
WWB Extra Dramatic Timini

Sep 25th, 2013
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  1. [18:26:33] <~Oxford> It is a perfect spring day, and the warm glow of the afternoon sun carries with it the promise of summer soon to come. A long week at school has finally come to an end, yet for Loewin and Lily there remains one last, unenviable task to complete before the weekend can properly begin.
  2. [18:26:41] <~Oxford> A thick cloud of white chalkdust fills the air as they take their turn cleaning the small schoolhouse's stock of erasers.
  3. [18:29:11] * Lily bangs erasers together, her shirt brought up over her mouth as she does so so that she doesn't COUGH COUGH COUGH. Her uniform hat seems to do a good job of hiding her cat ears, so while she'd normally skipped the hat, now she's wearing it all the time. Her tail is curled along her leg, nice and tight, although now that there's no one around it uncoils itself and begins twitching
  4. [18:29:11] * Lily in the air, helping her keep her balance! She's been falling over a good amount since she got all CATTY
  5. [18:31:32] <Loewin> Loewin on the other hand is going through consideral pains to attempt to...brush the chalk off of the erasers. She's loathe to fill her clothes with all of that chalk dust and it's quite clear her strategy is flawed, as the erasers merely dribble chalk. Her own tail is kept wrapped around her waist and bound, much to her discomfort.
  6. [18:37:35] <Lily> After emptying yet another pair of erasers, she dumps them down in the pile of spent erasers and hails Loewin. "Cloraaaaal you're not gonna' get done by sundown if you don't start knockin' 'em aren'tcha? Hurry up!"
  7. [18:38:59] <Loewin> "But...I'll get chalk all over my uniform like you are!"
  8. [18:42:17] <Lily> "So? Clothes aren't you! You're you!" She picks up a new pair of erasers and starts BANGING them up, her mouth under her shirt.
  9. [18:43:43] <Loewin> "But this way I shall not have to take the time to clean my clothes of dust upon returning!" She nods, her flawless logic trumps Lily's insanity after all.
  10. [18:44:49] <Lily> "But...don't you have more than one pair of clothes?" She speaks beneath her shirt, slightly muffled.
  11. [18:45:36] <Loewin> "Of course I have more than one outfit! That doesn't mean it would be any less chalky!"
  12. [18:46:48] <Lily> "Besides, you're going to have to take your clothes off before bed anyway and then put on a new set tomorrow so why worry about the one you're wearing right now you'll have to wash them anyway, wouldn'tcha?"
  13. [18:48:00] <Loewin> "" Loewin stares at the erasers and then just starts clapping them together, hiding her face in her shirt.
  14. [18:49:53] <Lily> "We could take a bath when we get home and get alllll the chalk off and put on new clothes or even not wear any clothes but nobody would like us if we did that in public so we'd have to put on SOME clothes even though I wouldn't mind having the sun all over me but that's not what people like and bodies are supposedly private things even though they're US and why was I talking about this
  15. [18:49:53] <Lily> again?" Clomp clomp clomp, this pair of erasers empties and she gets yet another pair.
  16. [18:50:59] <Loewin> "Lily, dear, really need to start filtering your words..."
  17. [18:51:26] <Loewin> "N-Not that I'm trying to emulate your mother! It's's...exhausting to keep up..."
  18. [18:55:01] <Lily> She smiles as she picks up the new pair of erasers, before putting her undershirt over her face again. "Do I talk too much? I'm sorry, I guess I get carried away all the time and so I'm losing people faster than I lose myself? Or maybe I lose myself but don't realize I'm lost until it's too late to be found!"
  19. [18:57:13] <Loewin> "It is not..." The smile momentarily breaks as she mulls over the words. " is not that you speak too much me, there are those that can put you to shame, it's...too much at once? It is like...most people speak like a stream, whereas you are a torrent!"
  20. [18:59:01] <Lily> Clomp clomp clomp. "Lilywords run faster than otherwords and just drown them out and the little boat you use to navigate them gets overwhelmed so you end up hitting the rocks and then end up shipwrecked without a clue, right?"
  21. [18:59:47] <Loewin> "Y...Yes...actually, that's...exactly how it seems." Her face shows complete surprise that Lily completely understood what she was saying.
  22. [19:02:03] * Tim is now known as Arthur
  23. [19:03:34] <Lily> Wink~! She finishes cleaning out this pair of erasers and sets them down. "My pile is nice and finished and clean~! What about you, Cloral?"
