
unfinished 151 no ILCMWLWA route

Dec 12th, 2016
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  1. getting tmtrainer item:
  2. - cut + badge
  3. - surf (to get cut)
  4. - full heal
  5. - ditto (for double distort)
  7. t-fly pokemon:
  8. magmar
  9. ebuzz
  10. golem
  11. tauros
  12. pinsir
  13. scyther
  15. uses of tmtrainer items:
  16. can warp from marts
  17. LG
  18. better jack
  19. infinite tfly?
  22. fishing mons:
  23. poliwag (can do non-glitch city CT)
  24. goldeen (double distort)
  25. shellder (get in seafoam 20% or CT in bill's cottage)
  26. slowpoke (CT in forest)
  27. magikarp (double distort or buy at moon center)
  28. seaking (evolve from goldeen or fish in unk dungeon)
  29. slowbro (evolve from slowpoke or fish in unk dungeon)
  31. 151 no underflow
  32. name rival preset "ASH" (do not name him ASH from the naming screen!)
  33. check TID at some point and mark it down
  34. buy 7 balls and 1 para heal at mart
  35. get pidgey
  36. heal in pewter (note: if your pidgey cannot be max HP for btw, deposit pidgey, heal and withdraw pidgey)
  37. btw to coin case room (if you had 16 HP, s+q in celadon center)
  38. get coin case
  39. get abra, name it ;;
  40. go to mart, pickup tm18 and drink tms
  41. get another fresh water
  42. go to 2F, sell tms
  43. buy 11 great balls
  44. exit mart, get eevee
  45. go back to saffron (DON'T TELEPORT!)
  46. get tm29
  47. trainer-fly on route 6
  48. save+quit at pewter PC
  49. btw to saffron, then to lavender. avoid trainers Kappa
  50. continue to snorlax on route 12, then go to diglett's cave
  51. (safety save) catch level 19+ diglett
  52. swap diglett to the front, fight ekans guy (x6 growl dig x1)
  53. get bike voucher
  54. flash menu, walk to route 6
  55. catch gastly, name VV
  56. teleport back to pewter
  57. exp underflow gastly, evolve to haunter
  58. swap bulba back to front, btw to viridian gym (when you open menu for s+q at btw guy, teach tm29 to haunter)
  59. once in the gym, swap haunter to front
  60. teach tm29 if you haven't so
  61. fight cooltrainer: (psychic x1)
  62. fight blackbelt:
  63. - Machoke: Lick + Night Shade
  64. - Machop: Night Shade + Lick
  65. - Machoke: Lick + Night Shade
  67. walk through the opening created
  69. fight gio:
  70. - Rhyhorn: Night Shade x2
  71. - Dugtrio: Night Shade x1
  72. - Nidoqueen: Psychic x1
  73. - Nidoking: Psychic x1
  74. - Rhydon: Night Shade x2
  76. exit gym, teleport back to pewter
  77. swap bulbasaur to the front, brock skip
  78. don't move after loading save
  79. walk back to where btw guy was, use the empty path to get back to route 3 to reload him
  80. talk to him, btw to silph co
  81. go to 5F, fight rocket (night shade x1)
  82. get card key, make way to rival (pick up TM09)
  83. fight rival:
  84. - Pidgeot: Psychic x1
  85. - Exeggcute: Night Shade x1
  86. - Gyarados: Psychic x1
  87. - Alakazam: Night Shade x1
  88. - Charizard: Psychic x1
  90. get lapras
  92. fight rocket:
  93. - Cubone: Night Shade x1
  94. - Drowzee: Night Shade x1
  95. - Marowak: Psychic x1
  97. fight gio:
