/normal/text"
  5153. 5152;"UI/Login.img/RaceSelect/textGL/0"
  5154. 5153;"UI/UIWindow.img/Stat/basicStat"
  5155. 5154;"UI/UIWindow.img/CashTradingRoom/backgrnd"
  5156. 5155;"UI/UIWindow.img/CashTradingRoom/BtCoin"
  5157. 5156;"UI/UIWindow.img/CashTradingRoom/BtReset"
  5158. 5157;"UI/UIWindow.img/CashTradingRoom/BtTrade"
  5159. 5158;"UI/UIWindow.img/CashTradingRoom/icon2"
  5160. 5159;"UI/UIWindow.img/ContextMenu/BtCashTrade"
  5161. 5160;"UI/UIWindow.img/FadeYesNo/backgrnd6"
  5162. 5161;"UI/UIWindow.img/FadeYesNo/icon9"
  5163. 5162;"UI/UIWindow.img/Title/backgrnd2"
  5164. 5163;"UI/UIWindow.img/Title/backgrnd3"
  5165. 5164;"UI/UIWindow.img/Title/backgrnd4"
  5166. 5165;"UI/UIWindow.img/Title/backgrnd5"
  5167. 5166;"UI/UIWindow.img/Title/BtGiveup"
  5168. 5167;"UI/UIWindow.img/Title/BtOK"
  5169. 5168;"UI/UIWindow.img/Title/icon1"
  5170. 5169;"UI/UIWindow.img/Title/icon2"
  5171. 5170;"UI/UIWindow.img/Title/Tab/disabled"
  5172. 5171;"UI/UIWindow.img/Title/Tab/enabled"
  5173. 5172;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/backgrnd4"
  5174. 5173;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/backgrnd5"
  5175. 5174;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/backgrnd6"
  5176. 5175;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/BtAdd"
  5177. 5176;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/BtBlackList"
  5178. 5177;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/BtDelete"
  5179. 5178;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/BtOK"
  5180. 5179;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/BtSaveName"
  5181. 5180;"UI/UIWindow.img/PersonalShop/BtVisit"
  5182. 5181;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtCollectionHide"
  5183. 5182;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserInfo/BtCollectionShow"
  5184. 5183;"UI/UIWindow.img/Equip/backgrnd"
  5185. 5184;"UI/UIWindow.img/Equip/FullBackgrnd"
  5186. 5185;"UI/UIWindow.img/Equip/BtCashshop"
  5187. 5186;"UI/UIWindow.img/Equip/BtDragonEquip"
  5188. 5187;""
  5189. 5188;"verticalImpact"
  5190. 5189;"vRange"
  5191. 5190;"Map/Obj/etc.img/goldkey/backgrnd"
  5192. 5191;"Map/Obj/etc.img/goldkey/number"
  5193. 5192;"Map/Obj/etc.img/goldkey/key"
  5194. 5193;"Spirits who receive #c%s#'s energy will give your character a boost. 1 Skill Point will be granted each time #c%s#'s level increases by 10."
  5195. 5194;"The item's effects will disappear after the #cslot expiration date of %d(month)-%d(date)-%04d(year) at %02d(hour):%02d(minute)."
  5196. 5195;"The item will be equipped if you purchase a %s slot extender at the #c Cash Shop.#"
  5197. 5196;"UI/UIWindow.img/Equip/DragonEquip"
  5198. 5197;"Movement is possible only within the account"
  5199. 5198;"Admin"
  5200. 5199;"Player %s has lost all of his/her wool."
  5201. 5200;"Baaaa~"
  5202. 5201;"Baa~"
  5203. 5202;"Baa Baa~"
  5204. 5203;"Owoo~"
  5205. 5204;"Woof Woof Woof!"
  5206. 5205;"Owoooo~"
  5207. 5206;"You used the item but nothing happened."
  5208. 5207;"Some items cannot be traded with other users and\r\n"
  5209. 5208;"If you purchase a %s(%dcash), you can equip \r\n the item for %d additional days. \r\n Refunds are not availabe after the purchase. \r\n Do you still wish to purchase it?"
  5210. 5209;"The time limit for the \r\n %s slot has been extended to %d(month)-%d(date)-%d(year) at %d(hour):%d(minute)."
