
What's Mine is Yours

May 19th, 2018
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  1. **Title of Run:** What's Mine Is Yours
  2. **Run/Event Summary:** Psi-7 is sent to an abandoned mine found at coordinates sent by The Curator to the site along with a gift basket. They go through the Mine, finding it laid out for them and trapped. They Encounter 2 new Homunculi, Flesh Hounds and Integrators. At the end of the mine, they find another set of coordinates leading to another Studio for Ouroboros.
  3. **Predicted Difficulty:** Predicted difficulty: Med-Hard
  5. **Run Description:** Psi-7 is briefed on the Mine located in Italy, learning that it had been shut down years ago due to over mining and should be empty aside from equipment. The They are sent off on their way by car and eventually arrive. Once they do, they find a note taped to the entrance saying, 'I Hope You Enjoy! You're My Favorite Foundation Dogs!' in various colored markers. There is also a small table with a bottle of wine on it nearby. Unlike before, this wine is poisoned. Anyone who drinks the wine has to make a DC5 MDEF check. If they fail, their vision will get blurry from the poison and their center of gravity will be shifted, granting them a -2 Penalty on AGI and PERC, alongside making them throw up. This lasts the whole run unless someone makes a DC5 Medical Check to cure it. Once they go inside, they find a path leading down deeper into the mine. Intercoms are also set up to let The Curator talk to them, there are also mics set up so that they can respond to him. On the path, they a well made banner saying 'Welcome Psi-7!' Soon after the encounter a wider room with three paths leading out of it. As they enter however, they must make a DC6 Perception Check to notice a tripwire. If they do not notice the tripwire the person in front will get a bucket of glue dropped on them, and then a bucket of glitter.A flashlight set up nearby also turns on and shines on them, making them sparkle. The middle path has a fancy metal door with the Ouroboros symbol on it. It is locked with two keys that can be found on either path.
  7. The Left Path:
  8. The Left Path leads to a room with three Jack-In-The-Boxes. Each Box has something different in it.
  10. Left: A boxing glove that has a knife taped to it. Anyone holding it when they open it is attacked at 4 Melee by it. Alongside the Glove is a note. 'Check'
  12. Middle: Inside the middle box is a Pie Attached to a gloved hand. It throws the pie at someone at Ranged 6. This does no damage. Alongside the pie is a note. 'The'
  14. Right: Inside of this box, is a Flesh Hound coiled up and it springs out when opened that they have to fight. It gets a the first round attack. There is another note here. 'Banner'
  16. They will then find that one of the keys is hidden in a chiseled cubby behind the welcome banner.
  18. Right Path: The right path leads to a large open room, where they will find a stage alongside 3 buttons. There are also cages covered with tarps set up on every corner of the stage and a locked reinforced glass box with the key in it in the middle. Spotlights shine of the three buttons and the box. The Curator will speak up, and reveal this to be a gameshow. He will ask questions and and give them answers corresponding to each button, and if they answer wrong A Flesh Hound locked in one of the cages will be released. If they cheat, all 4 will be released. After they finish the box will open and they will get the key.
  20. Question 1:
  21. Are You All Going To Leave Here Alive?
  22. 1: No
  23. 2: Maybe:
  24. 3*: We're going to survive and put a stop to you're reign of terror!
  27. Question 2 :
  28. What am I:
  29. 1*: An Artist
  30. 2: A Model
  31. 3: A Madman
  33. Question 3:
  34. What are you?
  35. 1: Idiots
  36. 2: Foundation Dogs
  37. 3*: All of The Above
  39. Question 4:
  40. Your home site is located where?
  41. 1: Australia
  42. 2: Canada
  43. 3*: Italy
  46. Middle Path: The path behind a door leads to an open room with more banners set up around with Ouroboros symbols on them. As soon as they enter the room, they have to make a DC5 Perception check, or set off a tripwire that causing a mechanism to swing a baseball bat at you for at 5 Melee. There are also Spotlights shining on a wall where a puppet show is set up. The Puppet Show has three buttons on it with questions on them. When they press a button, the puppet show will start up and answer their question. They may only press 2 of the buttons before the puppet show stops working.
