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Aug 7th, 2016
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  52. <title>Evie - - female AI avatar and companion - emotional avatar - chatbot - communication, customer service, games, robots - speaks many languages</title>
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  132. <p>Existor made Evie. Evie's an AI and an advanced, emotional chatbot avatar. She can speak several languages and has become rather popular on YouTube as you can see <a title="YouTube videos with Evie" href="" target="_blank">here</a>!</p>
  133. <p>Evie's AI is shared with <a href="">Cleverbot</a>. We have tools for developers too, called <a href="">Cleverscript</a> - build yourself a bot for business or pleasure, used in customer service, mobile games and robots! And our iOS keyboard <a href="">Tyyyp</a> app uses the AI to help you chat faster!</p>
  134. <p>Note that the Evie and Cleverbot chatbots learn from people, so things said may seem inappropriate. Use at your own risk. Parents: visitors never talk to a human, but the AI knows many topics. Please allow use only with oversight.</p>
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  151. <p>&copy; Existor Ltd 2007-2016</p>
  156. <p>Evie is a learning AI. The things she says were learned from a human being at some point in the last 10 years. The information is stored in a database which Evie looks through every time she needs to say something. Evie figures out what to say using proprietary software created by Rollo Carpenter and <a href="../en/about.html">Existor</a>.</p>
  157. <p>The Evie chatbot has had a huge impact on social media over the last few years. She is probably the most popular artificial personality on YouTube. She has appeared in several videos by PewdiePie, the most subscribed YouTuber in the world. This includes a <a href="">flirting video with over 12 million views</a>! Evie has been filmed speaking&nbsp;many different languages. She chats with Squeezie in French, El Rubius and El Rinc&oacute;n De Giorgio in Spanish, GermanLetsPlay and ConCrafter in German, NDNG - Enes Batur in Turkish, Stuu Games in Polish and jacksepticeye, ComedyShortsGamer and KSIOlajidebtHD in English. And that is a very small selection. Evie shares her database with Cleverbot, which is an internet star in its own right. Cleverbot conversations have long been shared on Twitter, Facebook, websites, forums and bulletin boards. We are currently working to give Evie some more artificial companions, such as the male avatar <a href="">Boibot</a>.</p>
  158. <p>Evie's capacities go beyond mere verbal or textual interactions; the AI utilised in Evie also extends to controlling the timing and degree of facial expressions and movement. Her visually displayed reactions and emotions blend and vary in surprisingly complex ways, and a range of voices are delivered to your browser, along with lip synching information, to bring the avatar to life! Evie uses Flash if your browser supports it, but still works even without, thanks to our own Existor Avatar Player technology, allowing you to enjoy her to the full on iOS and Android.</p>
  159. <p>Along with the continued development of our avatars, we are also investigating <a href="/en/ml.html">machine learning</a> and deep learning techniques, and working on the creation of a short term memory for our bots. This will allow humans interacting with our AI to develop genuine human-like relationships with their bot; any personal information that is exchanged will be remembered by the bot and recalled in the correct context at the appropriate time. The bots will get to know their human companion, and utilise this knowledge to form warmer and more personal interactions.</p>
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