  5211. 5210;"You have added %s slots."
  5212. 5211;"If you purchase this item, you will be able to equip\r\nadditional equipment items."
  5213. 5212;"Available until %d(month)-%d(date)-%04d(year) at %02d(hour):%02d(minute)"
  5214. 5213;"If you use this item, you will not be able\r\nto trade the item with other users.\r\nDo you really want to use this item?"
  5215. 5214;"Time Limit Expired"
  5216. 5215;"Have you checked the\r\ntime limit on the item?"
  5217. 5216;"%ddays, %dhours, and %dminutes left"
  5218. 5217;"[GM] You have recevied a letter from an Admin. Please click on the envelope at the top right."
  5219. 5218;"/CashTrade"
  5220. 5219;"/Game Trade"
  5221. 5220;"This is only available while aboard the %s."
  5222. 5221;"/Artifact Ranking"
  5223. 5222;"Due to the effect of the Tresure Box, you will receive an additional %d%% points for %dseconds."
  5224. 5223;"You can only be equipped with 1 Unique Equipped Item."
  5225. 5224;"Please use 'Trade'."
  5226. 5225;"This is a Cash Trade Invite"
  5227. 5226;"Separation is not possible due to insufficient Mesos.\r\nYou will need %d Mesos to\r\nseparate with a Senior."
  5228. 5227;"Separation is not possible due to insufficient Mesos.\r\nYou will need %d Mesos to\r\nseparate with a Junior."
  5229. 5228;"\r\n\r\nFee:%d Mesos"
  5230. 5229;"%d Reputation Points for yourself and %d Reputation Points for your Senior will be deducted\r\nand all lower Family members will be affected.\r\nDo you really want to separate from the selected character?"
  5231. 5230;"%d Reputation Points will be deducted from you, \r\nand all lower Family members will be affected.\r\nDo you really want to separate from the selected character?"
  5232. 5231;"%d Reputation Points for the Senior and %d Reputation Points for the 2nd Senior will be deducted, and all lower Family members will be affected.\r\nDo you really want to separate from the selected character?"
  5233. 5232;"%d Reputations for the Senior will be deducted, and\r\nall lower Family members will be affected. Do you really want to separate from the selected character?"
  5234. 5233;"The family relation has been severed as %s has initiated a separation."
  5235. 5234;"Family relations have been severed as a Family member has initiated separation. %d Reputation Points will be deducted."
  5236. 5235;"The family relation has been severed as %s has initiated a seperation. Reputation Points will be deducted by %d."
  5237. 5236;"%02d(hour)%02d(minute)"
  5238. 5237;"Mu Young: That was a close call!! I can't believe you tried to fight Balrog when you are so weak¡¦ Draw Balrog's attention and continue hitting him for 10 minutes while I seal him up."
  5239. 5238;"Mu Young: That was a close call!! I can't believe you tried to fight Balrog when you are so weak¡¦ Draw Balrog's attention and continue hitting him for 5 minutes while I seal him up."
  5240. 5239;"A portion was not found after falling on the ground."
  5241. 5240;"%s has disappeared as the time limit has passed."
  5242. 5241;"You have used 1 Wheel of Destiny in order to revive at the current map. (%d left)"
  5243. 5242;"Time limit extension is not possible on this item."
  5244. 5243;"Failed to connect to the update server. Please try again later or check the status of your network."
  5245. 5244;"HackShield has not initialized. Please try again after rebooting, closing other programs, or running a virus or spyware check."
  5246. 5245;"The virus or hacking tool detection module has failed to load. You may have insufficient memory or your computer may be infected with a virus."
  5247. 5246;"Hackshield file does not exist or has been modified."
  5248. 5247;"The game is already loaded or HackShield is already in use. Please try again after ending the game."
  5249. 5248;"A hacking program has been found. Please close any unnecessary programs and try again."
  5250. 5249;"Access authority for Hackshield files is invalid."
  5251. 5250;"This is an error that occurs when there is an unknown problem."
  5252. 5251;"HackShield: Initialization Error (0x%08X)\r\n\r\n"
  5253. 5252;"HackShield: Hacking Detected (0x%08X)\r\n\r\nA hacking attempt has been detected. MapleStory will now close. Please visit our website for more information."
