
Swarmlord vs the Overfiend

Apr 1st, 2024
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  2. • War Zone Octarius [Critical Mass]:
  4. "The Overfiend was not difficult for the Swarmlord to find. The colossal greenskin was always at the centre of the biggest battle. The Swarmlord accompanied by hundreds of Tyrant Guard-fought its way to the Ork Warlord. While the Tyranids carved their way through greenskins the size of Deff Dreads, the Overfiend met their charge head-on with a delighted roar. Within the fray, the Swarmlord and the Overfiend met - the former leaping with incredible speed to avoid the grasp of the Overfiend's immense power claws. Scores of Tyrant Guard sacrificed themselves to shield their charge, but time and again the Overfiend blocked their decapitating strikes with an ironclad arm. Neither leader could overcome their opponent. After hours, the Ork eventually got the better of the fight, landing a devastating punch into the Tyranid's midriff after crushing a Tyrant Guard who tried to stop him. He grabbed the Swarmlord's head in a claw and crushed it. Seizing the monster's body with his other claw, the Overfiend ripped the beast in two."
  6. • War Zone Octarius [Critical Mass]:
  8. "Then came the moment when the Overfiend, slaying a rampaging Carnifex, suffered a deep wound in his thigh from the monster's death throes. As the Ork Warlord roared in agony, the Swarmlord knew its moment had come. Finally, it took to the field, with hundreds of Tyrant Guards and Carnifexes serving as shields.
  10. The Swarmlord and its bodyguard clashed with the Overfiend and his remaining Skarboyz. Tyrant Guards were beheaded by great sweeps of immense power axes. Nobz were run through with scything talons. Carnifexes were leapt upon by multiple Skarboyz and dragged down. Deff Dreads were barrelled over by broods of Tyrant Guards - their occupants ripped out of their grotesque contraptions. All the while, the Swarmlord duelled with the Overfiend; content to let the colossal greenskin exhaust himself by using its speed and agility to avoid the Warboss' strikes. The Herald of the Great Devourer kept moving, parrying blows with its bone blades and making lunges whenever necessary to break up the Overfiend's momentum. It used its multiple arms to great advantage, landing several blows by making it impossible for the wounded greenskin to know where the strike was coming from
  12. The Overfiend fought with unmatched ferocity. He never once paused or slowed down. Eventually, however, through his bleeding and wild attacks, the Warboss left the slightest opening. The Swarmlord exploited it, severing the power cables to one of the greenskin's klaws with a cut from a bone blade. Even the migthy Overfiend could not wield such grotesquely massive klaw without hydrolic assistance. Now it dragged at his side, dead weight. The Tyrantlord of the Hive Mind moved in for the kill. Shedding its earlier restraint it hacked and slashed at the pinned Ork Warlord, easily avoiding the greenskin's desperate swipes with his remaining klaw. At long last, the Swarmlord drove two bone blades down on the Overfiend's head, smashing it open and sending blood, ichor and fragments of shattered helmet everywhere. Finally the Herald of the Great Devourer buried its maw in the Overfiend's open skull and feasted on the Ork Warlord's brain. The greenskin was truly dead. Victory was finally Leviathan's."
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