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Mar 21st, 2018
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Bash 24.69 KB | None | 0 0
  2. ########## wireless info START ##########
  4. Report from: 21 Mar 2018 15:23 CET +0100
  6. Booted last: 21 Mar 2018 00:00 CET +0100
  8. Script from: 10 Jan 2018 20:04 UTC +0000
  10. ##### release ###########################
  12. Distributor ID: Ubuntu
  13. Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
  14. Release:    16.04
  15. Codename:   xenial
  17. ##### kernel ############################
  19. Linux 4.4.0-116-generic #140-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 12 21:23:04 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  21. Parameters: ro, quiet, splash, vt.handoff=7
  23. ##### desktop ###########################
  25. Xubuntu
  27. ##### lspci #############################
  29. 02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller [10ec:8168] (rev 0c)
  30.     Subsystem: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller [10ec:0123]
  31.     Kernel driver in use: r8169
  33. 03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Qualcomm Atheros QCA6174 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [168c:003e] (rev ff)
  34.     Kernel driver in use: ath10k_pci
  35.     Kernel modules: ath10k_pci
  37. ##### lsusb #############################
  39. Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0bda:0129 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTS5129 Card Reader Controller
  40. Bus 001 Device 004: ID 04f2:b469 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd
  41. Bus 001 Device 003: ID 04ca:3011 Lite-On Technology Corp.
  42. Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:8001 Intel Corp.
  43. Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
  44. Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
  45. Bus 002 Device 002: ID 046d:c03e Logitech, Inc. Premium Optical Wheel Mouse (M-BT58)
  46. Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
  48. ##### PCMCIA card info ##################
  50. ##### rfkill ############################
  52. 0: hci0: Bluetooth
  53.     Soft blocked: no
  54.     Hard blocked: no
  55. 1: acer-wireless: Wireless LAN
  56.     Soft blocked: no
  57.     Hard blocked: no
  58. 2: phy0: Wireless LAN
  59.     Soft blocked: no
  60.     Hard blocked: no
  62. ##### lsmod #############################
  64. acer_wmi               20480  0
  65. ath10k_pci             45056  0
  66. ath10k_core           315392  1 ath10k_pci
  67. ath                    32768  1 ath10k_core
  68. mac80211              737280  1 ath10k_core
  69. cfg80211              565248  3 ath,mac80211,ath10k_core
  70. snd_soc_rt5640        114688  0
  71. snd_soc_rl6231         16384  1 snd_soc_rt5640
  72. snd_soc_core          212992  2 snd_soc_rt5640,snd_soc_ssm4567
  73. snd_pcm               106496  7 snd_soc_rt5640,snd_soc_core,snd_hda_codec_hdmi,snd_hda_codec,snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_dmaengine,snd_hda_core
  74. sparse_keymap          16384  2 acer_wmi,intel_vbtn
  75. mxm_wmi                16384  1 nouveau
  76. wmi                    20480  3 acer_wmi,mxm_wmi,nouveau
  77. video                  40960  3 i915,acer_wmi,nouveau
  79. ##### interfaces ########################
  81. [/etc/network/interfaces]
  82. auto lo
  83. iface lo inet loopback
  85. ##### ifconfig ##########################
  87. enp2s0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr <MAC 'enp2s0' [IF1]>  
  88.           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  89.           inet6 addr: fe80::859b:e9ba:71b5:75a5/64 Scope:Link
  90.           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
  91.           RX packets:1228 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  92.           TX packets:1203 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  93.           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  94.           RX bytes:621932 (621.9 KB)  TX bytes:177356 (177.3 KB)
  96. lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
  97.           inet addr:  Mask:
  98.           inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
  99.           UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
  100.           RX packets:352 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  101.           TX packets:352 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  102.           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1
  103.           RX bytes:38507 (38.5 KB)  TX bytes:38507 (38.5 KB)
  105. wlp3s0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr <MAC 'wlp3s0' [IF2]>  
  106.           BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
  107.           RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  108.           TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  109.           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  110.           RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
  112. ##### iwconfig ##########################
  114. enp2s0    no wireless extensions.
  116. lo        no wireless extensions.