  5254. 5253;"HackShield: Update Error (0x%08X)\r\n\r\n"
  5255. 5254;"Legend"
  5256. 5255;"You cannot move anymore in this area.\r\nYou will be deleted off the list."
  5257. 5256;"You cannot open a store in this channel. Please use a different channel."
  5258. 5257;"MyKeyDefense: Initializatin Error (0x%08X)\r\n\r\n"
  5259. 5258;"This item cannot be recovered once dropped. However, It is possible to transfer it to a different character on the same account by using the storage system. \r\n\r\nDo you really want to drop this item?"
  5260. 5259;"If you invest your AP in HP or MP, your character may have\r\ninsufficient stats to become as strong as it could be.\r\nDo you still wish to raise this skill?"
  5261. 5260;"<%s%s has advanced to a(an) %s."
  5262. 5261;"<%s%s is now married. Please congratulate them."
  5263. 5262;"Complete"
  5264. 5263;"Incomplete"
  5265. 5264;"Congratulations. You've won a reward in the Excavation Hunt with %d points. Please go to the store to receive your gift."
  5266. 5265;"%s has made the Artifact Hunt rankings."
  5267. 5266;"%s has surpassed %s in the Artifact Hunt rankings."
  5268. 5267;"%s - %s"
  5269. 5268;"This week's Artifact Hunt winner"
  5270. 5269;"%s is currently ranked in the Top 10 of the Artifact Hunt."
  5271. 5270;"Cash Items become untradable\r\nonce they have been traded and \r\nMaple Points cannot be accumulated\r\nusing Item Deletions in the Cash Shop.\r\n\r\nDo you really want to buy?"
  5272. 5271;"A cash item purchase was canceled\r\ndue to a server check."
  5273. 5272;"Purchase was canceled because there was an item\r\nthat disappeared because it expired."
  5274. 5273;"Seal Released on %d-%d-%04d %02d:%02d"
  5275. 5274;"Time limit extension is not possible."
  5276. 5275;"Unique Equipped Item"
  5277. 5276;"You have received a letter from an Admin.\r\nPlease click on the envelope."
  5278. 5277;"Cash Items become untradable\r\nonce they have been traded and \r\nMaple Points cannot be accumulated\r\nusing Item Deletions in the Cash Shop.\r\n\r\nDo you really want to trade?"
  5279. 5278;"A cash item trade was canceled\r\ndue to a server check."
  5280. 5279;"Trade was canceled because there was an item\r\nthat disappeared because it expired."
  5281. 5280;"How many will you drop? (A portion of the amount may be lost if picked up by another user.)"
  5282. 5281;"You can raise the desired stat by pressing the arrow key."
  5283. 5282;"The most important stat for a Warrior is STR and"
  5284. 5283;"The most important stat for a Magician is and"
  5285. 5284;"In addition, A bit of LUK is required."
  5286. 5285;"The most important stat for a Bowman is DEX and"
  5287. 5286;"In addition, A bit of STR is required."
  5288. 5287;"The most important stat for a Thief is LUK and"
  5289. 5288;"The most important stat for a knuckle using Pirate is STR and"
  5290. 5289;"In addition, a bit of DEX is required."
  5291. 5290;"The most important stat for a gun using Pirate is DEX and"
  5292. 5291;"In addition, a bit of STR is required."
  5293. 5292;"The most important stat for a Dawn Warrior is STR and"
  5294. 5293;"The most important stat for a Blaze Wizard is INT and"
  5295. 5294;"In addition, a bit of LUK is required."
  5296. 5295;"The most important stat for a Wind Archer is DEX and"
  5297. 5296;"The most important stat for a Night Walker is LUK and"
  5298. 5297;"The most important stat for a Thunder Breaker is STR and"
  5299. 5298;"If you press the automatic distribution button, the AP will be"
  5300. 5299;"distributed automatically as needed."
  5301. 5300;"Number of medals obtained: %d"
  5302. 5301;"Obtainable Title"
  5303. 5302;"Title being challenged"
  5304. 5303;"If you purchase a %s slot addtion in the Cash Shop, you can additionally equip a %s."
