

Jan 23rd, 2023 (edited)
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  1. --- General Overall History ---
  3. The United States had avoided civil war up until the pivotal election of 1872. All throughout the 1860s, the nation as a whole was in an unstable state of affairs that had culminated in the hotly contested political scene. The Democratic Nominee, Alexander H. Stephens would see a surprise electoral victory. Henry Winter Davis of the Republican Party would call for an investigation into voter Fraud, which was rejected by the United States government. With hotly contested issues such as slavery, role of the federal government, and the vast differences between the North and South - this would prompt the Republicans (specifically of the Radical Abolitionist Bent) to call an illegal Second Constitutional Convention, of which they sought to appeal the election results.
  5. The Northern States would reject Stephens as the legitimate president of the United States. A move that would see Federal Troops March into Philadelphia where the Second Constitutional Convention was held. An escalating situation turned into an all out brawl, with Federal troops massacring 17 civilians and one signer of the Second Constitution. News of this event rapidly spread throughout the North like a wildfire.
  7. As tensions came to a head, Henry Winter Davis would call for secession, a sentiment that was shared all throughout the North. Pennsylvania was the first state to secede from the Union, with New York being the second. A domino effect would occur throughout the North, culminating in the formation of the "Federated States of America" - a nation dominated by the Radical Republican "Hamiltonian" Faction. The Hamiltonians, lead by Henry Winter Davis would seek to expand the power of the Federal Government over that of the states for the express purposes of preventing the expansion of the "moral and political" evil that slavery was seen as.
  9. Stephens had sent a letter to Philadelphia, urging the Secessionists to surrender and abandon their attempt at surrender - or be charged with treason and be subsequently hung whenever they were captured. The secessionists rejected this motion, and the American Civil war would begin.
  11. The First American War would be long and brutal, lasting from 1873-1877. It was watched upon by the world intensely. No European Power would interfere directly with the war, for many Europeans were reliant on the Cotton trade. Despite this, the British and the French had a distinct preference for the Federated States of America on moral lines, but realistically could not interfere. The Union army had been unable to fully invade and quash the Federated Troops in the battle of Gettysburg.
  13. Robert E. Lee had risen to prominence throughout the war in the Union, being seen as a folk hero for leading several victories against the Federated States. Despite this, he could not break the will of the North. After 4 years of War, a harsh reality would set in across the Union. The Union was unable to starve out the Federated States, and eventually, a peace treaty had been signed - granting the Federated States their independence on September 2nd, 1877.
  15. The Union, now forced to lick it's wounds in failure would experience internal disunity. The Union had seen the rise of a Uniparty Democratic system, of which other minor parties couldn't compete against the Democrats. The Democrats, now seen as those who had championed for American Unity in the war, now had practically unlimited political power throughout the United States. This had seen the expansion of slavery on a vast level throughout the US. Slavery had been successfully introduced to California, one way or another, after the war. Various new states would come into existence out of the war in the United States, leading to more Democratic domination.
  17. This political shift would see the United States adopt the Christian Cross in the center of the flag, the nation now formed a heavily heavy emphasis on Agrarianism, White Supremacy, and Christianity. Many slaves throughout the Union would still make the treacherous journey to escape from slavery to the Federated States, which adopted a law that any escaped slaves would be allowed in. From another period of rising tension, soon after the war - this law would be rescinded, though many Northerners would still go ahead with it anyway. It's not like any Northerners would stop them. Acting in opposition to the United States, the Federated States would erect their Capital in Boston, drawing up new states as a way to Rival the United States's creation of new states.
  19. The Federated States would see Hamiltonian domination in their politics, finding a lot of inspiration from the British and their ilk in their way of doing things, this would lead the Federated States to adopt closer ties with Britain. As neither the United or Federated States had neither the means nor the interest - the British were the ones to purchase Alaska from the Russian Empire in 1888. Alaska was integrated into Canada. The Alaskan Gold Rush saw much needed British investment into the territory, leading Canada to become more developed and wealthy than it was in our world.