  118. wlp3s0    IEEE 802.11abgn  ESSID:off/any  
  119.           Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=0 dBm  
  120.           Retry short limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
  121.           Power Management:on
  124. ##### route #############################
  126. Kernel IP routing table
  127. Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
  128.         UG    100    0        0 enp2s0
  129.     U     1000   0        0 enp2s0
  130.   U     100    0        0 enp2s0
  132. ##### resolv.conf #######################
  134. nameserver
  136. ##### network managers ##################
  138. Installed:
  140.     NetworkManager
  142. Running:
  144. root       839     1  1 15:20 ?        00:00:03 /usr/sbin/NetworkManager --no-daemon
  146. ##### NetworkManager info ###############
  148. GENERAL.DEVICE:                         enp2s0
  149. GENERAL.TYPE:                           ethernet
  150. GENERAL.NM-TYPE:                        NMDeviceEthernet
  151. GENERAL.VENDOR:                         Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
  152. GENERAL.PRODUCT:                        RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller
  153. GENERAL.DRIVER:                         r8169
  154. GENERAL.DRIVER-VERSION:                 2.3LK-NAPI
  155. GENERAL.FIRMWARE-VERSION:              
  156. GENERAL.HWADDR:                         <MAC 'enp2s0' [IF1]>
  157. GENERAL.MTU:                            1500
  158. GENERAL.STATE:                          100 (connected)
  159. GENERAL.REASON:                         0 (No reason given)
  160. GENERAL.UDI:                            /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.2/0000:02:00.0/net/enp2s0
  161. GENERAL.IP-IFACE:                       enp2s0
  162. GENERAL.IS-SOFTWARE:                    no
  163. GENERAL.NM-MANAGED:                     yes
  164. GENERAL.AUTOCONNECT:                    yes
  165. GENERAL.FIRMWARE-MISSING:               no
  166. GENERAL.NM-PLUGIN-MISSING:              no
  167. GENERAL.PHYS-PORT-ID:                   --
  168. GENERAL.CONNECTION:                     Wired connection 1
  169. GENERAL.CON-UUID:                       28a5ee72-bc6e-3a3f-8f76-14ce5d20e6a5
  170. GENERAL.CON-PATH:                       /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/0
  171. GENERAL.METERED:                        no (guessed)
  172. CAPABILITIES.CARRIER-DETECT:            yes
  173. CAPABILITIES.SPEED:                     1000 Mb/s
  174. CAPABILITIES.IS-SOFTWARE:               no
  175. WIRED-PROPERTIES.CARRIER:               on
  176. CONNECTIONS.AVAILABLE-CONNECTION-PATHS: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/{0}
  177. CONNECTIONS.AVAILABLE-CONNECTIONS[1]:   28a5ee72-bc6e-3a3f-8f76-14ce5d20e6a5 | Wired connection 1
  178. IP4.ADDRESS[1]:               
  179. IP4.GATEWAY:                  
  180. IP4.ROUTE[1]:                           dst =, nh =, mt = 1000
  181. IP4.DNS[1]:                   
  182. DHCP4.OPTION[1]:                        requested_subnet_mask = 1
  183. DHCP4.OPTION[2]:                        requested_rfc3442_classless_static_routes = 1
  184. DHCP4.OPTION[3]:                        subnet_mask =
  185. DHCP4.OPTION[4]:                        domain_name_servers =
  186. DHCP4.OPTION[5]:                        ip_address =
  187. DHCP4.OPTION[6]:                        requested_static_routes = 1
  188. DHCP4.OPTION[7]:                        dhcp_server_identifier =
  189. DHCP4.OPTION[8]:                        requested_time_offset = 1
  190. DHCP4.OPTION[9]:                        broadcast_address =
  191. DHCP4.OPTION[10]:                       requested_interface_mtu = 1
  192. DHCP4.OPTION[11]:                       dhcp_rebinding_time = 75600
  193. DHCP4.OPTION[12]:                       requested_domain_name_servers = 1
  194. DHCP4.OPTION[13]:                       dhcp_message_type = 5
  195. DHCP4.OPTION[14]:                       requested_broadcast_address = 1
  196. DHCP4.OPTION[15]:                       routers =
  197. DHCP4.OPTION[16]:                       wpad = a
  198. DHCP4.OPTION[17]:                       dhcp_renewal_time = 43200
