
Horror Park

Feb 28th, 2016
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  1. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2. (Hardshell) <(Shush! You'll jinx it.)
  3. 5:36
  4. Stabirynth
  5. *There is a door next to Hardshell , which apparently leads to the stairs*
  6. Vertigo: Alright, Hardshell and Gamoni take the stairs, me, Jiger and Hitodah take the elevator.
  7. 5:37
  8. Gallibon the Destroyer
  9. *Gamoni and Hardshell go about upstairs*
  10. 5:37
  11. Stabirynth
  12. *They instead find another room with no stairs, but a door*
  13. 5:38
  14. Gallibon the Destroyer
  15. (Gamoni) *is confused*
  16. (Hardshell) <(Good thing I can fly.)
  17. 5:38
  18. Stabirynth
  19. *Behind the door appears to be the exact same room*
  20. 5:39
  21. Gallibon the Destroyer
  22. (Hardshell) <(Okay, now I'm confused.)
  23. 5:39
  24. Stabirynth
  25. *The floor suddenly begins falling apart*
  26. Welcome to Legends of the Dragon Wiki Chat! Elementalfang and all the other Volcanian Dragons are very excited to have you here.
  27. 5:40
  28. Gallibon the Destroyer
  29. (Hardshell) *transforms into insect mode and grabs onto Gamoni*
  30. 5:40
  31. Fr0stfur
  32. hi o/
  33. 5:40
  34. Gallibon the Destroyer
  35. o/
  36. 5:40
  37. GarudaGoji
  38. Hi
  39. 5:40
  40. Stabirynth
  41. *The black nothingness sucks them in*
  42. 5:40
  43. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  45. 5:41
  46. Stabirynth
  47. *They appear to be in a room with nothing but a TV*
  48. 5:41
  49. DrGodzilla120
  50. o/
  51. 5:41
  52. Stabirynth
  53. *The elevator Vertigo, Jiger and Hitodah are on suddenly stops*
  54. 5:42
  55. ShodaiGoro
  56. G#1, PM
  57. 5:42
  58. Stabirynth
  59. *It begins going down floors, until the floors are in the negatives*
  60. 5:42
  61. Gallibon the Destroyer
  62. (Gamoni) <(Huh?)
  63. 5:42
  64. Stabirynth
  65. *They stop at the exact room Gamoni and Hardshell are in*
  66. Vertigo: Well, the elevator lead us into this complete darkness.
  67. *The elevator disappears as they exit*
  68. 5:43
  69. Gallibon the Destroyer
  71. Gojiran103 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  72. 5:43
  73. Gallibon the Destroyer
  74. O/
  75. 5:43
  76. Stabirynth
  77. *The TV in the room suddenly turns on*
  78. (???) :Welcome... welcome to your doom.
  79. (???) : Oh wait, wrong script.
  80. 5:44
  81. DrGodzilla120
  82. o/
  83. 5:44
  84. Stabirynth
  85. (???) : WELCOME TO MY TOWER!
  86. 5:44
  87. Gojiran103
  88. O/
  89. 5:44
  90. Gallibon the Destroyer
  91. (Hitodah) <(I hate this channel.)
  92. 5:44
  93. ShodaiGoro
  94. brb
  95. 5:44
  96. Stabirynth
  97. (???) : Now, if you want that artifact, you're going to have to go through three trials.
  98. 5:45
  99. Gallibon the Destroyer
  100. (Hardshell) *doesn't know how to react*
  101. 5:45
  102. Stabirynth
  103. *two cameras stare at the group*
  104. (???) : And our special guests today are...
  105. 5:45
  106. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  107. o/
  108. 5:45
  109. Stabirynth
  110. (???) : CROCODILE! (Jiger)
  111. (???) : PATRICK! (Hitodah)
  112. 5:46
  113. Gallibon the Destroyer
  115. (Hitodah) *is silent*
  116. Gojiran103 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  117. 5:46
  118. Stabirynth
  119. (???) : Gigan with boo- JUST FEMALE GIGAN! (Gamoni)
  120. 5:46
  121. Gallibon the Destroyer
  122. XD
  123. 5:47
  124. Stabirynth
  125. (???) : GIGAN BUT A BUG! (Hardshell)
  126. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  127. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  128. 5:47
  129. Stabirynth
  131. 5:47
  132. DrGodzilla120
  133. I think I scared off Gojiran.
  134. In PM.
  135. 5:47
  136. ShodaiGoro
  137. Back
  138. 5:47
  139. Gallibon the Destroyer
  140. (Hardshell) <(I'm just glad he didn't say "vermin".)
  141. Gojiran103 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  142. 5:48
  143. DrGodzilla120
  144. Oh.
  145. NVM.
  146. 5:48
  147. Gojiran103
  148. No, my Internet just cut off.
  149. 5:48
  150. Gallibon the Destroyer
  151. (Hardshell) <(Stupid Vehicons.....)
  152. 5:48
  153. Stabirynth
  155. *A nametag is put on Hardshell's chest saying "vermin"*
  156. 5:48
  157. ShodaiGoro
  158. Gojiran, PM
  159. 5:50
  160. Stabirynth
  161. (???) : NOW, FOR YOUR FIRST TRIAL, YOU MUST PASS THIS OBSTACLE COURSE... OF DEATH!... Okay not really. We can't show people dying on television.
  162. 5:51
  163. LSDKama
  164. (Capricorn) *Has finished copying the temple*
  165. *The two
  166. machines return to the device*
  167. 5:52
  168. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  169. Guys. Look at this clearly Daredevil-related picture.
  170. 5:53
  171. LSDKama
  172. (Capricorn) *Picks the device up*
  173. (Capricorn) *Shatters it back to wherever the Zunists' HQ is*
  174. 5:54
  175. DrGodzilla120
  176. Hey, guys.
  177. I had an idea that we could bring something back from the old days.
  178. 5:54
  179. GarudaGoji
  180. Huzaah! Hercule is my mentor now!
  181. 5:54
  182. LSDKama
  183. (Capricorn) *Shatters out of the temple, and back to the Neo Empire's Chicago base*
  184. 5:54
  185. GarudaGoji
  187. 5:54
  188. DrGodzilla120
  189. WZRP Rap Battle.
  190. 5:55
  191. Gallibon the Destroyer
  192. brb
  193. 5:57
  194. Gojiran103
  195. Please no.
  196. I'm so terrible at those.
  197. 5:57
  198. DrGodzilla120
  199. XD
  200. What about the others?
  201. 5:57
  202. Gallibon the Destroyer
  203. Back.
  204. 5:57
  205. LSDKama
  206. I'm horrible at those
  207. 5:58
  208. GarudaGoji
  209. Not interested in participating.
  210. 5:58
  211. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  212. Me too. I'm horrible at rapping and insults in general.
  213. 5:58
  214. Fr0stfur
  215. nope.wav
  216. 5:58
  217. Gallibon the Destroyer
  219. 5:58
  220. LSDKama
  221. (Capricorn) *Activates the tracking beacon he placed Hardshell*
  222. 5:58
  223. DrGodzilla120
  224. ...Hmm.
  225. 5:58
  226. Stabirynth
  227. *The course has fire, explosions and acid*
  228. 5:58
  229. Fr0stfur
  230. The only people you did those with were FishTank and Vehk, IIRC
  231. 5:59
  232. Ghidorahnumber1
  233. I hate english rap
  234. 5:59
  235. Fr0stfur
  236. Vehk's gone forever, and i have no idea about Fish
  237. 5:59
  238. DrGodzilla120
  239. I think there were more.
  240. 5:59
  241. LSDKama
  242. One guy people hate
  243. 5:59
  244. Fr0stfur
  245. Maybe GDF too?
  246. 5:59
  247. LSDKama
  248. And me
  249. 5:59
  250. Gallibon the Destroyer
  251. Wait, I missed out on some things, what happened after Hardshell "Stupid Vehicons?"
  252. 5:59
  253. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  255. 5:59
  256. Stabirynth
  257. (???) Renamed Hardshell on the show to vermin.
  258. 6:00
  259. Gallibon the Destroyer
  260. Oh.
  261. (Hardshell) *growls*
  262. 6:00
  263. Stabirynth
  264. And they have to pass a death course.
  265. 6:00
  266. Gallibon the Destroyer
  267. Sounds like fun!
  268. 6:00
  269. LSDKama
  270. (Capricorn) *Placed a tracking beacon on Hardshell, is now trying to find where he is*
  271. 6:01
  272. GarudaGoji
  274. 6:01
  275. Stabirynth
  276. (???) : First up, Hardshell.
  277. (???) : And no flying allowed.
  278. 6:01
  279. Gallibon the Destroyer
  280. (Hardshell) <(Shit...)
  281. 6:01
  282. Flaredragon00
  283. (Hellraiser) <(--and that, good sir, is my case.) *he puts a giant pile of patent documents in front of a giant fly* (Hellraiser) <( So, Mister Z. Bub, how's my case looking?)
  284. 6:01
  285. Gallibon the Destroyer
  286. (Hardshell) *runs like the solar wind*
  287. 6:01
  288. LSDKama
  289. (Capricorn) *Finds where he is, now just has to figure out how to enter the dimension*
  290. 6:01
  291. Gallibon the Destroyer
  292. (Hardshell) <(If I survive this, tell Bombshock he can suck it!)
  293. 6:01
  294. Stabirynth
  295. *He almost strips*
  296. 6:02
  297. LSDKama
  298. ewwww
  299. My brain
  300. 6:02
  301. Gallibon the Destroyer
  302. *If I don't
  303. 6:02
  304. Stabirynth
  305. *The show is being broadcasted to Earth*
  306. 6:02
  307. Flaredragon00
  308. ("Mister Z. Bub") <{Hmmm....very well. We shall prosecute thy case. Though I do worry about your...defendant.}
  309. 6:02
  310. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  311. ..... I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going. Believe me on that.
  312. 6:02
  313. Gallibon the Destroyer
  314. (Gamoni) <(This is embarassing.)
  315. 6:02
  316. Stabirynth
  317. *Hardshell gets past it*
  318. (???) : NEXT UP, BOOBY GIGAN!
  319. 6:03
  320. Flaredragon00
  321. (Hellraiser) <( Yeah, I'm a bit anxious too. From what I know about the guy, he'll do anything to win. That probably applies to court cases, too.)
  322. 6:03
  323. Gallibon the Destroyer
  324. (Hitodah) <(The only way this could get more embaraassing is if somebody dresses Gamoni up like a french maid.)
  325. (Gamoni) <(Shut up Hitodah!)
  326. 6:03
  327. LSDKama
  328. (Capricorn) *Gets a text from Switchback, which shows the live stream of the video*
  329. 6:03
  330. Stabirynth
  331. (???) : And we can say booby here! It's a real bird!
  332. 6:03
  333. Gallibon the Destroyer
  334. (Gamoni) <(Your giving them ideas!)