  21. The United States, was very wary of this. For decades after the Civil War, they had been unable to find a good ally who would support them. In 1892-1893, the United States had a Second Mexican American war of which they had annexed the territory of Baja California from Mexico, and turned Mexico into something of a client state. The United States had already been influencing Central America, and had been building a canal in Nicaragua - which was promptly annexed into the United States.
  23. The Spanish-American war saw the annexation of Cuba and Puerto Rico by the United States, these two territories would never become states until they had been Americanized in the mid 20th century. The United States was never interested in the Philippines in this timeline either. The more "Southern" Focused United States would have ended up building it's own alliance system throughout Latin America, which was further bolstered through the recent American expansions.
  25. The United States had only officially abolished slavery in 1898, although throughout the majority of the nation - segregation laws were established and many freed slaves had lived in slave-like conditions with little pay. Despite this, there had been a long standing policy that when a slave owner died - the slaves the owner had owned were set free. It varied from state to state, but this had ended up becoming the norm. After the abolition of slavery in the nation, the United States would begin a "Back to Africa" initiative in which they would gradually deport freed slave populations to Liberia.
  27. The United States and Federated States would see limited border skirmishes, but nothing really conclusive. That is, until it was "discovered" that Federate Spies had blown up a train out West - that happened to be carrying the Kentucky Governor in it. The Governor survived, but many were killed. A subsequent border shootout had occurred in Ohio. This was in secret, a planned affair by the United States government to create "just" cause for another war, of which they aimed to re-integrate the Federated States. These events in 1912 would be the cause of the Second American War.
  29. The Second American War saw the United States rally around it's hatred for the Federated States. The Federated States was caught off guard, and had been embroiled in internal political scandals. It was enough for the current President to rally around the cause for their continued independence. The invasion of the Federated States prompted the British and Canadians to align with the Federated States.
  31. Both nations had the First American War in living memory, and both were fighting with those memories in mind. In many ways, it had felt like a continuation of the First American War. The war on American Soil saw the use of Trench Warfare and the use of Airships throughout the war. American Airships were marked with a cross. While the Federated States had the advantage of Industry and morale in the war, the United States had the advantage in talented generals and overall tenacity in fighting.
  33. The state of Dakota was the first state that would fall to the United States, allowing the United States to make further advancement throughout the Midwest. There was intense street to street fighting throughout the Urban cities in the North, and by that time - WW1 had already kicked off. The Federated States promptly became apart of the Entente, while the United States had joined the Central Powers.
  35. The War in Europe caused the British to allocate troops into Europe, though this would mean that Canadian troops would never fight in Europe in any real meaningful numbers. With both of the American nations fighting against each other, this would mean that the Central Powers had developed the advantage in Europe. In the American Front, the United States would see themselves to victory through sheer luck and will power, though they sustained heavy casualties.
  37. The United States and the Federated States had been at war for 2 years by the time the war started in Europe - which was started by the same reasons in our timeline. During the war in Europe, the United States would advance into the Midwest, securing victory after a series of Brutal battles. By that time, the Federated States was in shambles and collapsing. Union forces would move in, and in a stunning battle in Philadelphia, the Federated States would surrender to the Union. The Union would seek to integrate the Midwest back into the fold, while the core Federated States territory would remain independent - under Union occupation. Soon after, the Union would make peace with Britain and Canada - the Canadians facing no losses of territory to the Union, and the maintaining of the status quo
  39. The States of Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Superior, Michigan, and Ohio were all broken down into reconstruction districts, and occupied by the US army. The core of the Federated States would also face reconstruction as well as occupation, though it was never realistically going to be integrated back into the Union due to the sheer amount of resistance they would face. Reconstruction of the former Federated states in the Midwest would last about 8 years, and many Federated States citizens would experience revenge killings by the United States Army. The Union would "elect" Pro-Union leaders in the Federated States, basically transforming them into a client state.
