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Sep 26th, 2023
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  1. Billie pushed up with her legs, powering forward. She crashed through the display board, splitting it clean in two. Blanco, standing further back, saw her first, and was already turning to run for the door when Billie tackled him, throwing her entire weight behind her raised forearm, aiming squarely for the man’s larynx. The arm connected, something audibly popped, and Blanco collapsed. Billie landed astride him on her knees, but without pause she stood, spun around, and kicked out. As she had anticipated, the first guard, his reactions slow thanks to the element of surprise, was still raising himself from the awkward position he had been in, leaning over Hearne. He still had his dagger clutched in one hand, but wasn’t ready for any kind of attack.
  2. Billie’s foot took him in the side of his head just as he was standing. He yelled out, his right arm swinging randomly, the dagger still held only loosely. Billie blocked the arm, and chopped down on the hand, sending the knife to the floor. With Blanco choking behind her, Billie rushed forward, pressing the assault, shoving the first guard back into the shattered display board, tripping him over the heavy base of its wheeled frame. The guard hit the floor flat on his back, but immediately kicked his legs, trying to untangle himself from the frame. Billie stepped over the frame and wrapped an arm around his neck; then, with one hand on the top of his head, she twisted sharply, separating the man’s cervical vertebrae. The guard’s now lifeless form was an instant dead weight in her arms, and as Billie stood she let him drop with a thud to the floor. As she turned, she saw Blanco staggering toward her, his face purple-red as he fought to breathe through his ruined throat. Billie took a step backward, ready to dispatch him, when the guard froze, then juddered on his feet for a few moments before toppling sideways, landing heavily in front of the desk.
  4. - Dishonored: The Veiled Terror Chapter 11
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