  47. Button 1: Who Is The Curator? The Curator is an anomalous man with the ability to make flesh come to life again in the form of whatever he sculpts it into. He can share this power with his followers through the magic runes on the Pottery Wheels and Magic Circles. He lives only to have a good time and have fun, even if it's at your expense.
  48. Button 2: What Is Ouroboros? Ouroboros is an organization made by The Curator to work with and for him. He wanted people who would create art with him at no payment. Loyal Artists who would fight to the death for their art to flourish.
  49. Button 3: Why Do We Make Homunculus? We make Homunculus in the pursuit of perfection, hoping that one day we can create the perfect artificial life. The most beautiful piece of art imaginable. Art that can live a life of it's own.
  50. After the second button is pressed and the puppet show ends, the Curator will chime in that it's time for the Final Attraction of the night, and then the Integrator will drill through the wall for a fight.
  51. After they defeat it, they are able to head through another path where there's another DC6 Glitter trap and a treasure chest full of fake jewels and chocolate coins laced with laxatives alongside coordinates to a Factory where the parts added onto this Integrator were made. The Curator will then announce that the wall the Integrator Tunneled through was load bearing, and suggest they leave before the room collapses. It will then start rumbling and the room will begin to collapse, although they will make it out just as the rocks start to fall.
  56. **Outcome:** The Agents will have defeated the Integrator and gotten directions to the next studio
  58. **Name:** Drill Integrator
  59. **Purpose:** Boss
  60. **Nature:** The Integrator follows it's orders to fight the agents
  61. **Description/History:** A larger, meatier version of a Changeling in a jumpsuit with a mining mask over his mouth and a large drill in the place of his left hand. It also has a generator strapped to it's back.
  62. **Other:**
  64. **Physical Health:** 10
  65. **Mental Health:**6
  67. **Physical Defense:** 5
  68. **Mental Defense:** 2
  69. **Perception:** 1
  70. **Agility:** 4
  71. **Strength:** 5
  74. **Melee:** 5
  77. **Skills:**
  78. *Overcharge: The Drill Integrator can utilize the energy stored in the generator on it's back to charge itself up. The Integrator can take a turn to Overcharge and when it does, it gains a +3 bonus to AGI and all damage taken is halved for 1d4 turns. After the 1d4 rounds of Overcharge he enters into a Cooldown State for half of the Overcharge rounds. During Cooldown, the Integrator loses all it's AGI and takes double damage. It can only use this ability twice per fight.
  80. *Shred: During Overcharge, The Drill Integrator causes a -1 Penalty to PDEF to anyone it hits. This penalty does not stack, and is removed once Cooldown is over
  82. *Amorphous Form: Homunculi by nature are formed of preserved flesh with the consistency of clay, this makes it near impossible to get a good grasp on one. It can also shape this flesh to it's advantage, such as squishing itself into vents.
  84. **Engagement Style:** It attacks wildly, picking targets at random by default and will not stop attacking until it dies or it is ordered to stop. After 2 turns, it activates Overcharge. After the Cooldown is over, it will use Overcharge again after 2 more turns.
  87. **Name:** Flesh Hound
  88. **Purpose:** Cannon Fodder
  89. **Nature:** Bestial, no thoughts other than following orders and killing it's prey.
  90. **Description/History:** Flesh formed into the shape of a dog, roughly the size of a fully grown Husky. It has sharp teeth molded into it's mouth.
  91. **Other:**
  93. **Physical Health:** 4
  94. **Mental Health:** 4
  96. **Physical Defense:** 2
  97. **Mental Defense:** 2
  98. **Perception:** 5
  99. **Agility:** 3
  100. **Strength:** 4
  102. **Melee:** 2
  104. **Skills:**
  105. *Amorphous Form: Homunculi by nature are formed of preserved flesh with the consistency of clay, this makes it near impossible to get a good grasp on one. It can also shape this flesh to it's advantage, such as squishing itself into vents.
  107. *Pack Tactics: Flesh Hounds gain a +1 bonus to Melee and PDEF for every other Homunculus nearby, not counting itself. This counts Homunculi that are not engaged in combat as well.
  111. **Engagement Style:** Flesh Hounds fight in packs and gang up on targets.
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