  24. [19:05:42] <Loewin> Loewin is still on her first pair and it's clear she's quite embarrassed by that. "'m a little...that is to say if you'd he-...I wish you'd call me Loewin!"
  25. [19:06:14] <Lily> Blink. "Low in."
  26. [19:06:27] <Lily> "?"
  27. [19:06:46] <Loewin> "It is my...proper name after all!"
  28. [19:07:43] <Lily> "Oh okay! Well you can still call me Lily!"
  29. [19:09:05] <Loewin> " guess if you don't mind helping me with the rest of the erasers, I would be thankful...shouldn't be much longer if I'm using your method now..." She reaches for her next pair and clomp clomp clomps.
  30. [19:09:26] <Lily> Lily grabs another pair and CLOMP CLOMP CLOMPs! "Got it, on it!"
  31. [19:12:41] <Arthur> Funny, there wasn't a pristine white envelope sitting there a few minutes ago. It's obviously been stuck here on purpose, since one corner is lodged into some decaying masonry, but the paper itself is clean and fresh, utterly pristine really, save for a handwritten 'to Miss von Sachs and friends' in black ink on one side.
  32. [19:12:53] * Firespitter ( has joined #WorldWarBurst
  33. [19:13:37] <Lily> Lily continues clomping enthusiastically, not even noticing! Or maybe she did and just figured it wasn't hers! What would an uncivilized lass of the wild want with envelopes anyway?
  34. [19:15:45] <Loewin> "Hmm?" Upon returning the next pair of erasers, Loewin notices the envelope and picks it up. "Where did...did you put this here, Lily?"
  35. [19:16:26] <Lily> "Nope! I don't really write letters! ...wait yes I do, but I don't leave them laying around!"
  36. [19:17:59] <Loewin> "Ah but then...where did it come from?" She quickly opens it up and takes a peak inside.
  37. [19:18:14] <Lily> Lily continues on with her CLOMP CLOMP CLOMP
  38. [19:19:16] * BigTentacruel ( has joined #WorldWarBurst
  39. [19:23:17] <Arthur> It's a note on lightly scented, expensive paper, handwritten, 'To Miss Loewin. As it has been some time since our last discussion, please feel free to stop in this afternoon whenever it is convenient, and bring as many of your friends. Save room for tea and snacks, as I will be baking today.
  40. [19:23:18] <Arthur> -Arthur Woodes
  41. [19:23:20] <Arthur> PS: I dislike interrupting conversations at heartfelt and somewhat disturbing points, so I simply left the note. I do apologize if it startled you.'
  42. [19:24:07] <Arthur> *as many of your friends as you wish
  43. [19:25:30] <Loewin> Scratching her head, Loewin ponders how he could possibly have managed to slip in undetected but shakes away the matter, not wanting to dwell on his disturbing capabilities. "Um...excuse me, Lily, did you have any plans today?"
  44. [19:26:56] <Lily> She pulls her undershirt down from her mouth. "Nuh-uh! Besides maybe checking on the animals, or finding a nice sunny spot, or feeding Enfys, or trying to sing with Enfys!"
  45. [19:27:07] <Lily> " other words, normal things!"
  46. [19:27:44] <Loewin> "Would you like to meet a fr-...associate of mine? There will apparently."
  47. [19:28:33] <Lily> "Sounds good! What're they like? Will there be tea or chocolate or bacon or eggs or some other source of protein or comfort? Wait that's a given, nevermind~!"
  48. [19:32:50] <Loewin> "I don', let's go..." She puts down her last pair of erasers.
  49. [19:36:52] <Lily> Lily sets down hers and follows. "You think we should put on new clothes first? Take a bath? Or surprise them with no clothes? Although I don't think they'll enjoy that surprise so I guess not." :/
  50. [19:39:29] <Loewin> "I suppose we should go and change first...into other clothes, naked really wouldn't bother you would it..."
  51. [19:40:54] <Lily> "Not really! But I know it'll bother others!"
  52. [19:42:06] <Lily> "Or give them the wrong idea about my intentions~!"
  53. [19:43:15] <Lily> --------------------
  54. [19:48:13] <Arthur> Arthur lives at a rather nice bed-and-breakfast in a well-to-do part of town. The dΓ©cor is rather antiquated, probably from the turn of the century, but it's well-kept and radiates good care and non-opulent comfort. There is even a welcome mat, one of the ones that actually says 'welcome' on it. The door opens, unlocked, and the first thing one sees is a solemn portrait of the imperial...
