
Lucid Dream CYOA 1

Jan 29th, 2015
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  1. >You are in a forest of pastel colored trees.
  2. >You decide to try to exit the forest only to be blocked by a sudden growth of a tree.
  3. >Shit son.
  4. >You decide to pinch yourself to see if you're dreaming.
  5. >...And it doesn't hurt.
  6. >You are now lucid Anon in the middle of the Everfree forest.
  7. What do?
  9. turn into a tree
  11. >You look at a tree and decide to become one with their people.
  12. >With all of your willpower, you concentrate on becoming a tree. You feel branches extending out of you, and you grow taller.
  13. >You are now a tree.
  14. >And you can hear the voices of all the trees.
  15. >"Traitor! He is not one of us!" followed by a lot of hissing.
  16. >Oh my god your nonexistent ears.
  18. Rerolling to hump a tree.
  20. >You inch over to a nearby tree, a smile on your nonexistent face. The nearby tree tries to move but can't, because it's a tree.
  21. >Your branches envelop the other tree, and you proceed to hump it with your trunk. The voices suddenly go silent as they stare in awe at your remarkable humping skill.
  22. >You finish humping the tree and decide to leave your people. You transform back into your normal self.
  23. >You back up rapidly as you hear the tree creak and moan.
  24. >What the actual fuck.
  25. >You should probably look for an exit of some sort.
  27. Burn the entire forest down with magic fire that doesn't hurt you.
  29. >You decide that these motherfucking trees need to be taught a lesson. Whipping out your trusty lighter, you set a nearby tree ablaze. While it's slow to start, it eventually engulfs the whole tree.
  30. >Pyrotechnics.
  31. >You then gasp as the whole forest spontaneously combusts. OH SHIT!
  32. >Panic ensues, and you run around like a madman. Suddenly, a flaming twig falls on you. You wince and pull back only to realize it didn't hurt. So you curiously touch the flame.
  33. >Oh right, you're lucid. Stupid Anon.
  34. >The flame obviously doesn't hurt and so you stand there, marveling at your justice to the world.
  36. Check to see if the local Zigger got hurt. She lives in a tree after all.
  38. >You look around and see a flaming house.
  39. >Fuckingshit.png
  40. >You rush toward the house, hoping no one was inside. As you open the door, smoke fills your eyes.
  41. >"GAH!!" You scream instinctively.
  42. >"Has anyone made an entrance? I am in need of some assistance!" You hear someone say. Did they just rhyme?
  43. >"Where are you?" you cry out in desperation as the voice grows louder.
  44. >"Help me, it burns! Just make a couple left turns!" That rhyming shit is getting old.
  45. >You see her trapped under a beam. And she was also a zebra. Okay, whatever, probably shouldn't question your lucidity.
  46. >She is definitely NOT okay.
  48. Help her if she agrees to suck your dick
  50. >You smirk at her. She's just a dream, so you decide to fuck with her.
  51. >"I'll help you, but here's the trick; you must first agree to suck my dick." Oh god you're never doing that again.
  52. >"Do not rhyme, that's my shtick! And no, I refuse to suck your dick!" She pouts.
  53. >"Uh zebra, not sure you have much of a choice." You motion toward the flaming beam.
  54. >She winces and looks at you with hesitation. "Alright, if I must, but in no way do you earn my trust."
  56. Lift the beam off of her so she can crawl out.
  58. >Feeling satisfied with her agreement, you lift the beam off of her with ungodly strength.
  59. >"We must get out of the smoke, before both of us start to choke!"
  60. >"Couldn't have said it better." You pick her up and walk out of her house, to be met with a lot of pissed off Everfree forest monsters, and a blazing forest.
  61. >Oh shit.
  63. Will the fire out of existence. That's at least one problem taken care of. Though instead of a burned out forest replace it with a normal human one.
  65. >You decide this fire is too much of a problem and you focus your willpower to extinguish the fire. Throughout the forest, fire rapidly extingushes.
  66. >"This magic is extremely black, for the fire has lost its track!"
  67. >Oh shut up you zebra you.
  68. >Looking to the barren plane, you see a town in the distance. Best make note of that. You decide to give the zebra his home back, and you will into existance a ton of realistic trees.