  199. DHCP4.OPTION[18]:                       requested_domain_name = 1
  200. DHCP4.OPTION[19]:                       requested_routers = 1
  201. DHCP4.OPTION[20]:                       expiry = 1521728438
  202. DHCP4.OPTION[21]:                       requested_wpad = 1
  203. DHCP4.OPTION[22]:                       host_name = andreas-Aspire-VN7-571G
  204. DHCP4.OPTION[23]:                       requested_netbios_scope = 1
  205. DHCP4.OPTION[24]:                       requested_ms_classless_static_routes = 1
  206. DHCP4.OPTION[25]:                       requested_netbios_name_servers = 1
  207. DHCP4.OPTION[26]:                       network_number =
  208. DHCP4.OPTION[27]:                       requested_domain_search = 1
  209. DHCP4.OPTION[28]:                       requested_ntp_servers = 1
  210. DHCP4.OPTION[29]:                       next_server =
  211. DHCP4.OPTION[30]:                       requested_host_name = 1
  212. DHCP4.OPTION[31]:                       dhcp_lease_time = 86400
  213. IP6.ADDRESS[1]:                         fe80::859b:e9ba:71b5:75a5/64
  214. IP6.GATEWAY:                            
  216. GENERAL.DEVICE:                         wlp3s0
  217. GENERAL.TYPE:                           wifi
  218. GENERAL.NM-TYPE:                        NMDeviceWifi
  219. GENERAL.VENDOR:                         Qualcomm Atheros
  220. GENERAL.PRODUCT:                        QCA6174 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter
  221. GENERAL.DRIVER:                         ath10k_pci
  222. GENERAL.DRIVER-VERSION:                 4.4.0-116-generic
  223. GENERAL.FIRMWARE-VERSION:               SW_RM.1.1.1-00157-QCARMSWPZ-1
  224. GENERAL.HWADDR:                         <MAC 'wlp3s0' [IF2]>
  225. GENERAL.MTU:                            1500
  226. GENERAL.STATE:                          20 (unavailable)
  227. GENERAL.REASON:                         2 (Device is now managed)
  228. GENERAL.UDI:                            /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.3/0000:03:00.0/net/wlp3s0
  229. GENERAL.IP-IFACE:                      
  230. GENERAL.IS-SOFTWARE:                    no
  231. GENERAL.NM-MANAGED:                     yes
  232. GENERAL.AUTOCONNECT:                    yes
  233. GENERAL.FIRMWARE-MISSING:               no
  234. GENERAL.NM-PLUGIN-MISSING:              no
  235. GENERAL.PHYS-PORT-ID:                   --
  236. GENERAL.CONNECTION:                     --
  237. GENERAL.CON-UUID:                       --
  238. GENERAL.CON-PATH:                       --
  239. GENERAL.METERED:                        unknown
  241. CAPABILITIES.SPEED:                     unknown
  242. CAPABILITIES.IS-SOFTWARE:               no
  243. WIFI-PROPERTIES.WEP:                    yes
  244. WIFI-PROPERTIES.WPA:                    yes
  245. WIFI-PROPERTIES.WPA2:                   yes
  246. WIFI-PROPERTIES.TKIP:                   yes
  247. WIFI-PROPERTIES.CCMP:                   yes
  248. WIFI-PROPERTIES.AP:                     yes
  249. WIFI-PROPERTIES.ADHOC:                  yes
  250. WIFI-PROPERTIES.2GHZ:                   yes
  251. WIFI-PROPERTIES.5GHZ:                   yes
  256. ##### NetworkManager.state ##############
  258. [main]
  259. NetworkingEnabled=true
  260. WirelessEnabled=true
  261. WWANEnabled=true
  263. ##### NetworkManager.conf ###############
  265. [main]
  266. plugins=ifupdown,keyfile,ofono
  267. dns=dnsmasq
  269. [ifupdown]
  270. managed=false
  272. ##### NetworkManager profiles ###########
  274. ##### Netplan config ####################
  276. ##### iw reg get ########################
  278. Region: Europe/Berlin (based on set time zone)
  280. country 00: DFS-UNSET
  281.     (2402 - 2472 @ 40), (N/A, 20), (N/A)
  282.     (2457 - 2482 @ 40), (N/A, 20), (N/A), NO-IR
  283.     (2474 - 2494 @ 20), (N/A, 20), (N/A), NO-OFDM, NO-IR
  284.     (5170 - 5250 @ 80), (N/A, 20), (N/A), NO-IR
  285.     (5250 - 5330 @ 80), (N/A, 20), (0 ms), DFS, NO-IR
  286.     (5490 - 5730 @ 160), (N/A, 20), (0 ms), DFS, NO-IR
  287.     (5735 - 5835 @ 80), (N/A, 20), (N/A), NO-IR
  288.     (57240 - 63720 @ 2160), (N/A, 0), (N/A)
  290. ##### iwlist channels ###################
  292. enp2s0    no frequency information.
