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a guest
Oct 27th, 2015
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  1. Time Period: Medieval
  2. Shaping Force: Religion
  3. Population: Entirely human Politics
  4. Political Structure: autocracy - theocracy
  5. Strong Influence: popular support
  6. Popular Issue: ethics
  7. Stability: very stable
  8. Personal Freedoms: tolerable
  9. Scandals: very rare
  10. Foreign Relations: at war (losing) Economy
  11. Main Export: precious metals
  12. Main Import: food animals
  13. Main Resource: timber/lumber
  14. Trade: slight deficeit
  15. Strength: very strong, but declining
  16. Wealth: spread throughout upper and middle classes
  17. Ecology
  18. Main Climate: temperate - plains
  19. Ocean: on two sides
  20. Mountains: a few, including volcanos
  21. Frequent Trouble: floods
  22. Wilderness: 75%
  23. Wild Animals: dangerous
  24. Natural Resources: abundant Culture
  25. Highly Values: wealth
  26. Known For: art
  27. Popular Entertainment: drinking
  28. Respected Profession: courtesan
  29. Discrimination: age-based
  30. Major Taboo: displays of affection
  31. Major Social Ill: homelessness Military
  32. Strength: strong
  33. Focus: land
  34. Main Unit: archers
  35. Soldiers: draftees
  36. Main Use: quenching rebellion
  37. Rank: via family ties
  38. Superstition
  39. Involves: astrology
  40. Prevalence: very rare
  41. Viewed: with skepticism
  42. Magic: is unheard of Religion
  43. Type: polytheism
  44. Focus: harmony with nature
  45. Worship: joyous organized prayer in public temples
  46. Associated Artform: sculpture
  47. Prevalence: common
  48. Holidays: very many Population
  49. Urban: 10%
  50. Rural: 90%
  51. Literacy Rate: 5%
  52. Gender Ratio: 1.44 male(s)/female
  53. Fertility Rate: 4.5 children/family
  54. Life Expectancy: 42.7 years
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