  335. 6:03
  336. LSDKama
  337. (Capricorn) *Clicks on the link*
  338. 6:03
  339. Gallibon the Destroyer
  340. (Gamoni) <(Well here goes nothing.)
  341. 6:03
  342. Stabirynth
  343. *Multiple guards dress up Gamoni as a french maid*
  344. 6:03
  345. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  346. dr. pm
  347. 6:03
  348. Gallibon the Destroyer
  349. (Gamoni) <(Fuck.)
  350. (Hitodah) *laughs*
  351. (Gamoni) *sighs* <(Let's get this over with.)
  352. 6:04
  353. Flaredragon00
  354. ("Mister Z. Bub") <( Yes, but I shall try to make sure thy case is resolved, if mine name is not Baal Z. Bub!) *the fly flaps his wings at a high rate, before beginning to go to work on the case*
  355. 6:04
  356. LSDKama
  357. (Capricorn) *Jumps into his phone and into the universe, having highly advanced teleportation and portal using abilities*
  358. 6:05
  359. Gallibon the Destroyer
  360. (Gamoni) *starts going through the course*
  361. 6:05
  362. LSDKama
  363. (Capricorn) *Enters somewhere high in the air at the start of the dimension*
  364. 6:05
  365. Gallibon the Destroyer
  366. (Gamoni) <(I can't tell what's worse, getting flamed in the feet, or the humilation.)
  367. 6:05
  368. LSDKama
  369. (Capricorn) *Plummets to the ground*
  370. 6:06
  371. Stabirynth
  372. *Multiple swinging axes appear*
  373. 6:06
  374. Gallibon the Destroyer
  375. (Gamoni) <(SHIT!)
  376. (Gamoni) *fires her beam at some of them*
  377. 6:06
  378. Stabirynth
  379. *A man that is a hot dog is on the course*
  380. *He eats a rock, turning into a rock*
  381. 6:06
  382. DrGodzilla120
  383. Have to say, Genos has a pretty badass theme song.
  384. 6:06
  385. Gallibon the Destroyer
  386. What am I supposed to that? XD
  387. 6:06
  388. DrGodzilla120
  390. 6:07
  391. Stabirynth
  392. (???) : Good ol' Jim here is a strong believer in you are what you eat.
  393. (???) : And he wants to eat you.
  394. 6:07
  395. DrGodzilla120
  396. THAT'S WHY I'M AN ASSHOL-*shot*
  397. 6:07
  398. LSDKama
  399. (Capricorn) *Gets up, having left a crater in the ground where he landed*
  400. 6:07
  401. Gallibon the Destroyer
  402. (Hardshell) <(Come on Gamoni, you can do it!)
  403. 6:07
  404. Stabirynth
  405. *Jim chases after Gamoni*
  406. *then he falls into lava*
  407. 6:07
  408. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  409. gtg
  410. 6:07
  411. Gojiran103
  412. o/
  413. 6:07
  414. DrGodzilla120
  415. o/
  416. 6:07
  417. LSDKama
  418. (Capricorn) *Begins heading to wherever Hardshell is in the dimension*
  419. 6:08
  420. Gallibon the Destroyer
  421. o/
  422. 6:08
  423. LSDKama
  424. bye
  425. 6:08
  426. Stabirynth
  427. (???) : JIM NOOOOOOOOOO!
  428. *The show is now put as "In loving memory of Jim"*
  429. 6:08
  430. Gallibon the Destroyer
  431. (Gamoni) <(What have we gotten into?)
  432. 6:08
  433. LSDKama
  434. (Capricorn) *Grabs his phone out of a portal*
  435. 6:08
  436. Gallibon the Destroyer
  437. (Hardshell) *is watching and waiting for Gamoni to pass*
  438. Tengen Toppa Lazengann has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  439. 6:09
  440. Stabirynth
  441. *Gamoni finishes*
  442. 6:09
  443. LSDKama
  444. (Capricorn) *Is roughly going the same path as what the others went*
  445. 6:09
  446. Gallibon the Destroyer
  447. (Gamoni) *pants heavily*
  448. 6:09
  449. Stabirynth
  451. 6:09
  452. LSDKama
  453. (Capricorn) *Hasn't been spotted, for some reason*
  454. 6:09
  455. Stabirynth
  457. 6:09
  458. Gallibon the Destroyer
  459. (Hitodah) <(I have something to mention, I'am always hovering.)
  460. 6:09
  461. Stabirynth
  462. *The guards see Capricorn*
  463. *Multiple fighter planes appear, along with floating sea mines*
  464. 6:10
  465. LSDKama
  466. (Capricorn) *Notices he's been spotted*
  467. 6:10
  468. Gallibon the Destroyer
  469. (Hitodah) <(So I always need to fly.)
  470. 6:10
  471. Stabirynth
  472. *All of them take out electric batons*
  473. 6:10
  474. Gallibon the Destroyer
  475. (Hitodah) <(Always.)
  476. 6:10
  477. Stabirynth
  478. *The fighter planes shoot at Hitodah*
  479. 6:10
  480. LSDKama
  481. (Capricorn) *Draws his Khopesh*
  482. 6:10
  483. Gallibon the Destroyer
  484. (Hadshell) *to Gamoni* <(Nice outfit.)
  485. (Gamoni) *glares at him angrily*
  486. *Hardshell
  487. 6:11
  488. Stabirynth
  489. *Hitodah makes it past*
  491. 6:11
  492. Gallibon the Destroyer
  493. (Hitodah) *deadpan* <(I win!)
  494. 6:11
  495. GarudaGoji
  497. 6:11
  498. LSDKama
  499. (Capricorn) *Axe Kicks one of the guards*
  500. 6:11
  501. Gallibon the Destroyer
  502. (Jiger) <*walking thorugh* <(I WILL DESTROY YOU!)
  503. 6:11
  504. GarudaGoji
  506. 6:11
  507. ShodaiGoro
  509. 6:11
  510. Stabirynth
  511. *Jiger is turned into an aligator-crocodile hybrid*
  512. 6:12
  513. Flaredragon00
  514. (Baal Z. Bub) <( Hmmm... maybe I should make a telephone call.) *summons a rotary telephone made of flaming rock and metal, begins dialing a number*
  515. 6:12
  516. Gallibon the Destroyer
  517. (Jiger) <(wat?)
  518. 6:12
  519. Stabirynth
  520. *Jiger gets pushed off into a pit*
  521. (???) : OH DON'T WORRY, SHE'S NOT DEAD!
  522. 6:12
  523. LSDKama
  524. (Capricorn) <{Don't you know who I work for?}
  525. 6:12
  526. Gallibon the Destroyer
  527. (Jiger) <(SON OF A BITCH!)
  529. 6:12
  530. Stabirynth
  531. *She is in a cell with spread apart bars, and crocodile food*
  532. 6:13
  533. DrGodzilla120
  534. I call dibs on Genos.
  535. 6:13
  536. Gallibon the Destroyer
  537. (Jiger) <(OR ELSE I WILL DESTROY YOU!)
  538. 6:13
  539. DrGodzilla120
  540. And Tatsumaki.
  541. 6:13
  542. Stabirynth
  543. 9//
  544. 6:13
  545. Gojiran103
  547. 6:13
  548. Stabirynth
  550. 6:13
  551. GarudaGoji
  552. :^)
  553. 6:13
  554. DrGodzilla120
  556. 6:13
  557. ShodaiGoro
  558. you two scrubs can have her
  559. tatsumaki sucks
  560. 6:14
  561. Stabirynth
  563. *Jiger is reverted to normal*
  564. We can do this tommorow.
  565. 6:14
  566. DrGodzilla120
  567. (Tatsumaki) *brings in a meteor from outer space to crush Goro*
  568. 6:14
  569. Stabirynth
  570. I gotta go.
  571. 6:14
  572. DrGodzilla120
  573. o/
  574. 6:14
  575. Gojiran103
  576. O/
  577. 6:14
  578. Gallibon the Destroyer
  579. o/
  580. 6:14
  581. Gojiran103
  582. xd
  583. 6:14
  584. LSDKama
  585. bye
  586. Stabirynth has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  587. 6:14
  588. Gallibon the Destroyer
  589. Okay, that was officially the weirdest RP I was ever in.
  590. 6:15
  591. LSDKama
  592. I've been in weirder
  593. Far weirder
  594. 6:15
  595. Flaredragon00
  596. (Baal Z. Bub) <( I hope this telephone number is correct....) *brings phone to ear*
  597. 6:15
  598. DrGodzilla120
  599. *a portal opens in Gensokyo*
  600. 6:15
  601. ShodaiGoro
  602. (Reimu) *sighs
  603. (Reimu) <(What now?)
  604. 6:15
  605. Flaredragon00
  606. *the Neo Empire base gets a call*
  607. 6:16
  608. DrGodzilla120
  609. *figures jump out*
  610. 6:16
  611. Gojiran103
  612. (Akriloth) *ordering Satomeph to enslave minor dragons
  613. 6:16
  614. DrGodzilla120
  615. (Trahir) *answers* Yes?
  616. 6:16
  617. Gojiran103
  618. *the AQ Satomeph
  619. 6:16
  620. Fr0stfur
  621. What's Tatsumaki from
  622. 6:16
  623. DrGodzilla120
  624. One Punch Man.
  625. *they appear to be Shadowblood bandits, from Coyote's universe*
  626. 6:16
  627. Fr0stfur
  628. Why would you want Tatsumaki when you can have Saitama instead
  629. 6:16
  630. DrGodzilla120
  631. I like petite girls.
  632. 6:16
  633. ShodaiGoro
  634. (Reimu) *draws gohei, and starts firing card-like projectiles
  635. 6:17
  636. LSDKama
  637. (Eanif) *Is in Gensokyo*
  638. 6:17
  639. DrGodzilla120
  640. (Shadowblood Bandit Leader) *blasts darkness to counter it*
  641. 6:17
  642. LSDKama
  643. (Eanif) *Is still in his Hayabusa Armor*
  644. (Eanif) *Is a little bit away from the area the Shadowblood Bandits are in*
  645. 6:18
  646. Flaredragon00
  647. (Baal Z. Bub) <{ Hello. Have I reached the base of the Neo Empire?}
  648. 6:18
  649. Gallibon the Destroyer
  650. *The three Orgs are in Gensokyo*
  651. 6:18
  652. LSDKama
  653. (Eanif) *Is just visiting the place, out of simple curiosity*
  654. 6:18
  655. DrGodzilla120
  656. (Trahir) Yes you have, Beelzebub.
  657. (Trahir) Or Ball Z. Bub. Whichever you prefer. What is it that you need?
