

May 8th, 2021
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  1. on join:
  2. if scoreboard team "collision" in scoreboard scoreboard of player is not set:
  3. register new scoreboard team "collision" in scoreboard scoreboard of player
  4. set {_team} to scoreboard team "collision" in scoreboard scoreboard of player
  5. set scoreboard team option COLLISION_RULE of team {_team} to NEVER
  6. loop all players:
  7. loop-player is not player
  8. scoreboard add entry "%loop-player%" to team {_team}
  9. scoreboard team "collision" in scoreboard scoreboard of loop-player is set
  10. scoreboard add entry "%player%" to team scoreboard team "collision" in scoreboard scoreboard of loop-player
  12. command /ping [<player>]:
  13. trigger:
  14. if arg 1 is not set:
  15. set {_ping} to player's ping
  16. message "&6Your Ping &a%{_ping}%ms" to player
  17. stop
  18. if arg 1 is set:
  19. set {_ping} to arg-player's ping
  20. message "&6Your Ping &a%{_ping}%ms" to player
  21. stop
  23. command /spy:
  24. permission: skript.admin
  25. trigger:
  26. hide player to all players
  27. message "&6Spy mode &aON"
  28. stop
  30. command /unspy:
  31. permission: skript.admin
  32. trigger:
  33. reveal player to all players
  34. message "&6Spy mode &cOFF"
  35. stop
  37. on right click on sign:
  38. line 1 of clicked block is "&0&lΩ∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺Ω"
  39. line 2 of clicked block is "&0&l∬ &a&lNormal-Type &0&l∬"
  40. line 3 of clicked block is "&0&lⅡ &6&lCheckPoint &0&lⅡ"
  41. line 4 of clicked block is "&0&lΩ∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺Ω"
  42. if player is on ground:
  43. set {_cooldown} to difference between {cp.%player%.lastused} and now
  44. if {_cooldown} is less than 1 seconds:
  45. send "&c1秒間待ってください。"
  46. stop
  47. set {checkpoint.%region at player%.%player%} to location of player
  48. set {cp.%player%.lastused} to now
  49. send "&a&nCheckPoint&7を設定しました。 &6(%region at player%)"
  50. execute console command "playsound entity.player.levelup master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  52. else:
  53. send "&c空中では設定できません。"
  54. on sign change:
  55. line 1 is "cp"
  56. set line 4 to "&0&lΩ∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺Ω"
  57. set line 3 to "&0&l∬ &a&lNormal &0&l∬"
  58. set line 2 to "&0&lⅡ &6&lCheckPoint &0&lⅡ"
  59. set line 1 to "&0&lΩ∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺∺Ω"
  60. on rightclick with diamond:
  61. teleport player to {checkpoint.%region at player%.%player%}
  63. command /mute [<player>] [<text>]:
  64. permission: mkp.owner
  65. trigger:
  66. if arg-1 is set:
  67. if arg-2 is set:
  68. set {mute::%uuid of arg-1%} to true
  69. broadcast "&4・-|>&a%arg-1%&7がMuteされました。&4<|-・"
  70. broadcast "&4・-|>&7理由:%coloured arg-2% &7From:&a%player%&4<|-・"
  71. else:
  72. message "&7・-|>&4理由を記入&7<|-・"
  73. else:
  74. message "&7・-|>&4プレイヤーを記入&7<|-・"
  76. command /unmute [<player>]:
  77. permission: mkp.owner
  78. trigger:
  79. if arg-1 is set:
  80. set {mute::%uuid of arg-1%} to false
  81. broadcast "&d・-|>&a%arg-1%&7がUnMuteされました。&d<|-・"
  82. broadcast "&d・-|>&7From:&a%player%&d<|-・"
  83. else:
  84. message "&7・-|>&4プレイヤーを記入&7<|-・"
  86. on chat:
  87. if {mute::%uuid of player%} is true:
  88. cancel event
