
vierkathi stuff

Jun 3rd, 2011
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  1. Hurok
  2. With roughly a head more in height than most of his kin, Hurok stands tall and proud, his slit-pupilled eyes ever-alert and watchful. His leathery skin is a muddy greenish-brown, patterned with webs of scars and intricate black tattoos. He is largely naked to the waist, his leanly muscled torso crossed only by a broad leather strap which holds a series of beautifully-crafted knives in varying shapes and sizes. He wears a pair of fitted leather breeches, and his feet and knuckles sport neat leather wraps. His wyrmlike heritage is proudly displayed, his three-fingered hands ending in thick claws and his shoulderblades bearing the bony protrusion of a vestigial indication of wings. His head is crowned with a shock of long, translucent quills, which continue in a dwindling line down to his lower back.
  4. Tiarr
  5. Almost as tall as Hurok, but not quite, Tiarr nevertheless carries himself proudly, his wiry physique and wyrmlike heritage clearly visible. His leathery yellow-brown skin is contrasted both by the glossy black quills that adorn his head and the intricate tattoos that cover his chest and shoulders. His limbs are long and his three-clawed hands show evidence of plenty of hard work, the knuckles protected by leather wrapping. His beaklike mouth bears a number of deep notches and gouges on one side, the damage extending up over his cheek to cross one of his eyes, its slit pupil milky and sightless. Sprouting from his shoulder blades are the bony evidence of ancestral wings, and the base of his spine supports a short, vestigial tail.
  7. Kalena
  8. Every bit as lithe and strong as her male counterparts, this huntress of the Vier is only discernible as such by her shallower ribcage and broader hips. Her rusty-hued quills are long and fine, ornamented with thread and beads and dangling bone fetishes, and more decorations and trophies hang on a braided necklace that hangs in loops to cover most of her chest. A number of fine blades hang about her person, and her claws are sleek, well-kept weapons in their own right. From her back sprout a pair of bony protrusions, the evidence of ancestral wings.
  10. Sirak
  11. Gangly with the stork-limbs of youth, this Vier has not yet developed the wiry muscle and sinewy strength that make his people such effective hunters. His large, golden eyes view the world with slit-pupilled interest, and his beaklike mouth is decorated with streaks of blue and red ink, as are his forehead and the roots of his translucent quills. Strapped at his hip is an old, but well cared for knife in a painted wooden sheath. His spine is knobbly with growing quills, their line slowly marching down his back between his wing-bones.
  13. A wyrmkin pup
  14. With its large head and heavy paws, this wyrmkin pup bears a strong resemblance to a canine infant, however it does have rather a lot more in the way of teeth and claws. Its golden eyes are round and curious, small knobbles of growing horns framing its eye-ridges and trailing down along the creature's back. Tiny vestigial wings flutter either side of its spine, a testament to its relation to the greater wyrms, but evidence that this creature will never fly.
  16. A loyal wyrmkin
  17. Roughly the size of a large dog, this wyrmkin is a creature of sleek muscle and glossy scales. Its wedge-shaped draconic head sports a wide, beakish mouth, and a row of pointed horns march along its brow and down its back to the tip of its long, sinuous tail. Adapted for landgoing, its legs are strong and sinewy, each furnished with black, razor-sharp claws. Either side of the animal's spine there sit vestigial wings, insufficient to allow flight, the membrane of each tattered from past skirmishes.
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