  658. 6:19
  659. Gallibon the Destroyer
  660. Oh, of course Trahir knows Beezlebub. :P
  661. 6:19
  662. Fr0stfur
  663. Ballsy Bub
  664. 6:19
  665. LSDKama
  666. ^
  667. Ballsy Boob
  668. 6:19
  669. Fr0stfur
  670. or
  671. 6:19
  672. LSDKama
  673. :3
  674. 6:19
  675. Fr0stfur
  676. Bubsy
  677. 6:20
  678. Gojiran103
  679. Ballsy Boob XD
  680. 6:20
  681. LSDKama
  682. (Eanif) *Is in the area the three Orgs are*
  683. (Eanif) *Is sitting down, looking at varying animals*
  684. 6:20
  685. ShodaiGoro
  686. (Reimu) *sends a Hakurei Amulet at the bandit
  687. 6:20
  688. Flaredragon00
  689. (Baal Z. Bub) <{ Is Obsidian there? May I speak to him in particular? Though it involves all of you, it involves HIM in particular.}
  690. 6:21
  691. Gallibon the Destroyer
  692. (Ura) <(I feel like causing mischief today. I don't know why, I just do.)
  693. 6:21
  694. DrGodzilla120
  695. (Trahir) Obsidian's busy.
  696. 6:21
  697. LSDKama
  698. (Eanif) *Is also hiding out from the bounty on his head*
  699. 6:22
  700. Gojiran103
  701. *A voice calls out to the orcs* "Greetings."
  702. 6:22
  703. DrGodzilla120
  704. (Trahir) Obsidian was in a battle with another RP character, but unfortunately, that character's user hasn't returned yet, so he's stuck there until he finishes the fight.
  705. 6:22
  706. Gallibon the Destroyer
  707. (Rasetsu) <(Who goes there! Show yourself!)
  708. 6:22
  709. DrGodzilla120
  710. (Trahir) In the meantime, you can tell me what you need.
  711. 6:22
  712. LSDKama
  713. (Eanif) *Gets up*
  714. (Eanif) *Looks for anyone*
  715. 6:22
  716. Gojiran103
  717. "Oh, that's correct. These species aren't so smart."
  718. 6:22
  719. Gallibon the Destroyer
  720. Who is Trahir talking to?
  721. 6:23
  722. Gojiran103
  723. "Well, as you can see, you're being sent a telepathic message. I'm actually right around you if you look hard enough."
  724. 6:23
  725. DrGodzilla120
  726. (Trahir) *mouths to Gallibon "I don't really know"*
  727. 6:23
  728. Flaredragon00
  729. (Baal Z. Bub) <{ Well...are thy sitting down?}
  730. 6:23
  731. Gallibon the Destroyer
  732. *The three Orgs try to look for whose senting the message*
  733. 6:23
  734. DrGodzilla120
  735. (Trahir) Yes...?
  736. 6:23
  737. LSDKama
  738. (Eanif) *Is possibly spotted by the Orgs*
  739. 6:23
  740. Gallibon the Destroyer
  741. *sending
  742. 6:23
  743. LSDKama
  744. (Eanif) *Isn't sending the message*
  745. 6:23
  746. Gallibon the Destroyer
  747. (Shuten) *spots Eanif*
  748. 6:23
  749. Gojiran103
  750. "Perhaps I should side with the primary..."
  751. 6:24
  752. Gallibon the Destroyer
  753. (Shuten) *to Eanif* <(Why hello there.)
  754. 6:24
  755. Gojiran103
  756. "My main use for you, is for help. Have any of you orgs seen a relic?"
  757. 6:24
  758. LSDKama
  759. (Eanif) *Jumps back*
  760. 6:24
  761. Gallibon the Destroyer
  762. (Ura) <(We had a crown at our base!)
  763. 6:24
  764. Flaredragon00
  765. (Baal Z. Bub) <{ Well, I am here to tell you that ye and thy Empire, thy general Obsidian in particular, are being sued in the court of inter-plane law by the esteemed ruler of Hell himself, for using one of his patents without permission.}
  766. 6:24
  767. LSDKama
  768. (Eanif) *Turns to face Shuten*
  769. 6:25
  770. Gallibon the Destroyer
  771. (Ura) <(I'm wearing it on my head right now! Yee-hee-hee!)
  772. 6:25
  773. Gojiran103
  774. "You're wearing a crown?"
  775. "May I take a look?"
  776. 6:25
  777. DrGodzilla120
  778. (Trahir) Ah. So another WZRP Court RP.
  779. Tengen Toppa Lazengann has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  780. 6:25
  781. LSDKama
  782. (Eanif) <{Who are you?}
  783. 6:25
  784. DrGodzilla120
  785. (Trahir) Are we going to add this one to the "Funny" category on our TVTropes page as well? Or not, because i just ruined it with my unfunny fourth wall breaking?
  786. 6:25
  787. LSDKama
  788. (Eanif) <{Did any of those humans send you after me?}
  789. 6:25
  790. Gallibon the Destroyer
  791. (Shuten) <(I'am Highness Duke Org Shuten!)
  792. 6:25
  793. Gojiran103
  794. *Ura's legs are suddenly swiped to the ground, making him fall before his crown is grabbed in the air. A figure stands and examines it* <(...No, this Isn't it.)
  795. 6:26
  796. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  797. .....
  798. 6:26
  799. LSDKama
  800. hi
  801. 6:26
  802. Flaredragon00
  803. (Baal Z. Bub) <{ ...Ye must know, I can pull strings and add "making no bloody sense" onto thy list of crimes ye and thy army shall be brought to court over.}
  804. 6:26
  805. Gallibon the Destroyer
  806. (Shuten) <(Humans? I don't recall sending any humans.)
  807. 6:26
  808. Gojiran103
  809. (???) <(Here, you can have your crown back.) *tosses the crown to Ura's head* <(I'm looking for something that has more of a "glow" to it.)
  810. 6:26
  811. Gallibon the Destroyer
  812. (Ura) <(Thank you my dear.)
  813. 6:26
  814. LSDKama
  815. (Eanif) <{Yeah, because they sent you after me.}
  816. 6:27
  817. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  818. o/
  819. 6:27
  820. DrGodzilla120
  821. o/
  822. 6:27
  823. Gallibon the Destroyer
  824. o/
  825. 6:27
  826. Gojiran103
  827. oh hello
  828. o/
  829. 6:27
  830. DrGodzilla120
  831. (Trahir) Your mom doesn't make any bloody sense...
  832. 6:27
  833. ShodaiGoro
  834. o/
  835. 6:27
  836. Gojiran103
  837. git rekt
  838. 6:27
  839. LSDKama
  840. (Eanif) <{Didn't they?}
  841. 6:28
  842. DrGodzilla120
  843. (CXM) I think there are some bandits outside.
  844. 6:28
  845. Flaredragon00
  846. (Baal Z. Bub) <{ My only mother was the sins of your's, and those who came before her, Trahir. Anyway, the court shall begin in five minutes. If you and your squadron cannot make shall lose the case.}
  847. 6:28
  848. Gojiran103
  849. (???) <(So, no one here has seen a glowing artifact?)
  850. 6:28
  851. Gallibon the Destroyer
  852. (Shuten) <(If I recall, we just beat up the bandits because Rasetsu told us to.)
  853. 6:28
  854. Flaredragon00
  855. (Baal Z. Bub) <{ Defaults, and all that.}
  856. 6:28
  857. Gojiran103
  858. (wxm) *turns over*
  859. 6:28
  860. DrGodzilla120
  861. (Trahir) And what happens if we lose the case?
  862. 6:28
  863. ShodaiGoro
  864. (Reimu) *still fighting the bandit
  865. 6:29
  866. DrGodzilla120
  867. *the bandit fires more and more blasts of darkness*
  868. 6:29
  869. Gallibon the Destroyer
  870. (Rasetsu) <(We don't have any glowing artifacts.)
  871. 6:29
  872. ShodaiGoro
  873. (Reimu) *grazes around them before spreading her arms out, and levitating
  874. 6:29
  875. Gojiran103
  876. (???) *turns to Eanif* <(You aren't an org, so you must have some intelligence. Have you seen, or heard of a glowing artifact around this area?)
  877. 6:29
  878. Gallibon the Destroyer
  879. (Rasetsu) <(I HEARD THAT! ORG HATER!0
  880. 6:30
  881. LSDKama
  882. (Eanif) *Stops, looks at (???) *
  883. 6:30
  884. Gallibon the Destroyer
  885. *HATER!)
  886. 6:30
  887. LSDKama
  888. (Eanif) <{If I did, I'd have already taken it.}
  889. (Eanif) <{So, no.}
  890. 6:30
  891. Flaredragon00
  892. (Baal Z. Bub) <{ Well, that's up to the judge to decide. Though the esteemed Ruler of Hell's personal recommendation was...a fine of 100,000,000 interdimensional currency, or, should the fine be unable to be paid, a sentence of 10 millenia in the house of Limbo, with a possibility of parole after 5 millenia.}
  893. 6:30
  894. Gojiran103
  895. (???) <(Interesting.)
  896. 6:30
  897. ShodaiGoro
  898. (Reimu) <(Spirit Sign, "Fantasy Seal!") *multiple orbs appear around her, spin around her, and then fly at the bandit, homing in
  899. 6:30
  900. DrGodzilla120
  901. (Trahir) *teleports the required funds to Baal Z. Bub*
  902. 6:31
  903. LSDKama
  904. *Cue HyperKeizer waking up*
  905. 6:31
  906. DrGodzilla120
  907. (Trahir) Can we use that to purchase your chains?
  908. 6:31
  909. Flaredragon00
  910. (Baal Z. Bub) <{ They are not MY chains. I don't own the patent.}
  911. 6:31
  912. DrGodzilla120
  913. (Trahir) Are you a lawyer?
  914. 6:31
  915. Flaredragon00
  916. (Baal Z. Bub) <{ Why yes, I am.}
  917. 6:31
  918. DrGodzilla120
  919. (Trahir) Ah. I see. Could you please deliver these funds to the ruler of Hell, then?
  920. (Trahir) And please inform him of my offer.
  921. 6:32
  922. Gojiran103
  923. (???) <(I'll have to knock you up before your fingertips clench it.) *turns to the entire gang* <(Well, mudamuda... nothing special. Apologies if I have caused any controversy. I will now take my leave.) *phases out
  924. 6:32
  925. Gallibon the Destroyer
  926. (Rasetsu) <(Who was that guy?)
  927. (Ura) <(Beats me.)
  928. 6:32
  929. LSDKama
  930. (Eanif) <{I'm a male...{
  931. 6:32
  932. Flaredragon00
  933. (Baal Z. Bub) <{ As you wish.} *puts the call on hold, as "Don't Stop Me Now" begins playing on the other end*
  934. 6:32
  935. LSDKama
  936. (Eanif) <{How would he get me pregnant...}
  937. 6:32
  938. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  939. ...... xd
  940. 6:33
  941. Flaredragon00
  942. *after 120 minutes, the call comes back*
  943. 6:33
  944. Gallibon the Destroyer
  945. XD
  946. 6:33
  947. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  948. I am so confused as to what's happening right now.