  98. - Nidorino: Night Shade x1
  99. - Kangashkan: Psychic x1
  100. - Rhyhorn: Psychic x1
  101. - Nidoqueen: Psychic x1
  103. Pick up Master Ball.
  104. Pick up rare candy on 10F
  105. Exit out Silph Co (Do not use Dig)
  106. Go to mart, buy 1 full heal and 1 max repel
  107. Heal in Saffron (depo pidgey if non-max HP)
  108. Deposit all Pokemon except Abra.
  109. T-Fly on route 6 while swapping Master Ball to 6th slot.
  110. Get Missingno Encounter
  111. Swap Rare Candies into 6th Slot, catch missingno with master ball.
  112. Do another T-Fly, toss 1 master ball, swap to 6th slot.
  113. deposit missingno
  114. Get missingno encounter again.
  115. Go to saffron center
  116. Deposit antidote (so that it dupes master balls)
  117. deposit bottom master ball stack
  118. swap card key with max repels
  119. deposit 2 rare candies
  120. Go to withdraw menu.
  121. swap potion with antidote, then swap with master balls
  122. withdraw antidote
  123. withdraw 199 master balls.
  124. convert trainer id to hex, take first byte (first two numbers from left to right)
  125. if first byte is greater than $63:
  126. convert to decimal
  127. subtract 355 by the first byte (decimal)
  128. withdraw that amount
  129. if first byte is less than $63:
  130. convert to decimal
  131. subtract 99 by the first byte (decimal)
  132. withdraw that amount
  133. if the amount you need to withdraw is more than 56, then go to the toss menu, toss the 56 master balls, go back to the withdraw menu and withdraw the needed amount
  134. withdraw haunter
  135. set up another trainer-fly on route 6 (toss tm27 while menu is open, then swap haunter to the front before teleport)
  136. walk to cerulean
  137. fight dig rocket (walk into his sight):
  138. - Machop: Lick x1
  139. - Drowzee: Night Shade x1
  140. walk to cerulean gym
  141. fight swimmer (lick all)
  142. get bike and swap to first slot, swap 6th slot with rare candy, then teleport back to saffron
  143. catch mew and name FF
  144. bike to celadon center
  145. withdraw 100 master balls
  146. withdraw 1 master ball (yes separate withdraws)
  147. warp to fuchsia
  148. teach dig to mew
  149. enter gym
  151. fight juggler (night shade all)
  153. fight other juggler:
  154. - drowzee: night shade x1
  155. - hypno: night shade x2
  157. fight koga:
  158. - koffing: night shade x1
  159. - muk: psychic x1
  160. - koffing: night shade x1
  161. - weezing: psychic x1
  163. bike to route 15
  164. (in battle, swap master ball to 2nd slot)
  165. catch ditto and venonat (bellsprout, weepinbell and pidgeotto are bonuses) (you can skip catching venonat in exchange for venonat CT)
  166. name ditto kk
  167. bike to safari zone
  168. catch exeggcute, nidof, rhyhorn in center zone
  169. you can skip rhyhorn but you have to LG/CT for it later
  170. bike to the east area and catch paras
  171. anything else is a bonus
  173. once you have everything, exit and re-enter the safari zone
  175. use a max repel, toss tm06 then bike straight to surf
  177. teach surf to mew, then dig out
  178. bike to cerulean
  179. go to gym
  180. surf past the jr. trainer-f
  181. fight misty:
  182. - Staryu: Lick x1
  183. - Starmie: Night Shade x1
  184. teleport back to saffron
  185. bike to vermillion
  186. fight jr trainer-m (female is de-activated):
  187. - Spearow: Night Shade x1
  188. - Raticate: Night Shade x1
  189. deposit all but ditto, haunter, abra and mew (all named a two letter name)
  190. change box
  191. heal in vermillion
  192. do surf glitch where sailor blocking ss anne is (bike left above the sailor while holding start, s+q, then when game loads immediately use surf)
  193. toss tm11
  194. fight rival:
  195. - Pidgeotto: Night Shade x1
  196. - Raticate: Night Shade x1
  197. - Kadabra: Night Shade x1
  198. - Charmeleon: Lick x1
  199. get cut, exit boat
  200. swap ditto to the front (kk)
  201. go to diglett's cave, get CT move
  202. swap rare candy to 6th if you haven't already
  203. do 'M CT, catch 'M
  204. name 'M EE
  205. look at 'M stats, do in battle horsea CT, catch horsea
  206. name horsea [multiplication sign][multiplication sign]
  207. MAN U FLASH
