

Jul 3rd, 2014
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  1. "The lab was silent. Papers were strewn about and pieces of the roof were now on the ground. It's been years since this place was last used, but I can't help but keep returning here."
  2. "As I walked down the deprecated hallways, I looked into some of the rooms. Although a few were unrecognizable, my mind still recalled their former glory."
  3. Da"This is where Lilly was born, wasn't it?"
  4. Da"She was so small back then. Could fit in the palm of your hand. Some of the doctors thought she wasn't going to live past the first month."
  5. Da" showed them, didn't you Lilly? You lived to see your first birthday....and your second....and then your third..."
  6. "My chest began to ache. My dear daughter...."
  7. Da"This room...this is where she used to play. Hehe...she always had a smile on her face."
  8. Da"Even when she was strapped to the machines to monitor her, Lilly never frowned. She always looked at things from a positive perspective."
  9. Da"She also knew when the doctors taking care of her were having a bad day, and she always tried cheering them up."
  10. "I felt a sob catch in my throat."
  11. Da"That poor girl....if only I wasn't so foolish. If only I hadn't rejected Steiner's offer, then maybe you wouldn't have been taken away and--"
  12. "I stopped myself."
  13. Da"Why? Why you? Why couldn't they have taken me?"
  14. "That question rang through those cold, abandoned halls, but no one will ever give me an answer. Not anymore."
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