  41. The stresses of the war and reconstruction prompted the Union to gradually centralize it's government further, being forced to maintain control of former Federated States territory. The Federated States would have experienced a harsh defeat. Despite this, there would still be resistance to American rule. The "Sons of Liberty" were a prominent terrorist organization that rose throughout the North, and conducted operations to sabotage the United States occupation forces. Throughout the reconstruction, the United States would have constructed a series of labor camps in which convicted Federated "agitators" would be interned.
  43. In Europe, the Entente had faced a loss of morale - with their ally on the American Front being soundly defeated by the United States, the Entente and their members had attempted to mount one last resistance to the Central Powers. This would come in vain - with the Central Powers seeing themselves to victory. Though, in reality - it was hardly a victory. The Central Powers themselves managed to survive, though the Ottoman Empire unfortunately didn't.
  45. Former Ottoman territory was seized by the British, French, and Russians. The war would end in 1918. The Central Powers that had survived the war, had found themselves in an unstable position. While they had made France submit, the former Russian Empire had imploded into civil war. The Collectivists (Communists in this World) were revolting against the Russian Empire. The Germans had put troops in their Eastern Europe to protect their eastern territories.
  47. The Russian civil war would go as it did in our timeline, with the Collectivists (lead by Lenin) seizing victory over the White Army. The Collectivists would promptly execute the Russian Monarchy, and proclaim the USCR - the Union of Soviet Collectivist Republics. After they had succeeded in the Russian Civil War, they had a brief timeframe of peace with the Central Powers after they had managed to come out victorious.
  49. Soon after the USCR was formed, Austria-Hungary too would fall apart into civil war. The Germans were forced to intervene, and had managed to "Save" German-Austria by annexing it directly into the Empire. This motion would leave the German Eastern territories open to the USCR to take. The USCR had launched a quick invasion of Belorussia, the Baltics and Ukraine. The results of the Soviet-German war had been that Belorussia would become fully annexed into the USCR, while Ukraine had been split east and west at the Dnipro river, the west being a German Client State, with the East being fully absorbed into the USCR. Estonia and Latvia had been integrated into the USCR.
  51. The vultures were now starting to circle Germany, especially as during the Great Depression in this world - Fascism would rise in France and Italy. Benito Mussolini would rise to power in Italy - while a similar Fascist leader would rise to power in France. The French were especially bitter due to the sheer amount of war reparations and territorial losses the French nation had faced. Their colonies and homeland had been reduced in size. The hatred France felt for the Germans was extreme - and the new French State aligned with Italy - culminating the formation of the Latin Axis.
  53. The Latin Axis had seen the expansion of their members to include Portugal and Greece. Though the alliance was more widely called the "Axis", of which the leading powers of France and Italy wanted to create a new alliance that would stand against Germany and the USCR - for which they would claim their vengeance on the Germans. France had taken especially extreme measures, and unveiled a new series of discrimination laws against Jews and Germans - forbidding the German language from being spoken within the country. The French Army had rejected the Treaty of Versailles in 1936, when they re-armed their borders with Germany.
  55. The Spanish Civil War would see the victory of the Nationalists within Spain, defeating the Spanish Republicans (much to the ire of the USCR). The new Fascist Spanish Government would align with the Latin Axis, although they did not plan to involve themselves directly in future wars due to having to rebuild after the civil war.
  57. By this time, Germany had developed into a hardline military dictatorship. The German Government had managed to put down minor rebellions and riots throughout the years after WW1, although they knew one day they would face the inevitable conflict between France and the USCR.
  59. That day would come, in 1937 when the French had made a bold move to annex the French Speaking portion of Belgium. The French had moved their troops into Belgium, committing an illegal action against the Belgian government - that was aligned with Germany. This move would spark into a full on war, when French troops had begun a sudden invasion of the Rhineland. Germany armed for war with France. While Germany and it's remaining allies had superiority over France - the problem that would be their undoing was the USCR.
  61. The USCR was more than content to wait it out, and allow both France and Germany to fight each other. Letting them bleed each other dry. The war in the Western Front was a stalemate - with the Italians reinforcing the French. Italy had begun their own invasion of Albania and Yugoslavia, wanting to realize Italian ambitions in the region.