  5305. 5304;"Item/Install/%04d.img/%08d/effect2"
  5306. 5305;"incLEV"
  5307. 5306;"/Help"
  5308. 5307;"[%s]'s broadcasting will begin. Please turn up the volume."
  5309. 5308;"[%s]'s broadcasting has ended."
  5310. 5309;"\r\n#The item you purchase with NX can be traded once with another user prior to use.#"
  5311. 5310;"\r\n#You cannot trade a used item with another player.#"
  5312. 5311;"You cannot acquire any items because the game file has been damaged. Please try again after reinstalling the game."
  5313. 5312;"The force of the underground has pushed you out."
  5314. 5313;"Characters whose level is below Lv. 10, such as Beginners, Noblesses, and Legends cannot form a party."
  5315. 5314;"Adventurer"
  5316. 5315;"An illegal program has been detected.\r\nPlease try again after reinstalling the game.\r\n\r\nIllegal program usage could result in banning from the game."
  5317. 5316;"press 1, 2, or 3 to change the group you'd like to talk to."
  5318. 5317;"You cannot acquire any items."
  5319. 5318;"You cannot use this item\r\nbecause a similar event is in progress."
  5320. 5319;"This item has expired."
  5321. 5320;"Not available for Beginners, Noblesses, and Legends."
  5322. 5321;"You got a title!"
  5323. 5322;"CharLevel"
  5324. 5323;"comboFenrir"
  5325. 5324;"comboSmash"
  5326. 5325;"comboTempest"
  5327. 5326;"doubleSwing"
  5328. 5327;"Effect/BasicEff.img/CoolHit/cool"
  5329. 5328;"Effect/BasicEff.img/GetParao"
  5330. 5329;"UI/UIWindow.img/Item/New/Tab1"
  5331. 5330;"UI/UIWindow.img/Item/New/Tab0"
  5332. 5331;"UI/UIWindow.img/Item/New/inventory"
  5333. 5332;"finalBlow"
  5334. 5333;"finalCharge"
  5335. 5334;"finalToss"
  5336. 5335;""
  5337. 5336;"killing/clear"
  5338. 5337;"killing/fail"
  5339. 5338;"Map/Obj/etc.img/killing/backgrnd"
  5340. 5339;"Map/Obj/etc.img/killing/fontTime"
  5341. 5340;"Map/WorldMap/WorldMap%03d.img"
  5342. 5341;"massacre_cool"
  5343. 5342;"massacre_hit"
  5344. 5343;"massacre_laststage"
  5345. 5344;"massacre_miss"
  5346. 5345;"massacre_party"
  5347. 5346;"massacre_skill"
  5348. 5347;"minus"
  5349. 5348;"miss"
  5350. 5349;"mobCode"
  5351. 5350;"plus"
  5352. 5351;"pyramid"
  5353. 5352;"rollingSpin"
  5354. 5353;"selectedSkillID"
  5355. 5354;"showLayerTag"
  5356. 5355;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/CharLevel/%d/effect"
  5357. 5356;"Skill/%03d.img/skill/%07d/CharLevel/%d/hit/%d"
  5358. 5357;"Sound/Radio.img/%s"
  5359. 5358;"Sound/Radio.img/%s/track"
  5360. 5359;"tags"
  5361. 5360;"tripleSwing"
  5362. 5361;"UI/CashShop.img/Base/backgrnd2"
  5363. 5362;"UI/Login.img/WorldSelect/alert/backgrd"
  5364. 5363;"UI/Login.img/WorldSelect/alert/BtArrowL"
  5365. 5364;"UI/Login.img/WorldSelect/alert/BtArrowR"
  5366. 5365;"UI/Login.img/WorldSelect/alert/BtChoice"
  5367. 5366;"UI/Login.img/WorldSelect/alert/BtClose"
  5368. 5367;"UI/Login.img/WorldSelect/BtViewAll"
  5369. 5368;"UI/Login.img/WorldSelect/BtViewChoice"
  5370. 5369;"UI/UIWindow.img/MapleEvent/backgrnd"
  5371. 5370;"UI/UIWindow.img/MapleEvent/Loading"
  5372. 5371;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Count/backgrd0"
  5373. 5372;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Count/backgrd1"
  5374. 5373;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Count/keyBackgrd/close"
  5375. 5374;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Count/keyBackgrd/ing"
  5376. 5375;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Count/keyBackgrd/open"
  5377. 5376;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Count/number"
  5378. 5377;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Count/number2"
