
BWR - Changelog 28/06/24

Jun 28th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Buildings
  2. - Reduced support structure build speed bonus to 80% faster (was 100% faster)
  3. There was concern of support structures building too quickly, which was a considerable boon since they're not often in the line of fire and more guaranteed to be built compared to sentries. They were nerfed slightly to just about 12 seconds at base.
  5. Soda Popper
  6. + Reverted damage to build Hype meter to 350 (was 400)
  7. - Increased cost for air jumps to 25% meter (was 20%)
  8. The overall cost of jumps was increased a fair bit (from 80 to 105 damage), the greatest nerf coming with how many jumps the scout can hold at once. This is meant to encourage more frequent jumps and to prevent the Scout from holding onto too many jumps in any fight.
  10. Baby Face's Blaster
  11. - Increased damage to build Boost meter to 200 (was 120)
  12. With all the ways to better avoid losing boost, the current boost was still seen as too easy to acquire. It was increased by a fair bit to make it a bit more taxing to build boost up.
  14. Flying Guillotine
  15. + Added: deals mini-crits on long-stance hits
  16. - Increased recharge time to 8 seconds (was 5 seconds)
  17. - Removed faster recharge on long distance hits
  18. Spammability of the weapon was of major concern, both allowing easily tossing another after a miss and especially making it easy on getting a hit. To make up for it being increased, it was given a damage boost on long-distance strikes to reward them.
  20. The Backburner
  21. + Airblast push force bonus applies to enemies
  22. - Added: 33% slower airblast pressure recharge
  23. It's boosted mobility was rather strong, making even jumps attempted with a lower pressure comparable to normal airblast jumps. Slowing this down should now make the pyro's jumps less frequent for how powerful they are.
  25. The Phlogistinator
  26. + Increased max critical damage on rampup to +200% (was +100%)
  27. The damage ramp up was seen as not quite strong enough for how you're forced to consistently track enemies to reach it. It now ramps up in damage faster to caps out at full crit damage and be a bit more rewarding sooner.
  29. Dragon's Fury
  30. ~ Airblast force pressure is no longer tied to fire rate repressurization
  31. With pressure being tied to the weapon's firing rate, it allowed the flamethrower to get very frequent airblast jumps done at full strength. This change brings it in-line with the stock airblast pressure system.
  33. Thermal Thruster
  34. ~ Added smoking effect to thruster while it has charges available
  35. A QOL feature to better communicate to enemies when the pyro is capable of doing a mini-boost.
  37. Pomson 6000
  38. - Reverted hitbox size on the projectile
  39. The weapon was seen as too easy to hit with for how much damage it dealt. This tweak should hopefully make it less unfun to fight against.
  41. Eureka Effect
  42. + Resupply given when teleporting to spawn
  43. A QOL feature to better accomodate the variety in distances from spawn to resupply.
  45. Cloak and Dagger
  46. + Decreased cloak duration penalty to -20% (was -33%)
  47. A slight buff to the watch, which was seen as needing a slight push to give the Spy a bit more leniency in how quickly they can approach the enemy.
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