  63. Meanwhile Britain was undergoing a political transformation. The Imperial Federation would be founded between Britain and it's colonies, and dominions. The Imperial Federation arose out of internal pressure for the British to enact a show of strength against the various European menaces, and they too, began to prepare themselves for war. The British looked on, as their former rival - Germany, was about to be torn apart by the French and the USCR.
  65. Without warning, the USCR would suddenly commit to an invasion of Poland. The USCR had prepared for this - they had managed to pilfer territories from Germany before, and they managed to do it again. The invasion of Estonia and Latvia was a breeze for them, only when they arrived at Poland - did they find a substantial resistance. The Poles had heroically attempted to push the Soviets back, but the numerical superiority the Soviets had was overwhelming. The Soviets would roll through Poland, occupying the nation as they would storm towards Germany.
  67. The German Empire was now starting to see the writing on the wall - especially when the Soviets had instigated Communist revolutionaries to rise up within Germany. Germany, now fighting a civil war - as well as a war on two fronts was doomed. The German Kaiser and the Germans attempted one last stand in Germany itself - as the French and USCR broke through the lines and began to pour into the country.
  69. The Kaiser and the Elites of the German government would go into exile in London. While the Central Powers had previously won the war in Europe, the Germans had lost their overseas colonies to Britain and France. This would mean that they wouldn't be able to go into exile in any former colonies, because there weren't any.
  71. The USCR and Axis troops would meet within Germany. Now that Germany was dead, the Soviets would begin to pour across French lines. Simultaneously, the Soviets would commit to an invasion of Finland. Finland was a German client state, and now that it's main source of support was gone - it was a ripe target. The Fins would manage to induce high causalities onto that of the Russians - but they were doomed in the end, with the sheer overwhelming number of Soviets storming into their border. The Finnish government was promptly overthrown by the Soviets, and a new Communist Government was installed in Finland, with the Soviets receiving border gains in Finland itself. Finland had been made into a Soviet satellite state.
  73. With the chaos unfolding in Europe, the British would invade French and Italian colonies directly. Now the French and Italians were going to end up in the same position as Germany, to their realization. Despite this, both of them had fought harshly against the Collectivists and their allies. Germany by this point, had become a Collectivist puppet of the USCR.
  75. France and Italy had faced Collectivists uprisings, and soon enough, both countries would be defeated - their governments fleeing to Spain, who stayed out of the fighting. The USCR was now forced to consolidate control over Europe. The USCR would use local Communist groups as an auxiliary police force. The Collectivists quashed internal dissent through force, and used state sponsored terror to suppress the nations they had conquered. The leader of the USCR would lead a similar plan to that of the "Marshal Plan" in our world, although the time it took to repair Europe from the war was slower, and the people suffered vast famines throughout Europe as a result, where the USCR would propagandize itself as "Feeding the People" as it dealt with these affairs.
  77. Internal politics of the USCR was lacking the overt totalitarianism of Stalinist Russia, however, it was brutally repressive and would send dissenters to prison camps or "disappear" those who dissented. Without the Stalinist purges, and a weaker Germany throughout the war - the USCR wouldn't have faced as much of a population decline. The absorbtion of Poland as an SCR (Soviet Collectivist Republic) within the nation went not without issue, but the USCR was able to fully integrate Poland within a few years after the end of WW2.
  79. Germany was easier to pacify, due to it's pre-war weakness and lack of ideological extremism. The Nazi Party never existed in this timeline, nor did National Socialism come about as an ideology. Germany already had a pre-existing Communist party which was supported by the USCR when they revolted in the German Empire's dying days. The German Collectivist Republic is a nation that is somewhat reduced in size, though it has never experienced the split of Germany like it did in our world. For all intensive purposes, it's beginnings were very much like East Germany in our world.
  81. The USCR would create a massive intelligent apparatus throughout Europe in order to maintain their power. Shortly after the war, they would instigate a Collectivist uprising within Sweden which would join their sphere of influence. The USCR created the "Vienna Pact". In response to this, the Imperial Federation and it's allies created the "Collective Security Organization" (the CSO), of which Norway, Spain and Portugal were also members.