  949. 6:33
  950. Gojiran103
  951. oh god
  952. 6:33
  953. ShodaiGoro
  954. *the bandit leader is blasted by the orbs
  955. 6:33
  956. Flaredragon00
  957. (Baal. Z Bub) <{ I came to the esteemed ruler of Hell and brought him thy offer. He cursed at me for 90 minutes in a language that would make thy brain melt into primordial paste.}
  958. 6:33
  959. DrGodzilla120
  960. *the bandit leader is blasted backwards*
  961. (Trahir) Taking that as a no, then.
  962. (Trahir) Well, 120 minutes have passed, and you said the court started in 5.
  963. 6:34
  964. Gallibon the Destroyer
  965. (Shuten) *to Eanif* <(You seem like you could be an ally of ours.)
  966. 6:34
  967. DrGodzilla120
  968. (Trahir) I suppose you can keep the money.
  969. 6:34
  970. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  971. XD
  972. 6:34
  973. Gallibon the Destroyer
  974. (Shuten) <(That is if Rasetsu approves of it...)
  975. 6:35
  976. Flaredragon00
  977. (Baal Z. Bub) <{....What are these green slips of paper with the faces of old sinners among them? Are these supposed to have financial worth in thy plane?}
  978. 6:35
  979. DrGodzilla120
  980. (Trahir) Except they AREN'T green slips of paper.
  981. 6:36
  982. Gojiran103
  983. They're fuel units.
  984. 6:36
  985. DrGodzilla120
  986. (Trahir) In my RP line earlier, I teleported "the required funds" to you.
  987. (Trahir) Also, paper money is mostly cotton.
  988. (Trahir) Get logic'd.
  989. 6:36
  990. Flaredragon00
  991. (Baal Z. Bub) <{ Paper, cotton, same thing. Useless mortal materials used to make green slips for finances.}
  992. 6:36
  993. Ghidorahnumber1
  994. I can't
  995. I can't
  996. Even take Trahir seriously
  997. 6:37
  998. Gallibon the Destroyer
  999. ^
  1000. I can't tell what he is trying to do right now.
  1001. 6:37
  1002. DrGodzilla120
  1003. That's the point.
  1004. 6:37
  1005. Gojiran103
  1006. I think he's trying to prevent a court case?
  1007. 6:37
  1008. Ghidorahnumber1
  1009. What type of leader says "Get logic'd" and "my RP line"
  1010. 6:37
  1011. Fr0stfur
  1012. Why are kaiju getting sued
  1013. 6:37
  1014. Gojiran103
  1015. Trahir.
  1016. 6:38
  1017. DrGodzilla120
  1018. ^ @G#1
  1019. You CAN'T take him seriously. That's part of his character.
  1020. 6:38
  1021. LSDKama
  1022. (HyperKeizer) <{Well, I'm back-*Sees the paperwork piled up around him*}
  1023. 6:38
  1024. Fr0stfur
  1025. Didn't kaiju city get retconned or abandoned
  1026. 6:38
  1027. LSDKama
  1028. shit
  1029. 6:39
  1030. Gojiran103
  1031. Kaiju what
  1032. 6:39
  1033. DrGodzilla120
  1034. test
  1035. 6:39
  1036. Gojiran103
  1037. Oh that, I hardly remember the purpose of Kaiju City
  1038. 6:39
  1039. Ghidorahnumber1
  1040. It got reconned
  1041. 6:39
  1042. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1043. (Ura) *overhears Shuten and Eanif* <(Oh my! What are you two doing!)
  1044. 6:39
  1045. DrGodzilla120
  1046. Wait, like the entire city?
  1047. 6:39
  1048. Ghidorahnumber1
  1049. Yes
  1050. 6:40
  1051. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1052. "Sir, I suggest you go have sexual relations with a cactus, thank you very much and have a nice day."
  1053. 6:40
  1054. DrGodzilla120
  1055. Wait, why?
  1056. 6:40
  1057. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1058. (Ura) <(Are you two having fun! I wanna join, yee-hee-hee!)
  1059. 6:40
  1060. Ghidorahnumber1
  1061. Because the concept was warped and turned into something atrocious
  1062. 6:40
  1063. Gojiran103
  1064. >inb4 shuten and eanif Wanna threesome?
  1065. im sorry
  1066. 6:40
  1067. DrGodzilla120
  1068. They're HAVING FUN.
  1069. If you, uh... Know what I mean...
  1070. 6:41
  1071. Gojiran103
  1072. Yes. A threesome.
  1073. 6:41
  1074. LSDKama
  1075. (HyperKeizer) <{Well, that's a lot of paperwork.}
  1076. 6:42
  1077. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1078. (Shuten) <(Not now Ura, i'm talking to him.)
  1079. 6:42
  1080. DrGodzilla120
  1081. The lag on my computer is so bad right now, I closed a window that was playing music 5 minutes ago and it's still playing.
  1082. How does that even happen!?
  1083. 6:42
  1084. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1085. (Ura) <(Very well then! I'll go play tag with the bandits!)
  1086. (Ura) <(WITH MY BARE CLAWS!)
  1087. 6:43
  1088. Gojiran103
  1089. your computer must have some pretty bad lag
  1090. 6:43
  1091. LSDKama
  1092. (ΗyperΚeizer) <{How is it that I'm forgotten about that much..}
  1093. 6:43
  1094. Fr0stfur
  1095. Totally unrelated, but there's an amusement park that i go to sometimes that is literally right next to a cemetary
  1096. 6:43
  1097. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1098. (Shuten) *to Eanif* <(So how did you get here?)
  1099. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1100. 6:44
  1101. Fr0stfur
  1102. Who came up with that
  1103. 0_o
  1104. 6:44
  1105. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1106. That's really weird Fr0st.
  1107. 6:44
  1108. DrGodzilla120
  1109. XD
  1110. WTF
  1111. 6:44
  1112. Gojiran103
  1113. Huh, I've actually have the same thing too. @Fr0stfur
  1114. 6:44
  1115. DrGodzilla120
  1116. THat's wrong on so many different levels.
  1117. 6:44
  1118. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1119. Sounds like something Phoncible P. Bone would have done! XD
  1120. 6:44
  1121. ShodaiGoro
  1122. brb
  1123. 6:44
  1124. Fr0stfur
  1125. Like, there's a train area where it goes around the park and county
  1126. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  1127. 6:44
  1128. Gojiran103
  1129. WAIT
  1130. GORO
  1131. WAIT
  1132. 6:44
  1133. Fr0stfur
  1134. and you both go through a dark tunnel AND go past a mausoleum
  1135. 6:44
  1136. Gojiran103
  1137. he's gonna be gone for so long
  1138. 6:45
  1139. Fr0stfur
  1140. like wtf
  1141. 6:45
  1142. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1143. Is Eanif gonna respond to Shuten?
  1144. 6:45
  1145. Fr0stfur
  1146. it's like something from a horror movie
  1147. 6:45
  1148. LSDKama
  1149. (Eanif) <{I'm hiding out here until tomorrow.}
  1150. 6:45
  1151. Ghidorahnumber1
  1152. *A red dash suddenly flies in, slashing one of the bandits in the back with a sword*
  1153. 6:45
  1154. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1155. (Shuten) <(Okay then. I'll see you later then.)
  1156. 6:45
  1157. DrGodzilla120
  1158. *the bandit growls and turns around*
  1159. 6:45
  1160. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1161. (Shuten) *leaves Eanif alone*
  1162. 6:46
  1163. GarudaGoji
  1164. Sweet! I have a seven-star dragon ball in Xenoverse!
  1165. 6:46
  1166. LSDKama
  1167. *Eanif cloaks and leaves*
  1168. 6:46
  1169. GarudaGoji
  1170. And a rare Hercule badge... For some reason.
  1171. 6:46
  1172. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1173. (Ura) <(Bandits? Bandits! Where are YOU! Come out and play!)
  1174. 6:46
  1175. GarudaGoji
  1177. 6:46
  1178. Gojiran103
  1179. Hercule Badges are good. You can exchange them for a looot of Zeni. Legendary Hercule Badges are the best.
  1180. 6:46
  1181. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1182. (Ura) <(Ya-ha-ha-ha-ha!)
  1183. 6:47
  1184. Ghidorahnumber1
  1185. *by the time he turns around, the culprit is gone*
  1186. LSDKama
  1187. (ΗyperΚeizer) *Calls hell*
  1188. 6:47
  1189. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1190. ....
  1191. 6:48
  1192. Ghidorahnumber1
  1193. *The bandit feels a bump on the back of his head*
  1194. 6:48
  1195. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1196. How does someone simply "call hell"?
  1197. 6:48
  1198. LSDKama
  1199. HyperKeizer was the name of a character who ruled Limbo
  1200. 6:48
  1201. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1202. (Ura) *skips around looking for the bandits*
  1203. 6:48
  1204. LSDKama
  1205. He can do that
  1206. 6:48
  1207. Flaredragon00
  1208. (Hellraiser) *picks up* <( Yello?)
  1209. 6:48
  1210. LSDKama
  1211. (ΗyperΚeizer) <{Is this RED?}
  1212. (ΗyperΚeizer) <{Doesn't like him.}
  1213. 6:49
  1214. Flaredragon00
  1215. (Hellraiser) <( This is Hellraiser. And I'm taking it you're HyperKeizer?)
  1216. 6:50
  1217. LSDKama
  1218. (ΗyperΚeizer) <{Yeah.}
  1219. (ΗyperΚeizer) <{Why is there so much paperwork here?}
  1220. 6:51
  1221. Flaredragon00
  1222. (Hellraiser) <( Well...we turned Limbo into sort of an inbetween area between Hell, Heaven, and the mortal realm. )
  1223. (Hellraiser) <( The paperwork is probably because of legal stuff that goes on here; in fact, I'm pursuin' a case right now here.)
  1224. 6:51
  1225. Fr0stfur
  1226. ayy limbo
  1227. limbo really sets the bar, doesn't it?
  1228. 6:52
  1229. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1230. ....
  1231. 6:52
  1232. LSDKama
  1233. *Sad trombone*
  1234. 6:52
  1235. Fr0stfur
  1236. play the trombone
  1237. i play*
  1238. 6:53
  1239. LSDKama
  1240. (ΗyperΚeizer) <{Well, I'll allow that to stay}
  1241. 6:53
  1242. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1243. *The three Orgs continue to hang around Gensokyo, waiting for something to happen*
  1244. Gojiran103 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1245. 6:53
  1246. LSDKama
  1247. (ΗyperΚeizer) <{If I can get tariffs and taxes on whatever passes through here.}
  1248. 6:54
  1249. Ghidorahnumber1
  1250. *Someone taps Hellraiser's shoulder*
  1251. (DemonGoji) *holds up a box* <(Send him this)
  1252. 6:55
  1253. Flaredragon00
  1254. (Hellraiser) *puts the box on a flaming cloud*
  1255. 6:56
  1256. LSDKama
  1257. (ΗyperΚeizer) <{Let's say... 16% Tariff Rate.}
  1258. 6:56
  1259. Flaredragon00
  1260. (Hellraiser) *stuffs the box on the cloud through the flaming transciever, it ending up in HyperKeizer's hands*
  1261. 6:56
  1262. LSDKama
  1263. (ΗyperΚeizer) *Opens the box*
  1264. 6:56
  1265. Ghidorahnumber1
  1266. *A muffled voice comes from the inside*
  1267. (??) <(I...)