  208. exit diglett's cave, go to cut bush
  209. swap para heal with antidote, teach cut to mew, use antidote on 'M, cut bush, swap haunter to front and enter surge's gym
  210. cans DansGame
  212. toss paralyz heal to dupe candies whilst having hm01 at the bottom of the inventory
  213. fight surge:
  214. - Voltorb: Lick x1
  215. - Pikachu: Lick x1
  216. - Raichu: Night Shade x1
  218. swap master ball x99 to last slot in inventory (should be tm24), teleport to center, enter center
  219. withdraw 104 - number of balls and warp to saffron
  220. bike to saffron center
  221. swap 4th item with full heal
  222. withdraw 21 master balls
  223. exit the center to warp to a glitch map
  224. walk 1 down and 7 left
  225. face up and flash menu until water appears
  226. surf 3 up and 1 left (including the tile that you advance upon surfing)
  227. flash menu until land appears
  228. cut the bush that you see
  229. bike to route 6, trainer-fly
  230. walk to gambler, avoid trainers
  231. fight gambler:
  232. - Voltorb: Lick x1
  233. - Magnemite: Lick x1
  234. go to route 12
  235. teach thunderbolt to haunter over confuse ray
  236. teleport back to vermillion city
  237. bike to route 6
  238. get mr mime
  239. bike back to route 12
  240. Fight rocker:
  241. - Voltorb: Lick x1
  242. - Electrode: Night Shade x1
  243. get super rod
  244. trainer-fly on fisherman
  245. change to box 3
  246. reset
  247. open inventory, swap super rod to 4th slot
  249. do the double distort method for goldeen + porygon (name each pokemon you catch during this section a single character name)
  251. then double distort each pokemon individually after
  253. if you get the first disort down but the second distort doesn't work, catch hitmonchan while swapped to a pokemon who's nickname corresponds to a pokemon not caught, and then immediately get an encounter and cooltrainer afterwards
  255. after you distort for glitch pokemon 94 using horsea (should be your 2nd last distort), swap the glitch item -g[] into the 4th slot
  257. if you're on the last distort and haven't caught hitmonchan, swap to the last pokemon needed and catch hitmonchan, and then immediately get an encounter and cooltrainer afterwards
  261. you can catch other pokemon while doing the double distorting, but it may make cooltrainer more finicky
  263. if you accidentally create a glitch city, s+q
  265. fight the guy facing down near growlithe distort (make sure you leave space):
  266. - magnemite: swap to haunter, lick x1
  268. do vulpix CT at the edge of the grass
  270. bike to route 12 without getting an encounter, and catch weedle
  272. during an encounter, swap the coin case with 9F and the coin case for the upper 99 master ball stack, and the coin case for the tmtrainer item
  274. catch drowzee, sandshrew, growlithe LG and venonat CT/LG if you don't have one yet.
  276. teleport back to vermillion
  278. setup trainer fly on route 6
  280. deposit all but ditto, haunter, abra and withdraw bulbasaur and pidgey
  282. s+q while switching to a fresh box
  284. swap 99 master balls to the bottom
  285. deposit card key
  287. withdraw 103 - quantity of top stack of master balls
  289. exit to warp to indigo plateau
  291. set options to fast set on
  293. sell a stack of candies
  295. swap useless item with 99 stack at the bottom of the inventory (possibly potion)
  297. buy 99 max potions, then buy 15 max potions
  299. enjoy instant text speed
  301. buy 99 max repels
  303. go to PC, swap top rare candy stack with max repels, then swap 99 master balls with 99 max potions
  305. withdraw 7 master balls
  307. bike to cerulean gym
  309. fight swimmer (with animations on Kappa):
  310. - Horsea: Lick x1
  311. - Shellder: Lick x1
  313. teleport back to vermillion city
  315. catch mew
  317. setup another t-fly on route 6
  319. s+q
  321. setup another t-fly on route 11
  323. teach fly to mew, fly to fuchsia
  325. exit gym, enter safari zone
  327. catch exeggcute, nidof, rhyhorn in center zone
  329. bike to the east area and catch paras
  331. anything else is a bonus, but don't bother catching doduo
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