  83. The United States, meanwhile, had not been involved with the Pacific War. The Japanese Empire had been fighting their war within China and Asia. Due to the lack of an embargo on Japan's oil production, the Japanese never went to war with the US. The United States maintained a policy of neutrality throughout the Second World War, instead focusing on building it's own affairs within Latin America.
  85. The Japanese were forced out of China when the Collectivists over-came the Japanese forces within China. The USCR wanted to directly intervene against Japan, but due to the stresses in Europe they were unwilling to directly intervene. Instead, the Japanese eventually signed a treaty with the Collectivists in China, withdrawing from their lands - but maintaining control over Korea and Taiwan, which eventually became integral parts of Japan's core territory. The Japanese in this world were indeed as aggressive as they were in ours, but their survival meant they had the ability to maintain their control over most parts of Asia, through the Greater Co-Prosperity Sphere - Japan's bloc in the coming Shadow War (Cold War).
  87. The Chinese became known as the People's Collectivist Republic of China (PCRC), and maintained their allegiance with the Soviets. Despite being under alternate leadership - they had still had a cultural revolution and strengthening of Collectivist hold on daily life, resulting in the deaths of tens of millions due to famine. China, otherwise, is more or less similar to the China of our world - being an authoritarian police state with a powerful economy to back it. Unlike our China, this China has never really pursued direct antagonism against other nations - it is not part of the Vienna pact, although it is on very friendly terms with them.
  89. The United States itself during WW2 experienced the rise of a strong central figure - his name being William Dudley Pelley. Pelley himself was sympathetic to the Fascists in Europe, and became the equivalent to the United State's version of Stalin - although obviously to a far lesser extent. By this point, the old Democratic Party had fractured into various subsections, with Pelley leading the more radical and white supremacist Christian Party. Under his party, he wielded enormous control over the Federal government, which had expanded beyond it's origins in pacifying the former Federated States.
  91. Pelley's regime would last from 1940-1956. His leadership could arguably described as a cult of personality. Without term limits, he consistently won elections (through voter intimidation, Fraud, and Popular Support). Pelley was very interested in developing highly advanced space and military technology. The United States had spies inside of the USCR and Imperial Federation, and they ended up stealing and copying blueprints for the Nuclear Bomb / along with other military technology in secret. The Pan-American Treaty Organization would see a boost in support by Pelley, who boosted allied leaders within Latin America to prevent Collectivism from spreading within the Americas, which was successful.
  93. The year of Pelley's death (1956) saw a culmination of political tensions in the Federated States, in which student protests would erupt, calling for more liberal reforms. The federal troops quashed the liberal protestors and lead a large crackdown / martial law throughout the territory, with Pelley passing away of a brain hemorrhage shortly afterward. Pelley's vice president, George Lincoln Rockwell would continue his policies, but would end up being voted out of office in the next election.
  95. The incoming administration was of a more liberal flavor, and the elected president would unveil various crimes the Pelley-Rockwell administration had caused. The revelations to the American Public had caused some to die of heart attacks because of how shocking the information was, and the United States would promptly align with the Imperial Federation in the Shadow War afterwards - as a show that the two nations had moved on from their past differences and aligned against their mutual foe - that being of the Collectivists.
  97. Through Africa and Asia, various brutal proxy wars would be fought between the Collectivists and the Rest of the World, practically, leading the Imperial Federation to victory within Africa. The United States here never pushed for decolonization in Africa, out of risk of the alliance between the Imperial Federation and the United States fracturing - something they could not afford to have happen in the Shadow War.
  99. The Shadow War itself would never end even until the present, with political tensions shifting away from more ideology based - to being fought over various claims in space. Another World War would end humanity's existence, and it was clear that all sides wanted to avoid such things from happening again.
  101. The United States never officially abolished segregation at a federal level. Gradually throughout the late 90's and late 2010s, segregation was gradually phased out throughout the United States south. In the Present, political affairs in the United States are varying degrees of right-wing politics, with the nation as a whole being much more conservative than in our timeline.