  69. >Maybe too realistic.
  70. >"I have never seen these kinds of trees, they seem to be afflicted with disease!"
  71. >Why is rhymy zebra with you again? Oh right, she agreed to suck your dick.
  72. >"Y'know, you did agree to something..."
  73. >"Those creatures are aggravated, you ignorant ape! Now is not the time for rape!"
  75. Ask what you should do about it. Look for the biggest one and wrestle it into submission! You will now have a manticore mount.
  77. >You hold the zebra close, still not knowing her name. Kind of rude of you, to be honest, but now is not the time. You were confronted by many manticores.
  78. >"What do you plan to do? You are outnumbered; it's many to two."
  79. >You smirk and explain to the small zebra. "You see, I plan on doing something stupid."
  80. >She shakes her head and braces herself on the ground. You charge toward the biggest manticore of the group, the leader probably, and jump on top of it. You use lucid strength to wrestle it down and establish your dominance over it by screaming at it. The other manticores flee from fear.
  81. Acquired: Manticore Mount
  82. >You ride the newly tamed manticore over to the zebra, who was still cowering. "So, what's your name?"
  83. >She talks with her rhyme, even when she's scared. "My name, you ask? It is Zecor--" She looks toward you and jumps. "Why do you ride a manticore?"
  84. >You smile an innocent smile. "I made it my bitch. Wanna ride?" The manticore grumbles but obliged to let the zebra on.
  86. Heck yeah we have a manticore mount. We will call it... Harry. Because he has a lot of hair! Ask Zecora where we should go. Pat the manticores head when you reach whatever destination you reach.
  88. Rerolling then. Let's head to that town we saw off in the distance. Can we put a crown on our head? To look swagger as fuck.
  90. >You decide your manticore mount is worthy of a name.
  91. >"Because you are so hairy, I shall name you Harry!" You proudly proclaim this, and set a crown on top of your head to make your proclamations royal and legitimate.
  92. >"May we please stop with these ridiculous actions? I for one wish to remain a neutral faction."
  93. >"Zecora, shush. Which way is the nearest town? I saw one when the forest was cleared!"
  94. >She sighs and points slightly northwest. "The nearest town is off that way, but once we reach it, please do not put things into disarray."
  95. >You sigh and mutter to yourself about how much you dislike Zecora's rhymes. You also wonder if this town is filled with rhyming zebras too.
  97. Start heading to town. Ask why Zecora doesn't live with the other zebras. Was she exiled? When we're there we're going to proclaim ourselves as king of the manticores!
  99. >You begin to head toward town atop Harry, your loyal subject. The crown made you feel exceptionally regal, and you feel as if you should ask some questions.
  100. >"Zecora? Why do you live all alone?"
  101. >She audibly sighs. "This, my child, is a long tale. It involves religion and who to rightfully hail. For you see, I always stood out. I spoke my opinion and they greeted it with shouts. I refused to praise a false god; I found religion rather odd. I wanted to live all by myself. And so I built a house in the forest using all of my wealth."
  102. >You glance back at her, amazed that she made all that rhyme. "That's a good reason to leave. I wouldn't want to be rejected for my beliefs either."
  103. >She smiles. "That's wonderful, and I no longer am in pain! Hey, that reminds me, what is your name?"
  104. >"Just call me Anon."
  105. Trust Gained!
  106. Party Member Acquired: Zecora
  108. Alright. Let's start singing while we're waiting to get to town. What's a good traveling song? Because all I do is hum music without words.
  110. >You decide to start singing as the town comes into view, because traveling music.
  111. >In your most annoying voice possible, you start to sing...
  113. >Zecora flinches and then sighs. "This song makes me want to put you in a hearse. Oh well, I guess your singing could be worse."
  114. >She's right, it could be worse. It's the perfect time to decide how much your vocal range can stretch.
  115. >"97 BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL, 97 BOTTLES OF--" you cough as you exceed your vocal limit. Never doing that again. You are not a soprano Anon.
  117. Then let's get as crazy as possible. Harry. You're going too slow. but I like you. So we're going to shrink you and put you in our pocket. now imagine a rocket pack on you. pick up the zebra and fly.