  294. lo        no frequency information.
  296. wlp3s0    32 channels in total; available frequencies :
  297.           Channel 01 : 2.412 GHz
  298.           Channel 02 : 2.417 GHz
  299.           Channel 03 : 2.422 GHz
  300.           Channel 04 : 2.427 GHz
  301.           Channel 05 : 2.432 GHz
  302.           Channel 06 : 2.437 GHz
  303.           Channel 07 : 2.442 GHz
  304.           Channel 08 : 2.447 GHz
  305.           Channel 09 : 2.452 GHz
  306.           Channel 10 : 2.457 GHz
  307.           Channel 11 : 2.462 GHz
  308.           Channel 12 : 2.467 GHz
  309.           Channel 13 : 2.472 GHz
  310.           Channel 36 : 5.18 GHz
  311.           Channel 40 : 5.2 GHz
  312.           Channel 44 : 5.22 GHz
  313.           Channel 48 : 5.24 GHz
  314.           Channel 52 : 5.26 GHz
  315.           Channel 56 : 5.28 GHz
  316.           Channel 60 : 5.3 GHz
  317.           Channel 64 : 5.32 GHz
  318.           Channel 100 : 5.5 GHz
  319.           Channel 104 : 5.52 GHz
  320.           Channel 108 : 5.54 GHz
  321.           Channel 112 : 5.56 GHz
  322.           Channel 116 : 5.58 GHz
  323.           Channel 120 : 5.6 GHz
  324.           Channel 124 : 5.62 GHz
  325.           Channel 128 : 5.64 GHz
  326.           Channel 132 : 5.66 GHz
  327.           Channel 136 : 5.68 GHz
  328.           Channel 140 : 5.7 GHz
  330. ##### iwlist scan #######################
  332. wlp3s0    Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down
  334. enp2s0    Interface doesn't support scanning.
  336. lo        Interface doesn't support scanning.
  338. ##### module infos ######################
  340. [ath10k_pci]
  341. filename:       /lib/modules/4.4.0-116-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath10k/ath10k_pci.ko
  342. firmware:       ath10k/QCA9377/hw1.0/board.bin
  343. firmware:       ath10k/QCA9377/hw1.0/firmware-5.bin
  344. firmware:       ath10k/QCA6174/hw3.0/board-2.bin
  345. firmware:       ath10k/QCA6174/hw3.0/board.bin
  346. firmware:       ath10k/QCA6174/hw3.0/firmware-5.bin
  347. firmware:       ath10k/QCA6174/hw3.0/firmware-4.bin
  348. firmware:       ath10k/QCA6174/hw2.1/board-2.bin
  349. firmware:       ath10k/QCA6174/hw2.1/board.bin
  350. firmware:       ath10k/QCA6174/hw2.1/firmware-5.bin
  351. firmware:       ath10k/QCA6174/hw2.1/firmware-4.bin
  352. firmware:       ath10k/QCA988X/hw2.0/board-2.bin
  353. firmware:       ath10k/QCA988X/hw2.0/board.bin
  354. firmware:       ath10k/QCA988X/hw2.0/firmware-5.bin
  355. firmware:       ath10k/QCA988X/hw2.0/firmware-4.bin
  356. firmware:       ath10k/QCA988X/hw2.0/firmware-3.bin
  357. firmware:       ath10k/QCA988X/hw2.0/firmware-2.bin
  358. firmware:       ath10k/QCA988X/hw2.0/firmware.bin
  359. license:        Dual BSD/GPL
  360. description:    Driver support for Atheros QCA988X PCIe devices
  361. author:         Qualcomm Atheros
  362. srcversion:     5F58F07B355E62C1D93DF6E
  363. depends:        ath10k_core
  364. intree:         Y
  365. vermagic:       4.4.0-116-generic SMP mod_unload modversions retpoline
  366. parm:           irq_mode:0: auto, 1: legacy, 2: msi (default: 0) (uint)
  367. parm:           reset_mode:0: auto, 1: warm only (default: 0) (uint)
  369. [ath10k_core]
  370. filename:       /lib/modules/4.4.0-116-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath10k/ath10k_core.ko
  371. license:        Dual BSD/GPL
  372. description:    Core module for QCA988X PCIe devices.