  55. [19:48:15] <Arthur>, radiating Albaean patriotism like the sun radiates warmth. There are fresh-cut flowers in the vases, a rather quaintly patterned wallpaper, and the whistle of a kettle from the kitchen, where Arthur is visible, the tall, golden-haired young man wearing a plain white apron over his usual tweed suit. There is flour on his face, at odds with his serious expression, and the smell of...
  56. [19:48:18] <Arthur> ...lovingly baked fruit and sugar wafts through the air from a tray cooling on the open windowsill.
  57. [19:51:23] <Lily> Lily's mouth opens wide, along with her eyes, her surprise centered on the fine male specimen. "Ah, Low-in, you didn't tell me it was a he."
  58. [19:51:36] <Lily> She says it JUST quiet enough that only Cloral can hear. maybe.
  59. [19:53:07] <Loewin> Loewin pores over the picture for a bit, wondering just how stressful the life of the Empress must be and whether she gets her own breaks or not. "Hm?...Oh...yes...I apologize for not clarifying...hello, Arthur." She nods at him. Possibly a handshake if that isn't also covered in flour.
  60. [19:54:30] * Firespitter ( Quit (Client exited)
  61. [19:55:04] * Firespitter ( has joined #WorldWarBurst
  62. [19:55:57] <Lily> Lily's in her white sundress, no longer with a hat hiding her cat ears. Her tail, however, is pretty well hidden by her dress.
  63. [19:58:27] * Arthur looks up, his bro furrowing at having been distracted, but the icing has to be perfect. Finishing off a fancy curlique, he puts it away, dusts off his hands, and then nods with a polite smile, "Miss von Sachs, always a pleasure to see you again, and-good heavens." His stiff upper lip nearly wavers at the sight of Lily, recovering smoothly, "er, good heavens, where are my manners? Please,...
  64. [19:58:29] * Arthur ...have a seat in the study, I'll be with you shortly. I'm hardly fit for company in this state." He gestures ruefully at the flower on his face, and the apron.
  65. [19:58:31] <Arthur> *brow
  66. [20:00:40] <Loewin> "Of course, sorry for letting ourselves in like this..." She retreats to the study, pulling Lily by the hand.
  67. [20:05:53] <Lily> Lily complies passively, following Loewin like a doll~
  68. [20:06:09] * Firespitter ( Quit (Client exited)
  69. [20:08:48] <Arthur> "It's why I left the door open." He calls after them, hurriedly tidying up, washing the flour off, hanging up the apron, brushing the flour off of his suit with a special brush, and checking on the temperature of the blueberry tarts. Satisfied, he whisks them onto a tray, along with the tea, a high-grade black blend, served with milk in the traditional Albaean style. The silverware is...
  70. [20:08:50] <Arthur> ...plain, but very clean. The study itself is a decently-sized room, it would be a living room if it weren't paneled in dark wood, with bookshelves between the windows. There are a few armchairs and a table, seemingly set up for this purpose, set where they will have good lighting from the open window.
  71. [20:12:55] <Loewin> Loewin stands straight as a board as Arthur enters, her voice much more commanding than usual. "Arthur Woodes, I would like to introduce you to one of my comrades-in-arms, Lily Blevins. Likewise, Lily, Arthur is an associate of my family's business."
  72. [20:12:59] * Firespitter ( has joined #WorldWarBurst
  73. [20:14:02] <Lily> Lily does her best to sit still, fidgeting slightly every now and then, although she has begun to fidget less than usual lately now that her ears can twitch. She gives a nod to Arthur and then extends a hand. "N-nice to meet you Arthur!"
  74. [20:21:34] * Arthur nods to them both, setting the tray down, taking Lily's hand in a firm grip, and shaking precisely twice before releasing, with a polite smile, "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, anyone watching over Miss von Sachs when I cannot is a friend of mine." He pulls out a chair for Loewin, standing beside his until both girls are seated, then pouring tea for everyone.
  75. [20:24:39] <Loewin> Loewin's mouth opens to protest the notion that she's being 'watched over' but closes it in silence.