  119. >You then realize for like the third time that you are LUCID and can do WHATEVER YOU WANT.
  120. >You proclaim loudly for Harry to stop. He does so with a look of confusion on his face. You hop off and take Zecora off of him.
  121. >"Why do you stop and drag me off by my hair? Anon, can't you see that we're only halfway there?"
  122. >You smirk and shrink the manticore, then proceed to put him in your shirt pocket so he can see what's going on. You pat him gently on the head.
  123. >You then try to will a rocket pack into existance.
  124. >You try harder.
  125. >And harder.
  126. >But nothing comes out. The closest you got was a backpack, and that didn't help much. Can you only will into existance things that exist in the dream world? This shit is complicated.
  127. >You sigh and decide to pick up Zecora and teleport to the town. You are instantly greeted by a flurry of papers and a very angry... purple unicorn? What??
  129. Feign ignorance and ask book pone what's going on.
  131. >You look at her, baffled.
  132. >"WHAT are you DOING? In fact, who are you, and what are you? You're unlike anything I've ever seen." Woah she can talk? Actually, you probably shouldn't be surprised.
  133. >"I don't even know what's going, to be honest. I was minding my own business when I was suddenly dropped into here... Wherever this is." You try your best to sound innocent.
  134. >"You spread my research notes everywhere! The least you could do is help pick them up!" She sighs as she starts to levitate the papers back onto the table. You get up and start to help her.
  136. Let's introduce ourselves to Twilight, including Harry.
  138. >As you clean the final papers off the floor, the purple unicorn smiles. "Thank you for helping. My name is Twilight Sparkle."
  139. >She held out her hoof for you to shake, and so you bent over and shook it, awkward as that was. "I'm Anon. This is Zecora, and here," you take out Harry from your shirt pocket, "is Harry, the manticore."
  140. >Twilight stares intently at the manticore. "Fascinating! A shrink spell, no doubt! But how did you manage to make it so docile?" She looks at you with a curious look and a smile. She was obviously very intent on trying it for herself. What should you do?
  142. Convince twilight you are a master magician and that you will teach her if she has sex with you. (TRIPS)
  144. >You bullshit. You bullshit like there's no tomorrow.
  145. >"I'm actually a trained magician. I didn't want to reveal it, but you've forced me to. I can teach you how to use the spell. But the knowledge is only born inside of me, so we must share it in a special way."
  146. >Twilight looks at you with confusion. "What do you mean, inside of you?"
  147. >You fidget, trying to look like you're having trouble saying this, or like you wouldn't want to do this. "Well, the thing is..." You pause for dramatic effect. "...we have to engage in, uh, sexual intercourse."
  148. >Twilight's mouth hangs open with shock. "Wh-WHAT?"
  149. >You wince. "Well, I am a foreign creature, and that's how we share knowledge."
  150. >She looks to you with a face of contemplation. "Uh, intercourse is actually a way we ponies, uh, reproduce... Not share knowledge. But I guess I can learn the spell later." She blushes and inches away slightly.
  151. >"Nonsense! The sooner the better!"
  152. >She blushes more. "N-no, really, I insist. We can do it sometime later."
  153. >Well, now you have two sex IOUs. Sweet!
  154. Party Member Chance!
  155. Earn Twilight Sparkle's trust!
  157. Explore the town talk to her and get info and shit
  159. >You decide to talk with her a bit longer. Maybe learn more about the town before you head out.
  160. >"Hey Twilight, can you tell me anything important about the town? I know literally nothing about this place." You look at her with curiosity.
  161. >She looks to you and decides to start out with the basics. "Well, there are three races. Actually, technically 4. The first is earth pony, which is exactly what it sounds like. A pony which is grounded to the earth, with no special appendages. The second is the pegasi, which are like normal ponies but they have wings. The third one is unicorn, which looks like myself. We can use magic. The final race is alicorn, which is reserved for royalty only. You could say they're sort of the master race. Also, we all have cutie marks on our flanks, which represent our talents. We also have many different colored manes and coats. The pegasi are in charge of the weather as well, I forgot to mention that. If you need any more information, I'm always here to help. I've got books on most everything." She chuckles.