  1268. 6:57
  1269. LSDKama
  1270. (ΗyperΚeizer) <{You know what, I'll just let you send shit through here for free, as long as you don't send people here.{
  1271. 6:57
  1272. Ghidorahnumber1
  1273. (??) <(I like....)
  1274. 6:57
  1275. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1276. BRB
  1277. 6:58
  1278. Ghidorahnumber1
  1279. (Fred Fredburger) *bursts up* <(I LIKE FROZEN YOGURT!)
  1280. 6:58
  1281. LSDKama
  1282. I loved that show!
  1283. 6:58
  1284. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1285. oh god
  1286. 6:59
  1287. LSDKama
  1288. (ΗyperΚeizer) *Grabs Fred Fredburger, shoves him into a trash can*
  1289. 6:59
  1290. Ghidorahnumber1
  1291. (DemonGoji)<(Well that fixes the damn freezer bill.) *walks out*
  1292. 6:59
  1293. GarudaGoji
  1295. 6:59
  1296. LSDKama
  1297. (ΗyperΚeizer) *Puts chains around the trash can*
  1298. 6:59
  1299. GarudaGoji
  1300. Onto the next mission of the Cell Games saga!
  1301. 6:59
  1302. LSDKama
  1303. (ΗyperΚeizer) *Wraps the Trash Can in duct tape*
  1304. Gojiran103 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  1305. 7:00
  1306. GarudaGoji
  1307. .... God damnit! Hercule again?
  1308. 7:00
  1309. LSDKama
  1310. (ΗyperΚeizer) *Shoves the Trash Can into a trash shoot*
  1311. *It rolls back into hell*
  1312. 7:00
  1313. Gojiran103
  1314. (???) *present in a realm, walking in a white hallway looking like a deranged being, scaring a couple of people away* <(....n...n...r...g...h..) *His assistant abruptly approaches him
  1315. (Assistant) <(Sir, you don't look so good today.)
  1316. (???) <(No. Do you know why?)
  1317. 7:01
  1318. Ghidorahnumber1
  1319. (Fred Fredburger) *is now next to HyperKeizer* <(Hi my name is Fred Fredburger I can spell my name real good)
  1320. 7:01
  1321. Gojiran103
  1322. (???) <(Because fucking Saitama and Slayer blew up the Omniverse. That, while, was in my sleep.)
  1323. (assistant) <(They did reverse it...)
  1324. (???) <(Do I look cured to you?!?)
  1325. 7:02
  1326. LSDKama
  1327. (ΗyperΚeizer) *Has complete control over his Dimension*
  1328. 7:02
  1329. Gojiran103
  1330. (Assistant) <(Look, you just need some rest, that's all. You'll be back to your former state in a couple of hours.)
  1331. 7:03
  1332. LSDKama
  1333. (ΗyperΚeizer) *Sends Fred Fredburger to a room filled with food*
  1334. 7:03
  1335. Gojiran103
  1336. (???) <(No, no, no, no... this time, you're not going to tell me "It'll be alright, just take a rest", no, I'm FAR worse than ever before.)
  1337. 7:03
  1338. Ghidorahnumber1
  1339. (Fred Fredburger) *eyes grow wide*
  1340. 7:03
  1341. Gojiran103
  1342. (Assistant) <(Well, at least your office was saved.)
  1343. 7:03
  1344. LSDKama
  1345. *He never gets full in this room, and can't eat himself to death*
  1346. 7:03
  1347. Gojiran103
  1348. (???) <(You don't care if I'm erased from existence, don't ya?)
  1349. (Assistant) <(I mean, you manage everything in the Omniverse.)
  1350. (???) <(But at the same time, no one but in this hallway knows who I am. That's about a googlplex of individuals.)
  1351. (???) <(You're not gonna get any better if you keep ranting.)
  1352. (???) <(I know.)
  1353. (Assistant) <(So, return to sleep?)
  1354. (???) <(No!! I refuse to sleep, I CAN'T sleep!
  1355. (Assistant) <(Face it, you've still got a lot of work to do tomorrow. Let's make the best of it.)
  1356. 7:06
  1357. LSDKama
  1358. (ΗyperΚeizer) *Isn't native to this Omniverse*
  1359. 7:06
  1360. Gojiran103
  1361. (???) <(No, you stay out of this!) *pushes him away* <(I'm tired of you for today! I'm gonna return for what I WISH to do!)
  1362. 7:06
  1363. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1364. Back.
  1365. 7:06
  1366. ShodaiGoro
  1367. Back
  1368. 7:06
  1369. Gojiran103
  1370. (Assistant) *sighs*
  1371. (Assistant) <(Have a good time.) *leaves
  1372. (???) <(Piss off!) *falls over, rolling in the hallway
  1373. 7:07
  1374. ShodaiGoro
  1375. Gojiran, PM
  1376. 7:07
  1377. LSDKama
  1378. (ΗyperΚeizer) *Is native to my Omnesversal Group*
  1379. (ΗyperΚeizer) <{I think I should go by my old name... Omnia....}
  1380. (Omnia) *Summons a chair, jumps into it*
  1381. 7:09
  1382. Gojiran103
  1383. (???) <(Why, why, why, why, why, why.... why did this ever happen?... I'm going to DIE tomorrow by GodGodzilla's hands... Inbalance will be restored, everything will return to nothingness... why....) *eventually returns to slumber
  1384. 7:11
  1385. Ghidorahnumber1
  1386. *3 rounds are shot into the Bandit's head*
  1387. 7:12
  1388. LSDKama
  1389. (Omnia) *Looks over his dimension, which has several cities in it that weren't there before*
  1390. 7:12
  1391. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1392. (Ura) <(I can't seem to find any bandits...)
  1393. 7:12
  1394. LSDKama
  1395. (Omnia) <{My people are here...}
  1396. *The sky above Ura darkens*
  1397. *But areas not above him seem to have light*
  1398. 7:13
  1399. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1400. (Ura) <(Yo-ho?)
  1401. 7:14
  1402. Ghidorahnumber1
  1403. Akira Kushida is now one of my favorite singers
  1404. 7:14
  1405. LSDKama
  1406. Albino! (Irys) *Is flying above Ura, has its wings out*
  1407. 7:14
  1408. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1409. (Rasetsu) <(Hey, this looks like that one time we Orgs caused the sky to darken.)
  1410. (Rasetsu) <(Those we're fun times.)
  1411. 7:14
  1412. LSDKama
  1413. Albino! (Irys) *Roars*
  1414. 7:14
  1415. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1416. (Ura) *is in awe* <(Ooh! Pretty bird! Pretty bird!)
  1417. (Ura) <(AH-HA-HA-HA!)
  1418. 7:15
  1419. LSDKama
  1420. Albino! (Irys) *Beak opens, fires a sonic scalpel beam at Ura from it*
  1421. 7:15
  1422. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1423. (Ura) *takes his fan out and deflects the beam*
  1424. 7:16
  1425. LSDKama
  1426. Albino! (Irys) *Flies down, wings turn back into tendrils*
  1427. 7:17
  1428. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1429. (Rasetsu) *spots the Gyaos* <(GYAOS!)
  1430. 7:17
  1431. LSDKama
  1432. Albino! (Irys) *Looks at Rasetsu*
  1433. 7:17
  1434. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1435. (Shuten) <(A Gyaos?)
  1436. 7:18
  1437. LSDKama
  1438. Albino! (Irys) *In a voice identical to Neo Jirass'* <{Dumbass.}
  1439. 7:18
  1440. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1441. (Rasetsu) *to the Gyaos* <(The Gyaos can talk?)
  1442. 7:19
  1443. LSDKama
  1444. Albino! (Irys) <{I'm not a motherfucking Gyaos.}
  1445. Albino! (Irys) <{Do I call you a troll?}
  1446. 7:19
  1447. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1448. (Rasetsu) <(And just who are you calling a dumbass?)
  1449. (Rasetsu) <(I'm the Prince of Despair your talking too.)
  1450. 7:19
  1451. LSDKama
  1452. Albino! (Irys) <{No, you are one, and not the cool kind.}
  1453. 7:19
  1454. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1455. (Rasetsu) <(Do you have any idea who I'am?)
  1456. 7:20
  1457. LSDKama
  1458. Albino! (Irys) <{I'm the destroyer of Singapore, and yes I do.}
  1459. 7:20
  1460. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1461. (Rasetsu) <(It's not wise, to piss of an Org!)
  1462. 7:20
  1463. LSDKama
  1464. Albino! (Irys) <{Rasetsu.}
  1465. Albino! (Irys) <{Sounds like "Rat Stew" to me.}
  1466. 7:20
  1467. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1468. (Rasetsu) <(That's, Highness Duke Org Rasetsu to you!)
  1469. 7:20
  1470. LSDKama
  1471. Albino! (Irys) <{Or Ratpoo.}
  1472. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1473. 7:20
  1474. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1475. (Ura) <(Hehe, Rat Stew.)
  1476. 7:21
  1477. LSDKama
  1478. Albino! (Irys) *Tendril whips Ura*
  1479. 7:21
  1480. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1481. (Rasetsu) *smacks Ura in the head with* <(Idiot.)
  1482. *with his weapon
  1483. 7:22
  1484. LSDKama
  1485. Albino! (Irys) <{Are you two from Takoshima?}
  1486. 7:22
  1487. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1488. (Shuten) *to Albino! (Irys)* <(What is your deal here, whatever you are?)
  1489. 7:22
  1490. LSDKama
  1491. Albino! (Irys) <{Or that other Island nation.... Nippon?}
  1492. 7:23
  1493. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1494. (Rasetsu) <(All three of us Highness Duke Orgs come from Japan.)
  1495. (Rasetsu) <(The Demon Cave Matrix, to be exact.)
  1496. 7:23
  1497. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1498. *an atomic beam hits each of the kaiju from..... above?*
  1499. 7:23
  1500. LSDKama
  1501. Albino! (Irys) <{Sounds fancy.}
  1502. 7:24
  1503. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1504. *an echoing roar can be heard around them*
  1505. 7:24
  1506. LSDKama
  1507. Albino! (Irys) *Is hit, looks up*
  1508. 7:24
  1509. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1510. (Ura) *hears the roar* <(A new visitor, YEE!)