  373. author:         Qualcomm Atheros
  374. srcversion:     76376CB793DAED5EDBF4688
  375. depends:        mac80211,cfg80211,ath
  376. intree:         Y
  377. vermagic:       4.4.0-116-generic SMP mod_unload modversions retpoline
  378. parm:           debug_mask:Debugging mask (uint)
  379. parm:           uart_print:Uart target debugging (bool)
  380. parm:           skip_otp:Skip otp failure for calibration in testmode (bool)
  381. parm:           cryptmode:Crypto mode: 0-hardware, 1-software (uint)
  382. parm:           rawmode:Use raw 802.11 frame datapath (bool)
  384. [ath]
  385. filename:       /lib/modules/4.4.0-116-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath.ko
  386. license:        Dual BSD/GPL
  387. description:    Shared library for Atheros wireless LAN cards.
  388. author:         Atheros Communications
  389. srcversion:     3FCDBF7CE71CB8FB980D59D
  390. depends:        cfg80211
  391. intree:         Y
  392. vermagic:       4.4.0-116-generic SMP mod_unload modversions retpoline
  394. [mac80211]
  395. filename:       /lib/modules/4.4.0-116-generic/kernel/net/mac80211/mac80211.ko
  396. license:        GPL
  397. description:    IEEE 802.11 subsystem
  398. srcversion:     0AD8BFD6BB3C27B3A487221
  399. depends:        cfg80211
  400. intree:         Y
  401. vermagic:       4.4.0-116-generic SMP mod_unload modversions retpoline
  402. parm:           minstrel_vht_only:Use only VHT rates when VHT is supported by sta. (bool)
  403. parm:           max_nullfunc_tries:Maximum nullfunc tx tries before disconnecting (reason 4). (int)
  404. parm:           max_probe_tries:Maximum probe tries before disconnecting (reason 4). (int)
  405. parm:           beacon_loss_count:Number of beacon intervals before we decide beacon was lost. (int)
  406. parm:           probe_wait_ms:Maximum time(ms) to wait for probe response before disconnecting (reason 4). (int)
  407. parm:           ieee80211_default_rc_algo:Default rate control algorithm for mac80211 to use (charp)
  409. [cfg80211]
  410. filename:       /lib/modules/4.4.0-116-generic/kernel/net/wireless/cfg80211.ko
  411. description:    wireless configuration support
  412. license:        GPL
  413. author:         Johannes Berg
  414. srcversion:     D2A8E57424453F0D1BE1DBE
  415. depends:        
  416. intree:         Y
  417. vermagic:       4.4.0-116-generic SMP mod_unload modversions retpoline
  418. parm:           bss_entries_limit:limit to number of scan BSS entries (per wiphy, default 1000) (int)
  419. parm:           ieee80211_regdom:IEEE 802.11 regulatory domain code (charp)
  420. parm:           cfg80211_disable_40mhz_24ghz:Disable 40MHz support in the 2.4GHz band (bool)
  422. ##### module parameters #################
  424. [ath10k_pci]
  425. irq_mode: 0
  426. reset_mode: 0
  428. [ath10k_core]
  429. cryptmode: 0
  430. debug_mask: 0
  431. rawmode: N
  432. skip_otp: N
  433. uart_print: N
  435. [mac80211]
  436. beacon_loss_count: 7
  437. ieee80211_default_rc_algo: minstrel_ht
  438. max_nullfunc_tries: 2
  439. max_probe_tries: 5
  440. minstrel_vht_only: Y
  441. probe_wait_ms: 500
  443. [cfg80211]
  444. bss_entries_limit: 1000
  445. cfg80211_disable_40mhz_24ghz: N
  446. ieee80211_regdom: 00
  448. ##### /etc/modules ######################
  450. ##### modprobe options ##################
  452. [/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ath_pci.conf]
  453. blacklist ath_pci
  455. [/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf]
  456. blacklist evbug
  457. blacklist usbmouse
  458. blacklist usbkbd
  459. blacklist eepro100
  460. blacklist de4x5
  461. blacklist eth1394
  462. blacklist snd_intel8x0m
  463. blacklist snd_aw2
  464. blacklist i2c_i801
  465. blacklist prism54
  466. blacklist bcm43xx
  467. blacklist garmin_gps
  468. blacklist asus_acpi
  469. blacklist snd_pcsp
  470. blacklist pcspkr
  471. blacklist amd76x_edac
  473. [/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-rare-network.conf]
  474. alias net-pf-3 off
  475. alias net-pf-6 off
  476. alias net-pf-9 off