  5379. 5378;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Gauge/backgrd"
  5380. 5379;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Gauge/backgrdD"
  5381. 5380;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Gauge/danger"
  5382. 5381;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Gauge/iconD"
  5383. 5382;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Gauge/pixel"
  5384. 5383;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Gauge/text"
  5385. 5384;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Gauge/textD"
  5386. 5385;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Result/backgrd"
  5387. 5386;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Result/backgrd2"
  5388. 5387;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Result/number"
  5389. 5388;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Result/number2"
  5390. 5389;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Result/Rank/a"
  5391. 5390;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Result/Rank/b"
  5392. 5391;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Result/Rank/c"
  5393. 5392;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Result/Rank/d"
  5394. 5393;"UI/UIWindow.img/MonsterKilling/Result/Rank/s"
  5395. 5394;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillUp/backgrd"
  5396. 5395;"UI/UIWindow.img/SkillUp/btOK"
  5397. 5396;"UI/UIWindow.img/VegaSpell/backgrnd10"
  5398. 5397;"UI/UIWindow.img/VegaSpell/backgrnd60"
  5399. 5398;"UI/UIWindow.img/VegaSpell/SuccessWnd"
  5400. 5399;"UI/UIWindow.img/VegaSpell/FailWnd"
  5401. 5400;"UI/UIWindow.img/VegaSpell/BtStart"
  5402. 5401;"UI/UIWindow.img/VegaSpell/BtOK"
  5403. 5402;"This scroll cannot be used."
  5404. 5403;"Something wrong!"
  5405. 5404;"The item and the scroll cannot be combined."
  5406. 5405;"Unknowun error %d."
  5407. 5406;"No Vega List"
  5408. 5407;"VegaSuccess"
  5409. 5408;"VegaFail"
  5410. 5409;"VegaTwinkling"
  5411. 5410;"Etc/VegaSpell.img"
  5412. 5411;"UI/UIWindow.img/VegaSpell/Count/%d"
  5413. 5412;"userInteract"
  5414. 5413;"fakeQuestID"
  5415. 5414;"/forbiddenmapreloadd"
  5416. 5415;"You have acquired %d Gachapon Stamps\r\nby purchasing the Gachapon Ticket."
  5417. 5416;"You cannot receive any Gachapon Stamps\r\nbecause you do not have enough room in\r\nyour Etc window."
  5418. 5417;"Purchase with %d points and get %d Stamps!\r\nThe following Stamp can be received with %d points.\r\nAccumulated %d points; total number acquired %d.\r\nIf you exit the Cash Shop\r\nthe points you have accumulated will be reset."
  5419. 5418;"userInfoScale"
  5420. 5419;"userInfoDiffX"
  5421. 5420;"userInfoDiffY"
  5422. 5421;"Evan"
  5423. 5422;"Evan0"
  5424. 5423;"Evan1"
  5425. 5424;"Evan2"
  5426. 5425;"Evan3"
  5427. 5426;"Evan4"
  5428. 5427;"Evan5"
  5429. 5428;"Evan6"
  5430. 5429;"Evan7"
  5431. 5430;"Evan8"
  5432. 5431;"Evan9"
  5433. 5432;"Evan10"
  5434. 5433;"You need %d more %s(s)"
  5435. 5434;"You need more items"
  5436. 5435;"If you do not use your AP when you level up, \r\nthen you won't be able to receive any additional AP.\r\nPlease use your AP."
  5437. 5436;"Rainbow Week Bonus EXP (+%d)"
  5438. 5437;"You have gained items in the %s tab (%s %d)"
  5439. 5438;"You have gained an item in the %s tab (%s)"
  5440. 5439;"With the weapon that %s currently has equipped,\r\nthis item can't be used.\r\nDo you still wish to give it as a gift?"
  5441. 5440;"The pet that %s is currently raising\r\ncannot be equipped with this item.\r\nDo you still wish to give it as a gift?"