  76. [20:25:43] <Lily> Lily's hand lingers for a bit longer than it should, but she lets go after blushing a tiny bit. She sits down and after the tea is poured almost immediately picks up a cup and blows on it, then takes a sip, squinting a bit as she took a TOO HOT sip of the tea, since she didn't wait a little, a pained gulp coming from the girl.
  77. [20:30:07] <Arthur> Arthur also brought cold milk, since in Albaea tea is served with milk. Cream is for foreigners, and while admittedly the von Sachs are foreigners, they still deserve to be served tea properly. The girls each get a tart, essentially a miniature blueberry pie, the natural flavor of the berries allowed to take precedence over the sweetness of the sugar by a small margin of culinary magic. ...
  78. [20:30:08] <Arthur> ...The crusts have an ornate scrollwork of icing done in a flower pattern around the edges, the vents artfully shaped and symmetrical.
  79. [20:30:41] <Arthur> *Von Stolz
  80. [20:32:59] <Loewin> Loewin sips at her tea and nibbles at the pastry as the ever-present smile on her face grows. "I do not...normally enjoy tea...or sweets...
  81. [20:33:16] * Lecia ( Quit (Excess Flood)
  82. [20:33:22] * Lina ( has joined #WorldWarBurst
  83. [20:34:22] <Lily> Lily, on the other hand, normally enjoys sweets and tea, so she's especially delighted with this arrangement. She fights off the urge to DEVOUR THE PASTRY WHOLE and instead eats it a bite at a time, chewing carefully and washing the pastry down with tea!
  84. [20:35:29] <Arthur> "Ah, then I suppose I'm lucky you came at all." He jests, "How have you been?" Steadfastly, he refuses to ask why her friend is a cat. He refuses to think about it. He pushes it from his mind.
  85. [20:38:36] <Loewin> "Things have been...ah...when it rains it pours, I suppose." Her smile belies just how terrible the proverbial things have been. "Have there been any...updates on his health?"
  86. [20:41:44] <Arthur> "Alive, stable. No sign of anything else." He sighs, "You should always remember to keep an umbrella handy if the sky is overcast."
  87. [20:42:53] <Loewin> A chuckle. "I'm afraid an umbrella would do little when one is flying in the storm."
  88. [20:42:54] <Lily> Lily was about to say something but then HEALTH AND ALIVE AND STABLE AND OH GOD. She inadvertantly shoves the rest of the tart into her mouth.
  89. [20:46:51] <Arthur> "That's a rather knightly image, isn't it?"Arthur is abruptly distracted, and looks over at Lily with some concern, although he's proud when his baking is enjoyed. He quickly refills her teacup and idly puts a napkin next to her hand, "Are you alright, little miss?"
  90. [20:49:14] <Lily> "Ah yeah no don't worry I'm perfectly fine your food's really good so I'm just going to go eat some more while you and Loewin talk hope you don't mind!" The girl immediately blurts out a torrent of WORDS and then corks off the releasing torrent with a drink of tea, and a wipe of a napkin.
  91. [20:53:05] * Firespitter ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  92. [20:53:44] <Loewin> "You're certainly welcome to talk, Lily, I would not have dragged you along if I thought otherwise."
  93. [20:54:04] <Arthur> "Well, baking is mostly a relaxing activity for me. I'm quite happy you're enjoying it, it was a bit of an experiment." He muffles a pleased-bordering-on-smug smile behind his teacup, eating his own tart slowly and with fastidious manners, despite blueberries being one of nature's messiest creations.
  94. [20:55:31] * Firespitter ( has joined #WorldWarBurst
  95. [21:00:05] <Lily> She finishes her new cup of tea, reswipes her face with the napkin because her mother DRILLED NAPKIN SWIPING INTO HER HEAD despite her best efforts to never learn anything from her mother, and then speaks. "Arthur what do you do are you a chef I think you're a really good chef and I would not mind eating more food like this because I love sweets and tarts and tea and what kind of tea
  96. [21:00:05] <Lily> is this anyway I don't actually recognize it maybe I'm being a Silly Lily and just forgetting and do you have a mate-" There's a blush and a bit of a cringe at her realizing she said that but rather than going back on it and denying she said it she just KEEPS SPOUTING WORDS "I mean do you have a good material for sewing my friend Henriette sews a lot and I wonder if you do any sewing I
  97. [21:00:08] <Lily> wish I could sew but I'm too lazy too and-" She starts going off on a side-tyrade for a good minute before suddenly pouring herself tea midsentence and guzzling it to stop herself.