  162. >You smile at her. "Thanks Twilight. You're a true friend."
  163. >She gasps. "Oh! You must need a place to stay! Since you're a foreigner and I'd love to learn more about your race, you can stay here! I have a spare cot I can pull out." She smiles at you with excitement. "What are you waiting for? Go explore the town and see the sights! There's plenty of time before nightfall. I don't want to keep you waiting!"
  164. Trust Gained!
  165. Party Member Acquired: Twilight Sparkle
  167. Go to Sugarcube Corner
  169. >You decide to ask around and see where you can get something to eat. Quite a few ponies stare and shirk away in fear, but some come up and tell you hesitantly how to get to Sugarcube Corner. You proceed to head there. You open the door and the bell rings.
  170. >"Ding! Customer!" A very cheery and excited voice sounds from the kitchen. She rushes out and to the counter.
  171. >You smile and introduce yourself. "Hey, I'm Anon. You are?"
  172. >The puff of pink smiles and shakes your hand rapidly. "I'm Pinkie Pie! Haven't seen you here before, that means a party!"
  173. >She pulls confetti poppers out of nowhere and pops at least ten of them over your head. "Welcome toooooooo Ponyville! Home of the friendliest ponies around!" She then proceeds to hand you a cupcake with a sparkler stuck inside it. "This one is on the house! Enjoy!"
  174. >You take the cupcake hesitantly, and smile for the pony. She had a major case of ADHD by the looks of it. "You have lots of energy, don't you?"
  175. >"Well duh! I always need energy for parties! Speaking of which, I need to throw you a welcome party!" She smiles and gets ready to rush off before you stop her.
  176. >"Pinkie, wait. I'd rather not have a party yet. I only just got here and I'd like to explore more before I have a party hosted for me." You smile softly, trying not to set her off or anything.
  177. >"Oh, uh, okay. I understand! Some people are like that. Nice to meet you, Nonny!" She smiles as you blow out the sparkler.
  178. Party Member Chance!
  179. Earn Pinkie Pie's--
  180. >"Oh no, it's fine! I already trust Nonny, he just has that look to him! Of course I'll join your party!" Pinkie says to essentially no one.
  181. >"Pinkie, what are you talking about?" You look at her curiously.
  182. >"Oh nothing! That wasn't for you anyway. It was for the other people." She grins. "You won't get it, most people don't. Hehe!"
  183. >You look at her with an odd look before making your way to the exit.
  184. Trust Gained!
  185. Party Member Acquired: Pinkie Pie
  187. Time for some healthy apples
  189. >After that cupcake, you decide that dream cupcakes are still not a good meal. So you make your way to an apple stand and attempt to buy some apples.
  190. >"Won't you buy some apples, mister?" A little filly stares up at you with a hopeful smile.
  191. >"Uh, sure." You remember you don't have any money, so you quickly will some of the local currency into your pockets and pay the filly.
  192. >"Never seen ya 'round here before! Who're you?" She looks at you curiously.
  193. >"Name's Anon. This here is..."
  194. >"Zecora, hey! Ah'm sorry I haven't visited more often! Ah've been real busy with stuff 'round the farm!" She smiles and hugs Zecora.
  195. >"No need to fret, Apple Bloom, you've done no crime. You can come visit when you have the time." Apple Bloom smiles as she hands you some apples.
  196. >"Come again anytime! We appreciate y'all's business!"
  197. >You crunch into the apple. Yay for health!
  199. Try to walk around town and memorize the layout. Just pick a random direction and start walking so you can start to grasp where everything is.
  201. I wonder what manticores eat. We should probably feed Harry some fish.
  203. >You decide to get a better layout of this place. So you spin around and pick a direction. Apparently that direction is east, so you walk that way.
  204. >Quite a few ponies quickly trot away in fear from you, while a couple just stare. One pony actually started following you. And then would not stop.
  205. >"Don't you have anything better to do?"
  206. >The mysterious pony giggles. "With you around, no." You sigh and keep walking. The mare eventually uses magic on your hand to drag you back toward her when you tried to dart ahead.