  5442. 5441;"This item can only be equipped on pets.\r\nDo you still wish to give it as a gift?"
  5443. 5442;"This item cannot be used without a pet\r\nnor can it be used on a pet that's no longer living.\r\nDo you really want to give it as a gift?"
  5444. 5443;"With the pet that %s currently has equipped,\r\nthis item can't be used.\r\nDo you still wish to give it as a gift?"
  5445. 5444;"Without a Monster Mount skill,\r\nthis item can't be used.\r\nDo you still wish to give it as a gift?"
  5446. 5445;"Can be used for %s after purchase"
  5447. 5446;" %dDay(s)"
  5448. 5447;" %dHour(s)"
  5449. 5448;" %dMinute(s)"
  5450. 5449;"You must be over lv.%d to purchase this item"
  5451. 5450;"You must be under lv.%d to purchase this item"
  5452. 5451;"This is a time-restricted item\r\n"
  5453. 5452;"Are you sure you want to purchase?\r\nYou currently have %d %s"
  5454. 5453;"(Should be left blank in English)"
  5455. 5454;"This item can only be equipped on Evan."
  5456. 5455;"#eWelcome to the Test World#n\r\nThis is a place that has been created in order to test\r\ncontent that is planned to be revised or added in the real MapleStory World.\r\nAs such, the following limitations apply.\r\n\r\n#b1. In the Test World, character development has been\r\nset on ""easy"" for the sake of testing. This info \r\nwill not be applied in the real MapleStory World.\r\n2. Character information from the Test World will never\r\nbe shared with the real MapleStory World. \r\n3. Character information in the Test World can be reset\r\nwithout any notice or agreement from the user.\r\n4. The Test World service may be stopped without\r\nany notice.\r\n5. Content tested here may not be\r\napplied to the real MapleStory World.\r\n6. When the tested contents are added to the real MapleStory World, there may be\r\nmodifications made to the stats.\r\n"
  5457. 5456;"The key you just pressed is a key that has been disabled."
  5458. 5457;"This key is already being used."
  5459. 5458;"The changes you've made to the Quick Slot will also be canceled."
  5460. 5459;"The changes you've made to the Quick Slots will also change to default."
  5461. 5460;"You have revived on the current map through the effect of the Spirit Stone."
  5462. 5461;"The Entitlement does not apply because your level does not match the corresponding area."
  5463. 5462;"This map can only be entered by party members."
  5464. 5463;"You have been kicked out of the map because you left the party."
  5465. 5464;"Your current condition will not permit you to use a potion."
  5466. 5465;"You will receive damage if you become covered with the Shadow of Darkness and cannot move."
  5467. 5466;"The fear of darkness has overtaken you! Your range of vision has been narrowed."
  5468. 5467;"Dragon Hat"
  5469. 5468;"Dragon Pendant"
  5470. 5469;"Dragon Wing Accessory"
  5471. 5470;"Dragon Tail Accessory"
  5472. 5471;"This contains an item that will disappear once \r\nthe expiration date has passed. Do you want to give it as a gift?"
  5473. 5472;"%s does not have an item that \r\nthe Scissors of Karma can be used on.\r\nDo you still wish to give it as a gift?"
  5474. 5473;"You receive damage having been covered by the Shadow of Darkness."
  5475. 5474;"svReturnMap"
  5476. 5475;"PRaid_ElapssedTimeAtBoss"
  5477. 5476;"PRaid_Team"
  5478. 5477;"redTeam"
  5479. 5478;"blueTeam"
  5480. 5479;"redTeamDamage"
  5481. 5480;"blueTeamDamage"
  5482. 5481;"Red_Stage"
  5483. 5482;"Blue_Stage"
  5484. 5483;"PRaid_Bonus"
  5485. 5484;"PRaid_Total"
  5486. 5485;"Red Team"
  5487. 5486;"Blue Team"
  5488. 5487;"One of your party members has been banished from the room due to abnormal termination."
  5489. 5488;"\r\n#cExpiration Date: %dYear %dMonth %dDay %dHour %dMinute#"
  5490. 5489;"This item cannot be used in this map."