  1511. 7:24
  1512. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1513. (IguanaGoji) *is falling towards them, snarling*
  1514. 7:24
  1515. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1516. (Shuten) <(Ura, the fuck is wrong with you?)
  1517. (Rasetsu) <(It's that damn lizard again!)
  1518. 7:25
  1519. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1520. (IguanaGoji) *smashes into the ground between the four, creating a large shockwave*
  1521. 7:25
  1522. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1523. (Ura) <(Can I take care of him?)
  1524. 7:25
  1525. LSDKama
  1526. Albino! (Irys) *Skids back*
  1527. 7:25
  1528. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1529. (Rasetsu) <(NO! You failed to defeat him yesterday!)
  1530. 7:26
  1531. LSDKama
  1532. Albino! (Irys) *Extends his armblades*
  1533. 7:26
  1534. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1535. (Rasetsu) <(Perhaps our Albino friend will, though.)
  1536. 7:26
  1537. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1538. (IguanaGoji) *rises from the crater, roaring*
  1539. 7:27
  1540. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1541. *The three Orgs go flying because of the shockwave*
  1542. 7:27
  1543. LSDKama
  1544. Albino! (Irys) *Eyes are flashing letters*
  1545. Albino! (Irys) *Is being sent information about IguanaGoji and the Orgs*
  1546. 7:28
  1547. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1548. (IguanaGoji) *scutes glow*
  1549. 7:28
  1550. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1551. *The Orgs land hard on the ground*
  1552. (Rasetsu) <(Damn you IguanaGoji! Ura! Shuten! Grow to giant size! Attack the behemoth!)
  1553. *Shuten and Ura grow to giant size*
  1554. (Shuten) *charges at (IguanaGoji) , wielding an axe*
  1555. (Rasetsu) *tries to find Albino! (Irys)*
  1556. 7:30
  1557. LSDKama
  1558. Albino! (Irys) *Tendrils turn into wings*
  1559. 7:30
  1560. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1561. (IguanaGoji) *dodges the axe, punching him in the gut*
  1562. 7:30
  1563. LSDKama
  1564. Albino! (Irys) *Jets into the air*
  1565. 7:30
  1566. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1567. (Shuten) *takes the hit, swings his axe onto IguanaGoji's side*
  1568. 7:31
  1569. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1570. (IguanaGoji) *blasts him point blank with an atomic beam he's been charging for a little while he takes the hit from the axe*
  1571. 7:32
  1572. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1573. (Shuten) *gets sent backwards*
  1574. (Ura) *fires lightning at (IguanaGoji) *
  1575. (Rasetsu) *still trying to find Albino! (Irys)* <(Where are you?)
  1576. Stabirynth has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  1577. 7:33
  1578. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1579. (Rasetsu) <(I hope you didn't just take off on me!)
  1580. 7:33
  1581. Stabirynth
  1582. Alright.
  1583. 7:33
  1584. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1585. o/
  1586. 7:33
  1587. Stabirynth
  1588. You want to continue the thing?
  1589. 7:33
  1590. Gojiran103
  1591. o/
  1592. 7:33
  1593. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1594. I would, but we're in the middle of a fight. XD
  1595. 7:33
  1596. Stabirynth
  1597. Oh.
  1598. K.
  1599. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  1600. 7:34
  1601. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1602. (Ura) *claws at (IguanaGoji) *
  1603. 7:34
  1604. ShodaiGoro
  1605. o/
  1606. 7:34
  1607. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1608. (IguanaGoji) *stands his ground, taking the electrical blast as he is clawed*
  1609. 7:35
  1610. LSDKama
  1611. Albino! (Irys) *Is observing the fight*
  1612. 7:35
  1613. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1614. (IguanaGoji) *hits him with a nuclear pulse*
  1615. 7:35
  1616. Gojiran103
  1617. o/
  1618. 7:35
  1619. LSDKama
  1620. Albino! (Irys) *Is waiting for the Orgs to finish fighting IguanaGoji*
  1621. hi
  1622. hi
  1623. 7:35
  1624. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1625. (Ura) *is sent back as well* <(Dirty Gojiran!)
  1626. (Rasetsu) <(Screw it, I'll do it myself.)
  1627. Stabirynth has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1628. 7:36
  1629. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1630. (IguanaGoji) *is still sparking, growling*
  1631. 7:36
  1632. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1633. *Ura and Shuten both get back up and charge at (IguanaGoji) *
  1634. 7:36
  1635. LSDKama
  1636. Albino! (Irys) *Eyes stop flashing numbers*
  1637. 7:37
  1638. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1639. (IguanaGoji) *does a backflip, causing the two to collide*
  1640. 7:37
  1641. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1642. *The two collide*
  1643. 7:38
  1644. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1645. (IguanaGoji) *blasts both with his atomic beam*
  1646. 7:38
  1647. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1648. *The two get badly hit by the beam, and then revert back to normal size*
  1649. (Ura and Shuten) *run back to Rasetsu*
  1650. 7:38
  1651. LSDKama
  1652. Albino! (Irys) *Can't fire any beams except from his beak while his wings are out*
  1653. 7:39
  1654. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1655. (Rasetsu) <(You got to be fucking kidding me!)
  1656. 7:39
  1657. LSDKama
  1658. Albino! (Irys) *Is VERY fast and agile while they are out, though*
  1659. 7:39
  1660. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1661. (Ura) <(Sorry, but this was so much easier when we had other Orgs and Orgettes.)
  1662. (Shuten) <(I guess so.)
  1663. 7:39
  1664. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1665. (IguanaGoji) *growls, waiting for someone else to attack him*
  1666. 7:39
  1667. LSDKama
  1668. Albino! (Irys) *Is in the sky above IguanaGoji*
  1669. 7:39
  1670. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1672. (Rasetsu) <(Wait a minute...)
  1673. (Rasetsu) <(Orgettes.....)
  1674. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1675. 7:40
  1676. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1677. (Rasetsu) <(Hmmm.)
  1678. 7:40
  1679. LSDKama
  1680. Albino! (Irys) *Arm-Blades begin to glow with enerfy*
  1681. *energy
  1682. 7:41
  1683. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1684. (Rasetsu) *to Ura and Shuten* <(Follow me Ura and Shuten, I have an idea that will surely improve our victories!)
  1685. 7:41
  1686. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1687. (IguanaGoji) *turns to face Irys, growling*
  1688. 7:41
  1689. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1690. (Shuten) <(What is it Rasetsu?)
  1691. (Rasetu) <(You'll see. Follow me!)
  1692. 7:42
  1693. LSDKama
  1694. Albino! (Irys) <{Lost your mate... Lost your child...}
  1695. 7:42
  1696. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1697. *The three Orgs leave*
  1698. 7:42
  1699. LSDKama
  1700. Albino! (Irys) *Shakes his head*
  1701. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  1702. 7:43
  1703. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1704. (IguanaGoji) *snarls, as if telling him he knows nothing of his pain*
  1705. 7:43
  1706. LSDKama
  1707. Albino! (Irys) <{And it seems like you have feelings for someone who's already taken...}
  1708. 7:43
  1709. Gojiran103
  1710. Dr, are you here?
  1711. 7:43
  1712. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1713. *Something zooms past (IguanaGoji) *
  1714. 7:43
  1715. LSDKama
  1716. Albino! (Irys) <{I pity you.}
  1717. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1718. (IguanaGoji) *calms down, turning to the thing that zoomed past him*
  1719. Thegoldnguy has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  1720. 7:45
  1721. ShodaiGoro
  1722. o/
  1723. 7:45
  1724. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1726. o/
  1727. 7:45
  1728. Thegoldnguy
  1729. Hello
  1730. 7:45
  1731. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1732. o/
  1733. 7:45
  1734. LSDKama
  1735. hi
  1736. 7:46
  1737. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1738. (Miba) <(HEY! I'm wild and crazy!)
  1739. 7:46
  1740. Gojiran103
  1741. *A sensation of heat suddenly rises around Goldn, as he enters... until fire forms around him
  1742. 7:46
  1743. LSDKama
  1744. Albino! (Irys) *Flies over to Miba*
  1745. Albino! (Irys) *Slashes it with his energized arm-blades*
  1746. 7:46
  1747. Gojiran103
  1748. * at 3:59, the bigass flame explosion is performed, and Goldn is killed.
  1749. 7:47
  1750. LSDKama
  1751. Albino! (Irys) *Slashes with the other arm*
  1752. Stabirynth has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  1753. 7:48
  1754. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1755. (Miba) *blasts fire at Albino! (Irys)* <(You can't touch me! I'm a lava bat!)
  1756. 7:48
  1757. Stabirynth
  1758. Heyo!
  1759. 7:48
  1760. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1761. o/
  1762. 7:48
  1763. LSDKama
  1764. hi
  1765. 7:48
  1766. ShodaiGoro
  1767. o/
  1768. 7:48
  1769. LSDKama
  1770. Albino! (Irys) *Dodges the attack*
  1771. 7:49
  1772. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1773. (Miba) *rams himself into (IguanaGoji) *
  1774. 7:49
  1775. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1776. (IguanaGoji) *stands his ground, grabbing Miba and throwing him to the ground*
  1777. 7:50
  1778. LSDKama
  1779. Albino! (Irys) <{I think my friend could deal with both of you...}
  1780. Albino! (Irys) *Shatters, leaving the area*
  1781. 7:50
  1782. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1783. (Miba) *gets thrown down on the ground, scorching the ground*
  1784. 7:50
  1785. LSDKama
  1786. *A very familiar kaiju is shattered in8
  1787. 7:50
  1788. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1789. (Miba) *flies back up*
  1790. 7:50
  1791. LSDKama
  1792. (Neo Jirass) *Roars*
  1793. 7:51
  1794. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1795. (IguanaGoji) *grabs him by the tail, throwing him to the ground again, before turning to face Jirass*
  1796. 7:51
  1797. LSDKama
  1798. (Neo Jirass) *Eyes flash cyan*
  1799. 7:51
  1800. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1801. (Miba) <(And then a new player joined the fight!)
  1802. (Miba) *gets thrown down again*
  1803. 7:52
  1804. LSDKama
  1805. (Neo Jirass) *Lacks the branding on his neck now, instead having stylized "HK" printed onto his neck*
  1806. FishTankBoss1954 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1807. 7:52
  1808. LSDKama
  1809. hi
  1810. 7:53
  1811. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1812. (IguanaGoji) *growls at his old foe, scutes glowing*
  1813. 7:54
  1814. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1815. (Miba) *gets back up, stretches his himself* <(Baby i'm on fire!)
