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- [mcu]
- serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_27000D000150414235363020-if00
- # restart_method: command
- [fan]
- pin: PC6
- [heater_fan hotend_fan]
- pin: PB15
- heater: extruder
- heater_temp: 50.0
- [controller_fan electronic_enclosure_fan]
- pin: PC7
- idle_timeout: 60
- [display]
- lcd_type: st7920
- cs_pin: PB8
- sclk_pin: PB9
- sid_pin: PD6
- encoder_pins: ^PA10, ^PA9
- click_pin: ^!PA15
- [output_pin beeper]
- pin: PB5
- [bltouch]
- sensor_pin: ^PC14
- control_pin: PA1
- x_offset: -36
- y_offset: 0
- z_offset: 2.00
- [safe_z_home]
- home_xy_position: 151,115 # Nozzle coordinates
- speed: 250
- z_hop: 10
- z_hop_speed: 5
- [stepper_z]
- step_pin: PB5
- dir_pin: !PB6
- enable_pin: !PC3
- microsteps: 16
- rotation_distance: 8
- endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop
- #position_endstop: 0.0
- position_min: -4
- position_max: 400
- [stepper_x]
- step_pin: PB13
- dir_pin: !PB12
- enable_pin: !PB14
- microsteps: 64
- rotation_distance: 40
- endstop_pin: ^PC0
- position_endstop: 0
- position_min: 0
- position_max: 400
- homing_speed: 50
- [tmc2209 stepper_x]
- uart_pin: PC11
- tx_pin: PC10
- uart_address: 0
- run_current: 0.580
- interpolate: False
- stealthchop_threshold: 0
- [stepper_y]
- step_pin: PB10
- dir_pin: !PB2
- enable_pin: !PB11
- microsteps: 64
- rotation_distance: 40
- endstop_pin: ^PC1
- position_endstop: -12
- position_min: -12
- position_max: 400
- homing_speed: 50
- [tmc2209 stepper_y]
- uart_pin: PC11
- tx_pin: PC10
- uart_address: 2
- run_current: 0.580
- interpolate: False
- stealthchop_threshold: 0
- [stepper_z]
- step_pin: PB0
- dir_pin: PC5
- enable_pin: !PB1
- microsteps: 64
- rotation_distance: 8
- # endstop_pin: ^PC2
- # position_endstop: 0.0
- endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop
- position_min: -4
- position_max: 400
- [tmc2209 stepper_z]
- uart_pin: PC11
- tx_pin: PC10
- uart_address: 1
- run_current: 0.580
- interpolate: False
- stealthchop_threshold: 0
- [extruder]
- step_pin: PB3
- dir_pin: !PB4
- enable_pin: !PD1
- microsteps: 64
- rotation_distance: 7.71
- nozzle_diameter: 0.400
- filament_diameter: 1.750
- max_extrude_only_distance: 100
- pressure_advance: 0.04
- pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.040
- heater_pin: PC8
- sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2
- sensor_pin: PA0
- control: pid
- pid_Kp: 21.527
- pid_Ki: 1.063
- pid_Kd: 108.982
- min_temp: 0
- max_temp: 300
- [tmc2209 extruder]
- uart_pin: PC11
- tx_pin: PC10
- uart_address: 3
- run_current: 0.580
- interpolate: False
- stealthchop_threshold: 0
- [printer]
- kinematics: cartesian
- max_velocity: 300
- max_accel: 3000
- max_z_velocity: 5
- max_z_accel: 100
- [virtual_sdcard]
- path: /home/pi/printer_data/gcodes
- on_error_gcode: CANCEL_PRINT
- [board_pins]
- aliases:
- # EXP1 header
- EXP1_1=PB5, EXP1_3=PA9, EXP1_5=PA10, EXP1_7=PB8, EXP1_9=<GND>,
- EXP1_2=PA15, EXP1_4=<RST>, EXP1_6=PB9, EXP1_8=PD6, EXP1_10=<5V>
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