  89. message "&7・-|>&4貴方はMuteされています。&7<|-・"
  91. on command:
  92. if command contains "me":
  93. if {mute::%uuid of player%} is true:
  94. cancel event
  95. message "&7・-|>&4貴方はMuteされています。&7<|-・"
  97. #|------------------------------------------------------|
  98. #| |
  99. #| ----------------- ^ |-------\ |
  100. #| | / \ | | |
  101. #| | / \ |--------/ |
  102. #| | /-----\ | \ |
  103. #| | / \ | \ |
  104. #| | / \ |---------/ |
  105. #| |
  106. #| |
  107. #| |----- |---\ ----- ----- /----\ |----\ |
  108. #| |--- | | | | | | |----/ |
  109. #| |----- |---/ ----- | \----/ | \ |
  110. #| |
  111. #|------------------------------------------------------|
  116. command /setheader [<text>]:
  117. permission: admin
  118. trigger:
  119. if arg-1 is set:
  120. set {header} to coloured arg
  121. loop all players:
  122. set tab header to coloured arg and footer to "%{footer}%" for loop-player
  123. send "&7Headerを変更しました。変更後: %coloured arg%"
  124. else:
  125. send "&c文字を入力してください。"
  127. command /setfooter [<text>]:
  128. permission: admin
  129. trigger:
  130. if arg-1 is set:
  131. set {footer} to coloured arg
  132. loop all players:
  133. set tab header to {header} and footer to coloured arg for loop-player
  134. send "&7Footerを変更しました。変更後: %coloured arg%"
  135. else:
  136. send "&c文字を入力してください。"
  138. on join:
  139. set tab header to {header} and footer to {footer} for player
  141. on command:
  142. command is "pl" or "plugins"
  143. cancel event
  144. loop {pl::*}:
  145. set {_pl} to "%{_pl}%&f, &a%loop-value%"
  146. replace "<none>&f, " with "" in {_pl}
  147. send "&fPlugins (%{pl}%): %{_pl}%"
  149. command /pledit [<text>] [<text>]:
  150. permission: skript.admin
  151. trigger:
  152. if arg-1 is not "add" or "remove" or "reset":
  153. send "-- <PLedit> --", "/pledit <text> <text>" and "arg-1 is ""add"" or ""remove"" or ""reset"""
  154. else if arg-1 is "add":
  155. if {pl::%arg-2%} is set:
  156. send "-- <PLedit> --" and "%arg-2%は既に存在します"
  157. stop
  158. send "-- <PLedit> --" and "%arg-2%を追加しました"
  159. set {pl::%arg-2%} to "%arg-2%"
  160. add 1 to {pl}
  161. else if arg-1 is "remove":
  162. if {pl::%arg-2%} is not set:
  163. send "-- <PLedit> --" and "%arg-2%は存在しません"
  164. stop
  165. send "-- <PLedit> --" and "%arg-2%を削除しました"
  166. delete {pl::%arg-2%}
  167. add -1 to {pl}
  168. else if arg-1 is "reset":
  169. send "-- <PLedit> --" and "リセットしました"
  170. delete {pl::*}
  171. delete {pl}
  173. on packet event play_client_update_sign:
  174. cancel event
  175. set {_lines::*} to string array pinfo 0 of event-packet
  176. set {_loc} to location pinfo 0 of event-packet
  177. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to colored {_lines::1}
  178. set line 2 of block at {_loc} to colored {_lines::2}
  179. set line 3 of block at {_loc} to colored {_lines::3}
  180. set line 4 of block at {_loc} to colored {_lines::4}
  181. on rightclick:
  182. player is op
  183. player is sneaking
  184. player's tool is air
  185. id of clicked block is 63 or 68
  186. set {_signdata} to new play_server_tile_entity_data packet
  187. set location pinfo 0 of {_signdata} to location of clicked block
  188. set int pnum 0 of {_signdata} to 9
  189. set {_linevalue::1} to "{\""text\"":\""%line 1 of clicked block%\""}"
  190. set {_linevalue::2} to "{\""text\"":\""%line 2 of clicked block%\""}"