  103. The Middle East has seen continued domination by the Imperial Federation and it's puppet states. The Persian Monarchy still exists within Persia, although they are closely allied with the Imperial Federation. The former French and Italian Colonies by this point have more or less shed their French / Italian Character.
  105. In North Africa, the former Italian and French colonies were taken over by Collectivist forces after the Axis powers of France and Italy collapsed, forming the Maghreb Collectivist People's Republic (MCPR) - a nation that is heavily dependent on the Vienna Pact for foreign aid.
  107. --- Technology ---
  109. The USCR had managed to capture many German Scientists - those who were unable to escape to the Imperial Federation were used by the USCR to develop the Atomic Bomb. While the Imperial Federation was the first one to invent the Atomic Bomb, the USCR was the first ones to test the Hydrogen Bomb. By the mid 1950s, all of the major world powers had possession of this technology. An Arms race quickly ensued, with the USCR having the lion's share of Atomic Weaponry.
  111. Space technology here rapidly advanced at a quicker pace than that of our world. With the USCR launching the first man into space in 1954, and then upon landing the first man on the Moon in 1965. A joint Imperial Federation-United States mission would land in 1966, and from there, manned bases on the moon were something that had recieved a great amount of interest. Japan would end up having their own Space Program in the 1990s, being late to the party. The Chinese Space Program was never really that advanced until the early 2000's, when they landed their own Men on the Moon and began to pursue manned bases.
  113. Orbital stations and space tourism exists, but it is more or less seen for the upper class in society. Despite that, travel to space generally costs less - but not enough for the average man to afford an orbital flight.
  115. Information technology is more or less advanced as it is in our world, with the main difference being that the Internet is not Worldwide. There are 3 different Internet "spheres", each designed by the CSO (Imperial Federation, US, and allies), the GCPS (Japan), and the Vienna Pact. Each of these different spheres operate on different fundamental levels - going as far to vast differences in layout, and code. Due to the more restrictive natures of internets, Governments and other various groups are constantly racing against Anonymous groups for ways to further restrict and control the internet, leaving the Governments to develop far more effective sources for Social Control.
  117. The Imperial Federation still revels at how the Sun never sets upon it's territory, High Speed Rail networks connect various portions of it's territory. The United States has a massive highway system much like in our world, although travel between cities using Monorail is frequent. Public transport is more common in this world than personal car ownership, although in the United States, personal car ownership is far less regulated than it is in Europe.
  119. --- Ideology and Society ---
  121. -Fascism-
  123. The ideology of Fascism has basically assimilated into normal political discourse throughout the Western World - with the United States and Imperial Federation having fascist parties with decent political traction, but not enough to muster victory in any election. Fascism in this world does not have the negative connotations - with the distinct lack of National Socialism. Small aspects of Fascism have become the norm, with the overall focus on preservation of cultural heritage and traditions sanctioned by the governments.
  125. Spain and Portugal lead the remaining "Latin Bloc" though it is fully within the CSO. They are still Fascist (as are Brazil, Argentina, and various other Latin American nations), though the ideological tenacity has been diluted somewhat as the decades wore on. These Fascist nations have positive relations with the United States, which various political factions in the United States seek to replicate on a wider level.
  127. While Pelley and his Ilk were discredited, the new "modern" aspects of Fascism has been gaining traction lately especially in the younger generations. The continuation of colonialism throughout Africa as a way to contain Collectivism is seen as a natural state of affair. Gen Z in this world experiment with varying different types of fascism and traditionalism that are "new", which is the opposite of what our world is.
  129. -Collectivism-
  131. Collectivism is an ideology that has it's roots founded in Marxism-Leninism. It is very similar to the Communism of the USSR in our world, although it has a major technocratic element that was notably absent from our world. As Stalin was never the leader of Russia, the USCR developed on a different path. Collectivism opened up to Capitalism sooner, allowing it's manner of thinking to become a viable alternative to that of the West.