  477. alias net-pf-11 off
  478. alias net-pf-12 off
  479. alias net-pf-19 off
  480. alias net-pf-21 off
  481. alias net-pf-36 off
  483. [/etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf]
  484. remove iwlwifi \
  485. (/sbin/lsmod | grep -o -e ^iwlmvm -e ^iwldvm -e ^iwlwifi | xargs /sbin/rmmod) \
  486. && /sbin/modprobe -r mac80211
  488. [/etc/modprobe.d/mlx4.conf]
  489. softdep mlx4_core post: mlx4_en
  491. ##### rc.local ##########################
  493. exit 0
  495. ##### pm-utils ##########################
  497. ##### udev rules ########################
  499. ##### dmesg #############################
  501. [   63.284017] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to read device register, device is gone
  502. [   63.374407] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: firmware crashed! (uuid 4d66cc5b-0fe8-4733-b7ff-02903248b775)
  503. [   63.374415] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: qca6174 hw2.1 (0x05010000, 0x003405ff sub 11ad:0804) fw SW_RM.1.1.1-00157-QCARMSWPZ-1 fwapi 5 bdapi 2 htt-ver 3.1 wmi-op 4 htt-op 3 cal otp max-sta 32 raw 0 hwcrypto 1 features ignore-otp,no-4addr-pad
  504. [   63.374417] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: debug 0 debugfs 1 tracing 1 dfs 0 testmode 0
  505. [   63.374425] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to read firmware dump area: -28
  506. [   63.374429] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to reset chip: -5
  507. [   63.374431] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: Could not init hif: -5
  508. [   64.993099] ath10k_warn: 145 callbacks suppressed
  509. [   64.993119] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to wake target for read32 at 0x0003a028: -110 (repeated 10 times)
  510. [   66.692284] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to read device register, device is gone
  511. [   66.782714] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: firmware crashed! (uuid 4e61d800-2aff-45b8-ab7f-8dfc4136e355)
  512. [   66.782725] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: qca6174 hw2.1 (0x05010000, 0x003405ff sub 11ad:0804) fw SW_RM.1.1.1-00157-QCARMSWPZ-1 fwapi 5 bdapi 2 htt-ver 3.1 wmi-op 4 htt-op 3 cal otp max-sta 32 raw 0 hwcrypto 1 features ignore-otp,no-4addr-pad
  513. [   66.782728] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: debug 0 debugfs 1 tracing 1 dfs 0 testmode 0
  514. [   66.782733] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to read firmware dump area: -28
  515. [   66.782738] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to reset chip: -5
  516. [   66.782741] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: Could not init hif: -5
  517. [   76.940542] ath10k_warn: 52 callbacks suppressed
  518. [   76.940546] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to wake target for read32 at 0x00080008: -110
  519. [   76.970687] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to wake target for write32 of 0xffffffff at 0x00080008: -110
  520. [   77.023561] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to wake target for write32 of 0xfffffffe at 0x00080008: -110
  521. [   77.079520] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to wake target for read32 at 0x0003a028: -110 (repeated 7 times)
  522. [   80.343324] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to read device register, device is gone
  523. [   80.458430] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: firmware crashed! (uuid e8510b3a-065b-4595-81ff-cbe61d6525a9)
  524. [   80.458437] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: qca6174 hw2.1 (0x05010000, 0x003405ff sub 11ad:0804) fw SW_RM.1.1.1-00157-QCARMSWPZ-1 fwapi 5 bdapi 2 htt-ver 3.1 wmi-op 4 htt-op 3 cal otp max-sta 32 raw 0 hwcrypto 1 features ignore-otp,no-4addr-pad
  525. [   80.458440] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: debug 0 debugfs 1 tracing 1 dfs 0 testmode 0
  526. [   80.458444] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to read firmware dump area: -28