  207. >"What do you want?" You're losing your patience.
  208. >"I dunno, I just like you." She giggles again.
  209. >"If you're going to keep following me, at least get me some fish or something, I dunno." You told her that to keep her busy, but she was back within five minutes with a fish. My god.
  210. >"Here you go! Anything for you!" She smiles and gives you the fish. You shrink the fish and give it to Harry, because he was being a good manticore and not trying to attack things.
  211. >This mare is getting annoying. You don't even know her name and she acts as if she's infatuated with you. What do?
  213. Thank her for the fish. Ask her to stand still and start touching her horn. What do they feel like? Boy I sure hope this isn't considered lewd. Oh, and ask her name I guess.
  215. >You look toward the mare and thank her for the fish. You pause and wonder how the horn feels. I mean, why not? You motion for the mare to come closer.
  216. >"You don't mind if I touch your horn, right? I'm just curious."
  217. >She blushes wildly. "G-Go ahead." She winks and your eyes widen a little before you hesitantly touch the horn. You run your fingers up and down the ridges. It was oddly smooth, yet it felt warm. It was like a heated stone. The mare's tongue hangs out, and you just noticed. You pull back, afraid that you may have done something lewd.
  218. >"Wh-Why'd you stop?" You look toward her and say with all seriousness, "Is this lewd?"
  219. >She blushes and nods her head hesitantly. "Sorry, I haven't even said my name. It's Lyra Heartstrings."
  220. >You scratch the back of your head. "Mine's Anon."
  221. Party Member Chance!
  222. Trust Fulfilled!
  223. Accept Party Member: Lyra Heartstrings?
  225. Whoops. So it was lewd huh. Heh heh heh. Yes let's accept her. It's hard to find good help. Let's ask where we're going.
  227. Party Member Acquired: Lyra Heartstrings
  228. >You glance toward Lyra. "Where are we going? I've just been walking in a random direction."
  229. >"Heh, actually, this is the way to my house." She drools slightly before she blushes and cleans herself up. "Goodness, I'm so sorry. I've just never met a human before, I'm so nervous." Wait, this is the first time a pony has known you were human. How did she...?
  230. >"Lyra, do you know the time?" You ask, to see how long you have until you need to get back to Twilight's. "Uh, I think it's like mid afternoon so maybe an hour or so? I dunno."
  231. >"Thanks!" You smile.
  233. Do we even know where Twilight lives? She never told us. All she said was that we could stay with her. Ask where Twilight lives. Also ask Lyra how she knew you were human.
  235. >You stop and look toward Lyra. "Hey, do you know where Twilight lives?" She stops and thinks. "Twilight... You mean the library? It's back west of here, I'm pretty sure."
  236. >You sigh in relief and decide to keep walking east, because you can turn directly around and get to Twilight's. And another question strikes you, but you don't know how to say it. Oh well, here goes.
  237. >"Lyra, how'd you know what I am?" She freezes dead in her tracks. "I... Uh..."
  238. >She's paralyzed with nervousness. Obviously she didn't want to reveal anything.
  239. >"Lyra. How did you know about me?"
  240. >She gulps and laughs, sweat dripping down her face. "Uh... M-Magic?" You sigh. Maybe you should press her? Or should you leave her be?
  242. >You decide to press further. "Lyra. You can tell me."
  243. >She refuses and closes her mouth, shaking her head. "Lyra..." She glares at you and motions for you to drop it. You figure that now isn't the time to try to figure out her secrets.
  244. >"Sorry. I guess everyone has secrets, eh?" You smile and stop talking about it.
  245. >Lyra suddenly stops, wide eyed. "Oh no, I forgot!"
  246. >You whirl around on your heels and look at her. "What is it?"
  247. >"I was supposed to meet my roommate for dinner! I'm gonna be late!" She canters off toward her house. "Bye Lyra!"
  248. >"Bye Anon!"
  249. >You stand there for a bit before Zecora speaks up. "I, as well, must be going soon; I must be home before the rise of the moon."
  250. >"I'll visit." You smile.
  251. >"I would be glad to have you in my home. But by nightfall, the forest you should not roam." She smiles.