  133. The most similar example in our world would be that of Modern Day China, although there are obvious differences. Each nation has it's own flavor of Collectivism, yet is largely subservient to the dominant thought process that was spawned out of the USCR. Collectivists succeed in largely abstract thought processes, such as Science and Space Technology. Where they replace spirituality with the rationality of man with a heavy emphasis on the "Scientific Method" So long as it is not contradictory to the the state's interests...that is.
  135. Collectivists ruled through harsh repression and state sponsored terror. Elections were only allowed between varying flavors of Collectivism, to allow for a "Democratic" election process - which is something the state brags about constantly. These days, it is more about illusion of choice rather than active suppression.
  137. -Conservatism-
  139. The United States is seen as a typically conservative country - that did not wholeheartedly adopt Fascism like Italy and Spain. Aspects of it's internal process are quite sympathetic to the idea of Fascism. Despite that, the United States maintained it's "Democratic" thought process, if one can call the varying degrees of right wing - and even harder right wing as "Democratic". There exist campaigns and elections on all levels, but most involve various right-wing politics.
  141. The nation as a whole adopted Social Security at a far later date (in the 1970s), with Welfare as a whole being largely absent (unless you are a white working class citizen). There exists casual racial discrimination through American society. More so that different races generally stay away from each other and stick to their own. While segregation sponsored by the state is no longer present, most will opt to segregate by choice.
  143. The idea of "States Rights" has largely become diminished, though not to the level as in our world. The Federated States are slightly more liberal than the Conservative United States, but Union sponsored News Agencies and Government Corporations maintain the highest status within the former Federated states. The Federated States's Army and Military is integrated within that of the US army, blurring the lines of what their independence truly means.
  145. There exist many literacy tests and restrictions on the vote, so a smaller - more educated voter base is who really decides the elections.
  147. -British Imperialism-
  149. British Imperialism is something that had never died out. It simply transformed into the notion of integrating the colonies within the Empire Proper. The various nations that make up the Imperial Federation still exist in the same manner that England and Scotland are different countries within the United Kingdom. The British Empire still exists within the Imperial Federation itself.
  151. Within the Imperial Federation, there is a unified currency which all of the nations use. The power of the Monarch is more important than that of our world. There is no "Prime Minister" of the Imperial Federation. Each nation has it's own "Prime Ministers", that collectively act as a council that serves the role as the "Prime Minister" of the Imperial Federation. The only man who sits in the position of the leader of the Imperial Federation as a whole is the King himself.
  153. The Imperial Federation has differing layers of subdivisions and nations within it's whole. Many African nations have not been fully integrated yet, although many in Eastern Africa have seats in Westminster. The Imperial Federation here, serves as the best example of racial integration, though the nation as a whole maintains a general aura of Conservatism. Native leaders are recieved best when they are fully educated in English and adopt various aspects of British Culture.
  155. -Japanese Ultranationalism-
  157. Japan's society developed independently from the Western Powers. While they have good relations with the United States and the British, their society and culture is far more elitist in character. Throughout the minor nations they have under their sphere of control, the ethnic Japanese are those who maintain the most political power. As was the case for much of the 20th century, Japanese rulers would serve as an elite that would rule over subject peoples, and enact Japan's wishes as it say fit.
  159. Japan mainly focused on resource extraction from it's colonies, leading their subject nations to be lesser developed than our world. Though, as the populations in their subject peoples, the scale was more and more tilted towards an equal partnership as time grew on. The nations Japan ruled had no real ability for themselves to try to leave the sphere.
  161. Japan's society is restricted via the sphere's internet, which was created by various government for citizens to communicate throughout the empire, in a heavily censored way. Japan's secret police regularly prowl the internet for dissent, and if dissent is found, it is dealt with swiftly.
  163. The Koreans, Taiwan natives, and Pacific Islander groups have faced ethnic extermination, with none remaining in existence due to them being bred out of existence due to Japan's ethnocentric policies. This fact is happily looked over by the British and the Americans, who see Japan as yet another check against Collectivism.
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