  191. set {_linevalue::3} to "{\""text\"":\""%line 3 of clicked block%\""}"
  192. set {_linevalue::4} to "{\""text\"":\""%line 4 of clicked block%\""}"
  193. replace "§" in {_linevalue::*} with "&"
  194. set "Nbt" pjson 0 of {_signdata} to "{""name"":null,""type"":""compound"",""value"":{""x"":{""name"":""x"",""type"":""int"",""value"":%floor(x-loc of clicked block)%},""y"":{""name"":""y"",""type"":""int"",""value"":%floor(y-loc of clicked block)%},""z"":{""name"":""z"",""type"":""int"",""value"":%floor(z-loc of clicked block)%},""Text1"":{""name"":""Text1"",""type"":""string"",""value"":""%{_linevalue::1}%""},""Text2"":{""name"":""Text2"",""type"":""string"",""value"":""%{_linevalue::2}%""},""Text3"":{""name"":""Text3"",""type"":""string"",""value"":""%{_linevalue::3}%""},""Text4"":{""name"":""Text4"",""type"":""string"",""value"":""%{_linevalue::4}%""}}}" parsed as jsonobject
  195. set {_openeditor} to new play_server_open_sign_editor packet
  196. set location pinfo 0 of {_openeditor} to location of clicked block
  197. send player packet {_signdata}
  198. send player packet {_openeditor}
  200. on tool change:
  201. play sound "" with volume 0.5 and pitch 1 at player
  203. on inventory click:
  204. play sound "" with volume 0.5 and pitch 0.7 at player
  206. on command:
  207. loop all players:
  208. if loop-player has permission "sk.admin":
  209. if {logs.%loop-player%} is not set:
  210. set {logs.%loop-player%} to true
  211. if {logs.%loop-player%} is true:
  212. if player is not set:
  213. stop
  214. message " {@prefix} &7%player%: /%full command%" to loop-player
  216. command /cmd [<text>]:#Logの表示のON/OFFの切り替え#
  217. permission: siso
  218. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  219. trigger:
  220. if arg-1 is set:
  221. if arg-1 is "on":
  222. set {logs.%player%} to true
  223. message " {@prefix}&7Log表示を&aon&7にしました。"
  224. stop
  225. if arg-1 is "off":
  226. set {logs.%player%} to false
  227. message " {@prefix}&7Log表示を&coff&7にしました。"
  228. stop
  229. else:
  230. message "{@prefix}&7/cmd <on,off>"
  232. options:
  233. spm: &7[&dfreeze system!!]&r
  235. command /freeze [<player>] [<text>]:
  236. permission: siso
  237. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  238. trigger:
  239. if arg 1 is not set:
  240. send "{@spm} &bエラー: &cプレイヤー名などが記入されていません。"
  241. send "{@spm} Usage: /freeze <プレイヤー> <理由>"
  242. stop
  243. if arg 1 is set:
  244. broadcast "{@spm} &c%arg 1% は %arg 2% という理由で動きを止められた。"
  245. set {spm.freeze.%arg 1%} to true
  246. play sound "entity.wither.ambient" at arg 1
  248. command /unfreeze [<player>] [<text>]:
  249. permission: siso
  250. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  251. trigger:
  252. if arg 1 is not set:
  253. send "{@spm} &bエラー: &cプレイヤー名などが記入されていません。"
  254. send "{@spm} Usage: /unfreeze <プレイヤー> <理由>"
  255. if arg 2 is not set:
  256. send "{@spm} &bエラー: &c理由などが記入されていません。"
  257. send "{@spm} Usage: /unfreeze <プレイヤー> <理由>"
  258. if arg 1 is set:
  259. if arg 2 is set:
  260. broadcast " &a%arg 1% は %arg 2% という理由で Freeze を解除された!"
  261. set {spm.freeze.%arg 1%} to false
  262. play sound "entity.wither.death" at arg 1
  264. on any movement:
  265. if {spm.freeze.%player%} is true:
  266. cancel event
  267. message " &cあなたはfreezeされています!"