  252. >"Besides, you still owe me." You smirk at her and she blushes slightly before covering it up.
  253. >"Although you had saved my life, I do not wish to become your wife." She glares at you. "Don't worry, it's a one time thing. Probably."
  254. >She looks at you with a curious glance before she trots off to her house.
  255. >"Just you and me now, Harry." He grumbles slightly.
  257. You follow zecora back to her house to get your "reward".
  259. >You decide to follow Zecora, despite her warning. It might take a while to get to the forest, so you let Harry out of your pocket and grow him back to full size. Because you kept him in your pocket, you pet him and loved on him for a little bit before you hopped on and headed for the forest.
  260. >By the time you got to the forest, it was pretty dark. You could see a couple pairs of eyes peer out at you.
  261. >Gave you chills man.
  262. >But you needed this. No, you DESERVED this. So you motion for Harry to enter the forest, but he seems very reluctant.
  263. >Yeah, that's a bad sign if you ever saw one. He was a pretty big manticore, too. Should you continue on to claim your reward? It's not too late to turn back now.
  265. >Pssh, like some eyes will scare you.
  266. >You summon armor for Harry and yourself. Unfortunately, the armor was pony armor for yourself. You tried to make it work, but some of the stuff was a hard fit. Oh well, you can deal with it.
  267. >You wield in your hand a cutlass. You motion for Harry to get ready to charge, and you utter the only phrase suited for this situation.
  269. >You charge in on top of your trusty steed and brace for any combat. As smoke from Zecora's chimney comes into view, a beast unlike any you'd ever seen jumped out at you. It looked to be a wooden wolf? But it was alive...
  270. >You rear Harry and challenge the beast!
  271. Battle Engaged!
  272. ~~~~~
  273. Anon's HP: 300/300
  274. Timberwolf's HP: 500/500
  276. Available Moves:
  277. >Claw Swipe
  278. >Slice
  279. >Sweeping Kick
  280. >Projectile
  281. ~~~~~
  282. >You used Claw Swipe!
  283. >Harry swipes at the timberwolf and catches it off guard. It flinches and takes some extra damage. You cheer as it regains its composure.
  285. Anon's HP: 300/300
  286. Timberwolf's HP: 362/500
  288. Available Moves:
  289. >Claw Swipe
  290. >Slice
  291. >Sweeping Kick
  292. >Projectile
  293. ~~~~~
  294. >You used Slice!
  295. >You dash in with your cutlass and slice that wolf in the face. Then you spin and do a backhanded slice right to the face again! That's going to leave a huge mark.
  296. >The timberwolf retaliates and gashes you in the arm. That'll hurt.
  298. Anon's HP: 247/300
  299. Timberwolf's HP: 203/500
  301. Available Moves:
  302. >Claw Swipe
  303. >Slice
  304. >Sweeping Kick
  305. >Projectile
  306. ~~~~~
  307. >You decide to pick up a rock and throw it at the wood wolf. Really... What did you think that was going to--
  308. >The rock pierces through the head of the wooden canine, knocking it cleanly off.
  310. Anon's HP: 247/300
  311. Timberwolf's HP: 0/500
  313. You win the battle!
  314. ~~~~~
  315. >Most of the creatures retreat as you yell ferociously. You had slain the beast! Now to claim your prize!
  316. >You walk to Zecora's house and knock calmly on the door. On the other side, Zecora opens a cabinet and hides inside of it.
  317. >Y'know, you'd think you'd listen by now. You remember Zecora mentioning not to be in the forest during nightfall. You turn around and see the reason why.
  318. >At least fifty pairs of eyes stare viciously at you and Harry. He tries to stand his ground but gets scared at the many growls from the trees.
  319. >Oh shit.
  320. >What do, and fast!
  322. Shrink harry. Put in your pocket. Run inside zecoras house and slam the door shut.
  324. >Thinking quickly, you shrink Harry and put him in your pocket, then quickly shut yourself inside Zecora's home. Good thing too, the mystery beasts started screeching at you.
  325. >Ow, your ears.
  326. >"Fool, why are you here! I told you the night forest is a place to fear!"
  327. >You look calmly toward Zecora. "I might have pissed off every creature in the forest. How have you been?"