  5491. 5490;"magicmissile"
  5492. 5491;"dragonSpark"
  5493. 5492;"dragonIceBreathe"
  5494. 5493;"dragonBreathe"
  5495. 5494;"icebreathe_prepare"
  5496. 5495;"breathe_prepare"
  5497. 5496;"infinityExplosion"
  5498. 5497;"superMagicmissile"
  5499. 5498;"illusion"
  5500. 5499;"magicFlare"
  5501. 5500;"magicBooster"
  5502. 5501;"dragonShield"
  5503. 5502;"dragonFury"
  5504. 5503;"dragonFly"
  5505. 5504;"elementalReset"
  5506. 5505;"elementalRegistance"
  5507. 5506;"dragonAura"
  5508. 5507;"dragonSkin"
  5509. 5508;"Effect/BasicEff.img/dragonEyes"
  5510. 5509;"Bamboo_Used"
  5511. 5510;" mesos"
  5512. 5511;"#wbasic#"
  5513. 5512;"#wprob#"
  5514. 5513;"#wselect#"
  5515. 5514;"%04d"
  5516. 5515;"%d"
  5517. 5516;"%d / %d"
  5518. 5517;"%s"
  5519. 5518;"%s (%s)"
  5520. 5519;"%s of Team Maple knocks down a coconut."
  5521. 5520;"%s/%d"
  5522. 5521;"/snowball"
  5523. 5522;"/snowball1"
  5524. 5523;"/snowball2"
  5525. 5524;"/snowball3"
  5526. 5525;"Advertising"
  5527. 5526;"Aran"
  5528. 5527;"Arial"
  5529. 5528;"Attack2"
  5530. 5529;"Blaze Wizard"
  5531. 5530;"CATEGORY :"
  5532. 5531;"Cannot be traded due to gender inconsistencies."
  5533. 5532;"Cash"
  5534. 5533;"Category"
  5535. 5534;"Change occurred in system time by speed hack-related program."
  5536. 5535;"Dawn Warrior"
  5537. 5536;"Due to job limitations, %s can't\r\nuse this item.\r\nDo you still wish to give it as a gift?"
  5538. 5537;"EXP : %d / %d"
  5539. 5538;"Etc"
  5540. 5539;"Failed to purchase the item."
  5541. 5540;"Family"
  5542. 5541;"GM"
  5543. 5542;"Guild"
  5544. 5543;"Hit"
  5545. 5544;"In addition, A bit of DEX is required."
  5546. 5545;"Item"
  5547. 5546;"Item/Pet/%07d.img"
  5548. 5547;"LevelUp"
  5549. 5548;"Magician"
  5550. 5549;"MaplePoint"
  5551. 5550;"Meso"
  5552. 5551;"Mob"
  5553. 5552;"Night Walker"
  5554. 5553;"Npc"
  5555. 5554;"Online Party Members / Total Registered Party Members"
  5556. 5555;"Only %d will be sold."
  5557. 5556;"PRaid_Point"
  5558. 5557;"Pet"
  5559. 5558;"Plant"
  5560. 5559;"Please enter the content."
  5561. 5560;"Please enter the price\r\nof over 110 NX."
  5562. 5561;"Please enter the title."
  5563. 5562;"Portal"
  5564. 5563;"Summon"
  5565. 5564;"Text%02d"
  5566. 5565;"Thank you for your cooperation."
  5567. 5566;"The game file has been damaged\r\nso you cannot participate in an item trade. Please try again\r\nafter reinstalling the game."
  5568. 5567;"The password is incorrect."
  5569. 5568;"The password needs to be at least %d letters long."
  5570. 5569;"The store cannot be opened as the time limit has passed."
  5571. 5570;"The time limit has expired."
  5572. 5571;"This item can't be taken back once \r\nthrown away. Will you still drop it?"
  5573. 5572;"This item cannot be used."
  5574. 5573;"This item cannot be\r\npurchased by anyone under 7."
  5575. 5574;"This item cannot be\r\nreceived by anyone under 7."