  1816. 7:54
  1817. Thegoldnguy
  1818. i gtg guis bai
  1819. 7:54
  1820. Gojiran103
  1821. I believe all of you should watch this, especially you, Goro
  1822. 7:54
  1823. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1824. o/
  1825. 7:54
  1826. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1827. o/
  1828. 7:55
  1829. LSDKama
  1830. bye
  1831. Thegoldnguy has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1832. 7:56
  1833. LSDKama
  1834. (Neo Jirass) *Spikes begin to glow an icey-blue*
  1835. 7:56
  1836. ShodaiGoro
  1837. o/
  1839. 7:56
  1840. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1841. Gojiran. What the actual fuck was that? XD
  1842. 7:56
  1843. LSDKama
  1844. (Neo Jirass) *Frill does the same*
  1845. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1846. 7:57
  1847. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1848. (IguanaGoji) *scutes continue to glow as he re-absorbs hi radiation through his flesh, his veins pulsing and increasing his muscle mass*
  1849. 7:57
  1850. Gojiran103
  1851. Tengen... I welcome you to the creators of the Mizuchi and Orochi edits.
  1852. 7:57
  1853. LSDKama
  1854. (Neo Jirass) *Begins to freeze over*
  1855. 7:57
  1856. Gojiran103
  1857. Back then, these people made Orochi/Mizuchi several variants, tune them, modify them, and make them so powerful that some would crash M.U.G.E.N...
  1858. 1:34 is the best one @Goro and Tengen
  1859. 7:58
  1860. LSDKama
  1861. (Neo Jirass) *Eyes flash magenta, yellow and cyan*
  1862. 7:58
  1863. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1864. (Miba) *spread his firyy wings out*
  1865. *fiery
  1866. 7:58
  1867. LSDKama
  1868. (Neo Jirass) *Fire begins to spread around him*
  1869. (Neo Jirass) *Begins to spark*
  1870. 7:59
  1871. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1872. (Miba) *flaps his wings sending out a barrage of fireballs*
  1873. 7:59
  1874. Stabirynth
  1875. In other news, the cancer that is damn daniel is no longer known for the internet.
  1876. Instead it's all about plants.
  1877. 7:59
  1878. ShodaiGoro
  1879. DURR
  1880. PUHLANT!!!
  1881. 7:59
  1882. Gojiran103
  1883. There are more of these videos, by the way, as there are a total of four. Watch them all, and you would be amazed.
  1884. 7:59
  1885. LSDKama
  1886. (Neo Jirass) *Absorbs the fireballs, increasing his own power*
  1887. 8:00
  1888. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1889. (Miba) <(I was firing at IguanaGoji, but that's okay!)
  1890. 8:01
  1891. ShodaiGoro
  1892. Sometimes, I wonder if Mugen is a fighting game, or a game where creators strive to make the most broken characters imaginable
  1893. 8:02
  1894. Stabirynth
  1895. I'm just going to slowly make a character called Common Akuma which is just Rare Akuma but weaker.
  1896. 8:02
  1897. Gojiran103
  1898. That is literally what I wonder @Goro
  1899. 8:03
  1900. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1901. Kama PM
  1902. 8:03
  1903. LSDKama
  1904. I'm not getting anything
  1905. Stabirynth has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1906. Gojiran103 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1907. 8:04
  1908. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1909. How about now?
  1910. Fr0stfur? Are you still here?
  1911. 8:07
  1912. DrGodzilla120
  1913. I'm back now.
  1914. 8:08
  1915. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1916. o/
  1917. 8:08
  1918. LSDKama
  1919. * begins playing around Neo Jirass*
  1920. hi
  1921. Gojiran103 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  1922. 8:08
  1923. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1924. o/
  1925. 8:09
  1926. Gojiran103
  1927. The intro to the video I showed you is absolutely hilarious
  1928. It's literally Orochi and Chris trying to fight Blackness of G Hell Chris and Blackness of G Hell Orochi
  1929. 8:10
  1930. DrGodzilla120
  1931. GrliGojiran, earlier, did you ask if I was here?
  1932. 8:10
  1933. ShodaiGoro
  1934. Gojiran, PM
  1935. 8:10
  1936. DrGodzilla120
  1937. Gojiran*
  1938. 8:10
  1939. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1940. I think I'm going to pull IguanaGoji out now. I don't really feel up to another fight today.... sorry.
  1941. :/
  1942. 8:11
  1943. LSDKama
  1944. oh
  1945. Okay
  1946. 8:11
  1947. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1948. Okay then.
  1949. 8:11
  1950. LSDKama
  1951. (Neo Jirass) *Shatters, leaving the fight*
  1952. 8:11
  1953. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1954. (Miba) *flies away*
  1955. 8:11
  1956. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1957. (IguanaGoji) *also shatters*
  1958. 8:13
  1959. DrGodzilla120
  1960. Goro.
  1961. 8:13
  1962. ShodaiGoro
  1963. ?
  1964. 8:13
  1965. DrGodzilla120
  1966. Have you heard of "The Asterisk Wars"?
  1967. LSDKama
  1968. (Abraxas) *Is in Limbo, as is Eanif and Gràineil*
  1969. 8:14
  1970. DrGodzilla120
  1971. It's apparently so bad, it made an anime reviewer actually MISS Sword Art Online.
  1972. FishTankBoss1954 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  1973. 8:15
  1974. LSDKama
  1975. *The Zunists have broken their alliance with The Neo Empire, and have pulled all of their forces out from Neo Empire bases, including the Gyaos that were given to Trahir, as well as any WMDs that were given to the Neo Empire*
  1976. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  1977. 8:15
  1978. ShodaiGoro
  1979. I have
  1980. 8:15
  1981. LSDKama
  1982. *And have removed any Neo Empire forces from their bases*
  1983. 8:16
  1984. ShodaiGoro
  1985. Is the reviewer DXFan619?
  1986. 8:16
  1987. DrGodzilla120
  1988. Yep.
  1989. I love that guy.
  1990. 8:16
  1991. ShodaiGoro
  1992. Same
  1993. 8:17
  1994. Gojiran103
  1995. Oh yeaaaah.
  1996. 8:18
  1997. LSDKama
  1998. *Omnia, the true leader of the Zunists, has rendered any contracts with the Neo Empire null and/or void*
  1999. 8:18
  2000. DrGodzilla120
  2001. Isn't Omnia basically omnipotent?
  2002. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  2003. 8:19
  2004. LSDKama
  2005. Not this one
  2006. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  2007. 8:19
  2008. LSDKama
  2009. This is the RPVerse-ised one
  2010. Which means he's been heavily toned down
  2011. 8:19
  2012. DrGodzilla120
  2013. *a Super Saiyan prepares to attack Trahir*
  2014. 8:20
  2015. LSDKama
  2016. But is still the ruler of Limbo
  2017. 8:20
  2018. DrGodzilla120
  2019. (Trahir) *punches him once, blowing up his torso and sending his remains flying to the Moon*
  2020. JK
  2021. JK
  2022. 8:20
  2023. LSDKama
  2024. And is still very powerful, but, not Omnipotent
  2025. 8:20
  2026. DrGodzilla120
  2027. Did you see his review of Chaos Dragon?
  2028. 8:20
  2029. ShodaiGoro
  2030. ye
  2031. 8:20
  2032. DrGodzilla120
  2033. Oh God.
  2034. The animation in that one was so bad...
  2035. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  2036. 8:22
  2037. Fr0stfur
  2038. I've probsbly seen worse
  2039. Cartoon Fight Club has like the worst animation ever
  2040. Stabirynth has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  2041. 8:22
  2042. Stabirynth
  2043. Don't mention that thing here.
  2044. Cartoon Fight Club is horrid.
  2045. 8:22
  2046. Fr0stfur
  2047. Seeing it makes my vomit up my insides from all orifices
  2048. 8:23
  2049. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2050. ..... must resist making hentai joke....... must resist..... must..... resist
  2051. 8:23
  2052. DrGodzilla120
  2053. Also the directing.
  2054. 8:23
  2055. Stabirynth
  2056. He claims that he is literally leagues better than Death Battle.
  2057. 8:24
  2058. DrGodzilla120
  2059. It showed the protagonists standing in the MIDDLE OF A BATTLE, CASUALLY HAVING A CONVERSATION.
  2060. 8:24
  2061. Fr0stfur
  2062. WHAT
  2063. WHERE
  2065. 8:25
  2066. Stabirynth
  2067. I've been playing Subnautica
  2068. 8:25
  2069. Gojiran103
  2070. Dr, are you alive?
  2071. 8:25
  2072. Fr0stfur
  2073. hav u been eated yet
  2074. 8:26
  2075. Stabirynth
  2076. Gallibon, would you like to continue what we are doing?
  2077. 8:26
  2078. DrGodzilla120
  2079. Yeah. I'm alive.
  2080. My chat froze, though.
  2081. 8:26
  2082. Gojiran103
  2083. PM.
  2084. And Tatsumaki is still my bitch. :3
  2085. 8:26
  2086. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2087. Yes! I would like to continue our RP.
  2088. 8:26
  2089. DrGodzilla120
  2090. Too bad.
  2091. I have dibs on her.
  2092. Her character, and her body.
  2093. 8:26
  2094. Stabirynth
  2095. (???) : ALRIGHT, LASTLY, VERTIGO.
  2096. (???) : NO USING YOUR ARMS THOUGH.
  2097. 8:27
  2098. ShodaiGoro
  2099. byakuren is hotter than tatsumaki
  2100. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  2101. 8:27
  2102. Stabirynth
  2103. (???) : AND THIS HAS LADDERS.
  2104. 8:27
  2105. ShodaiGoro
  2106. and i respect byakuren too much to fawn over her
  2107. 8:27
  2108. Stabirynth
  2109. *Vertigo runs through the area and teleports through most of it*
  2110. 8:27
  2111. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2112. * plays in the background*
  2113. 8:27
  2114. DrGodzilla120
  2115. What about Fubuki?
  2116. 8:28
  2117. Stabirynth
  2118. (???) : NOW, ONTO PART TWO!
  2119. 8:28
  2120. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2121. Fr0stfur, PM
  2122. 8:28
  2123. ShodaiGoro
  2124. I need to get going
  2125. o/
  2126. 8:28
  2127. LSDKama
  2128. *Capricorn has exited the dimension*
  2129. 8:28
  2130. DrGodzilla120
  2131. o/
  2132. 8:28
  2133. Gojiran103
  2135. 8:28
  2136. LSDKama
  2137. bye
  2138. 8:28
  2139. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2140. (Gamoni) <(Argh...)
  2141. 8:28
  2142. Stabirynth
  2144. ShodaiGoro has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  2145. 8:28
  2146. Gojiran103
  2147. and banged byakuren; byakuren's boring
  2148. 8:28
  2149. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2150. o/
  2151. 8:28
  2152. Stabirynth
  2154. 8:28
  2155. DrGodzilla120
  2156. Tatsumaki's much more interesting.
  2157. 8:28
  2158. Fr0stfur
  2159. you banged Byakuren?