  98. [21:04:08] <Loewin> After a big breath to launch a counter wall of words explaining Lily's interesting way with words, Loewin instead just bursts into a fit of giggles.
  99. [21:09:35] * Firespitter ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  100. [21:12:48] <Arthur> Arthur opens his mouth to say something, raising a finger...and then Loewin giggles. Watching the cat-eared girl guzzling tea, the sheer absurdity of the situation overwhelms him...and he starts laughing too.
  101. [21:14:27] * Firespitter ( has joined #WorldWarBurst
  102. [21:14:55] <Loewin> "And that...that's Lily!" She wipes away a joyful tear. "Ever prepared for conversation!"
  103. [21:17:07] <Lily> "Ah yes I am I talk a lot and I tend to sweep people away and I hope you don't mind if I just completely take over the conversation for a while because I kind of do that and I usually don't realize how much I talk and the words keep coming and I go on and on and you get the idea!"
  104. [21:18:17] <Arthur> "Goodness, she's certainly eloquent. Silly Lily, now that's a clever rhyme. No, I'm afraid that I always end up sticking myself with the needle when I try sewing. Do you like cats, Lily?"
  105. [21:22:20] <Loewin> Loewin's amusement fades at the mention of cats.
  106. [21:35:56] <Lily> She blushes crimson. "I'm...more of a dog person..."
  107. [21:37:03] <Lily> Her ears twitch involuntarily.
  108. [21:37:29] <Loewin> "Arthur, are you aware of the occasional...side effects of the pendants?" There's really no telling what he does and doesn't know.
  109. [21:38:03] * Arthur (chatzilla@238A28C4.43C298AB.2F84C4C.IP) Quit (Ping timeout)
  110. [21:39:42] * BigTentacruel ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  111. [21:40:06] * BigTentacruel ( has joined #WorldWarBurst
  112. [21:40:58] * Arthur (chatzilla@238A28C4.43C298AB.2F84C4C.IP) has joined #WorldWarBurst
  113. [21:43:59] <Lily> Lily has more tea, and remains quiet.
  114. [21:44:33] <Arthur> "Side effects? Well, I noticed you have rather luminescent hair, other than that, I don't know much, I'm afraid. So, is Lily your familiar spirit or something?" He's half-joking, half-convinced that this is a very real possibility.
  115. [21:47:47] <Loewin> " what?!"
  116. [21:48:08] <Arthur> "...Although you seem to have done something new with it. It looks rather regal now."
  117. [21:49:09] <Arthur> "You know, your familiar spirit. Called forth from the aether."
  118. [21:49:45] <Loewin> "I haven't touched it, those...are also side effects...and Lily is a human girl. Not a normal one even without the ears and tail, but a human for sure."
  119. [21:50:36] <Lily> Lily nods. "Lily is Lily, a homo sapiens of the female gender with atypical behaviors with a fascination with plants and animals! familiar."
  120. [21:50:45] <Lily> "I'm a fairy if I'm a familiar, though!"
  121. [21:51:58] <Arthur> "She seems perfectly alright to me, I admit the ears did have me rather stymied. So, your pendant changes your hair, and hers gave her those feline features?" He frown, "Hang on a tick, is that really safe? I mean, is this a progressive transformation?"
  122. [21:52:55] <Loewin> "It likely isn't safe in the slightest. It muddles with your head too...but we do not yet have any real alternatives, and so..." She frowns. "This is our lot."
  123. [21:53:37] <Lily> Nodnod! "I'm hoping I become a fairy someday, but it turns out I'm turning into a kitty instead!"
  124. [21:53:42] <Loewin> "As per a transformation...well..." She reaches within her own dress and unties something and...and...and...pulls out a tail of her own. "...I'm unsure if it is coincidence or what..."
  125. [21:54:57] <Lily> Lily pauses for a bit and then pulls up her dress a little to let her own tail out.
  126. [21:55:56] <Loewin> A large sigh of relief accompanies the lion tail, flitting about of its own accord. "It fits the family so well that I'm thinking it must be some manner of cosmic joke..."
  127. [21:56:12] <Arthur> Arthur stares at her tail. Loewin von Stolz's tail. He blinks, slowly, and quickly turns away, coughing into his fist, his cheeks faintly red, "Well, I think it's distinctive."
  128. [21:57:49] <Loewin> "A bit of an understatement. I'd seek to have it removed, but I am unsure of the ramifications for doing so."