  269. on break:
  270. if {spm.freeze.%player%} is true:
  271. cancel event
  272. message " &cあなたはfreezeされています!"
  274. on place:
  275. if {spm.freeze.%player%} is true:
  276. cancel event
  277. message " &cあなたはfreezeされています!"
  279. command /prefix [<player>] [<text>]: #fix
  280. aliases: /pre
  281. permission: siso
  282. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  283. trigger:
  284. if arg 1 is not set:
  285. message "&8使い方"
  286. message "&a&o/prefix &e(player) &5(text) &7※/pre"
  287. message "&8prefixを消したいときは/prefix (reset|delete|remove)"
  288. stop
  289. if arg 2 is "reset" or "delete" or "remove":
  290. delete {prefix.%arg 1%}
  291. message "&6prefixを削除しました"
  292. stop
  293. if arg 1 is set:
  294. if arg 2 is set:
  295. set {prefix.%arg 1%} to colored arg 2
  296. message "&e%arg 1%&6のprefixを%arg 2%&6に設定しました"
  297. stop
  299. on chat:
  300. if {prefix.%player%} is set:
  301. set the chat format to "%{prefix.%player%}%%player%&8: &r[message]"
  302. stop
  304. on join:
  305. if {prefix.%player%} is not set:
  306. set {prefix.%player%}
  307. stop
  309. command /tabcomplete:
  310. permission: siso
  311. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  312. trigger:
  313. if {tabcomplete} is not set:
  314. set {tabcomplete} to true
  315. send "&6Tab補完ができなくなりました"
  316. stop
  317. if {tabcomplete} is true:
  318. set {tabcomplete} to false
  319. send "&6Tab補完ができるようになりました"
  320. stop
  321. if {tabcomplete} is false:
  322. set {tabcomplete} to true
  323. send "&6Tab補完ができなくなりました"
  324. stop
  326. on tab complete:
  327. if player is not op:
  328. if {tabcomplete} is true:
  329. send "&6Tab補完が禁止されています"
  330. cancel event
  332. command /commandblocker [<text>] [<text>]:
  333. permission: admin
  334. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  335. aliases: /cmdblock, /cmb, /cmdblocker
  336. trigger:
  337. if arg 1 is not set:
  338. send "&b特定のコマンドを使用できないようにします"
  339. send "&a&o/cmdblock &6(add|remove|list|removeall)"
  340. stop
  341. if arg 1 is set:
  342. if arg 1 is "list" or "lists":
  343. if {commands.blocked::*} is not set:
  344. send "&cブロックされているコマンドはありません"
  345. else:
  346. loop {commands.blocked::*}:
  347. send "&6ブロックされているコマンド&8➜ &b/%loop-value%"
  348. if arg 1 is "add":
  349. if arg 2 is set:
  350. if {commands.blocked::*} contains arg 2:
  351. send "&c既にそのコマンドは登録されています"
  352. stop
  353. else:
  354. add arg 2 to {commands.blocked::*}
  355. send "&a%arg 2%を登録しました"
  356. if arg 1 is "remove":
  357. if arg 2 is set:
  358. if {commands.blocked::*} contains arg 2:
  359. remove arg 2 from {commands.blocked::*}
  360. send "&6%arg 2%を登録から解除しました"
  361. stop
  362. else:
  363. send "&c%arg 2%は登録されていません"
  364. stop
  365. if arg 1 is "removeall":
  366. delete {commands.blocked::*}
  367. send "&c登録されているコマンドをすべて削除しました"
  368. stop
  370. on command:
  371. loop {commands.blocked::*}:
  372. if command contains loop-value:
  373. if player is op:
  374. send "&cそのコマンドはコマンドブロックに登録されているので使用できません"
  375. cancel event
  376. stop
  377. else:
  378. cancel event
  379. stop
  381. on first join:
  382. broadcast "&e✿ &d%player% が初めて参加しました!&e✿"
  383. stop
  385. on join:
  386. broadcast "&e%player% が参加しました"
  387. stop
  389. on quit:
  390. broadcast "&7%player% が退出しました"
  391. stop
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