  2160. 8:28
  2161. DrGodzilla120
  2162. She uses telekinesis to make it more inten-*shot*
  2163. 8:28
  2164. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2165. (Gamoni) <(This is humilaiting.)
  2166. 8:28
  2167. Fr0stfur
  2168. :^)
  2169. 8:28
  2170. Stabirynth
  2171. (???) : ALRIGHT, VERMIN.
  2172. 8:29
  2173. LSDKama
  2174. That's the wrong tele-thingy!
  2175. 8:29
  2176. Gojiran103
  2177. Oh, yeah.
  2178. 8:29
  2179. DrGodzilla120
  2180. To make it faster.
  2181. :3
  2182. 8:29
  2183. Gojiran103
  2184. Even Dr finds Byakuren boring.
  2185. 8:29
  2186. Stabirynth
  2188. 8:29
  2189. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2191. 8:29
  2192. LSDKama
  2193. That still isn't as useful as other tele-thingies!
  2194. 8:29
  2195. Stabirynth
  2196. Vertigo: They said we had to complete three trials.
  2197. Vertigo: This is the second one.
  2198. 8:29
  2199. DrGodzilla120
  2200. Wait.
  2201. This is the G.O.A.T.
  2202. 8:30
  2203. LSDKama
  2204. *
  2205. 8:30
  2206. GarudaGoji
  2207. simulator
  2208. 8:30
  2209. LSDKama
  2210. ^
  2211. shut
  2212. **shit
  2213. 8:30
  2214. DrGodzilla120
  2215. XD
  2216. 8:30
  2217. LSDKama
  2218. Nobody say anything about it
  2219. 8:30
  2220. Fr0stfur
  2221. you sing a song about it-
  2222. 8:30
  2223. Stabirynth
  2224. I only chose to do one G.O.A.T. question.
  2225. 8:30
  2226. Fr0stfur
  2227. oh wait they don't have the rights...
  2228. 8:31
  2229. Stabirynth
  2230. Alright, Hardshell has to answer the question.
  2231. 8:31
  2232. DrGodzilla120
  2233. I had a threesome with Tatsumaki and Rukia the other day.
  2234. 8:31
  2235. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2236. (Hardshell) <(....I don't think there is a right answer.)
  2237. 8:31
  2238. DrGodzilla120
  2239. Rukia was really COOL in it.
  2240. 8:31
  2241. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2242. ..... that fucking pun
  2243. 8:31
  2244. DrGodzilla120
  2245. And Tatsumaki used her tele-powers and "blew my mind".
  2246. 8:31
  2247. Gojiran103
  2248. Same, Dr.
  2249. 8:31
  2250. Stabirynth
  2251. (???) : CORRECT!
  2253. 8:32
  2254. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2255. (Hardshell) <(Alright!)
  2256. (Gamoni) <(Many things.)
  2257. 8:32
  2258. Stabirynth
  2259. (???) :S PECIFICALLY.
  2261. 8:33
  2262. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2263. (Gamoni) <(If I said one of them, it would be incorrect.)
  2264. 8:33
  2265. Stabirynth
  2267. 8:34
  2268. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2269. WAR
  2270. 8:34
  2271. LSDKama
  2272. ^
  2273. 8:34
  2274. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2275. (Gamoni) <(Say, do you even know what these questions are?)
  2276. 8:34
  2277. Stabirynth
  2278. (???) : YES, PROBABLY.
  2279. 8:34
  2280. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2281. Also, CALL OF DUTY, except when they give you a mech suit.
  2282. 8:35
  2283. LSDKama
  2284. *The answerers voices seem to sound different from normal*
  2285. 8:35
  2286. DrGodzilla120
  2287. What's the difference between soldiers and me?
  2288. 8:35
  2289. Stabirynth
  2290. (???) :TIME'S UP!
  2291. 8:35
  2292. DrGodzilla120
  2293. Soldiers regret killing people.
  2294. 8:35
  2295. Stabirynth
  2296. (???) : NEXT UP, PATRICK!
  2297. 8:35
  2298. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2299. (Hitodah) <(I'm up.)
  2300. 8:36
  2301. Stabirynth
  2303. 8:36
  2304. DrGodzilla120
  2305. (Trahir) *teleports next to (??) *
  2306. (Trahir) Ooh! Is this reality TV?
  2307. (Trahir) Let me watch!
  2308. (Trahir) *starts eating popcorn*
  2309. 8:37
  2310. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2311. (Hitodah) <(Yes.)
  2312. 8:37
  2313. Stabirynth
  2314. (???) : CORRECT!
  2315. gtg
  2316. 8:37
  2317. Gojiran103
  2318. o/
  2319. 8:37
  2320. LSDKama
  2321. bye
  2322. 8:37
  2323. DrGodzilla120
  2324. o/
  2325. 8:37
  2326. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2327. o/
  2328. 8:37
  2329. Stabirynth
  2330. Let's do this tomorrow.
  2331. 8:37
  2332. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2333. Alright.
  2334. Stabirynth has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  2335. 8:37
  2336. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2337. Poor Gamoni. XD
  2338. 8:38
  2339. LSDKama
  2340. And technically the queen of England will change
  2341. As will War
  2342. Because it does get worse as time goes on
  2343. Fallout has been wrong for years...
  2344. 8:39
  2345. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2346. Gamoni probably had the most embarrassing stuff happen to her.
  2347. 8:41
  2348. Gojiran103
  2349. me and dr are having the most innapropriate conversation in pm
  2350. 8:41
  2351. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2352. Ooh-la-la!
  2353. 8:42
  2354. Gojiran103
  2355. tatsumaki's gonna be pretty sore tonight, guys :^)
  2356. 8:43
  2357. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2358. ......
  2359. 8:43
  2360. Gojiran103
  2361. want to join, tengen?
  2362. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  2363. 8:43
  2364. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2365. How come you two get to get away with hentai, but I don't? :/
  2366. 8:44
  2367. DrGodzilla120
  2368. Shall I copy and paste it?
  2369. 8:44
  2370. Gojiran103
  2371. Because we're pros. We perform it without breaking the limit.
  2372. 8:44
  2373. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2374. Don't forget Ura's innuendo speech today! XD
  2375. 8:44
  2376. Gojiran103
  2377. OH GOD
  2378. DR
  2379. 8:44
  2380. DrGodzilla120
  2381. LET THEM SEE.
  2382. 8:44
  2383. Gojiran103
  2384. ...yeah, go ahead. @Dr
  2385. 8:44
  2386. DrGodzilla120
  2387. 8:36 Gojiran103 ye Hey, Dr Wanna cream Tatsumaki? 8:37 DrGodzilla120 ? Well, let me put it this way. I'm going to be having pie tonight, and I'm going to be making it. It's a meat pie. 8:38 Gojiran103 Perhaps, us two could up that into a double pie just for our customer? 8:38 DrGodzilla120 Ohhhh, yeah. 8:39 Gojiran103 And while we're at it, we'll stuff our cherries into the hole. :^) 8:40 DrGodzilla120 Our customer ordered a special dish from us. We put a hot dog into a donut, and we add whipping cream. But I think the whipping cream will be formed naturally, in due time. 8:40 Gojiran103 Yeah.
  2388. 8:45
  2389. Gojiran103
  2391. OH GOD XD @DR
  2393. Fr0stfur
  2394. 50 shades of Tatsumaki
  2395. 8:46
  2396. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2397. ......
  2398. monsters
  2399. 8:46
  2400. Gojiran103
  2401. TENGEN
  2402. 8:46
  2403. LSDKama
  2404. My brain
  2405. 8:46
  2406. Gojiran103
  2408. LSDKAMA
  2409. 8:46
  2410. LSDKama
  2411. It hurts
  2412. 8:46
  2413. Gojiran103
  2415. 8:46
  2416. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2417. LIAR
  2418. 8:46
  2419. LSDKama
  2420. It is
  2421. 8:46
  2422. Gojiran103
  2423. I'M NOT LIKE HIM
  2424. 8:46
  2425. Fr0stfur
  2427. 8:46
  2428. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2429. *lights Gojiran's pants on fire to prove a point*
  2430. 8:46
  2431. Gojiran103
  2433. That is honestly how far I will go when it comes to sex jokes. Dr, is free to surpass.
  2434. 8:49
  2435. LSDKama
  2436. I'm not willing to really do sex jokes
  2437. 8:49
  2438. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2439. Me neither.
  2440. 8:49
  2441. LSDKama
  2442. Unless someone else chooses their words poorly...
  2443. 8:49
  2444. DrGodzilla120
  2445. Would you like to hear more of them?
  2446. 8:49
  2447. LSDKama
  2448. No
  2449. 8:49
  2450. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2451. No
  2452. 8:49
  2453. DrGodzilla120
  2454. Too bad.
  2455. 8:49
  2456. LSDKama
  2457. Then it's fair game.
  2458. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  2459. 8:50
  2460. LSDKama
  2461. RUN GARUDA
  2463. 8:51
  2464. Gojiran103
  2465. On a CLEANER note...
  2466. *sigh* pop-ups and their games.
  2467. 8:51
  2468. GarudaGoji
  2469. *plugs corks into ears*
  2470. 8:51
  2471. DrGodzilla120
  2472. So I'm a big fan of jewelry, and jewels in general.
  2473. 8:51
  2474. GarudaGoji
  2475. WHAT?
  2476. 8:51
  2477. DrGodzilla120
  2478. But jewels are worthless if they're easily bended and twisted, so we need to keep them hard.
  2479. 8:52
  2480. Gojiran103
  2481. On a similar stance, my last one:
  2482. 8:52
  2483. LSDKama
  2484. * LSDKama Real *Pours Gasoline over himself*
  2485. 8:52
  2486. DrGodzilla120
  2487. Oh, yes.
  2488. 8:52
  2489. Fr0stfur
  2490. is your d diamond-hard
  2491. 8:52
  2492. DrGodzilla120
  2493. And Tatsumaki recently got a pet cat.
  2494. So I fed it one of my roosters.
  2495. 8:53
  2496. Gojiran103
  2497. Diamonds are rough.
  2498. 8:53
  2499. DrGodzilla120
  2500. Essentially, her pussy ate my cock.
  2501. 8:53
  2502. Gojiran103
  2504. 8:53
  2505. GarudaGoji
  2506. WHAT?
  2507. 8:53
  2508. LSDKama
  2509. * LSDKama User**Lights himself on fire*
  2510. 8:53
  2511. Fr0stfur
  2512. shouldn't that be the other away around to make more sense
  2513. 8:53
  2514. Gojiran103
  2515. * Gojiran103 *Pours bleach over LSDKama
  2516. 8:54
  2517. Fr0stfur
  2518. Or just say that you ate her pussy (cat)
  2519. 8:54
  2520. GarudaGoji
  2521. * GarudaGoji not listening to the current discussion, due to the corks on my ears
  2522. FishTankBoss1954 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
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