  328. >She grumbles and sprinkles some dust around the windows that causes the beasts to lay off of your ass for a bit. It also causes Harry to whimper.
  329. >"Why did you come? That action was rather dumb." She was insulting you IN RHYME.
  330. >"Sorry, I just thought I'd get my IOU and be on my way."
  331. >"No way, I am not in the mood! Not what after you did. So rude!"
  332. >"Listen, I'm sorry. At least I managed to defeat one on the way here."
  333. >She looks at you with horror. "You did what, Anon? Slayed a beast? Oh no, that trouble is now our least." That doesn't sound good.
  334. >You hear a loud thumping in the distance. That is DEFINITELY NOT GOOD.
  336. Yeah we're not getting out of this one. Ask what that is and what you should do about it. Maybe starting another fire will help.
  338. >You look at Zecora with panic. "What can I do?"
  339. >She looks around nervously. "This, I'm afraid, I do not know. All I can feel is my fear grow.
  340. >You fidget nervously and decide to light a tree on fire to scare him away.
  341. >"ANON! What have you done?! Now there is no way you can run!" In a flurry of panic, she hides in her closet. "Anon, hide if you know what is best. Truly you have put this creature to the test."
  342. >Yeah you're going to go with hide? You look out the window at the forest, somehow engulfed in flames again.
  343. >Fuck.
  345. if you want an epic battle we could summon a sword that's on fire. nothing can beat a flaming sword.
  347. >You decide to tough it out like a man. You conjure up the biggest sword you can think of, light it on fire, and then run outside.
  348. >"what."
  349. >You stare up at the white alicorn firing beams of light from her horn. And your mouth drops open.
  350. >"what."
  351. >You're pretty much shocked. Enough of that though, you decide to jump up and attack the beast! Running toward it, you lunge forward...
  352. >Onto the ground, because Celestia had already dealt with it. You took too long, but it wasn't really your fault. It was the weiter's fault.
  353. >"Are you okay?" A question reaches your ears in a soothing voice. It sounded almost godlike.
  354. >"Y-Yeah." You hold your sword in your hand, trembling. She was intimidating, but she also felt warm and compassionate. Like a mother.
  355. >"I am Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria. You are?"
  356. >Your words fumble out of your mouth. "A-Anon..."
  357. >She smiles warmly at you. "It's wonderful to meet you. I hope you are treated with respect and hospitality, as with all my subjects."
  358. >"Thanks."
  359. >With a glow of her horn, she repairs the forest to it's original state, as if you hadn't started any fire at all.
  360. >"Would you like an escort to the nearest town? I doubt you want to stay in the forest after that incident."
  362. Yeah let's go. Bye Zecora. Sorry about all.... this.
  364. >You graciously accept the request and hop upon her back. It was surprisingly comfortable.
  365. >It dawned on you that you were riding a winged unicorn with powers comparable to Jesus. Wow, that's not something you dream of every day.
  366. >You look below at the land below. "It's beautiful."
  367. >"I'm flattered." Celestia smiles as she flutters her wings in the wind. "Sometimes I prefer to fly rather than teleport. I love to look upon the land, because it makes me happy to know my people are at peace."
  368. >You marvel at how far the land stretches. It extended past the horizon. "Princess... This is amazing. Truly. I don't think I could ever see a sight like this again."
  369. >She looks at you with a hint of curiosity. Was that curiosity? You couldn't tell. "Why is that?"
  370. >"Well, I obviously can't fly," you say, trying not to be blunt. Celestia chuckles. "Oh Anon, you have so much untapped potential. All that's left is for you to find it."
  371. >You notice that you were descending to the ground. Specifically, Twilight's home.
  372. >"I'll be watching you, Anon. I'm eager to see what you will do next." With that, the princess takes off.
  373. Trust Earned
  374. Trust: 2/100
  376. Knock on the door. Go inside.
  378. >You knock on the door and are greeted by a sleepy Twilight. "Oh hey Anon. The cot's upstairs." She yawns and stumbles back into her bed. You follow behind her and slump into the cot beside her bed. Well, guess this was the end of your adventure. It was fun.
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