  129. [21:58:40] <Lily> "I'm pretty sure if I lost my tail I wouldn't be able to balance because humans use their ears to balance and I don't have human ears so I can't balance with them so I have to use my tail and I kind of wish I had whiskers to help with that!"
  130. [21:58:43] <Arthur> He frowns, "Why do that? There's only one you, you're already unique, and besides, it's a very pretty tail."
  131. [21:59:00] <Arthur> "If you're different from who you were before, you're still you."
  132. [22:01:38] <Loewin> Loewin's face flushes considerably. "'s...unbefitting...of both a lady and a business woman..."
  133. [22:05:19] <Arthur> Arthur raises an eyebrow, "Are you not both a lady and a business woman? Then, what you do decides what is befitting. You gained that tail in service to our country, and as far as I am concerned there is no tail more noble in all the world."
  134. [22:07:23] <Arthur> "...Likewise your tail, miss Lily. Although I would discourage attempting to grow whiskers, I hear most women who do have them try endlessly to get rid of them."
  135. [22:09:02] <Lily> "B-but I've been falling over more often lately! It's not good for a lady to smash her face into the ground repeatedly, or so my mother used to tell me!"
  136. [22:09:57] <Loewin> After escaping from Arthur's eyes, Loewin clears her throat. "That...could be related to the fact that you've been hiding your tails as well..."
  137. [22:11:48] <Lily> Lily is shoving her hands onto her thighs and pouting a little.
  138. [22:14:04] <Arthur> Arthur refills teacups.
  139. [22:14:49] <Loewin> Loewin glances aside at Lily, incredibly self-conscious about being next to the...bigger girl right now.
  140. [22:20:30] * Retrieving #WorldWarBurst modes...
  141. [22:21:11] <Arthur> He glances back at Loewin, " doesn't hurt, does it?"
  142. [22:22:26] <Loewin> "W-What doesn't hurt?" She looks up to Arthur with a Nov-in-the-crosshairs look.
  143. [22:22:30] <Lily> She takes more tea and tries to put everything out of her head. It doesn't work.
  144. [22:23:03] <Arthur> "Having a tail. It doesn't get stuck in doors, does it?"
  145. [22:24:07] <Loewin> "Only a few times at first...but it only hurts if something directly happens to it, or I restrain it, otherwise I hardly notice."
  146. [22:24:08] <Lily> Lily winces. "Sometimes it does, usually when I close the door right away and forget a tail and it hurts like you snapped your arm in half!"
  147. [22:24:19] <Lily> *forget I have a tail
  148. [22:29:41] <Arthur> Arthur frowns sympathetically, but can't quite hold back a smile, "Well, it's not every day a girl shows you her tail. I'll admit that."
  149. [22:30:07] * Firespitter ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  150. [22:30:17] <Lily> Lily enthusiastically opens her mouth to say something and then realizes the ramifications of it and shuts the fuck up.
  151. [22:30:36] <Loewin> Loewin's face flushes once more, and she...doesn't quite have any idea what expression her face should be it makes...all of them. At once.
  152. [22:31:24] <Arthur> "...Are you quite alright?"
  153. [22:31:58] * Firespitter ( has joined #WorldWarBurst
  154. [22:32:08] <Lily> Lily clears her throat
  155. [22:32:44] <Loewin> "M-Me? D-definitely! Quitely'm feel..." She hastely takes a breath of air and is back to business lass face. "I'm...fine. Um...Arthur...our school is hosting some sort of party, if you'd like to attend as my guest..."
  156. [22:34:25] <Lily> "I am meeting the first attractive male specimen of my species that is my age and unattached in quite a long while and am quite flummoxed by the fact that my friend here has first rights on him despite my extreme desire to mate so if you don't mind me I will be making use of the water closet for a bit so you two can be alone." She runs out of the room without another word.
  157. [22:34:55] <Loewin> Business lass face GONE!
  158. [22:35:00] <Arthur> "It would be my pleasure. Is it a formal part-wait...I...she said what?"
  159. [22:35:31] * Arthur looks sidelong at Loewin, taking in her expression.
  160. [22:35:54] <Loewin> It's a combination of worry, guilt, shame, anger, and embarrassment. Impressive really.
  161. [22:37:42] <Arthur> Arthur's is completely blank, washed away by Lily's words into complete incomprension. After a moment though, he rallies and smiles awkwardly at Loewin.