  5576. 5575;"Thunder Breaker"
  5577. 5576;"Title"
  5578. 5577;"UI/Basic.img/BtClose"
  5579. 5578;"UI/Login.img/Common/shadow"
  5580. 5579;"UI/UIWindow.img/Equip/pet"
  5581. 5580;"UI/UIWindow.img/Item/BtFull"
  5582. 5581;"UI/UIWindow.img/Item/BtSmall"
  5583. 5582;"UI/UIWindow.img/KeyConfig/BtCancel"
  5584. 5583;"UI/UIWindow.img/KeyConfig/BtDefault"
  5585. 5584;"UI/UIWindow.img/KeyConfig/BtOK"
  5586. 5585;"UI/UIWindow.img/Quest/%s"
  5587. 5586;"UI/UIWindow.img/Quest/backgrnd4"
  5588. 5587;"UI/UIWindow.img/UserList/Guild/backgrnd"
  5589. 5588;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx_Avatar/backgrnd"
  5590. 5589;"UI/UIWindow.img/UtilDlgEx_Pet/backgrnd"
  5591. 5590;"UI/UIWindow.img/itemSearch/BtLeft"
  5592. 5591;"UI/UIWindow.img/itemSearch/BtRight"
  5593. 5592;"Unable to approach due to the force of the ground."
  5594. 5593;"Unable to receive authentication file information."
  5595. 5594;"Unable to start thread."
  5596. 5595;"Unknown Error (%d)."
  5597. 5596;"Use"
  5598. 5597;"Whisper"
  5599. 5598;"Wind Archer"
  5600. 5599;"You do not have enough mesos."
  5601. 5600;"You have been expelled from the guild."
  5602. 5601;"You have given a gift to"
  5603. 5602;"You have successfully purchased the item."
  5604. 5603;"Your inventory is full."
  5605. 5604;"[Spirit Week Event] Item Drop Rate will be doubled between 3pm and 9pm for 30 minutes starting at the top of the hour."
  5606. 5605;"[Spirit Week Event] NPC Cassandra will reward you with the ""Owl of Minerva"" if you keep her Candle burning for 1 hour. (above Lv.10)"
  5607. 5606;"[Spirit Week Event] You can trade in your scroll with a scroll that has a higher Success Rate of 5% from NPC Cassandra. (above Lv.10)"
  5608. 5607;"[Spirit Week Event] You will be given a higher chance of acquiring desirable weapons and armor, as well as a 5% discount on selected potions at the shop."
  5609. 5608;"[Spirit Week Event] You will be rewarded the ""Teleport Rock"" if you keep NPC Cassandra's Candle burning for 1 hour. (above Lv.10)"
  5610. 5609;"[Spirit Week Event] You will receive 2x Party Bonus EXP."
  5611. 5610;"[Spirit Week Event] You will receive an additional 30% Bonus EXP for the first 5 quests you complete today. (Quests with less than 1 Bonus EXP excluded)"
  5612. 5611;"\r\nusing the coupon."
  5613. 5612;"a0"
  5614. 5613;"a1"
  5615. 5614;"action"
  5616. 5615;"activeSkillID"
  5617. 5616;"am"
  5618. 5617;"and \r\n"
  5619. 5618;"autoSpeaking"
  5620. 5619;"backgrnd"
  5621. 5620;"conMP"
  5622. 5621;"count"
  5623. 5622;"cry"
  5624. 5623;"dead"
  5625. 5624;"delay"
  5626. 5625;"demandSummary"
  5627. 5626;"disable"
  5628. 5627;"float"
  5629. 5628;"head"
  5630. 5629;"heal"
  5631. 5630;"hideName"
  5632. 5631;"hit"
  5633. 5632;"hot"
  5634. 5633;""
  5635. 5634;"interval"
  5636. 5635;"jump"
  5637. 5636;"lt"
  5638. 5637;"magic"
  5639. 5638;"masterLevel"
  5640. 5639;"meso"
  5641. 5640;"move"
  5642. 5641;"none"
  5643. 5642;"party"
  5644. 5643;"pet"
  5645. 5644;"pm"
  5646. 5645;"price"
  5647. 5646;"protectTime"
  5648. 5647;"rb"
  5649. 5648;"recovery"
  5650. 5649;"regen"
  5651. 5650;"rewardSummary"
  5652. 5651;"say"
  5653. 5652;"skill"
  5654. 5653;"start"
  5655. 5654;"success"
  5656. 5655;"summary"
  5657. 5656;"summon"
  5658. 5657;"undead"
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