  527. [   80.458448] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to reset chip: -5
  528. [   80.458450] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: Could not init hif: -5
  529. [   81.978486] ath10k_warn: 137 callbacks suppressed
  530. [   81.978491] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to wake target for read32 at 0x0003a028: -110 (repeated 10 times)
  531. [   83.922541] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to read device register, device is gone
  532. [   84.062241] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: firmware crashed! (uuid 8dae4f80-6899-4f87-9b9a-9b81e9bb162b)
  533. [   84.062271] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: qca6174 hw2.1 (0x05010000, 0x003405ff sub 11ad:0804) fw SW_RM.1.1.1-00157-QCARMSWPZ-1 fwapi 5 bdapi 2 htt-ver 3.1 wmi-op 4 htt-op 3 cal otp max-sta 32 raw 0 hwcrypto 1 features ignore-otp,no-4addr-pad
  534. [   84.062282] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: debug 0 debugfs 1 tracing 1 dfs 0 testmode 0
  535. [   84.062297] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to read firmware dump area: -28
  536. [   84.062311] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to reset chip: -5
  537. [   84.062335] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: Could not init hif: -5
  538. [   93.933693] ath10k_warn: 52 callbacks suppressed
  539. [   93.933698] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to wake target for read32 at 0x00080008: -110
  540. [   93.988331] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to wake target for write32 of 0xffffffff at 0x00080008: -110
  541. [   94.039066] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to wake target for write32 of 0xfffffffe at 0x00080008: -110
  542. [   94.115788] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to wake target for read32 at 0x0003a028: -110 (repeated 7 times)
  543. [   97.286167] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to read device register, device is gone
  544. [   97.401387] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: firmware crashed! (uuid aebded80-bd3c-4abf-94b2-71d1e1bea044)
  545. [   97.401400] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: qca6174 hw2.1 (0x05010000, 0x003405ff sub 11ad:0804) fw SW_RM.1.1.1-00157-QCARMSWPZ-1 fwapi 5 bdapi 2 htt-ver 3.1 wmi-op 4 htt-op 3 cal otp max-sta 32 raw 0 hwcrypto 1 features ignore-otp,no-4addr-pad
  546. [   97.401404] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: debug 0 debugfs 1 tracing 1 dfs 0 testmode 0
  547. [   97.401418] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to read firmware dump area: -28
  548. [   97.401425] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to reset chip: -5
  549. [   97.401429] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: Could not init hif: -5
  550. [   99.016500] ath10k_warn: 136 callbacks suppressed
  551. [   99.016507] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to wake target for read32 at 0x0003a028: -110 (repeated 10 times)
  552. [  100.851788] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to read device register, device is gone
  553. [  100.942214] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: firmware crashed! (uuid 4a371186-b79c-423e-94d5-fea7c5f7a4a2)
  554. [  100.942221] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: qca6174 hw2.1 (0x05010000, 0x003405ff sub 11ad:0804) fw SW_RM.1.1.1-00157-QCARMSWPZ-1 fwapi 5 bdapi 2 htt-ver 3.1 wmi-op 4 htt-op 3 cal otp max-sta 32 raw 0 hwcrypto 1 features ignore-otp,no-4addr-pad
  555. [  100.942224] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: debug 0 debugfs 1 tracing 1 dfs 0 testmode 0
  556. [  100.942228] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to read firmware dump area: -28
  557. [  100.942232] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: failed to reset chip: -5
  558. [  100.942234] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: Could not init hif: -5
  560. ########## wireless info END ############
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