  162. [22:38:58] <Loewin> Of course she's much too emwogushanged to be able to look even indirectly at Arthur and just stares into her tea.
  163. [22:41:24] <Arthur> "...Loewin?"
  164. [22:41:44] <Arthur> He speaks quietly to avoid startling the littlest lioness.
  165. [22:43:26] <Loewin> " go...I think..."
  166. [22:45:12] <Lily> Lily goes into the water closet and sits down and then starts bawling her eyes out because girl chemicals are being denied so sad chemicals. She'
  167. [22:45:24] <Arthur> "Ahem. Miss Loewin, should I dress formally for this party of yours? I would hate to be an embarrassment to you." His cheeks are actually pink.
  168. [22:45:25] <Lily> s totally going to pretend she did no such thing once she gets out though.
  169. [22:45:57] * Firespitter ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  170. [22:46:13] <Loewin> Loewin gives the tiniest shrug. Not just because she's small, it's not a very obvious shrug.
  171. [22:50:09] * Firespitter ( has joined #WorldWarBurst
  172. [22:51:43] <Arthur> He waits, the clock ticking in the background, the silence stretching between them, before finally overcoming his usual good manners, and patting her on the shoulder, wordlessly.
  173. [22:52:43] <Loewin> "W-When Lily comes out, tell her I went outside..." She scurries out the door, without even a farewell.
  174. [22:54:41] * Firespitter ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  175. [22:58:02] <Arthur> "Wait!"
  176. [23:00:43] <Arthur> He's on his feet and, for the first time in his life, catches a woman by the forearm at the door, his eyes meeting hers, biting his lower lip as he looks for the right words to say, "Um, please, wait."
  177. [23:02:48] <Loewin> She freezes up as he grabs her, staring at him with a mix of fear and worry, as though he were holding a grenade in his hand.
  178. [23:07:19] <Arthur> "...Hey, Loewin. Um. Would you like to get dinner sometime?" It sounds to him like the lamest thing possible to say, once he's already said it.
  179. [23:09:51] <Loewin> "...yes." Her answer is barely a squeek and, after answering, her mouth becomes a frown as she thinks about what she's doing to Lily. "...yes I would."
  180. [23:12:03] <Arthur> "Oh. Good." It must be allergies, but his voice sounds a little breathless to him, "...when are you free?"
  181. [23:14:38] <Loewin> "Most nights, as I'm generally only on duty in an decide when and...come see me I guess..." Her first real romantic moment is apparently going to involve staring at the ground trying to fight off tears for whatever exactly it is she did to Lily, how fun!
  182. [23:23:19] <Loewin> "If...if that's all then..." She tugs gently away from him.
  183. [23:25:41] <Arthur> "I will, soon. Um. I'm generally free most nights as well, so, you can come here any time you like, too. I'll be happy to cook, again." He squeezes her hand, before releasing it.
  184. [23:26:40] <Lily> Lily comes out about now, walking towards the door, tail twitching to and fro to keep her balance.
  185. [23:27:14] <Loewin> After a few sniffles, she looks him in the eye and manages a smile. It's pretty easy when magic decides to force your natural resting face to smile. At Lily's appearance, she looks away and begins binding her tail about her waist once more. "Are you...ready to leave, Lily?"
  186. [23:29:07] <Arthur> He smiles back. It's a little hard when you're used to wearing a serious, formal face all the time.
  187. [23:36:33] * Firespitter ( has joined #WorldWarBurst
  188. [23:37:27] <Lily> "Yes I definitely am c'mon let's go go go!"
  189. [23:37:31] <Lily> Out the door she goes~
  190. [23:38:57] <Loewin> Loewin moves to follow her, having fastened her tail, but stops abruptly and looks back at Arthur, unsure if they should hug or shake hands or something, but before he can move to decide for her she simply nods and runs after Lily.
  191. [23:42:13] <Arthur> Arthur watches them leave, smiling awkwardly and nodding back, "I'll see you soon!" He has no more idea than she does what the protocol is here. As he steps back inside, though, sobering reality creeps in. She's Loewin von Stolz, he's been hired to be her handler. This is completely inappropriate, wrong, and...and he wonders what sort of food she likes. Perhaps he should scout out the...
  192. [23:42:15] <Arthur> ...local restaurants.
  193. [23:50:51] <Loewin> /session
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